Holiday Inn Mark A. Snyder Senior Vice President, Holiday Inn Brand August 1, 1952 – the first Holiday Inn hotel opens in Memphis, TN. A vision borne of harsh reality… 1960- first Holiday Inn outside of the United States – Montreal, CA. By 1962 there are over 400 Holiday Inns… By the early 70s – there are over 1000 Holiday Inns…and growing… th 1500 Holiday Inn – Avignon, France-1973. HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -1- Our values: yesterday and today • Family: It’s our founding principle • Integrity: Reliable, straightforward value • Tradition: More shared moments than any other hotel • Modesty: Down-to-earth atmosphere • Community: Always there for you • Balance: Stuff for work and play • Self-reliance: We supply you with what you need HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -2- Who Cares? Everyday Heroes do Target -- Everyday Heroes: • Share our traditional values. • Grounded, confident, not shallow • Outgoing and sociable • Hard working, conscientious, but don’t live to work • Value quality time with family • Strong sense of community • Good neighbors, giving volunteers, longtime friends What they want in a hotel: • • • • Familiar, casual, down-to-earth With a little “life” Where they can work or unwind, their way NOT trendy, overly indulgent, or overly basic Positioning: What Matters most, really matters. And, Holiday Inn understands that. When you’re away from the support of home and office, Holiday Inn is the place that lets you reconnect to what really matters most. We give you a casual atmosphere where you can be yourself, share in good times with others, and unwind in whatever way you choose. An environment that lets you do what you need to do -- on your own terms. HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -3- Holiday Inn guests household income compares favorably to the industry and US averages: Avg. Household College Avg. nights Income education for business Brand Male Age Holiday Inn 66% 44.6 $81.522 26% 64% Industry 57% 46.2 $77,738 25% 59% US average 49% 35.3 $41,994 24% n.a. Source: IHG, D.K. Shifflet & Assoc., LTD, US Census Bureau HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -4- The Sweet Spot Holiday Inn The Everyday Hero Accepts me for me Family Casual, comfortable Tradition Has a little buzz, something going on Integrity Is rooted in tradition Modesty Is familiar Community Encourages people to come together Balance Lets me unwind however I choose Self-Reliance Positioning: Positioning: Lets Letsme mereconnect reconnectto towhat whatreally reallymatters mattersmost most HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -5- HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -6- HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -7- Why Everyday Heroes choose Holiday Inn Comfortable, unpretentious rooms Everywhere they want and need to be Full Service Food and Beverage Useful Amenities HSIA and WiFI HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -8- So where do Everyday Heroes stay when they are not staying at a Holiday Inn? HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -9- Holiday Inn is well positioned against both the business and leisure traveler Business and leisure roomnights and mix by competitor, 2004 7% 10% Marriott 8% Holiday Inn 6% Best Western 4% Comfort 2% Hilton Hampton Inn Sheraton Ramada Courtyard Share of Total Leisure Nights Share of Total Business Nights 12% Best Western 6% 5% Holiday Inn Marriott 4% Comfort 3% Hilton Ramada Motel 6 Sheraton Quality Inn La Quinta Courtyard 2% 1% La Quinta 0% 35% 0% 45% 55% 65% Business Mix Source: D.K. Shifflet & Assoc., LTD Source: D.K. Shifflet & Assoc., LTD HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Hampton 75% 85% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Leisure Mix -10- When not at Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn guests stay at… When not at Marriott, Marriott guests stay at… Marriott 42% Holiday Inn 50% Best Western 35% Courtyard 42% Holiday Inn Express 35% Hilton 42% Comfort Inn 34% Sheraton 29% Ramada 31% Hampton Inn 28% Hilton 29% Best Western 28% Source: Millward Brown Brand Dynamics Study HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -11- Merrian-Webster’s Definition of an Expert… A person with skill or specialized knowledge; HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -12- HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -13- “Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” Irving Fisher, professor of economics at Yale University, October 17, 1929 HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -14- “We don’t like their sound. Groups of guitars are on their way out.” Decca Recording Company Executive, turning down the Beatles, 1962 HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -15- “Bill Clinton will lose to any Republican that doesn’t drool on stage.” The Wall Street Journal, 1995 HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -16- The Experts Speak about Holiday Inn • “Holiday Inn is a dying brand with little relevance to the traveling consumer today...” • “Holiday Inn is woefully behind its competitors on a variety of fronts – with little hope of catching up...” • “As boomers head into retirement – so will Holiday Inn...” HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -17- The Experts Speak… “Marriott has a higher RevPAR than Holiday Inn...” HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -18- Proving that sometimes – the experts are right Holiday Inn has a lower RevPAR than Marriott or Courtyard 2003 Year-End RevPAR (1 Year Comparables) $86.87 $63.65 $46.81 Holiday Inn Source: STR; US RevPAR HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Marriott Courtyard -19- What the Experts don’t say… HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -20- 2003 Rooms Sold Based on year- end data released by Marriott International, Holiday Inn sold more rooms in 2003 than Marriott or Courtyard 2003 Rooms Sold (1 Year Comparables) 40.8m 28.5m 18.9m Holiday Inn Marriott Courtyard Source: IHG HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -21- 2003 Room Revenues Holiday Inn room revenue in 2003 exceeded what was posted by Courtyard and was comparable to Marriott 2003 Rooms Revenue (1 Year Comparables) $3.2bn $3.7bn $1.8bn Holiday Inn Source: D.K. Shifflet; IHG HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Marriott Courtyard -22- The Experts Speak… “Marriott owns the business traveler...” HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -23- Preferred Hotel for Business Travel On an unaided basis, Holiday Inn compares favorably to Marriott and Hilton when travelers were asked about their hotel preference while traveling for business 2004 National Business Travel Monitor (Unaided) 41% 40% 27% 3% Marriott Source: YPB&R/Yankelovich Partners HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Source: YPB&R/Yankelovich Holiday Inn Partners Hilton Courtyard -24- 2003 Rooms Sold for Business Holiday Inn sold more rooms for business purposes than Marriott or Courtyard 2003 Rooms Sold For Business (1 Year Comparables) 26.8m 20.3m 12.4m Holiday Inn Source: D.K. Shifflet; IHG HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Marriott Courtyard -25- The Experts Speak… “Marriott owns the leisure traveler…” HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -26- Preferred Hotel for Leisure Travel On an unaided basis, Holiday Inn compares favorably to Marriott and Hilton when travelers were asked about their hotel preference while traveling for leisure 2004 National Leisure Travel Monitor (Unaided) 43% 28% 19% 1% Holiday Inn Source: YPB&R/Yankelovich Partners HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Marriott Hilton Courtyard -27- The leisure segment has become dominant, and will continue to be for the next five years… 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% -6% 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Business Source: D.K. Shifflet & Assoc., LTD HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Leisure -28- Debuting in Orlando 2005 – Nickelodeon chose Holiday Inn as their partner HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -29- What price for loyalty? Marriott’s customers are more price focused and less brand loyal than Holiday Inn "The company that I buy travel from doesn't matter as much as getting the best price" (US Leisure hotel bookers who booked online) 50% Courtyard 46% 45% Marriott Fairfield 40% 40% Comfort Holiday Inn Source: Forrester HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Source: YPB&B/Yankelovich Partners -30- Ok – so the Boomers love you – so what? HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -31- From Brand Week – April 14 “Holiday Inn is mentioned 11 times in rap songs and is in the top 40 of brands associated with rapper’s ‘Bling Bling’ in lyrics.” HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -32- The Emerging Opportunity…Today’s Gen X: The Slackers Have Grown Up Born: 1965 – 1980 Avg. Age: 30 Members: Matt Damon, Michael Dell, Winona Ryder, Gwyneth Paltrow. Married and having kids: Majority are now married. 60% are parents. But while they’re having kids, they’re still watching MTV. Priorities shifting: Xers are forming households and building careers; being “cool” is losing importance (“need to be hip, cool, cutting edge” down 10 pts since 1996). Family-focused conservatives: 70% of Xer parents say they’ll do a better job raising kids than the generation before them. Xers married with children are considered by some experts as “the most conservative people in the US.” Time starved young professionals: Spend more on personal services that any other age group. One-stop shopping epitomizes these young families. Source: American Demographics (July 2002), Yankelovich, 2001., Strauss & Howe. HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -33- Generation X While Gen X comprises only 29% of the U.S. population over the age of 18, this generation is responsible for 33% of all rooms sold in 2003 Room Night Contribution by Generation (US Room Nights) 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1992 1993 1994 1995 GI 1996 1997 Silent 1998 1999 Boomers 2000 2001 2002 2003 Gen X Source: D.K. Shifflet & Assoc., LTD HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Source: D..K. Shifflet & Assoc. LTD -34- Emerging Professionals (Gen X) Only Generation to Grow Business Travel Business Room Night Volume by Generations (US Business Room Nights in millions) 251 258 253 249 264 265 260 254 149 255 248 233 228 159 157 159 226 159 60 55 59 55 54 9 7 5 161 128 72 35 43 1992 74 47 77 62 37 1993 74 102 69 64 62 69 71 37 36 34 29 29 28 25 23 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Gen X (1965-1980) HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal 86 Boomers (1946-1964) Silent (1930-1945) 2002 2003F 2004F GI (Pre 1930) -35- The Experts Say... “As boomers head into retirement – so will Holiday Inn...” HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -36- 2003 Gen X Penetration On an unaided basis, Holiday Inn compares favorably to Marriott and Hilton when travelers were asked about their hotel preference while traveling for business Gen X Mix by Brand 37% Holiday Inn 31% 31% 29% Marriott Hilton Courtyard 33% Industry Source: D.K. Shifflet HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -37- The Experts Speak… Holiday Inn has done little to improve the customer service and product experience of the brand over the last several years… HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -38- In fact – we improved significantly American Customer Satisfaction Index Scores 2004 Change vs Score Baseline ACSI Score by year 1994-2004 80 Hilton 77 2.70% 78 Marriott 76 -5.00% 76 Hyatt 74 -2.60% 74 Holiday Inn 73 5.80% 72 Starwood 73 0.00% 70 Ramada 67 -4.30% 68 66 Average Hotel HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal 72 -4.00% 64 Marriott Int’l Hilton Corp Holiday Inn Ramada 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 -39- “Somewhere in these states, there is a young man who is going to become very rich. He is going to start a chain of small, clean, pleasant hotels, standardized and nationally advertised, along every important motor route in the country. He is not going to waste money on gilt and onyx, but he is going to have to have agreeable clerks, good coffee, endurable mattresses and good lighting.” Sinclair Lewis, Author Saturday Evening Post, 1920 HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -40- Holiday Inn Hotel, Duluth Georgia HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -41- Profile of a typical Holiday Inn • • • • • • • • • • • Rooms: ADR: Occupancy: RevPAR: Rooms Revenue: Non Rooms Revenue %: Total Revenue: Build cost/key: Location type: Meeting space: % franchised: HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal 195 (prototype 140) $78 60% $48 $2.5 - 3.5m 30 - 40% $3.2 - 4.5m $75k Secondary 8,000 sq ft 94% -42- Who develops Holiday Inn? • Legacy Developers – Began their careers with Holiday Inn… – Created their own family businesses through developing Holiday Inns… – Diversified their portfolios with IHG and competing hotel brands… – Many have passed the legacy on to a child in the family HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal • Emerging “Lords of Lodging” – Younger, more ethnically diversified than their predecessors… – Global appeal of the Holiday Inn brand name is a primary selection driver – Many start in limited service mid-scale, and then trade up to full service mid-scale… – Most view HI as the “pinnacle” of the American Dream…they find inclusiveness here. -43- Why does an owner choose Holiday Inn? • Most well-known, best loved hotel brand in the world • Proven return on investment, evidenced by 53 years in the business • The powerhouse of the “IHG engine” HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -44- “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Mark Twain, Author HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -45- Growth strategy of Holiday Inn Growth Driver Focus Units RevPAR Ubiquitous distribution so will see replacement of units moving forward rather than net growth √ Continuing to improve quality of estate and grow same store sales by reconnecting with brand heritage and rapid deployment of prototype into strategic market Royalty rate HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -46- Unit growth is not what Holiday Inn is all about . . . Holiday Inn US vs Midscale with F&B Segment Growth in Available Room Nights Available Room Nights per annum (millions) (Index = 100, CAGR with label) 110 105 100 95 HI -1.9% 90 Midscale w/F&B -2.2% 85 80 2000 Source: STR HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal 2001 2002 2003 2004 -47- . . . because it is already everywhere % of tracts in which brand is present 93% 94% 64% 29% Holiday Inn Source: STR HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal Best Western Courtyard Hilton Garden Inn 40% Marriott 52% Ramada -48- Conclusions • Holiday Inn is undoubtedly the most consumerpreferred brand in the hotel industry • Holiday Inn is the cornerstone of IHG portfolio, providing scale for all Enterprise Value programs • Unit growth is limited because we are already everywhere; growth for IHG will come from focus on other profit levers HolidayInn-Analyst-07Dec04-MS-qal -49-