Seepage In the precedingchapter.we considcredsome simple casesfor which direct application of Darcy's law was required to calculatethe flow of water through soil. ln many instances,the flow of water through soil is not in one direction only, nor is it uniform over the entire area perpendicularto the flow. In such cases,the groundwater flow is generallycalculatedby the use of graphsreferred to ast'low nets.The concept of the flow net is based on Laplace's equulion of continuity, which governs the steady flow condition for a given point in the soil mass.In the following sectionsof this chapter, cquation of continuity will be presentcdalong with its apthe derivation of Laplace'.s plication to seepagcproblcms. 7.1 Laplace's Equation of ContinuitY To derive the Laplace diflercntial cquation of continuity, let us considera singlerow of shcetpilesthat havebeen driven into a permeablesoil layer,asshownin Figure 7.1a. The row of sheet piles is assumcdto be impervious. The steady state flow of water from the upstream to the downstream side through the permeable layer is a twodimensionalflow.For flow at a point,4, we consideran elementalsoil block. The block has dimensionstlx, tly, an<ldz (length dy is perpendicularto the plane of the paper); it is shown in an enlargedscalein Figure 7.1b.Let o-,and u. bc the componentsof the dischargevelocity in the horizontal and vertical directions,respectively.The rate of flow of water into the elementalblock in the horizontal direction is equal to u, dz dy, and in the vertical direction it is u. dx dy. The rates of outflow from the block in the horizontal and vertical directions are, respectively, / Ir,* 0u. \ d r d zd t * ) and dD- ( , , + - dt l zz l 178 \ / dx dy 7.1 Laplaceb Equation of Continuity 179 S h e e tp i l e '-'*.--"'r', I Hy | I Y - * l -Tt. . : ;; -, l,r i H2 :tr , fi - t . . t , $ it [ffif.# ". J*1,'1.'- Impermeable layer $ (,',* \ u,!u,,,- ,',,l:,1r' I ,ra;(,,,+!*1,ra1, I I I I tl:. l-,/.r;;;l l.-,/' (DJ Figure 7.1 (a) Singlc-row shect piles driven into permeable layer; (b) flow at.4 Assumingthat watcr is incompressibleand that no volume changein the soil mass occurs,we know that the total rate of inflow should equal the total rate of outflow. Thus. l/ iL l\ ? ] ' +# r-) ttz rty+ (,, . ar) a, or) # lu,ttzrty* u,dx,tyl: 0 or + A a". - 0 6x Az d a^, (7.r) 180 Chapter 7 Seepage With Darcy's law, the discharge velocities can be expressedas . ctn D-: k,t-: K"dx (7.2) and u": , a h K-t- "Az (1.3) where k, and k. are the hydraulic conductivities in the vertical and horizontal directions, respectively. From Eqs. (7.1), (7.2), and (7.3), we can write A?h . a2h k- ^ *k--"^:U d?.dx- k,: If the soil is isotropic with respect to the hydraulic conductivity- that is, k,- the preceding continuity equation for two-dimensionalflow simplifiesto a2h _a2h + - - l l 0x' 7.2 (1.4) 3z' (7.s) Continuity Equation for Solution of Simple Flow Problems The continuity equation given in Eq. (7.5) can be used in solving some simple flow problems. To illustrate this, let us consider a one-dimensionalflow problem, as shown in Figure 7.2,in which a constanthead is maintained acrossa two-layeredsoil for the flow of water. The head differencebetween the top of soil layer no. 1 and the bottom of soil layer no. 2 is h1. Becausethe flow is in only the e direction, the continuity equation [Eq. (7.-5)]is simplified to the form a"h : ^ ) h: tl A(.-r A2 (7.6) Q.7) where At and A, are constants. To obtain A1 and A2for flow through soil layer no. I , we must know the boundwhich are as follows: conditions, ary . Condition l: At z : 0, h -- h. . Condition 2: At z : H,, h : hr. 7.2 Continuity Equation for Solution of Simple Flow problems :;*1,*. ! l Water supply & v V H--- t;.1 , $ & # -u,^ Y , l"- : , # $ $ i v - ,$. = ff. s. + l l ' I . . , ,: hl _ _ _r : H' $ $ Figure 7.2 Flow througha two-layeredsoil Combining Eq. (1.7) and condition I gives Az: hr (7.8) Similarly,combining Eq. (7.7) and condition 2 with Eq. (7.8) gives hz: AtHt + hl or At: /h'-h'\ ( .l / (7.e) Combining Eqs. (7.7), (7.8), and (7.9),we obtain h: (*\rno, \ F1, /- ", (toro<7<H,) (7.10) For flow through soil layer no. 2, the boundary conditions are o t Condition l: Condition 2: At z : H1, h : h2. At ; : H, + H2, h : 0. From condition 1 and F,q. (7.7), Az: hz - ArH, (7.rr) 182 Chapter 7 Seepage Also, from condition 2 and Eqs. (1.7) and (7.11), 0:A(Hl +H)+(h2-Afit) A t H t + A t H 2 + h 2 - A 1 H 1: 0 A r - h. I H2 (7.12) So,from Eqs.(7.7),(7.1i), and(7.12), h:-1 H,\ / h,\ / . ' i l z - h 'r\l l t ; l ( l i r r H<, z < H , - H , ) Ht/ \H)/ (7.1.1) At any given time, flow through soil layer no. I equalsflow through soil layer no. 2, so / h , - h .' \ 17,-{t\ - k,\-'s, tt- kt\-r, )A )A where A - areaof crosssection of the soil ft 1 - hydraulic conductivity of soil layer no. I k2 : hydraulic conductivity of soil layer no. 2 or hz= hrk, ''(*,. h) (1.14\ Eq. (7.1a)into Eq. (7.10),we obtain Substituting h: h,(, - ^#r^) , * ' o ' <z * H 1 ) ( 7 l.s ) Similarly,combining Eqs. (7.13) and (7.14)gtves , - , , 1 6 d - F n ) r o , * H z- z ) ] , " ' H t< z < H l+ H z ) (1.16) 7.3 Flow Nets 183 Example7.1 Refer to Figure 7.2. Given that 111= 300 mm, FIz : 500 mm, and ftr * 600 mm" and that al z :200 mm, ft : 500mm, determineh at z : 600mm. Solution we know that z : 200mm is locatedin soil layerno. 1, soEq. (7.15)is valid.Thus, k" h : h , ' (\ t \ k r H , + k r H t/ soo:6oolr L k'?(2oo) I k r ( 5 0 0+) k 2 ( 3 0 0 ) l or k, o, : t'* Becausez - 600mm is located in soil layerno.2, r Eq. (7.16)is valid,yielding h * ,rl* 1 /k,\ La,+ l ; ( h: 600 r \ [,roon #/,'on I (ry+H2*z)l J lH, I + soo* *n).1: 17e'e mm Flow /Vefs The continuity equation IEq. (7.5)] in an isotropic medium representstwo orthogontrl families of curves- that is, the flow lines and the cquipotential lines.A ltow ine is a line along which a water particle will travel from upstream to the downstream side in the permeablesoil medium. An equipotentialline isa line along which the potential head at all points is equal. Thus, if piezometersare placed at different points along an equipotential line, the water level will rise to the same elevation irrall of them. Figure 7.3ademonstratesthc definition of flow and equipotential lines for flow in the permeable soil layer around the row of sheet piles shown in Figure 7.1 (for n,. - n_ - Kr. A combination of a number of flow lines and equipotential lines is calleda flow net. As mentioned in the introduction, flow nets are constructedfor the calculation of groundwater flow and the evaluation of heads in the media. To complete the graphic construction of a flow net, one must draw the flow and equipotenti;l lines in such a way that 1. The equipotential lines intersectthe flow lines at right angles. 2. The flow elements formed are approximate squares. Chapter 7 Seepage t I I H1 H2 f Flowline Equipotential S h e c tp i l c , Water lcvcl W i r t c rl ev c l d { v H. t \ t , ,lt Impervious layer (D) Figure 7.3 (a) Definitionof llow linesandcquipotentiallines;(b) completedflow net Figurc 7.3b showsan cxample of ercompleted flow net. Two more examplesof flow net in isotropic permeablelayer are given in Figures7.4 and 7.5. In thesefigures, l/1 is the number of flow channelsin the flow net, and N4 is the number of potential drops (defined later in this chapter). Drawing a flow net takes severaltrials. While constructingthe flow net, keep the boundary conditions in mind. For the flow net shown in Figure 7.3b, the following four boundary conditions apply: 7.4 Seepage Calculation from a Ftow Net ,l, H2 'ti Figure 7.4 Flow net under a dam Figure 7.5 Fkrwnct undcra clanrwith toc filtcr 1. Thc upstream and downstrcam surfaccsof the pcrmeable layer (lines ah and, d e ) a r ee q u i p o t c n t i a l i n c s . 2. Becauseub and de are equipolential lincs. all the flow lines intersectthem at right angles. 3 . T h e b o u n d a r yo f t h c i m p c r v i o u sl a y e r- t h a t i s , l i n e lb- is a flow line,and so is the surfzrceof the impervious sheet pile, Iine ncr1. 4. The cquipotential lines intersccl ucdand l! at right angles. 7.4 Seepage Calculation from a Flow Net In any flow net, the strip bctween any two adjacentflow lines is called a fltw channeL Figure 7.6 showsa flow channel with the equipotential lines forming squareelements. Let h1, hz, ht. hr,. . , h , , b e t h e p i e z o m e t r i cl e v e r s . o r . " r p o n . r i n g t o t h e equipotential lines. The rate of seepagethrough the flow channel per unit length (perpendicular to the vertical section through the permeable layer) can be callulated as follows: Becausethere is no flow acrossthe flow lines. Lq, : Lq, : Lqr: ... : L,q (1.17) 186 Chapter 7 Seepage ,..! i ,.t Lq . r ' t h1 h1 t. T ' l l . , . , . 1 2 t i I ,:i* Lq Figure 7.6 througha flow channel Seepage with squareelemcnts From Darcy'.slaw the flow rate is equal to kiA. Thus, Eq. (7.17) can be written as -/r,\. , ( h -. -- ) th^ t-\", ' '),,- .lh,-/r,\, - k (/ "h , (7.r8) Lt1 o(-',.=),,-- o(\ I Eq. (7.18) shows that if the flow clements are drawn as approximate squares,the drop in the piczometric level between any two adiacent equipotcntial lines is the same. This is called the pcttentioldrop. Thus, ht h2: lt2- (7.1e) :"; ho: ht- h.- and trt: . H k,V, (1.20) where H : head difference between the upstreamand downstrcam sides ly',i: number of potential droPs In Figure 7.3a,lor any flow channel, H : H r ,f1, and N,r : 6' If the number of flow channelsin a flow net is equal to N1 the total rate of flow through all the channelsper unit length can be given by q:K , HNI lv, (7.21) Although drawing squareelementsfor a flow net is convenient,it is not always necessary.Altcrnatively, onc can draw a rectangular mesh for a flow channel, as shown in Figure 7.7, provided that the width-to-length ratios for all the rectangular elementsin the flow net are the same.In this case,Eq. (7.18)for rate of flow through the channel can be modified to -hr\, ftr\, . .(h, ,(h, ,(h.-ho\, rq: *(T )r, o(? lf bJh : b2l12:full (1 and .27\ can be modifiedto )0,: o(, z " )b,: (1.22) n (i.e.,the elementsare not square),Eqs.(7.20) L,q : r,(ft,) (7.23) 7.4 Seepage Calculation from a Ftow Net aq \* 1g7 : . . .) 0.1:' ,\" / L l Figure 7.7 Seepage througha flow channel with rectangular elements h t b b l I ' =r = r - " ' = n /N,r n: kH\*,)" (7.24) Figure 7.8 showsa llow net for seepagcaround a singlerow of sheetpiles.Note that flow channels 1 and 2 have square elements. Hence, the rate of flow throush thcse two channelscan be obtained from E,q.(7.20): Lt11 i- 1,t12 ,, . !. "n - 4!! !, tv,t N,r N,t However' flow channcl 3 has rectangularelements.These elementshave a width-tolength ratio of about 0.311; hence,from Eq. (7.23) A,/,: #H(o.3rt) Water levcl TH I * Water table I l Ground surface I ..,,ii . . " . jt . - - . i; Flow channel I I i - l I i Flow channel2 I b = l I Flow channel3 I I b 0.38 Impervious layer Figure 7.8 Flow net for seepage around a single row of sheetpiles 188 Chapter 7 Seepage So, the total rate of seepagecan be given as e - Lqrt Lqz- A4r - -J8+ TV A flnw net for flow around a singlerow of sheetpiles in a permeablesoil layer is shownin Figure7.9' Given lhat k, k,. = k = 4'2 x 10-r cm/sec'determine a. How high (abovethe groundsurface)the water will rise if piezometers are placed at Pointsa, b, c, and d b. The rate of seepagethroughflow channelII per unit length (perpendicular to the sectionshown) Solution a. From Figure7 '9,weseethat N/ : 3 and No - 6' The head differencebetweenthe upstreamand downstreamsidesis 3.5m, so the headlossfor eachdrop is 3.5/6: 0.583m. Point a is locatedon equipotentialline 1, which meansthat the poten' tial drop at a is 1 X 0.583m. The water in the piezometerat a will rise to an elevationof (5 - 0.583): 4'417m abovethe groundsurface' Similarly,the piezometriclevelsfor b: ( 5 - 2 x 0 . 5 8 3 :) 3 . 3 3 4 m a b o v e t h e g r o u n d s u r f a c e c = (5 - 5 x 0.583): 2.085m abovethe groundsurface d : (5 - 5 x 0.583): 2.085m abovethe groundsurface S h r ' e tp i l c Impermeable layer Figure7.9 5 7.5 Flow Nets in A,nisotropic Soil 189 b. From Eq. (7.20). H L ,' q : Nk . = d k : 4 . 2 x l 0 - 3 c m / s e=c 4 . 2 x [ 0 - s m / s e c Aq * (4.2x t0-sx0.5g3): 2.45x 10-5m3/sec/m 7.5 FIow Nets in Anisotropic Soil The flow net construction describedthus far and the derived Eqs. (7.21) and (7.24) for seepagecalculation have been basedon the assumptionthat the soil is isotropic. However, in nature, most soils exhibit some degree of anisotropy.To account for soil anisotropy with respectto hydraulic conductivity,we must modify the flow net construction. The differential equation of continuity for a two-dimensionalflow [Eq. (7.a)] is a2h , ih ^,i,"..,k- ,-ll For anisotropic soils, k, + kr. In this case,the equation representstwo families of curves that do not meet at 90'. However, we can rewrite the precedingequation as a2h *urh:,., l k \k ,) dx2 dz2 (1.2s) Substitutingx' : t/k,J4x. we canexpressEq. (7.25)as d2h a2h _ _ f _ :' r l ^ dx - t) -. ) d7.' (1.26) Now Eq. (7.26) is in a form similar to that of Eq. (7.5), with x replaced by x', which is the new transformed coordinate. To construct the flow net, use the followine procedure: 1. Adopt a vertical scale (that is, e axis) for drawing the cross section. 2. Adopt a horizontal scale (that is, x axis) such that horizontal scare : {Efh x vertical scale. 3. with scalesadopted as in steps 1 and2, plot the vertical section through the permeable layer parallel to the direction of flow. 4. Draw the flow net for the permeable layer on the section obtained from step 3, with flow lines intersecting equipotential lines at right angles and the elements as approximate squares. 190 Chapter 7 Seepage The rate of seepageper unit length can be calculated by modifyin gEq. (7 .21) to -HNr s:vk-kz where { (t.21) N: H : total head loss : number of flow channelsand potential drops, respectively and ,Ay',i (from flow net drawn in step 4) Note that when flow nets are drawn in transformed sections (in anisotropic soils),the flow lines and the equipotential lines are orthogonal. However,when they are redrawn in a true section,these lines are not at right anglesto each other. This f a c t i s s h o w n i n F i g u r e 7 . 1 0 .I n t h i s f i g u r c ,i t i s a s s u m e dt h a t k , : 6 k , . F i g u r e 7 . 1 0 a shows a flow element in a transformed section.Thc flow element has been redrawn i n a t r u e s e c t i o ni n F i s u r c 7 . I 0 b . k_ (, | o Vertical scale= 20 li H o r i z o n t a sl c a l e= 20(G) = 49 li Scale20 ft (b) Figure 7.10 Aflow element in anisotropic soil: (a) in transformed section; (b) in true section n 7.7 Uplift Pressure under Hydraulic Structures 191 KH s/7' Figure 7'11 Pl<ttof q/kH againstS/'l' I'orflow around a single row of sheetpiles (after Harr. 1962) 7,6 Mathematical Solution for Seepage The seepageundcr severalsimple hydraulic structurescan be solvedmathematically. Harr ( 1962)hasanalyzedmany suchconditions.Figure 7. I 1 showsa nondimensional plot for the rate o1 seepagearound a single row of sheet piles. In a similar manner, Figure 7.12is a nondimensional plot for the rate of seepageunder a dam. In Figure 7.11, the depth of penctration of the sheetpile is S, and the thicknessof the peim e a b l es o i l l a y e ri s f ' . 7.7 Uplift Pressureunder Hydraulic Structures Flow nets can be used to determine the uplift pressure at the base of a hydraulic structure. This general concept can be demonstrated by a simple example. Figrrr" 7.13a shows a weir, the base of which is 2 m below the ground surface.The necesiary flow net has also been drawn (assuming Ihat k, - k, : k). The pressure distribu_ tion diagram at the base of the weir can be obtained from the equipotential lines as follows. 192 Chapter 7 SeePage F-B+l ,] kil ""'+I +0.75 0 t0 25 +0 5 ; undera dam (afterHarr, I 962) Figure 7.72 Scepage t+ rn ------+ I l*4:1t.. l,*:;* : : r+m-----l i . b . : 1 - . b c d e . l 3y,. kN/m2 Impermeable liryer 81, kN/m2 (a) Figure 7.13 (a) A weir; (b) uplift force under a hydraulicstructure \ 7.8 Seepage through an Earth Dam on an lmpervious Base 193 There are sevencquipotential drops (1vr)in the flow net, and the differencein the water levelsbetween the upstream and downstream sidesis H : 7 m. The head lossfor each potential drop is Hl7 :7ll : I m. The uplift pressureat a (left corner of the base) : (Pressurehead at a) x (y,,.) : - l]y,n: 8yu, [(7 + 2) Similarly, the uplift pressureat b : l e - ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ) y , ,7: y , , and at f : l e - ( 6 ) ( 1 ) 1 7: " ,3 y , , , The uplift pressureshave been plott"edin Figure 7.13b. The uplift force per unit length measured along the axis of thc weir can bc calculatedby finding the area of the pressurediagram. 7.8 Seepage through an Earth Dam on an Impervious Base Figure 7.14 showsa homogeneousearth dam resting on an impervious base.Let the hydraulic conductivity of the compactedmatcrial of which the earth dam is made be equal to k. The free surfaccof the water passingthrough the dam is given by abcd. lt is assumedthat a'bc is parabolic.Thc slope of the free surfacecan be assumedto be equal to the hydraulic gradient. It is also assumedthat, becausethis hydraulic gradie n t i s c o n s t a n tw i t h d e p t h ( D u p u i t . 1 8 6 3 ) , . d z dx (7.28) i Water A fevel , l s i I H I m p e r v i o u sl a y e r Figure 7.14 Flow through an earth dam constructed over an impervious base 194 Chapter 7 Seepage Considering the triangle cde, we can give the rate of seepageper unit length of the dam (at right anglesto the crosssection shown in Figure 7.14) as q: kiA . d z:tand , r: ax ( c e ) ( t ) : L s i na A: So : Q : k(tana)(L sina) kLtan a sina (7.2e) Again, the rate of seepage(per unit length of the dam) through the section b/is q - k i A -r ( # ) a x t): kzddz (7.30) For continuous flow, : QEtl Q.2e) 4Eq. iz.:o; or o, t I -,: t(Ht ' 1'; k zd z : | - L 2 s i n 2 a ) - L Ian a sin a(d - L cos a) L2 sin2ct 2 2 zsln-a (kL tan a sina) dx .1-srnd LI2 H2 cosa ^ ) - k L ranasina L2 cosa / / . . : - 2 ^ .\ L 4 ( " , " " ) _ L 2 s i n 2o \cosa/ Ld - L2cosa L 2 c oos t - 2 L r t * cos a l1tryu:n cos2* sin2a , (1.31) Following is a step-by-step procedure to obtain the seepage rate q (per unit length of the dam): 1. Obtain a. 2. Calculate A (see Figure 7.74) and then 0.3A. 7.9 L. Casagrande'sSolution for Seepage through an EarthDam 195 3. Calculate r/. 4. With known valuesof a and d, calculateI from Eq. (7.31). With known valuesof l-, calculateq from Eq. (j.29). Example7.3 Refer to the earth dam shown in Figure 7.14.Given that : 45o,a :30", B : 10 ft, B H : 20 ft, lleight of dam : 25 ft, and k : 2 x l0-4 ftlmin, calculate the seepage rate q in ft3ldaylft length. Solution WeknowthatB :45" anda : 30".Thus. H = tan B tan 45' L - (2s- 20) ' 1 1: 0 . 3 A + ' tan p : 6 * (2s 20\ t#+ * 6I 0.3a : (0.3)(20) 20ft +B+*25 tan cY ro 25 : 64.3ft tan 30 From Eq. (7.31), , r L - _ f ---;- _- d -l t - : -l ' H 2 rl cos cr V cos, cr sinr a 64.3 cos30 From Eq. (7.29), S : kL tan a sina : (2 x 10 4)(t1.7)(tan 30)(sin30) - 6.754x 10-4tr3lminlft = 0.973ft3ldaylft 7.9 L. Casagrande's Solution for Seepage through an Earth Dam Equation(7.31)isdcrivedonthebasisofDupuit'sassumption(i.e.,r: rlz/tlx).lLwas shown by Casagrande( 1932)that, when the downstreamslopeangle a in Figure 7. l4 becomesgreater than 30', deviations from Dupuit's assumption-b".,r,n" more no_ t i c e a b l e .T h u s ( s e eF i g . 7 . l a ) , L . C a s a g r a n d c( 1 9 3 2 )s u g g e s t l d that . dz. t-d:srna whereat : f n\ al (1.32) 196 Chapter 7 Seepage So Eq. (7.29) can now be modified as q : kiA: k sin a(L sin a) : kL sin2a (7.33) Again, / s-\ q : k i A- - ( ; : )rr , ,t (7.34) CombiningEqs.(7.33)and (7.34)yields a tts o' : L sin2 1,.'.,,",,' I, (7.3s) where s : length of curve a'bc l - s i n 2a ) - L s i n ra ( s - L ) ^(U' - 1-2 2' or H' l. L=.s_ Vr,_r,nro (7.36) Wilh about 4-5"/" error,wc can wrilc t-fi'+u' (1.37) CombiningEqs.(7.36)and (7.37)yields 2 - {"Q a 112 lT:E'rco( a (7.38) Once the magnitudeof L is known, the rate 'of seepagecan be calculatedfrom Eq. (7.33)as q : kLsin2 a Exa mp l e7 .4 method. SolveExample7.3usingL. Casagrande's Solution ,:i From Example7.3,d * 64.3ft, H = 20 ft, and a : 30'. Sol r = t/8 + g, - {F:p7ri"}; :l6nf ,i +@-@:r3.17rt = 6.5*t x 10*4ft3/min/ft= 0.948ft3lday/ft r q * (2 x 10*4x13.1?){sin230) Problems 7.10 197 Summary In this chapter, we studied Laplace's equation of continuity and its application in solving problems related to seepagecalculation.The continuity equation is the fundamental basis on which the concept of drawing flow nets is derived. Flow nets are very powerful tools for calculation of seepageas well as uplift pressure under various hydraulic structures. Also discussedin this chapter (Sections7.8 and 7.9) is the procedure to calculate seepagethrough an earth dam constructedover an impervious base.Section7.8 derivesthe relationshipfor seepagebasedon Dupuit's assumptionthat the hydraulic gradient is constant with depth. An improved procedure (L. Casagrande'ssolution) for seepagecalculation is provided in Section7.9. Prohlems 7.1 7.2 Refer to Figure 7.1-5.Given that . H t - 6 m D : 3 m . H:-1.-5m Dr:6m draw a flow net. calculate the seepagelossper meter lcngth of the sheet pile (at a right angle to the crosssection shown). Draw a flow net for the single row of sheetpiles driven into a permeable l a y e r a s s h o w n i n F i g u r e7 . l 5 . G i v e n t h a t ' Hr- 6m D:2m . Hz-7m Dr:5m calculatethe seepageloss per meter length of the sheet pile (at right angles to the crosssection shown). Figure 7.15 198 Chapter 7 Seepage 1 . 5m t i- :t:l; ,'n 1J ' :,;, "', Figure 7.16 Draw a flow net for the weir shown in Figure 7.16.Calculatc the rate of seepage under thc weir. For the flow net drerwnin Problcm 7.3. calculatethc uplift forcc at the base o f t h e w e i r p e r m e t c r l e n g t h ( m e a s u r e da l o n g t h e a x i s )o f t h e s t r u c t u r c . 7.3 7.4 t * ,.:' Water level y | H . i "' ,'.'i'': . !.'.' ..' i' ., Figure 7.17 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 A n e a r t h d a m i s s h o w n i n F i g u r e7 . 1 7 .D e t e r m i n c t h e s e e p a g er a t e ,q , l n m r / d a y i ml e n g t h .G i v e n :e t : u 2 : 4 5 " ,L t - - 5m , H - l 0 m , H r : 1 3 m , a n d l0 acmiscc. k-2x Repeat Problem 7.-5with thc followingi u, - 23o,sz - 35",Lr :'7 m, H : 8 m, rcmisec. H , - 1 2m . a n d k - 1 . 5\ l 0 Repeat Problem 7.-5using L. Casagrande'smethod (Section 7.9). Repeat Problem 7.6 using L. Casagrande'smethod (Section 7.9). References Case.cRaNoe, L. (1932). "Naeherungsmcthodenzur Bestimmurg von Art und Menge der Sickerungdurch geschuetteteDaemme," Thesis,TechnischeHochschule,Vienna. DupLrrr, J. (1863). Etudes Theoriques et Practiques sur le Mouvement des Eaux dans les Canaux Decouverts et a Travers les Terrains Permeables,Dunod, Paris. HaRn, M. E. ( 1962). Ground Water and Seepage,McGraw-Hill, New York.