Berlin, 22 March 2012 The Availability of Global Fossil Energy: Methods for Reserve, Resource, and Cost Estimation Roberto F. Aguilera Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics OBJECTIVES To discuss accessibility and reliability of fossil fuel reserve, resource and cost data To present methods for evaluating fossil fuel quantities To examine challenges of estimating current and future production costs CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics QUESTIONS Is depletion likely to create significant scarcities and dramatic cost increases? Will society experience a smooth or bumpy transition as it moves to non‐fossil energy? What is the role of fossil energy in the long‐ term energy mix? CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GEM WORLD PRIMARY ENERGY SUBSTITUTION 1 Measured f, fraction of total market Gases-calculated Oil-calculated 0.8 Wood Wood-calculated Coal calculated Coal Nuclear calculated 0.6 Hydro calculated Oil 0.4 0.2 Gases Nuclear Hydro 0 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 YEAR Source: Aguilera and Aguilera (2012), Technological Forecasting & Social Change CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera and Aguilera (2012), Technological Forecasting & Social Change CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera and Aguilera (2012), Technological Forecasting & Social Change CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera and Aguilera (2012), Technological Forecasting & Social Change CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics CO2: POTENTIAL VS HISTORICAL VS SCENARIOS “ The choice of energy mix & associated investment will determine whether, and if so, at what level and cost, greenhouse concentrations can be stabilized… ” Source: IPCC WGIII (2001) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics THE DEBATE Fixed stock paradigm: “the pessimists” Opportunity cost paradigm: “the optimists” CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics THE DEBATE “the middle of the road” CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics METHODS FOR FUTURE SUPPLY PROSPECTS Models: Lifecycle Rate of effort Econometric Geologic‐volumetric; geoscientific Subjective probability Discovery process Size distribution Simulation; optimization CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics COMPLEX METHODS e.g. geoscientific; geologic‐ volumetric; simulation; optimization USGS World Petroleum Assessment 2000 CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics FIELD BY FIELD Field by field or project by project assessment “Projections of liquids production before 2015 are based largely on a project‐by‐project assessment of production volumes and associated scheduling timelines, with consideration given to the decline rates of active projects, planned exploration and development activity, and country‐specific geopolitical situations and fiscal regimes.” Source: US EIA International Energy Outlook (2010) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics SIMPLE MODELS e.g. lifecycle; size distribution Source: adapted from Barton (1995), USGS CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics SIZE DISTRIBUTION MODELS 10000 Cumulative Number of Discovered Fields Pareto curve 1000 Undiscovered oil and gas 100 Limit of economic perceptibility 10 Discovered oil and gas 1 0,1 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Field Size, in mmBOE Source: adapted from Barton (1995), USGS CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) Used to estimate oil and gas quantities in previously unassessed geological provinces Unlike other models, VSD is not based on an assumed distribution (e.g. Pareto or lognormal) Source: Aguilera (2006), Colorado School of Mines CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) VSD Equations NonlinearLeast LeastSquare Square Nonlinear RegressionModel: Model: Regression Subjectto: to: Subject Vi n min {V x , a p ,Vs , , S } (Vi V i ) 2 i 1 Parameters: Para meters: v olume VxVx Maximum Maximum volume al slop a pap Fract Fractal slopee Approximate volume VsVs Approximate volume Separation ψ ψ Separa tion ratio rat io S Severity exponent S Sever ity exp onen t 1 log N x log N m a p ( ) Vm 1 Vm log V x log Vm V x Vx N t V x 1 log log N N x m a p ( ) log log V V x m V 1 Vm m V x Vs ( ) [1 ( )] 1 exp Vx N t V x S Source: Aguilera (2006), Colorado School of Mines CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera et al (2012), Mathematical Geosciences, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics FRIO STRANDPLAIN PLAY, TEXAS, 1985 Only the largest nine data points are shown. The remaining data has been truncated due to economic considerations. Source: Crovelli and Barton (1993), USGS CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera et al (2012), Mathematical Geosciences, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera et al (2012), Mathematical Geosciences, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera et al (2012), Mathematical Geosciences, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera et al (2012), Mathematical Geosciences, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera et al (2012), Mathematical Geosciences, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics USGS WORLD PETROLEUM ASSESSMENT (2000) USGS (2000) divides world into 937 provinces; evaluates less than half CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), UN IYPE Series, Springer, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), UN IYPE Series, Springer, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), UN IYPE Series, Springer, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), UN IYPE Series, Springer, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), UN IYPE Series, Springer, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), UN IYPE Series, Springer, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VSD PETROLEUM (CONVENTIONAL) 7000 6000 2280 BBOE Reserve growth = 2280 BBOE 1093 BBOE VSD estimate for 528 previously unassessed provinces = 1093 BBOE 5000 Volume (BBOE) 4000 3000 2000 USGS (2000) data for 409 provinces = 3563 BBOE TOTAL (FUTURE) 6936 BBOE 3563 BBOE Cumulative Production = 1415 BBOE (BP 2011) 1000 0 ‐1000 Cum. Prod. ‐2000 Oil, Gas and NGL (World) Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), UN IYPE Series, Springer, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics CONVENTIONAL OIL RESERVES AND RESOURCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Reserves + Resources BGR (EJ) Reserves + Resources USGS (EJ) United States of America Canada Western Europe, incl. Turkey Central and Eastern Europe Former Soviet Union Northern Africa Eastern Africa Western and Central Africa Southern Africa Middle East China Other East Asia India Other South Asia Japan Other Pacific Asia Australia, New Zealand and other Oceania Latin America and the Carribean Circum-Arctic 582 129 275 19 1743 573 17 556 227 5175 181 58 50 15 1 69 153 1093 - 659 57 671 26 1906 410 7 517 121 4621 237 1 58 13 0 202 86 1279 768 World 10916 11639 Source: Global Energy Assessment (2012), Cambridge University Press, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics CONVENTIONAL GAS RESERVES AND RESOURCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Reserves + Resources BGR (EJ) Reserves + Resources USGS (EJ) United States of America Canada Western Europe, incl. Turkey Central and Eastern Europe Former Soviet Union Northern Africa Eastern Africa Western and Central Africa Southern Africa Middle East China Other East Asia India Other South Asia Japan Other Pacific Asia Australia, New Zealand and other Oceania Latin America and the Carribean Circum-Arctic 1002 324 475 54 6684 634 23 396 91 4097 461 86 75 130 1 193 577 700 - 732 79 657 41 3382 363 11 297 61 3041 126 3 56 117 0 452 216 831 1748 World 16003 12213 Source: Global Energy Assessment (2012), Cambridge University Press, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics COAL RESOURCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hard Coal Lignite/ Brown Coal (EJ) (EJ) United States of America Canada Western Europe, incl. Turkey Central and Eastern Europe Former Soviet Union Northern Africa Eastern Africa Western and Central Africa Southern Africa Middle East China Other East Asia India Other South Asia Japan Other Pacific Asia Australia, New Zealand and other Oceania Latin America and the Carribean 163816 3560 7416 5192 76947 10 22 72 1178 1125 121693 1298 3954 83 297 2696 941 753 16382 610 449 2405 14204 0.4 0.4 2.6 0 0 2966 3085 329 1753 11 1720 551 202 World 391053 44670 Source: Global Energy Assessment (2012), Cambridge University Press, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics SHALE TECHNOLOGY: Horizontal drilling & hydraulic fracturing “ the dramatic increase in tight oil has been made possible by the same technology combo, hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, that created the ‘shale gale’ ” Daniel Yergin, Wall Street Journal, 12 Dec 2011 Source: American Petroleum Institute (2010) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics WORLD GAS SUPPLY CURVE Source: Ripple (2011), Australian Ambassador’s Speaker Series CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics VARIABLE SHAPE DISTRIBUTION MODEL (VSD) CONVENTIONAL AND UNCONVENTIONAL GAS ENDOWMENTS USGS (1995, 2000) and MMS (1996) data for 216 provinces = 11,644 tcf CUMULATIVE NUMBER OF PROVINCES 10000 VSD for 216 provinces = 11,378 tcf (R2=0.98) VSD for 937 provinces = 15,079 tcf 1000 15 tight gas provinces in U.S. and Canada VSD Conv and tight gas=30,159 TCF 100 VSD Conv tight shale gas = 40,212 TCF VSD Conv tight shale CBM = 45,238 TCF 10 1 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 CONVENTIONAL GAS ENDOWMENT (BCF) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) 1.E+07 1.E+08 Source: Aguilera et al. (2012), submitted to SPE APOGCE Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics FOSSIL ENERGY QUANTITIES AND LIFE EXPECTANCIES Source: Aguilera and Aguilera (2012), Technological Forecasting & Social Change CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics CUMULATIVE AVAILABILITY CURVE Price ($ / boe) Cumulative Quantity (boe) ALL TIME Source: Aguilera et al. (2009), Energy Journal CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics COMPARATIVE COST CURVE Average Total Cost C2 C1 A 0 B a b Quantity Source: Aguilera et al. (2009), Energy Journal CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Aguilera et al. (2009), Energy Journal CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GLOBAL CUMULATIVE LONG-RUN SUPPLY CURVE FOR CONVENTIONAL PETROLEUM AND UNCONVENTIONAL SOURCES OF LIQUIDS INCLUDING HEAVY OIL, OIL SANDS AND OIL SHALE 38.00 36.00 Conventional Petroleum, Heavy Oil, Oil-Sands and Oil Shale = 30 trillion BOE 34.00 Average Total Production Cost (2006 US$/BOE) 32.00 Oil Shale = 14 trillion BOE 30.00 28.00 26.00 24.00 22.00 Oil Sands = 5 trillion BOE 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 Heavy Oil = 4 trillion BOE 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Future Volume (trillion BOE) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) 22 24 26 28 30 32 Source: Aguilera et al. (2009), Energy Journal Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics LIQUID SUPPLY COST CURVE Source: Farrell (2008), University of California, Berkeley CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GLOBAL CUMULATIVE LONG-RUN SUPPLY CURVE FOR COAL, CONVENTIONAL PETROLEUM AND UNCONVENTIONAL SOURCES OF LIQUIDS INCLUDING HEAVY OIL, OIL SANDS AND OIL SHALE 38.00 36.00 Coal, Conventional Petroleum, Heavy Oil, Oil-Sands and Oil Shale = 68 trillion BOE 34.00 Average Total Production Cost (2006 US$/BOE) 32.00 Oil Shale 30.00 28.00 26.00 24.00 22.00 Oil Sands 20.00 Coal: Eastern Europe, FSU, Asia 18.00 16.00 Coal: Western Europe 14.00 Coal: United States and Latin America 12.00 10.00 Heavy Oil Coal: Australia 8.00 6.00 Coal: Africa 4.00 Coal: Canada 2.00 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Future Volume (trillion BOE) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) 45 50 55 60 65 70 Source: Aguilera (2006), Colorado School of Mines Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GLOBAL CUMULATIVE LONG-RUN SUPPLY CURVE FOR GAS HYDRATES, COAL, CONVENTIONAL PETROLEUM AND UNCONVENTIONAL SOURCES OF LIQUIDS INCLUDING HEAVY OIL, OIL SANDS AND OIL SHALE 42.00 40.00 38.00 36.00 Average Total Production Cost (2006 US$/BOE) 34.00 32.00 30.00 28.00 26.00 24.00 22.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 Gas Hydrates, Coal, Conventional Petroleum, Heavy Oil, Oil Sands and Oil-Shale = 449 trillion BOE 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 Future Volume (trillion BOE) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) 300 350 400 450 Source: Aguilera (2006), Colorado School of Mines Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics COST ESTIMATION: IEA “This analysis is based on two main elements: A survey of the capital‐spending programmes of 50 of the largest upstream oil and gas companies (national and international companies and pure exploration and production companies), covering actual capital spending from 2000 to 2007 and their plans or forecasts of spending through to 2012. Companies were selected on the basis of their size as measured by their production and reserves, though geographical spread and data availability also played a role. The surveyed companies account for close to 80% of world oil production and 79% of oil reserves, 66% of gas production and 71% of gas reserves. Total industry investment was calculated by adjusting upwards the spending of the 50 companies, according to their share of world oil and gas production for each year. A review of all major upstream projects worldwide — sanctioned (approved by the company board) and planned — which are due to be brought on stream before 2015. This review covers over 570 projects, each involving a capacity addition of more than 5 thousand barrels of oil per day (kb/d). Projects include conventional oil and gas production, non‐conventional oil sands and coal‐ and gas‐to‐liquids. Data was obtained from companies’ annual and financial reports, corporate presentations, press reports, trade publications and direct contacts in the industry.” Source: International Energy Agency (WEO 2008) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: International Energy Agency (2009) Source: International Energy Agency (WEO 2008) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics IEA LONG‐TERM GAS SUPPLY CURVE Note: Areas indicate availability of gas resources as a function of estimated costs of production in 2008. Only sources with significant potential production before 2030 are included. These costs are based on the economics of gas production only, not taking into account the value or cost of any liquids production. However, some costs for associated gas production are shared with liquids production costs, thereby generally lowering overall costs for associated gas. Transportation costs are additional and apply to all resource types. Source: International Energy Agency (WEO 2009) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: International Energy Agency (WEO 2011) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: International Energy Agency (WEO 2011) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics BACK‐OF‐ENVELOPE COST CALCULATION From Rosneft Oil Company Financial Statement 2011 opex 2011 USD capex 2011 USD Production & Operating Expense 6.540E+09 Depreciation 5.996E+09 Pipeline Tariffs & Transport Cost 7.329E+09 Production 2011 BOE Oil 9.320E+08 Exploration Expense 4.480E+09 TOTAL 1.432E+10 opex USD/BOE = $1.432E+10 / 9.320E+08 BOE = $15.36 per BOE capex USD/BOE = $5.996E+09 / 9.320E+08 BOE = $24.63 per BOE TOTAL COST = $39.99 per BOE CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics Source: Wood Mackenzie (2004) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics ANOTHER METHOD: RESOURCE CATEGORIES Five categories based on cost: CI – Proved (P90) reserves CII – Probable (P50) reserves CIII – Possible (P10) reserves CIV – Enhanced recovery CV – Deep offshore Source: Aguilera and Ripple (2012), Applied Energy, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GAS PRODUCTION COSTS: EUROPE Cost Category CI CII CIII CIV CV Production costs (2009) Technology Lower Bound Upper Bound change (USD/MCF) (USD/MCF) in %/yr Natural Gas 0.50 0.90 1.50% 0.90 1.40 1.50% 1.40 2.30 1.50% 2.30 3.10 1.00% 3.10 3.75 1.00% Production costs (2030) Lower Bound Upper Bound (USD/MCF) (USD/MCF) 0.35 0.65 1.00 1.85 2.50 0.65 1.00 1.65 2.50 3.00 Source: Aguilera and Ripple (2012), Applied Energy, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics FUTURE GAS PRODUCTION COSTS: EUROPE Cost Category CI CII CIII CIV CV Production costs (2009) Technology Lower Bound Upper Bound change (USD/MCF) (USD/MCF) in %/yr Natural Gas 0.50 0.90 1.50% 0.90 1.40 1.50% 1.40 2.30 1.50% 2.30 3.10 1.00% 3.10 3.75 1.00% Production costs (2030) Lower Bound Upper Bound (USD/MCF) (USD/MCF) 0.35 0.65 1.00 1.85 2.50 0.65 1.00 1.65 2.50 3.00 Source: Aguilera and Ripple (2012), Applied Energy, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics FUTURE GAS PRODUCTION COSTS: EUROPE Cost Category CI CII CIII CIV CV Production costs (2009) Technology Lower Bound Upper Bound change (USD/MCF) (USD/MCF) in %/yr Natural Gas 0.50 0.90 1.50% 0.90 1.40 1.50% 1.40 2.30 1.50% 2.30 3.10 1.00% 3.10 3.75 1.00% Production costs (2030) Lower Bound Upper Bound (USD/MCF) (USD/MCF) 0.35 0.65 1.00 1.85 2.50 0.65 1.00 1.65 2.50 3.00 Source: Aguilera and Ripple (2012), Applied Energy, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GAS QUANTITY DISTRIBUTION: EUROPE ASSUMED CI: 30% CII: 47% CIII: 15% CIV: 5% CV: 3% Source: Aguilera and Ripple (2012), Applied Energy, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GAS SUPPLY COST CURVE: EUROPE 4,00 3,50 US$ (2009) per MCF 3,00 2,50 2,00 1,50 1,00 2009 Technology 0,50 2030 Technology 0,00 Cum. Prod. (320 TCFG) BP (2011) 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 Natural Gas Future Volume (TCF) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Source: Aguilera and Ripple (2012), Applied Energy, forthcoming Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics GEA SUPPLY COST CURVES Oil Gas Source: Global Energy Assessment (2012), Cambridge University Press, forthcoming CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics FUTURE PRODUCTION COSTS: EXPERIENCE CURVES United States Source: Hettinga et al (2009), Energy Policy CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics FUTURE PRODUCTION COSTS: EXPERIENCE CURVES United States Brazil Source: Yeh and Rubin (2011), Energy Economics CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics DATA SOURCES Government Agencies proved reserves production undiscovered volumes exports, imports prices Industry Journals proved reserves drilling activity prices Private Companies resources (2P) production costs CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics DATA SOURCES API (U.S. well completions data) Baker Hughes (drilling rig count) BP Statistical Review (reserves, prices, trade,…) IEA (consumption, imports, exports, stocks) ODS Petrodata (offshore rig fleet) O&G Journal (reserves) OPEC (production, reserves, exports, refining cap.) US EIA (US and International stats) World Oil (number of wells drilled by country) BGR, USGS, IHS, Wood Mackenzie (resource data) Wood Mackenzie, PIRA, CERA (cost data) CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics DATA SOURCES Sources for daily oil and gas prices: CNN/Money – commodity prices NYMEX CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics DATA SOURCES By data type: Active rigs ‐ Baker Hughes Wells drilled and depth‐ API, World Oil Cost of wells ‐ API/Joint Association Survey Active wells ‐ OGJ, IPAA, IOGCC Oil and gas reserves ‐ OGJ, EIA Oil production ‐ EIA, IEA, OGJ Gas production ‐ EIA, OGJ Demand/consumption ‐ EIA, IEA, BP Stocks/inventory ‐ EIA, IEA, API, BP Imports/exports/crude movements ‐ EIA, IEA, API Energy demand ‐ BP, EIA Oil prices ‐ EIA, NYMEX Production costs ‐ Wood Mackenzie, PIRA, CERA Resources (2P) ‐ IHS, Wood Mackenzie, BGR, USGS CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics DATA RELIABILITY Availability: Data limitations for regions outside the United States and parts of Europe Some data (e.g. 2P resources, production costs) is exceedingly expensive CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics DATA RELIABILITY Definitions: Conventional versus unconventional oil (or commercial vs. uncommercial?) Reserves versus resources Reserve growth CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics DATA RELIABILITY Reserves and Resources: Under‐reporting definitions (e.g. 1P or 2P reserves) Over‐reporting sudden reserve increases Non‐reporting reserves unchanged year after year CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics CONCLUDING THOUGHTS Global fossil fuels more abundant and economic than commonly assumed Much uncertainty surrounding future fossil fuel use and associated CO2 emissions CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Centre for Research in Energy and Minerals Economics CONCLUSIONS Various sophisticated supply modeling methods have emerged; useful as compliments to one another Gaps in knowledge come partly from lack of reliable data data does not exist or only exists in certain regions and/or is difficult to obtain Detailed fossil fuel production costs are difficult to find and estimate CRICOS Provider Code Curtin 00301J (WA) 02637B (NSW) Berlin, 22 March 2012 The Availability of Global Fossil Energy: Methods for Reserve, Resource, and Cost Estimation THANK YOU