LeMoyne-Owen College Honors Course Project Proposal W.E.B. Du Bois Course Honors Option Contract Honors contracts imply a partnership between the instructor and the student to provide opportunities for more rigorous research and deeper study of a topic of interest within a given discipline. The instructor and student must meet regularly to discuss questions, possibilities, and challenges that this activity presents. The student and instructor must agree upon a significant research or project and class presentation to culminate the study or activity. The project must go beyond the normal scope of the class, and the student must share his or her findings with the rest of the class . The project, once completed, must be submitted for consideration to the Honors Committee. Students will have an opportunity to have their projects displayed during the annual Honors Poster Presentation and Reception Event. HONORS OPTION PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Criteria for an Honors Option Project: The Contract should explain each of the following: • • Present in-depth exploration and/or thoughtful view of course-related elements. Provide tangible evidence of at least three of the following outcomes: 1. critical thinking: Analyze texts, identify argument and cultural content, apply knowledge creatively. 2. articulate communication: communicate effectively, express ideas in multiple formats, and to appropriate audiences. 3. ethical reasoning: reflect on values and choices, demonstrate respect for diversity, identify personal influences. 4. civic engagement and leadership: contribute to learning community, effective team membership, enhance classroom through service learning. Other Requirements: 1. The Honors Option Project will be assessed and calculated into the overall grade and MUST equal 25% of the final grade. 2. The Honors Scholar must upload the Honors Project Portfolio to Power Campus and present a copy on a flash drive to the Director of Honors Programs office, GOH 209D prior to the end of the semester. How to develop an Honors Contract: 1. The student should approach his/her professor either before the semester begins or during the first few days of instruction to request to take the class for honors credit. 2. If the professor agrees to the contract, you and the instructor must create an honors curriculum (activity) for the course and submit it to the Honors Director, using the Honors Contract Proposal Form. 3. Honors Proposals and Contracts are created by the student and approved by the instructor. Contracts must be submitted to the Director of Honors Programs by the end of the 3rd week of the semester – no exceptions. No honors credit will be awarded without prior completion/approval of this contract. What kinds of topics work as Honors Projects? • Honors projects can be traditionally academic: a student might choose a specific topic not covered in depth (or at all) by any one course at LOC, research it and write a paper about it. Examples of some topics are: Healthcare Law and Ethics, Deciphering the Islamic Enigma, The Creation of Three Dimensional Art, Marketing a Restaurant in a Tough Economy, The Interchangeable Soul, Survival of Global Brands in Global Environments, Ethical Decision Making, Mindset of Malcolm X vs Martin Luther King, American Middle Eastern Foreign Policy: Is it Working? • Honors projects can be creative with samples of work previously done ( readings of their work in other classes, art, photography, videos or music projects are options, too. • Honors projects can involve practical performance and/or community outreach: for example, the student can research and develop his/her own small business plan, then present it to a Business class; or interpret for a hearing-impaired child, and then sign a presentation about the experience to an American Sign Language class. 4. At the end of the semester, provided the course grade is satisfactory, “Course taken for Honors Credit” will be designated when your professor returns confirmation that you have fulfilled the requirements of your contract. Please allow a few weeks for “Course taken for Honors Credit” to appear. Please complete and submit contract to: Dorsey T. Patterson, Director of Honors Programs Lemoyne-Owen College, GOH 209D Students who, in the opinion of the instructor, fulfill the conditions of the contract and earn an A or B in the regular section of the course will be awarded honors credit on the transcript. Note: a student may complete only one contract initially, and must complete that contract successfully in order to pursue honors contracts in the future. OPTION HONORS CONTRACT OVERVIEW OF THE HONORS OPTION PROJECT: 1. Describe the project by stating what will be studied. 2. What will the student produce as a result of his or her study? 3. How does this activity differ from that required of the other students in the class? 4. Dates by which each step of the project should be completed: 5. Date that the student will present his/her project to the class. In this section , the instructor must describe the specific Honors Option Project activity requirements. This project equals 25% of the final course grade. INSTRUCTOR’S COMMENTS: The student’s activity will demonstrate an awareness of “Critical Thinking” by: The student’s activity will demonstrate an awareness of “Articulate Communication” by: The student’s activity will demonstrate an awareness of “Ethical Reasoning” by: The student’s activity will demonstrate an awareness of “Civic Engagement and Leadership” by: Student’s Name: Date: Faculty: Date: Honors Director: Date: