
Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation
International peer-reviewed journal: ISSN 2351-6186
Always state-of-the-art.
This document provides the guidelines for submissions of draft manuscripts for the Journal of Creativity
and Business Innovation. In addition, the Editorial Office provides a template to facilitate article
submission if preferred (optional). The authors may fill in the template in accordance to submission
guidelines provided below.
Manuscripts should be submitted as a Word document in Times Roman or Times New Roman
font in English language, using correct diction, syntax, and grammar.
Articles should be between 3000 and 5000 words in length. This includes all text including
references and appendices.
Article Title
Write a title for your article which includes the most important keywords and demonstrates the creativity
and innovation scope of your research. The better the keywords in your title, the higher search results of
your Article online.
Author Information
1. Full name of each author.
2. Affiliation of each author (University / Institution; department; full address).
3. E-mail address of the corresponding author and/or personal homepage address (optional).
The abstract is required to be not longer than 250 words and to be written in accordance to the following
1. Purpose of your research.
2. Research design/methodology/approach.
3. Results and research implications.
Please provide up to 10 keywords, indicating the essential topics of your research and its relation to the
scope of creativity and innovation research.
Introduction. The Article begins with the Introduction. The Introduction should clearly state the purpose
and objectives of the research. A well-written introduction engages the reader into the problem of interest
and provides a context for research by placing the Article in the context of current knowledge and prior
theoretical and empirical research related to the topic.
Main Body of the Article. Following the Introduction, text should be organized into logical parts and
sections (headings and subheadings) that present research findings. Headings must be concise, in bold
font, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchy of headings.
Conclusions. This section describes research results and discussion, the interpretation of these results,
and the conclusions that can be drawn. The authors might also discuss potential future directions for
References are preferred in APA 6th edition style in an alphabetical order.
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