Advanced Object-Oriented Perl

Advanced Object-Oriented Perl
Damian Conway
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Monash University
June 2000
Copyright © Damian Conway, 1998-2000. All rights reserved.
Tutorial Summary
Session 1
Session 2
Arrays as objects
Example: Priority queues
Example: Hash re-iterators
The pros and cons of data hiding
Encapsulation via closures
Example: The dog-tag class revisited
Encapsulation via scalars
Example: The dog-tag class re-revisited
Encapsulation via the
Tie::SecureHash module
Example: The dog-tag class re-rerevisited
Scalars as objects
Example: A bit-string class
Typed lexicals
Pseudo-hashes as objects
What changed in 5.6.0
Inheritance and polymorphism
The Theory of Inheritance
Inheritance in Perl
Object identity and capability
Example: Inverse priority queues
Example: Ordered hash re-iterators
The dating game
When and how to use it
Example: OO pretty printing
Inheritance and pseudo-hashes
Inheriting class attributes
The SUPER pseudoclass
Hierarchical destructors
Hierarchical constructors
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Simulating scalars
Example: A persistent scalar
Example: Postcondition proxies
Simulating hashes
Example: A dogtag is life, not just for
Example: Lazy initialization
Operator overloading
How it works
Example: Klingon arithmetic
Overloading operations
Overloading conversions
Overloading constants
Classless OO
Example: Classless scheduling
• http//
• Conway, D., Object Oriented Perl, Manning, 1999.
• Srinivasan, S., Advanced Perl Programming, O'Reilly
& Associates, 1997.
• Wall, L., Christiansen. T. & Schwartz, R. L.,
Programming Perl (third edition), O'Reilly &
Associates, 2000.
• Booch, G., Object-Oriented Design with Applications,
Benjamin/Cummings, 1991 (not 1994).
• Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R. & Vlissides. J.,
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Arrays as objects
• Consider a class for storing "dog tag" information.
• It will need to store (at least) name, rank, and
serial number.
• Typically a hash would be used, to make it easy to
store attributes under logical names (like "name",
"rank" and "snum").
• The key names make it easy to track which value
stored in the hash corresponds to which attribute.
• But, assuming we're willing to remember that
element 0 stores the name; element 1, the rank;
and element 2, the serial number, we could use an
array instead of a hash.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• And, if we also used the module, we can
have our logical names and array them too:
package DogTag;
use enum qw(NAME RANK SNUM);
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $rank, $serial_num) = @_;
bless [$name, $rank, $serial_num], $class;
sub name {
my ($self, $newname) = @_;
$self->[NAME] = $newname if @_>1;
return $self->[NAME];
sub rank {
my ($self, $newrank) = @_;
$self->[RANK] = $newrank if @_>1;
return $self->[RANK];
sub serial_num {
my ($self) = @_;
croak "Serial numbers are FOREVER, you horrible little man!"
if @_>1;
return $self->[SNUM];
• This isn't quite as convenient to set up as a hashbased version, but it's considerably more efficient.
• And from the outside, you can't tell the difference
(which is one of the major reasons for using OO).
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Priority queues
• There are more interesting applications for arraybased objects, however.
• Normal Perl arrays can easily function as queues,
because Perl provides built-in push and shift
• But what if we want a queue that respects the
priority of elements?
• We could implement a PriorityQueue class to
provide that functionality:
use PriorityQueue;
my $queue = PriorityQueue->create();
2 );
2 );
1 );
0 );
print $queue->shift() while $queue->size();
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The obvious implementation for such an object is
as an array:
package PriorityQueue;
sub create {
my ($class) = @_;
bless [], $class;
sub push {
my $self = shift;
my ($i, %data);
@data{"val","pri"} = @_;
for ($i = $#$self; $i>=0; $i--)
last unless $self->[$i]{pri} > $data{pri};
splice @$self, $i+1, 0, \%data;
sub shift {
my ($self) = @_;
return shift(@$self)->{val};
sub size {
my ($self) = @_;
return scalar @$self;
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Hash re-iterators
• Array-based objects are also a handy way of
solving the problem of hash iterators.
• What problem?
%desc = ( blue => "moon",
green => "egg",
=> "Baron" );
while ( ($key,$value) = each %desc )
print "$value is $key\n";
• This problem:
while ( my ($key1,$value1) = each %desc )
while ( my ($key2,$value2) = each %desc )
print "$value2 is not $key1\n"
unless $key1 eq key2;
print "(finished)\n";
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• This misbehaves because the each function relies
on the hash it's iterating to keep track of the next
available key.
• So both calls to each are incrementing the same
"cursor" stored inside %desc.
• The OO solution replaces calls to each with
method calls on special "iterator" objects:
my $iter1 = Iterator->traversing(%desc);
while ( ($key1,$value1) = $iter1->each() )
my $iter2 = Iterator->traversing(%desc);
while ( ($key2,$value2) = $iter2->each() )
print "$value2 is not $key1\n"
unless $key1 eq key2;
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The implementation uses an array to track the
keys and values being iterated:
package Iterator;
sub traversing
my ($class, @data) = @_;
@data = @$class if !@data && ref($class);
bless \@data, ref($class)||$class;
sub each
my ($self) = @_;
my @next = splice @$self, 0, 2;
return wantarray ? @next : $next[0];
• Note that the constructor uses the expression
ref($class)||$class to determine the class
• This allows the constructor to be called as either a
class method:
my $iter = Iterator->traversing(%hash);
or an object method
my $iter = $some_other_iter->traversing(%hash);
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• If the constructor is called as an object method and
no hash is specified, the current contents of the
existing Iterator object are used.
• We could make use of that to generate all twoentry permutations of a multi-entry hash:
sub permute_pairs
my $entry1 = Iterator->traversing(@_);
while (my @pair1 = $entry1->each)
my $entry2 = $entry1->traversing();
while (my @pair2 = $entry2->each)
push @permutations, { @pair1, @pair2 };
return @permutations
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Scalars as objects
• Sometimes a single scalar provides enough
storage to implement an object.
• For example, a dog-tag is really just a long string:
package DogTag;
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $rank, $serial_num) = @_;
my $self = "$name\n$rank\n$serial_num";
bless \$self, $class;
sub name {
my ($self, $newname) = @_;
my $eoname = index($$self,"\n");
substr($$self,0,$eoname) = $newname if @_ > 1;
return substr($$self,0,$eoname);
sub rank {
my ($self, $newrank) = @_;
my $sorank = index($$self,"\n")+1;
my $eorank = rindex($$self,"\n")-$sorank;
substr($$self,$sorank,$eorank) = $newrank if @_ > 1;
return substr($$self,$sorank,$eorank);
sub serial_num {
my ($self) = @_;
croak "Leave that serial number alone, Marine!"
if @_ > 1;
my $sorank = rindex($$self,"\n")+1;
return substr($$self,$sorank);
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: A bit-string class
• That may be the most space efficient way of
implementing a dog-tag, but it's awkward and
• Sometimes, however, an object does just contain a
single item of information and a scalar object is a
compact and efficient solution.
• Consider a class for implementing packed bitstrings.
• Even though it makes sense to store bits at a
density of 1 bit/bit, no-one in their right mind
wants to use pack, unpack, or vec directly.
• The solution is to encapsulate that horridness
inside a class:
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
package Bit::String;
sub new
my ($class, @bits) = @_;;
my $initbits = join "", map {$_?1:0} @bits;
my $bs = pack "b*", $initbits;
bless \$bs, $class;
sub get
my ($self, $bitnum) = @_;
return vec($$self,$bitnum,1);
sub set
my ($self, $bitnum, $newval) = @_;
vec($$self,$bitnum,1) = $newval?1:0;
sub flip
my ($self, $bitnum) = @_;
$self->set($bitnum, !$self->get($bitnum));
sub count
8 * length ${$_[0]};
sub print
my ($self, $handle) = (@_, *STDOUT{IO});
print $handle unpack("b*",$$self);
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• A pseudo-hash is an array with delusions of
• It accepts hash-like accesses and silently massages
them into array-like accesses.
• That is, if you have a reference to an array and that
array's first element is a hash that maps keys to
indices, then you can also treat the array like a
%hash = ( name=>1, rank=>2, serial_num=>3 );
@array = ( \%hash, "Patton", "General", 1234567 );
my $ph = \@array;
print $ph->[1],
print $ph->{name}, $ph->{rank}, $ph->{snum};
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Or you can do exactly the same set-up more easily
with the fields::phash subroutine:
use fields;
my $ph = fields::phash( name => "Patton",
rank => "General",
snum => 1234567 );
print $ph->[1],
print $ph->{name}, $ph->{rank}, $ph->{snum};
• Either way, at run-time perl interprets something
• Of course, this seems to be a nett loss, since the
second form is twice as expensive to execute.
• But (as of 5.005) Perl also introduced the notion of
typed lexical variables, which turn a run-time loss
into a compile-time win.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Typed lexicals
• A typed lexical variable is a my variable with an
associated package name:
my DogTag $spot_tag;
• If $spot_tag is declared in this way, and
subsequently used as a pseudo-hash:
$spot_tag->{name} = "Rex";
then the compiler automagically converts the hash
access to an array access at compile-time.
• It does this by looking up a set of key-to-index
translations stored in a package variable named
• (or, more generally, in the package variable
%WhateverPackage::FIELDS, where
WhateverPackage is the package associated
with the typed lexical in question).
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Of course, that implies that %DogTag::FIELDS is
available at compile-time.
You can make sure of that by using the fields
pragma with arguments:
package DogTag;
use fields qw(name rank snum);
This is functionally equivalent (but morally
superior) to:
package DogTag;
%DogTag::FIELDS = (name=>1, rank=>2, snum=>3)
• So now we could set up our typed variable
$spot_tag as a pseudohash, like so:
my DogTag $spot_tag = [ \%DogTag::FIELDS,
"Rex", "Canis Major", "K9999999" ];
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• And any access that looks like a hash:
$spot_tag->{name} = "Phideau";
will execute like an array:
$spot_tag->[1] = "Phideau";
• In fact, since the translation occurs during
compilation, $spot_tag doesn't even have to be a
proper pseudo-hash:
my DogTag $spot_tag = [ 0, "Rex", "Canis Major", "K9999999" ];
$spot_tag->{name} = "Phideau";
# still okay (!)
• But be careful: if you forget to give the lexical variable
a type, all the key-to-index translation will be done at
my $spot_tag = [ \%DogTag::FIELDS,
"Rex", "Canis Major", "K9999999" ];
print $spot_tag->{name};
# even slower than a regular hash!
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Pseudo-hashes as objects
• Since pseudo-hashes are just arrays, we can use
them as the basis for classes:
package DogTag;
use fields qw(name rank snum);
sub new {
my DogTag $self = fields::new(shift);
@$self{"name","rank","snum"} = @_;
return $self;
sub name {
my DogTag $self = shift;
$self->{name} = shift if @_;
return $self->{name};
sub rank {
my DogTag $self = shift;
$self->{rank} = shift if @_;
return $self->{rank};
sub serial_num {
my DogTag $self = shift;
croak "Can't change serial numbers!" if @_;
return $self->{snum};
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The fields::new subroutine takes the name of a
class and builds an empty pseudo-hash using that
class's %FIELDS hash, and then blesses the
pseudo-hash into the same class.
• That is:
sub fields::new {
my $class = ref($class) || $class;
return bless [\%{$class . "::FIELDS"}], $class;
• The line:
@$self{"name","rank","snum"} = @_;
constructs a three element slice of the (pseudo-)
hash referred to by $self and then assigns the
initialization values from the constructor
argument list to the sliced entries.
• This pseudo-hash slice is also optimized at
compile-time and becomes the array slice:
@$self[1,2,3] = @_;
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• This pseudo-hash version of DogTag has several
advantages over the earlier versions we've seen.
• It's tidy: we explicitly list the valid fields at the
start, and the constructor can reuse field::new.
• It's fast too, because all the hash-like accesses to
the object are converted to array accesses at
• Better still, the compiler will check that the hash
keys we use are actually valid for DogTag objects.
• If we accidentally typed:
sub rank {
my DogTag $self = shift;
$self->{prank} = shift if @_;
return $self->{prank};
The compilation would fail, with the error:
No such field "prank" in variable $self of type DogTag at line 19
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
What changed in 5.6.0
• If you're running under a Perl version earlier than
5.6.0, several features of pseudo-hashes aren't
• The subroutines fields::new and
fields::phash didn't exist prior to 5.6.0.
• It wasn't possible to delete pseudo-hash
elements, or do proper existence checks on them
with exists.
• Hash slices like the one used in DogTag::new
weren't compile-time translated, so they were
much slower.
• If a value in a pseudo-hash entry was itself a
reference, you weren't able to dereference it
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Inheritance and polymorphism
• These two features of OO programming languages
are where they derive their real superiority over
imperative languages.
• Properly used, they can substantially reduce the
amount of code you need to write and
dramatically improve the future extensibility of
that code.
• But Perl's strong native support for inheritance is
not as strong as that of most other OO languages.
• That means we have to be cleverer in structuring
class hierarchies.
• The up-side is that Perl's bare-bones approach
leaves plenty of room for that cleverness.
• We'll be able to do things in Perl that would make
Smalltalk nervous, have C++'s hair standing on
end, and give Eiffel heart-failure.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
The Theory of Inheritance
• The concept of class inheritance is based on
category theory.
• A category hierarchy specifies relationships
between classifications.
• Typically, a general classification will include one
or more specific classifications.
• For example, the classification Athlete might
include the sub-categories Runner, Gymnast, and
• These more-specific categories exhibit certain
properties by virtue of being in the Athlete
category: physical strength, regular training, high
metabolism, large appetite, etc.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• But they each extend those properties in specific
ways: even though a runner and a weightlifter
both train daily, their actual training will be very
different; even though they both eat copiously,
their diets will not be the same.
• Category hierarchies may have many levels: there
are marathon runners, middle-distance runners,
sprinters, rogainers, purse-snatchers, etc.
• OO type systems work the same way (though,
teleologically speaking, they actually work in the
opposite way!): a class may derive properties (data
and behaviour) from another, more-general class.
• Thus a Tree class might inherit data (say, a count
of stored elements) and behaviour (say, the ability
to iterate those elements) from a more-general
Container class.
• The Tree class might, in turn, act as the basis of
still-more-specific classes, such as
BinarySearchTree, Heap, B-Tree,
SplayTree, Trie, OpTree,
MultiLevelMarketingScam, etc.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Inheritance in Perl
• In Perl, inheritance applies to the behaviour of a
class, but not (directly) to its data.
• The meaning of inheritance is best seen when a
method is called.
• Consider a Perl object belonging to the class
MarathonRunner, one which we call the
CooperTest method:
my $runner = MarathonRunner->new("Heather Turland");
print $runner->CooperTest();
• Perl first works out the type of the invocant (the
object through which the method was called), and
then looks for a subroutine of the corresponding
name in that package (i.e.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• It fails to find such a method, so it then tries the
class (or classes) from which MarathonRunner
inherits, in the hope that they might provide the
necessary functionality.
• To do this, the interpreter consults the @ISA array
of the class (i.e. @MarathonRunner::ISA).
• If this array has any elements, the interpreter
grabs the first one, treats it as a string (e.g.
"Runner"), and uses that string as the name of
the next class in which to search for a
CooperTest subroutine.
• This process now repeats in the Runner class:
check for a Runner::CooperTest subroutine,
otherwise check @Runner::ISA for other classes
that might provide it.
• If Runner and all its super-classes fail to provide a
suitable subroutine, the interpreter returns to the
MarathonRunner package, and grabs the second
element in its @ISA array, and the search
continues up that inheritance tree instead.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• If none of the classes MarathonRunner inherits
can provide a CooperTest subroutine, the
interpreter tries the special class UNIVERSAL ("The
Mother of All Classes") as well.
• If that fails, the entire search is repeated, this time
looking for an AUTOLOAD subroutine instead.
• And if that search fails too, the interpreter gives
up and dies.
• So, in Perl, classes are inherited like this:
package Athelete;
package Runner;
@ISA = ( "Athlete" );
package MarathonRunner;
@ISA = ( "Runner", "Lunatic" );
• And the @ISA arrays simply tell the interpreter
where to look next for a missing method.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Object identity and capability
• The builtin ref function takes a reference to an
object and returns the name of the class into which
that object is blessed:
print ref($runner);
# "MarathonRunner"
• The reftype function (available in the standard package) takes a reference to an
object and returns the name of the underlying data
type that implements it:
print reftype($runner);
# "HASH"
• The isa method takes a class name and
determines if that name appears in the inheritance
hierarchy of a method or class:
print "Athlete" if $runner->isa("Athlete");
print "Athlete" if MarathonRunner->isa("Athlete");
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The can method takes a method name and returns
a reference to the subroutine that would be called
if the method were invoked through the same
if ($test = $runner->can("CooperTest"))
• Both isa and can are defined in the UNIVERSAL
package, so they can be called on any object of any
• The can method does not take into account
AUTOLOADing, so it may return false in cases
where an actual call to the method would succeed.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Inverse priority queues
• Suppose we wanted a priority queue (see page 5)
in which the element with the highest priority
number came first.
• We could cut-and-paste the PriorityQueue
class and rearrange the internals:
package ReversePriorityQueue;
sub create {
my ($class) = @_;
bless [], $class;
sub push {
my $self = shift;
my ($i, %data);
@data{"val","pri"} = @_;
for ($i = $#$self; $i>=0; $i--) {
last unless $self->[$i]{pri} < $data{pri};
splice @$self, $i+1, 0, \%data;
sub shift {
my ($self) = @_;
return shift(@$self)->{val};
sub size {
my ($self) = @_;
return scalar @$self;
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• But that's doubling the amount of code to be
maintained, just to change one line of code.
• In most respects a ReversePriorityQueue is a
PriorityQueue, so it seems likely we could create it
by inheritance.
• And so it is:
package ReversePriorityQueue;
@ISA = qw( PriorityQueue );
sub push {
my $self = shift;
my ($i, %data);
@data{"val","pri"} = @_;
for ($i = $#$self; $i>=0; $i--) {
last unless $self->[$i]{pri} < $data{pri};
splice @$self, $i+1, 0, \%data;
• Now, when a ReversePriorityQueue is
created, or shifted, or asked its size, it will fail to
find the necessary create, shift, or size
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Therefore, it will consult the package variable
@ReversePriorityQueue::ISA, and proceed
to call the appropriate subroutine in package
• On the other hand, when it is asked to push a
value, it will immediately find the subroutine
ReversePriorityArray::push, and will call
that instead.
• Actually, with a little bit of lateral thinking, we
wouldn't even need to rewrite what is essentially
the same push method either:
package ReversePriorityQueue;
@ISA = qw( PriorityQueue );
sub push {
my ($self, $val, $pri) = @_;
$self->PriorityQueue::push($val, -$pri);
• This solution is much cleaner and more robust,
because now ReversePriorityQueue is not
relying on the implementation details of class
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Ordered hash re-iterators
• In a similar way, we could provide a new version
of the OO hash iterator (from page 9) – one that
spits out elements in lexicographical order:
package OrderlyIterator;
@ISA = qw( Iterator );
sub traversing
my ($class, %data) = @_;
%data = @$class if @_<2 && ref($class);
bless [map {($_, $data{$_})} sort keys %data],
• Note that here, in contrast to the previous
example, we inherit all the object behaviours (e.g.
each) without modification.
• Only the constructor behaviour changes.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Some people are spooked by the idea of
"polymorphism". Maybe it’s the five-syllable
Ancient Greek name.
• But the concept is trivially easy to understand and
• Suppose we wish to write a subroutine that takes
some (unspecified) kind of hash iterator and
pushes each element into some (unspecified) kind
of priority queue:
sub enqueue_hash
my ($iter, $queue) = @_;
while (my ($nextkey, $nextval) = $iter->each)
$queue->push($nextval, length($nextkey));
• Question: What will happen when we pass
different combinations of iterators and queues?
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Answer: Who cares?!
• If it's an OrderlyIterator feeding a
PriorityQueue, then the calls to each and push
will be to the appropriate subroutines for objects
of those classes.
• If it's an Iterator pushing values into a
ReversePriorityQueue, then the calls to each
and push will be to the appropriate subroutines
for objects of those classes instead.
• In other words, even though we send the same
request ($iter->each and $queue->push), the
responses we get are specific to (and appropriate
for) the actual objects that receive the request.
• And that's all there is to polymorphism.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
The dating game
• It's just like a geek in a singles bar.
• He only has one line.
• So he tries this line on various objects (of desire):
foreach (@MOTAS)
• The response of each object depends on the class
into which it's been blessed, because that will
determine which proposition subroutine is
called in each case.
• The request is always the same, but the reaction is
always appropriate for the person of whom the
request is made.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
When and how to use it
• Polymorphism is useful in any situation where
you know that a series of objects should all have
the same method called, but you have no idea
how they should respond.
• Another good indicator is finding yourself
if ($obj->isa("TypeA") {
# do something
elsif ($obj->isa("TypeB") {
# do something else
elsif ($obj->isa("TypeC") {
# etc.
• That is more appropriately implemented by
and then giving classes TypeA, TypeB, and TypeC
their own, specific do_something methods.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: OO pretty printing
• We could use polymorphism to build an easy-tomaintain generic pretty-printer.
• The key is to create a series of classes for the
various components of the data to be prettyprinted, and then use objects of those classes to
parse and reformat the components.
• The program itself is remarkably simple:
#! /usr/bin/perl -ws
our ($indent, $format, @component) = (0);
$parser = do $format
or die "Problem with formatting file $format";
my $data = join "", <>;
push @component, $_
while $_ = $parser->extract($data);
foreach (@component) { print $_->format($indent) }
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Everything it needs to do the job comes from the
file specified in the -format=filename command-line
• That file looks like this:
use PrettyParser;
my $pretty_parser = PrettyParser->new;
# component type 1 class declaration
# component type 2 class declaration
# component type 3 class declaration.
# etc.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Each component type is responsible for providing a
"conditional" constructor (named parse) and a
method called format. For example:
use PrettyParser;
my $pretty_parser = PrettyParser->new;
package Identifier;
sub parse {
return bless { ws=>$1, id=>$2 }, "Identifier"
if $_[1] =~ /\G(\s*)([a-z]\w+)/gci;
sub format { return " $_[0]->{id}" }
package LeftBrace;
sub parse {
return bless [], "LeftBrace"
if ($_[1] =~ /\G\s*([{])/gc);
sub format {
return "\n" . "\t" x $_[1]++
. "{"
# etc.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The PrettyParser class is responsible for
orchestrating the various calls to constructors and
package PrettyParser;
sub new {
bless [], $_[0];
sub register {
my ($self) = @_;
push @$self, scalar caller;
return $self;
sub extract {
my ($self) = @_;
return if (pos $_[1]||0) > length $_[1];
foreach my $classname ( @$self )
my $newcomponent = $classname->parse($_[1]);
return $newcomponent if $newcomponent;
return SingleChar->parse($_[1]);
package SingleChar;
sub parse { $_[1] =~ /(.)/gcs or return;
return bless \(my $nextchar = $1), $_[0];
sub format { my ($self) = @_; return $$self }
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Now, we can add special handling of comments
(perhaps they are to be put on a line by themselves)
just by adding a new class to our format file:
use PrettyParser;
my $pretty_parser = PrettyParser->new;
package Identifier;
# as before
package LeftBrace;
# as before
package RightBrace;
# etc. as before
package Comment;
sub parse {
return bless { comment=>$1 }, "Comment"
if $_[1] =~ /\G\s*(#.*)/gc;
sub format { return "\n\t\t$_[0]->{comment}" }
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Or we could also create an entirely new format file
to drive the pretty printer:
use PrettyParser;
my $parser = PrettyParser->new;
package Vowel;
@ISA = "SingleChar";
sub parse {
return unless $_[1] =~ /\G([aieou])/gci;
return bless \(my $nextchar = lc $1), $_[0];
package Consonant;
@ISA = "SingleChar";
sub parse {
return unless $_[1] =~ /\G([^aieou])/gci;
return bless \(my $nextchar = uc $1), $_[0];
• Note the inheritance, to reuse the existing format
functionality from SingleChar.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Inheritance and pseudo-hashes
• Inheriting from a class implemented via pseudohashes is fraught with adventure.
• Suppose, for example, we want to extend the
pseudo-hash version of the DogTag class:
package DogTagShoe;
@ISA = qw (DogTag);
use fields qw( shoesize );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my DogTagShoe $self = $class->DogTag::new(@_);
$self->{shoesize} = $_[-1];
return $self;
sub shoesize {
my DogTagShoe $self = shift;
$self->{shoesize} = shift if @_;
return $self->{shoesize};
• This looks like we did everything right, but this
code fails miserably.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
That's because the call to use fields in the
derived class adds the field name "shoesize" to
the empty %DogTagShoe::FIELDS hash:
$DogTagShoe::FIELDS{shoesize} = 1;
• So now both the inherited "name" field and the
newly acquired "shoesize" field both think they
belong in element 1 of the pseudo-hash's
underlying array!
• Oops!
• To overcome this we need a mechanism to tell use
fields to start adding fields where the base class
left off.
• That mechanism is provided by the use base
package DogTagShoe;
use base qw( DogTag );
use fields qw( shoesize );
# etc.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Note that we no longer need to specify the
assignment to @ISA.
• The use base pragma has four effects…
• …it first checks to see if there is a module for the
specified class in your library path (and if there is,
it require-s it);
• …it next pushes the specified class name onto the
current package's @ISA variable;
• …it then copies the %FIELDS variable from the
specified class to the %FIELDS variable of the
current package;
• …it finally adjusts the "next index" counter used
by subsequent use fields in the same package.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• If you give use base two or more arguments,
use base will require all the classes so
specified, push all of them onto @ISA, and copy
the %FIELDS variable from at most one of them.
• Because the structure of pseudo-hashes doesn't
allow multiple inheritance, if two of the ancestors
given to use base both have a %FIELDS variable,
the pragma complains loudly, takes its bat, and
goes home.
• The use base pragma doesn't actually copy the
base class's %FIELDS hash directly.
• Rather, it does something like the following:
@pubkeys = grep /^[^_]/, keys %Base::FIELDS;
@Derived::FIELDS{@pubkeys} = @Base::FIELDS{@pubkeys};
• This hides any field whose name starts with an
underscore from the compile-time mechanism.
• You have to be careful though.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Because the underscored fields are no longer in the
derived object's %FIELDS hash, they won't be
available to base class methods, except at compiletime through a typed lexical:
package ID;
use fields qw( number _checkdigit );
sub new {
my $self = fields::new(shift);
$self->{number} = shift;
$self->{_checkdigit} = shift;
# Forgot type here
# Run-time init of
# any derived obj
# fails here
return $self;
package NameAndID;
use base "ID";
use fields qw( name );
# and later…
my $obj = NameAndID->new(12345678, 2, "Damian"); # Bang!
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Inheriting class attributes
• A class that inherits methods from another usually
inherits class-wide attributes as well:
package Base;
my $obj_count = 0;
sub obj_count {
$obj_count = $_[1] if @_>1;
return $obj_count
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
$class->obj_count($class->obj_count + 1);
bless {}, $class;
package Derived;
use base "Base";
# and later…
my $obj1 = Base->new();
my $obj2 = Derived->new();
print Base->obj_count();
print Derived->obj_count ();
# 2
# 2
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• But sometimes we want separate attributes for
each class:
package Base;
my $obj_count = 0;
sub obj_count {
$obj_count = $_[1] if @_>1;
return $obj_count
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
$class->obj_count($class->obj_count + 1);
bless {}, $class;
package Derived;
use base qw( Base );
my $obj_count = 0;
sub obj_count {
$obj_count = $_[1] if @_>1;
return $obj_count
# and later…
my $obj1 = Base->new();
my $obj2 = Derived->new();
print Base->obj_count();
print Derived->obj_count ();
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
# 1
# 1
• Note that the inherited constructor still doesn't
have to be reimplemented.
• The call to $class->obj_count automatically
selects the right class method, polymorphically.
• But suppose we wanted to inherit the base class
attribute value unless a derived class value is also
• For example, suppose we wanted a per-class log
file, which defaulted to the base-class's log file if
the derived class doesn't set its own:
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
package Base;
my $log_file;
sub log_file {
$log_file = $_[1] if @_>1;
return $log_file;
package Derived;
use base qw( Base );
my $log_file;
sub log_file {
$log_file = $_[1] if @_>1;
return defined($log_file)
? $log_file
: shift->Base::log_file(@_);
# and later…
print Base->log_file();
print Derived->log_file ();
# "Captains_log"
# "Captains_log"
print Base->log_file();
print Derived->log_file ();
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
# "Captains_log"
# "chainsaw"
• A more general solution sets up the base class
accessor so that it creates new derived class
accessors automagically:
package Base;
sub mk_classdata
my ($declaredclass,$attribute,$data) = @_;
*{"${declaredclass}::$attribute"} = sub {
my $wantclass = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
return $wantclass->mk_classdata($attribute)->(@_)
if @_>1 && $wantclass ne $declaredclass;
$data = $_[1] if @_>1;
return $data;
package Derived;
use base qw( Base );
# and later…
print Base->log_file();
print Derived->log_file ();
# "Captains_log"
# "Captains_log"
print Base->log_file();
print Derived->log_file ();
# "Captains_log"
# "chainsaw"
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• There is a CPAN module (Class::Data::Inheritable)
that provides just this behaviour.
• Classes that inherit it can then declare new
"inheritable" class attributes:
package Base;
use base "Class::Data::Inheritable";
package Derived;
use base qw( Base );
# and later…
print Base->log_file();
print Derived->log_file ();
# "Captains_log"
# "Captains_log"
print Base->log_file();
print Derived->log_file ();
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
# "Captains_log"
# "chainsaw"
The SUPER pseudoclass
• The DogTagShoe class (page 45) made use of the
DogTag::new constructor within its own
package DogTagShoe;
use base qw (DogTag);
use fields qw( shoesize );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my DogTagShoe $self = $class->DogTag::new(@_);
$self->{shoesize} = $_[-1];
return $self;
• This arrangement – building a derived class
method around an inherited method – is quite
common, particularly for I/O methods:
package DVD_Drive;
use base qw ( Hard_Drive );
use fields qw( laser_freq layers zone );
sub dump_info {
my $self = shift;
print "Frequency: $self->{laser_freq}\n";
print "Layers:
print "Zone:
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• But it's annoying to have to respecify the ancestral
class name, especially if you have several of these
"wrapper" methods.
• So Perl provides a generic way of specifying "the
next method up the inheritance tree":
sub dump_info {
my $self = shift;
print "Frequency: $self->{laser_freq}\n";
print "Layers:
print "Zone:
• SUPER isn't a real class, or even a direct alias for
• It's a signal to the method look-up mechanism that
it should start its recursive search with the
ancestral classes of the class in which the method
is defined, not the class of the $self object.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• So SUPER also works if DVD_Disk inherits from two
or more other classes:
package DVD_Drive;
use base qw ( Hard_Drive CD_Player Video_Source );
use fields qw( laser_freq layers zone );
sub dump_info {
my $self = shift;
# left-most, depth-first,
# ancestral dump_info
print "Frequency: $self->{laser_freq}\n";
print "Layers:
print "Zone:
• Note that SUPER simply starts the method search
from the ancestors of the current package, so only a
single ancestral dump_info will be called (unless
that one also redispatches the call to its ancestors).
• That's not the same thing as resuming the original
method look-up: a search initiated via SUPER starts
afresh, and will never backtrack down to any child,
or sibling classes.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• If two or more of your base classes might have a
dump_info, and they should all be invoked, you
need this instead:
package DVD_Drive;
use base qw ( Hard_Drive CD_Player Video_Source );
use fields qw( laser_freq layers zone );
sub dump_info {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $parent ( @ISA )
my $ancestral_dump_info = $parent->can("dump_info");
if $ancestral_dump_info;
print "Frequency: $self->{laser_freq}\n";
print "Layers:
print "Zone:
• Or this (if you're brave enough):
package DVD_Drive;
use base qw ( Hard_Drive CD_Player Video_Source );
use fields qw( laser_freq layers zone );
sub dump_info {
my $self = shift;
$self->$_() for map {$_->can("dump_info")||()} @ISA;
print "Frequency: $self->{laser_freq}\n";
print "Layers:
print "Zone:
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Hierarchical destructors
• This kind of hierarchical method calling is
particularly useful in destructors:
my $self = shift;
# clean up stuff from this class…
# …then call base class destructors
$self->$_() for map {$_ . "::DESTROY"} @ISA;
• An alternative destructor redispatch scheme
works by re-blessing the object (but only for single
inheritance hierarchies):
my $self = shift;
# clean up stuff from this class…
# …then call base class destructors
bless $self, $ISA[0] if @ISA;
• In such cases, Perl makes sure that the base class
destructor is also called.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Of course, to get a full clean-up using either
technique we have to rely on the base classes also
relaying the destructor calls to their ancestors:
package Base;
# clean up stuff from Base class…
$_[0]->$_() for map {$_."::DESTROY"} @ISA;
package Derived;
use base "Base";
# clean up stuff from Derived class…
$_[0]->$_() for map {$_."::DESTROY"} @ISA;
• That's tedious, messy, and unreliable, so we might
want to factor out the line noise:
$_[0]->$_() for map {$_."::DESTROY"}, @{caller()."::ISA"};
package Base;
# clean up stuff from Base class…
package Derived;
use base "Base";
# clean up stuff from Derived class…
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• An alternative, more secure, and even Lazier
strategy is to automate the entire destruction
• The trick is to replace each class's DESTROY
method with a Destroy method, then control the
entire destruction sequence from the UNIVERSAL
package UNIVERSAL;
my ($self, @ancestors) = ($_[0], ref $_[0]);
while (my $class = shift @ancestors) {
unshift @ancestors, @{"${class}::ISA"};
my $dtor = "${class}::Destroy";
eval { $self->$dtor() };
package Base;
sub Destroy {
# clean up stuff from Base class…
package Derived;
use base "Base";
sub Destroy {
# clean up stuff from Derived class…
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Or you can pre-build the entire inheritance
hierarchy with the Sean M. Burke's handy
Class::ISA module:
package UNIVERSAL;
use Class::ISA;
my ($self) = @_;
foreach (Class::ISA::self_and_super_path(ref $self))
my $dtor = $_ . "::Destroy";
eval { $self->$dtor() };
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Hierarchical constructors
• By reversing the invocation sequence, the same trick
works well for hierarchical constructors:
package UNIVERSAL;
use Class::ISA
sub new
# universal constructor
my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
for (reverse Class::ISA::self_and_super_path($class))
my $init = $_ . "::init";
eval { $self->$init(@args) };
package Base;
sub init {
# set up stuff for Base class…
package Derived;
use base "Base";
sub init {
# set up stuff for Derived class…
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• (This is the paranoid bit.)
• In OO theory object and class attributes are
supposed to be hidden away from public access,
so as to decouple the implementation (data) from
the interface (methods).
• But, to quote perlmodlib:
"Perl doesn't have an infatuation with enforced
privacy. It would prefer that you stayed out of its
living room because you weren't invited, not because it
has a shotgun."
• "Encapsulation by good manners" is a laudable
ideal, but even paranoids have real enemies, and a
genuine need for home security.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
The pros and cons of data hiding
• The advantages of encapsulating object and class
data are…
• You can add, subtract, and modify internal object
state without having to rewrite client code.
• You localize errors: if an object's state has been
corrupted, you need only look for the culprit
amongst the methods of its class.
• You don't get bitten by autovivification
resurrecting the Ghost of Attributes Past.
• The disadvantages of encapsulation are…
• Hiding data behind accessor method calls results
in poorer performance.
• Extensive use of accessors can uglify code.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Encapsulation via closures
• Perhaps the most elegant approach to rendering
object data inaccessible to hoi polloi code is to wrap
that data up in a closure:
package FootInfo;
sub new {
my ($class, %data) = @_;
my $self = sub {
return $data{$_[0]}
bless $self, $class;
sub name {
return $_[0]->("name");
# and later…
my $obj = FootInfo->new(name=>"Damian", shoesize=>9.5);
print $obj->name();
print $obj->("name");
• Note that the anonymous subroutine is the object.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Because it's referred to in the subroutine, the %data
variable remains accessible to that subroutine as long
as the subroutine exists, even though it would
normally cease to exist at the end of the constructor.
• The previous example makes the attributes of a
FootInfo object read-only once initialized.
• However, we might prefer that the shoesize attribute
was also writable (at least, within reasonable limits):
package FootInfo;
sub new {
my ($class, %data) = @_;
my $self = sub {
if ($_[0] eq "shoesize" && @_>1) {
$data{$_[0]} = ($_[1] < 1) ? 1
: ($_[1] > 18) ? 18
return $data{$_[0]}
bless $self, $class;
# and later…
my $obj = FootInfo->new(name=>"Damian", shoesize=>9.5);
$obj->(name=>"Damien"); # no effect
$obj->(shoesize=>666); # upgrades shoesize to 18 only
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: The dog-tag class revisited
• So let's redo the DogTag class to provide stronger
package DogTag;
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $rank, $snum) = @_;
my %data = (name=>$name, rank=>$rank, snum=>$snum);
bless sub {
croak "Can't access attribute $_[0]"
unless caller()->isa("DogTag");
croak "No such attribute: $_[0]"
unless exists $data{$_[0]};
croak "Can't change serial number"
if @_>1 && $_[0] eq "snum";
$data{$_[0]} = $_[1] if @_>1;
return $data{$_[0]};
}, $class;
sub name { $_[0]->("name", @_) }
sub rank { $_[0]->("rank", @_) }
sub serial_num { $_[0]->("snum", @_) }
• Any client code that previously breached good
manners (e.g. print $tag->{name}) is now
broken: a good reason for enforcing encapsulation!
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Encapsulation via scalars
• Closure-based encapsulation is effective and
secure, but it's also rather expensive.
• Every anonymous subroutine generated takes a
non-trivial amount of memory.
• There's another scheme – also based on the
scoping of lexical variables – that is just as secure,
and cheaper.
• The technique is based on the Flyweight pattern
(Gamma et al.) and stores all object data in a
single, multi-level lexical hash.
• The objects themselves are blessed scalars (the
smallest thing you can bless) whose address is the
key to its data.
• It's secure because, although client code can
always get the key (by stringifying the reference),
only class methods have access to the data itself.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: The dog-tag class re-revisited
package DogTag;
my %data;
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $rank, $serial_num) = @_;
my $self = bless \my($scalar), $class;
$data{$self} =
{name=>$name, rank=>$rank, snum=>$serial_num};
return $self;
sub name {
my ($self, $newname) = @_;
$data{$self}{name} = $newname if @_>1;
return $data{$self}{name};
sub rank {
my ($self, $newrank) = @_;
$data{$self}{rank} = $newrank if @_>1;
return $data{$self}{rank};
sub serial_num {
my ($self, $newsnum) = @_;
croak "Can't change serial number" if @_>1;
return $data{$self}{snum};
my ($self) = @_;
delete $data{$self};
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The destructor is needed to clean out the relevant
entry in %data when the object itself ceases to
• This technique has an added advantage: with a
slight tweak, it's very easy to build methods that
iterate every object:
package DogTag;
use WeakRef;
my %data;
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $rank, $serial_num) = @_;
my $self = bless \my($scalar), $class;
$data{$self} =
{ name=>$name, rank=>$rank,
snum=>$serial_num, self=>$self };
weaken $data{$self}{self};
return $self;
sub name; # etc. as before
sub foreach {
my ($class, $subref, @args) = @_;
map $data{$_}{self}->$subref(@args), keys %data;
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Then you can pass the class a subroutine reference
or a method and have it applied to every DogTag
object currently in existence:
sub cap_name {
my ($obj, $suffix) = @_;
$obj->name( uc($obj->name) . $suffix );
DogTag->foreach(\&cap_name, ", SAH!");
print DogTag->foreach("name");
• Note that we need to weaken any reference to the
object that's stored within its own data, or the
object would never be destroyed.
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Encapsulation via the Tie::SecureHash
• Both these approaches are effective and secure,
but neither is straightforward.
• And each requires us to structure our class in a
non-standard way.
• Besides, they are both all-or-nothing
arrangements: either everything in the class is
encapsulated, or nothing is.
• It would be better if there were a way to use
ordinary hashes as objects, and have them
automagically confine their accessibility
• The Tie::SecureHash module uses the Perl tie
mechanism (see page 80) to do exactly that.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The Tie::SecureHash constructor returns a
reference to a blessed hash with some very special
package MyClass;
sub new {
my ($class, $pub, $prot, $priv) = @_;
my $self = Tie::SecureHash->new($class);
# initialization here
return $self;
• The hash's entries don't autovivify.
• Instead, they have to be individually declared by
prefixing them with the name of the current
package MyClass;
sub new {
my ($class, $pub, $prot, $priv) = @_;
my $self = Tie::SecureHash->new($class);
= $pub;
$self{MyClass::_protected_data}= $prot;
$self{MyClass::__private_data} = $priv;
return $self;
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• There's also a short-hand method of declaring
entries – as part of the call to
sub new {
my ($class, $pub, $prot, $priv) = @_;
my $self =
=> $pub,
_protected_data => $prot,
__private_data => $priv,
return $self;
• In this case, each attribute name is automatically
prefixed with the class name.
• Attempting to access an entry that hasn't been predeclared (in either of these two ways) results in a
run-time exception, rather than the usual
• This provides similar run-time protection from
attribute name typos (e.g. $self->{mane} =
$name) as is offered by a pseudo-hash.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The number of leading underscores in the final
component of each key is significant: it indicates
the accessibility of the corresponding entry.
• No underscore implies a public entry, which is
universally accessible.
• A single underscore indicates a protected entry,
which is universally accessible within the
inheritance hierarchy of the prefixed class.
• Two or more underscores indicate a private entry,
accessible only within the current package and
• Attempting to access an inaccessible entry
produces an exception.
• When a securehash is iterated (i.e. used as the
argument to keys, values, or each) only those
keys that are accessible from the current package
are returned.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: The dog-tag class re-re-revisited
• Here is the DogTag class, encapsulated via the
Tie::SecureHash module:
package DogTag;
use Tie::SecureHash;
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $rank, $serial_num) = @_;
my $self = Tie::SecureHash->new($class);
$self->{DogTag::__name} = $name;
$self->{DogTag::__rank} = $rank;
$self->{DogTag::__snum} = $serial_num;
return $self;
sub name {
my ($self, $newname) = @_;
$self->{__name} = $newname if @_ > 1;
return $self->{__rank };
sub rank {
my ($self, $newrank) = @_;
$self->{__rank} = $newrank if @_ > 1;
return $self->{__rank };
sub serial_num {
my ($self) = @_;
croak "Can't change serial numbers!" if @_ > 1;
return $self->{__snum};
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• Note how similar it is to a standard hash-based
• But now, any attempt to access the private data
outside the class itself is fatal:
package main;
my $tag = DogTag->new("Patton", "General", 1234567);
print $tag->{__name};
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
# thows an exception
• As the name suggests, the Tie::SecureHash
module makes use of Perl's tie mechanism,
which allows it to simulate and augment the
behaviour of Perl's built-in hash datatype.
• The same mechanism can be used to reimplement
other datatypes too: scalars, arrays, and
• Each of these datatypes has some internal state
that the user never sees and provides a series of
access mechanisms and operations.
• That's a fair description of a class, with
encapsulated attributes and public constructors,
methods, accessors, etc.
• So it's probably no surprise that when you want to
reimplement a datatype, you do it by
implementing a class with the required
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Simulating scalars
• Take the simplest Perl datatype: a scalar.
• Scalars have only four behaviours: be created,
accept a value for storage, retrieve a value being
stored, and be destroyed.
• So to reimplement a scalar we create a class that
provides those four behaviours:
package MyScalar;
# be created
my ($class) = @_;
return bless {}, $class;
sub STORE {
# store a value
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{value} = $newval;
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{value};
# retrieve a value
sub DESTROY {}
# be destroyed (trivially)
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• Now, any object of class MyScalar has the ability
to act like a scalar.
• To make it look like a scalar we have to do some
• The builtin tie function takes an existing scalar
variable, eats its brain, and installs an object of the
specified class in its empty cranium:
my $supporting_actor;
tie $supporting_actor, "MyScalar";
• Thereafter, the variable looks and acts like a
normal scalar, but each assignment invokes the
internal object's STORE method, and each
evaluation calls its FETCH.
• So, for example, we could make
$supporting_actor shout its lines:
sub MyScalar::STORE {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{value} = defined $newval ? uc $newval : undef;
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: A persistent scalar
• Suppose, for example, we wanted a scalar that
never forgets:
package Persistent;
use Fcntl;
use base IO::File;
sub var { tie $_[0], "Persistent", $_[1] }
my ($class, $filename) = @_;
$class->new($filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT) or die $!;
sub STORE {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->seek(0,0) or die $!;
$self->truncate(0) or die $!;
$self->print($newval,"\n") or die $!;
$self->flush or die $!;
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->seek(0,0) or die $!;
my ($self) = @_;
$self->close or die $!;
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Thereafter, we can create variables that remember
their contents in a local file:
package main;
Persistent::var my $licence_key => "$0.key";
Persistent::var my $invocations => ".invocation_count";
print "Enter licence key: ";
my $key = <>;
if ($licence_key ne crypt($key,substr($licence_key,0,2)))
die "Invalid licence key";
if ($invocations <= 0)
die "No more invocations available on licence";
# etc.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Postcondition proxies
• Sometimes a tied scalar is useful solely for its
• A typical problem is how to wrap the accessor
methods of a class, so that some check is
performed once the returned value is dispensed
• For example, suppose we wanted to provide direct
access to the "name" field stored within a
CachedFile object.
• We might write:
package CachedFile;
sub new {
my ($class, $name) = @_;
bless { name => $name , contents => "" }, $class;
sub name {
my ($self) = @_;
return \$self->{name};
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• But as soon as we give out direct access to the
name, we lose control of it.
• If we need to ensure that the name doesn't exceed
12 characters in length, we have no way to do so;
any changes to the name field will occur after
CachedFile::name has finished:
${$cachedfile->name} = "a_long_file_name";
• One possible solution is not to return a reference
to the name field at all.
• Instead, we return a reference to an imposter,
which then forwards all requests to the real name
• When the full expression in which this imposter
was created is finished, the last reference to the
imposter will disappear and its destructor will be
• That destructor can then check for foul play.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The class that implements the imposter – or proxy
– looks like this:
package Proxy;
sub for {
tie my($proxy), $_[0], @_[1..3];
return \$proxy;
my ($class, $original, $postcheck, $message) = @_;
bless { original => $original,
postcheck => $postcheck,
=> $message,
}, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self) = @_;
return ${$self->{original}};
sub STORE {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
${$self->{original}} = $newval;
my ($self) = @_;
croak $self->{message}
unless $self->{postcheck}->($self->{original});
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The CachedFile class would then set up its name
accessor like so:
package CachedFile;
sub new {
my ($class, $name) = @_;
bless { name => $name , contents => "" }, $class;
sub name {
my ($self) = @_;
return Proxy->for(\$self->{name},
sub{ length(${$_[0]}) <= 12 },
"File name too long!"
• Now any attempt to assign an extravagant name
causes an exception to be thrown:
my $file = CachedFile->new("orig_name");
${$file->name} = "shrt_fl_nm";
# okay
${$file->name} = "a_long_file_name";
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Simulating hashes
• Of more use in an OO context is the ability to
redefine the behaviour of hashes.
• We've already seen one application of that in the
Tie::SecureHash class (page 74).
• The general mechanism is exactly the same as for
tied scalars: we provide a class that implements all
the behaviours of a hash, then use tie to replace a
regular hash's innards with an object of that class.
• Hashes have a richer variety of behaviours than
scalars – creation, accessing an entry, updating an
entry, existence checks, entry deletion, iteration,
destruction – and hence the simulating class needs
more methods.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Here, for instance, is a class that simulates a hash
whose keys are case-insensitive:
package Insensitive;
bless {}, $_[0] }
$_[0]->{lc $_[1]} = $_[2] }
$_[0]->{lc $_[1]} }
keys %{$_[0]}; each %{$_[0]} }
each %{$_[0]} }
exists $_[0]->{lc $_[1]} }
delete $_[0]->{lc $_[1]} }
%{$_[0]} = () }
• The hash is simulated by…a hash, which is created
and blessed by the TIEHASH method whenever a
regular hash is tied to this class:
my %colour;
tie %colour, "Insensitive"; # Calls Insensitive::TIEHASH
$colour{Camel} = "pink";
# Calls Insensitive::STORE
print "The Camel used to be ",
# Calls Insensitive::FETCH
$colour{cAmEl} = "blue";
print "Now it's $colour{camel}\n";
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: A dogtag is life, not just for
• With tied hashes, it's remarkably easy to adapt the
persistence technique for scalars so that hashbased objects become persistent.
• By making use of inheritance, we can create a
persistent dogtag class almost effortlessly:
package PersistentDogTag;
use base "DogTag"; # Note: must be hash-based)
use DB_File;
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $rank, $snum) = @_;
tie my(%self), DB_File, "${snum}.db";
$self{name} = $name unless defined $self{name};
$self{rank} = $rank unless defined $self{rank};
$self{snum} = $snum unless defined $self{snum};
bless \%self, $class;
• The DB_File module provides a tie-able class that
reimplements a hash as a Berkeley DB database.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The call to tie opens the named database,
creating it if necessary.
• The secret implementation of the hash is then a
database handle connected via the Berkeley DB
interface routines.
• When an entry value is stored, the database is
updated; when an entry value is requested, the
database is interrogated.
• But because the PersistentDogTag object still looks
like a hash, the inherited DogTag methods (name,
rank, serial_num) continue to work correctly.
• You need to be careful though: if the object had
nested data structures, these wouldn't be correctly
stored or retrieved.
• In such cases, you need to use the Sarathy's
MLDBM (Multi-Level DBM) module to
automatically encode and decode the nested
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Lazy initialization
• Proxies are not only useful as clever return values
(page 85); they can sometimes stand-in for objects
• For example, suppose we were creating a class
whose objects were expensive to initialize.
• It might make sense to defer that initialization
until the object is actually used (i.e. until one of its
attributes is accessed or updated).
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• One way to do that is to separate the initialization of
the object from its creation, and then call the
initialization subroutine in whichever method is
called first:
package Objet_D'art;
# A class of expensive objects
sub nouveau { bless {}, $_[0] }
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
return if $self->{_initialized}++;
$self->{diamonds} = vacuum_deposit_buckyballs();
$self->{champagne} = bottle_ferment_grape_juice();
$self->{security} = factor_1000_digit_prime();
sub diamonds {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{diamonds} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{diamonds};
sub champagne {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{champagne} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{champagne};
sub security {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{security} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{security};
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• It's tedious (and more expensive) to have to call
init every time a method is called, especially
since it's only ever useful once per object.
• Of course we could move the initialization test
outside init, but that's even uglier, and still an
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{diamonds} = vacuum_deposit_buckyballs();
$self->{champagne} = bottle_ferment_grape_juice();
$self->{security} = factor_1000_digit_prime();
sub diamonds {
&init unless $self->{_initialialized}++;
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{diamonds} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{diamonds};
# etc.
• Worse, since there's no encapsulation of attributes,
if someone accesses the data directly, there's no
guarantee its initialized:
my objet = Objet_D'art->nouveau();
print objet->{champagne};
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
# Zut!
• A neater solution is to use a technique known as
an object trampoline.
• A regular trampoline is a small subroutine that
exists to replace itself with a larger, more useful
subroutine if the trampoline subroutine is ever
• Many AUTOLOAD methods do exactly this:
package CD;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {}, $class;
$self->{title} = shift;
$self->{artist} = shift;
$self->{tracks} = shift;
$self->{value} = shift;
return $self;
my ($attr) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(.*)$/;
*$AUTOLOAD = sub {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{$attr} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{$attr};
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• An object trampoline is a small object that exists to
replace itself with a larger, more useful object if
the trampoline object is ever accessed.
• The following class implements the technique:
package Trampoline;
sub new {
my ($tramp_class, $real_class, $init, @args) = @_;
my %self;
tie %self, $tramp_class, \%self, $init, @args;
bless \%self, $real_class;
sub _snap {
untie %{$_[0]{orig}};
return $_[0]{orig};
my ($class, $orig, $init, @args) = @_;
bless {orig => $orig, init => $init, args => \@args},
{ &_snap->{$_[1]}; }
{ &_snap->{$_[1]} = $_[2]; }
sub FIRSTKEY { my $self = &_snap;
keys %$self; each %$self }
sub NEXTKEY { each %{&_snap} }
{ exists &_snap->{$_[1]} }
{ delete &_snap->{$_[1]} }
{ %{&_snap} = (); }
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The Trampoline constructor simply creates a hash
and ties it to the Trampoline class, passing the
original hash, the initializer subroutine, and any
other arguments to TIEHASH, which caches them.
• The _snap subroutine unties the original hash,
initializes it (using the cached initializer and
arguments), and returns a reference to the
• The tied hash's implementation methods (FETCH,
STORE, etc.) then just snap the tie, and do
whatever they're supposed to do to the original
(now initialized) hash.
• Once the tie is snapped, the original hash will be
restored, so subsequent operations on it will
happen directly.
• In other words, an object trampoline is a proxy
hash that waits until it is first accessed,
whereupon it vanishes in a puff of smoke, leaving
a real hash that has been initialized just-in-time.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• With such trampolines available, we can defer
initialization of the Objet_D'art like this:
package Objet_D'art;
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
return Trampoline->new($class, \&init)
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{diamonds} = vacuum_deposit_buckyballs();
$self->{champagne} = bottle_ferment_grape_juice();
$self->{security} = factor_1000_digit_prime();
sub diamonds {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{diamonds} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{diamonds};
sub champagne {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{champagne} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{champagne};
sub security {
my ($self, $newval) = @_;
$self->{security} = $newval if @_>1;
return $self->{security};
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Now, the constructor returns a reference to a tied
hash, which pretends to be the new object.
• And whenever anything is done to that hash, it
unties itself (restoring the normal hashlike
behaviour) and initializes itself by calling
• If the constructor needed to take arguments, they
could have been passed to init via the trampoline:
sub new {
my ($class, @other_args) = @_;
return Trampoline->new($class, \&init, @other_args);
• This technique has three advantages over those
shown previously…
• It doesn't clutter the methods with calls to init.
• Therefore, the methods don't incur an unnecessary
overhead on each call.
• Objects are still correctly initialized before use,
even if their methods are side-stepped and their
attributes accessed directly.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Operator overloading
• Classes frequently specify large numbers of
operations that may be performed on their objects:
package DB;
sub normalize {…}
sub commit {…}
sub lock {…}
# etc.
package Vector;
sub magnitude {…}
sub cross_product {…}
sub add {…}
# etc.
• This works well for most classes, because we tend
to call only one or two operations at a time:
$vec = $vec->add($vec2->unit);
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• But things get ugly in most "algebraic" classes, where
we sometimes need to chain a long series of
$vec4 =
$diff =
• In such circumstances, most of us are far more
comfortable with operations:
$vec4 =
$vec1 + ~$vec2 x ~$vec3 . ~$vec1;
$diff =
- ($USA{gdp}*$USA{gdp_incr})/($USA{pop}*$USA{pop_incr})
• The question is: how do we tell Perl that ~ means
unit vector (not complement) and x means crossproduct (not repetition), when applied to a Vector
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
How it works
• The Perl compiler has hooks that allow us to
replace the implementation of most built-in
operators, when they are applied to objects of a
given class.
• The overload pragma gives access to this
replacement mechanism.
• By specifying a use overload within a package,
we can associate specific subroutines with each
operator that might be applied to objects of the
package Vector;
use overload
"~" => "unit",
"x" => "cross_product",
# etc.
• Thereafter, when the interpreter finds an operation
on an object of that package (say $vec1 x $vec2),
it replaces it with the specified method instead
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Klingon arithmetic
• Suppose we needed a class that could represent
numbers in Klingon (Don't ask why! A warrior
would not question this. Are you are coward?)
• Klingons use base ten arithmetic, with the digits
pagh (0), wa' (1), cha' (2), wej (3), loS (4), vagh (5), jav
(6), Soch (7), chorgh (8), Hut (9), and multipliers
maH (101), vatlh (102), SaD or SanID (103), netlh
(104), bIp (105), 'uy' (106).
• So we first need a class that will translate to and
from Klingon (and internally represent a number as
a blessed scalar):
package Klingon;
my %word = ( 0
q{loS}, 8 => q{chorgh},
q{vagh}, 9 => q{Hut},
=> q{maH},
=> q{netlh},
100 => q{vatlh}, 100000 => q{bIp},
1000 => q{SaD},
1000000 => q{'uy'},
$word{unit} = "(?:" . join("|",@word{1..9}) . ")";
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
my %val = reverse %word;
my $Klingon_num = qr{ \A (?:($word{unit})($word{+1000000}))? [ ]*
(?:($word{unit})($word{+100000}))? [ ]*
(?:($word{unit})($word{+10000}))? [ ]*
(?:($word{unit})($word{+1000}))? [ ]*
(?:($word{unit})($word{+100}))? [ ]*
(?:($word{unit})($word{+10}))? [ ]*
\Z }xi;
sub from_Klingon {
my @bits = $_[0] =~ $Klingon_num or return;
my ($value, $unit, $order) = 0;
$value += $val{$unit||q{pagh}} * $val{$order||q{wa'}}
while ($unit, $order) = splice @bits, 0, 2;
return $value;
sub to_Klingon {
my @bits = split //, ${$_[0]};
my $order = 1;
my @words;
for (reverse @bits) {
push @words, $word{$_}.($order>1 ? $word{$order} : "") if $_
} continue { $order *= 10 }
return join " ", reverse @words;
sub new {
my ($class, $num) = @_;
$num = from_Klingon($num) || $num;
bless \$num, ref($class)||$class;
sub add {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
return Klingon->new( $$self + $$other );
sub mul {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
return Klingon->new( $$self * $$other );
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• And now we can perform suitably noble
use Klingon;
# or prepare to die!
$beqpu'wIj = Klingon–>new("cha'");
print "$beqpu'wIj\n";
$Heghmey = Klingon–>new("wa'SaD SochmaH jav");
print "$Heghmey\n";
$Suvwl'qoqchaj = Klingon–>new("chorgh'uy' javSaD loSmaH");
print "$Suvwl'qoqchaj\n";
$ray'mey{chuvmey} =
print $ray'mey{chuvmey}, " maHoHrup\n";
print $ray'mey{chuvmey}->mul(Klingon->new("cha'")),
if qaHoH("wa'DIch");
• But this has the same multiple-method-call ugliness
as the earlier calculations.
• Worse, we're forever explicitly constructing
Klingon constants.
• Honour demands we fix both these problems.
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Overloading operations
• To define proper algebraic operations on such
Klingon objects, we need to tell Perl how to map
those operators to the methods Klingon::add,
Klingon::mul, etc.
• As described earlier, we do that by passing the use
overload pragma a hash-like list of mappings:
package Klingon;
# method definitions as before
use overload
=> "add"
=> "sub"
=> "mul"
=> "div"
=> "mod"
"**" => "pow"
"<=>" => "compare"
"++" => "incr"
• The keys are the operator names, and the values
are the names of the methods to be called in their
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Note that we don't specify methods for less-than,
greater-than, equals, etc. There's no need, since the
overloading mechanism can implement them
automagically by using the overloaded <=>
• The values don't have to be the names of methods;
they can also be direct subroutine references:
package Klingon;
# method definitions as before
use overload
=> sub
=> sub
=> sub
=> sub
=> sub
"**" => sub
"<=>" => sub
"++" => sub
Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} + ${$_[1]} ) },
Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} - ${$_[1]} ) },
Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} * ${$_[1]} ) },
Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} / ${$_[1]} ) },
Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} % ${$_[1]} ) },
Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} ** ${$_[1]} ) },
${$_[0]} <=> ${$_[1]} },
${$_[0]}++ },
• The only difference is that, if an operator is
overloaded with a subroutine reference, that
reference is called as a subroutine not a method (i.e.
there's no polymorphic look-up if subroutines are
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• With that overloading in place, our glorious
program becomes:
use Klingon;
# or prepare to die!
$beqpu'wIj = Klingon–>new("cha'");
print "$beqpu'wIj\n";
$Heghmey = Klingon–>new("wa'SaD SochmaH jav");
print "$Heghmey\n";
$Suvwl'qoqchaj = Klingon–>new("chorgh'uy' javSaD loSmaH");
print "$Suvwl'qoqchaj\n";
$ray'mey{chuvmey} =
($Suvwl'qoqchaj - $Heghmey) / $beqpu'wIj;
print $ray'mey{chuvmey}, " maHoHrup\n";
print $ray'mey{chuvmey} * Klingon->new("cha'"),
if qaHoH("wa'DIch");
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Overloading conversions
• If we were to run the program as it stands, we
would receive the following output:
Klingon=SCALAR(0x100275d0) maHoHrup
Klingon=SCALAR(0x1002de80) jIHoHrup
• Even worse things would happen if we tried to
index an array with a Klingon number:
select $nuHwIj[$wIvlIj];
• That's because, even though they now act like
human numbers when used in operations,
$beqpu'wIj, $Heghmey, $Suvwl'qoqchaj, etc.
still actually hold references to blessed scalars.
• To make them act like strings or numbers in the
appropriate contexts, we need to specify how
Klingon objects should be converted in those
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Once again, we specify that as part of the use
overload specification:
package Klingon;
use overload
=> sub { Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} + ${$_[1]} ) },
=> sub { Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} - ${$_[1]} ) },
=> sub { Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} * ${$_[1]} ) },
=> sub { Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} / ${$_[1]} ) },
=> sub { Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} % ${$_[1]} ) },
=> sub { Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} ** ${$_[1]} ) },
"<=>" => sub { ${$_[0]} <=> ${$_[1]} },
=> sub { ${$_[0]}++ },
q("") => "to_Klingon",
=> sub { ${$_[0]} },
• This specifies that whenever a Klingon object is to
be stringified (i.e. when printed, when used as a
hash key, etc.) its to_Klingon method should be
called; and whenever it is used as a number, it
should be dereferenced first.
• Now the program will print:
wa'SaD SochmaH jav
chorgh'uy' javSaD loSmaH
loS'uy' cha'SaD loSvatlh chorghmaH cha' maHoHrup
chorgh'uy' loSSaD Hutvatlh javmaH loS jIHoHrup
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Playing nicely with other species
• The Klingon operators work fine as long as we
only multiply Klingon by Klingon.
• But there would be problems if we'd written:
print $ray'mey{chuvmey} * 2, "\n"
if qaHoH("wa'DIch");
• That's because the multiplicative subroutine that's
invoked assumes both arguments will be Klingon
objects, and tries to dereference them to get scalars:
use overload
# etc.
=> sub { Klingon->new( ${$_[0]} * ${$_[1]} ) },
# etc.
• To cope with the possibility of non-Klingon
arguments, we need to check each argument
before dereferencing.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
And since every binary operator will need to do that,
we ought to factor it out:
package Klingon;
sub check {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
$x = $$x if ref $x eq "Klingon";
$y = $$y if ref $y eq "Klingon";
return ($x, $y);
use overload
"<=>" =>
q("") =>
sub { my ($x,$y) = ✓
sub { my ($x,$y) = ✓
sub { my ($x,$y) = ✓
sub { my ($x,$y) = ✓
sub { my ($x,$y) = ✓
sub { my ($x,$y) = ✓
sub { my ($x,$y) = ✓
sub { ${$_[0]}++ },
sub { ${$_[0]} },
Klingon->new($x+$y) },
Klingon->new($x-$y) },
Klingon->new($x*$y) },
Klingon->new($x/$y) },
Klingon->new($x%$y) },
Klingon->new($x**$y) },
$x <=> $y} },
• So now, in a mixed expression, only the Klingon
arguments are dereferenced before computation.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Maintaining order
• The overloading mechanism is more treacherous
than a Ferengi, and has yet another way to trouble
• Because overloaded operators are often
implemented as methods, the overload
mechanism goes to great lengths to ensure that the
first argument passed to an operator
implementation is an object of the appropriate
• That's easy when we write:
$beqpu'wIj / 2
since the first argument already is a Klingon
• But it's not so easy when we write:
2 / $beqpu'wIj
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• In such cases, the overload mechanism
automatically reverses the arguments before
they're passed to the subroutine or method
implementing the operator.
• That's fine for commutative operations like
addition and multiplication, but not so good for
the division shown above (or subtraction, or
exponentiation, etc.)
• Fortunately, if the overload mechanism has to
reverse the arguments, it informs the
implementation of the fact by passing a third
argument that is true only if a reversal was
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Thus we could ensure that the arguments arrive in
the correct order like so:
package Klingon;
sub check {
my ($x,$y,$reversed) = @_;
$x = $$x if ref $x eq "Klingon";
$y = $$y if ref $y eq "Klingon";
return $reversed ? ($y,$x) : ($x,$y);
use overload
=> sub { my ($x,$y)
=> sub { my ($x,$y)
=> sub { my ($x,$y)
=> sub { my ($x,$y)
=> sub { my ($x,$y)
=> sub { my ($x,$y)
"<=>" => sub { my ($x,$y)
=> sub { ${$_[0]}++
q("") => "to_Klingon",
"0+" => sub { ${$_[0]} },
= ✓
= ✓
= ✓
= ✓
= ✓
= ✓
= ✓
Klingon->new($x+$y) },
Klingon->new($x-$y) },
Klingon->new($x*$y) },
Klingon->new($x/$y) },
Klingon->new($x%$y) },
Klingon->new($x**$y) },
$x <=> $y} },
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Overloading constants
• The only remaining ugliness is need for explicit
constructor calls to create the Klingon numbers in
the first place:
$beqpu'wIj = Klingon–>new("cha'");
$Heghmey = Klingon–>new("wa'SaD SochmaH jav");
$Suvwl'qoqchaj = Klingon–>new("chorgh'uy' javSaD loSmaH");
print Klingon->new("cha'") * $ray'mey{chuvmey};
• We can overcome even this, by telling the Perl
compiler how it should interpret strings (i.e.
sometimes as Klingon numbers!)
• In the Klingon module's import subroutine we
can specify a preprocessor for quoted strings:
sub import
q => sub{ return Klingon->new($_[0])
if from_Klingon($_[0]);
return $_[1]
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The overload::constant subroutine takes a
hash-like list of specifications (as does use
• Each specification declares a pre-processing filter
that is to be applied as the program is being
• In this case we have set up a "q" filter, which will
only be applied to quoted strings (i.e. '…', "…",
q{…}, qq{…}, here docs, tr/…/…/, etc.)
• The filter checks whether the original string
(passed to it as $_[0]) is a valid Klingon number.
• If so, it returns a new Klingon object in the string's
• Otherwise, it returns the value of the original
string (passed to it as $_[1]).
• You can also set up pre-processors to convert
regular expressions, integers, floating point
numbers, octals, and hexademicals.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Having set up this preprocessing, we can now use
strings as Klingon numbers:
use Klingon;
# or prepare to die!
$beqpu'wIj = "cha'";
print "$beqpu'wIj\n";
$Heghmey = "wa'SaD SochmaH jav";
print "$Heghmey\n";
$Suvwl'qoqchaj = "chorgh'uy' javSaD loSmaH";
print "$Suvwl'qoqchaj\n";
$ray'mey{chuvmey} =
($Suvwl'qoqchaj - $Heghmey) / $beqpu'wIj;
print $ray'mey{chuvmey}, " maHoHrup\n";
print $ray'mey{chuvmey} * "cha'", " jIHoHrup\n"
if qaHoH("wa'DIch");
• Note that, because the preprocessor first checks
whether a particular string is a valid Klingon
number before converting it, non-numeric strings
like " maHoHrup\n" and " jIHoHrup\n" are
• Even petaQ human words will be safe!
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Classless OO
• Most OO purists will tell you Perl's packages are a
poor excuse for classes.
• A snappy comeback is: "Oh yeah? Well they're still
better than Self's!"
• That's because the Self programming language
<> is
an object-oriented programming language that
doesn't have classes.
• Instead, objects encapsulate all their attributes and
methods within their own structure.
• Objects can acquire state and behaviour by
copying it from other objects.
• Alternatively, they can inherit state and behaviour
by nominating another object that will be
delegated any method calls they can't handle
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YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• We would have the same arrangement if Perl
didn't have packages, but instead required us to
use the corresponding symbol tables directly.
• That is, instead of blessing an object into a class,
we would associated it directly with a particular
symbol table object, perhaps via:
my $obj = curse \%data, %Class::;
• That's would be one way to produce a classless
version of OO Perl, but it's ugly and it invokes the
fearful spectre of the symbol table.
• An easier way to free the workers from the tyranny
of the controlling classes, is with Comrade Sean M.
Burke's revolutionary Class::Classless module.
• The module provides a single object:
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• That object can be cloned to create other objects,
which may then be modified for specific purposes.
• The important thing is that when an object is
cloned, it remembers its original object (in its
PARENTS field).
• This allows us to set up hierarchies of objects, just
as we normally set up hierarchies of classes.
• Those objects act like archetypes or paradigms:
examples that may be copied to create instances.
• When a method is invoked on a classless object,
the Class::Classless dispatcher looks for a
reference to the corresponding subroutine in a
hash in the object's METHODS field.
• If no such method is found, the dispatcher looks
back through the METHODS fields of the object's
parents until it finds a match or dies trying.
• Here for example are the DogTag and DogTagShoe
classes (page 45) reimplemented classlessly:
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
use Class::Classless;
my $DogTag = $Class::Classless::ROOT->clone();
$DogTag->{METHODS}{new {
my ($self, $callstate, $name, $rank, $serial_num) = @_;
my $newobj = $DogTag->clone();
@{$newobj}{qw(name rank snum)} = $name, $rank, serial_num;
return $newobj;
$DogTag->{METHODS}{name} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $newname) = @_;
$self->{name} = $newname if @_ > 1;
return $self->{name};
$DogTag->{METHODS}{rank} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $newrank) = @_;
$self->{rank} = $newrank if @_ > 1;
return $self->{rank};
$DogTag->{METHODS}{serial_num} = sub {
my ($self) = @_;
croak "Can't change serial numbers!" if @_ > 1;
return $self->{snum};
my $DogTagShoe = $DogTag->clone;
$DogTagShoe->{METHODS}{new} = sub {
my $callstate = splice @_, 1, 1;
my $newobj = $callstate->NEXT(@_);
$newobj->{shoesize} = $_[-1];
return $newobj;
$DogTagShoe->{METHODS}{shoesize} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $newval) = @_;
$self->{shoesize} = $newval if @_;
return $self->{shoesize};
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Client code would create and use DogTags and
DogTagShoes (almost) exactly as before:
my $tag = $DogTag->new("Patton", "General", 1234567);
print $tag->rank, " ", $tag->name;
my $tags = $DogTagShoe->new("Pyle","PFC",245142,12.5);
• The only difference is that, since there are no
classes, the $DogTag and $DogTagShoe objects
provide the respective constructors, as well as
serving as the archetypes from which objects are
• Notice that each of the methods receives an extra
argument ($callstate in the example).
• This object encodes the current state of the method
dispatch, thereby allowing a method to resume the
search by calling $callstate->NEXT. Hence, it
acts like the SUPER pseudo-class in regular OO Perl.
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
Example: Classless scheduling
• The following example uses Class::Classless to
implement a simple scheduler, and illustrates a
typical program structure for classless OO.
• First we need an archetypical object to represent
all processes:
use Class::Classless;
my $Process = $Class::Classless::ROOT->clone;
• Then we give it an attribute that lets it track which
process is currently active (initially none is):
$Process->{ActiveProc} = undef;
• Processes based on this archetype need to
initialize themselves:
$Process->{METHODS}{init} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $id, $cmd, %data) = @_;
@{$self}{"id", "cmd", keys %data} =
$id, $cmd, values %data;
return $self;
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• For this example, processes will only do three
things: swap in, swap out, and shut down:
$Process->{METHODS}{swap_out} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $id) = @_;
print "\tswapping out $self->{cmd} ($self->{id})\n";
$Process->{METHODS}{swap_in} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $id) = @_;
print "\tswapping in $self->{cmd} ($self->{id})\n";
$Process->{METHODS}{shutdown} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $id) = @_;
print "\tshutting down $self->{cmd} ($self->{id})\n";
• The put_i method assigns a value to the specified
field (in this case "ActiveProc") with data
inheritance. That is, if the $self object doesn't
have an "ActiveProc" field, put_i searches the
object's ancestral objects for such a field, and
assigns the value there instead.
• Then we need a single object to act as the
scheduler. Of course, it needs to be a process too:
my $scheduler = $Process->clone;
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• The scheduler will need to allocate new process
IDs, add processes into its process table, and
control the granularity of its context switching:
$scheduler->{METHODS}{nextid} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $proc, @data) = @_;
return $self->{nextid}++;
$scheduler->{METHODS}{addproc} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $proc) = @_;
$self->{table}{$proc->{id}} = $proc;
$Scheduler->{METHODS}{set_timeout} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $newval) = @_;
$self->{granularity} = $newval+1 if @_>2;
alarm $self->{granularity};
• It has to create new processes, which it does by
cloning the $Process archetype, initializing the
copy, and adding it to its table:
$Scheduler->{METHODS}{spawn} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $cmd, %data) = @_;
my $newproc =
$Process->clone->init($self->nextid, $cmd, %data);
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Switching between scheduled processes is simply
a matter of swapping out the current process,
swapping in the next process (chosen at random if
not specified), and resetting the time-out.
• Note that both swaps are eval'd, to catch the
exception if there's no active process, or if the
specified process can't be swapped in:
$scheduler->{METHODS}{switch} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate, $pid) = @_;
$pid = int rand $self->{nextid} unless defined $pid
eval { $self->get_i("ActiveProc")->swap_out };
eval { $self->{table}{$pid}->swap_in };
• If we happen to swap in the scheduler itself, it
might as well do something useful, like taking out
the trash:
$scheduler->{METHODS}{swap_in} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate) = @_;
print "\t\t(garbage collecting)\n";
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Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Note the use of $callstate->NEXT in the
derived method to ensure the fundamental
swapping defined in the parental $Process
object is also performed:
• When the scheduler is run, it first initializes its
own process (using the init inherited from
$Process), and adds itself to its own process
• It then arranges to switch processes at random
after every time-out, and schedules the first such
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000
• Thereafter it goes into its command loop:
$scheduler->{METHODS}{run} = sub {
my ($self, $callstate) = @_;
$self->addproc($self->init(0, "scheduler",
=> 1,
granularity => 4));
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { $self->switch() };
while (<>)
or /switch\s+(\d+)/
or /granularity\s*(\d+)/
or /shutdown/
foreach reverse 0..$self->{nextid}-1;
• Then all we need to do is start the ball rolling:
Advanced Object Oriented Perl
YAPC::America, June 2000
Copyright  Damian Conway, 1998-2000