ihs Alumni International Linking urban professionals locally A Guideline for IHS Alumni Associations This document provides you with information on local IHS Alumni Associations, support and benefits from the IHS Alumni Relations Office and the steps in setting up an Association. Be part of the IHS Alumni International Network! www.ihs.nl/alumni IHS Alumni Relations Office Contact IHS: alumni@ihs.nl IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline A guide for Local Alumni Associations (LAA’s) IHS alumni are scattered all around the world. Many though, maintain contact with fellow participants as well as with IHS staff. Over the years IHS has built up a unique and global network of international contacts with former participants, which has grown to a community of over 7,500 urban professionals in over 140 countries. In a number of countries IHS participants have set up alumni associations, which have come to play a key role in maintaining the IHS network. The purpose of these nationally or regionally based alumni associations is to build a mutually beneficial relationship between IHS and its alumni as well as between alumni either in one country or across borders. Alumni associations are specifically designed for networking and are an effective way to meet professionals in your field who have studied at IHS. The alumni associations function in close cooperation with and are supported by the IHS Alumni Relations Office and IHS Alumni International. An active alumni network and an on-going relationship between alumni and IHS are the lifeblood of our institution. Friends of IHS are our best ambassadors! 1. IHS Alumni International IHS Alumni International is an initiative by alumni for alumni which is supported by the IHS Alumni Relations Office. All former participants of IHS courses are part of this network and can are invited to become active members! Mission: “To connect IHS alumni amongst each other and to link IHS to its former and current students in order to promote lifelong learning and interaction between IHS alumni with a view to share knowledge, to network, and to exchange experiences.” The further goals and objectives are defined in the constitutional framework of IHS Alumni International. The network incorporates the Local IHS Alumni Associations and a group of active members, which is governed by a board. The IHS Alumni Relations office is officially a board member and supports the network, while it has a mediating function connecting IHS staff and current course participants to the Alumni. The organization of IHS Alumni is structured in such a way that both on an international level and on a local level IHS alumni can benefit from the IHS alumni networks. An important conclusion of the first term of functioning of this network, made by the steering board was that the local alumni associations are very important to support and should form the basis of 2 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline the IHS Alumni International work. This is why the board has been investing recently in these relations and has also secured support and commitment from the IHS management. 2. IHS Alumni Relations Office Over the years the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) of Erasmus University has built up a unique and global network of international contacts with former participants. IHS considers its alumni relations to be highly important and has strongly focused on developing its Alumni Relations Work in the recent years. The Alumni Relations Office with two alumni officers supports the global network of IHS Alumni International as well as provides services to Alumni, staff and others when IHS Alumni are involved. The Alumni Relations Office (ARO) at IHS works with great motivation and energy on implementing the IHS alumni strategy and supporting the local alumni associations as well as the international alumni network. Below you can read about the general alumni services. • • • • • • • • IHS website We have developed a part on our website on alumni relations providing important information for alumni and on interesting events, activities and conferences. We have established an alumni online registration: www.ihs.nl/login/. IHS Alumni Database Our alumni database provides contact information on all alumni and the course they participated in. We are constantly making an effort to update this data and are grateful for your collaboration in updating the information. Alumni newsletter In the regularly published newsletter all IHS alumni receive information about: News on the IHS activities and services for alumni, alumni events and reunions; news on alumni associations and activities by alumni (achievements, publications, projects etc.); activities by IHS (courses, publications, new staff, projects, refresher and local training courses); information from our field of work on focus topics, conferences, talks, calls for papers, funding programs, professional networks etc. IHS local and international Alumni Networks All IHS Alumni benefit from the IHS Alumni International (IHS AI) Network and local representatives and associations in different countries. IHS Alumni International enables IHS Alumni to link with other urban professionals world-wide. Life-long learning Knowledge in Urban Development and Management requires life-long learning. IHS provides support for regional refresher courses for Alumni (see below). Alumni groups on LinkedIn and Facebook A great means to stay in touch with IHS and to network with your fellow alumni internationally is the professional networking website LinkedIn. Please create your own account and join the “IHS Alumni group”! Visit www.linkedin.com and create your own profile. Through the search function you can join the group "IHS Alumni". Our official group on Facebook is also called “IHS Alumni”. They function as fora for alumni to exchange ideas and new as well us to hold discussions we have set up groups on LinkedIn and Facebook to promote online networking activities. IHS Details - IHS offers a range of souvenirs and goodies with IHS logo housestyle design. These items can be purchased upon your visit at IHS. We usually have polo t-shirts, sweaters, caps, hats, duffle bags, USB sticks, pens, key cords and much more. The Erasmus Alumni Network of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) coordinated by the Alumni & Corporate Relations Office has several interesting offers for you as an alumnus. Please visit www.eur.nl/alumniworldwide and contact alumni@oos.eur.nl for more information (Please note that IHS is not part of the Erasmus University alumni registration system yet). 3 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline • Library access and services All IHS alumni are eligible to use the library facilities at IHS for free (access books & magazines, use the computers, and access digital resources, films etc.). In order to use the library you can request a free library membership card by registering with the librarians preferably before leaving IHS. This entitles you also to loan up to 5 books while staying in The Netherlands. As registered alumni you may also request a search service in which the librarians help you find information and resources by Email (please understand that this needs to be limited to 2-3 search requests per year per person). Also you can purchase IHS publications at IHS or order them by contacting the IHS library (please be aware of the shipping expenses). Note: the library’s digital sources cannot be made available (due to licensing/copyright issues). Currently, only the IHS publications and the thesis series can be downloaded. We are working on making all IHS theses available in the future. The IHS library team compiled a list of most recommended urban literature for you. This “Basic Urban Library ” consisting of a list of books and major journals selected by librarians, catalogue software & advice (Endnotes). Please find the full list on the IHS, Rotterdam Linkedin account. 3. Activities of LAA’s This is a list of suggestions of activities in which local IHS Alumni Associations can and have been active: • • • • • Local alumni activities and networking IHS alumni associations organize activities and events including professional and social networking meetings. They work in their local structure independently with support of the IHS Alumni Office. They keep in contact with all local members and incorporate new members maintaining relations with other associations as well as with IHS. Professional support and knowledge dissemination Alumni associations support members in their search for assistance on relevant professional topics. Association members meet locally and form specialist groups on specific issues. Alumni associations can assist alumni to conduct research and to publish articles on issues of professional interest for international and local magazines. Local expertise and projects The local associations can be contact points for consultancy and research expertise in a country or region. Associations can work closely together with IHS in initiating and implementing projects, locating sources of funding for initiatives and in finding local partners. Alumni associations can develop joint funding applications, workshops & training courses, symposia & conferences. Support to future IHS course participants Alumni associations support IHS marketing and recruitment efforts. They can provide useful information on the IHS and the courses as well as share their experiences of living in Rotterdam to prospective participants. National and/or regional refresher courses Annually, IHS organises a number of two-week refresher courses in collaboration with local alumni associations. These seminars are specifically designed to keep the alumni abreast of important developments in their field, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and networking among professionals. Ideas and initiatives for a refresher course can come from you and your fellow alumni and have to be jointly proposed to NUFFIC (primarily for NFP students). Please contact ihs@ihs.nl 4 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline 4. General benefits for LAA’s: Each IHS Alumnus can benefit from the general services and support that the IHS Alumni Relations Office offers (see description above). However, if you are on the board of an IHS Local Alumni Association you can request the following special extra services for LAA’s under the condition that you have declared your association’s statutes or a letter of intent with the IHS Alumni Relations Office. 1. Promotion material of IHS IHS will provide alumni associations with brochures and other promotional materials on the Institute’s activities such as posters, pens and a powerpoint presentation that can be used to present IHS and the local alumni association. This package will be shipped upon request. 2. Office materials A logo with adapted design specifying the LAA (e.g. IHS Alumni South Africa) will be send upon request per email. Please pay attention to the note added to the delivery of the logo with suggestions on how to use the logo correctly. Other IHS Alumni house style templates (for posters & flyers), and a template for business cards can also be provided. 3. Alumni Meetings All LAA’s can request support for the organization of alumni meetings or get-togethers of IHS Alumni with the objective of enabling networking and sharing ideas and experiences in your professional field. We will publish the event on the IHS website and the online social media groups of the IHS Alumni. We can also send out the invitations to other IHS Alumni and stakeholders in our database that you wish to invite. Furthermore, in the framework of IHS local staff missions we can connect IHS staff and a LAA to jointly organize a meeting/ lecture or seminar or to host a dinner together with the IHS staff member as a co-host. 4. Database Provision of alumni lists per country and contacting local alumni. We can provide updates on relevant information per country and region (information on graduates of the respective country). We take privacy regulations into account; we are only allowed to share the contact details of IHS Alumni after giving them the opportunity to object to sharing their details with you. We commonly send out a letter that was drafted by the LAA, notifying all alumni in the region of the foundation of the LAA, inviting them to send in their objections to sharing their contact details with the LAA before a certain deadline. A draft letter for inspiration can be requested with ARO. 5. Alumni E-newsletter In the Alumni newsletter local associations can publish their own topics and news in order to share them with all IHS Alumni. Please remember to contribute announcements on alumni meetings, requests for cooperation, job vacancies and other professional news for the newsletter before the deadline. The deadline for the next edition of the alumni newsletter will be published on LinkedIn at least one month in advance. 6. IHS website All LAA’s are encouraged to provide information about their activities and association on their own page within the IHS website as a one page profile (please use the template provided by ARO). 7. Nuffic Holland Alumni Network All LAA’s are encouraged to register themselves at www.hollandalumni.nl. The Nuffic provides interesting information and updates on studying in the Netherlands and generic benefits for Holland Alumni. 8. LinkedIn and Facebook All LAA’s can request to have their own local subgroup within the official IHS Alumni LinkedIn and Facebook groups. As fora for alumni to exchange ideas and hold discussions external to the IHS website we have set up groups on Facebook and LinkedIn where you can form a subgroup 5 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline for your country. Please publish and share actively on these groups. The more active, the more rewarding and interesting the groups can become for all IHS Alumni. 9. IHS AI financial support for LAA’s We have made funds available for certain activities from the budget of IHS AI. Please get in touch with the president of IHS AI to get more information on the functioning of this network and to see how IHS AI can support your LAA. More information can be found under: www.ihs.nl/alumni/ihs_alumni_international/ 5. Setting up a LAA 1. Read this guideline for LAA’s and note your questions, objectives and ideas on why and how you want to set up your LAA. Check if a former IHS participant has already set up a LAA in your country. If the prospect of setting up an official LAA overwhelms you, please consider registering with ARO as a key alumnus and IHS contact person in your country. As IHS key alumnus you are entitled to most of the benefits (mentioned in 4.) that LAA’s receive. 2. The local alumni association should choose an individual name. As generic name we propose: IHS Alumni Country 3. Get in touch with the IHS ARO and IHS Alumni International for more information, inspiration and templates. 4. The local alumni associations define their own statutes and terms of work (specific issues / topics & mission, regulations & roles). Draft statutes that can be used as an inspiration for the development of your own statutes, prepared by other LAA’s can be requested at ARO. 5. Assisted by the alumni relations office, they should assess the situation in their country (no. of alumni, activities in the past, infrastructure & funding possibilities, cooperation partners and other Dutch alumni networks). 6. They sign a Memorandum of Understanding / Formal Agreement with IHS. 7. They should have a structure with a president and a board and a registered member list that incorporates new alumni/graduates from IHS. They should have a contact office and two contact persons who can be contacted by IHS, all alumni and prospective participants. These two contact persons can give support in organizing activities and meetings. 8. The alumni association should publish a short profile on the IHS website. The members of the local association are encouraged to create a profile on LinkedIn and join the LinkedIn group: “IHS Alumni” which serves as a networking and discussion platform. 9. Set your own first milestone for the association. The association is encouraged to organize at least one activity per year, e.g. a social or content related meeting. 10. Additionally we can also advise to join the Netherlands Alumni Association (NAA) in your country, which can offer you a network to other alumni, which have studied in the Netherlands. The NAA often maintains excellent contacts with the Dutch Embassy and can play an important role in refresher courses sponsored by NUFFIC. Please visit the NUFFIC website for an overview of worldwide NAA’s at www.nuffic.nl. 6 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline Please contact us for support! Unfortunately not in all countries where our graduates come from IHS alumni associations have been set up. We are delighted to hear from you if you are interested in reviving your LAA, founding a LAA if it was not existing yet or if you want to be registered as an active key alumnus for IHS in your country. If you have any questions on joining an alumni association in your country or setting up a new association please contact us! Email: alumni@ihs.nl or consult our website at www.ihs.nl. Updating your contact information! We attach great value to maintaining an accurate database of addresses of IHS alumni. If you would like to inform us of a change of address or employer contact us or use the online registration for Alumni at www.ihs.nl/login IHS Alumni Relations Office Email: alumni@ihs.nl Sarah Steendam & Laurens Ombelet IHS - Making Cities Work P.O. Box 1935 3000 BX Rotterdam The Netherlands Tel. +31 10 408 9825 Fax. +31 10 408 9826 www.ihs.nl 7 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline ANNEX: IHS Alumni Associations & Alumni Representatives Southeastern Asia Indonesia JAKARTA 1. Mr. Dudi Permadi IHS Representation Office Email: dudipermadi@yahoo.com 2. Ms. Mellyana Frederika Email: mellyanafrederika@gmail.com Vietnam HANOI 1. Mr. Prof. Do Hau Vice-rector Hanoi Architectural University Email: hauitc@yahoo.com Thailand BANGKOK 1. Ms. Doosadee Thaitakoo Email: doosadee@gmail.com Southern Asia India NEW DELHI 1. Mr. A.K. Jain Email: ak.jain6@gmail.com 2. Dr. K. K. Pandey Email: kpandey_2000@hotmail.com Pakistan QUETTA 1. Mr. Syed Ahmand Ali Environmentalist / Chief Executive Social AID Email: sahmad_ali@yahoo.co.uk Own Website: www.socialaid.org/ihs (to be updated) Africa Cameroon YAOUNDÉ 1. Mr. Zingui Messomo Xavier ASSEJA, NGO Email: assejacmr@yahoo.fr 8 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline 2. Mr. Cirille Nyeck Email: nyeck2001@yahoo.fr Ethiopia 1. Mr. Eyob Dolicho Ministry of Works & Urban Development, Ethiopia 2. Mr. Bizuneh Gultu E-mail: bgultu@yahoo.com Kenya NAIROBI 1. Mr. John G. Gitonga Mail: gitonga@perd.org, John.gitonga@igs.or.ke 2. Susan Muchiri Email: swmuchiri@yahoo.com Nigeria IHS Alumni Association Nigeria (IAAN) ABUJA 1. Mr. Barnabas Atiyaye E-mail: barnsatiyaye@hotmail.com 2. Tyohemba Desmond Chieshe Women Environmental Programme (WEP) E-mail: chieshe_d@yahoo.com South Africa IHS Alumni Association South Africa 1. Mr. Fred Kusambiza E-mail: fred@afesis.org.za 2. Mr. Michael Makwela E-mail: mike@planetact.org 3. Mr. Malefetsane Mokoena E-mail: malefetsane.mokoena@mangaung.co.za Tanzania 1. Mr. Dr. Alphonce Kyessi E-mail: kyessi@aru.ac.tz 2.Mr. Geofrey Martin E-mail: otakaita@gmail.com 3. Mr. Yusto P. Muchuruza E-mail: kadetfu@gmail.com Zambia Mr. Mazuba Muchindu E-mail: Mazuba@gmail.com Latin America Bolivia “Asociación de Ex alumnos del IHS – Bolivia” CEDURE in Santa Cruz (hosting institution) 9 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline 1. Fabian Farfan (Cochabamba) President of alumni association Bolivia Email: farfan_fabian@hotmail.com 2. Maria Eugenia Torrico Ferrufino (Oruro) Email: torricome@yahoo.es 3. Alan Vera E-mail: avera@oopp.gob.bo Brazil 1. Ms. Claudia de Freitas Escarlate ViverCidades E-mail: claudia@escarlate.com 2. Ms. Gisele Raymundo RIO DE JANEIRO E-mail: giseleray@hotmail.com 3. Mr. Felipe Francisco de Souza SAO PAULO E-mail:felipefrancisco@gmail.com Colombia 1. Mr. Jaime Hernandez BOGOTÁ E-mail: hernandez@javeriana.edu.co 2. Alejandra Samudio BOGOTÁ E-mail: alejasamu@yahoo.com Cuba 1. Mr. Angel Ricardo Núñez Fernandez UNDP, Cuba HABANA E-mail: ricardo.nunez@undp.org 2. Ms. Isabel León Candelario Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana E-mail: isabelle@planmaestro.ohc.cu Peru 1. Ms. Gina Chambi Instituto Metropolitano de Planificacion LIMA Email: gchambi@gmail.com 2. Ms. Miranda, Liliana S. LIMA Email: lmiranda@ciudad.org.pe Europe Romania BUCHAREST 1. Ms. Sorina Racoviceanu & 2. Mr. Nicolae Taralunga IHS Romania Email: office@ihs-romania.ro Website: http://www.ihs-romania.ro/en/alumni/ 10 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline Armenia Mr. Arsen Karapetyan arkarapet@yahoo.com Netherlands ROTTERDAM Mr. Jacob Calhoun E-mail: jacalhoun08@gmail.com IHS Alumni contact persons & representatives Besides these IHS Alumni Associations, the IHS Alumni Relations Office also works with contact persons and representatives around the world. Albania 1. Ms. Merita Xhumari TIRANA E-mail: mxhumari@icc.al.eu.org, bcs@icc.al.eu.org 2. Mr. Dritan Shutina, Director CO-Plan Email: dritan_shutina@co-plan.org Argentina Mr. Fernando Nestor Murillo (Not active at the moment but active NAA) Email: fnmurillo@hotmail.com Bangladesh Mr. Ahmed Faysal DHAKA e-mail: faysal471@yahoo.com China Ms. Wu Xiao Ying E-mail Phyllis_19852004@hotmail.com Egypt Mr. Shady Mohamed El-Zeiny KAIRO Email: sh_elzeiny@yahoo.com Honduras Mr. Carlos Eyl TEGUCIGALPA Email: carlos_eyl@hotmail.com Nepal Mr. Naresh Pradhan (NAAN Chairman) Netherlands Alumni Association of Nepal KATHMANDU Email: naan69@yahoo.com Malaysia 11 IHS Alumni International; Local Alumni Associations Guideline 1. Mr. Zainuddin bin Muhammad Department of Town and Country Planning (No Email) 2. Mr. Kamalruddin Bin Shamsudin Email: kldinkldin@yahoo.com Turkey Ms. Melis Varkal E-mail: melisvarkal@gmail.com 12