Syllabus Chemistry 101 Laboratory General Chemistry I (Gen Ed/Natural Sciences) Summer 2012 Associate Professor: Dr. Gilles Kouassi, Office: CH 519c; Ph: 298-1727; Fax: 298-2180 Email:; Web address: Laboratories: Coordinated by Prof. Gilles Kouassi and taught by the following graduate teaching assistant: Fatoumata Diawara Chem 101 Currens 131 Lab Book: Chem 101 Laboratory Manual, WIU, 1st edition by Pearson Experiments: Each student is expected to successfully complete all 10 experiments. Lab Reports: Laboratory reports will consist of 3 parts: Pre-Lab Questions (5 pts), experiment’s report sheets and post-lab questions (15 pts). Pre-lab Questions: The questions preceding each experiment are to be answered before coming to lab and submitted to the instructor at the beginning of each lab period. Report sheets and Post-lab Questions: The report sheets, which include experimental data and calculations as well as answers to the post-lab questions, should be submitted in the beginning of the next lab period. All questions should be answered unless otherwise indicated by your instructor. Attendance: Each student is expected to attend and complete each scheduled laboratory. Excused absences will be allowed due to illness and certain other mitigating circumstances. In such cases, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor and make arrangements to make-up the missed lab. Additionally, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the instructor is informed of his or her presence, so that he or she will not be marked absent from the assigned laboratory. 1 Schedule of experiments Week of / 2012 Expt. # Experiment Title Check –in and Safety Rules June 5th June 6 th 1 Density and Specific Gravity June7 th 2 Separation of the components of a Mixture June 12th 3 Empirical Formulas of Compounds June13th 4 Chemical Reactions and Equations June 14 th 5 Chemicals in Everyday Life June 19 th 6 Behavior of Gases: Molar Mass of a Vapor June 20 th 6 Soluble and Insoluble Salts March 21th 7 Analysis of Alum June 25 th 8 Reaction Rates and Equilibrium June 26 th 9 Acid-Base Titration June 27th 10 Acid-Base Titration/ Check out Each lab is worth 20 pts. Lab Book: Chem 101 Laboratory Manual, 1st edition by Prentice Hall/Pearson 2