ST=8A STATEOF SOUTHCAROLINA OF REVENUE CERTIF R.ESAI-E Notic6ToSeller: thatall It is presuned that the saleof tangible by the Purchaserstating purchaser. 5010 The burdenof proofis on theseller is estrablished' aresubjectto thetax untilthecontrary signed sellerreceivesa resalecertificate ionalpropertyis nota *ilii"rr" i.**er, if.the thesalestaxshiftsfromthesellerto the rhepropertyis purcn""Jto;;;;;ir, theliabilityfor for resale,|easeor persona|-property trangible purchasing for useby licensedretai|rnerchants This csrtiflcateis officer,and mustincludethe partneior J corporate signedtV ii rental purPoses.To be rlid, it mustbe "*.,ir, " i and retail sales tax license number' purchase/sname' Purchasefs As purchaser,lcertifY kind and tYPesold bY afterthis dateis to be in writing.lalso certiff will reportthe uponthe reasonable by extendingthis firm. leasingor rentingtangiblepersonalpropertyof the I am engagedin the businessof selling, se;.#iJ : l ;" dfvtq Ltt !*9,i!F-ltf; :-t?l,1l*f vvroe rer erwi oth less('Lr uInrrt'uD ilrm' rm.u n H':: :* ":J,*o; strattr"main in effectunlessrevokedor canc.elled ld, leasedor rentedbYt.i"fift;ificate g$:l^tfi:"^':::,"1::'1Ti;:fltrtgi i'i"'pi'itii**inll ifthetansibre Personar based thereon andpavthetrax srock ,',th;p,*rfrom lj il: E3tffJff;iiff#J";;''; ourcfrlse-9{9-":IilllTpj3,l5t-":**:: but#iei; th;;tt'eorisinat value, fairrnarket meandvour between satisor usetaxontransactions tfff; i'"#H;fi;;'tili[t i"; the TO: (SellefsName) (ZipCoda) (State) (city) (StreetAddres) rt KINDOFBUSINESS INBYPURCHASER I\ E gE IE ITEMSSOLD,LEASED RENTEDBYPURCHASER ';n,r ts Businessor Firm ivEt Onner,Partneror CorP.Offcar) M(ctty) o '' (Souh CarollnaRetail l{=o# (Date) nots.c. indhatestate) ffitnrlir STATEOFSOUTHCAROLINA ANDTAXATION OF REVENUE DEPARTMEI.IT ffiHTAEtLF*EF\8$E THISLICENSS MUSTBE AS PUBLICLY OISPLAYED PROVIDED BYLAW o N SUPPLY BERLINS RESTAURANT A V E T ' I U E R I V E R S 5051 I ' I C H A R L E S T O NS C 2 9 4 0 6 6 6 4 5 tqt F o o E tND. > E'FEC; BTE I B E R L I T T *R E S T A - J R A I { T S U P P L Y I 5999 I201 I 5 7 0 8 2 4 9 eI 5 O 5 t R I V E R SA V E } I U E N C H A R L E S T OSI iC ? 9 4 0 6 6 5 4 5 il ag-ovELocArtorr oNLY..HA(GE oF Locaior: oF' ourteee$tp nEcunEt rgg' LloEHsE' etlcti ?LAeeOF Busm!=ss #iffEFltcEros;o Sepsn*rEli tE#!ffi1?i'€l#Es€Lei-%:*ffi#*:f:i'