A Compara2ve Study on Urbaniza2on and the Altera2on of Industrial Structure Between China and America Linxiu Huang, Xiaobo Wei Visi2ng Scholar in REAL, University of Illinois, Urbana-­‐Champaign, America Department of Economics and Administra2on, South-­‐West University, Chongqing ,China Introduc2on The concept of Middle Income Trap was put forth in 2006 Report on Economic Development of East Asia by World Bank. when the newly booming countries have broken away from the Low Income Trap, namely, 1000 US dollars of GDP per capita, they will rush toward the ‘flight stage’ of 1000-­‐3000 US dollars. But many of these countries will be apt to be trapped in a stands-ll of economic development when they come up to 3000 US dollars of GDP per capita. It seem hard to break through per capita GDP of 3000-­‐5000 US dollars. One of the major reason why the countries got trapped lies in the fact that they failed to realize the transforma-on of economic development and upgrade of industrial structure in a smooth way. In 2007, China’s per capita GDP came up to 3000 US dollars for the first -me. A@er that an obvious slowdown was seen in China’s economic development. The government pay high a\en-on to the ques-on and offer the policy of further urbaniza-on to drive the economic growth and also the industrial structure upgrading. Method • American urbaniza-on kept developing along with remarkable Suburbaniza-on and further realized the balanced development among various regions. (Figure 3 to 4) • Chinese urbaniza-on tend more and more to the urban agglomera-on and city’s popula-on density is ten -me than that of USA, which has brought about series of urban diseases and a serious unbalance manner in different regions. (Figure 5 to 6) •America's industrial structure completed mainly from manufacturing to finance trade and service industry shi@ .For China, manufacture keep outshining others. Figure 3: Propor1ons of urban-­‐rural popula1on in USA (1900-­‐1990) Unit:% Figure 4: Propor1on of urban popula1on in various sec1on of USA (1900-­‐1990) Unit: % 城镇人口占比 • By means of compara-ve and empirical studies, and with a lot of sta-s-c data. a compara-ve analysis on American urbaniza-on and altera-on of industrial structure since 20th century and those of China since 1980. • The analysis lies on three major indexes: the standard of GDP, the standard of urbaniza-on and the altera-on of industrial structure. • Data mainly comes from the United States and China’s panel data. From 1900 to 1970, America’s economy finished 3 transforma-on: the per capita GDP was from $206(1900) to $10383(1970); the urbanizing level was from 40%(1900) to 75%(1970); This period also saw that USA finished the shi@ of industrial structure in that its service industry began to dominate in stead of manufactory industry. China’s situa-on is: the per capita GDP just reached $5432(2011);the urbanizing level was 47%(2010) and the second industry is s-ll dominant. 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 中小城镇人口占都市总人口比 东部 60.00 60 50.00 50 40.00 40 30.00 30 20.00 20 10.00 10 0.00 西部 中部 全国 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Figure 5: Propor1ons of urban-­‐rural popula1on in China (1980-­‐2010) Unit:% Figure 6: Propor1on of urban popula1on in various sec1on of Chian (1980-­‐2010) Unit: % Agriculture Manufacturing service industry construction and transportation Finance and Trade Per Capita GDP 40 27000 23185 24000 21000 18000 15000 35 30 25 20 12243 12000 9000 6000 3000 0 15 10 5063 5 0 767 1940 1936 1950 2912 1960 1970 1980 1990 农业 金融贸易 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 建筑运输业 服务业 制造业 人均GDP 33000 30015 30000 27000 24000 21000 18000 15000 14185 12000 9000 7858 6000 5046 3000 1644 858 463 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Figure 7: Figure 4-­‐3: Altera1on of GDP propor1on of US industries & per capita GDP (le? side unit: %, right side unit: US dollar) Figure 8 : Figure 4-­‐10: Altera1on of GDP propor1on in China’s industries and per capita GDP (le? side unit:%, right side unit: yuan) 19 48 19 52 19 56 19 60 19 64 19 68 19 72 19 76 19 80 19 84 19 88 19 92 19 96 20 00 20 04 20 08 Conclusions Figure 1: increase tendency of America’s GDP and its average value (1948-­‐2008),with 1980 as the boundary line. By means of H-­‐P wave filtering. 中国GDP趋势值增速 均值 Figure 2: increase tendency of China’s GDP and its average value.(1980-­‐1999, 2000-­‐2012), by means of H-­‐P wave filtering. 20 12 20 10 20 08 20 06 20 04 20 02 20 00 19 98 19 96 19 94 19 92 19 90 19 88 19 86 19 84 19 82 27.5 25 22.5 20 17.5 15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 19 80 Results American urbaniza-on, for certain, has a posi-ve rela-onship with its economic development. The American suburbaniza-on results from the pursuit for the life quality by the rich and the suitable support by the governmental policy, which gives rise to a sound recycle of the move of mid-­‐class—promo-on of investment and consumers—more people on the shi@. At the same -me, its technology and industrial innova-on drives the con-nuous op-miza-on of industrial structure. This is a important policy enlightenment for China. L R | E | A | REGIONAL ECONOMICS APPLICATIONS LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-­‐CHAMPAIGN