Outlines Philosophy Indian BY P. T. SRINIVASA IYENGAR. THKOSOPHICAL BENARES THEOSOPHIST PUBLISHING AND LONDON OFFICK 1909. SOCIETY. ADYAR. 7 f'AFXTRfc BY M.A* THAKTR "i .', NM : i: K . .'AHA "'RIN'11N'; \VORKS. EE.^AKE^. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Page. There is cycleof a philosophy in of Philosophy life All ideas India in India propositions (1) is Man and Pure (2) a Hindu 9 .., of mind word of the Prof. by ' the nature immutable is other Material cording ac- ... Purusha ... ... 14 15 17 is material and Atma ... 13 of consciousness ... than 11 ' ... ... is of James... consciousness idea of consciousness- Atma Mind ' state Stout and (3) * meanings The 5 ... consciousness, mind of consciousness, Samvit to The of 15 ... ... complex a truth the matter Analysis of Two about 3 ... ... agree 1 regulation of the ~ schools ... ... means ... Hindu, to all schools common characteristics of mind of realizingthe materialityof Difficulty mind ... (4) Psychic life obeys fixed The (5) The illusion of Free made of subtle (6) The (7) Periodical (8) Laws Linga-deha ... ... ... ... matter ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 Gu?as (9) Pralaya and Kalpa 20 25 29 action-organs are incarnation of Matter" ... laws will and sense-organs ... ^ ... ("750 32 33 35 ^.38 ... 44 Page. (10) The Subtle (11) All (12) Prana elements" bound energy with up ... ... Goal the (15) Moksha, The individualistic The same The fundamental of Life vs. the on " Eishis Sankara's vs. the Advaita Dvaita Prakriti the 7$ Ve- and ... ... ... ... the views Acharyas ... ... Section II. A. Purueha 70 75 ... Ramanuja's VifishUdvaita Madhva's 69 ^ ... ... ... ... .., ... according to ... Soul teaching The Sutras ... different Three ... 68 77 God individual The ... ... ... One the 65 Veddnta. L Veddnta ddntaStitras Spinoza tendency ^ ... of the 63 II. G'Ua conception of Brahma on ... question of Metaphysics Brahma Plotinus ... ... monistic Bhagavad in the Section The 58 ... Saiiisfcra CHAPTER nature ... ... (14) Beginninglessnessof The 53 ^ 60 (13) Karma Param ... consciousness ... ... 47 tanmatra 79 80 Supreme Brahma of the Vedantic ... ... 82 84 ... ^ " ... ... ... ... ... gg 91 9$ Sdnkhya. ... ... ,M ... ... ... m 101 102 ( Hi ) Page. The Gnnas The History of ... ... the Sinkhya B. Drashta The The The drisya Yoga later vedic ... Agama ." ... ... ... ... ... ... Trimurti , movements TheTantras " The influence of the Agamas thought three tattvas on nature of the ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Agamas ... Notes Chronological ... 120 121 ... ... ... ... ... _ ... 126 128 life and Bhakti ... 118 123 ... Indian ... Agamas,their Ill ... ... religion rise of Uml 108 115 ... early vedic religion Monotheistic The ... ... ... The ^ 105 Yoga Section III. The ... and in -Bvara ... ... 130 131 134 135 137 i Sdkta. Literature The ... three Sakta tattvas Praklsa and ... ... ... ... ... ... Vimarea 138 140 143 ii Saiva. Three eubdi visions ... 147 Page. (1) ultimates Three Pdwpata SiddMnta. (2) ultimates,,. Three .. Mala ... 152 ... 157 ... ... 159 Miya ^ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 161 Pasu ... The 149 ... ... ... Lingayatas History of Siva 164 ... ... 162 ... (3) Pratyabhijna. Historyof Spanda the school Chaitanya or Sakti ... ... ... and PratyabhijtU Advaita Vaishnaya and Brahma The Later three Agamas his forms ... History of Vishnu Section IV. Nature 168 170 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 172 178 174 176 180 " ViBiehfldvaita Tattvatrayam General ... of Laktlml categories the position historyof Lakshmi Modern ... Vaishnava, iii The ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ~, ... ... ... VaisesTiiTcaand ... 184 185 166 190 Nydya. ... ... 194 Page, Vatsnhika A. padarthis 8ix Drayya """ """ ... """ """ ... " ... ~* ... Ataa ... Time ... Mana= ... ... ... ... ... ... -. -. 203 AV/tfya. B. 206 Atma ... Elements Oppositionto Different the and names ... ... ... ... theory of illusion Puna The different strata in the Vedic The of compilation The complexityof the origin of Nyayas the 209 sonl in ... 209 literature ... ... ... ... ... 214 214 218 221 ... eternityof sound ... ... ... -"" ... ... 222 222 124 ... ... ... 229 Arthavada Apurra ritual ... TheMimamsl ... 207 Mimdmsd. the Veda TheBrahmanas ... ... ... Section V. """ ... conceptionsof different schools The ... 202 205 God The - 1 QQ iyiy 204 Substances Other ... 19$ ... ... ... ... ... ... 231 ... The Gurumata The doctrine of The same school ... Sphota of ... Bhartrihari accordingto VijfianaBhikshu ... 234 235 ... 237 ... Page. Section Probable The VL origin ... Supreme Reality The Bhagavad thereon Achlryas fundamental 245 theoryof The later III. question Arambha the theory of the ... Parindma existence of of matter ... effect in the ... ego L\)L 265 267 ... w ... ... _ ". ... ... ... ... i%. ... w 269 The eleven organs Tanmltra manifested 260 ... ... ... Ahamkira The an Sdnkhya. 1. Buddhi the ... transmutation of Vdda. cause The ... existence -. B. 256 ... the 252 ... ." for Vara The Vdda. theory Udayana's arguments 251 ... Coinherenoe historyof ... ... A The 243 ... ... ." 240 _ ... CHAPTER The Gitd. universe 2. The stages of evolution The fluxes 270 271 273 Yoga. 275 ... ... 276 ... vii ( ) Page. 3. The of material the Veddnta universe 279 ... Srishfi, creation 282 ... The three and ... Xd 289 ... Vidya, 289 tattvas, hierarchies Siva of ... ^ ... ... 292 tattva Devis 295 ... The Cosmic forms beings of the and ... Vaishnava 5. The ... tattfas ... The ... tattvas ... Atma ... 286 tfaiva 4. 30 ... regions ... The ... spheres 299 ... Supreme ... 300 ... ... INDEX. This in meanirgs different The A. Nylya; Pr. Pra p h it c k r a A d i r h t a karma A. as I organ the be to ; A cannot n g M ft 1 of actions (Va (V.), 93, cause uneeen maker not-self to of a n the : (S), , the and 1i N. Vai. Sakta; "a. cor. a- t a k h not a : a tattva without into merge who Agamas, is [treated by ; a r h A a a n in I t a, later inner the a, goddess, a of consciousness 269 distinguished from "akti of mother a; Plsu- Pa. ; matter : " sub-division a ik esh (S.),296. opposed as a MimansA. unseen : Ahamkara: Self jfi4 Bvaita D. Vai Index. in this (8.) s ; b hi unconscious, : it i r 258 N.), M, a have pages. Siddhinta; ty Vaishnava; differently used Va. Yoga; Saiva S. named to aie and that Visishjadvaita; Y. S.Sirikhya; refer nos. III terms things to contractions V. Advaita; A The schools. following pata; refer or II and chap. to technical with deals different refers index NOTE. only " ness, world- the merely']. distinguishingmarks another: primal matter or which (Y.), 112; Mulaprakriti (S.). cor. A n u : sub-division tiny, of minute : atom, earth, air, fire and (1) eternal, air (Va., N.) ultimata ; M"na" also is Individual to be self, (S.), because A at: s non of when vedic a upanishads Cor. Mulaprakriti(S). Atma: it term, the (A), be cannot Parana as original meaning chit matter, distinguished in treated n. Brahma, unknown: (I) (Va, N.), 200, Ego, of root 72, 73, 282 sometimes substance, (2) 283 ; of name of class a (Sa.)289. tattvas Avidya: duality of ignorance; (1) ignorance of Jivatm4 the (2) consciousness A Jivfctma cor. being: proto-matter, " matter matter, the himself imagines etc. state as he small, 156, 294. infinitely (V.), that conception of, 256; (2) 203,204,208; Anu, v y a k t entiated; 78 of a : manifestedworld Paramatm4 finitenees identical the causes non- (A.), 87, 89 ; (Sa),156. indistinguishable, undivided, (I) ; and the with Avidy4, of sense undifferin the which separation of the ' individual from the state when there is Bhuta: no of Self individual (A.), selves 89 ; and (2) distingu in- matter manifestation(V.) 94. being; objects (of also, elements, (Maha), Supreme subtle the (Sukshma), world) (Y.) 114; 271, and gross 273. (S.). Buddhi: (I) knowledge; differentiated consciousness the first (S.),267-269. stage of tion (2) intellec- (M.) 223, 236. Chit: Orig. mean, unknown : conscious, individual Hi ( 1 70 G h i1 1 a to the derived probably : in Y., 113. ib\ (3) discriminative chit, but refers from bnt consciousness, pure (Y.) 111,113-114,115; organ 4 (A.), Purusha tm a need derivative,chiti-"akti, another ; IT Cbaitanya (Sa. ] 52-1 53, Pr.) derivative The (S.),etc. not Cor. J (V.) 93, (Pr.) 172. self ) (1) to (2) memory procedure of the inner (laterA.), knowledge (P.), 150. h D a m r a 114, 276; (2) Vedic D r a h s Purusha $ a is established: What : : ritual Seer : (M.),222. the (S.),chit (V.),A ' subject (Y.), ' t m a Ill ; Cor. (Va.,N.) Sight: cognition (Y.), Ill, 112; Drisi: Prakasa, (1) quality (Y.), Cor. chit-Sakti(S.), jSana (S.),Chaitanyam (Pr.) or Seen: Drsya: 'object' (Y.), Ill, 112; Cor. prakriti(S.) Gun strand: a: of the fundamental properties 'object1(S.),105-107; (2) six specialqualities of the Supreme. (Vai.),181-182; (3) any qualityof object(Va., N.), 196. any I d t am 144; Cor, I s v a r a (A.), 87" this-ness : a : object! * : (Sa.), 141, 143, (S.),drifya(Y). Prakriti of creation, it three (1) ruler (1 ) : dependent on 89; (2) an the omniscient A ever- v i being,author dy 4, but different from free Purusha (Y.), 115; 186, 189; (4) Moral (3) Param"tmft, (Vai, esp. later), Governor creator of the universe (N.), 208 etc,(laterN.), 261-262. ; (5) God, the J iv 4 t ft : self m individual self (S), 86 ; (A.), jiva,especiallyin frequently A., and later D. ; world) contracted Cor. : into (V), chit anu (Y.), Atml (8.), drashtA (P., S), purusha pasu the manifested living (in (Va. N.) KalA: 150 ; part: (1) insentient small (2) that manifests which (P.) matter 149- chaitanya partially (Sa), 290Kftranavastha: Brahma daring pcalaya (V.) 94 Brahma during Kalpa (V.),94 Kriya: ; Cor. Param Effected KAryfcvasthi: usual action, Param- condition: ciusal ; Atma Param- condition: Cor. Isvara ( A ). (A.). Rajas everywhere: sense (Y.), U2. Kahetrajna: of knowar Jivatmft Cor. Gita), 184; soul (Vai., Bhag. field: Individual the (A.), chit (V.), etc. of causing illusion : (1) a power of Maya: power Isvara (A.), 88; same as AvidyA (A.), 89 ; (2) treated as entity (later A.), an world Mulaprakfiti: material root- objects (S), Param Brahma science, ib ; Cor also : ; kinds of two (Sa), 158; ib 103-5 womb the of (SU.) 158"161. matter in of asat (3) the : some the Nomuenon respects like Vedanta, Aliiig* (Y.), idamba of ether of (Sa), achit (V.), avidya (A.),avyakta (A.), Nirvisesha specific attributes Brahma Brahma: : word used from free by Ramanuja, 92, and the to Brahma Param later especially in called frequently A., referring in Srikara, 162, of A., Nirguga Brahma. Brahma: Param in Vedaata in ; 72 ; in Rigveda, in Sutras (D.), 97-98; (V.) 92-94.; in in : used chiefly Bhag. Gita, 72, Vedanta 7-4 ; in Upanishads, 86; Supreme Being 77, ; 244 in ; (A.), Prakasa Cor. (Sa.),Nariyana (Vai), Siva (S.) fetter Pisa: to : CS) 155-G, vaguely corresponds prakfiti. P a cattle: individual e u: 161-162 Lord Pati: also generally used; (2) Supreme, (Sa.) 141, the (3) (P), 14(9,(S), 153; Cor. light: (1) light of Prakasa: 291, Lord Vai.). (Ved"nta), also,livara of various Brahma Param Supreme : (P.), 149, (S), 154-155; (A., D.), chit fV., Cor., Jivitma ; self schools. consciousness Sattva Guna 143, 144, (S.), (Y.),112 Cor. ; Param Brahma. chief: Pradhina: (S.,)q. ; used P * u r u by s h Sakala: thiug is made schools also. a orig. mean, ; used by : with (".),161; (2) the : a most subject'(S.),101 Sat of Mulaprakriti V. Prakfiti: [?] how 101 Syn. the unknown of ' 'object (S.), : male : the schools also. most parts: (I) gross forms : a class of individual souls Narlyana (Vai.),177. being : (1) differentiated consciousness, conscious vi ( (Vedanta), being (V.), 72, Syn, of Sthiti: etc Supreme the (2) ; i d 4 y and of class (Y.), 112 (2) of the Supieme (Pr.)" etc. (1) : cognition self supreme tattvas Tamas 183. (Vai.) (upanisbads), meditation of Name knowledge : individual a world Brahma, Parana 112. name Vibration: Cor. V (Y.), (1) the of Spanda: 170: Guna rest: maintenance (4) 81, 92. Sili: the 74, ) 120; (Sa.), (A.). (3) 292 ; 87 of the : (2) Sentiency (5) the 30th identity of method of (P.), 149; (Sa.), tattva 291. V i k r i t i Alteration (Vai.), Paramltama that produce : (I) effect (S.)" 103 (2) " 178. difference: Visesha: elements : bodies (1) (S), species 273. (Va.), m ; (2) ( 51 ) endeavoured elements. I have all these elements and separate to separately exhibit teachingsof these ancient systems. In doing so, I have attemptedto discuss the ideas of the earliest available exposition of each school. In India, thinkers,however tas they may be,whatever new visindependent the of pelled thoughttheymay open up, are comby inexorable orthodoxyto father their The boldest thinthe ancients. ker on opinions this country has produced,Saflkara, doxy to seek the sanction of ortho- felt it necessary by derivinghis and RrahmaSfttras s h a d Being s. be new a ideas from the the old U p a he had philosopher, older n ito scholiast. Obversely,each older philosophical commentator on an work, to expound his author, imports while professing pretendto some a of his own ideas in the comment ment unconciouslyhelps on the moveof thought. Thus, to take an illustration from modern schools, when the canon be expected to be definitely fixed, may of SaftSuresvara, the premier disciple alters the A d v a i t a of his kara, slightly and thus master. The author of B h i m a t i, V"ch- twist ; aspati Misra, gives it another after him, Vidy"ranya gives another ; and so changing,though thought goes on ever not always for the better. So, too, the V i sof Y"muna, R fimanuja, isht"dvaita; Desika Pillai ( Loka" ch"rya ), Vedftnta . " 1 a, and M some alteration a n a v in the introduced has each scheme of thought. the early Vaiseshika ras SutSimilarly, wards ignorea creator or a distributor of reand punishments: but the modern to a thorough going T a r k a school it wedded in discussing Hence the opinions theism. I have of each school and available book * thereon. S ftt r have made I believe,by any first, I How much of is have the influence Max Mailer,in translatingcertain passages has put into the B h A the s h y a both Deussen's Upanibbadeis of the Rishis the ; average text recent vitiated that with Hindu, prophet* nee* matter to by of whom of only expositionof revelation in both in a what the fact that upanishads in Sankara the IB it any seer text and and to the his identification of the h succumbed proved by found Saiikara. a positiondistin- scholars the commentator r indicate one) to European even B attempt (the an be the author's imagine to * commentaries the of case the earliest on the on In the s, I a not relied philosophyof the position wonder that the scholiast commenUm* are ! ' guishablefrom that of the 'three schools creeds'* called the "three of interpretation, which have engulphed it. (trimata) Though the Hindu and Ved"nti a has the to himself to carry n of India,what t to a faith ' of the A the n a the v a one Hindus s, S a i v a, S a a m tative and a s the thousand a looked were in Y"muna, k t a, a on ' Visisht"dvaita felt it necessary to write the the authoritativeness of as as working based on Va i s h- years ago, or unauthori- founding the Vaishnava ya, a - today, is of d recentlyproposed light of V e livingreligion call the may less than ; A g m a g West, yet the d " e pride in calling self-revealed and takes great himself the V venerates modern school AgamaprdmdnA g a m a s. the To-day,however n is h actual Hindus mas. mas to freelyscraps of the U p athe are a d s quoted in discussions, opinionsand religious practicesof the taken are For this and other reasons, have been give an entirelyfrom kept secret. account of them ideas, quoting from untranslated works. I I have and the Aga the Aga- - attempted their fundamental unpublished or hope that this will the direct virgin soil to combine shaken and Whether it is for succeeded works only other with this Darsana of attributed of the much " Talue expositionof the not five centuries of Prof. of the the Garbe A g a their tlucidation, m ed compar- the Sarva Siddhantasdra, ago, has of glorification the a of s, but with European he does not a scholars seem a for its aim fundamental of alone late a creditable in systems Indian many as the have judge. to though written former thusiasm. en- Madhav"charya degree of impartiality very Hindu I Safikar"ch"rya,but to The work. are Veddnta Sarva shackles be can scope Sangraha the and in one who one far reader that the partizan how the and the and animosity bred and of free from himself sectarian The sympatheticinsight impartialjudgment criticaland of the possibleonly to one born Hindu the religiousfold within aim various schools my is which vast a investigation likelyto yield of the discussing has been has to results. * valuable In scholars of attention tenets thought,so A d has to have v a it realized done much a the for the superiorto as each uses va school Madha- Moreover rest. only the demolish to his and expositionof every darsana (system) is limited by this circumstance,those only of the fundamental previous one ideas being referred object. His is very meagre ; g in fact he does m a not schools a mention possiblybecause reputed founder of the himself,beingthe Sringeri A of the A account in his help him SiktaAgmasatall; the he to which d v a mutt, it i s are too sacred to be was a Saktaasso many and regarded its mysteries desecrated by being revealed the public.Of the second work, I could get only a part. It is now being edited by Professor Madras Rangdch"rya of the of M 1Presidency College. Its treatment to m a m to be s a is good. The rest does not seem valuable. In I dealingwith Sanskrit technical terms, have preferrednot to employ English substitutes chapters. understood must their especiallyin the 2nd and 3rd If Indian is at all to bo philosophy by English-speaking peoples, they learn to associate with special connotations. Sanskrit No terms Sanskrit vii ( ) be equated to any term can philosophical 'in an as', for word The English word. mind ', but instance is usuallytranslated words are by no the connotations of the two * identical. means ' brain, for the ' m a n as a to s s brain is subtle bub entity, to him mind admit will not of the word sense as : an and subjective the translation of not man as but raise obstructive associations cannot of the in the mind B regardsmind separate existence it is objective.Hence as ' in any its -deny may the it is not materialist who to be matter is Hindu a gross ', whereas But even matter. a is secretion of the brain a mind he a Western crass * ' n a material,objective thing: a ' M reader. The word untranslatei', again,is absolutely the able. Ahamk"rais self-consciousness, u d d h basis of cognitions,I the but this5, A * h a m k a r a of matter, the function the am to the doer Hindu, and object, not of is a that subject,Another fruitful source confusion caused by translating technical of Self,the of words schools is due to the fact of thought use different? senses : thus, that the * v iy different word same e k ' a to in the A d v is the i1 1 a subjectand d it a v object; the that leads to word { ft r t has form it that to the It has the which been such therefore the is used for the and this has of their been technical Sanskrit in the term without text h ik a same tributed con- ences. differ- thought end of more e s useful an Yet no duced intro- sort of some of than been has that book the mechanically constructed. index new be would terms food Obversely accentuation synopsisgiven at a moves. different schools in Visishtft- in the V and have different words idea the the spiritual enlightenment. The a* in the TJpanishads means that which means to between is the choice of the proper i, it m distinction planatory ex- the context, but not (suiting being added, pretendingto be a translation) word for the use of readers who the subtle shades may not of difference but may care for like to acquaintthemselves with the generaltrend of thoughtof the various systems discussed. One word alone,I have taken Englishphilosophical the libertyto use freely, viz.,'consciousness This word I have used not in ' its usual ' connotation, in psychological works, of ring friend, my by his giving s a of Allahabad and V a i s e s I help whose interpreted 4th June i k sections a, and M on by have not Mss. my 1909.AH ) SRINIVAS P" *" the by i P. Mr. " m n- Bha- without deciphered material. ) m by Gaflgan"th Vizagapatam, of C T h could parts VlZAQAPATAM, ,.4.1, the of swami ttan"tha in and Mss., Professor scholar, Benares suggestions of by me of loans procuring and encyclopaedic Jha and criticism his both Dasa Govinda Mr. rendered help invaluable the to IYENGAR. or OUTLINES HINDU OF PHILOSOPHY. CHAPTER CYCLE COMMON IDEAS OF I. SCHOOLS it modern in schools Not rest, the and ideas so vital that the ideas These definitely expounded schools explain points its of ; and individuality, commonly a the in and and These enumerated to rule be formulated and of not ent differ- the anxious the argument, special constitute which it from six, called by Philosophy. naturally philosophical many so assumed discipline as questions, are Hindu literature differentiate different the systems being justify by doctrine philosophies. as school each principle of important of name are propounded, though deserve these under themselves to about all these to common where is various ; being are it so fundamental every disagree Rome America and in India, so Darsanas and Greece Philosophy of INDIA. OF Europe challenging each the ancient in was PHICAL PHILOSO- ALL TO its sister schools the Shad- are . J-SKts and tJi""V.edie The while and 1 1a do to his in Madhava, their pata, Saiva, and 1a ja explain but and systems * Kamftnuja of the Veda and modes by all has been Benares defines of (the discovered and this in of purpose tion, Enumeratively. respec- sixteen, as on to of Pataft- each them be "a Jai- to in the Silnkara philosophical is very there discussion of sentences nature Veda)." darsana, the book so long believed called Pan'hadasi Tanjore Library by Govinda th" Dasa recentlypublished Anandisrama Sarvadarsinasangraha. to school, speciallydetermining the be identical with in the Rases- professes forest of in things referred incorporated in "edition of the He 'mtrndmtd' chapter scholars to Nyaya, Akshapada, Sahkhya, forgets that for the f Madhava's lost from Arhata,Rama- specific teachings gets one Yoga, of his time Sankara.t the substance Pratyabhijiift Panintya miniya, authority Nakulisa-pasu- Yaiseshika, vara, of reasoning on Definition Bauddha, Purnaprajfia, ), Sarva-dar$ana-sangraha however, classifies the schools nuja, ;* s and the supreme and "a L,atter a disciplinesof Reasoning viz,Charvaka, D harm Saiikhya, the on Brahma based are derive not Vaiseshika, Effort, (Earlierand r a four other based M imam Mimamsaand texts, viz: Vedic wholly are called the tw) paying homage Veda the them ) investigationof Brahma. of of U Karma Mimamsa, and 2 a-ra a're'P %*tiYey u i-WaM otherwise, ( of ( much more which alone this in of opinion than community diversity, Madhava emphasises. We shall discuss thought,so consideration and methods to chieflya problems the individual regard to all modern of that have troubled Bussel, Dr. practicaland of life" (Personal India been in India school aim sets of a the ratson a of perfectioncalled d* etre of definite method according to of Hindu M o k s school. each and ; has the never each specific attainment h a. Unless This it ethical intellectual, man ideas to up no it so life ; hence of man's means was definite rule a 342) from training, leading a spiritual it has to P. times," wisdom with investigations discovering the state adherence Idealism^ its practical In ancient " the to Roman, and pursuit of The dissociated about it solves ; but to-day. Philosophy even the its interest this theoretical, a implied is in of " that Greek interest, the regulationof life. says of problems them to mind the ancient besides philosophy has the thinkers, is western speculation; the to for teachings mainly intellectual,in as way philosophical training. to matter is Hindu with assumptions of prepare different the of Philosophy to as of schools various fundamental these chapter Hindu ) 3 is bodies em- and perfection, for justification existence. The only modern recognisesthis to European be the function philosopher that of philosophy is ( the semi-oriental of his De usual Spinoza. seeing that of none in bad, except I might be far so exclusion the be might there attainment and M V pains o k s h of to a ir a be used ? seek to an his to greater to be even the there municate com- in fact discovery nuous, enjoy conti- to value, and ancient son than Indian is not What hast to do with lieth hidden thy father, and son Shuka the teaching,still the an with ! that shall which was " ' thee,son by Shuka " hast thou gone Such ends philosophy Atman, that are and moral. bestand father?' pleasures of , proper Where thy by Hindus, philosophy firstimpulse to the the or singly, whether, me riches ? What with cave. affect the mind estimation a ancient, addressed Vyasa good is affected mind all to g y shall wives fathers of father fears unending happiness." their at . do surelydie more my the enable and The a kin ? how in the and either of which anything intellectual but emotional thou vain anything all else ; Spinoza, so to begins with and objectsof would would supreme, As of the are finallyresolved to enquire whether real good having power some to which itself, to that all the life as sentence- (Transl.Elwes), social in themselves contained them, opening experiencehad taught me surroundings futile ; The Intellectus Emendatione After " says, ) 4 Indian ancient addressed " who his great father. originof philosophyin grew And olden by to such India." ( 5 ) (Bhagavan Das, Science of the And such that power ought arid than husk, fruitless hypocrisy, to to to inspiresphilosophy if more of world has nobler a devotee the and a than feelingof life to be argued that be to not means undergone bondage.* schools judge to the a for It is of them theories to be practicaltraining they prescribe. disciplines, except attributed truth the s h a P u reply, 7b. r v a M i to levl for,as Nachiketas reach in the SarvaCh4rvaka name and agreed about the following propositionsregarding /eeognizeii, proposes k the Brihaspati, are to of the Even * the school of crude expounded as under darfanasahgraJia world its to believed,but from from philosophicalNihilism o be to invariablydo, as about, apart All these M to speculation. Hindu a training to these of path opinions writers western The intellectual satisfaction in the of release state unfair therefore as of lived, a attaininga leading merely securing idea by the an body ing pound- philosophy ought Philosophy, therefore,to merely thing some- performance. poor value purpose of acquisition be to pharisaic self-righteousness, moral a it is to logomachy, laboured and only too often and protestations pompous serve Emitions, p. p.) continue to be always the tn m a fco a " ", though s^ate says," that "Those this is not can who be commonly properly callel live in the Heaven i. 13. immortality."' K-it.hjpiiiith'it, i. 17-18. the vide Yamt's ( constitution the goal (1) of human Man a and complex consciousness,mind of body. Atma The of man, the nature evolution. is and (3) ) of the cosmos, and (2) 6 is of the nature of consciousness is immutable. Mird (a n t a h k a is material organ a),though n r a and is other inner an the- than Atma. (4) Psychic life all mental (5) five The and obeys fixed events subtle (6) (7) (9) The mind, (p r k a obeys world r in which body, subtle lingadeha with a body provides man and the inhere organs The Matter of made al ay is relatively permanent. connected is periodically flesh of it fixed blood, which and with sense-organs gross matter. i)is mutable and but increate laws. historyis a). lingadeha a made up periodsof activity(k a (p r end an matter. action-organsof (8) (jn are, like T he eleven or hence riy as) action-organs(karmen- five driyas) and determinable. are sense-organs the laws of 1p ing alternat- a) and rest existence recognize the Nature, they exclude and and the and the latter but and these a hencet of term We a ancient teacher, rewards a r Deity, and ments punishof all expounders Vedanta v The twist them, to became popular atheistic,became a, discuss now all these to is fifteen the propositions schools. complex of consciousness, mind a body. They when * mind ' of the states are and ' of each lightener other operations ; not mutually are used ' as two mind whereas unconscious. and * sive. exclu- * sciousness con- the a these of two absolutely distinct is S and In other phases times philosophy things mind, the quality or adjunct a as ; of states other ; consciousness the sciousness con- synonymously life ; at Eastern in ' of the successive names inner treated indicate of the as life ; but concepts concepts consciousness flux of the is the ' mind sometimes are used ' mental philosophy western ' jada, Vai^eshika reproach. Man In from versal Uni- one refer to theistic a ir is N s an later the days, common are (i) given name shall which and he r a but The have in later t adjusterof more. systems because and no of S^hkhya, u him an of powers frankly atheistic. S makes former but many conception are Nyaya the the earlier works Mimamsft Yoga the The Being. of n a m v and senses t a h-k i t the a words, mind r a en- their n a, is matter is ( and is consciousness world when S a m v processes, the mental of the exist whether them not, just it not. individual ; or so the functions to the latter is word a n a nor Pure is exists not the to confound is used for of material ' has of Psychology. He parts (i) the me and self as conation the the former the well as Even sciousness con- (which to be ' This with of is a it. distinguished latter chap, xii of subdivides known, for devoid associated in the thought, for chaitanya objects)is to manifests the idea of motion consciousness Ego', or the them the two, for the thought as is the word mental whether himself. man ses proces- accompanies consciousness lightof personal consciousness. investigatedby Prof. James two light proceeded These etc. world * Text-book of ray perception,reasoningand ambiguity,because function a Sight manifests of them the see tioning the func- knows or processionof images, and a ; from if as the as row bor- objects. towards consciousness writers sometimes jn 1 sees spirit Consciousness manifestation Hindu the of man. the eyes and enlightenedthe spirit functions beings see To senses. i t, consciousness, is turned perception,reasoning, or himself the man directed It is of his mind. from of his ousness, i t, pure consci- v the senses, and opened Similarlywhen on from a m to the and his mind analogy an spirit.S manifests is what operationsof ) 9 the is his it into 'Empirical (2) the self as the knower, the 1 Pure into * Ego', (i) the and one's he defines psychology has commentary consciousness' spirit,between Yogi is construction the world is the a up of with alone we are as are a mental states or underlying pure consciousness personal judgment separate from of complex. consciousness' ' and we the are is given of the it let us by Puru"ha bound which reflection of the in body pain,of perception, conscious objectsoutside personal consciousness, each From longs be- and ness conscious- all that a is experience, Pure muscles pleasure and 1 1 i r a-v consciousness the the by h i1 1 c acquainted, is move we of personal ' bodily activities,with or normaly are conscious conation, fact the When matter. we which sciousness con- pure construction conceptual plane. Atma, that ' from ideal an This illuminated as Personal ' tence exis- tion this classifica- as k t i, and them. terms experience. The is that a ideal to ' s an Aham, as h it c elaborate is mind which behind proposition unchanging light and is pure with. distinguish between not that do to the on But complex. a nothing * the ; consciousness,' whose ' just consciousness of ' as tion collec- entire the his from gets one states best the of states is,it does as recognition the body, etc, (2) Thinker, the Agent is man the me,' subdivides he the passing is the former The me', (3) the 'spiritual of Ego' the the me, mates, I. 'material ' social the or eliminate of us. state selves our- These beirg whatever is ( contribu ted the by and body processes, the soul. by which the both which " of We lightof of pure " consciousness from the belongs is not activity,by reality,the greatest realityattainable The realization of this life of the Atma What 1 in the personal (2) are notes Every ' life of of mind ' state is the aim or is termed man philosophy, in western followingfour the flowing'states (1) inner of consciousness' James man. philosoph)-. is called the the stream Prof. of Indian but by a of all schools Pure abstraction an the to personalconsciousness. however, h i t- idea of pure vague mental separate from as consciousness a c become cannot this latter reached thus physical the intelligence being unchangeable, have ties activi- consciousness and mental the perception,for abstraction of the mental " is the It is the power seat mind. s This manifests worlds. mains re- ment accompani- the called p arakolonthesi " What that philosophers and western the mind, by tal accompanies all menfirstdifferentiated by Plotinus among is the consciousness sakti ) II characteristics ': " thought is part of a consciousness. Within always each personal consciousness states changing. (3) Each (4) It personalconsciousness is interested in seme is sensibly continuous. part of its object ( to the chooses " of exclusion from ) 12 others,and them. among chap. xi. ) welcomes rejects or ( Text- book of Psychology, In this the concepdescription, tions of 'state', and of change belong to matter ; those of 'continuity' and 'choice' belong to the Puruis due to the u nion of $ha and personalconsciousness ' ' the two. Matter states, and a few to presents itself as whose spirit, of them himself and of actions states and as not illuminates the mind continuous and of matter to things: (a) That the consciousness togetherwith part of the one moment the whose spirit, to as is That the continuity is explicable only regarded as separate from relation bstween two a by thi lightand the qualityof a light. There consciousness,but ciousness cons- (/#.)This is states, and similar to the that tween be- processionof objectsilluminated of is no change in the 'quality* to strain in this case a object, outermost fringe of the the be the from if consciousness mental to another changes absolutelyabrupt. never belonged it,as " are life is time-gap a if it before in the flux, a James explains there after it feels another in always and "means propositions where self; (b) regard is the consciousness same must that four even them we Prof. that the third of the above manifests cognitions,desires unbroken. two or Only all " belonging as changing lightis continuous,chooses by seeingthem. all states series of a state the of analogy a mind, goes field of illumination little, to the and looks hence dim and G. F. Stout two no more. (Manual all mental of them of inner an material sense awareness its processes, Father Maher the all The (2) are something of the (3) The its reflex of or to volitional which The 26-27. ) some it. Perception,Emotion of the mind laws, whether light of that take they the acting of the consciousness, according approximates immediate are, acts as the spiritis inextricablyand attends its as own. meaning Maher and Hindu are idea of functions to mental not, illuminated are manifested and cognized. the mind Conation spirit ^and it ; in upon place according or of or cognitive act, Stout to extent and ence, exist- appetitive second to ordinary psychic experience the and recognizes them and states (i) To operations own operationby ceive per- being apprehended. itself than emotional ( Psychology,pp, the its we word, direct, intuitive,or either other which psychical our emotional words, the energy other of of of the sightperceives to this capable mind's knowledge to total cognitive, which states not sum selves our- three distinguishes meanings generallyattached indicate cate indi- of states by as ) notes cognizance have we the function " and facts. have we 8 (i) To " experiences,as own mind the of Psychology, p. whether (2) the our ) consciousness: states not or and " 13 of the word uses Self ( to it. this consciousness by In of compulsorilybound ( only it when from consciousness is called P man r u u s h a Jn conscious of the and muscles and is S vay am-p Purusha the raka himself and the body whose existence to light. when manifests existence the reveals illuminates a which to him. of matter existence by the mind. behind noumenon European depend mental we books itself to us object So it the and in contact Idealism its also with, cognize as exist and in the absence fest mani- there be matter that as the makes being made that whether modifications,no be manifested Idealism on It holds what Hence in Hindu himself to only unconscious, unknown, be is certain that sensations are being. objectalso. body he is would otherwise unmanifested of that a the mind against any his existence or Atma. the as reveals sun it beats Purusha mind the senses, is manifested frequently compared directlyand becomes or be, unlike to conscious some lightof The of part manifesting his "a, knows is knows himself of being. He consciousness colouring. This of the mind, the functions cognized by and Man,/0;- excellence. It is " own when the mind immaterial knower, for he also called the a, the from its mental being be understood can separated be can contemplated apart pure ; and the life of the mind with up ) 14 or no,it sensations objectiveexistence of mind. representedby John Stuart a can Constructive Mill admits a of sensation behind the possibility nomena pheof the objectiveworld ; but the thorough- permanent 16 ( is involved in its veiy conception. part of man Atma limited by space ; is v i b h u, not immaterial is matter 41 is futile to conception. Creation and if conceived of ending of one series a manifests ooumenon Atma is J n Eternal increate. A^ma, justas Bhdshya essential capabilityto body of from or a Atm" the very he is him mutable im- nature " is its it is of the mutability,its nal phenome- unchanging. ending is The matter. procession of is fore There- of consciousness definition and The fire."*(Sahkara of place of illumination near ver obser- an is the nature rather,a series of bodies brought light, but the any 28.) Moreover, Atma matter into evolve which consciousness, because lightare the or end. nor opposite of An^tma, beginning or shift his ; the ; whereas excluded may and heat in its very consciousness nature forms of forms VecL Sfit. IT. Hi. on by definition the eternal a, standable under- beginning begin ceive con- that very are itself in relation to neither hence can the being from ; consciousness in destruction as to of consciousness, is involved consciousness for pound com- a attempt destruction originationor the the Atm" part." Hence susceptibleof diminution not It excess. of Plotinus, indivisible,neither nor atom, an nor of all in every divisible is neither It is,in the words u, atomic. n a All in all and nor ) shine nitya,eternal. Atma. of from may be by his Some is He body to cally periodireflected Bauddha ( alone, of Indian systems, reject the schools and Buddhism nominally admit and do and and of mind inner in are and states process consciousness from second the into two internal but not subjective Hindu factors,viz: philosophy (i) a and subjective, (2) ed accompanying the process and reflectAtma. firstis material and the The Mental immaterial.] to the mind but subtle of or non-material. as classified in the various shika made philosophy called analyses them mental organ is material organ but prakrispiritual Sensation, perception, volition, western treated an immaterial of matter. ta, made etc., is man and is not matter so-called the Jina do. the (3) Mind, though an is other than the Atml uThe this it as the followers openly denounce not of the Buddha from but being included, those that at least the authority, of the pramanya, schools orthodox thought, only notion Atm^, excluded Jainistnare of Indian brief survey Veda the lifeof the man's continuityof of the ) 17 all processes are variously buting schools,the Sahkhya attri- psychiclife,and the Vai"e- regardingit merely as the organ of attention, all schools are agreed in regardingmind as This matter. called sophy, apparent paradox of schools of philo- but holding to the idealistic, essentially materialism in the west, namely the view mind is matter, has every western 2 proved scholar. a view that stumbling-block to In western philosophy,the 'consciousness' clear-cut concept it above marks has nor ; of matter matter.' matter looselyfrom that concept, and consciousness' is held incapableof further eliminated from with imply elementary to When the facts that mental difficult to understand as opposed functions and action. and therfore is knower spirit. He sees his the knower the it must I. 77. body ) it and organ of This mind quite as the cannot than world place is mind possess involved the chief this is mark inner sensation as an 'since organ, there knowledge." ( Nydya much is objective to outside outside himself 'matter' him the he as him, whereas outside like the of matter characteristic. in the concept of he, of form a the it perceived object. Objectivity to Purusha be to philosopher organs be other an sees outer the spirit, uses jiia, and II L Stitra The Hindu by are not literallymeans, to facts life and psychic that antahkarana says of consciousness of the what Antahkarana organ a he hang to phrase 'states themselves, jada, unconscious, it ought matter. of space", as made are the analysis. it is realized when cartes Des- Spinoza,the expounder against. In ordinary thought propertiesof means nite defi- are characteristic only the so-called when ' concept ulated form- have we called it,even Descartes, rebelled is as attained the "confusion Clark-Maxwell of the to extension This matter. been not attached made ) 18 ( conscious ; matter Another is its a and idea mutability, ( its flux, its capabilityof evolvingin ever-present of series a ever-changing evolves karana in and of which a and to time and space; and time small ; he has related prakriti-vikriti, is change, there can cause and no relation of Psychology " mark to of the arm, atomic. and nowhere. as AtmS forms is it manifests spatio- They are effect. But where Hence states there if,as to is the modern governed are is matter, nor of mind not spirit. invisibility is " of ing accord- matter philosophers and mind is vibhu, pervasive,everywhere Consciousness to These causation. and indivisibility being restricted which effect. Vaiseshika big nothing subject be certain the brain to and both another is neither after. ject sub- are one space cause admits, mental Atomicity a as of causation, mind the law by events steady light and consciousness a in in are manifestations of law the subject to are of the relations temporal and before no of matter succeed Purusha them. subserves which restricted are Purusha of forms mental temporal and spatial. They in the manifestations ending kaleidoscopicflux never surface the on the wanes. nor phenomenal These eddies steady lightof the not waxes forms school) like Yoga the and ripples lake, unlike a Antah- phenomena. ever-changing phenomenal (called chittavritti hy waves ) 19 any cannot be conceived part of the body through itself;but the mental processes ( of ) 20 desire,etc.,are cognition, and being possessedof " " according according chief it and amenable quenched ; nor of the fact that it derives of muscles its act, ; but of other these muscular increased without of mind, his own that these the realize is the them. in But the the non- in the we the ousness consci- case observe observing the study only and and ourselves accompanies our accompanies easily because actions When organ. of matter than can be matter, because action beings man lightof objects. category quite thought separate more action each the inner an phenomenon own a itself is on pseudo-subjectivity a muscular the that his in can human to consciousness all the and ego, being our we from a it be it is It is difficult to realize mind account by mind. distinct from as displays of external can Hence influence. their latter that is matter " consciousness influence the to be It cannot action equilibrium Antahkarana finally equilibrium. But by resists and characteristics,inertia, excitability all these not and matter Whatever forces school. of reaches of many this to characteristic Sahkhyas. by action the under the to be moved force,can the three Gunas resistance,motion properties, is the equilibrium all in all part, but clearlylocalized. fundamental or " " all in every Traigunya certainlynot ciousness cons- mental operations accompanied by the separationof consciousness, as are ( these the and two the a of matter and Plato one does they not sees seen ", by whom with mental " such use phrases to indicate thought" think not the by what is the mind say one but eye, does breath, but hear whom by thought ", by not mind, the with " by what here ancient clearlyformulated is is And another. but we intellectually, do so." (Enn. IV. we the do and the existence of the idea that complex and of two unconscious that consciousness of of j. 30, mental in is not operations a was " gence Intelli- telligen of in- philosophy mental factors inner " necessary action, life is a consciousness modifications. mental worship." philosophers European so-called different breathed, always perceive unconscious our but always apprehend that Trans. Taylor.) This not is the first clear indication is breathes apprehension we one ear, distinction. this and thing one the is among by seeing breath (I. 4-8.) Plotinus, but what none people Brahma, " whom what of ness conscious- functioning. Kena not first the as perceiving of perception," the hearing is heard," is this action " not whom of of Upanisimilar phrases what strikingly speech enlighten,but what enlightensspeech," uses what the difference difficulty. mental apart from does " of "thinking shat and Aristotle seeing of sight", the " appreciationof of consciousness nature becomes " ) 21 The idea concomitant firstclearlyenunciated ( in " modern As of occasion the it as is idea of the should Perception from they have treat we William Hamilton of conscious. hysteriato mind have But it has those " P. been that unconscious. uses the prominence the modifications. the conscious Un- his of phenomena mind, and of unconscious the in error, Sir of unconscious powers not struck Ribot, in thinkers western The as muscle Diseases fact that the life of the to prove brain,as an event that is mind always ty, of Personali- mind is times some- that consciousness simple phenomenon, superadded of existence 64.) unduly neglectedby investigators. unconscious, the or perceptions opening chapter the power and us (Ib : /. ^53.) mental is in itself always unconscions of is in serious into unconscious justly complains a essence, In this matter a non-existent the far so carefullydistinguished brought Schofield,in L thinkingof it Therapeutics,attributes " or This are fallen into not are conception of is, form consciousness. as of which Dr. ive be apperceptionor the Cartesians that whether it,and Tr. by Montgomery, (Metaphysics, no." " soul our thing. whenever about thinking of the power of nature nature, some in us, always form activityof expresses properlythe soul has our for comes this that think fact itself any representingto Leibniz, philosophy by European matter a ) 22 to having its own the is activity conditions appearing and disappearingaccording in his field of conditions being material functions phenomenon ending, nor Not called All mental functions the Purusha them and makes would remain would be is a action may not be consciousness has mind unconscious of problem " that "what unconscious matter parallelism?" It is neither to not imagine that mind an as consciousness In alien tor, fac- always is. muscle the characteristically of an insoluble conscious one of hypothesis possiblenor or muscle, be to raised Is it Either fact. distinguishing relation ? the or as be has Mind be may nature, to world consciousness. thus of mind is the muscle realized own consciousness from different of own philosophy nature or its be they material a ; illuminates beings. eliminated should in Western be to tion reflec- physical is by of the action the the or have we functions. he sentient accompanied investigatingthe and mind ishing. dimin- ; otherwise muscle a ginning be- unconscious them as of just as of the mental manifest unmanifest fact material of to turns them as neither of the up in themselves are in the absence The and made a material fact, which and consciousness when of increasing,never never personal consciousness, of pure is not right, own complex the so ; consciousness in its it exists both together, epi-phenomenon or as processes physio logical bound invariably are and Psychic vision. mind interaction, is unthinkable. philosophicallyhelpful and modifications of matter, each interact other, can Immutability and is matter mental and mutability be can them, Whether with the it be do, or mind constituted taken be of subtle materialists matter illuminates that it ; ignorance identify himself identical the with founders training a of which to man be different from all the to propose The it. the Darsanas with Darsanas the actual due Atma realization Till this difference grasped it is of the 4 mental As of the The the Purva is that with of the the impossible to of Atma to from Mimamsa due adhyasa, to the mind, moksha difference between means bondage ignorance,and to of really not but nature of mind. false identification of himself pain out may is are except relieve the it,he the from disciplinesprescribed by realize that he though eastern as philosophers hold, it is absolutely different Purusha sciousness. con- cal identi- as western as there and them between system, nervous them, this them, but except the fications. modi- material illuminate may relations other no Mind meet. are processes know or cannot other. each parallelto run or Consciousness manifest from categoriesso characteristically apart Atma of is these and understand sequent con- two. mind the the is phy philoso- East. Psychic Life obeysfixed events the modifications are and hence all determinable. antahkarana must laws take is a place material under organ, fixed its laws. 26 ) law of ( All mental every as is the event so that if the could be calculated events, effects the obeys matter in any Hindu philosophy predictedexactly and mind regard raised that entity, which, in India. is or known causes and bodily,a and does threefold life triplelaw of of the constrain the mind. and be the than from Indian the the by causal relations, on Tamas, no of which other is which whose The gave The them. among under the neither but it to vera can causa Tamas, of the will is free apple which philosophy sophy philo- of its modifications. freedom beforehand. tree upset all Sattva, Rajas and called course the is a phenomena, extraneous conditions so-called be calculated free to be sires cognitions,de- and There than but cannot laws picture, Hindu goes anything of its movements the mind was into will Sattva, Rajas itself nor are events interconnected the mind That a can phenomena. postulate a not which force new mental actions into to introduce of those analyses Hence form European philosophy,is supposed in mental which will metaphysical a cannot we of form a as of the 'will' is of which one factor of the mind but The of all schools As matter, the problem of the freedom never the known, were matter, thus previous of resultant causes sphere of other Hence causation. mind birth. deterministic. is myth. fixed obeys modifications falls when it a can more no it is released Hence It all regards ( action all mental returning as in the mind is of matter The freedom of the is not from his motions. In the a an We turn can passing thought or intricate train co-ordination drags the involution life is of exciting,or is by is to of a of mental thought other or from from away a but complicated perforce This compulsory in mental bodily or withdraw abilityto thoughts is can we contractions into it. out and thoughts bodilyactivity ; the bodily events, again,the abilityto being hustled bodily processes. of them, casual or attain may consciousness muscular ; the mental Consciousness our some of the consciousness bondage No consciousness consciousness from which and our our but current, mind. to of deliberately withdraw them. rise and it may by them. the AtmA mental case floating that the well known sense bondage and out-going is determinable. free,but in most and return generally conscious are in deliberation mind, within transcended are energy energy motives deliberation, in the mind is involved We " free " nervous in-going deep calculable,all function laws the buried or of In the the the direction influence all is between During currents. of current a without, enteringthe mind action. an intervene may analogue matter) from subtle reflex ; as the (calledPrana, ) 27 stick to a sciousness con- however thought ness of the field of consciousthe gradually acquire by freedom which man Thus self-training. freedom is not is the goal freedom of of human will,but the consciousness from being with and mental bodily he who It is not the has reached from his conscious turn may of by recognizing judicious of forces the laws nay I"vara Himself, Law of The them. and question of absolute its escape do only so man the them greatest God, the be to by uses by understanding the above not will. that or had no In the " by and cause Ethics,/"?,48, in such directlyall that time, way has happens I should be or " I All last by to contingent and tions, percep- to consider to see thoughts our able appears able to infinity".(Spinoza, the consequence, were no also been this and Elwes.) that is there precedent thoughts our a to on the on is determined cause, : but mind which cause, so Transl perceptions are it is true, of a Europe illusions the mind another by of modern thinkers free will ; but or this present He body. thus just as is said Leibniz free determined and his can In this sense, profoundest two another develops, but Karma. Spinoza wish free. " " by utilizingthem them physical world obeying and and and to and up Mukta, be to he mind, he a obedience said will that matter uses its The events. his mind from tyranny, but if he of compulsory interlockingof self with away this compulsorily mixed the the ; but liberation the perfection,is freedom freedom evolution me at all that the will ( to happen me will that or ) 29 to appear ever ". me Metaphysics^Transl : Montgomery, p. "5.) (Leibniz, The theory of free-will has been re-started in it that is datum a interest of this of ( Free The Will ) and under ideal led Hmanism, view that determinism assumption truth of which is is in new F. C. S. Dr by if it the sense be rebels with Oxford School of like the explanatory postulate in a a right profit. But againstthe adoption of postulatesto explain the science, the to its relative strictly used be any holds Schiller, sphere Similarlyfreedom is sphere with as good can cannot logical postulate,a methodo- a function. moral ). the facts of life schemes, and hence there The life" ( Determinism is to group the two. of "truth of science truth antithesis between of the In consciousness. between of Science function argument theory Munsterberghas propounded illogicalantithesis an the Philosophy by western recent to the exist common two opposing phenomena. The same is this :" determinism is difficulty world and freedom,possibleor a fact of the mental Western actual,belongs to the sphere of Atma. real of the cause philosophy treats consciousness whereas a a the mind of the Atma so-called psychicalevent, is state a enlightened by as one of complex of acquiringfreedom,and single category, consciousness,t. of two unique,at present in bondage but the the factors" with the e. one bility possi- other,working ( fixed laws. under called With regard to have looking maintained in it started and (2) from of datum In alien be to personaldevil of at ruled of so The of this (i) of different the of evil of by cultures bility responsihe powers and who certain for violation. man's gave ordered ordinances But God life and him on science image and into pain them use of ment punish- has abolished this an ties facul- human to which ideals inspired the erected -scriptures and in a giftedwith by a personal God the real philosophicalquestion world man gories. cate- tion ques- world moral use not be to Ruler the importation the idea of the proper the problem into a as conception are The the a ciousness cons- freedom it refer to introduced pute, dis- analysisof irrepressible anthropomorphism many made philosophy determinism problems early human accordingto God have psychic phenomena by confounded to of thy for the man autocratic others elements confused and supposed issue. and popular religiousthought, it of supposed tion ques- clear a scientific a is still further have with consciousness,and as of the vortex inception th incompatible,because was the flux a its psychic series into gory, cate- side Hindu into its constituent psychic state saw, one idea. escaped being caught because at it is free the protested against and this mixed personal consciousness, disputes have Some raged. ) 30 divine this law ( the Subject to 5. ) 3* mind and dryas (organs of knowledge) dryas (organs of subtle The matter. action). five the are Jfianen- the five Karmen- These also system is the nervous of made are logical physio- counterpart of these eleven subtle organs, " " internal and knowledge of as ten Their physicalbody. by are subordinate ten the functions Like of the law as Parsimony existingboth matter. that the functions sense the separated from after death, separate from muscular in the the the functions visible the cont.ro- are of force and principalelements. they the enter light of that the physicaland all Hindu are AtmA like senses field of the a ed conceiv- are cal super-physiYogis exercised gross organs ones. by ought The falls violation assert a physical body during subtle they psychical life,while its are ifit is true, as But of first sightit looks At of when only them. of functions mental the lines elements of the mind consciousness upon excretion conceived functions different subtle led are invisible subtle of those ten The on. are organs into evolve which mentary ele- of action organs being primarilymodifications matter, later speaking, handling, walking, of procreation.These and subtle of audition,touch, those The all made are of discussed are smell. and vision,taste those be to matter They five kinds bhOta, the of Sukshma organs "external." ten one to man life exist division ( Karmendriyas ) into or of five class- [ against is es but long so make all kinds a yet been able to impulse is, idea of motor five different kinds the same; nervous the Hindu objectto it cannot to what as not that and one are physiologyhas as its mind up idea physiological modern the impulsesof motor ] 33 of there impulses in being subtle the body. h a which is mind of The in d h e Eleven The (6) a and man the other body ) (nonuterine It is the of is b h t u " a of store-house of is the vechicle with * the Schools the between sthnladeha bodies the that peregrinations ; is man but here any 3 are with world tary elemen- actions. energies the long period ate bodies,intermedi- during Schools It Purusha and concerned particularSchool. his of Yatanadeha, all Hindu schools. nervous , lingadeha provided we s and different subtle chhiya. principles underlying teachingsof mention ij a posits potential de- during permanent i.e. a n a- Karma"raya, union Lirigadeha, Diffierent n The kinds. various of r a o y during samskaras, his p g n variouslyinto ma thoughts,desires man's of y a, a inakalpa( composed of It is also subtle substances. the r a i different At the long wanderings(Samsara) period). It de ti- here in- organs also called the by companion ten subdivided * and bodies subtle several i ng L a called L matter ( characteristic body ) a in relatively permanent. of subtle body inhere organs the etc, perishable his only with and perishable not post-mortem the the general special [ his of life manifested ] 34 (K 1p a a for is ) the enabling him to experience pleasure reach apavarga and pain (b h o g a) and finally (emancipation).Pleasure and pain are not primary of purpose attributes of physical or world of the outside produces a organs impulse. in normal if pain are and in the is impulse flow This if morbid motor called a pain. pleasure and people find and but a uninterrupted is conditions pain of sense flow of prAn a pleasurein pain and viceversa; the flow or interruptionof pr ana pleasure and action the shape interruptedis frequently confounded fact and The life. through man reaction pleasure and Both on motor muscles. towards called This psychic thus is proving that the primary interpretation an harmony with the Hindu ideas ; but this flow or interruptionof energy takes special place in the Ling ad eh a, whose function is Bhoktyitva, capabilityof subserving thereof. This is all in sensibility. The Neo-platonists believed Plotinus Lingadeha. of the nature is which soul,"a is the in the existence speaks of "common, "a dual, of a separable portion or composite subjectin perception,"and which between soul and body. (Whitintermediary taker's Neo-platonists, doctrine pp. 46-49.) This ness dropped out of European philosophyin the darkan of the middle of the Greek ages. On account of the severance tradition during this period philosophic of obscuration the it is and as was inadequate as more unity and the with The This L S is the of t h Greek that the are and the than there ancient the English works indicate. connected periodically h a, the e and body the painsto in gets a the man pleasures to be These When of the pain intensifythis knowledge establishes actor. Desires pain interact relations on The and each between of the in this enjoyed call forth his activities and and out it v While of the not-self. m a blood. knowledge as man. (capacity for and himself S Kartritva manipulating nature. he the (sensibility ) of avoided. be The already pointed as of flesh and offers the world him. completes conjunctionof the "gross body" by outside nature on theBhoktritva action; of from can terms terms Samskrit 1 a-d u acts man Lihgadeha world nor s, between between is really it is certain Indian and n e of Greek thought ancient result of the Purusha, body m of Samskrit those personal consciousness is the and of this Sthuladeha addition and he translations ihgadeha of which The the ancients life body of flesh. a means c psy of Greek translations 7. what intellectual correspondence English Greek European philosophy ; only Hindu modern of terms the exact trace we the by meant 35 find out impossibleto ] ( he acts world on the object as resulting pleasure of self as apart experience of pleasure other, and himself and he thus other 36 I He men. therefore for and and his of bonds of the satisfaction is aversion) and hankerings established When others. tion to incarna- returns periodically fruition the ] the self him- between (desire Ragadvesham nations incar- transcended, compulsory cease. subtle but This of currents be may a Krishna " boundaries of the over not am the Lord of in born am rightaction for make into body. a of or as a undergoes it,for of the physical is while matter highest. But a and a of body decay a I to ill-doers take the voluntary being the even also affords the hold of physical transcended physical being opportunitiesto age tales in to tion protec- birth to physicalbody, be is mine is incarnation an working wonder- my for the come made cannot the birth lawlessness, then limitation in to abound punishment, but involuntary says, there I of laws Purdnas The age." 6-8 destruction and This IV. i that r. i t Whenever superphysicalbeings being births a myself a body, O Bharata; the establishment after k r a p the incarnation. beings, I by increase and of the well-doers and Git being subject of born enter power and a lives. compulsory a crossing a super-human or human in a, have usually separate Bhagavat the I and death and voluntary birth Avatar that human in Though called is normally take sometimes bodies bodies. also who beings Super-human that laws by super- intercourse [ with human much surer beings and fashion in the S 1o k beings should on the always pathologicalconditions them in the directly affect can them among as a controller)he As ts laws of nature (P ( Ib qualities Avatar of 1s v lavara be to care a : 13-19 is every where to an Avatarasis of that is by way birth (inner of life ; he is looker, on- body ( Bhag\ Gitd r a kr i t of all table immu- i)are and mutations and what as a regions. This hence impossiblefeat. explain material im- ). into mundane r a potent omni- only The is popularlyunderstood a Him root is not enjoyer, greatest -XIII. the ferent dif- so Antaryaml in the is a been beings highestself she r him. sovereign and and a to it has been being (materialor supporter, approver, 22),but v wheel the turns in whom men has human man. Inspired understand an even and prominent and been we of cost on. abnormal suspended by be the acted that laws of sense can He For ours. superphysical the mental their evolution impossiblebecause is indicated at hence have perfect sanity as from be man been a spheres act directly own and nervous, in destinies If it would of man, have above. their moral, equilibriumof prophets their otherwise, as quoted s the affect than from the brains upsetting a ] 37 a "descent" is absurd, "descent" Hindu would writers actually takes take place in but the manifestation, generallytemporary, a ray of Him, through the body of an advanced human in the heart of the said to be full " " a sometime man He Avatar Even became a ed manifest- is ordinary man. Krishna ordinary an his death. before Matter 8 than being, more is mutable, increate but and obeys fixed Laws. Matter like the Creation into ex nothingness Hindu to to means is n well "as chief dyisya, the kind a thoughts " ; (kalpa), into It S r. i s h t f Vedas of emanation of ing emanat- just as is which regarding produce we the only by i. e., its being. transforms during each' a itself cycle phenomenon previous something something It is else. and This an its i e. it is object existence spiritthat svayam-prakasa, p. 23). that is becomes a j a "jl of European in matter self- means among Hindus the means the living beings by with Sfij root emitting or as again ous obnoxi- always the Leibniz It knovyer. phenomena a of perceptible,that mutable. dissolution it. Montgomery (Metaphysics, of itself manifest of In characteristic it is not tible. indestruc- and Samskrit The as 'could be manifested seer notions meditation. creation to been have philosophers agrees The and emanation. as tapas, our ih i1o always spoken matter is increate a out, emit, beget and or existent t m thinkers. pour emission A is the it cannot prakriti-vikr.iti, into itself series of manifestation of being a a modification soon modified susceptibility to [ of the existence to exist all at they Law of force inertia, vision. and is that make not the up third Laws properly than more makes is Laws They properties,g and u s, But we can inconceivable see as matter as tiates differendefine They of as ; that motion. In thing a without in material in extension matter of fundamental in motion conception of "that motion. regarded sometimes was consistingmerely first and of its manifestation. Laws sometimes the Cartesian as called factors motion matter. itself while days, motion anensrationis, because is not as which that the conditions also are of Law matter, what Newton's of properly the of manifests they the earlier a n of motion. The Laws three exactly of motion called a more indicate Matter why are from matter matter much the that concept 'matter'. as of them three Laws scarcelybe can second matter. much so our mental our of the action famous a of nas u shall find that "as u so-called three g being gradually recognised are as g physical world Newton's as Laws The are They imagine to thin air before into explanation in the nas of these one have s, hence a the try we n matter. of cases equilibrium we they This It is without Hence Laws. same three u g materiality of the will dissolve the those If self-preservation. physicalworld world objects. If they have must it were, constitute,as gu of material constitute they ] 40 without was as itself, tance subs- ent. prevalmotion is extension,so that ( Descartes' is motion and put into it afterwards was ( Pollock,Spinoza Life and Philosophy^p. 115). three Gunas These also. Mental them. in S and condition events In 1 1 a v a and lowest the actions In regulated desire. the Gunas three intellect and g u n a s the as that see we that embraces its wide objectsand all states everything that objectiveto the P conditions of Cosmos. The these u g Thus tone n a s, mind the the three of the three by u r u Gunas the by philosophy. s all states sweep of mind mutable, is tion helpfulgeneraliza- most reached within generalconcept, cognition, general conception and been has pleasure. the is the widest Gunas of body. , Thus of conditioned traigunya, as Vairagya, The the influence and and ignorance, clouded as perfectknowledge. indifference, pain of level ling all-compel- as level the operate of the mind, under is In Rajas the themselves desire,the struggleof motives or predominate action, excited action. desire,the three manifest tions modifica- level, Tamas, automatic appear deliberative action, and mental of three levels, ing accord- are cognitions,desires as is first as there was irrational" illlegetimateand his that matter assumption lump inert an ] 41 h a, and binds differentiated of of perceptible know we of of, that everything manifestation inertia that It them in is one into the three the objective physical objects,the [ automatism the of failure of under being the its powers of ', hence one word the conditions these the sums similarly apprehension and illumination between the dark of the traint cons- this intermediate and the sphere bright heaven, condition. The common conceived Sattva, as being. three gunas but substance, laws the matter defines scientific method often laborious of in finally of qualitiesof itself. classification their and relationships in careful facts,in of any Pearson Karl in "the consist to modes the matter, manifest can comparison not are which the sequences, lined discovery, by the aid of the discipimagination,of a brief statement, or f o r m u 1 a, which Such in The a the few words aformulaisa the Gunas of matter. equilibrium,balance, self-control,right These and of one of the apprehension and pleasureis and forms under in up struggleof desires,wrong earth aptly denominates real sums and motion literally, the cloudy pain, Rajas, literally, coloured of is manifestation up sensibil in- ed comprehend- Tamas characteristics of all darkness, and of force,excitement, factor apprehension and word, Tamas. one choked Rajas mind, its subjectionto desire^ pleasureand pain are to 1 the ] 42 are resumes Law-giver range scientific law. the fundamental word, law, associated a wide a is a rather as of facts." In this sense, laws it is with of matter. the word unsatisfactory idea un- [ less we, Lotze as according to as actual. They of course they and are it making behaviour which sum us of this case regard as therefrom from submit" other words, laws That Time can which immutable A t m matter and comprehend themselves, so their law. Everything^ ordering of the that or and it is only way of avoidable represents it as which to rule a having already the everywhere. What Gunas, to source condition Gunas, " of the what are act nature, activity of the the not through parable se- rity autho- an this nature (Philosophy of Religion p. 76 ). must and pressed brieflyex- and by hardly and other some or own things which at its different is thus law a is justthe world's looking What the system of it in the whole they as and generalforms than realized incorrect, though our real things themselves, which act a regarded are reality comparing up possiblefor as we world or and thing of nature own of view- spiritcontemplating a expression. is the the customary controlling the power world might brief one up which, the movements "give nothing more are in thought ) the Laws which self-subsistent a of says, 43 activity. The the is not alone do not found matter three manifestation matter P " be never belong to u r laws laws, of matter u affected the the In s h a, by sphere of sciousness con- the the a. is also subject causalityfollows from to its Space and being atom- [ ic in But constitution time, to individual it but not unmanifested ( Sankara exist. to And it and when His exist to " ignoreit Lord Asat, as P of it its energies from shoot the as The The for during interrupted, continues matter ject sub- is matter from turn may withdraws is but evolution of in nature. itself is indestructible. Purusha ceases Traigunya evolution matter Universe the and the though ] 44 1 a y a, r a Avyakta, within seed the ). (p) The is in Matter rest. is Pralaya is avyakta, be cognized. is that the of G Purushas u n a It in are a also then are when period s The and a matter then cannot of state cence. quies- avyakta, un- manifest. the manifestation of Western are Kalpa is the periodof world,or a system of worlds. 1a y r a p undifferentiated. The flux. of state constant a largest periodicalflux kalpa. up of alternating rid-hi story is made wo periodsof activityand a of opinion that and exist in the the "Brahm^. are to period assertion created apt of the universe obscurations earliest as of were for the matter of that, But even to be the jn a that ars schol- western a not standing notwith190-3, Vedas of Y did Veda Rigveda, V. the three intended never of the before." forgetthat scholars festations periodicalmani- of the doctrine all, compilationsfor purposes and " are, after (sacrifice), religioustreatises Upanishads are ; [ but doctrines only by do so or even books to prove by the disprove to Man in of and thence olden times activityand sushupti ideas times force his seeks he So and own to of Brahma's the phical philosofrom attributed trees to-day he extends body to the own the he is objectsabout Just so, cosmos. daily alternations body, j a and own and which the explain the universe his and of energy his In cosmos. rocks extended sleepof to of of the he to him. thought. naturally works that to tion crea- complicated or long previous course a and India and of Indian difficult so a- nothing accepted in earliest ages doctrine of in is there view 1m m theory periodicaldissolution of the conceptions of that the Therefore sentiments around him elucidate traditional savage animals conscious of ritualism manual constitution and the tion, that of medita- the thoughts just because was and pre-suppose earliest the out work is the own worked been ceremonial development. his evidence as the latter parts, belongs to as in and that the doctrine Nor paucity former the rituals. practiceof them, doctrine to any not It requiredto were msas the gious reli- the " merely a was to had thinkers. Veda portionof the Hence itself be treated by that the doctrine ancient at all in appear of references cannot of the whole they of allusion, way the absence these if can, ) and meditation Upasana( of manuals ] 45 g r a formulated activity(Kalpa) and t a and the sleep [ (pralaya). in this There is thought Here it must nothing speciallymodern should conception that of Hindu compel assign to to noted be ] 46 it that but with time its boundaries just as infinite space, with but words without the contrary, Hindu by a definite any " 1o k N the illimitable an West. is but limited tance, great dis- a Pur By until (life) the Immunity from reincarnation last." a the minds themselves divides K h a n and "Ja, The are and A former k h to the hence no Kala it is n long change mind, transcends " says:" we can human There are more. The into to as we Hindu forms of losophy phi- classes, and ous. continu- know it. The scarcely understand, experience. of states two d a, discrete alone, is time two the exist, when latter, duration, independent of change of as in). meaningless cannot (Time) a as sets it,into the state, called is related perceivingmind meant is life Indeed know we Time Pralaya. of as is a) v 1 p a; a " until Pralaya beings (i-e. t a derstands un- says ana, of all Time, them. of this k end destruction extend but are behind meaning r lokas es phras- they immortality (a m three space, Both realize to the is Eternity to Matsya it i t y a, philosophy invariably i t y a, up of a not thrown few and N word far apart. thrown freely used are On its bounds later age. a the usually translated eternal,means in the future,as is understood historian the Malt. Brahma, of states since Up. Kala it vi. 15. and [ and broken cemented but effective crude the parts, so round 48 together again (to without image) is there that ] sEther place" (Larmor, the a accuratelyfitting; residual a use strain and all Matter, pp. 26. 27). Western have Thus experimental and with extraordinary Scientists, mathematical skill, framed picture of Akaaa, ^Ether, modified to of light vibrations. Clerk basis the and proved light the ^Ethereal hence explained is us to matra smell,taste and ^Ether Hindu Most of as with electricity structure particular the as charged Maxwel that helps Rupatan- to But Western no yet started the question of what and if Are touch. they schools Aka"a, what are, say they that also strains in the kinds they tanmatras, are also of strains? are cations modifi- of roots sensation, only regarding them, as well as and not modification, of atoms. qualities Vai"eshikas the to light, be four different kinds Thus requiredto explain the Then there of strains in ^Etber roots is sound, four of these which would tions. sensa- Hindu losophy Phi- of quality or modification Aka"a. unstrained, unmodified, non-atomic conceives the strain as anc identical, be corresponds imagine what or rudimentary light. Scientist has be to electricity serve Modern of air. Science The vibrations as a explains idea Hindu there is a sound to is that modification be vibrations behind of A the air k""a, not ( an basis is are of sound. There this in !" ing human form and the modifications jform and |tions. hence the Science outside the after it impinges on , t sound light or helps him thence and i tion that the sensation this fact is by a , 1 concept of the mind of the of motion vibrations words i words (i.9.) talk of the any only idea thought, and is is but experience itself but responding ik a This 1 p a, is a a attach to to (inthe form corresponding to can a equallyunphilosophical of sensations. v itself is to vibration consciousness fact from fact,a a our from bodies we is consciousness Yoga S"tras]a without 4 of in the forms The of manufactured our of phenomenal representa- It phenomenal representation. to tion sensa- a conceive vibration absolutelyunphilosophical.For i how does, physicist the realityindependent a of of vibration. problem, To as sensa- external become nerve. the that assert |noumenon, as their properties,but investigate to to a body vibrations as equilibrated modes as Uni- -/Ethereal same pictures the sensations resist- or of the led to the insoluble has vibration a a s a i k a, v Outside perceivesthem man of the various This can in their S A t exist m a the sense-organs Western I causes T a the elements constitute Inside verse. of ^Ether. in body they exist five sensations the that idea this is the nothing inherently five different modifications jthe I atom, and of the kind that constitutes jimprobable " ) 49 of them conscious- ( Hindu is,as ness Philosophy points manifests "enlightener,what To is tion attribute to be conceived vibration manipulator of m into matter is the of in the language render the unconscious be him, but it is respond to, sensation, a is due " to process to combine in one same the "but very what falls would it can form of The it. on that " sound flux in- nervous varying only " Binet a artifice, symbol for classification in different " a to periods is,as an as how the even unifying synthesis value not enlighten, sensation their convenient theoretical of the word can vibration and lucidlypoints out, -a sense vibratorymovements, by their direction ation explan- itself,in the physical explanation of and light, heat, electricity " of sensation, unknown change when tion, vibra- a an impossible to imagine i. e.y m a e or order qualitiesof things process m o r ia having t e c h n the ica, letters for figures, which, by substituting helps to retain the latter in our s Such know man a u e ignorance and conceal to conscious, make otherwise worst d a molecules of Consciousness clarifythought. to a smell, etc. a metaphysics use sensation, a displacement taste, a into active agent, an i cannot mysteriouslychanges that a n harmonious a " h i c a It is not ] vibra- to activityto that which acting. as that unmanifest. be responding as of that out, illumines or otherwise of consciousness speak "ex would existence whose ) So minds. This does us not ( Si figuresare, in substitution which that -mean convenient Mind (The less of is not and in of terms is standpoint it visual and such theories muscular a motion as body sound theories is it each," length, and ( Ib. 4. p. the length of be reconstructed sound sound we ultimate held to may (n"da), be Hence fact and forms, though the the deduce to absolute all scientific of in terms auditory all of parent why terial ma- Hin$u the first manifestation the idea sensations it pitch of the Thus understand the yard wand, a even ) valid a us of as explain allows two invent to cords unmanifested. an measure to ired acqu- we it is the form; and the But applying our by imaginary ; for may events, and calls sensations To that that e. phical philoso- have to i. Hindu a listen to its sound their difference of From vibration,as a " of given by length as the as seem events. sound. instead might one a sound or, importance supreme ceivably con- motions, accident sensations muscular explain a and mere explainingother and visual physicistcan form, a reality a easilycapable of sound. in terms mystic does, of more the a 33).Motion p. more sensations explain all a is it is vantage" practical ad- a Brain^ the Otherwise phenomena has phenomenon, a of measurement. to fact, letters,but the five sensations,but than all ) underlies that are of vibration its all menal phenomodern absurd. European thought,is philosophically ( Moreover that to say is to attribute it is inside as what call may we are also is the but a sound, audition of are ; the of A compounded with (the essence of and n as a a d a or says, with the "the the on universe,is The a. the organ being sensation body of is not of pure, hearing,but hence the A Sabda" k a"a fore be- first be manifested vibrations of air. Jaimini's Mimdmsa still ing perceiv- both pure must or Thus mind. a in the external the hearer Hence world. nature, air, etc., and dhvani, commentator 13, in one that sense perceived object, the outside sound) reach it can constitute this k ft" and sensation in the or same only Akcisa unmixed, like the sation Sen- as AkftsaorSabdatanmatra, sound sensation." of the auditorium is it is- perceptibleby the of body known It is in specialmodification organ body world. the world inside sound the five elements the they inside the by their combination the five sensations objectsof the till it is unconscious outside exists the " least at subject,who conscious ", and know " said to But is outside same body. by the it is illuminated then the is explanation is the ciousness cons- that which mutabilityto Sensation intelligible. body affects vibration a Hindu The immutable. ) 52 atmosphere perception of sound, SAtras, r. which is removed conjunctionsand disjunctionsof vicht-taranga) issuing from air As interferes by the (undulations, the speaker's ( and thus sound mouth in the rendered world. misunderstood elements five sensations for the is not of ways and to of .'Ether five s e reason five or n to ib i1ia s modern to or count ac- thought. All //. bound opposed all as Hindu of five tanmatras modifications five or much so This ridiculed. hence of the existence view side in the out- as sense-organ tance subs- same the five elements, are and that the fact the These other the possibleby inside larly Simiperceptible." senses cognitionis becomes of the case exists ) 53 energy with up in the Universe consciousness ; is personal,i. e. though varying of degrees of intensity. Besides the great of the these the around Hence when infer that the world by called view That other any the than degree the mechanical dominates modern that all manifestation animals of is objects conditions. of the energy in nied accompais what world, and in or acting energy is not thought. The of the has been of consciousness of link altering shape energy view the knowledge manifestation by is positionor bodies some phenomena re-actingon their matter, manifestation first hand in observe we the Energy only have by changing us them. The expend we position,we on we from Energy. two, of which energy is unconscious and generalizationmade universe between energy consciousness is this oppositeview, the universe ( from proceeds conscious is the animistic explanation of schools of realityof abstraction from theory, like concept of much but cosmos, of world of is conscious is The of only cal mechanibeen space, has understanding inspired by the of the percept and abstraction mechanical the made has people forget not realityof a and Energy is the view Fire, A k " Ahamkara. This mighty armed, my the Universe wombs Prakriti, becomes is s a, Real Matter, and being prakriti or as BhagavadgitAy vii.4 " eightfold, is Earth, Buddhi Manas, is the lower Prakriti, ; Know and learn now, than higher living( Jfva ) and upheld. of all and of the Prakriti atomic that which as and Energy Being isolates Consciousness :-"My the idea the a a extraordinary growth this trio,Consciousness, object This Water, The the universe an regards Matter 6 is is us experience. view one theory science it Of in neither explanation of that assistance experience. modern by consciousness theory of d h i- a plausible, more experience. Euclid's the of energy by our all Indian theories lives, whereas our d h i d ai- a accepted by these invisible, or the certainly the unaccompanied energy a it exertion conscious concrete an is theory the the cosmos, philosophy.Of daivata for beings,visible theory of vata ) 54 beings." Another regards consciousness view and this, which by that these O two are isolates S a k t i,. ( intellectual The advancement animistic the among West the that of the races savage philosopher does true of racial superiority.The is but obsessed the Western savage determinism, conscious fixed mind of like surely The the listic idea- an Nature has to ed blight- prejudice conduct the of capricious irreducible be of nature, or body, takes The informing to power eternal mechanism depending placealways it either in the no the unerring to consciousness human body it fitful or make Laws of of Nature's The as But or animism name it does, the is an totemism amenable un- operationsis one similar theory that personalityof degrees underlies or Hence matter. unfortunate and it as ing accord- quite compatible with its being enlightenedby of the gods. conciousness kinds one prejudice against feelingthat man and accompanies the a fixed laws. to in to beings must conduct on that due that has laws. But does is, with impatience of materialism. animism against feelingsof civilisation but of modern canker the by the better intuitions than have is the flower estimate from ; and mind may for savages, of the materialism phase a the Hence not modern forms crude only philosophicaltheories animism attain to. can world. fit theory a value who man theory prevails in regards it as but ) 56 the gesting sug- tions. associavarious all operations of Nature ( is not at all crude. world of the admitting some assuming shared who presidingat the Asuras, the danger the of that thought lapsinginto intelligencebehind explanation but adds goes, behind nature of spark of "should us him his an say the the did not they " as it cannon with a were of so foresightof the time and the one God behind by a of walls of the compose the " instead establish if he making brought means, " that as of conqueror proper to particles touched impact, all obstacles this argument prince,the well interlaced this the a rapidity capable little particles, which abilitysurmounted uses it as account to the by been having for it in this way the far so if,in order caused was separate under to choose Leibniz of nature important placeby cannon, account how see of validity hard, solid body againstthe a of the 19 be in the place,while brass section would of fire expanded pushing In neglecttotallythe intelligence should powder nature that to for the capture historian thought, scientific Metaphysics he acknowledges the mechanical of the honour vigorously protestedagainstit. of his Gods, Materialism etc. Newton with birth of modern forgetfulnessof and others it. opposes Leibniz, a and God, personal beings,callingthem many perceived expounded it, and Personal one ers greatest think- the accepted Angels, Powers, Devas, alone of Many have ) 57 and (Jb. the how p. 35). ligence intel- nature, but it does 58 ( affect the not added This that motion molar thought which is Hindu with the Purusha and and matter is a iv t a The can a is that there If a from and is a union into of Purusha nature-powers from n a by tion concep- ness conscious- with it acts when energy r a started or This admit cannot the allied school starts P cosmos. the A. d h i- the the world. the Purusha. Prana motion not corollaryof explanation of halting visible outside becomes necessary Sahkhya start school thus mind. our notion, and one matter. itself as as and a charged power manifests Purusha d as of forms of ideas. of the acting on all the world n coming ber remem- help our into r a of energy physical phenomena outside power is intermediate must of to us bind to energy a as which We various philosophy regards P of Prana on by the desire we is conceived all forms energy formed the fundamental as which a, molecular. necessarilytrue not n realityindependent a deal to d conceives or concept a ces. intelligen- matter. picture of this is not It is supreme terriblyprimitivea so r and spirit science motion, not is P energy between as one it is said to be. conception as Western that subordinate many then, is Animism, 12. if to argument be intelligence ) The of that would Yoga and (Devas) that utmost activityin P Prana matter r a this allow when k j:i t i. exist behind ( all nature her animal All or the This the muscles nervous Science tried for mechanical motion the and P process r a n a, or p n e other. and is it u ru is s body ), by departure I (Pras. Up. VI. his as u or is r u with s a the being be the direct spoken symbol cause h of relation with of an as V a y depart (from the (in immaterial of motion, but or at the same shall Prana" ; Prana charged, as Purusha. himself in matter. air,for I ) tative. represen- of the something is not it emitted space, cannot u of What reflected/4 discrete, and of motion cause each state a unconscious consciousness above in empirical and is atomic is continuous, that is,not P spiritand shall He a between He (in it)? j-^) Matter it were, philosophy, establishing whom established remain Psychikon changing, always is immutable. from consciousness. Greek into reverses motion the to of form a mechanical them Western Philosophy of spirits, ever ha whose by as accompanied by brings objects. unsuccessfully years is intermediate Matter flux. P derives till energy Prana. energy corresponds category which matter, hundred an energy. outside on ; Eastern a, animal m u nervous nervous called nervous energy Prana, is acts is a explain to and energy has primarily of animals energy it leaves The is man a material im- ultimately be exerted by energy must energy origin. in ) 59 P move r a n a air is the best which time is the pure 60 ( The spirit. of as a beings. Being it matter time connects characteristics speak be as of their absurd philosophy connection of body in the doctrine is not discussed concern that their interaction will of This P r a Agama their European intermediate n is a developed literature and not It is not Dar"anas. specialpointsof view, them because with themselves is magnitude difficulties. such in the other by whose other each to mind. and with incompatible It the difficulties of the with of Universal out is at the matter Students and Upanishad fullyworked and linear that say familiar are category solves all This or whiteness. with mixed union It is consciousness. opposed to as of both. nature a n somebody. A t m " and less,like matter, and so are r a regarded conscious as accompanied by a bridge A t m " as to is Sakti a of the or more n category between partakes of capable r a not intermediate an same P fact and material is but the P of the Universe energy cosmic ) they advocate, and do immediately connected the the with Dar"anas discipline that refer not but to the theories not special mental trainingthey prescribe. 13. supreme The which binding The Law in the of physical and Law of Karma the manifested nature causation of is the mental Karma " the relation of is worlds. law supreme Universe " works. cause and under The effect is part of the physical and the matter bodies, free is alone " spiritthat has reached it, for Every by a visible, whose is called which of Karma every bodies on when is diately imme- not Adrishta, Apurva, is itself uhen manifests is process, English equivalent nearest energy," which consequence Law. immutable exerted force that self-realization, the physical or or this idea of the Law mental thought, desire, beings of spirit being fundamental from highest being independent free ". The followed the be be above is this. if it even All Law. Both evolved being cannot incarnated The this Prakrit?. the worlds mental under come possess of conception " potential suitable ditions con- arise. The " and the place exists and bodies), or painful) is tendency bound " atmosphere ( in ), and Kle"a human or lead to by subtle which S m a must thoughts, desires, and s k a r a influence deeds tions afflic- the root non-human (Yoga Samskara, a body, s. grief or evil" or itself ; and reproduce the as joy to Every experience is the (the long as resting experiences (pleasurable They . of modification " birth as their they originatein good as Sdt. ii. 12-14). a in their root life ( therein according a ) have ignorance, egoism, etc.); it fructifies (physicalworld) seen worlds ( subtle unseen in Karma of the experiences of which man every They the has course form the of his in the present. It is not 62 ( of one every minute every become S the the of his course is called that a d h e m c during h it stored in his ) which and The rise b d h the mental and Hence * oft called present act, every Brahma, Lord A r h a of the future. the life, stances circum- himself,the pleasuresand the thoughts and and of Karma* He, of Hindu sloka shows desires the actions that he pr"- reignssupreme in S n, the M three im a iv B Creator, those m use of Karma against which a as philosophyare rigid- the cause whom Buddhists the proof,as ' ' man's of atmopshere physicalworlds. quoted protested as Law his tive (augmenta- do, all depend upon to of the universal names . the his manifest are in the a him, all schools An of in his mind The a. him he finds will be constrained in of to agami as on course will reach will that as yet begun enrich to will react present pains that tis recesses Those ). act incarnation body goes in which have and incarnation inner not past mind man's to the an subtle , Karma the man's a begun (accumulated),while a conditions proper portionof can present thought,every present desire becomes every r a the influencinga have operate can experiencesduring an and a that s potentialenergy prarabdha(lit: themselves s a in yet lie deep within 1in g For That operative r a a when only present themselves. is k ms a of his life. kinetic that ) u a s d d h a, the N that s a worlds, give worship k us delight in a s as as use a scholars some S i v a, V as iy the a J Karma, may the fruits of our ik a of one a i n d e n- a skilled B a he, H tures scripa dciiret. r i, ( did not not at exist at all have of Karma So too, the germ of individual they the and of objectivity A does of two speak Ajanyatva of the kind anaditva, the only t y a a s, s in the second of this who those eternally damned, who will remain (75) Moksha results from the reachingMoksha " ' were and Kalpa " the of is the at is a mental This born. been (2) Pravaha of be the a flood, ' understood muk- Nitya Ramanuji the at the Meidhvas the end beginning the the are of this human goal of trainingof no Hindu Nityanarakikas " bound free the a fore be- and period to eternally free beings, of are of speculations about thus sense; have means, eternal. enternity, ought Nityatva, could always Being. Hindu All d i,for if a Br^hmanas beginninglessness explained. The (i) beginninglessness, i t v a, beginninglessness ad Absolute to The having never i t a, va frequentlyspeak of n a n cause mean kinds of no world- " A are Agra not rupa belongs only above This Kalpa present Anadi time very r a. g d A the other schools. a) too m course matter, whether of the being. Upanishads the books into bringthem " more. " t exist at any beginning the existed. causal Nescience spirits (ji v did not arisen to always Mulaprakriti, it be the non-existent or it could originated. Hence d i,has a n ) past point of time some been is A 64 mind event. those Kalpa. lifeand and hence ( 65 All human of course also by the laws minds a life them they causes set the going, their object of philosophy is The and bondage this escape have by that constitutes of the matter to bound, lead to uninterruptedby compulsory incarnations. is m u k t a, emancithis is transcended,man pated. When So long realise its nature the as spiritdoes long as material the which mind, So free. not Jife is but the life of material conscious identifies itself with and mind, it is its or the bodies. and to teach baddha, beings are karma, ) body the man's body according to act its not the and fixed laws, all life is bondage. What, then,is m which attain the nature s goal of from spirit perfectionto knowing and by obeying u for k t o m does a k s h a may of and psychiclife, bring his mind the man therefore is a process of Purusha Atma As has AnS In the the tmaV' nature same the The of training knowledge, a from the Sarnskrit Prakriti aphorism it, "JnAn"devatu kaivalyam," liberation 5 by physical conquers psychicalworld. process of "discrimination from foreign to, are utilizingits laws; in the tween be- freedom working. scientific the modern universe m of its the laws mind into man The the difference the consequent involution to of matter, the knowledge and spirit operationsof which life? human of recognition outside of,the real man, the h a, the state of freedom of the that k is the true unbroken constant o is 66 ( himself knows A immutable t be to " a, m the Lord him, for the Lord from and alone bodies not of of matter is the cessation tapa.) Pleasure B by his long subtle the and pain ceaseless about more but storm under or when him. of desires a. of forms the Life s a, tions interpretar a n a spirit,after himself to be other feels is pleasure no more a tossing the helplessmind long pilgrimage of the sway but the mind, he outside be to the ; body m h k h a, k 1 e u are pilgrimage,knows weary than Hence t of the flow of P d d h i of incidents u A phenomenal pain (d pain and and subtle bodies. in the of over discrimination the the unreal real being from man's away" runs eternal the the control has a he but of death over as when For body of death concomitant Another " his not nature true deathlessness. '' is tant concomi- necessary of man's realization spiritualbeing One alone. through knowledge of the ) man is over of something external self-ruled,self-determined,he reaches ; to no him, supreme peace. discussion This Hindu are of the however Dar"anas, practicallyagreed questions regarding constitution and the to among the of the cosmos, future evolution point the sects points of common out of any such brief,shows in regard constitution and of a other to all the that they all vital of man, the the lines of the past humanity. possible It is im- surprisingunanimity or religion, the schools Hence it the harm a peoples, cults will many has it years again nor have that its impaired all that show continue modern the at it to religion swayed has of impacts prevail philosophies bed the on in the will sands thou- of the diverse rock it, of have helped truth, future been Indian foreign only distant have Hindu many have but vitality, and ritual assailed times various rests the the distract the that lives the so of changes during undergone plexity com- that sects great of world. extraordinary of the nor the in nation the manifestations of to neither subdivisions inquirer, external at the other any that is of D of philosophy of and when forgotten. CHAPTER II. METAPHYSICS. Since VER between relations of nonmenon and different which feel and circumstances. which intuition opposing one " a have men aspects of conscious be is theories in which which one the " Brahma, latter theories are or two monistic. the ineffaceable which men under any the equally potent unity of all things, pulsatesin in have the world whether the man is declared the is conceived that " " by cosmos, as realitybe Nature. unintelligent rightlycalled beings. advocated individual of all directions two been factor Reality be thought,which of of the manifold of may followed abolished grown real permanent in has inspiredby other philosophy has thinkers other The to world hosts forms personal existence refuses the possible permanent these and of the life that oneness Hence two individualistic of continuous sense of the which first tendency is The the and the opposed tendencies called be may from modifications,he temporary about distinguishthe to forms passing phenomenal think to himself and him about began man monistic a These ; but the ( 69 dualism name scarcely but usually applied for accurate, least at they real many as human individuals, besides behind nature. Hence seems pluralistic or of these for Jn a a n the the latter of the men are Ribot. between If the will and loving of some of the these two ance preponder- the to affective ments ele- of 'will' or normal one-third Psych, of Emot.^ Sahkhyas of classes words and as is man intellect, have men Sankhya and yoga intellectual discipline,but the latter includes of humanity and as theism also what in nothing Karma yoga The former includes are Europe. the above to as these to do with used by Krishna only not Yoga understood The 390). page, Yogis given generally misunderstood. whereas of one geniusconsists of two-thirds intellect and 'will'(Schop. "Oti the Primacy of the Will. third The " calls them. appeals ; humanity be due to seems fit those yoga.* Universe, or difference men of man names action, the of of two-thirds Quot. by two Lord Yogis, the Self on life of This Schopenhauer one and representativeor the psychic life,of 'intellect' up tion designa- correct the of substances fit for Karma those and yoga Positivists. classes of are individualistic more abstraction, like the monistic the a Safikhyas " prefer a of service real name former, meditation To made the there as is two, Bhagavad Gtta,ii.3, divides in the classes two be former recognise, not Beings the to the to theories. Krishna, into ) of as the means Patanjali : the religion. ( Schools of that the former and thought images the latter. kinds of of Yoga In this : derived from schools earliest available later Indian as philosophy, have Sutras or and for will be made were ideas regarded absence them schools point of of their in for Karikas the commentaries they up the mixed been of days, the final as a to which the psychological of in thought up. as the of the six far as original ble, possi- as rule,avoided, a who mixed cause schools, partly be- Vedanta came spiritmade it be to truth,and partlybecause historical In of the Hence, quoted their discussed. be later thinkers the different the doctrines different the Sankhya propounded will be, by lowers fol- Upanishads the and expositionswill sharplydistinguishedlines Dars.anas their those schools succeeding chapters of these been indirectlymonistic. metaphysical, cosmological theories countries, have whereas directly or are concrete Vai"eshika, Nyaya, are the and in other vigorously upheld by which Agamas former, India, as individualistic are thought and In of Effort ; that to the attracts called ; those latter the disciplineof the to philosophical theories and expounded inclined are abstract and called,but only imply Philosophy,so Contemplation both ) 70 the impossible expound were accurately the ideas of widely divergent from their view. Metaphysics attempts to answer the question: " ( I. Veddnta. Section describe to X, exist. There "k 129. air no Then ( all )? Where, in whose the darkness? profound immortality. or day. That supported. above There it. There In the this. That which This is a the ( that which is to is called not and on all Sat and feet in every all sides,ears things in of night self- from or existed, all was in ness Nothing- meditation." Realityduring the 1a y a r a Now follows a . known) to you knowing Supreme not the Asat. everywhere. world. which am one It. It has It stands Devoid Jney Brahma. direction,eyes, heads, the of one propound be nor during the world-activity, the deathlessness, tastes darkness power the P " will not, breath, lay void wrapped periodof world-repose descriptionof the same "I was Undifferentiated descriptionof Kalpa. it water, nothing different developed by was Was without beginning darkness. enveloped differentiation no exist. not What above. Death was enveloped by one being ) did breathed one ( proto-matter ) did protection? was one spiritand what Ndsadifa Sdkta, Asat sky nor the Being, call we ( manifested Sat was what earliest The Supreme one of individual and well-known is the call matter Rig-Veda the underlies Reality that not is but there that is ParamBrahma. beings and attempt that of matter the world Reality behind we teaches Veddnta The ) 72 and hands mouths enveloping of all organs, it shines the functions the supporter with yet of all. yet enjoyer of Gunas. all beings. It far and of all This of It is to beings,their of Light jn a y all,and Gitd,yi\\\.12 world foundation. This the reached, primal P ancient energy is no u r u is not nor above, seer He, there is other has branch below, leaves (the its branches, sense-objects its is well of here not its nor roots grown dis-passionhaving trodden, which I follow cut ing hav- indeed streamed has that forth the 1-4). root of He, there other than Veda. of forth form of be to whence a no (Bhag. beginning, returns. than knower the of ( Ib.XV. is hearts stretch, the bonds Its weapon h s Darkness. in the knower the Asvattha A sat than no end, one " other men. path no It is the by consciousness" of strong down, then He seated its roots its supporter beyond upwards spread Beheld,nor the beings generator. it is the knows It It is it, indestructible,whose Downward the immovable. as be to by the Gunas, in the with said reached call and nurtured action and 17). "Root " ; who Downwards twigs. devourer is be they hymns are known is consciousness m is to Asvattha within and its subtleness. of be Lights, e Gunas, Indivisible,yet dwelling amidst near. if divided. as withal and account on Without It is without is movable is unknowable It is unattached, of all organs, matter) for is no other perceiver than He. In that " There hearer He, Akshara there ( ) 74 then,O Gargt,the A k a " a is woven^ (imperishable), like warp and woof" ( Brih. Up. IL viii.-n).He is Sat not Gargi,the minute, Brahmanas call A short,not not shadow, eyes, without P having A n a, not m n a outside,it or He time and causality(Desakalanimitta). has (Ib. II. what what " has been, beyond what meditated. whatever and matter wished, may I be After there it. Having Ty at ot spjice^ "This outside" or entered entered then Having and (Kath. Up. ii- in the it it,He Sat and unreality. whatsoever. That that its soul. all He this, entered (Being) and undefined, supported unsupported,consciousness this as emitted emitted it he became realityand sense I propagate. may meditated, he he is. is creator many, made, beyond shall be" (? Non-Being), defined all inside is not what beyond made, emitted He sume con- " if). This Supreme Being he sure, mea- not limitations later,no or ears /p). Beyond good, beyond evil,beyond v. is earlier no " a, it,"(Ib.III. consume the three a without s, does 8.} is above k A a viii. Brahma gross, not mouth, without without a, inside no r smell, without taste, or speech, without r a air,without thing,nothing does any h s dark, without not seed,without k That, verily,O " out long,not red, not fluid,with- attached, without not or being),for (manifested The is and sciousness, uncon- came Reality be- Truth, they say" (Tait. Up. II. 6\ Param Brahma, the one Reality is thus the ( Being underlying the with forms an He in the the worlds which of these of all those of of organ plays Unlike means of action. that of innumerable union of matter. without Enjoyer worlds. made, He beings and yet intended a as nishads. SQtras Mtmdmsa, These of the various Rishis have symbols be to maker all actions fruits of the manual attacks of the the to teach and Vedanta manual of the the Upa- by his Sutras words used how by the meditation Sutras do not philosophyso much exegesis. Incidentally, Badarayana other disciplines prevalentin his days,, Sdhkhya, the Vaiseshika,the Bauddha, philosophicalimplicationsto ussicn were of meditation, manuals Bhdgavata,the Pdsupata^ etc. revealed Badarayana and interpreted, practised.The primarilyconstitute a the of matter appliedto be being proposes is to be like Energy the as gans or- embodying exegesis, an latter Badarayana a is the Dispenser of the Seer the the Inspirerof is the of interpretation to principles as of well as is the/ without Actor He scious con- actions. TheVedanta how them, he source Universe. all shas puru- enjoyment, vision,the is the are of manifestations various to the lives due behind one is the immutable (consciousbeings).He purushas without matter, the unconscious behind one ) 75 Sruti which and is io to common be and opposed In reason. in their proves to the philosophical senIndia,solitary ( of tences the Uttara are that these that they former collections of various manual of the in the of Nor that Badarayana's ideas. thread. The phrases,or and sentences, were remind the " is what cated advo- of ances utter- India, and and the Sutras series of on which of disciples means predicated,is " ( Ved. of the connected at the hung were to commentators the Master. all referred I. iv. 75 of the Sutras; the this and Acharyas S utr as made the have itall but to the whatever hang wonderful in the case to subject treated the meaning themselves planations ex- les discip- to ; ); " of, e. On g. count ac" sentences of time the lectures (Ib. I. iv. /p). In course lost, the 'threads', alone remained, without pearls,lending or intended technica Sut. a singlewords, teachings of the a plete com- Sutra are of memoria sort an unmistakeably contain the word in latter,but the lectures of the Rishis to their connection From heterogeneous of meditation, are aphorisms,neither In many nor a a , they For Sutras and n , ancient ecstasy same. sense s a mystic experiences while embodying state a p such, but that the be to methods practisedin exegesisor U of manuals and It is time philosophicalworks. are recognisednot are are ) Upanishads or the S u t r a s of Mimdmsa embodying philosophical gine frequentlyquoted ; hence people ima- the doctrines 76 were the ingenuityof the liked the they on dialectic skill of of the V impossible for an e d a n unsecta- t a ( Badarayana on therefore V source unconscious a into S a t r " s a behind From SAt. is in to thus The of Golden various Blissful (in the Sun), Akshipurusha, person within person P the eye consists of mind referred material r a for (Ib.I. i. 12-19),HiranmayaPurusha, person of this Upanishads " also ality re- that Upasana (meditation)by A nandamaya, the personal names who ) conscious a explain the world, ; for it is cause then Sutras ness) conscious- of the cause ( the Cosmos referred is the to d. e the The purposes Then . Brahma. seeing (/.e. is not matter unscriptural" (V Being t n From attributed being Being. a enquiry connection. close d e al fundament- the etc. of this (Cosmos). From origin, being of the Scripture, That, again, from its the which the the about ambiguity no the positionof points. many is there Yet exactlythe opinionsof find out to investigator n ) 77 n a to (Ib.i.i.20), Manomaya, he (Ib. I. ii.1-8),etc.;this Being is in Upanishads by A k " s a (Ib. I. the substances (Ib.I. i.-23), J " t i s, o y light ( Ib. names i. 22), I. i. 24- 27 ), etc. of the world. cause to is -the Brahma This the be cause " with (Ib.I. iv. 14). Because (Ib.I. iv. 16). work) " He operative(N is declared as A k regard to the world He is also im i1 1 a) described a a a, is called the etc. ' (His material ( the world. of cause of its account material illustrative the and is formless. he the on missory pro" instances is without He " the most verily,that being also, cause conflict with being in not I. iv. 23). But form ) "The statements (Ib. 78 important. (He is) as consistingof Light (which manifests forms), being not devoid (of meaning)" (this discription) (Ib. III. "For ii. 14-15). used) comparisons such (Ib.III. ed, " ii. 18). a v But (the scripture) says. so according by propitiation, " and a n m u Vedas of " On on Him). feet. is so, for He not is described in indicative of (set u), boundary a designation of (Such (The ; as due to connection the called and than t u) a bank we (being spoken i), t (between difference of Him u e subserve the speak of his connection place,as of as other and in the shining in pervasive) (of only possibility between r s of all 8 a when statements particularplaces, though of only phrases only) mind light,etc. account is bank, thing higher some resemblance some difference)are of the there of the purposes case he phrases bank a of think of account four of means place,as (itis ; but and ded) apprehen- pratyaksha to Supreme, though account might He is (in the connection,and separation, measure, one (He (Ib. 1 1 1. ii.23;. a by limitations etc. n is the He the a etc." the sun, k t a, undifferentiat- a y (are reason very (images) of as is He this this and sort on of existences). ( but something intellect, not intellect is everything. has, and formless the not any moved, place or form, to that the of them. without motion and one is the stands ; but of all as is which from something itself" is,is God be, or be conceived. not the transient also of their not essence. to to us, nearest or we say do not it, but because in one modern to the all the III. ix. European V e d a n t a ing substance, consisteach expresses essentiality, necessarilyexists. can efficient cause itself uniform, ( Enn. infinite attributes,of which Whatsoever is by it, the " infinite nor still, things, we Taylor).Spinoza, among and tity, quanis When happens of which accident an metaphysicalposition. God, eternal a that nor permanency.,.. cause is fore, there- form, being prior to philosophersapproaches of That Neither, quality,nor a which subsisting in meantime being being generative soul, time rather possess Tranl. one in nor predicateanything rather as something we one that to form. intelligible the thing,nor again nor for But one. without intellect,nor nor in of the of prior but one, being (Sat); even of nature is it a certain it certain For the number among the form is not things,is a excellent. more one it is Nor it were, as For certain a that is not beings,but all ) So cause ; and without God of all only of is the God in-dwellingand things. the existence nothing God of is the things,but function finite, or Intellect,in in- 81 ( God of attribute of an is Extension translates suited know modern under the inexhaustible. have world and Sat), to of modes of be to in be to modes of thought that assume would ; for this aspects of or consists with "We thought. realityappears world right no of and sat of sum Our set this is the bounds Life and ... to phy, Philoso- 167). It is curious (1o that g ia to Jesus, but is pure which during with company phase of emerged. between 6 era, materialism Vedanta The from the in the when and from Sfitras the the tences sen- has traced Gospels, logia the Christian myticism in Christian found Vedanta Such the time research modern is not Vedanta. half-a-dozen of the one ) which eliminated carefully the nothing thinkingbeing. God, or God is an of being" (Spinoza^His infinite of and a attributes the associated extension p. is habits thought (A kind we God or attribute to and extension each God, an world the only God, attributes thing" (Ib. II. Props. 1,9). Pollock thus Spinoza's metaphysical positionin uage lang- extended But of the modifications and the (Ethics,I. Props. 11,15,18,25,30.) "Thought else." is comprehend must infinite, function ) were Gospels,possibly earlychurch parted 3rd and 4th centuries entered Christianity which also individual it has discuss souls and a not yet the tion rela- Supreme ( Brahma well as opposed to translated would of though the Supreme, difference Ramanuja for makes between character thus " : " "That by S m r Sutra the on is the S t r a r r mean be u the Supreme having as ) follows: His that S " being of of Him should the identical also is The this: " is proved teaching same devoid runs bered remem- on comments "Hosts of Veddnta of faults and auspiciousqualities ; so, Madhva r u it essential difference comments i. ; fold two- Madhva, to difference t of account Ramanuja Smritis". to for on as t i ) ; and u Smriti." treasure-house u can to of the Lord i declares without being the the ) place,no )."Sankara ( prove s t r u passages too, as, "Not According (in S it i from conveyed by is Brahma is described (S seen Brahma passages also Supreme; imperfectionin difference of for ; "Not as ) everywhere." Again, III. ii. 17 It is (in teaches the manifestations supposed ; this the to place, characteristics reads this out characteristics." be made )." everywhere ( He from two-fold belong is there any is,"Even and of (difference of) place ( Scripture everywhere placeeven Him account on Sankara characteristics without between Acharyas have "Not run, of account twofold relation different everywhere, verily" on ) yielddifferent meanings absolutely each other. Thus, III. ii. n, literally Sutras these the as the But matter. 82 t i shows makes that out this perfectbliss form is the of famous that comments ( That refers to ( S thou nuja explains refers Him to of hosts is the of all is his Ji a v Brahma ) In the "S m A a t Thou a m a, are his t a not 1 1 v that.* a and the mine a same J!va a the inner "the ment state- individual soul being nature Sfit.,II. ii.29). called Vishnu NavakritobhyAsa, by proposing a s This ) p. 35. ma qualitiesof Brah- are m ' that * tions, imperfec- of essential knot ' 16.) Rama- of passage, Prakaranas^ section a- thou refers to the forms Ved. on Gordian A * world, mode his ; which his 1 1 v a word the ' thou this to (Bhdshya Nirnaya, cuts of ( between is due of one Tattva " vi. The " the on knowledge, bliss,etc. T ( VedArthasamgraha^ ." s remarks ( also ) ' by of non-difference and Up. " : cause in body, own Madhva ' in 'Tattvamasi' Chh. on change, and of controller Sahkara as. without auspiciousqualities, specialised Brahma si," has been identity of the Self follows as who without who it "Tat taught that By the (Com. Being" ry a sentence it is ) m a the Being he) directly teaches Sat, Pure h c In art t, real a " ttva A that shows Upanishads^ the of the ri ti m intelligence. Again Ta it says, on i' s a of Atm" Sa S of consists battle-ground the and sentence Satyam m Lord form Lord's the the to i," "He is the is the reductis dhva Maread A t - ad , absurdum of the favourite Hindu method of 84 ( ideas from deriving new intended to like "t abound the in be verified id y not to made least The a Rishis intuitions reached of ecstatic communion be Vedas, and later tries to realized an which contain the represent of load spoke of during the Him, is the made of mind the sophical philo- Brahma rare ments mo- arrived the at of storms less contradictory in the of human must ; matter, human expression of of of argumentation. final sections itself what by transcending the organ a " all mental Upanishads" the to expound being scattered the the out heavy with of the Real especiallyin called facts tion medita- wrenched activityand reaching a plane above human or passions. By the more statements the treated, as steady attempts at keeping down Vedas were to of the foundation built with structure after i" s Upaniskads^ methods be to texts as and their context but a as s, methods a at especiallytheir more done, the m in the by following the and Acharyas, have a v mystic contemplation ; prescribed,and from 1 1 psychological facts, are engaged ers a during the practiceof V meditation, which one Upaniskads spoke the give pointedexpressionto experiences to reached They old texts. Sentences Up^sakas. of of R i s h is The ) human mind ever mind the be being language, mind, can only expressionsdescriptiveof objective material categories. To attempt to describe in 85 ( "such language is not conscious lead phrases. did not what is not being as the to alone are of use the unlimited, to mind) which atmosphere Acharyas of the as a construct a mind. region of It is above in the could logic that for what the mind later age above theory. Logical self-consistent built by of mind to the systems of the laws of the mind is above lead to must regions of relativity, squabbles an The reach. anxious were it mind in soars ever cannot to is what the of the by out-going the Absolute, which all intuition, speech is formed profitlesslogic-chopping,as sectarian of symbols extension An and describe to attempt apply only consistencycan the from spoke in forms which that the sarily neces- contradictoryideas we imprison i k a, activityof all to it,must what contradictory statements possiblewhen indescribable,to limit t know men further and realise the difficulties that cold against a mind, R i s h i s, who The raise (p r ) has done in the subdivisions minor of Vedanta. The Stitras among namely Sahkara, imposed on consistent called of principalcommentators them differences have Ramanuja and three Their among Veddnta founded sects, Midhva, have widely different,but philosophicaland Advaita, Dvaita. that those the systems disciplinary and Visisht^dvaita followers these self- have three,and accentuated minimised the their 86 ( of points line of of the S ri k a a r these of the out the originalsects three the in heart of the of in apprehends who knowledge (i.e. rise of positionof of the A t the realize the nature to " one from starts a Self manifested in the his Supreme) is released and from the mind, there all relativity, such a is One unmanifested, Hence of state the to living the individual in the second no the the shoot matter more is the world within Self. appears seed." the only phenomenal Self, J and world) Brahma his indicate iv a t a s h y view on a istence ex- (the a m The matter. to his B h '* consciousness One followingquotations from Sutras of realization duality,no that allows of the adjuncts of exaltation "like Sankara and a, the m moment Self and more no who- one individual, moment bounding is the the (DakshindmfirtiStotrai}.When self mentators comoriginal, but Ved^nta. attempts In sects- briefly indicate shall divergenceof the on Vedantic theories other We Sutras. main Later, formed have same carried thus tillthe modern movement hopelesslydivided. are of and agreement, sectarian ) on the these questions. " in the kinds of We meet Sruti, of name this,devoid with two one) and of forms of Brahma conditioned by (described the different form, and (theother)the opposite all conditions whatsoever. Thus 88 ( the and described as Its nature other the phenomenal universe. (M ay a? a power l"vara,Prakriti, as and of by nescience, just as This the k t i) inside space of the is space those who universe called are fianatmas the as phenomenal on of organs on his very are the and form, the space limitation From the activities noumenon Ruler, on of nescience. the subsist in the ruled, the Self, cleared 11.1.14)."In the of in and dition con- the standpoint (involved)in omniscient, etc., of adjuncts by right knowledge (Vidya)." Ved. Sut. self, (bodiesthat are) the aggregates depend of the nature the capable of i^vara'sLordship, omniscience, omnipotence cannot Sovereign of produced by name nescience,resembling in this of the jar,the standpoint of action, jar;hence a it becomes souls), Jlvas, (individual Vij- but who being the he is the knowledge"),who a inside space the upon (before etc. (lit. knowing selves, those depend and form, produced dependent perception and based Sruti from pot, etc.). From a working wonder- of the omniscient and name conditioningobjects,jars,pots, differentiated of f$varais other than those Thus f$varais dependent form) the conditions upon the germs is of of nature constiute learn we omniscient The (name two name are a, the as or That, which than any Smriti. r a produced by nescience, incapable form, being f"v omniscient of the soul very ) supreme all limiting (Com. on Brahma, ( there is unreal. or theconcept of S) of " which m for once of unity all life. ; sometimes (Bhdshya it is Prakriti is , to death guarded I. iv. by 3). started was quotations,and Avidya (ignorance) being dualitywhere a which read shads. the non-existent be noticed a any and schools touch with Mahesvara protested againstthe notion of dangerous, an as the Hindu Vedanta Schools later of content into " in on more unity; but devoid is of the imaginary cause masquerades other and himself He the fatal, but doctrine " that by Sahkara is but phrases that this All that have "S a k t theory to insist seems un- ed perceiv- by metaphysicians,created Maya non-entity and there have, with handled The might as k t a, a " y a, illusion his later followers. the above facilitywith M leased, re- absolute be unreal, the in his statements, Advaitis as the a, the it cannot of spoken Maya, simulating reality done realization of creation SAt. Ved. on k t u i d y a, v knowledge It is also called A vy before manifested,for A i d y a, for the M secures all,the V creator. a is called nescience, for it is destroyedby of the A t but Isvara, become cannot of the world state '(pragavas- the on second no sitates i"varaneces- concept causal Tore-state a Isvara which causal This The world, dependent the without excludes duality; this concept no being, real t h ) 89 are into entity, Upanithought Vaishnava, have of the world always being an ( ) 90 unreal non-entity, as it is based Among that European scholars,Colebrooke was always used in the M^ya wonder-working for Maya invented that their as it va their critical to read attempt into the Indian most to ad means ait v too, in its later for P a facultyto the Advaitls, Sankara use fi t i k was It is curious should have so obscured be by Vedanta M the for the the Advaita the modern ; the r a School. a Upanishads. To ancient early (and and Lord, Deussen, clay, our familiaritywith to as A d Gough and, in far allowed the non-entity or the by of power firstnoticed BhagavadGitd genuine) Upanishads and of the real Brahma.. on a y a doctrine scholars these word Vedanta teaching and that, developments,identical with that,of the Upanishads. They forget that Sahkara, though a great philosopher,claims to be but a and that he did a commentator, Bhashyakara, not profess,as even the Sutras If Sankara it a is but of with previous any criticize to to professes, in accordance quotes line of new Ramanuja him he ; pound ex- tradition. commentator boldly starts the logicalnecessities thought following his stand point and difficulties that aside any brushes might obstruct tual tex- All him. system-builders that base their philosophical sysstem on ancient inspiredtexts suit their purposes than self-reliantly ; but have Sankara the other to twist them does Acharyaswho this to more support ( their ) 91 interpretations by quotationsfrom of doubtful A d v it a a is said and the base of all to them ik r a s reached after who {Com. of what manuja, and, and followers of question to of the " the of is as a India, where day long,but Ramanuja v treat degeneration it,not lead the controverts positions of most the the of who " (Ib. Ra- than A d their all as a tion ques- not as This exegesis. people is h t i r disillusioned curious, of iii.16). i t ad a questionof argument, find we superior" the At met critics later more but discipline, fearful A d the us, exponents, too, fact,but that realize to all their Whereas iii.1 8;. unity is "vision Mdndtikya Kdrikd, on ) oneness the on the s. of consciousness" "datum whose able again speaks (vision of of realization a undergoing a specialdiscipline. those are exists alone doctrine experience,a defines those their k t a ecstacy of contemplation. It is the fact of a Advaita fact of S of them both were whole life in Sahkara be, to fundamental all a Mdndfikya Upanishad. It is noteworthy kara Sanas Gauglapada and his disciple's disciple, that led his K the on He by Gauda- firstpropounded was pada, a generation before Sankara, in as chieflyon relies for this purpose. argument The Sankara authority. other books v talk a it a has in a monism selfish life imaginable. fundamental Advaita. taphysical me- (i) He ( does could be because He allow not that non-differentiated a established by Brahma that the free from one's any substance consciousness, always impliesdifference. (2) consciousness holds ) 92 S i does t r u difference all (n i r Brahma). To theory delightsin pilingadjectiveon he describing the of the his accentuate divine and non-sentient from all hostile being all to evil,and of auspiciousness, boundless Brahma, y a words various n like the For a Sat, theory be so reality supreme he different one with etc. all in the Love individual nite infi- argues as to p. of Lord, N the can become the such the a y " accepted thods me- Nescience cause perfectBeing souls. Supreme Deity He allows for the man act on of creation, come be- cannot ignorance; hence, according due not to Maya, are relativity of the r a- also (3).He n.) beginningless M a a a ( Ramanuja's proved by that sence, Es- Vedanta prey to creation and of Light, Supreme known a, proof. (4).Nor of of sentient account Purusha" (Nescience)cannot etc. m Saingraha, that and on , Vedartha holds t Exellent a cause of hosts Supreme A Supreme by a lovely qualities, A t m a, unsurpassable, Universal and Supreme being h this one nature a Himself, than s e dissolution the universe objects,of things other i" a adjective "The attributes. Sarnsaraof v opposition to evolution, maintenance, release from teach also not and him, to but to other validityof the ( realization of Unity (Advaitanubhava) Gautfapcidaand ecstatic Saiikara, but consciousness of the Self the (Prakriti by and (a matter views el and Brahmana and beings) than their a) form 1a y Param like A the denoted having r a from their in a n a, that Supreme cause, at is the truth all times for his " by body Chit His individual the lowing: fol- Antaryami and unconscious (during state causal the Soul is ar A am B c because h i t. r V L other not Brahma all words and From is world the P it Brahma, (Chhand. Up. etc. a (during state of Param is their b h them. viii. 3-23), etc., that subtle body the and to the He (chit) from gathered effected is known this souls (conscious Brahma it etc.), Now be gross in attributes. Supreme proved chit and by this Brahma that yet different from can is A in Kalpa) i. 4. teaches (Brih. Up. III. Chit words he the individual matter of intuition loving meditation (bhakti, upclsana). relation of the "It " and ter mat- A the is characterized h i t] and c the of m r a of of ccnstant hence is the Self of both P that limitations this attributes Savis.esha, At but ciousness cons- regards metaphysical questions from standpoint is this the not Brahma, the than Brahma He that Viyuktatmadar"ana). his divine on of explains unity is from higher experience Param of Supreme apart as ) 93 ah that m a. is of His ( Sometimes His ) r a 1a y possession(of these) of body from and Chit it is which in (during p 94 Him. A is Brahma This as of Ved. SAt.II.i. al p a to relation Him an goal stream was an the of the of the Hindus A during P period of a d v the vy r a k t a, indistingu a 1 a y a, but manifestation the ; it Ramanuja a. body. His all humanity sect, marked in the qualities, by glaringwhite and and like a all nature to-day have off from a preached excellent followers the undergone loving thoughts uninterupted whom but Him, that noticed as not disposable. has bad is cious cons- Seshis.eshabha.va, as a Reality unconscious the A unimaginably oil,of exclusive on , bodies, Him in the Chit, h it c Disposer and of Isvara the A Visish^advaita of treated (Sri Bhdshya and his are degeneration quite case a is the effected This Ramanuja, to in the of the The h i t attains c distinguishable from onlyVyakta, related him. souls,and from K A (during capable of being Brahma Supreme of matter, during State, 15). individual forms it is according the one, times and (Karyavastha) Thus the causal condition other Chit from something apart condition Subtle a in the At which in state gross body own incapableof being designated apart a) the body 1p a His as h i t attains c (Karan"vastha). K a) notwithstanding the red marks become rest cover- of ( be questions,it must and Ramanuja's Stitras ddnta widely from former two, Ved. deal they these. Sut. Madhva's But and and a therein lines, that k t were untramelled h y they wanted form Madhva's the individual i v a, could can Ved. on for Souls. is full,the The group is sought : to Since be such made. original plainlyhow Sutras the having commentators, make whatever out certainlyseparate ( from Kausika Sruti from the Supreme of soul)is knowledge and of individual is inconceivable. Him souls is not release from obtained). Hence the essential The argues, multitudes individual eternallyfree,from (is be can his gathered from Stitras,II. iii.28,29." The soul is different supreme of their study be , Lord), By the Sutras. views Bhashya the Ma- to doctrine. a strikes a is visible most and with the Ramanuja's Bhashyas, the Bhashyakaras, lost, become deal according a of interpretations traditional according to divergences s doctrines interpretations comparative a B h special Thus S Ve- the of points, except II. 42-45 the Sahkara's that out Madhva's with points common is their by Sutra, Sutra He places Sankara's comparing the most doctrine, but Bhagavata J in agree differ dhva pointed conflict. into come ) interpretations sundry in when 96 nature bliss he is (of the (which are He full, dage bonto be dual indivi- also) ( ) 97 the the individual soul is qualitiesof Brahma, Brahma spoken of as not different from Him. is spoken of as the A t m a of all (theuniverse)in the All text. because SUt. this is indeed all qualities belong II. iii.7, he quotes the Samhitd : "The " is s h a, is of He v the it a a 1 1 a v " is of how from is his their thirst to be make) a one statement 7 insult to Tatvaviledged acknow- exempt excellence. (between the individual) is ascertained. the Jlva, from different served by another king an Lord is different On attendant with that the from the excellent (the who him, account Supreme preme SuThe as He service. former) is the object of his a very dependent; endless inference, too, difference to be little Chapter V in the Vishnu, the From Lord show they consider imperfectionsand Supreme is of protest against the from and divisible In- e. limited) (/'. fold,independent and Independent h a, Being bliss,eternal,of stated "As : Brihat- i, Puru- is divided what s (ultimate substance) is a to be two The r u Ved. is immutable. Supreme doctrine which High most veka, T divided are Madhvas, vigorouslythe d u Prakrit Sangraha Sariadarsana A P followingquotation from The power". Under followingfrom Supreme, Hari, attributes ; eternal him". to Vishnu. three Time, these undivided, (Chh. III. 14.1) One, Supreme called That of Brahma' Lord is as of (they attributes of 98 ( Vishnu cutting of their of l"vara,and I"vara,a difference difference real and would beings in end an imagined, for illusorily it would but cease; if it it jiva each from and rivers like water, and the and the ' other Startingfrom a n ta system have been attempts displayingthe The S"tras and is beginning it a ; is it nor As the bird and the different trees, like the string water and robbed, like salt man ". three these theories, all numerous d This objects (that he sees),so are the J 1 v a Isvara different, eternally differentiated each from robber the ference dif- others, this ceases like fresh the seas, a imagined merely, Mahopanishad says, 'Like a (tied to it),like the juices of the others, and end no were never and universe.' the it has ; but Jlva and from and on The matter each s if it had beginningless; have a fine a darkness) between J 1v fivefold difference is the utter the entering their between matter material of in difference of between gain to Vishnu difference a resembles offending grand revelation, 'A a of (Hell Andhamtamas account result will it since this desire in the the tongue ; plantain aud mirage like are ) to keenest Bhdshyas so evolved and a later self-consistent Vrittis amount V expounders. logicaland far diicovered standpoints callingthemselves by be different e- Each whole, exegetical skill. the on to over Veddnta 30 and ( commentaries the each of the as and been popular in they other and been have to the metaphysical theories. The the really existent influenced Purushas but the of them. Nyaya Nyaya and Vedanta. teaching of t"vara, Jivas Vedanta dvaita is Dvaita The as attempts accepts a it i on are count ac- also a, did understand criticisms between the specific differences among grafts them possible. The find adds philosophy his by and and Jainism compromise a matter as r exist correctly absolute and to k r a to ideas but A chary other It the far P and is evidenced positionas and action of the Advaita evolution like every though Sankara not always clearly and their of nor Buddhism nescience. Advaita matter, imagined are ceived con- Vedanta specificSarikhya to are cause be- Vedanta the the It accepts they originally between between These partly compromises neither of minute and India experience belonging only that so interests. immutability of spirit and the endow partlybecause modern compromise a Sankhya. of noticed of much that individualityare seem as difference modern ings teach- the it be would of apart from have three originaldoctrines. summarize nor ; points with much so the to hundreds into run possibleto schools school each is be not these interest so them on giving a slighttwist It would ) 99 on VisishtA- meeting point for the of monism the of of not can of form up takes vast a old in this in theism the and realism the of mass place the other sects them they of schools elavating the have him have the innumerable India and deprive place of argument and ry bigotabuse inspiration. raised a them jumbled experience, of man which in been meditation, place consoling to In psychological of They country. literature profitless place takes of this confusion. modern power in lopments deve- later the pursue Vedanta inextricable divide book philosophical takes its and S^hkhya alism individu- and Nyaya. We the evolution the VedAnta, in peace. of Among sects that of philosophy his troubles and The P Sahkhya u r u h s and a subject and for Egoity ' ' I is has attained K from distinction the a of s whether he is man, he be immutable, He o k t of of is neither antecedent nor r it of p the established objects of the by by and k r it i nor the universe u p r the G r a u n ik state other k a r s, existence of a the exist it i; the xi). the ing changknower following proofs, (i) apparently are enjoy er i t i,neither of a forms, the r h a, of or from P of sh ru- s u pain (Sdfi. Kdr. v consequent of attributes purushas, object (Ib. iii). The is a v objective, phenomenal pleasure r a e His a) of those affected not D u p different and Universe. other from a) a absolute all the each a man Purusha This of of devoid is underlying the (v i p separate and not-I. body ment instru- the aloneness, it i dinary or- notion the on when only r I and in the Seer k a the consciousness pure 1 y a, Ego, the in the of the Seer universe, for the of conscious (b h of r independent reverse is P a noumenon purushas the iv a matter, and involved mto fe(its"/fe~ not matter reached is separation not of The cognition. Purusha is is Purusha function a " i, spirit and it r the reflection the the k r a consciousness is but of P contracted sharpry object. human of and uriivferse this analyses independent two Sahkhya. II. A. Section not The for ( their but for another's own with. matter ) 102 thfee:g -pvur u tetiefe of n u a s n u g (3) s. a Man cojuror his body. (4) Man the/vpQWe}r!:tb 'powVr seek 'enjoyment'. (5) Man of k i a 1y a v a the " separated from seer, Hence the with contact the purushais has has the impelled is when state exis- the pre-supposes srh'a without of existence (2) The use. he is the to pure objects(Ib.xvii). inactive solitary, ness wit- of the operationsof Nature, bystander, spectator, he passive (Ib. xix). Being immutable does p change not k r a it r buddhi, matter, of appearance of all source are (buddhi, the three different the it is the g g u n because s are of a s These are r u that are the Sahkhya be described of individualism. Prakriti, is of two the other, latter (v y a a school the other forms, one effected and k t a),is an the to simultaneous, and from the causal,and effect (v y in teaches each rest, it may constituent discrete a the and purushas. many h purushas livingeternallyseparate as s distributed differently men(/"5,xviii). As existence n u severally allotted activities a u the assume birth,death etc.)are individuals,their they like of insentient the inactive p activity(Ib. xx). in number, many organs though forms with etc., sentiency and active appears his union i, but by forms phenomenal into best of the universe homogeneous a k t a.) The (hetu mat), inconstant, unpervading,i. e. bounded, mutable, multitudinous. ( The expanse. but Such remains. Fiat have it is as Lux coeval been of, it with obtrusive to delicate absorb, (apparently)no find this things we embodies the potenciesof of source light; itself the what eludes and the intensely intercourse ether aid ; its these unfelt, it is the vehicle it be than pensable indis- is the tion contradic- A moral more negativeattributes that nently perma- what them." Besides is ences influ- ; cosmic perennial likelyto actual a the mobile; solidity ; unseen, is It is,perhaps,in ; only through senses to in it ; the substance of the the of work. world's it ; universal points gross quintessence non-phenomenal, it has surface the originator of phenomena. in terms, effect in no pervades, yet below rooted means be exerted can it is the by in has primum are is latent matter negative qualities perceptibly arrest, motion the true matter maintained of all energiesof real sense, very Its semi-fabulous unobtrusivelydoing ed account- displacementsof Looking, however, matter. of in the or notice, while not it must Nothing it is baffling. It light; share when beginning common scrutiny. scatter or its ; manner ; it does motion impeding of and numerous are transitory, inconceivably ether that of time. the to evasive is is to-day,it already was spoken was everythingaccording be of the heavens glory impalpable, invisible the the ) 104 Pradhana strikes ( orMdlaprakfiti which are evolved it unconscious, immutable (or n (Ib.xi). a , in all -substratum an ; {Ib.xv). of their are This than themselves called Gu n of the Lai. Sahas. They are its a Laws of G u n a s qualitiesof they ; but as s, qualities, is (4) whole object one Gun three substance some ; so operates by The " the (5) ; only in them matter . common discrete cause discret in- an properties acts of as other substances, yet are they the are sories acces- (Bhaskararaya. Com. Purusha" 604). three strands differentiates itself when disturbed. menal phenofollowing out forms noumenon three not the common cause multitudinous of the three means carved (2) certain effect is different from of Pra- behind noumenon obfectsthus indicatinga the energy universe this Mulaprakriti (3) objects remain ; and pain of existence all to common pleasureand being as something found Gunas, can (i) these objectsbeing discrete, ; be conceived long as the three by objects,is proved by considerations are The forms phenomenal chief principle) or (lit., material only to of matter), this root the objective, insensible Purushas, a it and to positive attributes some it. It is affected from is d h has common ) 105 Their of motion into which its homogeneity manifestations in the primal matter as characteristics in the world of mind so-called the physical world, and is first as as mental feeling- I. Chap moral the in tones " They In " specificqualities." the G term insubstantial u n a ever, howqualities, is not be regarded by faculties." (Wilson's Com. the in knowers of which resides with the Ath. Sam, " of three into Possibly P f it h v Tamas, a idea Rajas, name V later times a it philosophy is spirit(Yaks is repeated second divided into regions D y u, and sky. the and tripletof into the probable by of the G u n a the is also- s In region, Antariksha. is Raj a s a region and of preponderance and preponderance in gold,ofthree spokes, a, the middle fourth ha) gates, invested verse developed inAntariksh a to sphere earth, there is the viii. 4.3. "The d i c age e 1 there in references is rendered of is shrouded sudden a nine of middle the s the latter half is changed of the , a Antariksha, the preponderance sky, with a) made was triplet This fact that is s n u X. intermediate the this Gunas. the o supports".The earth, G This three, Prithvi, the xii).The that lotus Gunas." (K Kdr. Saakhya X. ii.32, but the in the sheath San. only know in the three of Samhitd. Brahma substance a medium on The of age Atharva in all appears the to on as an as the the three philosophy. previous found It to through theory of obscurity. Sahkhya soul of attribute,but accidental not speaking discernible originof and things (dravyani) are in described been have sphere in the of a S there region a 1 1 fourth the Dyu, v a G In . u n a ( worked was and Pur the ; in sky region s a 1 1 a v different of proportions.T condition of darkness. of regionsare mixture a " Raj the a is s a m a is These two and P k each other. the r a to it all P r u is matter h 1 1 is a v of which and began Vedas. "The impure, because it h a to of the substratum is Purusha and his not nature a as analysis of intellectual all that is contributed realizinghis reached K mode a this by rejectingthe revealed s , an Sahkhya u independent understand thus r u between consciousness can P common for the s a putting away The it a out common no s only by aloneness. because u He life and by radiance S Sahkhya, nothing be can Purusha hence absolutely opposed Purusha phenomenon. man's is immutable pure the mental the three funda- threads the thus are There underlying the it i There rest. are in s a n woven. Each two. u exhausted, or white categoriesof r G colour, the coloured and ; mination illu- means literally s illumination, brightness.These blue, red absent are regions,obscuration, cloudy the universe s a three the choked being n by knowledge, whereas characterized by M i s r a- accompanied three u the beyond was isSuddhasattva, of them, there the lower G three the region Agamas the in described This anas. this instead and out ) 107 a 1y a , conclusion ritual (of requiresanimal iv of the salvation]is while sacrifices, io8 V its rewards excess." also and In this like not each path experience; own diminution Sahkhya intellectual the experience his susceptibleof are (Ib.ii). The by ) its proves analysis of man by egesis. ex- with only start can clusions con- human Veddnta the and and startingtherefrom, he denudes it from experience sensation,perception, egotism, his and of all that volition,all knows finally himself when there is when he is M in other end an k t u words The that he school of Most developed before the to be XIV Samdsa an ancient index of Krishna's contributed,and J n a, work knower, K is a iv of rise in of have Sahkhya that Max strikes us not it Miiller as it Buddha. D., though which entity, impenetrable them, composed Hence aloneness. the admit now age we 1 y a, a wrapped the separate a was The has been earlier than probably phrases belonging to lost. The KapilaSfitras,now SAtras strips ignorance and pain. the as He and earlier much of century, A. words the pure he remains a work a be to scholars Sfitras proved has to thought obscurity. Kapila matter reaches history himself. not is,' a tains con- very Tattva regarded being a rather as late S 0 t r a work. t"vara pre-existing Sdhkhya Kdrikd composed probably in some the age immediately precedingthe beginning of the Christian Era, is the earliest exposition of the Sahkhya that we have. Karika, means the versified ( form of ) 109 Paiichasikha, an pre-existingSutra. a teacher earlySankhya commentaries Sdtras yoga on in his quoted by Vyasa is is He II. 13. quoted in the Sahkhyasdra * by Bhava Gane"a Dikshit, a discipleof Vijnana Bhikshu. also All this but yet Buddha and modern so centuries some do thinker, of The Jupiter. is definite views S r a a s a m on and Gun the three the Sankhya, characterizes which the a of the the of nature intervened the with in the later V Ms. work is a psychology. between and of thinkers Sankhya finished fluid e of to me by a head it, hesitancy holds It nature of functions of and were finished How of and of Govinda ly scarce- metaphysics centuries many state the early Upani- the d i c age Mr. of thePurusha, which crystallinepolish loaned in know we Karma, the the to The shads. "A from questions,the many of head materialityof Antahkarana, known meet ancient so evolvingsystem. an as, Gautama the as mark no unrealityof bondage, most and system, Minerva product with final a of straight from finished the as birth exists now have must taken spirit, developed.Philosophicalsystems start not it the in be to lost ; now in the form This Mahavira. and birth out is doubting that preceded the that age for room no worked was the in is there system literature early Sankhya thought the the Dds of we nation co-ordi- Sankhya, Benares. ( what has which alone " sympathetic centuries of Whether ancient helped " virtues "occult and problem at we may could have not commanding equally by curious system after its Veddnta Stitras make a it in axiom their outside that effects causes. these But man, of however Garbe thinks of Anirud- definite The attempt II. ii. of i-io). its to The teachings. beginning opposed Satk^yav^da, pre-existin schools, the Of Sankhya promulgation. the very is reason, fact is the fate of the some principleof revealed The Prof. and from Vaiseshikas its fundamental the i. 1-2 controverted Buddhists The {Stit. II. one to solution, his translation Sahkhya oppose on defies genius, as (vide Introduction to dha's Com?nentary}. Another of sure. evolved been elapsed. movement its stand be many quick, what as trammels present so have Sankhya ancient pellucid etc., moved thought which thing one modern energy, gain independence of the scripturesand boldlytake a qualities" and the of of out the schoolmen quick-moving thought the on evolved one Between of conceptions scientific the say ? can literature intervening how doctrine their with the show can other, who the of become ) "0 a soon Samkhya potentialform especially and came to regarded as a revelation and absorbed bodily welded firmlyinto later Indian thought. be and unceasing succession they called are of in P these r u h s hence a sees is he the of the ceaseless it (Svarupa) I. " 2-3). D 1a (S 1 and rest of r is y the (and exists) for cf the Sfitra T and Rajas of enjoyment The r a k m a and Schools. " Sahkhyas. though ciousness), K i y a, S t h i t i r , for r i" y to r a y is called a k t a, s h t a, the Seen) of the On is the and of this into the possessor the Thus we that the v a ,. led it is calof the (who the objects, has reached the and nature II. 20-23.) Seer is then evolves ed apprehend- ignorance is of the is for a Seer tion), muta- of possessed."(Ib when that,except any the Seer attain they the Seen inmmutability see him conjunction and possessed. But real 1 1 Alinga as of conjunction(of cause possessor account as besides The Kaivalya.) a vision, (con- mere devoid (i.e., pure others S a immediately perceives images common organs It is the Pradh^na D The lities qua- emancipation (of stand A v (lit,the indistinguishable), in other the three s. of the D noumenon while Sfitras objects and a s a just quoted, a ; nature (Yoga has ' illumination,activity and noumenon Seer)".(7J.II. 18).P the the inhibition in his true (The Seen) of termed and conciousness a) the is the abides (as conciousness of Yoga Seer a Gun states ' and ofChittavritti pure , is ' is Sfitras Yoga Seer. flowing,the ceases philosophy ) the flow of conciousness states is Western Chittavfitti u ' removed, grasped. complete change of ( technical Yoga of the up mutabity of k ti a the Seer ( lit. the power is devoid were mutable, he could the of consciousness not the mutable it essentially pure Whenever C h it i " : " always this always - ' knows ' Purusha mental know (in its is inconstant who Purusha remains im- knowing ',conciousness) ' modifications).If mental his words because (the as modifications, Sahgraha regarding the in these of of mutation action). As exposition Sarvadar$ana Yoga arguments of designates Pravachana, The of the those S"tra Yoga Sankhya SAnkhya. sums " The Sahkhya. itself with absolutely identical are the metaphysicaltheories the terms, ) H3 is of the nature dent, always the Superintenis nature always tained. main- (his nature)is (apparently) affected (lit. clouded) by (theshadow of)any object (that is perceivedby him),it whatsoever D it is the objectthat always receives his light the Purusha is illuminated by It. Hence i" y r and a the , perception)and is always it follows he is always knowing and of mutability. The C h i1 1 a above the suspicion is (really)unaffected it is that is that an (during (really)affected by objects and When objectis perceived. it object), is not and magnets a the it is not affected Chitta resembles iron and mutation attraction repulsion (by objects)which 8 (by perceived.Objects resemble susceptibleof and then because it is the seat causes is of ( their known being the C h i 1 1 of the are pervasive and and a and other bodies. held that with contact and and I r is y n d r a iy D are h a r m iron the " m a , 1 be must with ( Yog. Stit. iv. Seen three As D h colours colours Vyasa in it a mixture the sense- C h i1 the u t a, the D comment or a mode 1 a objects, r a " The tinged by the Seer ( on Seer of illuminates white, red on the h t s a organs qualities. of D manifest or representing his is into coming of a r m being a and ). The 22 their which of Chitta ) in ; not objects.Objects and the seat hand one is affect the and B h as lightedbyPurusha. the alone absolute, it belong to by organs, the is a objects body channels illuminate is but ( on is , cannot of (Ib.chap. xv). a C h i 1 1 a, the inner organ, matter, C h i1 1 certain that by (matter)evolves in contract comes in modifications t all with the like magnets through A the not D it all- are objects)produced resembles Hence organs. body, objects are which a egoism produced knowledge this limitation As (sense a s everywhere. (It is replied those (of knowledge C h i1 1 that with contact iy r connected when that) though all-pervasive, modified in any one bod/ and by in be (it may In d of nature bs must things always Now always hence objects,therefore all unknown. or objectedthat)as organs) which ) U4 r i a y a, itself but whole the the verse uniSeen other) it and and three this Sutra the blue,the Gun as. says, 41 It the C h i1 1 is but Seen, manifests conscious and there many people theism ; but vara mentioned P r u h s of defects a r u h s is a Universal time, has. function fruition has being by Time special a 1 e " a, the (Ib.i. 14). as behind in which other that of is in its tenets Yoga is called in India which divine an as a, Him whose therefore, nor any their mastery over attribute, His ancient atheistic teacher, as only Hence Sankhya. Se"varaSahkhya, acknowledges the is every find selves and by (Ib. i-25-26). Nature, human omniscience In teacher is ours and left which Dars.au reality no deposits ancient Yoga Yoga Sahkhya K of Omniscience is the of the mental He Except He multitude is by s- moral the the I God. sense he touched the the seed Being unity. by their l"vara neither Universe, of ; for the no of made School nor Out The has a as of Nature never are ignorance, egoism, desire, aversion, life is unbroken The Sfitras is in Yoga the was and r u Yoga Universe. who fullydeveloped P the ruler the clinging to life,and Karma Yoga in the in a in the that Isvara. called one decribe Purushas u a of the governor of v is objects." Purushas this is extremely inaccurate is neither He becomes ego totality of the innumerable I" of and non-ego is called the in this world mention as unconscious, though material, appears immaterial, and Among and that, tinged by the Seer a existence the of 1s an r a a v this when but ; Sankhyas, 'theistic his Lord his the Lord but only heart makes P k h y a, the of r u a d h id life of the s theistic of the ' in any d ci n t as in matter a. the and a this the modern to of many ed regard- the or Both appeals to The general concepts to phers, philoso- abiding value title of dualistic monism the human explain sees universe, or the temperament one. to it appears who modern itself the is absurd. individual Haeckel, of the equally valid explanations of question of India, leading stages of the account monism calls all individualistic forms On word. realistic it does h- philosophy any as noumenon an a of doctrine have Yoga Pantheism S the mysticism also,whether one is animistic,explanation make of sciousness. con- Yoga German the This are t a, a But sense discounting as individual,arrogates and of r a a in this and inner own like Madhusudhana popular more v his great spread ofVed^ntain SAnkhya e iv cannot later writers V a nature. adhidaivata * ' m it accepts, like h a, u 1" the is figures Him he reach to He devotee, and that the of Lord the ' Though inactive the of his sense for him it easy For absurd. mystic syllable O the as by is not to only in the frequentlydone becomes English Scholars, it t $ v a r a here referred world, is as translated is phrase the of the final truth theories and cosmos. which mind cosmos pirical. em- dualism It is nation explawhich to its own satisfaction The man of the follows the path is his everything himself of out and universe l"vara,he flesh the as of concept thus other hand, the mind prefers V iv reaches He e the Not-self is but are of the itself has to has to the or be be of his meditation, of spirit. Before transcended ; and is neither and when explain is the himself and away but of one the there necessary mind, and the his spiritcan Lord, stage is nor of of cosmos. monism, path realise can the the cast Not-self of of with On forget that after concepts the them erects trains and with for his we of only empirically theory must devotee passed and i t i try to same, shuts intellectual of Self a v reaches clothes outflow. stern or conception or interpretation d A all the the humanity distinction Nor theories of path he thus of nature of the dualistic ; for to If he his emotional reconcile dualist and reach reallyillusoryand as thus a the of his spiritual side the idea the man like the may, and k a, with idea abstract Lord noumenon. cannot invents universe, monism to body, one touch objective of the in the the whose Lord, all beings, conscious unconcious, but the Lord's the of of the leads that of mind Lord the to temperaments. cast greatest pleasure is service heart him the by rich, emotional is his love mainspring whose swayed is the true he criminati dis- all both not periences ex- realise Manas theorizing realization,concept-making possible. The early Vedic of system religionwas (De vas)by meansof of animal (g h i,v (S o the sacrifices (Ya Gods, and Some of having cries were of these praise,and bellowing of believed please thus to desires, whether material objects alignment hall, were the idea of individual the cosmos, Sukta of the is P eyei the born and sun Agni, (his) navel was from was u r u this. s (his)prana, the " The middle copy the the age moon sprang ; from was the than to (his)month vayu days well-known later h a' s) manas ; from ture struc- minified anterior certainly much ( the Cosmic the and The though Upanishads, proves In sacrificial macrocosm out. which from of of s. s a enjoyment in the earliest a v of 1 a, the microcosm, worked was earliest hymns a e (Svarga). a even being being man Purusha for world S D acquisition the or na sound sacrificer's the early notions the Macrocosm, of states Yaj embodied of the of the of the of the the life pleasures in post-mortem the tions incanta- bull,etc."). They a were this in of inarticulate constrain or these chanting were fulfilment the secure of sometimes ("like the to the liquor mouth combinations meaning, being no the as mantras others powers fermented with accompanied a j fi a s),offerings and p ", etc.) a magic, of Nature- a), poured into fire regarded m mantras. and cult of a constraint or propitiation fat Agama. III. Section I born. (his) n d r a From region (antariksha) ( altar (v " k),the d (v e ) 120 i); the grass purpose, the on knowledge, the (second)fire altar ; desire,the fire ; ; the (priest) ; manas, priest) Upavakta (assistant ; ; pra n a, the offering these were From equanimity, the adhvaryu." the Lord of developed are of which each collected in the various contains the Vedic the taught in Meanwhile Hindu i r m the i by in the Mantras, the fear " of Him the or a e the D e it wind the collection of for ing unify- under one early times the a s the power , hence be can the knower the , of the the same purpose that power Universe. " Through blows, through fear the 7-10),the word v of the , absolutelynecessary i. v for s a the Brahma, and v id y A " in classes,thus very of near literally 'sitting Tidy As (Ved. Sut. IV. a idea t r a v drives Upanishad means id y D the of doctrine from Brahmana, Macrocosm poftare (Asana)ia *-Y n a constraining the in the later Mantras M the three worked the belongs. on gods phenomena realitybehind that resides utilized also evolved was indefinable of cosmic multiform thus worked instinct irrepressible . grand concept and of the The it religious thought under foundation r t u which to multifarious grouped were laying the T carried The Upanishads* traditionally influences and directions. Vedas tion, of medita- vidyas School other mind other t " o genuine vidyas,methods the which h voice, the . by.' for the As the sitting practiceof Dpanishad came sun most to mean ; goes (do their work), Up. II. j.) v. of fear through and This the innermost dwells in the Earth, the earth knows the earth rules the inner "Who Self At ma, vil 22.) A t m knows Self God the power is,who the earth is thy A of the t m a , 3.) vii. III. than other body whose not, within, he is thy from of Who whom earth, (Jb. III. ruler,the immortal." identification of a Self inner This is the (individual)Self,is rules the the (Tait. (Br. Up. immortal." the is,who he within, a r fifth." man. the body d n " the than is other in the Self, whom the of Self not, whose ruler,the the runs, I and i n g Brahma from dwells the Death same within A Him, the with Brahma God the with Universe , within the Supreme e d n development of the which is the attempts to Paravidya, discipline and t a greatest heights of meditation the to a the to Science, the specific V soar led man, is man capable of. But in the 'the it is silent senses seek world run in object the and the as become the reached by of power of consciousness (Bhag. " the most Self; subject. the Supreme of as the for That they in the object He can never consciousness, to xiii. the When seated (in-turned), Gttd men and without, Nature, is In the thought object,but all." heart. Cosmos not the seek can towards is thus appears that the out, not Brahma of few of recesses Param"tma hearts very be in the 17). Search for ( Him outside vanished space, from a hue." Indra as " power by Gay v. This 14. Nature, of A developed was in she is Universe. luminous the " the mother of the devotees of the rites,the the Nature " described skilful in vision is S One to i, that form the Power, the not k t without appealed Cosmic a When the is she the world-mother, if Brahma subject of the A . as introspective of the objective form Cosmic the d it i sought Power, and grew religiousimagination. became power erected was of the ancient idea, that object,and great the mistress that of Mantras and this is only but she is "the 5). 21. all the functions Gradually Earth, the of strong in might, the ever-young, " absorbed the as 136. 3). Not Gods, objectiveentity one Veda supporter widely-extended,the protecting,the behind an the ft n Gods. Rig (Suvratanam), guiding" (Vdj. Sam. into and Supporter V. I. (R. of the mother is She d it i , A livingin Heaven she of Power one A d i as a of the hymns embodiment an the earliest of earlier of the mother mighty Up. Power the k t u Brih. and the much N ir Supreme upheld," symbolized is k t i, a from in the the the S golden of a m Up. iii.12 of concept d i t i defined , Even Universe That in that very is the She 12.) at r! in Chh. devamata, of this which by beheld He iii.n, Up. That. to ran U brilliant, very (Kena "He did. view. his woman, ) "2 S a k t i, recipientof worship, ( both of worship M and outer a n a a s spread in Y A T jn a a g t r a s three the God k s Brdhmanas The critical whose place is the Vayu This when into * the a S a The goddesses of h it been horrible the The lines. were In There " and were three the Veda" or Indra, Surya, whose Kenopanishad Agni, the the Indian are Vayu of the chief as general belief Rigveda for (collection), Dravidif.ns of was mythcepic the to region,and spoken images Nirukta of the Earth, the criticism. lower expounders the portions of while congenial the call the may the taught, of a we the of are hymns m is sky." have must of headship Brthaddevata Vedas, the the middle Indra and Gods many the what at so to place place is the later ebullition seems Gods, according whose the movement a movement, in different and Nirukta The under represent instinct,which Agni called , of by out a ancient reducing class attempts the the to, of criticism mind. birth to the literature of the developed a earliest snuffed world-mother the a largelysupplantedVedic time same of Y higher b m and home, at (literally, revelations),also skilful acts). (lit. each classes, Nirukta Upasana, temples and and gave referred chief Pratika , country* the already one A This s At to of ja u the a m a n in s. a inner ; both symbols p ) 123 bloody also in the find that rituals adopted in age compiled were we Gods. of the this the Nature- worship. M first hymns of each (except ninth, devoted the praiseof Agnl, last of takes continued place of be a to Buddhism. India Christian as hundred Trimurti and the of Siva besides Agni those phallicdeity and Later became the the heart emotions with chief of the of Innumerable Vedic Siva and Indra of Indra might refer as he the and is Surya one passages with Atmosphere.. .the region of with whose twine of Trimurti, the He in Atharva the themselves. succeeded that whom feet might prove others dian In- the the final Agni coalesced Dpendra, Vishn.ii. Krishna's PrAna Vayu Surya.* Trimurti, on to this latter incident. cosmic and Vishnu round that age or functions the of Indra of the and in]the popular Dravidian and devotee though Trinity toVAyu lean Brahma, ; dieties absorbed those some another Rudra, supplanted called some person might Brahma, * Vishnu Siva on, of gion, reli- Brahmanaspati called being the eighteen this out minor were Trinity. Siva earlier before worked who of state of Epics long been the was of age early years the Tamil being Brihaspati,and the temples in worshipped Java, in But BrahmS age, and the during God was from Siva in (or Sakra) Indra but Buddhism had Vishnu Vedic he ago. years those a) are m o generallyof Vayu chief and find we S to Rigveda the TaittirtyaUpanishad, Surya when era, of 1a a Indra, Indeed in Southern d n next In the Indra. the the a Brahmft is X defeat corresponds identified Sam. with with ii. 25. the ( compilationof God supreme like Vishnu who should religion, person in framed universe not A and Sat as s a unconscious but person, a t, personal V. ( R. why the of the as The same Hindu of the behind substance a consciousness the the and Considered was nity Tri- ary second- a noumenon 129). x. objectof thought, the one a puzzled understand Trinity. concept of the the has be considered Hindu the This greatest person in their became never Siva. or cannot first and the creator, Mah"bhdtata the European Scholars ) 125 an as active power phenomenal universe,identical with the of the mantras, the golden hued Brahma, power Brahmanaspati, the Lord of Hymns ( R. V. ii.23, i. behind 40 the later etc.), Brahma on (male) conceived as became never God, for the JnanaYogts, Cosmos of the intellectual men be to reached avrittachak- by introspectivemeditation, immutable Subject, the a t m a ; shuh, mayo'gts, when they God the of the of men did not the all that himseh when the vedic world Agni who and burns the turns an K a r- temperament, "iva individual the and eternal, the (the Vedic is) or becomes the as Vishnu, developing universe of the emotional worship nourisher on personal supreme the Impersonal Reality behind (neuter), Brahma the a naturallypreferredthe higherconcept temperament of deity,Sakti. female a active Surya, who his ascetic fests maniback (the universe), preferred "6 ( Sakti,universal the concept than the of Vishnu punishment passes for B h an The a Brahma Soul and the ; and referred but is at least These the to is as as the high levels spreadto South second are century which a most C, the bulk by those who of meditation tems sys- of the poem. Vaishnava single, supreme, could on they interpolation, the a tics cri- refers to where later movements, India,where existence Pancharatra Saiva, inspiredby the need of felt or Bhagavatas certainlynot ancient in India. in were Mahdbhdrata, monotheistic personalGod the The of few so Bhagavata the part of the Mahdbhdrata are and Era. and Pa"upata positionof to the the third century B. assign to In emotions. Siva, Pa"upata of cults The Christ. those ma Brah- Hence called inscriptionof an of what of Brahm^ worship These the Christian alluded to in human or and of reward hope (jivatma). were no scarcelyreward could degraded of any orMahe"vara. now position the to (religious devotion)and was Pancharatra before ercising ex- Another that is the basis of most cults of Vishnu before ralization gene- power creation. It is the k t i found are wider a same attain satisfythese not Individual traces of not and deity devotees. later times -V did fear of could as Siva is that,being the creator, he is or punish his function one active an more power (male),the Brahma Brahm" why reason ) not the they received rise to absolute a great "8 ( God personal a to so for this emotional man. the to necessary and Buddhism architecture Temple architecture of hence also from early with ritual Egypt fetish-worshipof wayside-trees Into the from the all in the Vedic killed out the gttd or more of the founders the ih y a old r a minified copy v id y ^mental that now s many of under elements the evolved the ous gorge- effectively more than (sacrifices) the the Sdhkhya and the Bkagavadof the passionate denunciations Jaina and of the the Bauddha cults. Similarly the (Ekftgni way home to domestic temple worship. Upanishadsbecame worship of of developed by which fire-worshipof of the ceremonies welded was j ft as ceremonies) gave g a of banter gentle Ya This primitive barbarism. was Temples scale. races, ritual Thus course inter- villagesand in their sacrificial ritual of the the on Temple-ritual B, i s h i s. Aryan grand a still observed are the India southern commercial Dravidian the by Babylonia. Temple on primarily based was which with as This influenced steady a elaborated was ritual times the arose India. for Egyptian temple architecture, had developments southern probably was and Jainism way provided cults utilized the architectural These of easily gave religionswhich k t i, a therefore and Tantrika B h ) the two supplantedthe gods and idolatry, And the supplanted by the innumerable one goddess gods of the ( vedic Pantheon deities worshipped from cf of meditation, and means and in houses both classes of A g a m shads, A birth to the three s a Saiva and Upani- like the of developments the j otherl'vi^ contained they (though Brdhmanas, idols and symbols m ultimate the were a g by Vishnu Sakta. s, called The Pancharatra. and templesgave a tribal pre- Aryan times. worship of Sakti, Siva The local and countless the and ) 129 ~" - elements besides); hence Agama schools the sought to followers their prove ' i ... of orthodoxy in accordance the Upanishads by interpreting the name tenets. their own They even gave S a S m h it m r them, to a also as their claim i,thus indicating it based reallywere, tradition. This and on movement the to with of name be,whatthey regularlyevolved gave the birth to from most of ",/ Upanishads,which unlike the earlier ones denominate the Supreme Being Parana do not ^^^, Brahma, but are expressly Vaishnava, Saiva or Sakta in their tone and are probablyin many cases under the name of Upanishads. A g a m a s but called are Many of the A g a m a s themselves the later Upanishads,though not included in the nized recog- 108. Bhagavadgita The shad, also Svetdsvatara but show 9 S the m r which i t i,par Upamshad clear is called traces are of the an Upani- excellence,and works of the Vedanta, influence of the ' ( Agamas. of The latter bears influence of the Saiva former. due to be which S of k h y a h t a 1 1 v a a cult. clear Both the on treated works and the Vaiseshika and as of traces seem in ancient an standpointfrom and equally of reality) (triple s a Agamas synthesizing movement attempted a higherstandpointthan the Upanishads^ the pluralism of to was monism the influence pointed out (Vaishnava) Bhdgavata the the has Garbe ) '30 A the all three which g a m the the the three Schools, a be reconciled can different aspects of the higher point of view. influence of the The they are Cape from is Tibet The supposed the S a of Tan n to Comorin e d ic the influence a s or a be derived T a t r n Ag s, modified by of the preseved the as day to- corners few and are Vedas e.g. the addition practices.Equally profound of the r a life has Even straightfrom been t religionof i c. are n Indian on the remotest to rites that d h y a, have trie m a livingHindu essentiallyT V genuine g known, familiarly more profound. been A has been the development of Vedanta a philosophy. Sahkara was professed his advaita and Sakta exposition of the though overtly independent of the Vedanta, Sakta theories Agamas, and a m a s on is influenced by T a n t r ic his discipline by T a n t r i c practices. Ramanuja who, accordingto Dr. Thibaut, expounds a less forced form of Vedanta and more near to the ideas of SAtras, under but a g m in here and there Mss. The 2SSaivaAgamas Agamas are these of commentaries The at. belong for the the instance, among which is Pddma than modern and the being case common and decidedly of the S tenets so applied,but that The Lakshmt k t a iv a a nearer are few that many of so the now Tantra, in tone, to a d the v a i t a Samhita which ly high- are specificrecent S late a many this get can Pardsara very and the Agmas Samhita a a relishes, being support of fc of in available are a k t a books one that S S 77 quoted are the Bhdradvdja sectarian and is and very Pancharatra Vaishnava decidedly ancient, / secret, Vaishnava which words few them. books predominantly Samhita, the few different ages. to is Bhdskya a kept more Agamas few much so authoritative the Hundreds schools. with 108 Agamas, as them being easily available or of names given his that all been printed is connect to as quotes Madhva texts a have been having seldom too m a g Agamas The Agamas influence a Veddnta the Vaishnava a exposition. string of A a few A the thrown in his support was Vaishnava the authoritative, though he to of author Sankara, than regarded and the Badarayana, test k t a In age. the Schools, their and ferences specificdif- of age existing A tenets g be cannot a m a s are ( anterior And of of Sihkara. the age to also must we and Here value. the there of p centres n the bulk body, but has works works guarded *ASutrais Sutra by is is the Bh"shya A a great further strikes to whole a out wealth u series of t in r a m form the an aVrittikAra and sophical philo- inves- some B h 4 risms, apho- prose K A " r is also ik 4 terse. and twists A to follow explanations V S ft t the a r a as lines i 1 1 i in on i1 1 i r always the r a ted suppor- quotation. supposed brief dependen in- supposed teachingsof generallya V 131i contains s, jealously- BhashyakAra thought is a ip p and a Bha- brief Commentary. a A same. AV"rttikais T less end- besides extremely verge of argument the of ing grovell- series of Varttikas, originalline of aBhashya. A is but Karikas,* exposition of expositionof he likes ; but form. s reallythe teachings of the Bhashyak4ra but a a of the modern S of of descriptions prying eyes a unequal revoltingform, and Besides the A g a generallyunintelligiblewithout of time. snatches literature ordinarilya gives the substance of immense an " the from a m Sutras, and Vrittis shyas, a g ritual. of very- with with meet A given birth " are are valuable mostly of superstition, this school metrical lines of force in the subtle of the details of dull s a case psychological analysis and a the grown m a g states, and r a and the Rdmdyana, substance we high philosophy,subtle ecstatic mental of the has A the of contents that form the but ancient, that,in Purdnas of Smritis, portions The in the Mahdbhdrata, the remember writings, as these ) 132 of verse S 6 t r a , on the lines of s b y a. ( tigator,but o po h ie c A The sacrificed slowly s g ) 133 the to . m a a s generally divided are parts (padas,)Jnana,Yoga, C h a "J n y a. r n a is a is called hita I. ii.6. d h ) of the unagitated c (Id. II. ) "Yoga i. 3.) temple) h i1 1 i. 6 ).C IV. i. i). The h r a learnt from n a n s h a) into In cults and earlier the a S a from foundations regard T and III. worship" (/b. ot a that the s a p to be first, the that initiation an and two and as (D i k- three Universe, Paramam a r a y a n a in the Mahesvara or retreats tantras functions his wife the all of the Being called N all cosmic k t i treated of as Brahma the tantras predominant But gam Real to in the other background to A Upanishads and Vaishi^ava S iv giveshim Supreme corresponding of acts) wisdom. the the - taught only by Siva who comes the ripe discipleat the logical psycho- to moment n be can a tedcher (b a idol ) (Ib Agamas human a the Guru as the parts togetherconstitute last three i. e., J the method Saiva Sam- subject one ail (embraces " is y A ; " to a establishing(the to Lord (Pddma ploughing the ground ( for laying of the four and the restriction is the "Kriya of release" knowledge into Kriya, knowledge that a omnivorous but to the are attributed the really the factor. in the Vaishnava and Saiva schools ( the Yet god soon and they also these numerous male female of individual in names different have some souls (3) the (tattvas) relations do not with their attributes much, though the vary schools agreed in opposing the a v d a, the developed from Saiikara and followers. the the Sahkaras a hollow to be proofs a absurdityby These M a world is how their modern world world reallyexistingby false transmutation and " If,(as illusive appearance an the can a- y the world, Agama. being,the effected unreality; be to say) the established unrealityof the Paushkara of conscious school. to teachings of Gaudapada reduced Says school of the doctrine class given different are from also all the (2)the terminology varies are " objective Universe the different schools,but mutual common Being supreme sects. three tattvas aspect predominant. Realities three into up schools realities, (i) A or These broke They acknowledge characteristics: and acquired a prominent position male ultimate ) 134 will be which is all methods of of consciousness" (Ib.ii. 5). The A g false show randma ; the a world Universe m do s a under No. 735, n t regard not Bhaskararaya as Bhdshya, adhishthdnd of the T a r ik (is)a a s " , in Lalitd says the the world as a Sah"s- Mithydjagad Reallyaccordingto the belief who hold transmutation is real ; because name as (the doctrine that) of there is Brahma, the absolutely no ( Schools is their to divine a of S n a u-\vorshipmuch devotional This countries, given well to-day debased forms and V i s h- described. be stimulus in as to Art another ; Temple India, and Southern in easily of different kinds. has, architecture, especially to as devotion a-worship, great of root as with movement a The of self-abandonment grows S iv mal abnor- instinct being revoltingto too with common self-abandoment i-worship, k t the habit the exists in India there sexual is man which being degeneratesinto Hence the superhuman a beings and human to of nature devotion of ) association intimate manifestations emotional 136 Lyric (devotional) Poetry, especially Sanskrit, Tamil and Hindi perfection; only for of wealth suffocatingconvention. by are, under but the last art as its modern the influence has of The and to the Southern of load are the also been drawn been ty sensuali- gross mistically euphe- women (d e ; v a d a i s) s Temples. templesin inscriptions so decipheredhave soul- (Na^ya) notes following regardingthe earlyreferences Vishnu for religiousdevotion called 'slaves of the Gods attached a have degenerated into expounders the noted Music, Dancing gesticulation(abhinaya) evolved of cultivation is oppressed, as other poeticimages,but of life in India departments and of want of order high a of observation, this poetry is not powers any reached have up by my to $iva far discovered friend,Mr. T. and A. ( GopiaathaRow, of Srirangam and References Udayagiri cave 1. of to Vishnu- of cult. dhala, son Chhagala Gupta II, D.) Sanskrit A. 82(401-2 shrine Chandra King, extremely useful. are of inscription Vishnudasa, grandson Gupta ) 137 vassal and the dated dedication of a of tht Gupta era rock-cut to Vishnu. Bhitari of Skandagupta, pillarinscription undated, recording the intallation of the image of the 2. God Sarngl 3. stone and of the allotment to village a Skandagupta, inscriptionof Jun4gadh G. E. 138 (457-8 A. D.) Repairs to the by Parnadatta's governor caused Chakrapalita 4. A. D. and a The person rikas and 5. G. E. a 6. the Sakta built well of Sudariana templeto Charabhrit. Visvakarma. dated a the of Vaish^avm religion.It Vishnu, the 423-4 records Sapta Mat- drinking water. of pillar inscription stone 165(484-5A- D.) by dated Chakrapalita. agent, form (?) templefor a Erection of a Mabaraji Matrivishnn a Budbagupta, dhvajastambhato his younger and Dhanyavishnu. Khoh copper plates G. E. 209(528-9 A- Dlettered mantra the the lake belongs partly to inscription Eraa Janardhana brother be built of Gangdhar inscription partlyto that to it. fl (Om of Mahardjl [beginswith the Sarnksbobb*. famous " t.wehe- namobhagavate VAsudevaya), of Bhagavatas]. 7- Khoh copper plateof Mahlraja Jaganatha G- E ( ka Grant (496-7 A. D-) 177 to a of the villageof Dhavashandi- for the purpose of Brahmanas number ) 138 of temple of a Bhagavan. 8. of Mahardja SarvanAtha G. E. copperplates Khoh (512-3 A- D-) 192 9. found Gadhwa in the Dasavatlra Udayagiri cave undated. Records 2. 96 (415-6 A. minor D in buildings 3. Bihar 4. Mandasor 5. Kosam the of the 77 into called to S a m discuss now m a much number a of Mahlsena. these two centuries of many a the stone image the that cults ced advan- were they have must development. fundamental tenets schools. SAktaorDeviAgama i. The [The of G. E. G. E. 139 (458-9 A, D,) century A. D. and them g SwAml on (Kausambi) inscription shall A shrine of Sambhu. of Yaflodharma. pillar in the Fifth We II. of Skandagupta. pillar These facts show how behind a buildingof templeof of the time of Bhimavarma had of of Kumlragupta inscription the (467-8)., of Chandragupta inscription Records ) 148 to Siva-cult. the excavation Bilsad stone E. temple. References 1. G. of inscription stone Agamas of this School divided sub- are three, (i) 5 Subhagamas, a knowledge y a which , and teach liberation also practicesleading (2) 64 K a u 1 a- ( m a g which a s , supposed M is A g to r a g a m a s a m ) 139 disgustinglydirty practices (3) 8 develop magical powers teach a s, aiming said are at killingpeople by causing illusions, exorcising demons, practicesof worship. They because advocate they in k 1a u the , the left hand deal S with mixed path. r The Chandrakala, the 4 t a r five hand the a, referred a 1 a- and u r v a s a- describe also called are the S S a m while a h it m r a s from kararaya d h " r in fuller details a'a comments hunters this work different to a s named ideas to of regarding these works, his Vide onSaundaryalahari,gl.31. in the worth light. quoted by places are Agamas these bring are a y Sanandana, Philosophical of Mss. a throughout the of Devi only incidentallyin to D are For are K apparently regularlyexpounded work which, it will be SaktiSutras,a " the Agamas Sanaka,Suka, Sanatkumara.* 5 0 t siding re- hence agamas also worship They Vasishtha, the , Agamas r a are of these Subha path, sushumna. but and k ti a Jyotisvati, The a. right h c also BArhaspatya, nesvari, a i" 1a Kularnava,Kule"vari,Bhuva- nidhi, m M u a is also called This eight names K worship of S perineum. i v id y " The path. the magic, sundry dirty called are arts, of means 1a u a occult and alchemy K 64 with deal to The both. Nine B h " L a s Ii t Lakshmi - a Sahasranama S t u r a the Another Universe." S and mind the knower, The various J ! bliss a v n chit u of a d 1a bliss of a) is due (power own," to be The " M to a of of identity with he a very this School are etc." a a This " d h y a ik v " he valuable known find. C h the life ciousness Consa k these r a s tations quo- discovered, will if Many only by his of goal of True over Sutras, attains universe the of the Goddess a- ", /. e.t "by s a the describes ment attain- (Chid When makes mastery a the retains energy)." Judged from Sakti the a r he will), the of p doubt." the attainment and prove attains (pure) consciousness last Sutra (the centres dicated in- are one is unshaken body, destruction the b liberation (pure consciousness\ though n his towards up When " " k t i, which of the a it, and (pure) consciousness, (he reaches) consciousness n following: next consciousness." ( pure ) to own The mounts leading one his by realizes the when " ." r a a and reaches stages of m inwards the s he of production says m a when he in the " turned is S dence indepen- is gets confused enters adds, Sutra the Sutra realize this he not k t i a of cause opening which "Consciousness, says, is does The bhashya. name of works other by or stray quotations by commentators]. The (i) An three tattvas (ultimates)of impersonal,inactive Being this called school P r a k are a 3 a ( S iv or (to be distinguishedfrom the of the nature a s), a iv a g a m a S of the ) 141 like ciousness the Purusha i14 n called V i u g a m t a " a, S r k ti a called also of universe Ahamta, is from universe. In the S the in S " 1o k k r a known A. " a. as on P That in heat the S iv a S u perhaps composed of the I s v a founder by work the has been V a r S the M " k t (S fire,as v in r a edited the 10th r k t i latest is embodied is able to of im it y a v a the a " i n 1 *, r j i d b h a \~ Icbchha, j a) is to be form the of ilth been the Century, discovered by Vasugupta, the Century translated u move." to even i, my b h a Pratyabhijna and trinity a the k t i a V a i- Saundaryalahari. is unable a a disappears view a S the , in Kshemaraja. a writer of t r a s, supposed to have or This k t with God of Nature ABhashyaby D. and a His and Sivasutra his in potent, born " iv a almost of a quotes the following from a form , Kshemaraja t a is united he when thus Second, schools extreme ; otherwise, the create the position of these opening "Siva, this -ness. the first Being of this The view. insentient Idamta, object subordinate developments souls ; she The (3) called Being, and active occupiesa I-ness and agamas, an the nature all individual also matter, manifested bhnava being omnipresent Tripurftof or includes Illumination, power triune a ( full egoity), personal conciousness, who is cons- active,personalBeing, Purnahambhava of in (2) an aj. of pure of the S a h k h y therefrom School, but differing (a k h Siva active system by me Theosophical Publishing Co., Adyar, Madras of Cashmere. and published ( in rays the T " jn to ip r u is differentiated as originof Her experienceof man). being hers, evolution the (to be active in the world becomes He S k t i a is is meditated of steadiness path, supreme attains the subtle and Mss on, mind. is of she of states gross in her." A is dissolved. All when is not the of this of the S has of anything. no name Ma name When h " d or she subtle seed form and also had iv. called is or e vl, virtue). grace, in and the to k t i,the a (thereresults) no Tantra work, Supreme is united without which universes) ( VAmakesvara copy Ocean required do to he gain (lit.no use no he When no the though (he is)known, O support. Even (triple is that wherein Supreme Lady, She becomes process). The omnipotent says, one. i 1o k ! r k t i,is unable a O, Supreme . the T form r a and Siva potential) (unevolved, subtle there of S devoid (Siva) dear suotle (36)tattvas the totalityof and t i,antecedent k t a of cause t a n k t i s, O a gross of the mother the S other A and a n famous Supreme S A is the r k t i is the a Another worlds." all the S that sun, ) 142 the thence plant (the been ed absorb- 4-9).* Nitydshodasikdr- 16 Nitya goddesses) and its commen(the tary, called Setubandham by Bh"skarar"ya, (the building of the at been has kindly placed disposalby Dr. 0. Schrader my bridge) This work is divided the into two parts called Library. of Adyar Uttarachatussati. Pvrvachatussat? and mentator Lakshmidhara, a com$avam on Saundaryalaliari says part of the Mysore Edition is a Agania called of that Bhairava Saundaryalahari.) the Vamakesvara Tantra y"mala. (Vide page 17. ( with the earth. These three concepts are the are Idamta. same These clearly explained by very Bhdshyd in his BhAskararaya ultimates and Vimars.a asPraka"a, three ) 144 his on Vari- own -vasydtahasya. called P "Brahma from resulting first person in with r a 'I desire ', of a ray the Tr a-Sund mother P the names (Id a m This it 5, in the of Ah of t a, m is other t a than of nature Bhattaraka, the world- Vijvafatba Skandha " Lordship is Omnipotence P a r " h a by t m a. S a of not-self the As object (Varivasya-rahasya,commentary Praka"ais illumination of or experience not by fested mani- I and is the the power Brahma is evolved on f. to lit.,I- ), the object,which (the subject;or by u ity objectiv- relativityof is caused 'this', it. That b h m this-ness ) is literally, the subject (Ahamta account The powers. of said are of the notion a ciated asso- Action),Self-dependenceand These (Selfand content the Supreme Egoism, [names is said without on It is etc. of the a the Lai ari consciousness. ness) ledge know- impliedin other k " $ r a Supreme It ]. of ( Power be know, and Virupaksha Pancha"ika of of I Parahamta', Vimarsa, ur * pure Omniscience, Lordship,Omnipotence, bliss is called ip is the a s the consciousness Plenitude, Immanence, vibration k " who from it." 3.) tillate ; it is the purest dis- rather the attenuation of experience to purest consciousness of barest without stained consciousness least touch Pure of the relativity; the Being, to human m of nearest Absolute language A being a a vibration the approach to ) thought or reach. to ( the world-mother b by that human hope can the Being, is the first ance appear- in the absolute P k r a s a the a , first assertion which is the A h gives (S a power and t " m a other and Object of beings. The to the Being the beginning thought, pure beginning be cannot determined,.. itself,is immediacy, terms in and hence in other itself,is essence not essence 10 a are k a a ning begin- s a birth that Gods, to from starts pole of I d These to m t a, three ul- a Hegel's three and Essence predicate'is' on Notion, and the mediated Pure ... it is ; because and other as mere first the by anything, or be reference to of the the self-subsistent, always one immediacy ; and reference ; its being the on as Being-for-self, and trines doc- implicit only indeterminate itself,simple and to motion notion the is r She Illumination, Power, Being, " have the further P tion, distinc- universe. give compared be may specialforms hand and Tantrikas, Logic " makes in ) objectivity,matter. of the Idea. i) latent over Vimarsa, all this to herself goes ( This-ness timates birth k t manifest to men, relation, of of pairs tive nega- One... The of tives, correla- yet absolutelyreflected in themselves: the actual unity of the notion is not realized,but only postulated by which far only in other however Being " has its regards is Being deposed to but Essence light " in itself lightsup is And ...Essence is the the reflection of power longer the the is this in which else, but " has a and fore therebut in unity by merging total itself the a in that tially essen- Notion The of of which the into, a the back notion reflection on realisation the of : tuents consti- no into character It is is The in which mediation its notion or development. totalitywithdrawn given therefore each as itself self-realised. which realisation Being Essence reflection and substance transition a notion, one is Self-Identity Difference. motion onward either something : is contains functions, is the very The seeming a immediate as as immediacy, The relation of characteristic systematic whole, is of mere self-repulsion.It way secondly self-relatingnegativity,and it is as and itself Identity mere Essence, firstly, into reflex that some hypothe- accordingly self- relation, not only reflected. only is or this " as and negative, to mere a reflecting light thus of : characteristic sided one reflected or a vanished not other an first not at is Being, simple self-relation, as is view to postulated as itself itself is self-relatedness into is, but Essence, with mediation it is in relation as coming which thing tised so of negativity the through into coming Being is reflection. this universal itself and 'immediate realisation ( Object." (The Logic of Hegel\ by Wallace, Sect. 83, 84, 86, 96, is the of the notion ) 147 2nd Edition 112, 115, 116, 160, 161, 193). trans, SAIVA ii THE Saiva The S a k t the of one is the the later almost led to Siva the of of the A the m a g the question the will of Saiva the But different three Siva and a in schools of cause became regard to efficiency belongs to far to how k t i is The system schools far causal how a cosmos. being regarded as the Final into is that school schools, S of these Theism Universe. divided The predominant Being and, especiallyin negligiblefactor characteristic to doctrines by the other. Saiva of the developments a intimatelyallied so authoritative characteristic S i va are that the literature and quoted as are chief schools schools a AGAMA MAHESVARA OR the actions of beings. schools These P""upata call the of of school Guzerat, which P Supreme Being cattle);(2) the India, S ai a intimately pratyabhijfia in knower liberation. u as well a p allied t i a to school of n prefers to the (lit. t a the of (recognition) as in Lord of Southern Sakta Kashmir, teachingof the fundamental is that the " S id d h va (3) the Pratyabhijna called because (i) the Lakulisa- called are the known the so- sect the Lord leads to ; With regard efficiencyof Siva causal P " a individuals depends '' Lord with Universal by and the the actions the of order of the Highest individual his guards the royal directs to ; His does a ; just of motion a as the from a bhashyam,a tuary on Tamil Meykanda earlier than the Pratyabhijfta schools create the universe,"by is of "unobstructed This conceive mere holder power, from detract a on from detract of on magnet directs persons."(condensed in Sivajftana of the Sutras 18 cen- called I3thcentury). The Mahe"vara bliss and Mahe"vara. (i.e. two the Lord force of school, therefore,denies all but the will of not Tamil Sivananabodam, vidual indi- dependence commentary Deva's the as king'sdepending discussion lengthy Siva not needle,so the fruits of actions to the proper of chap, vi). of) the protect his city does power the as will souls (individual) reaches independance, just action irrespectiveof fruition of account on regards not "(The bad) karma His but agent, Karma. good of {Sarvadarsana-samgraha school a actions infinitelypotent the Siddhclnta The efficiencyof unobstructed being is (karma) actions "the the Siva that (an individual's) power upon conformity the the that but (kriy"-"akti) of of independent cause , respectiv Karma, of and maintains School pata u the questionof the to ) 143 ( desire",for to he independence." causal to efficiency ( difference This of divergenceof wide relations of and school, the shall a " u the defect. world, a r a n effect).On The " and destruction Lordship and power, eternal Effect a 1 a sentient). Sentiency of P of the nature o a d h " u. its not of the of world, the quality and Sadhya knowledge the First ), P is a " Knowledge (bod ha), and is (again)two discriminative e k a). u (the teristic charac- the fold,according as iv of threefold, Vidya insentient It is two tion, crea- adventitious,etc." (Vidya) procedure is indiscrimtnative (a v as of the cause the being is a). Knowledge of means in infinite power, ( the we effect,for it Pati, supremacy, (Karya) ( sentiency), K is the ( of into consists beings,possessionof then is the author cause subdivided is His 'a b the means u of differences etc. "The " sustenance account he action a mentary com- Pa"upatayoga a)the Lord, for he Ruler." the P the Now something ulterior; Pati on (K cause, " i,"says, t a p " of this sect, rules of the expound depends or the followers by effect and the the first sutra on P called Sarvadarsanasanigrahaquoting from The nature SCHOOL. are cause, a universe. PASUPATA ultimates three the regard to to metaphysical ultimates three the (i) THE of this with views led has startingpoint the manifested that compose The ) 149 it is of Ignorance ing fold,accord- (viveka) Discriminative ( ) ISO is based procedure which of chi chitta. By means cognize objects discriminate when they tt a, all objects.* Ignorance, again, is by the objectsof the (Kala), while depending not or insentient is unconscious. called the what Therein, the five of Buddhi, is what the a) and n those displayed are and of them." pertainingto ; the organs "Mala the conception etc. the upon two-fold, what the cause. the root this * of It the having It is said desire. is,also,two-fold, undisplayed.Of that are associated undisplayed It is of from bondage, to is reading of these unsatisfactory. two void de- are evil condition five kinds, (by Haradatta) that system.'" (Ib. Chap The is cause false 'false duty, attachment, and falling terestedness, (from the path), these are is is ten-fold, Manas (defect)is an soul. conception, deviation tient, sen- Cognition,the five of bondage. ftj a The * u is called the and is under bodies " and certitude,self-cognition displayed(S a these, with of a triple Antahkarana, Ahamkara the functions the What the P (earth)etc., the five five organs action, ternal ex- terized either charac- effect the Prithvi etc. light of is called what called tattvas, the thirteen-fold, Pasu and is colour qualities, organs It is,also, effect livingbeings the by is called indiscriminate or illuminated are evidence on be speciallyshunned vi). sentences is Besides corrupt infive in the Pasuand the lation trans- ) (152 jnana of / d a p defects (m from the individual from its soul position is thus "condensed (Ib ii-2) Creation, individual their The infinitumand The Moksha. sides, for * This edited few a and It to S 1 o k o k " a s attributed that The and S u t r a s as five functious to Her and M. no final proofsof in the S b has a ak ti Su a all is per- been printed is being t a S name a a 11 1 r mixture them tr chapters. of s, of course, B i j a vasthana (lamentation .) a . (illumination), Rakti ( Examinatioo), n m) pa on the first xi ordinarilyunderstand a u Myigendra are V i1a p is the and have writers A of cause riyS r Sutras Pratya'bliijna called be regressus liberated,it The be to must a the are a), and n are give we a Naiayariaswami Iyer,Madras, advance (coloration), Vimarsana (sowing the seed) and the Saiva Isvara be all times Madras. Mr. with me fruit SaivaAgamas, in by curious a s. The other transtated is in rat" destruction consciousness S at t s u d h drikk m that commentaries kindly furnished t S 1 hear we and Tamil with who of it exists in the A t and will be seeing (chaitanyam of act o would there essence one of the world creator there Saiva soul), (these five) and agency self-existent,otherwise ad ir (T atom, obscure whole and sustenance the His. as The that in this of the Universe, obscuration known Saiva the of of bonds web (Mrig. Ag. if. i). with actions," knowledge) (here called, anu, its nature. (of the beginningless,free from the all knower, removes all-doer, the limitation), liberation is is a 1 a),the a with first the S iv " as. gam which a,* gam (section dealing a Kamika, the A A Mfigendra the ( it exists, it does feet. Though that it is obscured reaches liberation. 1 a m) is on it is inferred subjectto of bonds (p a of four kinds, the Karma, and indicate names whose one till it Lord), i, the at web Lord, the (Their) Maya. (P The the whole of will the it is obscured not are powers ; and itself manifest not unliberated),hence (in the such as ) 153 " j a- a enveloping, the work their of nature. "(Mrig.Ag.if.3-7)A g m, the characteristics The s h a n body a and discusses a m a other things proved are He not confined He to is is not limited possessedof (K ment and a n r a a),because without not work has been is no other but a of (though) one, cognitionand not result etc. (K a r m S a a in S As a a), or the seed from is is S'V* vading. all-per- creation is both an instru- W**^ plished) (accom- seen k t i is not objectsare P of r a instrument unconcious infinite, she, both (infinite) activity.Action from) ; He This likewise appears is everlasting creatinggra- beginning.This k t i. Being. there (instrument) the adventitious,because be without than concious to the He action is no possess possesses instruments. be taken must He the Time by powers simultaneous. As He them. because locality, one " i 1 a k- infer that must dually and simultaneously,because gradual to t a of the Lord. exists their Maker, different from because iii.P chap products,we of characteristics in "c. (creation in does creation preservation, k r it i or from the in- *w ( dividual soul that it is the is Siva." from embodied of only actions too, is like Mala omnicient,because well-provedthat the means, knows results. It His "S veiled in inference perception, always,in The all hence The " the Lord is the Maker ; cious ; nor nor The are Tait. the are because heart, the the g Aran. x. s u rest (Ib.v. no on pure, lit. cattle, , the P five functions and u h y a a t i , are use effects ; to-fthe*ir they ir^nncons 43. 47, called Tatpurusha, Aghora, destruction, obscuration the a itself, for that would they purposeless, their Maker. There only remains correspondingto mouth, P They cause. five mantras, Vamadeva, and earth anything, It shines by, subject to, to themselves derogatory to c is the the based is not or is owned what the Lord. knowledge ultimate and fault." at authority. things,"(Ib.v. 15.) second one aid to manifest never is it is when is not kr a' s an He " of all : for elements and ours, iii.8.)." the consituent doubts He, themselves thing only a see five Mantras ( Ib. * requireany not is without 12,13). does knowledge does hence of the he is the Maker one we Hence attach etc. cannot His five actions subserve and He body is,unlike Lord's is composed body it ; that Free. bodies. with persons theory world the ; in the always proceeds "Action actor (But) the us. ofSakti; one to (a n u) ; there only remains work of the Great Lord, the (Ib.iii.1-5). an ) 154 and be the Sadyojata, I Sana, of vely respecti- creation, preservation, liberation, are the forehead, the and the feet of Siva. that theory from the sake body, it follows ( The for the are both, the for whose not they third,different a The Kshetrajna. and the earth for the things exist, is other for the be be body ) cannot conscious a and state insentient. are conscious, because If it is said while of existence that ) body is there as is of subject is body is other transformations ) (we ( to ), space the than reply ) not momentary, non-actor, no Pas Ag.v\.1-7) The abode of (Ib. vii. 5). The P third Maya. i asu and A A v^id v is P y a id y a , a s a , He is not one, not ) members re- fined con- not conscious, un- of differentiated tion destruc- the "(Mrig. nature, own C h i t-sa " otherwise K a known the k t i' It is fetter,bond. ignorance ( 2 ) is ), so that one omnipresent ultimate ) is,in his the ( continuous Siva becomes the ( if the possessor , eternal threefold,( (3) he a, reply corpse, that consciousness, for it is said that, after of ciousness cons- ( that But body. a is consciousness that Hence is (we of is well-known. memory of body there in be continuous. cannot memory to etc, which the (SadbhAva), If it is said series a that body, to changes to consciousness no is unconscious. one in the for it is liable cloth liable hence another. of being object of cognition (bhogya) Such changes of state. things as objectsof cognition and and use an are Pa"u, is unconscious body itself must that of use r a m as Anavamala, thinking that finiteness. and A n A a who The t m and by his i. 2, he thinks Thus '1 Ignorance is of mala of the'fact ati, a a varietyof " ih is described a a P names, round a, mist r as Murchchha, n a n i , K h s a y a veil a " the A , decay, " a (S M u it y r , The R envelope, in is reference of the to Pasus with Lord and the them". are - A n j a- j malady, 1 u a , in one all of root, beings, numerous soul and ing perish6-8). benign, Pa? as, for (Ib. n), exercised are u death, , (Mrig.Ag.vii. in s , evil, M over. included conformity five powers is u by a u Mahe"varl-Sakti, benign blessingall, is act time P defect, k t i s ) residingin every their when *' a This known bondage, , beginningless,dense, great, possessed powers called a m the soul a v It etc. t cognition. depression, Papa, a, is consciousness Anayathakhy- Mala, ?i t ! V for the over p kinds, ( a ) , t u pendence, Inde- being two a wrong swoon, pigment, A , 1^ G and mentary com- infinite "Being t m i and t a non-cognition P n k h y A the that (b) mistaking the body respectively A his body (Anatma)". the am Anava the knowledge finite' ; am of finite, be to explains, in consciousness,he thinks, 'I A m consciousness himself Sutras t a ), the taint circumscribed of body, the to is pure imagines Siva on u Kshemaraja As power. due ( atom it is but Independence bounded defect the hence only they The with transforma- ( tions (parinama) For the of malas of of purpose evolving; so a k t i evolves benediction, of powers 1a a ra liberated. The the course whole ultimate (Id. mala, not with vii. with the power of he malas during for the on His Pa?a or dependent Second The is described in chapter viii. conjunction of "*".../-' It conscious the It is local body. unconscious the becomes transmutations Pasus 11-22). the f^ (/.e, omnipresent), manifold, temporary, associated individuals,and continuous throughout the births. It is an It is called activities of and It is the object the good as because karma, beings of producer and of bad, the and a r m on p h 1 a, a It a truth is and or of the the the a the d h action reaction). of the threefold and vidyS. cause (unseen),be- sustainer speech d h it is based the A produced by adrishta and enjoyment. body, it is (between the ending beginning the the first mala, auxiliaryof it is subtle by the of the cause their then whom and the supports creation, of knowledge from departed of Karma, is the soul have of of obscuration individual Lord good Grace. that the sets orrodha"akti); the Anugraha, into in and the liberation Lord the powers start (tirodhana S soul, the destruction sustenance, Avidya. bringing about individual the ) 157 body, the (produced It mind). a r m a, falsehood. during (cosmic)slumber, prevailsduring a is ing accord- It K ripens a 1p a ( and in merges ) during pralaya, a may without destroyed never 158 but is being experienced (viii i-5). The third called B h At the in ma many of power its is universe, it g also i n r a (Siva is imprisons the individual a) should m For inferred the from that it has cause products it cease; the same of nature material a known are tillthe thread. cloth without no t h i- n universe, possessed of follow for its unconscious o that imperishable. must for there cause; is the Y knot obstructs and creator a Maya, world, the auxiliary(k ar omnipresent reason of the seed and powers is s ignorance. "It is single,the misery, the the This of the womb 1a a (MrigAg.ix.. i),the pa"a is m d a, difference. i. 3), the S"t. of e the among to It is be so." (Ib.ix. 2-4). Pauskkara The (p a d a r t describes Agama* a) of h the S a iv a School "Pati, Kun$alini,Maya,Pas. and the six categories,in category (k a causes is called r a a), these the Saiva Pati whose destruction, enjoyment unchangingin k and The with Pure Maya, a Jnana Tamil pa are gories cate- lows:" fol- as u, Pasa, brieflythe tantras. % That is triplefunction authority, which is possessedof powers (otherwise called,S u d- its nature, and (Saktis). Kun^alini dha the da Maya) of this work commentary. is that whence has been publishedin P a ti Madras 160 ( being,like Si without and va ) is (Ib. ii.2-4).She matter. connecting the subtle eternal the words link between This (Ib.ii. 17). 8 a t n a y what becomes heard by the in the the throat the is sound shapes of form is the Madhyam^ is divided Vaikhari takes and ear cepts con- Madhyama, Sukshma. 1, and sound,* and sound eternal into four kinds, called Vaikhari, P like transmutation that of is letters. objectsmentally " before apprehended sounds. T a n n /four i S a the forms of V a k h aj- m the is sound all subjective,and of the Pa" u pure called are ), one produce ( Ib. ii.25-26), . souls identify7themselves individual The s (lit. Voice, of consciousness states k u with like the ( Ib. ii 19-24).These . others objective,the S egg. k t i a associated are is undifferentiated Pa"yant! within yolk they with these j I forms , V of ( defects ) (Ib. and thus result the obscure which to finite','I be the three am thin or and and defines fat', 'lam of 1a a s action. the the Anava, These Malas.| Karma M cognitions,like illustrative ', respectively etc three cognition 28-29). Kshemaraja ii. bonds k a three ' I am sacrificer Maya fundamental of identitywith the body, cognitionsof limitation, either in the of actorship exist in the mind and 3 which J oppsed As is a Com. to the product. Siv-Sut. rudiment f i-4. More of sound, Sabdatanmajtra commonly called Para. 161 ( words of form (M d h y a (V m a ik h a of ), or a (Pasyant!) again, the or, in its four forms that S a is a m ousness consci- of the the N a d a stages\\ all the m a n The ' t r a of V of eternal names ing indicat- s k. Hence a the universe sound voice of S a the a iv 5 this is ; silence ', , the of basis is the Vak, soul. mother the y a, Vak, doctrine which marks thus also combinations supreme the of (Sukushma). these and are a images ( goddesses,energies of Siva) presideover d d h u of of possibility mere individual the k t is them S of limitation of the or states vague such limited consciousness of i ), r a yet differentiated into clear-cut images not Sound ) and S k t a a disciplines. (2) P (i) Sakala Listen kala. is Sakala action and associated powers) al ay their to a y a m bound 1a by (A a (3) Vi j ii a in of K a n a- order. cognition a) m n a v 1 a) with with up a powers for the evolution and k classes, ^** three characteristics obstructed (by M a whose one are Tattvas* r y "of souls}are (Individual Pasus a 1 a, 1 a and are other (of limited, human Karma (mala) and pain). Pralayakala experiencing(pleasure is one who, like the preceding,has cognitiveand active energies obstructed,but is released from contact * (K s The with Ka 1 a etc. phrases 'kala h it i) ', mean 11 ' his Ka as etc', throughout 'from r m a kalato the manifested has the been earth universe1. /")/^ done experienced(and for him devoid and m al a k a e v almost and two d d h u M three d h va, a " a 1a Sukshma a d h m a) d h y a (V v The a r i) to of V doctrine Sakta (P a k the schools coalesce and, times, it is almost one A from of the L i ri g Basava, the supremacy enough successor, a y a t a the the characteristic t i n a and S the u d- and M the grossest, a d h- a." (Ib.ii.30.) other in points most impossibleto tiate differen- another. about reign of each development later ed call- properlybelongs to the Saiva and Sak^a more with sway paths are A"uddhadhv school, but at " y a Miaradhva, the the pertains to grosser the to ik h a Vak the a, (Ib.iv. 5-6). Thus path), Misradhva (impure path) (pure (mixed path)and Asuddh^dhva "The tion cogni- (Anava) by Their s. called whose t r a, respectivelyunder are from is "He n non-existent. these three classes S a is who one dissociated action, being obstructed are of one, in the T is a Pralaya. 1a a k al a possible its influence" under and during etc. n 1 ay ra Karmamala of V i j fi a P The (Ib.iv. 2-5). it is with), though again brought be to ) 162 ( is and s or of the S a iv Jahgamas, middle of the a cult is that founded XII by century in Kalachurya king,Bijjala. Its chief a great revolt againstthe Brahman the abolition Basava, himself, was Chennabasava, was of caste. a Brahman. his nephew, Curious His son of : his virginsister,Nagalambikd. Buddha from by writinga in VJrasaiva or is in the ir n of teachers u well a) as t (only)before one the Vedas, taught that the a d v a ;/.c. of the Vedas) refer to have does of earth identityof could then reply, s;v a r P * work in been Ganjam vi. r a before i, being but different from m k o falsityof able to get a s h do the world. mss. k r on the to creation, how To the not "f of the ii'St Ad Dt. t S-ffotra's Bhdihyz tration illus- i ti,the substratum him, like a the is due burning of the knowledge in as 1-4) ? or unmanifested that all oneness desire old of Brahma or of one, exist of magnet, of the I have it r is not a, that theory k The the stage before creation, Up. be there r a power those world the unbodied as texts a effect. If P and "Brahma M-irulusiddha,etc. declaration (Chh. cause of it knowledge the a position creation. manifested exist... The not (flows)from I world then, the y at Renuka, D^ruka, Sihkha- karna, Gokarna, Revanasiddha, as, a g n (devoid of attributes).He a r nacular. ver- ra Sut- fundamental followingextract. (m is said to be He the Vedanta His h the orthodox movement the lines of this Li ises v bodied always the sect. is indicated never preached in Bhashya*of Sanskrit in s made all reformers Like onwards, Basava Srikara is ) 163 Ve.l. Sui. I. i. i. this, S a we of k t i the tive attrac- fire. Hence accept A the detailed by ay a of this ( of count with it orthodox but was of veneer a Brahmans have protest against the the caste relies sect vedic some r it a s 1,4-1] 'OGod, 'may with I na d e v a I dung pr a m and u in t d h vigorous a are quote feet ' S and clay and * is R i g-V r a ii o a The it. d a b h u y wisdom' The S a a m' s a and i v a [Tait.Up. it to interpret besmear s their support the i ta yourselfwith branding. They paintingof the body, similar found by the Saivas, 4 e Lingayatas v yam' practiceby quoting, [/".I. ii. 1], 'Do not burnt '. The have besides ' to the not get for- Vaishnavas meaning 'holy paintingwith discovered to upholdtheir Upanishad,Goptchandana Upanishact, ' more misinterpretation some unlegitimizing to sacramental interpretit as referring to u- marked Siva of dung phrase 'charanampavitram', a now silver box. a for upon God'. and mation refor- a his constantly The other possess ad a y and twisting its meaning into,'Do neglectgreatness' to besmear into unconscionable an or the wear n Vishnu. has grown a y a with fortunes upon may burnt 'Bhutyai L in g Lirigayatais the text which practice quote 'a m body the vitality Lihgftyata encased a that of than Each mean, sapped system, there of V i s h history of obscure vedic usual Buddhist modern 1in g wearing a The as like The etc. of gain an by reintroducingcaste his fierce hatred 0 movement later to Brahmans, Lihgctyata by scarcely on Thus, though the sect. dras, is sect reform philosophy put started jj social a of this movement V this standing. The the ) opinions of the as necessary, 164 fihasma Jdldla ' a whole elaborate Upanishad does not sometimes of the R d u composition of M h a e Siva the v of person of d a fact his i r and his that he m and whom The Vedas *. applied to had have races d s a '-" V. VII R. but interpreted, ""isna for their t The by my 21. the most or oldest L i ri g friend, Mr. T. A. District I am allow. ' aboriginal Maha"epha, God of a large jority ma- worshipped and 3. The round worn God,' not word a tailed demons m so far Gopinatha indebted He Aryans, in the merely has been variously probable meaning is,'those who realistic idol superlatively willing to Sisna- Italy ! 5.,X. 99. God', the these of the 'Great in modern as of It is shrines into phallic to phrase revenge. the Aryan adopt to But s. Indians. modern of the devotees for luck u y is virile) in wayside temples-1-, necks had enemies ample an (a huge membrum of the of the invading is the scornful devas, or indicate God only possiblereference in the last the the been he or phalliccharacter the gods the Siva became t i, The have must worship demons r in and Rdmdyana on, a, and and unlovely surroundings whose pantheon. either u amidst aborigines settled T the later and a r In the other identified with he became Mahdbhdrata, d u first rank to the R many, as sons. gradually rose a r of the age times, other at Rudra's Marutsas Vedas the God, one as speaks of ; but him mention even to which has him '. known is Row for in a ms a one the discovered North Arcot descriptionof be much must alsi ssnt have older than photograph of this he is ths Lingam, which ( 166 for obvious reasons realistic Phallus the Madras the to ID) ia a six miles Gudimallam of villpge c.n (Ling temple informs in the 9th (1156 A. D.). The present model [dcme of the over the triti. A hereurder architect and hence " the a in. image which is plan and of this temple is,as of out of which a has been a by rtm A perhapshe standing on derives of ae page translated whereof, the that fife ii'ig L the 36 by this of Siva its hind carved only already of copy twisted a of its kind Guinwedel's and hair hills. the representation, left the (J a t a) on holding a (from Art The from and 3rd century or pictureof Buddhist the ears. India the 2nd his head. whom animal in Southern " the pair of hands, pair of the side its front on arakshasa, to about image with Tirumala and Parnsuraine.svara) of of brown dark a his left shoulder on name set down a legs and rests his of the later shoulders Gibbson bef-n exact an the near with made and has igneousrock found are battle-axe only one Compare given on a- portionsshaped vefy accurately, hard image sculptureit might be A. D. h t h s styledthe in that it is one sculptor has representedwith its p ri fin a shape of theLiiiga- a highlypolished. Unlike is the Vim ja a common conclusion .the view has the various vessel.. Liiiga the t the sections L i ng there is the usual matted He the G Choladeva Tho belongs. be better lightcarryinga water- after might made cf S i v Vikrama of a L i iig a and the very structed completely recon- was so-called wnrrar remarkable colour,samples are inscriptions ing belong- na." phallusand The station an v most It has been rf in distinctly Again the stated,a \he would hed i t i-v i m i gnen, it the Renigunta,a is not structure idol] has study it strangely in the the reign which periodto close the of the is situated up, of that us of year eet north publishedhere. which in One Railway line. be cannot ParesuraiDesvara temple of "The ) a y in Burgess. The face,the a k s h a India" ears and (3) THE The P chief works Kdrika D. A. Sfitra ), the previous by and commentaries A. ( 1030 D. wrongly divides spanda " For f The Kashmir work, scheme S a i discovered the in 1. * of f sophical philo- a see my of word of names introduction dates of of B on Siva \\ h 1 to my r s cir. 900 Utpala,cir. 930 A. D. by cal verti- investigation. S"tras, 8th A. D. of the writers indicated ' e the cent. Kallata, contemp. of Avantivarman, 854 A. D. SominandanStha, v the because Gurupararnpara", lines,is mostly based Vasugupta, D.), it. of following school and A. schools, (i) Spanda- Utpala, fuller details of this English translation on of Sanskrit seatch frequently occurs Udayakara, (2) Pratyabhijud-Sdstra and ), by Kshemaraja Kashmir two Vasugupta Somanandanatha D. fixed the dates has in the into A. Gupta ( 993-1015 Tour " Mss" works his Kallata, ( Vimarsini) ). Buhler, who in Spanda or of and Siitras" the ( 900 the first work on " Siva Vasugupta Abhinava works of are by Utpala, son these Sdstra School commentaries gupta, Vasu- by Sutras "Siva the by D. A. Besides this founded was Somanandanatha by Pratyabhijnd ( 930 of composed Sivadrishti the Kallata. to School eighth century "discovered" them SCHOOL b h ij n " a in the who taught t y r a in Kashmir the PRATYABHIJNA A. D. the earlier works the later. But the teachings their there of S p universe a and Siva and later ones, disciplineand which the earlier This gam did Kashmir as the and had ones NarSyana, Lakshmana Abhinava books similarly,the K"hemara" (Sometimes 1030 called his contemporary, Alankara, some BhSskara. 993-1015 a n d a all the based Saiva thereon writers quote all the of the Kash- A. D. A. D. A. D. Kshemendra, Kshemendra Tales S p (?) Gupta, cir. 950 Gupta, tradition the discussed. numerous Trivikrama The disciplineas of much amply 'school identity pratyabhijnA regards SaivaSiddhanta 2. that school and authoritative the the treat not the in thing else. seeing getting lost,emphasized was discipline essential naturally treated the panied accom- consists every the all cosmic is the man's falsityof the writers esoteric underlies school, which recognition of earlier as this different vibration spontaneous which justify principleof ultimate pratyabhijna prescribed by unbroken is the a to two to of between works of sets belonging consciousness and processes d enough difference two as of the that " by a is not these n in those pratyabhijfiS being regarded schools. with and and other Rlmakantha. to be Vyisadisa, works.) distinguishedfrom author of works on "* ( mir writers the universe the authoritative ; in as categoriesand into the is previous section the two so far The as of tattvas accepted,in toto, by Pratya bhij nadarsana. between fact,the analysisof the chief difference metaphysicsis concerned, is (i)the greater insistence on the s p a n d a (active; tratum aspect of the a t m a (2) the unrealityof a subsof the universe apart from Siva. Siva, s p a n d a, of the universe,is characterized which knows no and d the chaitanya, by ness infinite conscious- " the Lord and Space independence(svachchhanlimitations of Time by unrestricted a). Complete independencein conciousness basis one connection with It exists only in chaitanya. Parmcisiva (KhemarSja's)Sivasdtreviis " marsinit\. i.) endless Though He possesses characteristics (Dharma) like N i t y a t v a (eternality),Omnipresence, Formlessness, etc., yet ni ty a t v a etc.,belong(also) to other beings (than He); hence Independence,'which is not found in others,has to be described prominently(as His " , "(/".)"From characteristic) and universe m a n a s, the concious being,attain maintenance must is be this objective of organs this group (body), and ating internal organ, unconcious,yet simuland whence the functions destruction,that examined, diligently whose of tion, crea- tattva Independence alwaysunobstructed ". (Spanda Kdrikd, 6-7)"As is the the individual) thejiva (the experiencer, ( self of all, the ) 17' of all source (his)experiences, the object,attains identitywith him by being experienced by him. Hence nothing other than Siva exists, the in and experiencer always the is object. Of and The object is everywhere these not Kshemaraja, "all seated as " these when (J i v proofsdepend ? The one The the is S i v " a. As and " of states it As Jclgrata the is falls from its true the known ' thoughts, I * manifest (from etc.,are S p a n themsevles d a), wherein strong. Where known or I glad,' am knower, quoted the with be by the on ed restrict- differentiated Knower. * in a the it them, sorry,' am there is no nor are established,whence of the nature as there be the (waking, dreaming sleeping),identifyingitself " long consciousness in moves etc., factor So issues,is free in its nature, it cannot anywhere. validityon only reality of all this effected world which of words of real existence knower Hence subject other ( Sushmabhairava, Kshemaraja). Universe for their cognized by the subject. a s) do not cognize,how can Tattva." one for in the requireproof ; known, O dear of factors,the realityof the two attains the appearance object only fusion a consciousness". self-luminous the unique act, a subjectdoes no and experienced" (Ib.28-29). Cognition it word enquiry regarding I and never The am ous,' desir- place different states of pleasure no pleasure, pain, again unconsciousness, ( point of this From The cosmos. of the a r is universe the inner of illumination The the without a of k t i of shine The like P transcends a r e theory of The a i. 4). mother r ik d h y This word Scotus. Lord, The totality of (Ib. V. m a a v and name perception s a a , k t i of A t a s ' a and t m 6). a), form, this the does a),"*(Ib.V. 17). that underlies be discussed ' person is the the the the basis of Matrika of " outside this the in the Psychology. active t " i). the " a, is like the relatively unimportant is M being present, Yogi." a by objectivity(I d Chapter on Duns a- existing outside,(though) if as metaphysical position will * V. desire, causes substratum, a pot,'that not t a h k n to appear (partof the)cognition(A The a A (individual), being under Chit, shine objects to S of form influence the is the objectsas Sutras, (fsvarapratyabhijnd " explaining organ, is made inside but really exists of of projection outside is the experienceof basis the as for unnecessary second a a. n " S i v a, of cosmos 2-5)." it follows that view Reality, independent the (Sp. Kdr " reallyexsists that alone ) 172 ' can schools " associates compared with ' a "She (Siva alphabet, treated be is in this school. knowledge universe,who idamta other as Sfit. the human haecceitas' of ( experienceswith made themselves behind power jn a a, k n attached the in this school of 1 direct to the who Yogi desire is the virginU Thus, from of is and and his P r their According Sakti worship who it a claim 0 of It is f Even that he h c a r a y a, both is the chief the S were a followed one a g is a m a s m a a s. by those of been Saundarya- scarcelya reverend complainsof their manifoldness. ^ v5 * in the have to of Sankara A a- and k t successors pontifical the descriptive epithet, in Kalidaaa's time the a the A g is believed and ty a S " k t presidedover are proximates ap- presumption that ^^ Gaudapada *, must noteworthy that Gaudapada a of his power the Pr As to tradition Subhagodaya highest school from to be the side,the metaphysical one philosophy Gaudapada ; it is name " Mu^ts which today Sankara. author is a. it raises schools. a the the professedly~basecTon Sankara v the of Sankara. that Agamas, A d sakti Pratyabhijn" Saiva derived m than more the to have ", so that m predominance. attained has state, his desire is invincible b h ij n " are girl." As Kshemaraja explains,in the position t a loses her saktis, first two "Ichchha 3. says are She i" thus but the h h a, the c of the universe a, the case ic h and which Of the three tras. an them mantras of letters. up i. Siitias, m the by i y a, and r mother Siva U m that describe the words is formed body whose ) 173 G were a u so d proper a. prevalent V. Raghui-amsa.X.26. ( lahari,both the S | Used id y a v sects, has the to Agama k t i. S the in S They k t a prac- discip- a of the source of all other source sought for be a the famous " well be that the like the vaita, Till i it may So line. r S praiseof in poems ) 174 d- a modern Hindu k t Agamas. a literature is edited, a publishedand translated,the history of the of the Hindu last 2,000 years cannot be religionduring the Biihler records written. S ihkara that No conclusion dovva 1 08 to seems adopted r a t r a s, the the are 12- have the been mentioned schools into on that lettered Mantra, the the in the the shibboleth it appears specific of each Bhagavatas the P a n c one eight-lettered (Omnamo The B h a ga v a rayanaya). an insignificant community the and differentiation was be said to are originallydepended Thus school. which The which mantra, A. Paficharatra schools have AM developments of be to seem Jlfahdbhdrata. ried legendscar- of which few very the Sattvata Ac Agamas Bhftgavata, later. centuries vague VAISHXAVA number, printed. They on by argument of uncritical tradition. the stream Vaishnava in in three be based can iiiTHE The lived who tradition Kashmiri a vanquished was Abhinavagupta development t as are, scattered h a- n A- at present, in the five S other the (I.i. 73) Samhitd Pddma S other a t s a a r s s into being the r Buddha also speaks four P a to the doctrines c a- a m a n t and a r a (4) accepting a (Ib. I. i. 80-83). Sainhita the VaishnavaAgamas h g claims Siddhanta. of a vation deri- n (2)A Form. Tantra t a accepting Forms, nine h Pddma The of schools schools, the Pddma fundamental the r This Siddhanta, three-headed four-headedtor belong Yoga, , Brahma, it,fanciful. of four i)these r A Siva, Siddhanta, Tantrantara to a v Arhata. accepting Siddhanta, these i in turns accepting four Forms, (3) T Siddhanta, Of a (of God), (Ekamurti) Form one face of Mantra (i) S t and and the which night (r a respectively by is,on ratra a explained that Bauddha promulgated Savihltd be to s t Sankhyayoga, Kapila, is Paficharatra word The The schools earlier are explained of in the following quotations. "B r a (he is) h the a m is characterized by bliss (a n a d n a); undi- beginning, changeless, always fferentiated, self-knowing, faultless,superlatively subtle, self-determined, the ruler, self-luminous, indestructible,tranquil, invisible, infinite, spotless, capable one the of full of essence evolving (the world), unchangeable, conciousness of supreme, of bliss consciousness devoid (C (ch of h id id r u past and d a), a n p present, a),omni- a n future, the ( called Vasudeva, Lord i"vara, the giverof forms k s a a possessor of six g u a show the to * g a in Described It is far as and in the I have that been able expression Tapani, the the later first occurs to which later than 12 are, other ma of 1 a." ; light of S a c h- (Ib.I. vi. is the but in ideas both and in derived are quote d not verses Brahma phraseology Bhagavadgtta from the same SuJtta. word the Brahma from and of matter succeedicg to occurs gam the a Ramanuja. a in this fresh after Among Ifrisimha apparentlyearlier that of v i t A found This shows as, teachers. in d search,not derived A sachchidananda, a Badrayana's Sutras. ideas 1 a ; the a made a 1a a Paramat is s a n post-Sankara visishtadvaita, founder and the that noteworthy on BJidsliya like u k a source. a ofParam description so * explainedinfra. in the Purusha frequentlyused " first form 1 a ; the description ofParara originalA s, (undivided), 1a a of the strikingresembance a Chap, xiii,showing " s and t This passage here is h k 1 a-n a is N i s h k the three g n n a u g gross is called S 1 a form a stainless a threefold, gross, to be is called N i s h k transcends He with s, has feet etc. and chidanandaj * n a beings, disturbance, thousand-headed is h k 1 a-n a k s a which form the is the are h a, of without Sa k (divided);the subtle, (form) of Him supreme The of all (I.v. 29-34). f The subtle,and supreme. O, lotus-born. s ru described been has u u g all desires. form "His source waves, the boundless, beyond the P Supereme eternal,without nature, the ) 177 than schools a g a in the m a a of passed as text the that accession it so the and, Sankara d v a i t a, doctrines from the Upanishade, this Tapani the time of and Kama Vidyarapya ( The 30-40). kriti of Sat the other who woman in whom In whose a ar and a m word the t That is of space, u t He s h i r a absence of A of m a His end the bliss of the is understood t m a The . ego the eternal,by is called the Vishnu, form). All this world Ahanta etc. the , pain boundless (egoity). Truly enveloped by Ahanta. changeless devoid eternal,Infinite, h mand com- (The All),Vi"varflpa, He Glory),because (Infinite is B are atma "Param- terms. Blessed, considered He is not time, essence, describes i m everywhere tranquil ("anta), (nirvikara), jrit i), motionless,is embraced. the (having the Universe as is enveloped by His that is not, which k Paramatma, Vi?va Narayana, u- is called Paramatma. Kshetrajna. supreme k His By which . Vasudeva, r a her as Path, all this,moving and is a is called the ego is called ego, whom L clear the a P (lb.I. vi. 41-43). enjoyment m (P world. by is unlimited nature That in call Him They . Path, P b h Vikritiis ; r a- synthesis beings (chetana) characterized (nirduhka) He is the three gunas it all." herself and natures, P She Lakshmitanttay the is He s the whole sustains Lord her by na individual the she . u g has the established creates . Prakfiti h a, called Paramatma. s r u has two k ri ti. and tva ) Paramatma Vi and 178 is called of limitations M he extends a h 3.v i - ly. infinite- Supreme abode, the Light ( without the of ocean shining. He possessedof Blessed The one, V a a s, supreme old Sakti, Ahanta, of my create n i),c S a v it , that is my knower the a m v the (the * sir G The three G of u Virya, discussed. 13.a s Sakti u a a of and s , to be e t y I of means a " and m h c , attains the beings enlightener of the My e t a- both. of nature Like the juice attains j i v a). As chit-tva firewood, carefullydistinguishedfrom Juana, or of states solidityby Yoga. (chetya) matter, are Tejas His am by of known. individual an s, , it attains sugarcane, state I a n the six with kinds nature the said knower Hence (thethree)gu independent,full. i t is pure, time, etc,, space, death. the the and nature myriad myriadth part a two being the of desire to create. known, (c h the h i t-"a k t i m of a, eternal, unchanging. of I become and knower of ting. set- different from independent power, myriad myriadth part S risingor same, or age of the nature own (of myself). of the without activityis My e v by devoid ParamBrahma, n d s u spotless,blissful,always a conciousness is not limited of consciousness, not u ), waveless, a secondless,being the which k t i , a it from tranquil,free " r to (Lakshmttantra, II. i-io). Him." g m undifferentiated is one, is called Brahma, He is similar qualities* six immortality ( a (chidghana), " ; of substratum a ) 179 Ojas the Bala,Aisvarya, and will be presently ( of m it v u Of d h i s. a p The h id c a), so y chin- becomes blue as its r u by changes a power, of built out (a) that is differentiated a p yellow, or own world) is (the manifested small (one). a m n It is differentiated pain. manifold form huge s a h i t is undifferentiated c pleasure or to fiery(ta lightof consciousness).The the with (filled nature due by embraced chetya, a ) by fire,becomes embraced may go I neither subjectand objectis spotless, supreme, 10.) objectivenor subjective."(Ib.xiv. i into " In another relations the of of three the and beings, their all A h L Sakti, atma, n a t (egoity)of a b h whatever k passage, a v a called. Thence, " He ego, called H all beings, God NSrayana; B h a I,the Hence a. v the A is cognized h n a t ' as connection, the * u These and abstract lines Lakshmiis and marsaoftheSakta are a a a n t a By eternal, I a v goal, am is of is the k h s when m i, am little obscure. The ' and the '; what ego the that d (ta relation noumenon correspondingto enveloped Know nature between a . identity of schools. eternal. the eternal,is called possibleto cognize that the the JL Only I1 is A h concrete, the a m am eternal supreme Brahma, is it a i; I r Bhavat Lakshmtnarayana.* by a that b h Brahma Param- is the A t Vasudeva, ofBhavatbhava. the nature clearlydescribes 1 m categories, imagined (bhavatah), is n h Jlva. (form) a s a t between m y V i s h- phenomenon Prakasa and a) or Vi- between b h ft v v 1 a A h becomes t n a (n i r a V a y be can is Parame"variis the his waking taken that nature of desire is called sleeping. develops (d h v a r m a (S i n a a t n t s k a s s S a ik r a), of both of Virya, a) of J n ft n a s t a, n with is called the on k t i, h a). the of the What Para- I, Nara- am desirous (J all of h a, rise who That i. h m is,of the ik m nature y a, S is y i k a h A of indestructible, unlimited, y a, L is not. or moonrise ! n consciousness h A the r r of form a a v is supreme s y ' Ego What assushupta, Lord (jfi a i like r a ta n remains lap. her create the faultless. A to in me, the of i" A Brahma is awake, and a known yaniSakti a n- aparoksha, during annihilation, that ma, h a Samastha winking (nimesha)of the ' awake, she, into N I, is of as and (unmesha), ocean, m a- (analysis)is conceived a not not world A a (objectively^realized Brahma all t h s paroksha as which God, S in uncognizable. The perceptible world When and a), r v uncognizable. cognition the d h a (synthesis)and in the and indescribable Bhavatbhava mat A to and association) without a baseless that due is (immediate connection).Without ' Ego Lord my (unbroken a a y and me a n n Supreme ness conscious- knower, all-seer. The Brahma and me, us, The consciousness. etc., a. all-seer, aj, of nature from are The eternal inner rest, qualities form, Ego, 182 ( is called J " n indestructible The crystal... of mine I c h c " " s t I rise when (essence)of the B a of it ; such is the (by some) in G a r n defined Some the by a, by t a 1 1 a r y a, as flowingfrom six v g u n a s , Jn (/", II. 12-35). eternal o ja time s. and " He 1 1 n "Na of regard five G ( the firstg Paramatm", jnAna,bala, when Hence of a and ray u u assistance the sixth ja I am s is (part of) are regarded fin ) Jn a The . my body." God, is the are the always his supreme s as this rest, ana, Te s. a of defeating others, n a n a the v i k- part a as as V the ocean ai"varya, v!rya,sakti is beginningless, not limited by form. of out me Tejas, a the power These i" my gives up universe. regarded of t a-knowers A Ia ; i, is formed is called as v My a (also)called i r y a, knowers some Milk independence all works doing u V My a. y it i r is called k y it r a a y (reality,) regard Vtrya is v B world a. (manifested) r a is k t i. (produced)in change. A a S never of a r a curd absence m ir y k P when oftattva knowers is V change change become the P always r t a 1 1 v a- regardedas is a v a) is called n various created the am (of milk) its nature I I though being devoid a y Being I create all filling 1a ; A is world, (I am) called effortlessness when (also) my a r the the learned. by s N " (outof light like of form supreme (desire),in h h ^ r a p a, the a r u n ) Goddess, of and space, shin- ( His characteristic is and he enjoyment enjoys)like feeds little by little my always a ) grasping destroying (what j! v 84 1 fire. ways alThe * brightness." (Ib.xiii. 18-29.) In the later Vaishanava Visishtadvaita t a, though and to of the inferior by of position the A nearer the to palatable " v a i t i s who It is and of the f Each act the the a iv a r y k a an h s of the than gone much the by point have away from relation The ween bet- soul,called Kshetrajna d v a a this r u work as t i that the life is quotations . is Paramatm", positionthan is Kshetrajna those in the Tat tvatrayant (as would Vieishtadvaitis modern the S it one. is known a manifestation in the i m earlier utilized In another the n- to The a. school Agamas. of concious the really matter are a Kshetrajna Compare the a in another, she is schools regard taught in Para " h c f the P degraded h a; s Bhagavadgita],and the much D A S rival the individual in k o Vaishnava the modern the M Vaishnavas. modern in Agamas the the regardsL subsect the to even Pancharatra more is cosmos to on Lakshml, intermediary leads that grace of position.One sort a as based Agamas, factor obscure the DvaitaVedan- large extent a charatra active schools,namely the be and authoritative. A t m The to of my a of the tion limitabe due power, Spandapradipika with difference the to of into bodies, wise the s a) t i r u the etc. ; the jI v k him, the know which s be cannot f (Gods) s h t e jn reached r a is established in it ; of wisdom their eyes B t e ments ) ele- dd u the be a, to by h s five,* ( gross a by a r K mirrors. of ferentiat is dif- image one in many many (the body) is made (b h 0 as supreme, i, untouched, h transcending the manifested, beyond the supreme, Vishnu" the A in a is no (Ib. I. pot vi. when moves 15-18 ). As the and Para k a a s truly there pot is moved, the difference between " J the " ! a v (Ib. I. vi.20). The of V Visishtadvaita modern d a t n and and A though h c a r a t n into brought and v a and it (1) * The were Gross elements a In the never V a bound. i s h n a a gony cosmo- himself, of orthodoxy V in work Tamil the the V e - ers his follow- philosophy and A g a m a doctrines modern (2) subtle v j iy u a expounds only (4)Karmendriyas driyas t the prominence charya's Tattvatrayam, n excellence^of this sect, clearly expounded is a m discipline. But greater practices. a m a g neglected Ramanuja's have d for books, philosophy a par , pleaded he PancharAtra d a y a school a Ramanuja, practices. the though A and philosophy a R the eclecticism, blending e is is is h \ a Pillai LokA- of the age (3) j n elements a n - of e (5)antahkarana. a tradition, the s u r i s are beings who n- 186 ( S fty a n work This a in who A A t c is a ra " Manas, " the A other t a m than The . body, Buddhi Prana, superior to fairlywidespread a The C h i t is (being) the by Tatt-uatrayamis an t svara, Chit ultimates the three h i t. are India. Southern expositionof and read much is . S rivaishnavas, sect ) sense-organ, which it ; preceding one of nature each are (A t " is m ) small, not-unconscious, blissful,eternal,infinitely immutable, inconceivable,indivisible, imperceptible, the seat knowledge ; (He is) inspired,supported disposableby 1 a v a r a (T at tv air ay am. i-3-4). and " of His size is but atomic the union of a of " of rays difference eternal Soul and " Ch hence agent an i t is the seat 'I between and of and chit Whereas between is The the two. "He is should ' say I This the Soul and as it a and Vai"eshika. vidual indi- knower a knowledge am ( Ib. i. 27, 28.) a u, " an know'." v n this constitutes consciousness from approximates This school ' and relation substratum quality (dharmadharmibhava) A d a enjoyer ( Ib i. 29) ledge knowknowledge. If he were and Vl"ishtAdvaita and millions quot. in Manavala's resides in the heart. merely,we not shiningwith infinite and isVibhu, is bliss ; of the dimensions Samhita Ib. i 14). on tsvara and (mote) and ( Vishvaksena comment, an knowledge trasarenu characteristic (minute);his entiates differS d it to like the n k h y a Nyftya last,also ( unlike A that the admits the S h a of action matter. The those who never were vikftra souls a ja s Karma the is matter from by the is m a a s, this kinds, misrasattva ( devoid rarefied a of state ture admix- the eternal, productive will into a ik u be and soul n \ h a) t"vara by that speciesof Sattva, Rajas of the A c some (Ib. it. of state it is different conscious from , measured conscious." and not chariots, refined superlatively individual of others regardedas some of seat three difficult to by the destruction of souls the without divine by and i"rasattvais compounded those (state of matter) is regardedby 1-6.) Though causes and It is of eternallyemancipated be unconscious in are bliss, capable of modification but himself. This who sattva-"unya T and classes, , unconscious, of infinite brilliance, and "M three pavilions, palacesetc. (in V towers, to of to (Ib.i. 42). Sattva, and knowledge by belonging emancipated,and are and pure which a as (pure sattva), matter, enjoyer. it v a those a Suddhasattva of R A d are it y n (phenomenality). sattva). by the the and enjoyment bound. (mixed sattva) of and who Suddhasattva of a and h i t is the c is the actor individual bondage, ) a and mukta, baddha, A m k h y conceive " t 187 knowledge, h i t which and T a m a is s , knowledge in and bliss bondage, producesfalse knowledge, is eternal,affords a field for i s v a r a s sport (i. e ' ( ) and similar into etc.,)evolves creation 88 1 by differences of place and time and Maya. Prakriti, Avidya it k r i t i because r a because Avidya, it is called ; it is called of evolution itselfchanges ); a ledge destroysknowit has K The body. and Prakjriti as It is the Time. 1 a, K a other h s a ful wonder- v objects; (small periods a 's sport and r a of A classes two of cause material {a fs field of time),is eternal,the His it because Maya, "SattvaSunyais of i k ft r power." (Ib. ii.9-10). creative the It is called changes ( v causes is called and forms P dissimilar c h it are and (i)fitto be experienced(Bh o gy a) by f svara A t m ft,(2) means and fields of (their) enjoyment. 1 (Those) objects; Fit ' ' be to of means experienced (B enjoyment ' "c., fields of enjoyment ' bodies. Of below matter) is bounded above and bounded is around. above Time a p here a d a (in the manifested unbroken into differentiated states ' Eternal finite by the of consciousness. c c h it A c it y a abode h it ' like eyes (superfine around and below h i t) is the same in P a r a(eternal) of 1 s v a r a), and it y is called A a (finite)." k h a n periods,infinite duration rate of Finite all (ordinarymatter) a n worlds,), Time a) are placesand unbounded last is N (the supreme (Ib.43-4%). A organs g y unbounded and but (the Time everywhere. m middle ; the are first A these,the o ' the four are h flow Time of is K 4 a, un- changing h a n d a, ( of consisting These etc. v 39 ) periods divided two seconds, minutes as called Time are No-Time and in VL Mait-Up 1" 1 a, the third t r a 1 1 a " v is a, opposed blissful,shining evil,infinite,self-illumined, the etc. of the cause four kinds of men, solicitous and of the love and of L a L k a k s h four ' h s m i m action, and to are the kinds a of fruits vii. the i 1 a and and the B h other S m u two k i 16) the virtue, objects, " splendidform, and three of the enquiring, the afflicted, !, N the and Refuge sage1 (Bhagvad-GitA release,of manifesting referred the creation, maintenance universes, the of all destruction giver with like Jfiftna,Sakti auspiciousqualities of hosts all to the Lord i." ( Ib. iii.i.) Goddesses are of knowledge, inertia. The auspicious qualities wisdom, power, forbearance,mercy, a t s love, activity, righteousness, friendship, gentleness, accessibility.(Ib.iii.10) and " His ' splendid form worthy of infinitely superior to human like which nature one, obstructive bodies, illmunative therein is like the treasury of His of qualities, constituted of wisdom His Divine gold placed in hosts of ties quali- fit delicacy etc, of infinite brilliancy, meditated on by Yogis, dazzling all like be not cup, the ruby and alone, eternal, Him ofSuddhasattva, to is (like Anandamaya) forms a ' beings,generative ( 190 of all ) delightfully beheld passion, always eternallyfree beings, quenching all like lotus a tank, the root by implements 'implements in been age, he ornaments' attributes whom He P a n a s r u u s friend the as Par of the by " his a g his goddess ", and in the always sleepingstretched {of A d i " e s ha the cosmic by * three wives, Sri, R. V. 1. 22. 20. Ait "rdh. f A?val. $r. Sut. of earliest iv. 2. and r a of the be to was B the r " h - a B h k the sacrificial on s , he became duties h were away the charged dis- i Finally popularimagination of India, he is the second s m L modern a gods explainhim cosmic u n d n stretched in the P r a 1 tried to early A and Brahma am the sacrifice ',the supreme ' the Gods In the sun. ing exist- as In the In the age Nirukta altar. The various Form. varied. , h a, whom ted ornamen- are the sacrificial food became he s a * supporter of the world. m r highest/ being placed in last ', f in the series of Gods the was a (Ib. Hi. 40.) among ' portionof a offered. ' the t a v conceived Vishnu, the a in his Divine the most was and sky to of fortunes India, have the and physical shapes The Vedic ornaments." the by all,and and of the divine symbols of dis- afflictions of the of all protectingall,the substratum The and enjoyments a s person m . of the Trinity, in leisurely his couch serpent) and ed comfort- u and , I. i. i. N !1a on , the ( b h y a's the M (1500-1527 A. D.) teacher,V y The a birth gave a The i v ti a the in a hie very militant iv lived daramurti South v i s a Dt.). Arcot called are g a A. Tamil p p r author , late Madhva a among of The in 63 were Tamil number. who a r, 850 Tamil P " d y n Hence . (or V ain to Satnbandha a* g i s D. He r) who Saiva was of Nadu songs 100 years Tiruvdsagam, of from aa D conducted have a later lived and u ri- protege of Niidu edited lived teacher, S a these r a- and Sambandha religionmust a famous A. a a lived in Sankaricharya,who Another D. About Tevdrarn. contemporary a literature. century refers about The Telugu a and Munaiyaraiyan Narasinga cult, correspondingVishnu-cult cult. a friend,A about 650 worked 1 1 a b h a, the a Tamils vigorus crusade againstthe J and Krishna TiruilanaSambandha, was a there Vijayanagaram dynasty si.75) (Saundaryalahart, vidaSisu V powerfulP"ndya King, Kun to the S a the the extensive more j a, u a. the later half of the 8th. a the n a a- Akaho- k ti a contemporary of the greatest of them J a-B h n of a t h r in a was Bengal. temple-cult spread a to of which saints, Sivanadiyars, a converted the iv and R V id y kshobhya A District,was varaya extensivelythan more S S s a a is h r Nellore D Krishna of K the of Brahman of prophet the of founder of greatest amoug cult. From a the His successor, expoundersof first member the Chaitanya, v in Narahari- was porary is the a- u, r n born PillaiLokacharya. d h a the branch, a contem a Jayatirtha disciple, expoundersof arose and been Deva. well-known Desika Vedanta P Kaliriga,(Orissa^during was y a, like the two r a n him Narasimha minority of Vira Akshobhyatlrtha D. A. is said to have a v of Regent Dewan ttrtha, d h a third in descent from The A. D. 1206 M a, otherwise jn r a p 1055-1137 from lived Bamanuja ) 192 (in Siva the Saints Manikka translated ( Dr. by t. G. S i d H h the expounding The The worship the That the that Sakyas Hiouen taken was According saluted by the the stftpa (Ep. Maurya Period. work* That V, the 3 friend my invocations and in Mr. Vasudeva and still earlier a Indra to Kubera. ancient more rendered shown was legend that Varuna is of and inscription. of the this scene .) which stone the is has the " is ancient represented on probably be to tion tradi- the of gate Siddbar- children raised of Chinese infant what very the eastern Sakya then image time The the obtain legend by Siva. Isvara, where alwavs the than probable near because protection the Ind. Tamil by with begins worshippers father, prince. fact Siva temple his by to a 19C. were old divine seek here v Umapati voluminous Saiikarshana is Tsang the Kapilavastu tha of Buddhism of the pilgrim p. worship founder i a OoUcamund. mentioned are XVEII Vol and D.) A furnished Yama, Bhagavat of temple Ant. S Visishtadvaita a wrote been inscription Vaaudeva, Vaishnava D.) Epigraphist, Nanaghuta The A. has note Govt. Sarikarshana, v the of same. following Venkayya, i a Bhashyaof a tenets (1236 (1313 wrote a the S Meikanda, Sivacharya, Ind. it is called and t a, Q a th an suit Bbashya. a k VedantaButrasto the V. la Nl Pope. ) 193 who ask. they itself is and proved Amaiavati assigned to the " ( ) 194 Section The These Vaiseshika schools the anti-monistic exist to conscious B from substance refuse later much V of a u i" e the V ed pada, century a the a who A. a of the a y t a system, o g lived This a B h systematic Vai"eshika be must a s h y older. a restatement on y the and a y not are the rival also of Pra"asta- than is not a while and later Bhdshya is the ancient system, much not D. wrote a days. our N these the bad have the earliest a system, in of Buddha, age k h y a-Y n n y much we and marks, mocking so even of Gautama s than a of Kanada. but r h i k a-N s S the t these produced and of Kanada, of objects into by book kind one the eternal Vaiaeshika earliest book, the S by but matter, " divide science worse tances subs- successive derive to them that has and other from be to They be attracted to metaphysics Sutras attempt another. of monism mirage The not species,define and genera but do schools each all unconscious substratum one aim. their absolutely apart of transformations were admitting d d h i downwards u logical They in while beings, conceives from the on Deduction. Safikhya, Purusha Nydya. the based were uncompromisingly these and of Definition and processes Even IV. the 1st Sutras a tary commen- tion amplifica- system, utilizingwhere ( possible the of words was the first commentator and he days schools got modern the T on could S a n k h y d a n t a A and g a m difficult discover to that contributed and in the V the modern making historical school Similarly one have one, the in that e- times it extremely development of idea. philosophical each Vaiseshika. A. school Vai"eshika The Padartha into six. of word, the a word is and under which Vaiseshika u n relation a ) thing which six " a what thing to its and (differentia) Samavaya (Vais. Sfit. ). I. i. 4 Kanada to a It is general concept indicated by are to the (Dravj^a), (Karma), ing mean- category. according substance action the corresponds fundamental are , of literallymeans be subsumed can These words. analyses padarthas generally translated properly,a more (G are a A. D. Nyaya so up, school. Yoga inextricably become and Vais;eshika Nyaya and a 6th cent. disentangled from be the by the (Logic) so-called, the a the by scarcely Nydya mixed k r a S"tras the before much part contributed Vatsyayana, Vai"eshika very works Kanada. on lived sometime later In ) 195 Samanya, early quality (the genus), Vi"esha ( coinherence restricts the word ) . 196 ( A th r (Vat's.Sut. first three the to a and Pra"astapada extended In later days ) it to the seventh a VIII. others ii.3 ) also. * Abhava category, added was to the list and (non-existence), Padarthas acknowledged to-day the total thus are seven. characteristics The serves substrate a as a coinherent like colour,and is in but vacua become cloth by " But : of is action Bodas, p. 30-31 has made the age (991 A. D). when ic inheres introiiaction that in is not to the both produced others, each " the An the disjunctiorof The in a istics character- substance, of cause a (or) disjunctions." Tarka Vais.Sut. I. i. 4. is of in (Ib I. i. 14); conjunctions and his proved later than Kandali in they individuality. produced. and qualities, with is concerned of its effect" that qualityare is taste one its is when destroyed ) destroyed the bow it is without 0 is bow from arrow of a Adhara coinhere number loses destroyedby of tension the latter these when a exist (Ib. I. i. 12). cloth, but of combination a Qualities destroyed either destroyed qualities( are ways." (Ib. I. i. 12) ; by is not not into woven their as its cause." are and actions expansion, cannot substance or that it are (Ib. I. i. 15). requiresubstance threads the substance qualitiesand actions like its effect Thus of cause. (substrate)."A by of an Samgrahot interpolation Sridhara, the author of Nydya ( " (Ib.I. i. 16) in it inheres The characteristics one substance, it is without is the sole and " s a m a y species)and objects(a r not and qualities v i" e tions disjunc- also discusses h (natureof s a h categories,for they a) of perception. " Generality are buddhyapeksham, speciality (Ib. I. ii.3) is in the them t , The Summum tual. concep- Genus, "that . (without being genus a that are though (coinherence), samavaya, include he does not are Kanada (nature of genus) a of action conjunctions and of cause (Ib.l.i.17,30). n ) 197 a species) which B h is a a v extensive (existence) for it is the most concept. (Ib. I. ii. 4). "Substantiality (dravyatva), " , " (g u qualitattveness tv both a) are t v In word v what is called h a a) and activity(karma- specific.(And and ultimate (Ib.I. ii. 5-6.) e s a general others)except i" n species,(the atoms last tapada is defines coinherence of and cause (Ib.VII. ii. to be "that effect,that to the is in the other one connected and accessory of connection and are which Pra"as- (we speak) which by the Kanada in causes what the " vaya Sama- 26). Prasastapada discusses fully. "The substrate according gave Samavaya. coinherence, to ultimate here, antyavi$esha, padartha, the restricted (difference)has been the detailed description of which species, to this school. name Vai"eshika The etc.)" Vai"eshika, later the all so are relation the separab inof cognition ( ' here 4 is S ma a (woven from Dravya, Here, a is in Dravya i "e v is h s (pairs).This h)/ a that Guna 5 a thus: h is one, nor 11 has Thus of generalconcept and and and Karma, realitybehind of the S a n other hence a Sattais Dravya, a s. " like 1 1 a. stance, subtence Exis- (of things) (Ib.IV. i. is a noumenon, the Pra"astapada P i). a Guna Dravya, is not 66) Dravya, Vai"eshikas than a (Ib.I. ii. 17.) eternal" the g milk that is S " o Ed. p. of of its own." phenomena, k h y y the Satta. are m (Ib.I. ii.7-8). and is uncaused Satta a mark specific no marks it specific the S say these of Bombay they action. for 'to be' is Existence there (a thing)different from a qualityand understand pot and we that a r t an species the first three, "Whence " in ultimate not a possess Karma t t fl is in (quality), members is Dars. Karma and the between padarthas, and can between placed in it)." ( Vais. defined Here (activity),' the we a y Dravya- Karmatvam (connection) (conjunctionlike Guna is in Guna (atoms) are connection these * v 'Here, (qualitativeness),' in eternal a r a (is) SattA, (substance) (action) some Of Karma ' t y D Karma,' Here (substantiality),' m Here is and (is) in the grass grass), Here, in and gunatvam (a n 'Here, cognitions, ' the Guna karma ' the Guna (are)Dravya, v From * the mat t ) the cloth,'Here, threads(is) in the * 3.ya. v 198 r a notes a k j:i t i that ( objectsof invalid argument the (which body of /. the effects of (Ib.Ill, i. 1"5). sensation the and " the e. a the cognition. T (cognitionin the)term The " of senses),because causes an cognition is that says the or of the unconsciousness consciousness It is (which cognizes them). sense qualityof ) 200 different (from every other being characteristically cognition)no scriptural testimony is required to " the prove the On existence intuition body), because itself and This it of entityother an appliesto of the At of testimony, teachers reflects ii. 14). either (gurus) scripture i.e. beings supersensuous who have by ordinary men A existence of the gained the as t m for the contradiction admits which or experience an only evidence for Vedanta universal A a nn (than the that direct " is in m attained of the soul the nothing else" (Ib.Ill Vedanta, the not III. ii. 9). rejectionof scripturaltestimony existence to (Ib. soul the contrary, "'the cognition of the Ego is immediate on of , asserts which the existence is not 'I am matter ' of I the V which are ordinary I e d now' am a n Sahkhya t a human is the and this a , That fundamental can but be a perienced. greater I is actuallyex- and the essentiallyrationalistic being schools t m ness. conscious- will admit. one every faith till that The a ' am than more positionof in given That of of individualism. Vaiseshika cannot help ( The " soul is of " manifold,because man's one (man's)(Ib.III. ii.21). Moreover (Ib. in one's existence the III. i. 19). (two) species of pain. Hence, other body of; from like our born effort like "Ths marks and their of avoidance action in action muscular a and on a is action that effort is soul because some effort." own (presence of outgoing and motion bodily for having are in m a n going breath, a the (that builds vitality the eyes, of the ) soul (in a affection s, of the pleasure,pain,desire,aversion effort." (Ib.III. ii-4). sense-organs, volitional The play body waking of breath effort of the constant the our closingof the tissue), other it is based or born are muscular action of the the are opening and soul activit in- and infer (the existence we this muscular an body) for tator commen- a muscular see effort,because some them pleasureand own), our (to aversion and actions vve soul own from it is up (than another born From of when marks are "Activity desire by attainment activityand Mi"ra, says, effort. other every different souls) in others." called muscular objectthe soul own ness distinct- the "the Sahkara ^s produced functions of Sutras the on of from experiences observed inactivity prove ) 201 exerted moments. that is the basis of as in soul a to much This body is the result of keep up the a life of during sleepas during is called 'the vitality (jtvanayoni conation pra- ( yatn );winking a also due of m of sense n a a in A t the of the . conceived of but the V a ciousness subtle i$ from modifications West. called a school is and are "the as it does exists in non-eternal is another space "this is and space Time inhere actions \ appear and Time it does in is one manifold,on in them the and them. substance. marks ous, later,simultane- of exist The II. ii.6). in eternal " It is things other here." substance are and account so i k,: (rises)the ( Ib. substances, because and qualities object; held from whence (so far) from any as things."(Ib.II. ii.9).D substance are not regardas not is as notions not preceptions clearly separates con- quick." (Vais. SAt. cause the European soul, and separate ultimate in ft m to matter, the consciousness is another slow II a in the At the and of exist apart from of its existence not h ik As the these, which of does Time and forms reside nearest conations Consciousness and can e s Thus the soul. of qualities as of which comes conceptionof processes the organs pain reside is their substratum. philosophy, desires, are and Vai"eshikas Western movements " and m effort both Pleasure ft which ma A t are processes The conation. same desire and m anabolic the conjunction to produce perception into upon and bringingthe in s depend At the to ) 202 eternal. and tion no- II. ii. 10). doj possess! they (Ib. II. ii 7"j is Space though they of accidental quali- added ties of time course to future, though these infinite and that here not n k a " is thereto. does to not The books. this of extension, devoid the is modern Manas the the " 'subtle as The organ that objects It of any proof (of sense the into pervasive literally mean^, objects two Hindus k a"a A being , with idea of infinite Hindu in- 'A k A $ of m a of manifestation not infinity mere extended thing, of infinite space. which substance. contact through and noted be must Modern the eternal brings of be to soul, the discussed sound1, another , speak conception is u The be but can transferred between Upanishads Brahma'; Brahma seem non- definite substance a qualities attached space h whereas space, of sound substrate subsequent Dik, which distance tinction dis- the to Like atomic. u, of past, present and straight line. a for a ib v the to non- being into are past, antecedent really one. is called along A is It is the measured the a Space direction. use it substances two and division into conception is due objectsinto of distinctions its to The future or sion divi- but qualities Sun. the The into East, West, etc, existence These lead and inherent existence, present Time hours, etc. their of the states existence. 12) of space past, present as II. ii. 8, and positionof or time future due not (Ib into minutes, present and are them. to the existence) of the It sonl is and sense-organs. Manas are ( existence M as of a only one serves s ii. i) and organs the we constituted by is eternal. It is ' takes The in A atoms and a s ' a Of . the and of sound k The " of a ' Water and touch. ' smell and touch. Thus are qualitieson coinherence substances. nature it that because Earth ', Water these the ' ' ', on k a r a inheres in a qualitywhich of touch has three ' has inheres colour, qualities, four,colour, taste, four represent four in them effects which or of of In the words the their of in the colour qualities, two these account are is Earth y Fire ', first four elementary substances, which hypothetical and produce the perishableobjectsof the latter be to pervasive. has taste The it imagine last is vibhu, 'fire' 'air.' ' of sensations substance sensation . touch, sense- place the conjunction with are sensation a were produce cognitions. A k atomic anu, all parts it follows ultimate an with if it with number a cannot we (indivisible whereas have constituted to and time a could As of contact in contact be in contact In the substances Air be can could substratum as sense-organs * it at time. same ing sense-objects(accord- It is atomic . the cognition on their medium as sense-organ all-pervadingit it and invisible)because and at soul the (Ib.III. no). or n a of non-existence and proximity ) 204 combine universe. derive their Samavaya causes the " the or eternal Sutras, of the effect (is derived) from the nature " the of ( (Ib. IV. the cause" also are ) 205 i. 3.) These effected distinguished by being of body, organ consisting a v and a a y (objects) i v plex, com- , object. (Ib.IV. if.i.) K n a Creator d a does a his ultimate among Vai"eshika chiefly under developed s t u ra influence of the a attempted to from This . much of God s derive (I.i.3) runs ' (their)describingit. hence this is authoritative the understand e d a n of the work a This it (X. ii.9) t r a and , but vedic ceremonial. Another to explained to of refer to God. one am'; u t it from B Dharma the the s u Veda way r a h t r m as a and of the the last reference effect of unseen a to have there,again,the to , the again recurs to where r a of its context out a Tadva- commentators d' the absolute Brahma is not s points out later The s u the Nih"reyasa that points out because 'T cult scriptures(is due) refers to this passage by t a. ' ' " any previous r a highest good. tried to wrench V t s u Saiva thus: said to be derived Nihs.reyasais and the It the in (highest good) days later the notion pram authorityof The ' the personal creator, chanadamnayasya means When misinterpretationof a utra Supreme or substances. in notion the God a philosophy the commentators Supreme mention not is also wrongly It is If. i. 18. and runs, 'Samjnakarmatvasmadvisishtanam lingam'. This means 'The action of naming' 206 ( Beings higher substance) by (a is the of mark ", because, the as they Yoga, air, or a naming This existence. then s t u of invisible substances absolutelyno has B. The school N y " y a, P r a m not e school The Nyaya, define y a, what twelve, A are a a t m a d and God. i" a e s agree h ik a r being a and Logic tinged with therefore,does not with constituent th a or a the taphysics Melyse ana- It parts. casually. but Dravya, proved.The Prameyas jects, sense-obbody, sense-organs, fault, transmigration, activity, is to be a , cognition, manas, fruit,pain, and beatitude five Time Elements, u y Logic its into P its proofs the V with the proof of Metaphysical questions only discusses It does V of being a universe the like us, Vai"eshika the Metaphysics tinged of to amidst to points; the in fundamental of vision Nydya. and Nyaya they Hence is beginning reference says, them. name occurs r a " r a invisible substance a ance subst- that ) being developed by substances and a t u ourselves, of direct vision Their see s their of fact k a s account on (II.i. 19). them:" next than of existence ( the substances name ) (N and y. Sdt. Space are I. 9. ) The introduced incidentally. The existence the consideration A of the that a t sense m a is proved cannot be first the by soul, 208 ( The in N y " y a, like the the real What are existence,no beyond " atoms. 1a y r a p believes Vai"eshika, of eternal existence have ) being cut As the atoms (destroysthem). a '(If it is atoms. are said that)it is impossible(forsuch a thing to exist), the A k a " a must because (pervade) and divide (the atom, for otherwise)A k " " a would not be allpervasive,(we reply that) ' ' without what apply than other causes." that argued effects to the all bodies of parts having and within do they refer to what (Ib. IV. atoms) ' and effects because not are the words form 81-85). (If (also) all bodies infinitumand " is not proper the As the to Nyaya the adjustment 1s fruits of of a is is by Supreme a cause, action. absence fruits a be regressus ad a v r for the infinitum a, the so Is the v a y of Some action. Being do not. y a of with tions ac- immediate This called not a r a only are we N concerned (If it said),this of (the S^nkhya consequences others but a to But Sutras visible ; l"v ar in the an followed by " of Vaiseshika. are conjoin cannot regressus added Yoga the and a it is (Ib.IV. 88-90;. conception the because are tion collec- a that (with others),(we reply that) the atoms it would occasion given up because ad in real parts, because have must and exist not have must ' see can is justed ad- l"vara. fall) the not be, for individual's)action, fruits cannot (itis)caused for (whole) cause, 19-21). The later N of the creator. God, is devoted N y a of the Real are existence of existence threads (we cognition), (tho ugh) they the not are (Ib. IV. 91-93). " the world, opposing nerate dege- more it is said that things cognition, just as the be the perceived when the cloth part of a exist independent is argument no of the assertion on in the logy. ana- different entities, are perceivedseparatelybecause the (of inherence thus "If no,)for this and ments argu- chapter. next (i. e. cognition is say, threads The of of of the falsehood account main external and objectscannot and notion perceivedbecause cloth cannot a real existence of be the and, in later days, d vaita. means removed are the of (Jb.IV. against idealism itself school cannot only by known the of Buddhism of the A forms Its cognizing mind, Pratyabhijfia the in ranged the Knsumdnjali question. one existence schools certain developed a y is not Him." by Udayana's a y the independent a y summarised be affirmed and this to will The reply) action forth, (we come (The thread theories in that] the cloth)". the relation cognizer and cognised is like the relation [of man) to things (experienced)in a dream, or like of jugglery (or the be city of the proved, G because mirage cannot of proof."(Ib.IV. 96-98.) any It is noteworthy 14 how a each n d h a r of the school of v a s or a absence thought ( different for the has used his bodies, the study of a of part P calls him * r u Prakriti. ha, V d a m t n a a tendency rooted in grows into a A The one Purusha, that or these is in a later denotes thus accordance whole world N y a y They soul ' that t m a. to Universe. they which not which schools a they avoided It must being that attributed them with as fills the Chaitanya A also felt it to so many words had like definite and preferredthe be forgottenthat discussions words, though in later philosophical treated as depending definition 1 The hold of schools a which which term. attached word dance m Brahma, and or connotations vaguer curious Yoga a g a logy, etymo- in essence, noumenon, to 'the functions fi k h y a very active and regard the to non-committal a ing start- of the accepted the word, perhaps because be is the conception fairly accurately. The popularized the word A t m a, which Vaiseshika The than S of the least,means other uncertain witness term. self,nature, means, of Chaitanya, or at a The Drashta The Samskrit A g word a inactive the prefer Chit the nature philosophy. appropriate very its s whose man meaning 'male/ originally but designationof e name all u ) 210 V upon in each e d ic have synonymous, their derivation ings mean- and their School. etymology, he (pur) (Sat. "rdh" definite xiii. 6. who bides 2.-1.)is fanciful, (si)in this strong Thus though Vai"eshika and individualism, yet between and A the h i c pure t m is t k a and that see t i of a number ence great differ- a the former two 'Purusha' But the of of is mination) conciousness, of illu- of more. systems the all schools is there of (power Yoga, are a y latter two. the nothing Vaiseshika a y Purusha of a N the we the the S a h k h y a, the A N in the t a- y the is " ra a y stratum sub- qualities involuntary vital " action, voluntary action, desire,aversion, cognition, " the S organ the ii k h y a, a this ; the 1 y a) of S a of realization Prakfiti (Sdhkk. the I Pure Being I not am Kdr. consciousness of 1 y a, alone-ness, one who as a g A ( K experiences h K best k h y a mutability,all phenomenality * iv a I clusive, con- ledge know- being the called K with ciousness consa i named all but ' not am and 1 y a, cannot the pare has a a- mutable as of sense v ciousness Con- mine, dissolved a i a of and is ignored, is S schools Purusha. ',nought the the o is described Ego and tion investiga- Being absolute Ixiv). of non-ego To Pure immutable incontrovertible ' Y of psychological theories from of a- internal of discrimination the result of the as line k h y n by difference the to the and metaphysical their of the original view-point The adopted. on is due difference consequent their the modifications as difference d arcana, base fact,all ttut is described in pleasure,pain, etc., v a- it. change, be re- ( garded the P r u s action as outside, objective; as h desire which and k h y y ik world, But a. has a consequent is caused the V for objects. composition about analysing the and when he to value, proper thereby of cannot be of " These man. vital a (jfi an (m a n a e n d these of life and release any other a compulsory reached he regards space the earth " which " a t are ft m are action,voluntary action, desire, r y s). The possessedof aim qualitieswhich qualitiesof and aversion, cognition, sense and them, His substances , their at point is the seven time of pain objects for Hence stops. the explainedby involuntary this possessing all as of pain. pain a- which them and the the world air,a k ft" water, fire, outside birth of He hanker to the soul, when analysisof m estimate ceases cessation incarnation the A t he abolishing the being his learns n- therefore desires sets a iy a bodies physical in N abolition the S the the or a the to not k j:i t i to h ik s e not regards man self and r a goal birth on by i" a his as P is but i,. knowledge, of ordinary of k f it r a all that is functions the the world belonging to outside the mental ; and a P hence includes his view changeable, in u ) 212 control s) a and of the realization qualitiesis (m o discipline ; and explanation of the cosmos k s h organ of the of organs of " t tion attenm " as legitimatea goal a) as that realized by as hence is the the as Vai"eshika valid as any other. ( It to is not other any The a theories But of i y the a i k of or leading up of the riddle and true as of founders as in latter his the explanation is feet, to help theory atomic than he Akshapada, as any in him is by other. no his means of a less by atoms who of search and a is name eater the names ad Kan former asKanabhuk, paraphrased the turned The the and schools, these the to Vaiseshikas ridicule. to the metaphysics their the of account on superciliously s a Gautama, eyes India, superiority atomic and the final and of monists fancied them of solution one to other. any of but subservient self-consistent universe, N philosophy a ) 213 has atoms. valid ( V. PArvamimdmsd. Section The of Vedic different of praise V a r u n them hearts, which show gain to There j- the When age compilation of the memory of the there must cause the mantras literature be used calamity a desire urgent again, other of which and hymns to J hymns and the work floating in people began. Between (Riks) already refer inspirationended, the of the prose the tion composiformulae compilationas the Vedas have elapsed a periodlong enough to and of the occasions originalpurposes be largely forgotten. The whole to their the now was for recitation part of the The of hymns and (Yajus) propitiated in their individual some therein. functionaries in and the sacrificial ritual had that the various and avert them highly complicated become Mitra' for them are, was hymns sang to ancient the ritual * soma strata hopeless very Vishnu, immediately threatened or the when age arose and meat their * and r a almost are Rishis occasion tribal lives of the the d n as with that or a I in up all,there to and simple yet mixed ages belonging hymns consists of various literature First of confusion. ) 214 holy S during f e. g. R. V. X. t e. g., R. V. I. were t i and sacrifices precious revelation Rishis r u might originally'rune-masters', 103-8-12. 162,3. so had that to no be wasted. therefore understand The compiled. sacrifice and a invoke in the as Veda the of case compiled from him their fact scholars the Hence context. contains a " so Yajur-Veda regard * it as a and for his benefit contained what tribal rather Hindus. home ' domestic life and the and embodied the in his V contains e d U during the the a. bits hymns Even of the used the absolutelylike the a t ft d g sacrifices the family V to which e were d a, Atharva or ancient affected aspirations earliest times by him Ft i g as national and wishes than compiled. was in the Atharvana, the far so ceremonial, which ordinary folk, was office of earlier Tne called the European go religious ceremonial The the be may verses Traytvidyd, the were tions composi- some work. the of that happens S"ma-Veda the constituted was individual others singer of select hymns the they compiled was in in which led while historical was Thus it that acts many connected has were included it many which think to form to was Hence was who s definite to detaching i. e. without Rig-Veda of for in the In recitations correlated Adhvaryu. is h i function his the originalhymns composed, R by praise. His generally not the to reciting hymns. ancient for hymns, Gods the and long represented the the composed by Gods the be first to the was invited t A o praised them he sense H it why ' the man' medicinecollected as it Veda is, R. when as for maiden VIII. the required called Brahma * From vidya, the resulted two Veda is later black The Atharva than Veda also s elaborate series of still ceremonies so-called S r a the same are }oit a r t the M nt which rayi hence canon ancient was Atharva the and, of for compiled as K it deals Garbhadhanam relics chief the ' ' Y a jn a s both Vedic form the are the belong collected to in groups floating were formed part of of Y a a, f ra^neats of a purposas a. of twice-born former, course, h i1 but Veda; Mantraprasna or times of its great number accompaying s and it disreputable. Rig the while ra generally regarded . the a the among Mantras a Hindus the to rites, from are common Mantrapatha from house y f- a have early literature, the in Karma, a The age. hymns T m fairly though t, a, u called the S of r sacrifices the somewhat which toSapindikarag.am, T the of contains found the comparative others, (2) that is y 1 r a with times the T Atharva into references the and magic k ta Ttie the misconceptions (i) that with u the on ritual frequent on, ritual, called imagination the Later ceremonies associated earliest glorificationin constant " in the sacrificial the of evolved, imposing the from S based was the large and of house actually fell and oblivion. distinct a technically Brahma of as) was loomed growth. director supreme nominally Ved (the three Veda a and i h y a, r. that secure increasing complexity ritual G to a and decoration hirsute of the desire refers to 91-5 peculiar a ritual necessary when V. never jn and supposed 218 ( this does the latter. not Just as They it that it rest when office that The touches or uses, that Y j ft a a Sfauta " there to to s be the Garhapatya the Rakshasas 'you Sam; fear be as the removed, it on of (in your place on the the the the art spirit from the the mantras of Vedic the magic. vessels on ' those B r h a (Tait. a (the A with thou of the May quarrel army the bearer ' m on with side north ' may intent (Jpavesha. live coal with may the invocation, may the from a not charms other any Matari"va, the the of may extract (the live coal) Earth, thou of the and he magic removed,' he be et m fetish Sannayya me out fire milk-kettle art the a praising with burned, i-?),taken placesthe pot thou by crude bold, give (against us) the man fire with G^rhapatya and Atharvana proves be h r a that as that so Sdtras as B magic the be burned,' taken are I. it following heated Having mischief a The it. Apastamba referred as from causes The stones, grass, fire,as just nenalgia away the to sacred as regards everything he spiritbehind him, different old and as primitive as Adhvaryu flatters the harm least invented. is for from originalsource. same assigned was was Yajur-Veda others. the at was borrowed compiled were tapped because the that the former mean and purposes ) that d h ' comes v Thou art u) ary art Heaven, of all, be firm coal),by (your) transcendent ( ; do power the I pot the on place (you) of I fall down, not n d Having left and u S placesthe tips of the V of the He a a s u g ir k h a p pot from the for p a with Sam. in it 'you grasps is silent. Or [Having r a. the are the p a v it r are the p a v it r a he is made thus (for tying ropes consecrates grasped with, * Thou calf (to post) Brdh. III. vii. 4. me (when mother.' (The Tell May He 33). the pot milk the 39). calf,before is this rope milker) being for tying Pasha, ties the (Tait. (themilker) with been) calls the it).'(Tait. Brdh. art invites calf has The thirty-threethreads. of 'Thou He ready cow.] the (the Adhvaryu) with the (so),holding (the rope) which art holiness. III. vii. 4. a a I. i. 3). of A d i t i.' the rope art the calf well (not hurt serve with Having grasped the Yajamana calf I. i. 7), he morning. the 'Thou with of s (with the tips)to milking),with Come a p (the pot) boilingthe milk, he proceeds to He * r a t a Sakhapavitra in it the thousandfold, (Tait. Sam behind, he v it hundredfold, you Vasus, North v a the rightto pot, from (Tait. s for III. vii. 4. 34.) by ' a East s places the the the heated n the to cooking pots. carriage avoiding the mis- (you) hold (milk), yielded by fire round A ( he places May boiled Become ' Or two curd, (Tait. Brdh. placed B h i ig j ft a. a the the with the Y O, ' fire)for (the on the and cows, (Ib.1. 1-3). coal) with, a's sake r ) 2I9 taken (to its) (the Adhvaryu) ' with (the calf I take the calf who are with (Tait. Brah. varyu commands, Vihara (any one, and sit.' The who n I,who disease live,sit of for this y Vata, a III. magic* is Atharva Well here veda, does this followers of the veda ii. Milking 42). adulation a vii. 4. into Krishna's to nothing and wooden placing mitted ad- the sound admit of calves the are the and shall to crease inmilk Vayu and Yajamana Except than that the in the distinguish to stinging description 'avipaschita,' Qods a the and 41)." explain of the ?udra complicated and living, are Soma, wealth is cow increase Dyavapjrithvi there as I ' Dhata, more not to the A (cow), disease they give may (Tait. Brdh. much milked May a. Do calves accompanies wealth, 'May jn the says who milks He without are (to strength-giving milk Yajamana who the milker) are you streaming (milk) with, you, * and near ' admit I Ill vii. 4. 40). (calf), the the * the fires).'If taken (The with, d h- A shall say. y y a.' shall milk. or The pot. (calves) flowing with ovei milk the he of and sacred three sits gh!' (Tait. Brdh. not a n without are are a milker of wealth. who S The taken been you between the Vihara, the off the carry you, of have to increase 40.) walk not calves between goes the are III. vii. 4. 'Do (the place cows) * the whom to and takes He calves your) cows, disease without wealth1 cows (O I take ' mother).' its to of it the uninspired (5/4. Gtta. a pot on abject fear of them fire 1 required so ( from The the latter. of needs break four S this period there of culture, long this period Vedic between The krit. B the of meanings the of assemblies the questions,what inferences or probable acceptable or and its coils being k Sthallpula of rice in the s h y a s of name Col Jacob Lavkika which and To etc. like has settle Nyayas make even were analogies, are are and y a y a of the humble all the considerations * N the form Nyayas minately indiscri- details of the Nyayas one yet statements largely now published a nyay"njali. one)t state grain) beginnings of Logic. of sects. and - snake ( judging of the one h i A than more backbone modern these come be- interpreted in frequently arose cooking-pot by examining illustrations Such a Sams- argumentation. The ( the analogy of the Nyaya kundala are of which and called The a during having applied mantras, proverbs or for purposes used be to were frequently utilized. to classical priestsabout rituals, applicationsof such obscure hymns a uage lang- dfimanas, r Discussions in fanciful ways. of the allow sacrificial purposes for the to and obscure, they began the occured language changed of that to midway is The generation. have become to a suffixed as time. must enough of the S amhit later hit am fairlylong period of a After ) 221 cruder collection of all b h S Decisions on too are ones them under - the ( B the throughout scattered ) 222 h a r m a which s , besides, traditions, real contain n a imaginary, particularmantras, of regarding the composition or etc. cosmogonic speculations, In the the Brahmanas, time holy and canon fixed became With Veda. revealed " the exegete complicated. professionand a Upavarsha them Sabara is said sacrifices Buddhist than were reaction Veda by and was A Jaimini. On commented could and is referred have not B. C. century rampant headed ing explain- by Badarayana the 6th so more Sastra. Jaimini Stitras and later much man Brah- ritual became of have Bhashya. the Nyayas* Sdtras to of of the 3, mams is the Mimdmsa Vedic of opinions controverted Brahma very his wrote his and such of collection work The scheme Mi the into developed the the became difficulties of the various solving the of part a discrepanciesof various to and the difficult and of task added extension Mantra include were as the Scriptureto a," the the too to as evoke to in his lived when the Siddhartha. Gautama D harm D h a r m objectof Jaimini's SAtras is to expound a. Now, then, the investigationof D h a r m a has for its purpose a (duty). * M i ".m The Ny"ya. but m s a, Mfcdhava Vaiyasika and is iC development a on P il r both speaks Ny"yam"la of the rationalistic lines. same v a of and U 1 1 a r a is still called JaiminiyaNyayamfcla The humble Nyaya and of Gotama popular Nyayas of man's and by Yama's were in doubt that remark in Gautama that he could time, it while these questions severelyalone with establishing the binding nature possible way of low, or to was all eternity. the Veda between a word : regard with the Hence be of the mini, final of authority of inference Veda and only without existed only if e. the object that !m M if the from words connection the word a m s of names Sutras a of it conveys unerring knowledge which and sound and be cannot inference). has Veda Brahma, " generally accepts the be Sut. is the prove the noumenon proved the because Like rely entirely to as cannot ( Ved. to sense reached This proof."(Ib.I,i. 5). the universe, for this and itself connection further Badarayana conscious let a s The authority accepted by Badarayana, requires no m authority Veda i. The matters to perception (by could the special " Because is unborn. the eternal. therefore,say " that and his " fluid so personal being, high a uncreate, were itself were This still rites. this of question contented Vedic the proving argue and authority sanction the invoking of The tm m death themselves preaching original displine. Similarly the the Gods the Buddha's ignore before i. 20-22). (Kath. Up. was, that life with postmortem " I. i. 5). it Jai- on the existence of the by perception He therefore position of Jaimini that the Vedas world it serves to by to all rests, One incommensurable. is not times other Each the in substance (mode) of another. the d v e a and ten destruction. modification a be to not of the hearing. elementary an sound a of ate appropri- no is an merevikara (Ib.I. i-22).(6) It proclaims also It be if sound its Hence world. substance elementary possible repeated the organ corresponds sense-organ be it would were perceived by be the upon (Ib. I. i-iQ).(3) substance,) there would objectto referred (Ib I. i-2o). (4) There sound (Ib. I. 1-21). (5) ( If some as prove recognised by this expecting for grounds no are it were, as sound substance. mutable a were sounds, ten to object could How names is eternal because The vanishing thins? a were of the (Ib. in. 28 30). a I. i-i8). (2) It is Sut. simultaneously. if it is always (Mtm. name. Sound meaning. convey name a (i) sounds, eternityof identity 1a y r a and following reasons the Jaimini gives the after P and before forms and of the so, because not are Devas the eternal, though are is that seen eternity of sound (Ib. I. i. 23.) objections of The in Ib. I. i. 6-1 1, Sound is (2) It a sound 15 Naiyayikas eternityof of the theories the a as follows product dies. '. (4) It (3) We is sound are to the summarised :" because use the perceivedat (i) We see phrase once ' he it produced. makes by different 2*6 ( far and persons d of s a a t r a. in Li. Sdtras is due existent and always of auditorium a sound' of which that does time same Herein being and men In from remote Sand hi is substituted increase the the a b d a. is n a of air, of air ' the makes these tions, vibra- sound the is at not sound (in first. Lastly when and one which by seen time. into other, an- illustration there manifesting n increased, not the at same change the fact sun, still the d a, with that it is not does of sound, it is the substance, S of same another second Sound as phrase it resembles sound that (air-vibrations) hearer transitory.The prove one for always of the The immutable, one the but an hear not immutable. one are both vibrations starting course persons many These the means is disjunctions hearer. the which manifested and met by sound pre-existing the connect to number object of hearing. (noise), conjunctions uttered by a man. when serve the is momentary. of union becomes but by sound sound want the sound, the exists the to becomes admitted perceptionof to pra- objectionsare is It non-perceptionof the But augmented one one dadhiatra These it. 12-17. that the schools is be from change . (6) It it cannot susceptible of Thus d h i n that make those is Sounds in d h y a It ($) kritivikriti. another Therefore near. immutable. and ) the a is d a original If remember we states A modifications are connection mental of of of grade is a sound ; this A of k " a thought. attached r u p a the is which is also its name called in trying "As, my dear, by of is clay words, the known, nothing but a a word is not so Matter, which physics of is what always and why tue be cannot all that clay eternity Sir Oliver may helps perceived says, is made of mattef mere a (Chdnd. of Up. the Lodge better be " a also (vacharambhanam name the and a S^eiakctu to is m rise together name be change a physicist',The vi. as writes 3.) of some in Life 'the entitled, connection i. meaning ridiculouslyold-fashioned it is. people think and of idea n books, hear vikaronamadheyam)" This words ifestation of of permanently cannot clod one d a, modification Hindu perceivedwhat and a eternal the explanation us n exists illustrate to makes that knowledge of the m* in namarupa Uddalaka heard why same of the organ and This the the material other thought undr-rsUnd to the to is name permanent in ; in consciousness. us object in thought a ; the one are a modification a manifestation latter is eternal. sense attached uttered An Hence to and of the name cult diffi- theory that is permanently temporary a it is not object being an matter. which that of matter substratum of matter, sound between concept subtle tal philosophy,men- this Mimamsaka understand to the that in Indian raeta- between body soul and written The word spoken or writingor As exhibiting its essence. have must end and be meaning may intrinsic meaning no exist and clearness remarks time They " as the had India an integralpart form except in the form words of what skinned of before we of thought he mean it or it has been even of own the was into that the the perceiving thoughts, the nature a of nature thought, nay truly called, when integuments,the word. moo1ern of duty analysed the by thought,naked divested of its natural what Miiller thought,and that, their inquire approached thought,as understood Max study philosophy. means even words, to of no possess thoughts of others,nay student varying evidently perceivedthat language beings human may with that cf have be perceived it may (p.115) understood the. ; but always, it doctrine only phenomenal is the true this Mlmamsaka philosophersof of language was general words now," though time." to sentence same expressed by humanity from on " be may an stating or itself need of the sentence eternal an as of the other expressed in relations,it time regarded as beginning,middle repeated,and be ; it may a the meaning. delivered,the relations ; it has time be mode a tion connec- and that conveying meaning, the by sentence a speaking may the of the incarnation of meaning the between illustrated been material, has and spiritual generally between more or ) 228 ( They have philosophers failed that understand, to is there difference a Vorstellung (presentation or Begriff (concept), and with conceptual word and that words only, to the do two, perish when Systems of Indian separated." (Six has that nay, inseparable,and thought, are and percept) thought true ween bet- philosophy /. 526). his satisfaction establishingto After consequent authorityof the Veda, and the consider to inconvenient rationalists of his age with of the Veda passages of Dharma the worldly theory matters. of fruitful Veda is of injunction id h i , are of in the v d e of the classes the 1 m the pat of a, this s of till ultimately Vedic tences sen- Mantra, Arthavftda. t i - the v (2) V auxiliaries (3) Prayogavidhi, sacrificial action mandment com- sentences viz., Vidhi, t m a worked and a explanatory the division the originates others main ordinary not was injunctionoccuring in which do with invented an was that in a M kinds, (I) U one with was as away four mentioned the an the numerous nothing to this Nishedha, i d h i is of subsidiary, explanatory five classes Namadheya, those , explain explained elaborated Jaimini proceeds but deal j ft a into various into v To have suggestion of separating was and a In the schools statement. V Y Whatever was the which eternity questions regard to Arthavada, statement. A the (4) Veda idhi, in iy of an o g a sacrifice injunction A d h ik a r a ( i d h i which , v of that sentence not the Namadheya kinds of N e is h Lastly,Artha that subsidiary Another Vidhi what ' sacrifice of is it. (3) i sa This classes of with the four main t It is noteworthy how and thus Brahamanas D h nag a r m a and at all to the the or serves Instead 77. i. 31-32). to of the to the impellingthe "trength(R F. ancient view Gods, making one Br"hmana the vi. 17 13, vi. 44-1 S to do in the text. Mantras time of the Mantras. in the a Jaimmi, B r a h ma- graded is de- mantra cleverlydescribes of it Mantras *"2/. (Mtm. exist adjunct so Brahmanas. Mantras Gods )! excluding being an in the the paddy,' nothing between which remind of the primarilydealing with as the of referringto mentioned Hence a, it is the reverse; the sacrifices ordained r desirous Vidhi, in the sentence a "ubserve t One beats a relation mantras. a contrast k h y Veda to the M a he and (1) Apftrva * antiquityof positionof sacrificialaction n * reversed the those are Vidhi apply only to stray sentences can not is classificationhas the enormous conceptionof to a the Chitraetc. ". g. g. m f. special ornisheda V id h is became showing Jaimini's of passages unknown, ar alternatives. two a (2) Niyama P sacrifice the Vidhis of e. only partially explained, meaning, hueks one d a known un- prohibitingcertain vidhi classification should is v that some names specific to referringto what heaven in a matters Mantras of refers to sentences is of like Udbhid, sacrifices, a enjoys Mantra one success actions. * A contribute includes d h are * remind to purpose to way position one sacrifices. Those this serve the sacrifice. a serves with connected do deals with result the as ) 230 themselves as to What as a f orcfr grow m ( by Sahara. v ' a. ) 232 ''Bychodana again (exists,for) A ' A u p r v a, as in is ordained, sacrifice.' ' 'Let tillthe fruit is (and If the seen). in does declared ; (for)we of persistence ) is said substratum (from it inhere cannot find any one in a ' less, fruit- without duced) (pro- be Hence it produces (the its fruit form which r u p v a). its takes place) to another the A t m ft, for A is (the of A than Karma be b h said that it be ( other m ends die, because cannot Karma to anything. itself not r- continued fruit cannot It cannot (something). Yaga) of absence the p 0 svarga, is not sacrifice producing anything else,the A becomes ordinance sacrifice ends r a of desirous one Otherwise, the the as That understand we place; t " is m everywhere. A ' t m a action (knowledge) being everywhere of being everywhere s is evidence its going ( to the of causality material one of absence its with does motion the A t which destroyed,it destroyed. because that its though that while it is not the seen. ashes place The are is of for ( the ( Moreover ) the associated was destroyed (burnt up) ; material is ). not contradict sacrifice is also too, another not a m (ght etc.) is from place) and inferred,the as the sacrifice, material is destroyed perceived. If it is said it is burnt, it still exists,(we reply) existingthings (ashes etc.,;are seen, If it is said that the fructification is ( -evidence ) 233 of the (ofthsexistence one material), it is not that (itsnot being perceived) is the of causes A p whether that (cause). new substance u and to, the unseen the many Hence motion. A a." Karma it is as This A p in which substance t u r a viewed it inheres an s of are, from at him the Of. Sdnkh that Sahara Sankhya do Sfitra with Kdr. is placedat the head a to solutions exegesis,whose shows then, is fruit of highly course, so, that the ritual of crop did not vii. The the Jaimini universe as to he be was was gone questions of requireanything fact that quitefrom unknown. weighted of of the list of the does not now a appointin dis- standpoint of the extraordinaryload through, teeming " a, specialphilosophicstandpoint.Nor possiblefor with destroyed, r v u remember philosopher,but we must does not contemplate the analysis of any has sacrifices of the Veda. Jaimini'ss from (of (it is concluded) destroyed; r v u p tion ques- ly. disproved similar- be can a property is predicated of it, it that the sacrifice is there exists it becomes property new Ifit is said that the new a obtain cannot * of one predicated or to predicate a be predicatea substratum, that,too, Though to any reasonable more thought it becomes should r v a It is material). no due subtilityetc, invisibility, predication. Then speculative the If it is perceived. explainwhy must causes Saukshmyit of here invisibity tsvaraKrishna but from ( than more and grammar d his feeling that logic. r s a a ) 234 n But could a hold if it discussed against its rivals only followers his its the the questions of philosophy included the padarthas proof (Pramanas), and Universe discussions their in other many divided into of PrabhAkara and M the current of means of the philosophicalquestions schools two own 1 m a the " They s a. m are of Gurumata of Bhatta Ku- Bhatta marila. The of followingreference these schools two Siddhdnta Gun S a k h y n b h A S with a v a and earth t Paravastu is y are eight.V mss. copy than B u a, five ries catego- e s h and a the from inhere. d d h with (Ib. i,I n d Sesha the Arsha r i- Govinda's disposal by at my proprietor of Ranganathasvami and any is they of this work kindly placed was Sarva- and (similarity) a which is other a thereon commentary Sam are objectsin m incomplete An r the (categories), separate not other Chap. IX). A * d (number),they are a a first of the Sankarftcharya* to (dependence) k t i, S a from Karma, a, Paratantrataf ; taken is rahasya attributed "Dravya, views to the Mr. Library, Vizagapatam. t Explained by the Vaiseshika's. will man or Sesha produced, not material h ik hold as. " Herein Govinda "It that the the has when relation to the be beginning and the material can remain Prtibhakaras Samavaya of ending. No ble sensi- is either distroyed independent of the differ from the V a is e- ( and ya, Sariras. ) 23S It limited is not by space (vibbu), eternal. It becomes manifold bodies. It manifests itselfin the cognitionof objects, I know pot,'there In the cognition, things at the same subject enters in itself ' time it ' as metaphysical system marila his lived who Tantravdtttika h k h y a a the V d e a is sense is not the e " He notso. created not the V of the substance words says, of Pippaladakas,etc." in his that " a know Ny, 8"t. called sound know ik ii. 81 ff. Vai , and pretended author theory by regarding eternal,but be are the Vedas It is said 'the are eternal';their of letters (words etc.) are produced Kalapas, Mudakas, IV. iii.101.) writer of the doctrine a r a lently vio- was while (Mahdbhdshya the h y vdrttika, Sabda their difference Bhartrihari, the famous D., expounds to Kashas, the A. a the order eternal,through versions the d s the Patafijali, Vedas the (things); but eternal, K the to be authoritative.* modified a Vai"eshika by the Nyaya, all schools,who Mahdbhdshya of time, in B h Sloka called are attacked S Sahkara's Tuptika. the eternityof of manifests Bhat^a Ku- by Sahara's on the object; as fairlycomplete evolved was parts and doctrine The A three are I ', knowledge little before a into three pot (Ib). vdrtttka voluminous divided ; the self-luminous." as the various in of 7th. century the s " Vakyapadiya. that there St. vi. 1. 1; Sdn. Svt. p h are v. o t a Those two 45. ff. ( words the in sounds ) that we The object." (Vdkyapadiya 1.44). referred the to word ancient Some is what in meaning some hearer)as produced but exists),being under before not ). What if is the or antecedent as Rumania, Vdrttika water influence relation attacks on in that is revealed reveals this behalf s the p h o of the sound is the cause It is first with moon after the ( i. e. successively it is in which exists cause the and thus to take seems (lit. seen of the action of p h s (Ib. i. 45-49). Sphota which is the made reflection the light in succession is not gradually a our grasped ( by produced \ a is of the water potential word word, o is the as associated then is As that water, mental then as appears the motion nAda." and p h divided. appears mind, in succession produced the s the Nada sound. (intime) ; on by out by two Just really one. the different in are divide we say, two in the fire-stick ( a r a n i ) {potential) of other lights being produced, so in the mind (buddhi) (sphota) heard of the various sounds (nada). thought the that follow of those these that say Others thought " word. path nature. before mind actuallypronounced, and, second, is pronounced sounds two in the exists what first, are, speak ; one, the for indicatingan is used ; the other of sound cause 236 o t a of and is, thus, the the by mind i.e.the the uttered reflected in it. t a theory in his Sloka Purva Mimelms" and ( behalf of the Uttara The theory the is praised. is called She ; Satarupa became the (Brahma creator)and the Brdh. X. vi. 5.4., it is with of power the loses her Mait. the S vi. 22. in a as iv a clear three S the a place same where the (who the exposition of Budd is the ident the goddess reappears first Brahma, from the standpoint of grammar. belonging to lived the Yoga in the the sense XVI the school tury), cen- Spho^a and gives theory. "Sound is of (ij the objectof (2) the object of she In conception a into represents Agamas. b d Sat. entered Yogasdra-Sangraha claims kinds, objectof the In later became cult, a Form. she of the Vijfiana Bhikshu as him trine Bhartrihari, expounds the doc- the philosophy of theory co-operated with As . Vdkyapadiya the in his Born she Sakti the mentioned of the in the predominance, Up. in and Mantras, the of ' she anas his mind ' sonified per- S"vitri, hm and said, A d it i with ical with schools speech metre First evolvingName of work identified Bra solitarycompanion in the union the in VagdevJ Sarasvatt, In etc. of which Gayatri the most its roots India,has in hymns is often She like eternityof sound, of the in various IJigVeda, ) oi" Mim^msa. developed theories other iii 29 SAt. Bhdshya, ( Ved. his in Sankara, ) 237 of the organs of speech hearing and hi alone. Of these the sound (3) the marked oft (as belonging to) the places is the object produced by them, in the sound speech, are they grasped by and than is other word by one dies letter (for the word except the S p h is by to cognition of of letters. To of S p h * The motion called the sound sound sense heard of the B o t a, for of the that in the hearing. with) will as meanings, are ced pronoun- speech, for each it as last letter as organs is the ear B u meaning due were and s belongs the d d h i alone can of what is the eound speech the that is we {a o o not refer to p h preceded by of (if it will efforts, of this object and tion pronuncia- to word, discloser exist of this S p h cause one not can- (whole) one cannot the d d h i alone u alone, hence distinct many The meaning. one the the of means possible to regard be The If it specificeffort. a of denote to \ a). The o 'pot,'etc., d d h i alone, for which and deal to nothing will be there like (manifester).That organ word) a ear of (after it is uttered)and soon very (to form unite the u the hearing, as manifest letters the of d d h i u Spho^a by one B words called hence are of by as the organs sense B the These explained. from other speech, produced Words, objects however, be the it. * being perceived by are sound of of organs different object the the the and ear the is of throat, palate and t is a series a tion percep- cognize IB here organs of is the object speech. of ( The VI. Section ) 240 Bhagavadgitd. already pointed out an early attempt Bhagavadgitd * was the Sahkhya together the Vedanta, A g a m a points of view, f Two passages It been has B rah supreme m a propounds the and r k technical it i In other " Know both Prakriti. form of is r a without a and g This Lord's in * This the song and been translation of Solomon the ',and cious cons- k S the r u a it i h a k h y a r u n s and beginning ; a mate ulti- also know spring from s of making causes Purushais pain. P translated is n ready al- Krishna F u is ' s h a tablished es- , the the song qualities celestial',the " absolutelyno lyricaltouch perhaps due to the of the early life the r u experiences ',etc.,though there song it. Prakriti, has name u Prakriti; experience, of pleasureand in between P origin of The effects a the have passages deliberatelyusing terms. changes and and real cosmic one sharp distinction Purushatobe that the " of the Vedantis. r a weld to quoted (p. 72-3) describingthe been P the that reminiscences of boy Krishna' his flute-playingdescribed in the Jblifiqavata purSna and is the divine poem'; theGftagovinda. The BJiagavcdgftd in verse, by the Lord.' or rather 'the proclamation, f Hence it has lent itself to the tortures of the B hash y a' k a of r a have who s All view. consciouslyor commented the three great modern and M a. a v from only existing translations, too, have unconsciouslyonly from the point one d h it each on sects " San kara, one point been of done view Ramanujiya of ( of P born k j i t i ; his attachment to g u n bad his birth)in good and a r a (of cause ) 241 s is the wombs, the great lord,experiencer, permitter, self (paramatma), lord,and the supreme too, who is supreme is he called,P u r u s h a here (ia this body) ". fxiii.19-22) O mighty-armed, learn and Onlooker , " from the five me declared causes system fas necessary) for the all actions ; the of h k h y a the several organs, and activities, several a of accomplishment body, the agent, kinds various the in the S the action man presiding deities,the fifth;whatever does by his body, speech and mind, right or wrong five these the are he who from self to be the actor, a three factors is also his revolve " Another,* indeed, called Paramatma, three worlds* lav ara" In the may t r a s mean not being so, the beings, O on v a Supreme who, having (them), " into dwells r a Arjuna, is the sustains not sees ing, caus- all beings to (xviii.61.) machine" a lone Universe 1" " the P u r u entered the s h a, the changeless (xv. 17.) previous Stanza, Krishna the mortal all fool wonder-working, power, if mounted as verily that analysisof expounded. heart-regionof by That imperfectunderstandingsees 13-16). (xviii. A g a m The in the thereof. causes and either based Nyaya. 16 immortal " on in this the P ur has been uehas, world,"or as Veda, the as " in speaking of loke," which word xv. 18,in the rationalistic Sa"- Yog* or ( various In 1$ v a " strung t i t" of s that is " Akasa, Manas, " (vii. 4.) A five The v pleasure, pain, I dam the " y m "Know vas. this,who " Being of the a sixth", S a and field iv a the i, y u, a r a" dhi, a, Bud- the one, desire,hate, organs, (k s s, A other h e t a) r described (xiii.5-6). c h it of the Prakfiti, to Vaishna- higher than living(J i v a), O mighty-armed, eternal What fi k - a corresponding Saktas, A?uddha- the (xv. 7.) This brightensup a and ten organs Universe is upheld." (vii.5). in the world livingbeing and of sense-organs " h A portionof myself,it becomes 12-14. k y it Prakriti, this whom masTejasor xv. r a its modifications." my livingan itself the P i r (bodily) whole, intelligence, becomes (and) by discrete k r a the of t a of the a (vii. 6-7). P two is (sense) lower the is thread." this the with briefly along This the this is the constancy, The exists All the ft, m origin and great elements, Ahafikar of ranges are s t Nothing a Buddhi k t a, a y a on that V Earth, water, fire, eight-fold, is mine, of gems r a. a v to be the am universe. t a 1 1 v two I " Dhananjaya. rows as me on other The I, O than higher whole the of end claims unborn, the changelessA am beings (iv.6), the lord of the Krishna passages "I r a. ) 24* which attracts Manas to is the category is called in the A g Ojas T e ja and s world, what these words in occur in the (light-energy) in the moon, and a- sun what in S becoming m o the bodies P with r a which on four three h it c seat' bliss " against the grain " commentator, the in my The of P a a good obvious various all abode' Krishna (viii. 21.), calls himself' the ing, undy- Pratishthft Krishna's than himself of of ac- goes Vedanta, onwards has ingenuity in explaining of this passage. interpretationsof this sloka the the means As Sankara meaning forthcoming Study of is called Brahma schools from deal Chit eternal, the Dharma, vehicle. of the k jri t i r a This s. Brahma, higher entity a away ik 28.). (viii. hence of tripleIsvara, m (xiv.27). knowleging expended and a supreme pratishtha pedestal, and every h ' changeless, the unending s lity, Rea- Brahma (vii. 29.), 'Aksharam supreme the the passages, Supreme a One r u a g (viii. 3.), my paramam' the u the A of the 'Brahma-tat' 'the P and Sankhyas A and winds of carried), digest conscious the the dual Vedantis, of the is he indicates and than higher kinds (two united and Krishna, in other systems transcend tries to (the fire of life), a fire all nourish I food." of These n a p vital the kinds A enter (energy) ; s breathing beings of and a n ja essence, , Vaisv^nara plants.Becoming I enter the a O my I mine. be to support life by and Earth the know Tejas fire,that Bhagnvadgita. are " discussed ( ' This carefullyfrom so t m a and a, he vi, P a Adi * ' Padam higher k t a y noumenon) eternal,which all beings k (the absolute),A Supreme a return this In ; that not Gitd Bhagavad which the ultimate the to are established highest,out of the evolved knower and the the the a one s of which and shine,nor there they abode." (xv. 6.) author of the into of the other schools of all that from the is ; on lowest rise all the elements is not being but known abode.1 noumenon Purushas It Avyakta not gone foundation world. is it unconscious nor does sun Supreme v r a- destroyed, when having t a 1 1 is the This merge. which finds 1a p Supreme abode" "Supreme u exists (the unchanging) ; they Having reached it,no my is my M (/. e. a there It is called the fire ; nor moon, r a Path. "There* (viii-2O-2i). the Verily is not is That returns. one h s name ( undifferentiated, destroyed. are call it the " the by frequently called is 4, Avyakta another kfiti) v higher than and viii-Q., xv. A that than in Gati" path. or, tiates differen- by the adjectives- to refer to in Purusha Krishna Purusha, a seems a, etc. ran u which himself,the Purushot- from also himself,whom K ' abode Supreme ) 244 " conscious that the being beyond," Supreme * the fixed dwellingplace' (xi-s8.) * In to in opposition to the world supportedby the I s XT. 12. v a r a red refer- ( This Supreme ) '45 Reality it is different from Sankara. latter is the or This conscious ' form Universal used for are Brahma of ' and name meditation when ; negatived, it is the higher, iv. iii. 4.) Beginningless i d y A ( ignorance) according to Sankara v us shorn of of Brahma Saguna Being (Ved. Stit. Bhdsh. A Nirguna purposes distinctions these the conceives Krishna as attribute to is not and r a a of and kara's they is not later one without An and that the Maya which and thus evolves to is earlythinkers of Sat and Ram"nuja a As on of ' name Git A ; Sah- which a , Sat, which the and Chit, is neither or nor degenerates Isvara and or universe out of the find common the existent tangled en- rather travesty to This . inexplicableway some the t a Sat, Brahma, Brahma weave s Bhagavad " y is in Saguna cause Param becomes the down in is A elaborated, by attributes,who doctrine This have a the begins M is , in the of followers non-existent into found Safikara, to which a m the being a doctrine conceived h r a which that to this,according i d y " which v id y v the again nor A ' form A to ' form ( higher ) B m opposed doctrine and name limited and thus is the P ' leads of nothing. attempt of noumenon at. the all the this supreme hand other passages tries to Krishna where " noumenon, whence whittle cribes des- speech 246 ( this high d h m a with along returns a level throne,the and The suffered those of any non-Indian, paid attempted to theories and Its ' a did author text to Gitd have other Indian book It is not yet, from but it account of its of its real to on account on scripture,Indian it for expended buttressingup their tender or have their special mercies on it. for e. did who literaryconscience not aim to not '. discover possess what The tor commenta- what exactly we his but used the thought or attempted to^express, passages * ' wise teachings and its locutions,technical or otherhave been violentlytampered with by the commentators call elect Bhashyak^ras many use ' his his as Sutras; other every so acting Commentator.* supposed authorship and superiorityto his serpent on Bhagavad the cryptic in style like the great veneration which specialprovince he admits the the of the hands from m- ! of than more r a a space serpent to which teachings his seated court of favour matter a of )V reach to interpretsp as of the hoods royal umbrella as delimited his holds he where He thought, has Narayana unable mind, being a locality, region a as ) supportinghis own specialtheories. If any mentator's inconveniently opposed to the comto be explainedaway theories,they were were g., ii.16. has been discover wbat so done its author meant to death that it is impossible thereby. ( ) 248 Bhashya. No interpreter the thoughtsof of other people's thoughts, especially of his own the ancients can reading some escape thoughts into his author's book, but we might at only in Sankata but text least strive honestly strenuously avoid and thoughts also therein. Besides one another this different modern The that the it and and Vedanta hence Purusha the of This occur Hence felt was assimilated to felt it necessary a God for whom placeor need isvara of Yog Nyaya and the a, Brahma the non-committal with in no Jiv a word t m a of a to in the spirithas complicated by v gion. reli- PararaidentifyBrahma, isvara Purushottama and ever wher- they d it in MimamsA with the Sankhya Upanishad; Itma, A up to confuse of revealed to be had Kanada their systems ; to mix Vedanta; have Purva schools Paramatraa operative. has Sankhya, Kapila,Jaiminiand also been orthodox the commentator the confusion, Vedanta ought man's of being orthodox, Vaiseshika the of schools other to furnish schools tendency third a source has one all become India this reading fruitful potent more These of minimize to it has a at been of the temporary the the in Bhagavad Git A. times recent necessity for expense invented the been further extolling of the other the schools. extraordinary theory validityof the other schools as ( A steps leadingto the "Jana Sarasvati and d be can of bheda Sdhkhya pravachana Original Sanskrit is the momentary certain of states them physics Meta- reduce systematize them, experience into of the mind of the function not mind. experiences for the helpless waif in ways, experiences and memories. minds attracted of and hence if it each is as merit as the waves or in the any methods selves them- temperaments metaphysicalsystem, others. cannot devoutly believingin of erent diff- experiences of the inquiring acquired. There orthodoxy a of that that minds Cosmic material, objectiverealities not reached valid the own be to by different different by its not fact The self-consistent explainsall mind or coloured guiding as so metaphysicalanalysisindicates are are of buffeting of the are concepts dent objectiverealities indepenThe mind analyses its own purpose ordered in These necessarilybe must and of immediate the chaos cosmos. intelligible an ultimates cosmic will general categories which under the hole classifythem, pigeon- to attempt periences ex- conciousness, kaleidoscopicchanges of Chittavfitti. is the texts which realityof immediate changing Madhusu- in his Prasthdna Muir's (Vide one i t a, which a in his Bhikshu Hi. pp. 194-202). The every v propounded Vijnana Bhdshya. ) 249 ultimates that can possiblybe the be any 'correctness* particularsystem. But each mind it, what has method following to that the with it from it is of that train find to analysis 'free' no its in the itself from to soar return to bondage. and experiences, so cosmos, in mind the its it to bound consciousness and is appeals place enlightening involved there its attracts system analyse method, distinguish might what out own levels up which where- III. CHAPTER THE HE WORLD-PROCESS. kind what of p last d a has also been of which any material of cause Sahkhya-Yoga and have the arisen two and of transmutation. atoms and the of air world the is it be Ar a the world nature, justas specific be neous heteroge- to teach make up that the homogeneous, unconscious as Brahma. of former mbh a without the ter mat- Hence theories, called theory yarn, in the is held going atomic the theory matter, /. e, of elemental to The is called seen Parin^mavada, The coming Be- world to schools originating material,material objects of the school opposed Arambha-vada, have of conscious as its endless we regarding rest the is made substances the material substance All the other cosmos. in variously answered, the material different nine cess, world-pro- underlies K^ranam; a of the change Nyaya-Vaiseshika " the n chapter that the by a nature of universe the material U of the question the bination com- theory holds the earth,water, fire lit. UpadS nam, which originatesall losing each when woven its own into cloth; ( still retains other its m transmutation, milk no of nature undergoes its distinctive character and cause schools curd, as it becomes when view with effect. of hold in cause identityof and cause the effect in the ARAMBHA effected substances unity and but from cloth. The of effect,this a accidental,but relation of the the non- the other cause. not "causal says, and one identical, ween cognizedbet- of the cloth into cause cognize we connection whence is here." thread a yarn of as ferent difand cause coinherence, SamavSya. is coinherence of is is the woven one not are it is effect is hence to VADA. identityare Yarn them." "That and the effect,the potential Kanada, in Vaif. Siit. VII. ii.7. which fruit. Satkarya- the " A. because the theory of the effect, and oppositetheory of pre-existence and flower regard to to the regard the the the A d a, the the Nyaya-Vai"eshikas hold The Asatkaryavada, existence racter loses its cha- milk led world-process necessarily the difference of v which divergenceof theory with This na Fari- material it becomes the flower more the is e., loses when In yarn. world justas evolvinginto objects, as is i. as the of cause Upadanam, a when character own the theory ) 25* and that Ib. VII. ii.26. The pot a of (we say) of a mat on which and cause junction con- it lies the grass ( of account on ii. are the by their combine to each The Nydya Sutras Sfltras explains the in the a k s h a the author as run " follows ( The Ny. SAt thus:"" IV. stances sub- previous actions and lities qua- it." Ib. IX. i. i. referred to The 48-50. by Gautama firstof these opponent's view, (Purvasucceeding two, the view of the Sutras (S i d d h a n t a m). They : " effect,before it is produced,) is neither again entity,nor non-entity,nor because the m) and of produced qualitiesbut yet qualities previously because subject is same are constituent own of predicated be cause universe effect is non-existent "An being produced) cannot p its a the objects,which produce objectswith non-existent, its of conjunctions. These preserve (to substances of all causes be to in its effects." Ib. X. inhering ultimate The i. its Samavftya is said substance A " coinherence. is it is constituted which of blades ) 253 entity and non-entity On IV. 48. this (an effect Before entity-non-entit incongruous." Vatsyayana comments is are ) produced, the effect be a -non-entity, because produced cannot of the necessityof the material,i. "?.,a particular material is used for producing a particularobject; all materials do not produce all objects. Hence it be held to be a non-entity. It is not an cannot to be entity; existence because of it is not that which admissible is to predicate produced, before its ( ) 254 because production. It is not an entity-non-entity, entityand non- entity are incompatible with each of an other, for entity is the admission object and non-entity is the denial of an object. These ". are two opposed to each other and not the same This argument next two refuted is " sutras. That non-entitybefore truly a by Gautama which is its the in is produced production, because production and destruction are witnessed by us." ( Ib. 49. ) (Though the effect before its by the production)is a non-entity,it is determined mind.", *'.e. conceived by the mind. (Ib.50.) its both " fundamental This and Schools Nyaya the positionof When with deal we universe, analyse and forced was their scientific (as opposed to the the Vaiseshika them on by metaphysical)temper. actual objects of them, reconstruct the find we which do not exist in the constituents qualities when an object is constituted out of them appear that and a that therefore the solid basis of Asatkciryavada experimental developments of eclipsed by theory was later karyavada of science Naiyayikas verbal laid by of old gymnastics Europe, the due was and Indian logicof That in one of the S to the fact that the the were dull the overlaid with was a load of choked But t- and dialectics, just as Greece a tions founda- Vai"eshikas the Schoolmen. on philosophy, this the rival science of ancient of life by the fact. rests in out that the 3. n i dravyantaram 10) substances being destroyed. Probably themselves nuja points is -*- 1 a a Sri his in out arabh the Bhdskyat b h touch, to , Vai"eshika conception of the is that process another one the form to that free to is the is object an form fresh same the as in the atomic The destroyed, of modern conceived were such a produced the ; joined, dis- are atoms are conception the behaviour pictureof cosmic embrace atoms This conjunctions. theory atoms the and grasp is disappears and property to while property new II. i. 15, the essential and objects Rama- as substances elementary conjunction lasts, a when (Ib. I. i. originateother substances, without , word arabhante" of atoms chemistry. " round, as ly extreme- minute, invisible,incapable of division, eternal but in themselves ( Davies, Hindu called a u The combination n Philosophv* of unbaked and one as the baked red given two constitues atoms or molcule. a Molecules is taken a of destruction and universe following The a were (ultimate atom). is disjunctions and atoms. 128). They ". objects. formation objects of of (two-atom), into The p. forms aggregate (atom) orparamanu dvyanuka, combine their in not of to the four of account claypot from specimen due out Siddhdnta of the the junctions con- kinds of tion evolu- the of ous vari- the a black Muktdvali degenerationto which of the valid Vaiseshika pursuing them method of with ultimate D k u a fire the ultimate of the red etc, space destruction atoms) atoms) to the thence This ingenuity other each the ; then ultimate which of the the nation origi- ; thence atom) disjunction(of a m b h a) the atom the previous conjunction (with reduction its the red (the molecules of red of words satisfies ; tion destruc- destruction atom) a etc. state of ultimate conjunction (of baked the pot) ; thence (dvayanukas); (in constructed the the to cravings the by of molecule)". unrestricted the modern Nyaya-Vai"eshika philosopher and doesduty Hindu his studies. physics in diabolical a satisfyhis Who toms ; thence conjunction the a- of origin of pot) thence the occupied temporarily); thence produce maze in d vay as production (a r the thence ; production the the (in tion conjunc- it after soon space and the ultimate the (new) object ; thence the for of auxiliaryto action from From from atoms molecule; thence (of tal experimen- exist combined destruction the blackness a " for want (is produced) produced (the molecule); the the molecules, (of the unbaked s, of the of help of action an attained science. which disjunctionof had the with modern atoms thence ideas ? It has 17 been this playing disputationsdis- ingenuity beguile his tedium instinct for started Endless ! physicalresearch complicated pointed out in dance the of last the a- chapter 258 ( of Kanadado that the Sutras The creator, Kan"da He that due than on of bamboo) a axe) or , These referable to an impact (e.g., the action of motion m a n s thus creation. by tion the to There by an cause. of sap in trees, , an unseen of sideward and atoms ". cause Pra"astapadateaches S iv creation " At a. of B measure actions are unseen like circulation by the end h r a m He a one modern hundred reaches of cause and Brahma of naka (Ib.13.)Ka- the orthodox of a explicable, are avoids predicating a deliberately theory of Hindu caused an with harness upward flamingof fire,the due are a actions wind, the first action of a of agency. these, "The actions other are of fire ( Vais SAt. V. ii.2) (Ib.7.). adrish^a, an action known than regard impulse (e.g., the latter three a process. an conjunction (e. g., a horse). other , of actions. These some to the world the existence preme su- a firstset agnostic positionwith proves cause unseen, started and occupiesan this. to contemplate not questionthen arises,who in motion the atoms ) the destruc-. years of time of , Then his release. desires the worlds livingbeings to that destroy (allbeings) so are troubled Then night's rest. enjoy a of all the of acts) of sense-organs a d r all and the Lord Mahe"vara, is h \ a beings, great in of all that all sarpsara cease may the functions (unseen, potentialresult that elements. action of the desire ofMahesvara the causes bodies, Then, by and the the union ( AtmA of jf and the the atoms, atoms sense-organs. m produce Hence their and ( ultimate a 9 u s elements is each cause, alone Then remain. attached of the to its functions an a d is h t r action They in is remains Atma in the ultimate which a great elements produced great remains in burning. are thus is produced s the is regular produced these the by of molecules rays When a mate ulti- ocean very a. is in the by in the order born, by a of water ocean of k A it flows and collection atoms, molecule a ocean that of of Air. Thus etc., a great earth Then resumes atoms earth, conjoining in firm. deeds a in the of water the potential and into moves atoms support order. in that very of fire is etc. which of proper the experience h t the union into molecules the atoms r. i s and similarlya great of same desire of Ma- the d a r a- the great the the the Then atoms and the a bad By the atoms great flood. P into and Atmas. great wind produced by order good all etc., in therein they absorbed and mutually conjoined of two-atoms Then their produced become a a and disjoinedultimate Atmas remain with Then create. the into air,by living beings, (is born) he"vara this back Afterwards, for them. to and the of deposit ceases fire and destroyed Then union of ). Similarly, atoms followingone. disjunction a body the sink Earth, water, " produced is that destroyed become ) 259 mere of fire four will of 260 ( the the Supreme isvara, a huge sphere is of fire supported by the atoms atoms He Therein Being commanded possessed of and M patis, the n and of length endows He four life that the such because after the atheistic systems book Sanskrit with like the is A of numerous and face, arms and Karma, passion dis- y a remarkable last fruits of action, refutation soon of all Udayana, by Kusumdn- I2th century. it is the that the as visible y a, in his in chapter of God the sire." de- 18-19.) the always in his to p. undertaken written question in out definite theologicalbook the Edn, not N Praja- their to of the are beings Rishis his conceive was teacher jali, probably This fruits of all according Bombay Sutras action. great Brahma, knowledge, enjoyment each distribution of the cause beings- virtue, knowledge, pointed JNyaya the as beings high according power, also was other with (Prasast.Bhd. It all from with them and create the castes all endowed low, each well acts Devas, feet,and and thighs as mind- born the " the u, Earth, of knowledge, dispassionand sons Pi tf is, the the to fruits of the his a Him wonderful creates universe by Mahe"vara, knows power all the commands and worlds from born with four lotus-faces Brahma, creates grandfatherof the the ) only ing solelyand directlydealof the European existence books on the of God, subject, 261 ( the Schoolmen by It is divided regarded first a d r cluster of K a i s h t a, Thus Vai"eshika h ta s position cannot mdnjali the since source, r a 1a y a t" v traditional it has be that the non-existence God repromulgated from as external the at He then the tion, crea- of source generally used are of that out destroyed during proved to be knowledge. (Ib.ii. i). arguments meets to prove methods six ence testimony, perception (pra t y a ksha), inferdition (a n u m a n a), analogy (u p a m a n a), tra- ("abda), and trend various Him of 'looking into unable prove to the methods for their (a rth presumption non-perception (an general to to is is a r a the on Veda the the atheism requires an of the Veda ad- (Kusu- a r a v pointing by the except by cause, of I ? goes that out an the with Nyaya He, then, demolishes even and a as is Udayana pointing energy Mimamsa right knowledge the and the of events but went operate i. .18. 19). of A Kanada In that there of cause of the concurrent means p establishes unseen far flowers. a m s u u step further,by blending the one i an chapter being chapters,each into five theologians. Protestant by chapter Udayana world. r and ) u pal proof validitythey His His here argument of face" b d a pat themselves t i), The hi). is that as depend paralysed by though they are are and existence, they disprove arguments a against it. are enough (Ib. III. 23.) 262 ( Udayana that a God if argument could he existed, knowing what rebuts this Mim"msa consists before. known not was by definingright knowledge offers tuitive in- Finally eight positivearguments. effects *, combination, sustenance, He be to unerring perception. (Ib.IV. 6. ) Udayana be not right knowledge, for this of source in disprovesthe then even ) From " traditional arts, knowledge, S r u t i, texts and number ( underlyingcreation ),can be proved an omniscient, the Nyaya eternal Being". (Ib. V. I.) Thus was traditional Vaiseshika for all wedded once 'affect modern continues to through the S iv a Sankhya, Agama and schools effect r an unmanifested a v Yoga, the Vedanta, conceive ftd a, the five arguments theory form are maintain thing cannot of sand. out an take * be The given in the produced. (2) To (i) Oil produce following Sdtikhya Kdrikd, the to its manifestation, cause Sat the cause. ix, to uphold the theory that the the effect exists ir that in the and of relation of the differently. They k A y the sects. VADA B. PARINAMA The effect exists A cannot every argument from design. tecedent an- non-existent be effect pressed we For making curd appropriate material. milk, not water. (3) Any effect does The it thought chiefly Vaishnava and a Indian and theism to take we not 264 ( other entity,in the Agama Satkaryavada The of the may it of far or a future a of date thing that is,both and Matter, Both used for mental should not attempt not time; but going out thing basal kind some other, though or may have destru ction , shall be and was its have must arrangement or of " The (Lodge. Life and though opposed An be to the each Asat- other necessarily mutually exclusive to form pictureof a a what to is include a is outside be self-consistent self-consistent imagined as when Explanation cosmos. explanation must it fails ; but otherwise have ; every explaining the the mind. thus into existence, at any Satkaryavada kclryavada, are time. pp. 101-3). the theories of completely change of of origin and either bare as concerned are sophy, philoreally definite have as and sistence "per- it may specialconcatenation any independent coming as all far so changes, thought accidents and past and be changes given period,though a must, many as be existence, form seldom Whatever " that is to say, must hardly can exists concerned, relations,so accept the the concept of the " modern. through go history; a a and fundamentally is also reallyexistent",underlies ancient It schools in questionof philosophy. Satkaryavad existence concealed was generally; though they this fundamental discuss and the effect words, The cause. ) ; explanation the whole of the facts of is It the cosmos the innate evolution due of latent ? qualities like and the a to plasms All educability? basis the From the into the world theory non of the is called the material that or object is changes evolution of i. vada, p r a world material is k \ i t i. the the noume- b h a that SANKHYA. according to the (and the Yoga) undergoes transformation the world. the Upadanam, A r a m not and of succession transmutation, for form that transmuted Parinama Parinama other. originatingmaterial. Upadanam, The the of sed discus- follows gradually produce to the it becomes limits being or taneous spon- teristics charac- the are ponse res- to the are questions forms of evolution the What germ as due are assumption one forms theory evolve Satkaryavada that phenomena This of these material various far thing some- the of they are How ? heredity ? to manifestations they Or form arise from they Do ? ? impulsion due do t- s a underlie that combination environment to on Or A acute an but causes, chemical sperm in variations biologists. Are dispute and to-day rages the world old Satkaryavada karyavada among understand. to this that noteworthy between try we homogeneous The impulse PradhAna that sets Safikhya to or produce MAI Pradhana a- 266 f in motion an his be cannot a intelligent person gain or own desire to can world. due ji v a s no desires unfulfilled, no for, ; there it ? If ( we be creation, before in the desire rises ) benevolence observingpain after creation,(we commit) of in arguing and benevolence benevolence Therefore the impulse unintelligentimpulse. flows ( of itselffrom of the calf,so of release the milk union on the the the the cow latter. creation." ) a (Ib.xxi.) . blind, a milk unconcious nourishment Ivi ) the calf is and of 255). begins to evolve for the and cow is for the cow) of both, like that of back the ( Sdn. Kdr. Purusha in movement As PradhAna flowing from of " the Purusha contiguityof from Kaumudi, creation to on creation." from Tattva ( Vftchaspati Misra, to the fault circle,(inferring)creation a of absence benevolent a that say in creation bodies,objects( and sense-organs, can of the the creation experiencepain); cannot intelligent an engaging himself benevolence have remove his can to pain, how have can gain nothing from Nor be hence who God, person. to ; these of the world the creation due for either of benevolence be cannot because ; in actions engages apply to therefore " Person supreme account on (motives)cannot which ) blind : P Then a lame man. Purusha k r to set guity conti- mere it i there man mere enough the so r a The . causes results a " a ( mounted Hence is lame, starts having 26; ( no of powers does not When action union, the " unconscious an (P actor." u r u h s the three is matter with a each This n v cosmic, evolution the adhidaivat its from cosmic in y atma adh of the the subjectivityand all act the caused both and the however, the " processes. contrast the is the P u r u of the s h between by a on In pure the certitude the identification object which underlies cognitionin a virtuallysuperseded one-sidedness one-sidedness the first result objectivity.Iris subjectwith mental Buddhi. of the first cancellation (adhyavasaya^ of the of Pradhana distinction pure the adhibhuta, is of intelligence the " objectiveor and It is the and contrast thus the is started. Purusha FradhAna, unintelligent of the product (vikftra) with blend They parallellines three a, the individual. reflection when and union or during Pralaya condition (Sanchara) runs were which individual first The he varying proportionsand in evolution act, the s a if as uamanifest. k t a, a y n u in inert subsist s characterized firstresult of the union The . of the a other of course u g g becomes a) (Id.xx.) is the disturbance the though ; of that account be to seems it as of consciousness, united, thence, on are by consciousness inactive is blind Pradhana : the illumination possess they ) of of single as subjectivity objectivity.At supersession of the gards re- contrast first, is 268 ( implicit. The but as process instinct of the different On one-sidedness subjectiveconception the and only a as and of the The of the or B * human h d P a is the Brahma and m beings. r u Y o ture na- be to the tical theore- latter is the instinct the : practicalactivity root of the universe is the h n i ; therein " says are To I world- Bhagavadgita in the s other Gods It is the instinct after hi, Brahma* a visionary. (Logic of Hegel, Wall., speaking u of the i, thus, is the Bud the cosmic r a d d h Krishna creator. as volition." collection a called so to fulfil the same, cosmic of itself. is here taken of the Good and for true the inward by former of the idea. u this the contrary, on bottom at truth, cognition properly 363). B with and certitude that world genuine objective.The p. two itself,into be real and to as subjectivity into semblance, shapes informs idea ment move- it supersedes Idea's is now, which subjective, action hand one the abstract mere contingenciesand modifies two-fold thought, objectiveworld,which estimated finitude hand, it supersedes the onesidedness the other of the quence conse- presented of the is thus taken it fillsup its content the existing world by receiving the which objectivity with of reason, movements. the is in the sphere,and splitsinto of this such infected immediately On ) me, set Purushas, M the a h a germ t; just like ordinary the of all birth the thence of beings Brahmamahat I the father, giver of B of organ of 1 '. not- relative ' with, identifies sha and regards himself, be of the as animals individual of Siva), Siva, the From a), S " and of and of in iv a "Pratyagatma h k v 1o h ; the are Purumatter 1 cannot the cosmic hosts highest is union man the makes "Sivoha a m of evolution, The in that outside the Rudra. a of their Stotras, e ' us as of much as his ra Ahamka- Not- Sankaracharya of hi* Siva with till the matter self-consciousness of most of portion man is Hence v This of man below Rudra. S i 1 is true Ahamkara development (I am This the all for a portions stand which Cosmic with with cognitions of the comes developed alone matter, himself experienced. Gods of other mering glim- this is I ', is possible. becomes function a says, which of faint occupied by space Ahamkara consciousness familiar is Now the identifies himself body (gross or subtle)and is first consciousness of portion i, n (necessarily) the individual the when o Ahamkara, and After Y the O (XIV. 2-3). evolved, differentiated definite the " seed self-consciousness other-consciousness. stage is the d d h i is u Of arising in all wombs, forms all Kaunteya, From beings, OBharata. ", (I Sivoham", frain re- m," am pure (I am introspectivemeditation). ego of the Ahamkara develop the eleven or- in gans deities corresponding also the T a ij a the action The organs, evolution in tabular xxv making and a up ). into Thus and into the the eleven the dark five is started scheme The produces Rajas Ahamkara, the whole form. iv Vailcharika by on transformed ( Ib. xxiv, a develops five sense-organs, the Tftmasa becomes d h id Ahamkara acted Manas, A SAttvicor The Ahamkftra the (objective universe). (bright) deities. the in Adhibhuta s a the (individual) and AdhyAtma the of which five organs. egoism, tanmatras the tripleline is given of below ( (ultimate) element, ; and form resisting these forms, two object,sensation the objectby This it takes the sense results that conceive smell exists matter shot off from of electricity and of particles small the metaphysical) objects them and are picture of five the universe the universe. helpfulin what is called But when one of the universe models scientific steps beyond and is a conceived the intrusion of bad copy by the of the to to five the form a conceiving or of the models this perceive attempts scientific of city. electri- of which out which action Such be to matter a impossible not by making of the objectsof far the formation of Physics models mechanical is sense-organs evolved. the it is but ly infinitesimal- are sensations elements the is but Extending matter, that ing Accord- light light sensations three conceive to ( other admit so particlesof " of atoms is not substances. all matter a constituent All physical notions " the mode, paradoxical but odorous modern Hence sense of a element, a an it looks. as to case the is not small infinitesimally as between the illumination sensation perhaps looks difficult to dark, a, organ. concept of matter, s a and organ by function, of intellect but i t a m a there is a contact when sense ) 2/2 complex extremely are explanation. So hypotheses says many that is valid. the plan mechanical scientific man, metaphysics into good it is but science, ( The valid only metaphysicalexplanation of analysisof is the universe sensations ) 273 t or a n it into a t r a s m the five elementary as the Hindu i" e calls them. These tanmatras A are only to specific), perceptible and are organs Vi"esha, a subtle bodies, and father and mother Sthula ' on, each This k a serving this becomes Sthula n a thus evolved of the constitute the ( with form the habitat The creation of ( Ib. the the and v " y u, above a n c hi - gross elements hand one on P the objects the other the organs cal physi- ) which incarnating Purushas, bodies evolution lii), These 18 on physicalsense of these Sarga, khya BhavAkhyaSarga, with basis of their differentiation. the physicaluniverse bodies mixed all the elements These quintuplication. " is Cmah4bhuta) of differentiation is called process r a ' gross element as matras tan- tanmatra Akasa; of containingthe properties it and ). The Sthulabhutas Sabda ). From elements spring from empirical elements or Vayutanmatra so bodies Mahabhutas xxxviii into Mahabhutas, evolved and un(lit. , whose that the ). ( Ib. first evolve ( gross a When bodies the to ( empiricalelements called the Gods subtle. h s they become differentiated,they give rise specific, sense to v is called of bodies, related evolution bodies 1in g are a - to of characteristics, of fourteen kinds, ( ) 274 eight are divine,i. e. subtle, namely, (i) of which ofBrahma;(2)Prdj"patya, of M a n u s and of those of the creatinghierarchies, those of the lunar R is h is (3) S a u m y a beings ; (4) A i n d r a those of Gods of the rank those of of the Indra; (s)GAndharva, and beings of that order ; (6) Indra attendants on that Brahma, , , , , (7) Y^ksha; Rakshasa; those of three classes of demons. bodies is that of man; " and animals immovables three These infra-human Hence the Gods of one act not will but and T lead a of any out result of the These a called Urddhvasrotas, T ir y a flows g a s. s r o t This minerals). a s, a m a s . the i. all man - are beings high or imaginary principleof free " universe play ofSattva, is the Rajas are ArvSksrotas e. t a pleasure; beings below but S liv ). (Ib. liii, three kinds of bodies upwards, downwards Put. V. beasts,birds, creeping in the manifested and T m infra-human life of indolent activityand all action mechanical class of bodies,divine,human, and enveloped by ignorance ; low ninth h a, a c characterised by respectively are Rajas, is a (vegetablesand of groups tva, The the other five are animals, wild domestic man, (8) P those and whose also and vital energy horizontally. ( Vish. ) completes the evolutionaryprocess and P u r uprovidesa largevarietyof bodies in which shas reside and experience the pain arising may ( from decay and they are death released till, (on attainingM from connection s h a) with the Linga- toto the scheme YOGA. 2. The Yoga of the school accepts in past evolution the more Sahkhyas of the ; but with the future and the means bound consummation. its release of The (forms of especial concern of the securing of "The soul that in themselves visible or subtile of the G past and visible forms evolution and on and n of time. a " desirable the and sake. the " due they to fest mani- (either) are fications) (of modi- 14). These objects start on cause substratum They s." (/#.iv. is the future of the nature are account for his latency in due u that various) propertiesis in it all forms is ed accept- change (of time, place etc.)". The contains taught as is their essence, things) exist (of development Universe Satk^ryavAdais Yoga Sfitras'iv. 12. in and k o (Sdnkk. Kdr. Iv,) deha. by ) 275 their suble course contiguityof of the Though variegatedby innumerable impressions (mental depositsof souls associated with the objects)they exist for another of (z.e. the seer)because they operate on account association (withhim)." (/b.iv, 23). seer The stages of evolution are of the G (of the evolution) u n four. a s are " The the stages specific, 276 ( (v i s m e and t r a a the simple The P u r u s in of flux is of three and A vast h and a by is a takes flux on The is the old thus as a is the a Lakshana them. contact of characteristic. a lump of flux of change " (of the characteristic (Ib.) Thus of when D h lump a This pot. a a r m and is the i terial) (ma- of characteristic- (i) the rise of the new pot), (2) the destruction (of the lump). of form material,is permanent fects af- clay,the (material) characteristics moments, flux tripleflux perceptionand the affectingthe This of two the ling a This of we characteristics the characteristic the of of Dharma, consists him Pradhana. the organs change up clay. consciousness characterizes of which pot is made clay gives which Ahamkara the the pure (Ib. iii.13). ha. means Dharma the are of a) r kinds, Dharma, objects and action jects ob- objects are evolved they continue constant flux, tor flux is life. This all state a t a m and characterless,homogeneous After n Buddhi. soul, is bound cific spe- ' (ta that colours of matter the of " cognition of I and not-I. the mere characteristic,the lihgamatra, touch The a- of the the foundation " 1 i ri g a) the non-specific ' compounded objectsare h (Ib.ii. 19), a. The sensations pure s e complex comprises the or world. of the all li h g a (vi"esha) ' is (a v a),non-specific h s ) ; while the of Dharma D h a r m j, the various characteristics, ( and outgoing the (n i r d h o the when held in the ) a the The of clay. This form to time future,present is a m) when in it. h s So long it were quality in latency in marble Carving is the control of act that so of itself. When, this prospectiveto a k s h a n Nirodha merging flux of a), and and an a present and sculptor carves and with latency statue is its state of each goes a two past to a on state moments, one moment manifesting itself. regard as objectfrom to on may broken, its Thus presenting Vyutthana, object the actual each another a exists statue keeping form t ghafat- the pot finally, each a (nirodha) is manifested. procession of g (vyutthana) per -sent pot-hood'is held in check past (a t i t a) pot a in capability of the the the as immanent check before the a, reference with past. n a Dharma a pot takes shape. Similary a a manifest (L is manifestation into comes under a k a states only as pot is held is in a) v itself, present pot-hood (vartamana and y three This a L pot a and t prospectivepot-hood (a n ghatatvam). becoming of has but is made, clay, it the form \a a is clay Dharma tripleflux,called a in check of a) v pot-hood (g h flux of time. pot is not t a (vyutthana). subjectto " d both are itself. Thus manifests latter its check, ones is held former lumpiness (p i n manifestation is incoming the existent, only when ) 277 time The is thus 273 ( k a" r y a a" v d fundamental the that analysed,so of the world-flux. Lakshana The takes While of being called contains a A ir state checked and form a an N as d h o is " v and a and another Vyutthana the is results. each has is in flux an A v a a h a r m Lakshana. flux of a of Thus This D of Yoga Stittas state a dha Nirois weak these h A v a ; a r m phases a is the Lakshana t h a s intricate from objectstaken a strong and . and d h o mer If the for- Nirodha, Each h s t ir Vyutthclna weak. one Vyutthftna, (Parinama)ofDharmi, the ftux of D on in ft certain state a Vyutth"nais is is called of and VyutthAna, Nirodha and phases ; strong weak, v the latter is strong and Nirodha two d h a N manifestation weak, Thus Each state, Vyutthftna, the latter is control ; when poral tem- each by (way). a of fixed, is a procession of a manifested. is kept under former r m a always acting. are strong and h nation expla- in tripleflux is indicated d h Sat- created, nothing the D place, idea of Lakshana states of consistentlyfollowed be destroyed,may idea is nothing that a, ) is is the flux analysis of the Vyasa's Commentaries III. 13, reminds us of the barren of the NyAya-Vaiseshika School ; hair-splitting its only virtue,if it is virtue at all, sistent being a conof the carryingout nihil fit.C h i 1 1 a v r i1 1 doctrine i,the of Ex flux of nihilo is psychoses, 280 ( cultydoes v ma d a evolve not of out his difference of that (Ved.SAt. II. i. related nails grow and dung, cow But the Vedanta meet (Ib.II, i. 6), instances of of out worms " Brahma) Sutras it is seen" things of effect,e. g. and of man, out the of account on cause as objects proto-matter. Vedanta The 4.) presents many different nature hairs causal " paring- a (viz. the world, from objectiontersely, that the world k h y objects to theory " this n material unconscious therefore appropriating S a unconscious an Sahkhya The in the occur wherein a ) of scorpionsout To honey, this crude the Acharyas difficulty, derived add each a clever supplementary argument from their sectarian teachings. Sahkara argues of the objects that constitute that evolution the world is illusory (vivarta p a r i n a m a) and of way is but Brahma u this meeting p a d a n the m),* a Brahma " of all phenomenal him superimposed on SAt. II. i. even in subtle causal his of in Him. During Hence the state made body up d v T a the it a the etc., (ignorance); all beyond " tratum subs- evolution id y a nal phenome- (Comm. attributes to on Ved. Brahma (Karanavastha), of individual that matter a A by 27). Ramanuja elements * changes like untransformed and changes (vivarta becomes he remains real nature in His material seeming have souls and become Karyavastha, is called the vivartavada. a the absorbed when the world is in that a evolves, ak vy that all is world, real it i the as Vedas. founded forms d a of t denotes theories. M A r a Ill i.)"Sat 19. Ved. XVII Manas created "Asat a existence state a of state of world, the beings." this at first. was 5 The meant are i. 19). created. was i s h i s say VI. i. I. I,) distinct when homogeneity, things Daseyn - t in the sa existed'." (Sat Brdh external 1a p u it sprang is this Asat? the proto- Beings (bhOtas) evolved, not the with from first, Up. (Athar. therefore,is objects were be to this all Vedanta Chh. Manas first Asat By Asat, " ; Asat. Sat." what ' At i II. ii. 9. 10). say, is held and raja pati. Prajapati (Tait. Brdh * II 7. upon P evolved the consistency this at was Asat, created and call it,is called Sahkhyas upon From Brahma of proto-matter, "Asat founded ' unchangeable, which as point of weak (Tail. Up. that His between Brahma original state They of body metaphysical positionrequires. between is the Sat Being illusory according matter " interpose of proto-matter state a hiatus This the being Conscious fundamental The is Himself schools Pure or their r He it is this ta. Thus k manifestation, in * manifold the Hegel, the of opposite of S a t corresponds in Prakriti. this,or the formless each separate form to the By being-this'of Hegel virtue of its predicateof merely being-this,every something Natura Naturata of Spinoza and A . a a . is the t . * ' . is a finite ' and therefore it is an because effect, . . otherwise we 282 ( T a " of the three gunas. T a m a T a (Mait. Up. V. 2). By T unmanifested " first all this At (Sat. Brdh. Tait. Brdh. m a s a m a s, darkness, ' i. 6. i. emission, waters, which first I. the earlier could started conceive only there will be i.) agitation an more perly pro- of the work of evolution. a ' into energy the This activityis described desire '. "Desire (K " in m a) absolute as ', and adds the It is that if contradiction. no undevelopedstate,but sprung. i. 5. I., . state of water." VII. 3. with 3.) * the on 129. limited being and therefore unDr. Muir, however, refers to the commentators developed Rigveda who explain A s a t as moaning an un. it X. emission creative writingsas . an the 2 the of '. " All this water S y i s h t i is matter. startingof bolized sym- was symbol 9, Tail. Sam. I. i. 3. 5.,Tail. Atan. primeval 3). this." (nothing) but water, S ? i s h { i,creation, started of this 129. was (Rig-Veda, water." was XI. X. alone a of matter, is state undifferentiated was one s, existed,envelopedby s frequently used and Another a called ed. nothing objectiveis manifest- when state a m a " T the In a T beginning ( Rig- Veda s, in the beginning " m is also state distinguishedfrom s, to be a m This of the Greeks, chaos the ) A s a accept this we t does simply mean of pure or formless from which all forms tence exis- the atate primal substance clear,however, that if state, then not statement Sat must mean, A s a not t means the have an essence developedstate ". Davies. Hindu Phil, 136-8. But Davies forgetsthat sometimes Sat it used for essence, the noumenal entityas in Chh. Up. VI. ii.1. 2. anything, but a developed un- of pp.the 283 ( first arose which was in first.Wise this found have it, this (Rig-veda x. ' Sat'" A the theistic g a m motive, that salvation (Moksha); creation that in is is but purpose see ed is furnishsouls to found the contrary, it is said of any account on In i.) this idea is not On (special) sport (lil"),such mere a II ii.9. leading individual but not The 33). of the desire world, the the motive due " it desired Asat, as we ordinarylife (when people play)"(Ved. Siit. II. i. 32. to of Sat". t and s a (Tait. Brdk. earlyliterature. in the A schools,this desire a a with mind, that by mental introspection, men, 4.) "Being 129. of seed the was bridge between I become may ) to will to manifest the lution evo- is not gain something thereby ; due is it nor spontaneous, self-initiated constraint,but to underlies that out-flow of energy. "From created was n a Asat s, the the indicate the earliest could of differentiation. created "Manas the and hand next the was the creator with former an P a r a ja p r a ja world-egg Adi P u r a p a t the on u t i ". s elements a- predicated, streaked with "It i, on veloped, de- (Sat) This xix. i.) sents reprethe other. h a, the of t, M of evolution, egg" (Chh. Up. III. stage, P some S be homogeneous proto-matter was first marks Asat words beginnings existence it became the "From These Manas". stage when when Sat". came one The first male, personalityin him latter ; the eniverse The ; These of work in various the are P ja r a T as " by austerity). t a p desired, into ' I may he tapas; brown. Prajapati's work this but none Thus parts. with her. XIV. iv. * In some flat.Brd\. emitted all emitted it, He a man performed with foetus, he a mantras. exhausted of around, he and legends Prajapati came was He second. locked asunder He in in two cohabited (Sat. Brdh* described of i.) (there was) saw 'Bhuh,' out 8. Purusha, born." is also comes be- sexual a woman wife. "With as a and became Hi. II. a desired he person conceived were low-brow yel- becomes woman fall men yellow- became himself man Prajapati " 6.) He . i.) Creation XI. i. 6. 2. II. form He . made Thence uttering to also Looking arose 2. performed he (Tait. Btdh. in the as He embrace. He children.' an is himself. much as was may Being exhausted, Atma, first. at Up. panied accom- I become ' Having is. pregnant Hence The (meditation desired, pregnant a black-brown." " ly frequent- pregnant. exhausted. act. s it." (Tait. became black-brown. Most children.' there Being became He produce Hence a p * variously performed tapas, whatever entered a the described hymns. produce ; after he s this; and he I may a t i is a p of form evolution. lines of two cosmogonic it is described many, first discrete the was the as due PrajApati golden egg, with region; It is also the Vedic referred to sacrifice. " Himself and all in XIII. (fat. Brdh. Golden The templation. con- halves a Then sacrificing beings became silver. The (half) the in Himself, nion, cloud and ( half) The created order mist also in elements varies Sankhya sprang (Pitris), men, were and Up. the in various different makes golden in am- 1-2.) beings were The accounts. it out Devas created III. 19. to be A suras, (Ib.II. iii.8. i.). order the makes them evolve. Akasa, from Aka"a air,from water earth, from fire water, from (the other) bloodvessels, rivers and ( Chk. which in The two. is this earth, the ; the TaittiriyaBrdlimana Fathers in chorion, mountains, the the fluid,the ocean." ship." lord- developed burst (one) golden silver sky; universe It year. in myself 20.) I. of the Egg of period the vii. self- in acquired superiority,self-effulgenceand he the all of infinityin no sacrifice and beings Lastly, was is there f myself/ in beings is generally act an as shall I earthly- an Vishnu self-existant thought, contemplation. beings two the be to 11). ritual of sacrificial victim. described Brahma, He t: the as is sometimes creation this supposed was i. 4. The sacrifice. -a this sacrifice of creation. of copy sacrifice as intermediate sky". (Ib. VI. 'Svah,' the conceived ',the Bhuvah ' this ; with generated " From earth in which that air The the Atma fire,from herbs, from faerbi food, from food (seed,)from retas (Tait. Up. II. understand his gross body, between the he appears of this work All Brahma. who according Sdt. II. iv. refers a to of and Chhdndogya Up. of Vedftnta the When Universe. the alone Brahma work to Sutras refute both the to Sahkhya gator unassailable The of three the dev.pted two Sahkhya \.. Sahkhya analysis though the to aborate el- amental fund- author sections of of the heresy, by appealing revelation, it accepted become his or mentioned the of transmutation has ; its promul- incarnation an philosophy ~a of revelation as self-promulgatedVeda. the Vedftnta has elaborated the Vedic scheme mediate regions,the earth, the sky, and the interinto three cosmic region (antariksha) spheres,the of as and as food done, was teaching and scheme and Vishnu the reason Kapila this (Ved. tej finished and directly opposed was Sahkhya the and speculations, the well-thought its longs) (be- 'tripartite* vi-2, where (fire,water crude Supreme Sruti" elements the such Devas. forms of the earth, as usuallyinterpreted)are from series (the elements) tripartite, teaching annam the the by names renders the to and is done here previous Fathers en." m must we for in the 20). Making and pas making Him 'here 'man evolution The " to i.). By retas VedAnta Vaishnava scheme scheme. being perhaps The a rival MAnd"kya ( internal, sensing the sensing both, 288 sensing not of mass no not-unconscious, is (foot)." fourth presents of states V Dream. Taijasa. Sleep. P S u k h s m The three and S a worlds m r a t- are a mentary com- and between the and of :" Vai"v"nara. a, Hiranyagarbha. 1 a. n a r (the fourth, Turfy causal II. J, is follows bodies K and a A.tm", the consciousness " also a v a. called are a r corresponding consciousness oi states j and worlds three a without Cosmic Waking, r world one is parallelism as v the Upanishad individual i" essence Up. 2-7). Individual States known, Mdndtikya the the where Upanishad, consciousness cosmic The be systematic a untouchable, blissful,the (Mdnd. the on the the Tdplni Nrisimha Atrnft, one not conscious, not indescribable, is to which second, that, three the unchnagtng, not, the the of external, unusable, unseen, intuition the the sentiency, indefinable, inconceivable, of ) n a, a, called V the i r S these t h subtle gross, being to a u 1 a and Absolute). t, Svarftt ( (4) SAIVA 289 Sahkhya divided twenty-fourtattvas,* the the up and the Between P Guna r a as there k iy Above K v a r B t a i,K a 1 a, R 1 a, there below him a, S d a a a iv a, a iv 1 1 either. u r u there v a s a s. Thus h a, who s called five, are envelope, K a 1 a. SuddhaVidya, tattvas. thirty-sixtattvas These P Siva and a S V i d y a, and a, g May are constitute the five-fold a divided are into being highest,Sivtattva, Isvara the next three,Sada"iva., class by itself, and Suddhavidya being the Vidyatattva classes, the three thirty-twobeginning from Maya ending with the earth being the A t m a t a and T c a it ultimate Saiva v m a t reality,as of factor the more opposed often trayam ultimate means of the factors of evolution of Prakriti. to But cosmos. stage having individual 19 a 1 1 v a s is M a tt the a times Some- a real, phenomenality, in the Sankhya and definitestage of evolution, characteristics Vaishnavas cosmos va. y a, not lit,that-ness has various connotations. a, means tattva and real, the 1 1 SSstrasit a The first of the A t a and the The a d d h i they interpolate u Above h s r u thirty-sixt a kanchuka, a u The separate from tattva a Pancha I5 i t i and r twenty- sixth. viz.,N the P with into tattvas twenty-five are is the which the microcosm. universe into universe objective the that twenty-five principles macrocosm analyse AGAMAS. SAKTA AND The make ) are, and of its own. again,three not stages of t*-Nt"* ( " the S d d h u is the of the root of pervading, in which It universe. form the of and inhere,impure with end of the etc. pralaya. cause the k universe)from into the subtle tattvas the of power gross worlds first bind iii.61-62 ). Ka from Maya. " 1A K a leaf,the (therefrom,so 1 ft etc.), by The the ing manifest- subtle then 1 ft etc. a gross." evolved a in all ways the of into the the obstruct thus K 1 1 v a 1 ft overcomes and power it evolves is the firstt (impurities)that ofchaitanya to a (anu); man ( Ib. malas the (earth)(develope ; then bodies. and the (K fttmft It which sight (drik"akti, the perception)in s. a ill 2-4). "It firstevolves a)."(Pattsk. Ag. May from 1 ft tokshiti a al of the subtle and trunk, fruit,etc.,latent in the seed grow one, (Karma) Pralayftkalas, As fty ft substratum all S ak to M 58. eternal, of actions common is,during manifestation,the gross bodies " is 1 objects,the results potential the in p. fty ft mentioned M a ) 290 the tation manifes- helps chaitanya is of the form of cogniChaitanya tion and is the auxiliaryof the Atma; activity manifest. and (when) does makes obstructed, K a 1ft manifests it. Kalft manifest the Atma in its entirety,but it is not the chaitanya in accordance with the next v t a 1 1 it the Atma and pain. " a shine as Kalft partially, Karma." evolves , (Ib. v. from cannot derive That instrument K 2-5 a works ).Vidya, 1 ft ; without experience of pleasure with which the ( Atm4 of B (/".v. a id y v )V id 9. actor an d d h i is called u tras." S has become who ) =91 material other Chit-Sakti the causes is thus VidyA to of power, u R a is attached of for the for R and a a g of form Raga manifests is without one is k ti a of latent " be is not time (Ib. v. that attracts a whether desires he what man the them of a these time (a cause) iy i, the 37). of is a a not. bodies,organs, etc.,each t cause a pot" (Ib. i is the of his It also man " makes eternityis being results or t of) time, nothing ; hence N k a past, present as flux is images which time, eternal ; for to a h a-" c form the 1 a, is 66;. is there nor objects."(Ib. v. (the the wheel Time ic h tattvas Without desire has (desire) ; of born, nothing die (of objects)as 50). a who subjectto enjoyment or to K aforesaid the sciousness con- tion reflec- a 22-23). Rag v. kinds, of comes future. outside " (attachesmen) After can chit is of two of the former and who one impure (bliss)."(Ib. reflection v. kalft (worldly)experience one it ; to satisfaction bondage. lightof enjoyment (of pain and pleasure); no " of the as is that independence (svachchhanda). inclines to a g d d h u destroyed./{^ are knowledge (prakasa) - knowledge, whereas pure reflection a B when modifications leads VidyA only Sas- C h it y " is different from k t i ; for the latter shines and Saiva in the a oprations the sees force Karma, mines deter- is to get. ?^_ ( K a S i r m u rP u r are being a h s made. of i ", K kanchuka) the G the n u of rest ' same as the subtle taught "is m 1 1 a n v a, that is h k a face in all a u n P a in the a 1 a s Purushas. stuff of which developments four (p a fie k ra n u g a ha- called in are s fi ti evolve d d h i. B is substantiallythe u be (to V The distinguished i d y a, the Siva. thirtieth it of the This S activityended, becomes it radiate action ; it highest Sivatattva where undifferentiated, and which k a n they Safikhya school. called from ; s, called a) ; s experience In it the G name It is also modifications y omnipresent. with a all its a the ones. From from a) called not three 1 a, ft y a, with (reaches 1 Ved consciousness v ijn other Vidyatattvas t V 1a a of clothes a id y (a v of evolution that series)are 1 1 the part the the a ; from s this The from a k first of the gross equilibrium (Ib.vi. 21). t j the (Ib.vi. 18). a h Purushaisto and form The s a i t i is also r being k t a y k la a the are It is the May v r a which worlds are P s r u by Siva. ignorance Prakrit (Ib.vi. 2-4), A by u the man, envelopes'developed Pralayakevalas the P applies only, to a from and The thereto set enveloped comes five * afflict to power intervene, in to these with " y no (Ib.v. 83-88). i t a himself M has a's power v iy N itself has by a is the u d d h a- absorb- powers of indestructible, Eternal, unchanging, omniscient (lit directions). (Paush-Ag.\. 18-20). ( S the m d a " iv a three a the " t Siva (lit, S is o a g first stage also Sada"iva, a- life of of B h state experiences,the that d d h u her begins a first of the a, v When to the passes he differentiation); 1 1 a " k t i of S i v a Siva then activity, of is the next a Vidyatattvas. y a, Siva ) 293 called When really separate from Siva. Suddhamayais actuallyactive,B h o g a Siva passes Sadakhya, not stage ofAdhikftraSiva to the on Siva (lit., that superintendsor rules); I not really separate s v a r a, (Ib.i.25-26). to in the The from is he S d a ? iv a of five mantras body then referred previouschapter belongs to ^S a d a " i v Sivatattva, highest, undifferentiated for the can scarcelybe said to have body, even a a a, posed com- one of mantras. B i n d u, Sivasakti, three v a ; and throw " The 1a y of S i v a n t a and the a ; she the rest to the activities and at with counted " and that the of time s a described is the same as them of creation also a, of a these separate her give in the ground. back- (two) different B in d have as K u it is that binds bondage releases mantras iv other (the globular)." She 1in i May Saktaagamas already their substratum a counterpart is not that the so d d h u active prominence states a the highesttattvas t a 1 1 as S otherwise of their therefrom. n d A u a- n- tive) (respecover More- the world beginning proceed from her and ( absorbed become in in her," manifesting t 1 1 a ) 294 v (Ib.ii.1-4). " a determines s (highesttattva s),Sivatattv Isvara tattva, tattva, V id y is the a Besides ' this ' also describe rise V surrounded iii.i). They they belong i j ii a to k a n e v S ik h a Then the Lord rest, creates the 1 m 1a (with the of the various e v a those them to m a (a n n S k t is a t r a e v companied s),ac- u and (Mrig. s." 1 a because a already described A n a that have but are rid of S u (R being manifested Maya a k h s h bodies whose a v m ja a, and r a ja Ananta tattva as Karma Ekarudra, lords of from souls Ananta, are first he at called k class 1 a, 1a ceeding beings, suc- Then other of here the " of s ). and (theknot), begin evidently,are from subject s. Afterwards the worlds a. crores are a y (Ib. iii.9). These a ) a " and (l"varas) 1 a." to two " 18 d d h u knowledge (Ib.ii.40), of hosts a a d 5, lords n (S 32-33)."Suddha Ekanetra, the a M m They Maya. Sivottama, K a stickingon mala " of the 7 by four the Universe,the SaivaAgamas the by and evolution eightqualifiedK creates and of the evolution the V line activity Sadakhya a, ii. of true cause principlesof Ag" (Ib. tattva," Vidya Her the Lord enters into those (bhuvanesvaras} three m a 1a s) from who whom are rulers of tainted all this creation,quaint and of creation. A order on offspring, of the himself and man, desirous of the adrishta " u form k 1 a ; thence of the seed the in sun's o it n b in d the and in which the start as b in d a u k 1 a, the u the . . . within enters the the like out, then udumbara; generate, oppositethe sun, the mixed become fall on lightand in when generated ; the mirror of powers then ; are the begetting own S swells u mirror a from rays a is (karma) the sprout etc. enter rays sun's rays and and " body of time, children etc. process the of banyan order of of form enters, in the the in This " of process born, contemplates his wife that is the half of his wife the interesting. account to be son startingof the ings with regard to ) 296 ( wall. a of the A d f i s h t a (karma) account on Similarly, is Praka"a, of (all) beings, Brahma who which had becomes desirous of creatingthe world been absorbed her enters becomes Then a the s is k a k t of a and " enters their from a u b in d k 1 a. u of and S a called be i, k t i, swells has to be learnt cannot k t bindu The into it. a lightand Thence specialsubstance Guru S his see commingling (heart-ray).That a a to out. H a r- from written in (Ib.ii. 15. Com.} Lalitd a it n lips of books." S o of form the produced 1a himself, turns bindu results that d in a becomes in a bhdshya quotes from a followingelaborate description Sahasrandma work the ( ) 297 of the stages of creation. b h t u 1a y stage, when a homogeneous it,is (2)v with ic h ik i is with A (3) causal Thence 1 a, A a y a c c k t M a. and and a it From a issues (5) h it ; thence, h i t. Stages N a Sakta their is P d a, S B i j a, I c h c h h a, J ii a n a, and (5) VAISHNAVA P"dma The Samkita beings and spheres in is the the p r a- is a charged B in d r a V u k h (the u K the s ; this create a a and the m A a y V a v t h a y k, a u- k t a Vaisvanara section viz r k, C h i t. a (gross) seed, s 3, 4, 5, 6 form S A , Raudri, and Jyestha, to (4) starts analogues, in becomes n a r a (explained in Vedanta the n becomes a ready l"vara, Hiranyagarba of a matter Brahma is K or and t- g h ripeningis beginning a y seed), who (effected u h id h Maya seed). B in d c v r s the karma ripened endowed manifestation When mass. (i) the absorbed karma ripefor is not a First is 3), as t n also a, Varna. otherwise, Ambika, K r iy a. AGAMAS. describes the followingterms cosmic " There eternal, incomparable, Light, eternally- satisfied, spotless, the beyond Tamas, all-form, On destruction. without the formless, account of from this eternal out (creative activity)comes two-handed, single-clothed, Being, Vasudeva, like pure with crystal, of lacs of crores the of moons, brilliance firesand of suns, thousands seated in a rays, with sphere of with shining a Srivatsa (a curl garland ornamented a first his with all meditated a the a (of the world); the for mace a a black garland; like yellow cloth,born and himself like a into (came) was was of colour a some born ; of these n ir u u V a s u cloud. or and e- other for the tion protechas the (conch called) k t the i), also and with Lord other a with V a s a u - was Narayana,. From All he divided Vasudeva, was one From a. d tion, protection,destruc- from d d h as srtvatsa This second Pradyumna. A him single-faced, the cause Samkarshana, born s) see discus (m of creation, blue the i ; the him. crystal,the pure of the two of peacock's neck; the For release. centre breast, ornamented with author is the e v a ; with his on r discus release destruction b h s t u u the the is be all-loving,again, for panchajanya (s u of creation lotus for the purpose He is From with (He keeps) yellow to Vasudeva, four-armed, endowed implements. wise Vishnu. another born was The of goal supreme crown, a He things (came). heart. the of ( His ) four-faced from by Yogis always in the on of lotus created plements im- breast, spotless King. Vasudeva; as Being d other necklace, armlets, bangles, etc., wearing known k (discus)and (a jewel) on cloth, graceful, the v r a Kaustubha and hair) k a marks, with his as h c Vasudeva him (the latter) Pradyumna, these are four- ( armed. VSsudeva s, j ) 299 is known a n a and d d h a ; from have to the six the rest, in equal quantities; the forms be to (murtis) serially described, (come) from possessing different quantitiesof the He who has excess of j n a n a is named g u n a s. has an Samkarshana; excess Pradyumna of b a 1 a ; on the excess of A i" vary a, (comes) g u A a n ir n u n twenty-iour from i s, t r The functions this in Lakshmi v. creation, with the start Before form my b i n d u, that surrounded by known a and 1 1 the three v form Maha as a these two g u n women desirous of a become Mahft by g of mine, u n a formation When s. the s. of aud Rajas P great filled with as tion crea- Mahaiakshmf, Maya; is known of I, the thus variance full six by called am My me"varl. S is altered I In drop (bindu) predominant, I becomes " creation, of the pure is course book. same small a the the creates; (Ib. iv. 19.) describes of the he in this ; creates what maintained." chap described (destroys)what eats and ii-7-12). beings are maintains Samkarshana created Sam. "Aniruddha Pradyumna born are lamps (are lighted) many of these Lakshmttantta. with as lamp". (Pddma one the a ra the four murtis Tamas form my r a- is VidyS. meditation a of Myself created three pairs (of beings),in accordance Know mentally-producedbeautiful that my own with our nature. ( ) 300 lotus-eyed,beautiful, lotus(Of a seated, is from part of Pradyumna. is Brahma male this pair),the (called also) the V i d h i, Virincha; woman Dhata, pair,golden- wombed, Sri, is called From Kami Padma, part of Samkarshana, a all limbs in Sahkara, and pair; the Krishna, a Vishnu, Satl. command m a then in two The called the !,of V R u d d s u the e v a" cosmic and (Ib egg K venly) (hea- M of h a e fl a M a- v a, h a by a m 's a- my wife, (lotus-born) 2-23). B v. h a, Vftsu- the ; it Vishnu a, r a h- broken was protects all that the egg. supreme Para, Para and r part a h r a s u, the being B wife, a a Subhaga; became r a n was woman Chandra, created by is within the m thereof the Rudra's k sh he Hrishtkesa, Tray! Gauri, ad ", B h r From male Janardana, gaurl, m d u three-eyed, mentally produced by was i d y a, a Sarasvatt, Aniruddha a K Akshara, Cow, L R was Kapardi, Tray I, 1 s v a (the woman) deva, male the Sthanu, Vidya, v pair,three-eyed, a ; mentally was produced by Mahamaya, beautiful Lakshmi. a, manifests and Vyuha (supreme) beginning of himself form V is the this section. the four forms ib h The ofVasudeva, Pradyumna and in three a v a forms, ; of these, described one V y u h a shana, Samkar- Aniruddha, at prises com- whose shapes, ornaments in chapter themselves of The ib h v manifests Vishnu A Padmnabha, cluded spheres that it presents s u h a representationof state the of the knocks other out idole. h a s form Up.} f on. A i, M n g a g - i t- h s a and s entirelyexbelieves classification v it a V i in a a g v s T a, with there to of spirit m a the i a the j a- four but s, being present as and two (taken and horse- the in each Lakshmftantra, Ramanuja's argument. Vyiiha add d a identifies A Ranga works the all pervasive temple of Para, Brih u A its in (waking, etc..,) mind Vaishnava brahmana, y the g., Visishtidvaita Vaishnava v e. devoutly with referred a m these bottom Besides -j- t the of s A in man, so been Hindu RamSnuja forms lovely U standing difficultyto and r a a v a (waking, Suryaandthe thoroughgoingly so Ranga commentators. 1 is four t a, r a of the and a have a upanithad Mdndukya into r and m o yet the modern ; The * d n " g avatftras, and the S intoxicatingKing the mi, various Dyav^prithvi, ancient a Kapila, Vayu Varuna, and ra V y deities,I the Vedic mas, !y to complicated pantheon the From J various tortoise,etc., Da-ttStreya the of himself the Hayagrlva, r u the t a, n a n manifest )* trance. constitutes a v a T tail de- in They states and sleep and and sa, four Sushupti dreaming faced the described are work. of this ten in each Svapna, which etc. the V ib h other forms, from the arc ha, a a v n f crms, a t a r y a- antaryamithe forms of ( his religion it to San the be but worshipped of A g a m the in that shrouds not deities ma a arose, character Dharma, ; read theeternal, because by when Whence penetrable History. scheme what evolution. veil of are these complicated elaborated, their Vedas the him. the was of Indian maintains passionately tana divinities scarcely most a religion never-changing Aga and Vedic be to ) 302 is obscurity mined deter- wrapped which