March-April 2012

Latest Edition
E-news bulletin of the Editors’ Association of Canada–Prairie Provinces Branch
March–April 2012
Where do editors come from?
by Rhonda Skinner (EAC–PPB member)
How many times have you heard a child say, “When I grow
up, I want to be an editor”? Most editors who have been in the
business for a while will tell you they did not originally plan on
a career in editing. And even if they’d had such aspirations, there
were no editing-specific post-secondary programs to enrol in.
Typically these editors had a job where co-workers and bosses
noticed their strong language skills and began sending them
requests to “look over this report” or “clean up this ad copy.” They
became accidental editors.
After computers kicked our word processors to the curb,
however, personal and business communications changed
drastically, and they continue to change at a dizzying rate. These
changes require seasoned editors to update their skills and emerging editors to take formal
training as communications specialists who can work in multimedia environments.
Degree programs for aspiring editors
Two new degree programs in Alberta introduce students to the craft of editing and its
potential as a career choice. Group projects and field placements enable students to apply
what they’ve learned and develop their soft skills.
1. Bachelor of communication (BCMM) degree in information design
Mount Royal University, Calgary
Dr. Glenn Ruhl, program chair and EAC member, describes information design as “the art
and science of preparing or ‘designing’ information so it can be used by human beings with
efficiency and effectiveness…Editing skill sets are incorporated in all of the course work
Latest Edition March–April 2012
and related assignments.” An editing function course takes a closer look at editing skills
and issues covered in previous courses.
2. Bachelor of communication studies (BCS)
Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton
Students can major in professional communications (PC) or journalism. The PC major
has an editing and publishing stream with courses that cover proofreading, copy editing,
substantive editing, book publishing, magazine editing theory and production editing.
Grammar and composition are BCS core courses.
The BCS is replacing MacEwan’s professional writing (PROW) applied degree program.
Extension courses
These extension programs offer part-time courses and workshops for professional
development. (Most are taught by EAC–PPB members.)
1. Writing & editing program
University of Alberta faculty of extension
2. Writing works
Grant MacEwan University
This is not a complete list; degrees in communications studies, English or linguistics can
also lead to careers in editing.
Editor’s notes
1. Ryerson University (Toronto) offers a certificate in publishing, with many of the
courses offered via distance education, and Simon Fraser University (Vancouver)
offers a certificate in editing as well as many editing courses and workshops. A detailed
list of education and additional training for editors in Canada appears on the EAC
website under Training.
2. EAC’s career information booklet, So You Want to Be an Editor, is available at branch
events. You can also have a copy mailed to you (contact or
read it online at Click on “Are You an Editor?”
Latest Edition March–April 2012
Member news
Astrid Blodgett’s collection of short stories will
be published by the University of Alberta Press in
Member profile
Aaron Dalton, who ably manages the PPB section of the
EAC website and does the layout and design for this enews bulletin, has been on an extended road trip for the
past seven months. Using his laptop (Adobe InDesign
on a tiny screen), he regularly sends us what we need –
Internet connections permitting. He and his wife, Adele,
have been visiting friends and family in the western
U.S. They got to the Grand Canyon Skywalk, saw the
U.S.–Mexico border and met Shamu. Most importantly,
though, they got to visit all of their nieces and nephews
(there are close to 40 of them). Aaron and Adele left last
September and will be back in Calgary this April.
Deborah Lawson’s first book of poetry, Voice
Lessons, will be published in 2013 as one of four
volumes in Frontenac House’s highly regarded
Quartet series.
Peter J. Roccia, faculty member at Grant
MacEwan University, now has a third paper to
present this year (see the January–February issue of Latest Edition). In addition to Lille, France,
and Waterloo, Ontario, his scholarly itinerary now
includes Plymouth, New Hampshire, where he
will present a paper on Nostradamus at this year’s
Medieval and Renaissance Forum.
Aaron, a graduate of the
University of Calgary (MA
in musicology), is currently a freelance editor and
Program announcements
You can’t say that we didn’t tell you about PPB Calgary workshop, April 21: Calgary and area
programs. You have at least four options, and that members will not want to miss Virginia Durksen’s
“The Business of Freelance Editing” workshop on
doesn’t include asking your fellow members.
Saturday, April 21, 2012, 9 am to 4 pm, Calgary
• Watch for email messages to all members
Area Outdoor Council, 1111 Memorial Drive.
from Theresa Agnew, internal publicity
Virginia is both a successful entrepreneur, owner
of Visible Ink, and an accomplished workshop
• Check the EAC website, http://editors.
presenter. Details about cost and how to register
ca. Click on Branches & Twigs and then on
Prairie Provinces.
• Like the PPB Facebook page, http://
Frances Peck, B.C. branch member, presented her
Sentences with Style workshop in Calgary and
Edmonton on February
• Check our Eventbrite page http://
14 and 15. Frances wrote, where you can
register for upcoming events with a click of the e-book Peck’s English
the mouse.
Pointers and is a regular
Important date: EAC–PPB Annual General columnist for the journal
Meeting, Edmonton, Saturday, May 12, 2012. Language Update (both
Details to be announced. The AGM is held on a available online at the
Saturday so members living outside the Edmonton government of Canada’s
area can attend. Plan now to be there. Lunch will Translation Bureau).
be provided.
Latest Edition March–April 2012
PPB executive reports
and editing conference for literary professionOur fearless leaders, listed below, have interesting als. EAC–PPB is a partner in this project, along
lives. Can you answer these questions about them? with the Writers Guild of Alberta and several
If not, refer to the key provided at the bottom of other groups and associations. (For details, go to
page 6.
Meet your PPB executive
For information about working on committees
such as sponsorship, programming, marketplace,
venue and pitch camp, contact Sherry Lawler,
PPB conference co-chair, at ppb_br_external_
a. Lorelei Betke, outreach committee liaison
b. Astrid Blodgett, secretary
c. Lori-Ann Claerhout, internal committee
d. Deborah Lawson, external committee
e. Paul Payson, treasurer and past chair
f. Margaret Sadler, chair
EAC–PPB constantly needs volunteers. The
branch always needs help with the large task of organizing and hosting programs, and there is currently a pressing need in Calgary. For information or to
volunteer, contact Margaret Sadler, chair, ppb_br_, or Rachel Small, membership
and volunteer coordinator, ppb_br_membership_
1. W
ho spent a year working in Cambodia
2. Who sold a lot of muffins that she
and her sister baked at the Southwest
Edmonton Farmers’ Market last summer?
3. Who plays the recorder?
4. Who is an avid birdwatcher?
5. Who is a member of the Richard Eaton
6. Who has an online crafts store that might
eventually feature a felted wool owl?
Welcome to new members
The following people joined EAC–PPB:
Calgary and area: Ronel Colkett, Mark Kirtland,
Barbara Russo
Edmonton and area: Tracey Anderson, Bobbi Beatty,
Shauna Macdonald, Aaron Wannamaker (Leduc)
Volunteering trends in Canada
Job hotline coordinator appointed
Carleton University professor Dr. Paul Reed says that in
10 years Canada will lose one-quarter of its volunteers.
Studies show that 67 per cent of all volunteering is done
by only five per cent of the population, and those who do
volunteer are committing themselves to a fewer number
of organizations. Volunteers are also avoiding long-term
Mandi Monk, a second-year student in the professional writing applied degree program at Grant
MacEwan University, has agreed to manage the
PPB job hotline. Welcome, Mandi!
Opportunities to volunteer
Here’s your chance to meet colleagues and potential clients and make a contribution to the
local literary community. Participate in the
planning of the spring 2013 edition of Get
Publishing, an innovative writing, publishing
If this nationwide trend applies to our association, how
will that affect our future activities?
Latest Edition March–April 2012
EAC national news
Conference 2012: Ottawa, June 1–3
It’s time to decide about attending EAC’s national conference, which is being held this year
in one of Canada’s most attractive cities. Early-bird rates are available only until April 11:
$350 for members and $290 for student members. After that, the fees will be $430 and
$370 respectively.
Special features of the program, developed around the theme of The Landscape of Canadian
Language: Word Nerds Gone Wild, include pre-conference workshops, speed mentoring
and Birds of a feather: the unconference session for experienced editors. There’s also a
reception and banquet with awards presentations.
For more information, including accommodation ideas (you can even billet with an editor
colleague in Ottawa), go to
2012 EAC strategic plan: members’ input invited
Do you have concerns about how EAC spends your membership dues? Or to put it
another way, what do you think EAC’s primary focus should be over the next several years?
Volunteer development? Member services? Our association’s public profile? Something
Between now and April 20th you have a chance to express your views and be heard. You
are invited to respond to the 2012 draft strategic plan, which will be voted on at the AGM
in Ottawa on June 2. This draft is an outcome of an online member survey conducted in
2011 and deliberations by the national executive in consultation with branch executives.
Watch for a message from the national office about how you can participate. For more
information, contact Arden Ogg,
Latest Edition March–April 2012
The editor’s role
On October 19, 2007, Keir Graff posted a blog about Raymond Carver’s widow, Tess
Gallagher, planning to reverse many of the edits done by Gordon Lish on the shortstory collection that made Carver’s reputation, What We Talk About When We Talk
About Love (“Welcome to Literary Feud!”
“Even though Carver did plead with Lish not to publish the edited version,” Graff says,
“was he unhappy when the resulting book made him famous?…How authentic is the
manuscript? And if it stinks, will Carver’s fans be forced to revise their opinions of him?”
Graff adds a PS: “As Richard Ford, a good friend of Carver, said (outraged at Gallagher’s
revisionism), a writer writes for readers, and the last step toward the reader is the granting
of freedom to the editor with whom the manuscript is entrusted.”
Staying in touch
Margaret Sadler
Paul Payson
Astrid Blodgett
Internal committee liaison
Lori-Ann Claerhout
External committee liaison
Deborah Lawson
Regional director of branches and
twigs, west
Arden Ogg
Branch Administrator
Tiiu Vuorensola
You can contact any ex­ec­u­tive or committee member through the email addresses provided on the EAC website,
index.html. They will be delighted to
hear from you, as your input and offers of assistance make it possible for
the PPB to thrive.
Outreach committee liaison
Lorelei Betke
Past chair
Paul Payson
The Prairie Provinces Branch (PPB)
e-news bulletin, Latest Edition, is
published six times a year. The goal is
to provide a quick read that will keep
PPB members informed about events
and opportunities as well as the activities of the branch executive.
To contribute, make suggestions or
comment, contact Anita Jenkins, enews bulletin editor at ajenkins@ or 780-474-6656.
Deadline for submissions to the next
issue is May 7, 2012.
Copy editor: Sharon Skage
Designer: Aaron Dalton
Omission: In the January–February Key to “Meet your PPB executive”
issue we neglected to credit Sherry quiz: 1f, 2a, 3b, 4e, 5d, 6c.
Lawler for the great photos of the
PPB Christmas party in Edmonton.