CHEMISTRY CHEM 331L - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I Fall 2013 (1hr.) CHEM 331L: Laboratory safety, synthesis, separation, and purification of carbon compounds. Three laboratory hours per week. Sec. 001: Tuesday., 1:40 - 4:20 p.m.; Room 320 SBDG (Dr. Choony) Sec. 002: Wednesday., 2:30 - 5:20 p.m.; Room 320 SBDG (Dr. Choony) Sec. 003: Thursday., 1:40 - 4:20 p.m.; Room 320 SBDG (Mr. Bill or Miss Fiona) Sec. 004: Thursday., 9:25 - 12:05 noon: ; Room 320 SBDG (Mr. Bill or Miss Fiona) INSTRUCTOR: Dr. N. Choony, Office: 303 SBDG Telephone: 641-3409; Email: OFFICE HOURS: Mondays-Fridays 11:00 a.m -12:00 noon or any other time by appointment. Messages may be left on my answering machine, on the notepad on my office door, or with the department secretary in 201 SBDG. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Lab Manual, top bound quadrille notebooks with carbonless duplicate pages, and "Sharpie Marker" are required and available in the bookstore. You may use your own safety goggles or those provided in the lab. CO-REQUISITE: For all USCA degree seeking students, CHEM 331L is a co requisite to CHEM 331. All regular degree seeking USCA students must be enrolled in the lecture and laboratory simultaneously. The only exception is someone who is repeating the lecture and has previously received credit for the laboratory. Although the laboratory is not required for engineering students planning to transfer to USC Columbia, it is strongly recommended. For any other exceptions, a student must petition the Scholastic Standings and Petitions Committee. COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course provides an introduction to the principles and practice in the organic chemistry laboratory including: Purification, separation, and identification of solid and liquid organic compounds, the illustration of various reaction types, and the application of these techniques and methods to the synthesis of a variety of compounds. Laboratory safety is emphasized. 1 EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES: At the completion of the course, a student should be proficient with all the basic laboratory techniques covered in the course and should be able to use them in the synthesis and characterization of organic compounds. ATTENDANCE: Attendance in lab is required. If a lab is missed due to an excused absence for an emergency or a severe illness, the lab must be made up as soon as the student is able, preferably the same week the lab is scheduled. The student’s notebook and product will be graded according to the grading policies stated below. If a lab is missed due to an unexcused absence, the lab still must be made up, preferably during the same week that the lab is scheduled. However, under these circumstances, the student will receive a penalty for the notebook and product grades. When the missed lab covers a technique that will be used in a subsequent experiment, the student with either an excused or unexcused absence will not be allowed in the lab to conduct this new experiment until the missed lab is made up. If a student has not received the necessary training in a technique, his/her presence in that subsequent lab constitutes an unacceptable safety hazard to him/herself and to others in the lab. If you know in advance that you will miss a lab, please make arrangements with the instructor in advance. Scheduling will be determined by mutual agreement of instructor and the student. If the student must miss a lab for any reason, the instructor should be notified no later than the day the lab is scheduled prior to the beginning of the lab period. A message on the answering machine is sufficient. GRADING: Lab notebooks Pre-Lab Preparation Products Lab quizzes Laboratory Report Experiment 11 Lab Final 110, 11% (11 expts @ 10 pts.) 220, 22% (11 expts @ 20 pts.) 50, 5% (5 products @ 10 pts.) 120, 12% (12 quizzes @ 10 pts.) 100, 10% 100, 10% 300, 30% 1000 LABORATORY NOTEBOOKS: Notebooks will be spot- checked at the beginning and end of class for complete pre-lab preparation and in class write-ups. You are not dismissed from the lab until you have completed writing the procedure for the day's experiment. During the first few weeks of lab, the instructor will scan each student’s lab notebook at the end of the day to critique the writing style, until the students have become accustomed to writing it as the third person, passive voice. Penalties will be assessed for incomplete notebooks when they are checked. Notebooks are graded on a 10 point scale and pre-labs are graded on a 20 point scale for each experiment respectively. The duplicates of the lab write up will be collected weekly at the beginning of the next lab period (with the exception of Experiment 1, which will be collected with Experiment 2). 2 Products from the experiments are to be turned in for grading as the work on each experiment is completed, no later than the next lab period. Product grades are based on a 10 point scale. The product grade criteria depend upon the experiment. In those cases where a product is actually turned in, the grade will be based on yield and purity compared to typical results for that compound. Students having yields and other data within the normal range will receive 10 points. Mislabeled vials, low yields, incorrect calculations, etc. will result in lower product grades. They are to be turned in on the designated date in lecture. You may NOT repeat a lab just to improve your results. If a serious error is made at the beginning of the experiment, you may start over. However, if a problem occurs at the end of the experiment such as spill or other loss of product, a product grade equivalent to a "C" will be assigned. You must thoroughly document the problem in your notebook. There will be a 10 point lab quiz every week. The first lab quiz will cover lab safety and will be given on Sept. 3, 4, 5. All quizzes will be given at the beginning of the Pre-Lab. If you are late, you miss the quiz! No make-ups! Each quiz will be on the previous week’s experiment. LABORATORY REPORT: A formal laboratory report will be due on Tuesday, Nov. 29 for all sections on Experiment 10, Oxidation Reaction. The format and details about how to write a Formal Laboratory Report are described in the Lab Manual. LAB FINAL: A lab final exam will be given during exam week at the same time for all sections TBD. The lab final will be comprehensive, stressing the interrelationship of the experiments conducted during the term. Both theory and techniques will be covered. The exam will require approximately 1.5 hours. The location will be announced. Alternate arrangements will be made for students who have a conflict with this time. DISABLED STUDENT ACCOMMODATION: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability which might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, 126A B&E, (803) 641-3609, as soon as possible. The Disability Services Office will determine appropriate accommodations based on documentation. In the event that the university cancels classes because of inclement weather or a campus emergency on the day that an exam or assignment is scheduled, the exam or assignment will automatically be rescheduled to the next period. Laboratory adjustments will be made as needed. If you should choose to withdraw from the course before the withdrawal deadline of October 18, please notify the instructor to check out of the laboratory. You are responsible for any glassware or equipment breakage. A stop will be placed on the next semester's registration for any laboratory breakage fees owed. You will be charged a breakage fee up to a limit of $20 per item. 3 *** DUE TO THE POTENTIAL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH WORK IN AN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY, THE INSTRUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DISMISS ANYONE WHO VIOLATES THE SAFETY REGULATIONS. UNDER SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES, A GRADE OF ZERO WILL BE GIVEN FOR WORK THAT DAY AND MAKE UP WORK WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. CHEM 331L FALL 2012 LABORATORY SCHEDULE DATE EXPT # EXPERIMENT LAB QUIZ Aug.27,28,29 Check-in/ Orientation/ Safety Sept. 3,4 ,5 1 Recrystallization Safety Sept.10,11,12 2 Melting Points Recrystallization Sept.17,18,19 3A Thin Layer Chromatography Melting Points Sept.24,25,26 3B, 4A Simple Distillation and Gas TLC Chromatography Oct. 1,2,3 4B Fractional Distillation and Gas Simple Chromatography Distillation Oct. 8,9,10 5 Extraction Fractional Distillation Oct.15,16,17 NO LABS, mid-term holiday Oct. 22,23,24 6 Resolution of a Racemic Mixture Extraction Oct.29,30,31 7 SN2 Reaction, To Prepare 1- Resolution Bromobutane Nov. 5,6,7 9 Elimination Reaction -- Methyl SN2 Cyclohexenes Nov.12,13,14 10 Oxidation Reaction -- 2-Octanone E1 Nov.19,20,21 11 Reduction Reaction -- Benzhydrol Oxidation Nov.26,27,28 No labs, Thanksgiving Dec. 3,4,5 Lab Report Due on Oxidation Reduction Reaction, IR Spectroscopy/ Check-out Dec. TBD Lab Final (All sections) at TBD 4