John E. McMurry Chapter 13 St t Structure Determination: D t i ti Nuclear Magnetic g Resonance Spectroscopy Revisions by Dr. Daniel Holmes – MSU Paul D. Adams • University of Arkansas The Use of NMR Spectroscopy Used to map carbon-hydrogen framework of molecules Used to determine relative location of atoms within a molecule Most helpful spectroscopic technique in organic chemistry h i t Depends on very strong magnetic fields Earth’s magnetic field is ~0.00006 Tesla Refrigerator magnet is ~0.005 Tesla MRI range ffrom 1.5 1 5 – 3.0 30T Tesla l Largest NMR Magnet at MSU is 21.2 Tesla The Use of NMR Spectroscopy The Use of NMR Spectroscopy Otto Stern, USA: Nobel Prize in Physics 1943, "for his contribution to the development of molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton" Isidor I. Rabi, USA: Nobel Prize in Physics 1944, "for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei" Felix Bloch, USA and Edward M. Purcell, USA: Nobel Prize in Physics 1952, "for their discovery of new methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discoveries in connection therewith" Richard R. Ernst, Switzerland: S Nobel Prize in Chemistry C 1991 1991, "for f his contributions to the development of the methodology of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy Kurt Wüthrich, Wüthrich Switzerland: Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002, 2002 "for for his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution" Paul C. Lauterbur, USA and Peter Mansfield, United Kingdom: g Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2003, "for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging" Why This Chapter? NMR is the most valuable spectroscopic technique used for structure determination Through-bonds and through-space More advanced NMR techniques are used in biological chemistry to study protein structure and d ffolding ldi Hadjuk et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 7898 13.1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 1H or 13C nuclear spins (or any NMR active nucleus like 15N, N 31P, P 29Si, Si 2H, H or 11B) will ill align li parallel ll l tto or against i t an external magnetic field Parallel orientation is lower in energy making this spin state more populated At 21 21.2 2 T (900 MHz), MHz) the excess population is only 0.014%, which means there are only 140 spins out of a million aligned with the field 13.1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Radio energy of exactly correct frequency (resonance) causes nuclei l i tto fli flip iinto t anti-parallel ti ll l state t t Energy needed is related to molecular environment (proportional (p p to field strength, g , B)) Frequency of transition: =-B0 13.2 The Nature of NMR Absorptions Electrons in bonds shield nuclei from magnetic field Different signals appear for nuclei in different environments The NMR Measurement The sample is dissolved in a solvent that does not have a signal itself (CDCl3) and placed in a long thin tube The tube is placed within the magnet The NMR Measurement A radiofrequency pulse (10-15 s) is transmitted to the sample nuclear spins ‘flip’ sample, flip to higher energy state if in resonance with pulse Nuclei relax back to equilibrium, which is detected as microscopic i i voltage lt oscillations ill ti iin th the NMR probe b The oscillations decay over time (Free Induction Decay or FID) Pulses repeated many times and data summed to get improved Signal compared to the Noise Fourtier Transform is used to convert the FID to a spectrum with frequency vs. intensity 13.3 Chemical Shifts The relative energy of resonance of a particular nucleus resulting from its local environment is called chemical shift Beff = Bapplied – Blocal The more electron density around the nucleus, the greater the g of that nucleus ((Blocal is larger) g ) shielding Shielded nuclei appear to the right of the NMR spectrum and are called upfield Deshielded nuclei appear to the left and are called downfield 13.3 Chemical Shifts Nuclei that absorb on upfield side are strongly shielded. Chart calibrated versus a reference point point, set as 0 0, tetramethylsilane [TMS] Any difference in the electron density about a nucleus will mean a difference in chemical shift Electronegative atoms (e.g. Cl, O, N) will deshield a neighboring nucleus Measuring Chemical Shift Numeric value of chemical shift: difference between strength of magnetic field at which the observed nucleus resonates and field strength for resonance of a reference (TMS) Difference is very small but can be accurately measured Taken as a ratio to the total field and multiplied by 06 so tthe e sshiftt is s in pa parts ts pe per million o (pp (ppm)) 10 Resonances normally occur downfield of TMS, to the left on the chart Calibrated on relative scale in delta () scale Independent of instrument’s field strength 500.0005 MHz and 300.0003 MHz both equal 1 ppm 13.4 13C NMR Spectroscopy: Signal Averaging and FT-NMR Carbon-13: only carbon isotope with a nuclear spin Natural N t l abundance b d 1 1.1% 1% off C’ C’s iin molecules l l Sample is thus very dilute in this isotope Sample is measured using repeated accumulation of data and averaging of signals, incorporating pulse and the operation of Fourier transform (FT NMR) All signals are obtained simultaneously using a broadband excitation pulse Frequent repeated pulses give many sets of data that are averaged d tto reduce d noise i Fourier-transform of averaged pulsed data gives p ((see Figure g 13-6)) spectrum 13.4 13C NMR Spectroscopy: Signal Averaging and FT-NMR 13.5 Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy Is not quantitative when run using standard conditions Provides a count of the different types of environments of carbon atoms in a molecule Look for any type of symmetry (e.g. a symmetry plane, a rotation axis) in the molecule you are investigating g g Any carbons that are related by symmetry will give rise to one resonance 13.5 Predict Number of 13C Resonances 13.5 Predict Number of 13C Resonances 7 unique carbons 5 unique niq e carbons 13.5 Predict Number of 13C Resonances 13.5 Predict Number of 13C Resonances 7 unique carbons 4 unique carbons 13.5 Predict Number of 13C Resonances 13.5 Predict Number of 13C Resonances C60: Buckminsterfullerene 1 carbon resonance at 143 ppm 0 proton resonances! 13.5 Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy Provides a count of the different types of environments of carbon atoms in a molecule 13C resonances are 0 to 220 ppm downfield from TMS (Figure 13-7) Chemical shift affected by electronegativity of nearby atoms O, N, halogen decrease electron density and shielding ((“deshield”) deshield ), moving signal downfield to the left left. sp3 C signal with no electronegative group is around 0 to 9; sp3 C signal with electronegative resonates between 5 to 110; sp2 C: 110 to 220 C(=O) at low field, 160 to 220 Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) 13C chemical shift regions Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) Spectrum of 2-butanone is illustrative- signal for C=O carbons on left edge Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) Spectrum of para-bromoacetophenone is illustrative- signal for C=O carbons on left edge Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) Spectrum of methyl propionate Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) Spectrum of methyl propionate 2 Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) Spectrum of methyl propionate 4 2 Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) Spectrum of methyl propionate 1 2 4 Characteristics of 13C NMR Spectroscopy (Continued) Spectrum of methyl propionate 1 2 3 4 13.6 DEPT 13C NMR Spectroscopy Improved pulsing and computational methods give additional information DEPT-NMR (distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer) Normal spectrum shows all C’s then: Obtain spectrum of all C’s except quaternary (broad band decoupled) Ch Change pulses l tto obtain bt i separate t iinformation f ti for CH2, CH Subtraction reveals each type (See Figure 1310) 13.6 DEPT 13C NMR Spectroscopy 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol CH’s CH3’s CH2’s 13.7 Uses of 13C NMR Spectroscopy Provides details of structure E Example: l product d t orientation i t ti iin elimination li i ti ffrom 1 1-chlorohl methyl cyclohexane Difference in symmetry of products is directly observed in the spectrum 1-methylcyclohexene has five sp3 resonances ( 20-50) and two sp2 resonances 100-150 13.8 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Proton Equivalence Proton NMR is much more sensitive than 13C and the active nucleus (1H) is essentially 100% of the natural abundance Shows how many kinds of nonequivalent hydrogens are in a compound d Theoretical equivalence can be predicted by seeing if p g each H with “X” g gives the same or different replacing outcome Equivalent H’s have the same signal while nonequivalent are different There are degrees of nonequivalence Nonequivalent H’s If replacement of each H with “X” gives a different constitutional isomer, Then the H’s are in constitutionally heterotopic environments and will have different chemical shifts – they are nonequivalent under all circumstances Equivalent H’s Two H’s that are in identical environments (homotopic) have the same NMR signal Test by replacing each with X if they give the identical result, they are equivalent Protons are considered homotopic Enantiotopic Distinctions If H’s are in environments that are mirror images of each other they are enantiotopic other, Replacement of each H with X produces a set of enantiomers The H’s have the same NMR signal (in the absence of chiral materials) Diastereotopic Distinctions In a chiral molecule, paired hydrogens can have different environments and different shifts Replacement of a pro-R hydrogen with X gives a different diastereomer than replacement of the pro-S hydrogen Diastereotopic hydrogens are distinct chemically and spectroscopically Homotopic, Enantiotopic, or Diastereotopic? Homotopic, Enantiotopic, or Diastereotopic? enantiotopic ti t i Homotopic, Enantiotopic, or Diastereotopic? enantiotopic ti t i di t diastereotopic t i Homotopic, Enantiotopic, or Diastereotopic? enantiotopic ti t i di t diastereotopic t i di t diastereotopic t i Homotopic, Enantiotopic, or Diastereotopic? enantiotopic ti t i diastereotopic di t diastereotopic t i di t diastereotopic t i Homotopic, Enantiotopic, or Diastereotopic? enantiotopic ti t i diastereotopic di t diastereotopic t i diastereotopic di t diastereotopic t i Homotopic, Enantiotopic, or Diastereotopic? enantiotopic ti t i diastereotopic di t diastereotopic t i diastereotopic di t diastereotopic t i homotopic 13.10 Integration of 1H NMR Absorptions: Proton Counting The relative intensity of a signal (integrated area) is proportional to the number of protons causing the signal This information is used to deduce the structure For example in ethanol (CH3CH2OH), the signals have the integrated ratio 3:2:1 For narrow peaks, the heights are the same as the areas and can be measured with a ruler 2,2-dimethylpropanoate 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy Proton signals typically range from 0 to 10 Downfield signals are H’s attached to sp2 C electrons in alkenes and, especially, aromatics circulate when exposed to an external magnetic field to further deshield the protons. Upfield signals are H’s attached to sp3 C Electronegative atoms attached to direct C cause downfield shift 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 1.0 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 1.8 1.0 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 1.8 61 6.1 1.0 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 63 6.3 1.8 61 6.1 1.0 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 72 7.2 63 6.3 1.8 61 6.1 1.0 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 72 7.2 63 6.3 1.8 6.8 61 6.1 1.0 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 72 7.2 63 6.3 1.8 6.8 61 6.1 3.8 1.0 13.9 Chemical Shifts in 1H NMR Spectroscopy 13.11 Spin-Spin Splitting in 1H NMR Spectra Peaks are often split into multiple peaks due to interactions between nonequivalent protons on adjacent carbons, called spin-spin splitting This is a through-bond interaction and transmitted via the b di electrons bonding l t The splitting will be one more peak than the number of H’s on the adjacent carbon (“n+1 rule”) The relative intensities are in proportion to a binomial distribution (Pascal’s Triangle) and are due to interactions between nuclear spins p that can have two p possible alignments with respect to the magnetic field The set of peaks is a multiplet (2 = doublet, 3 = triplet, 4 = quartet) Simple Spin-Spin Splitting An adjacent CH3 group can have four different spin alignments as 1:3:3:1 This gives peaks in ratio of the adjacent H signal An adjacent CH2 gives a ratio of 1:2:1 The separation of peaks i a multiplet lti l t iis measured d in and is a constant, in Hz J (coupling constant) Rules for Spin-Spin Splitting Equivalent protons do not split each other The signal of a proton with n equivalent neighboring H’s is split into n + 1 peaks Protons that are farther than two t o carbon atoms apart do not split each other 13.12 More Complex Spin-Spin Splitting Patterns Spectra can be more complex due to overlapping signals, multiple nonequivalence Example: trans-cinnamaldehyde 13.12 More Complex Spin-Spin Splitting Patterns 13.12 More Complex Spin-Spin Splitting Patterns H J = 16 Hz 6.1 ppm 13.12 More Complex Spin-Spin Splitting Patterns H J = 16 Hz J = 7 Hz 6 1 ppm 6.1 13.12 More Complex Spin-Spin Splitting Patterns H J = 16 Hz J = 7 Hz 6 1 ppm 6.1 13.13 Uses of 1H NMR Spectroscopy The technique is used y likely y to identify products in the laboratory quickly and easily Example: regiochemistry of hydroboration/oxidation of methylenecyclohexane 13.13 Uses of 1H NMR Spectroscopy The technique is used y likely y to identify products in the laboratory quickly and easily Example: regiochemistry of hydroboration/oxidation of methylenecyclohexane 13.13 Uses of 1H NMR Spectroscopy The technique is used y likely y to identify products in the laboratory quickly and easily Example: regiochemistry of hydroboration/oxidation of methylenecyclohexane Only that for cyclohexylmethanol is observed X 13.13 Uses of 1H NMR Spectroscopy Could we have used 13C to find the answer? 13.13 Uses of 1H NMR Spectroscopy Could we have used 13C to find the answer? Not without running a DEPT (the CH3 would be distinctive) Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern CHBr2CH3 CHBr2CH3 Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern CH3OCH2CH2Br CH3OCH2CH2Br CH3OCH2CH2Br Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern ClCH2CH2CH2Cl ClCH2CH2CH2Cl Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern (Red is split by Blue) Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern (Red is split by Blue) Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern Let’s Work Some Problems Predict the splitting pattern Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers? Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers? The compound on the left has two vinylic protons with chemical shifts around 5-6 ppm; the one on the right will not. The compound on the right will not have protons above 1.5 ppm. Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers? Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers? The compound on the left, left diethyl ether ether, has two proton resonances: a quartet and a triplet. The compound on the right, methoxypropane, has at 4 proton resonances: a singlet, a triplet, a multiplet, and another triplet. Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers? Both compounds will have three proton resonances with the same splitting pattern: singlet, quartet, and a triplet. The CH2 group of the left compound, ethyl acetate, will have a chemical shift around 4 ppm, while the CH2 group of right compound, compound 2butanone, will be around 2.2 ppm. Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers? Let’s Work Some Problems How would you distinguish between these isomers? Each compound will have 4 proton peaks The left f compound will have two methyl singlets The right compound will have a methyl singlet and a methyl doublet