Quantum Technologies and Ethics in a Consciousness Society The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust Dr. Ing. Florin Munteanu Suceava, 23 FEB 209 Considerations • Life (living) is not reducible to bio-structure and metabolic cycles. • Human being - as potentiality - is more than a rational animal… producing artifacts • Knowledge-based Society is a (compulsory) phase in Human evolution Considerations • Paradigm change imposes a restructuring of the entire socio-economic life, of the scale of values and of the formational and educational processes • Paradigm change is a challenge which puts at stake the survival of human race itself • The survival within the new paradigm is conditioned to a series of social inventions capable of offering economic sustainability A real difficulty • To improve the communication in a transdisciplinary approach it will be useful a new writing technique The complexification of artifacts and the development in technology has, as the major consequence, the exponential acceleration of the socio-economical real life >>>>>>> So, we need a new conceptual frame to be able to deal with this “turbulence” “ Complexity is not a methodology or a set of tools (although it does provide both). It certenly is not a “management fad”. The Science of Complexity provides a conceptual framework, a way of thinking, a way of seeing the World” Eve Mitleton – Kelly, Complexity Reasearch Programme, London school of Economics By data mining in the history of mankind data base we can see some patterns in the behavior on human being The acceleration of the socioeconomical processes : • a universal law? or • a result of some conjectural events? Over a threshold, any flow become turbulent?! Automation = routine, “mindless” activities are taken over by machines. ??? Knowledge-Based Age AI Information Age Today Computers Steam engine Industrial Age Immaterial resources Agricultural age Material resources Automation = liberating humans, while revealing our true, unique capabilities: intelligence, embracing novelty and managing risk. “The true meaning of history in any universe is the becoming of the Consciousness ” M. Draganescu, Consciousness society, 2007 Creativity and innovation in the field of new technologies are not enough to build a sustainable development of mankind. So, we need new senses to feel the future consequences of our “creativity”. The quantum technologies have deep and profound consequences, so we need a specific guideline, a specific ability to feel the WHOLE, to “see” the evolution of the WHOLE. We need to develop the Science of MIND, to understand Consciousness and to design a specific path to Spirituality. Categories of the social human behavior : • Biological behavior • Cultural behavior • Spiritual behavior The spiritual behavior defines the relatioship between Consciousness (individual or group) and a fundamental Consciousness Fundamental Consciousness– the existence in eternity (in non-time) but also in any material manifestation (in tangible Universe) • Science, in the framework of a transdisciplinar approach, is able to postulate the existence of the Fundamental Consciousness – without being able to experiment it directly, though, through its own methods. • The training (initiation) of the human being in a spiritual life, beyond dogma, is attributed either: – to Religion ( if it overpasses the dogma stage) or – to individual Consciousness for individual means/ways of understanding the Fundamental Consciousness The spirit is the greatest value of the Human being • The human being is a Self-Conscience Animal (the Ego) who has access to a SPIRITUAL life • The human being can degrade from a higher spirit to inferior living, losing contact with the Fundamental Consciousness, the entire Universe as a Whole, remaining in the empire of local interactions, un-correlated, instinctual and basic • In the absence of a spiritual “sight”, human creativity is oriented towards the satisfaction of the Ego • The creativity of the Intellect chooses and solves problems. • The anture of problems can be terrestrial or spiritrual inspiration • A spiritual dimension allows the empathy with GAIA evolution (co-evolution and sustenable development) Conclusions: A Tran-disciplinary approach is essential in bringing the science at the level to deal with the Universe as a WHOLE. The Knowledge “densification” (MEST law) generate an exponential growth of the destructive potential of some artifacts. Developing a spiritual behavior is an objective necessity linked to the mankind survival. The seeds of a Consciousness Society must be plant today, in the core of Knowledge Society