20 10 w /0 084 northMrks 9d or./plannhE govuk Emairplanoingcontror@nonhErks NorthWarwickshire Borough Council cvg1DE Applicationfor approvalof detailsreservedby condition. Act1990 TownandCountryPlanning Areas)Act 199o Planning(ListedBuildingsandConservation you <rn aon|plcte.nd submltthis form electronlc.lly vl. tft. Phnhlng Po.ttl by yltltlng w*v.pl.nnlngport.l'govr|k/ryply of rppllc.tionson plannlngauthorityweb3ltel Publicatlon Qoc'lzttofowty Pleorenoteth.t th. Inforfirtlon proyid€don thls .ppllotlon form .nd In rupponlng doclmenB m|y b. publlthad on tha Autftorlvr w.bslt .It your.qulr.5ny fuilrel dtdf<ltlon, ple.3e<ont.<tlhe Astho.lvs Pl.nnlngdep.rtm.nt. andblackink Pleas€ usingblockcapitals complete ofyourapplication. guidance willdelaytheprocessing notesasincofiect completion thatyo-u readtheaccompaqnng It isimporiant 2. Agent Nameand Addr6t I . Appllcrnt l{.me and Add.est lith: n"'",wA.ec-us IMR I ,,,,, 9urfoN La5l tme: Company (optrlonal): Unit: f---l I xouse I number ttousef--__l suffix:I I ?ug%.LJ- nth: Lastname: bAE{EQ Company (optional): R€D Unit: tlouse House name: Address1 Addressl: Address2 Addre5s Address3: Address3: Countli Countyl Country: Country: Postcod Postcod I I F.-/AT€E/ALS [ Tb House number: I I House | I sufflxr I o:rig.i l:J \ | I 4. Ple-appli(ationAdvice 3, SiteAddre3sDetalls Haras5istanceorprioradvicebeensoughtfromthelocal provide stte. address o{theapplication Please thefullpostal aboutthisapptication? authority Housef--_ l House f-----l n rc Uflv", Unit: number: suffix: I I L-------.1 House MANOP- {67p:s€ lfYes,pl€asecomplerethe followinginformationabouttheadvice you weregiv€n.CThiswillhelp the authorityto dealwith this applicationmoreefficiently). Plearetickifthe full contactdetaikarenot known,andthen(ompleteasmuchaspossible: €ARf-{ Addressll Address2: ANgL4 Address3: NUN€AT?N Referencel 6rAeN@-qte.e Countyl P4\? &og/O-zgs pqP Postcode (optional)l Des(riptionof lo<ationor a grid referen<e. (mustbe ompleted if post(odeis notknown): Easting: DAtE(DD/MM/Y.TYY): (mustbe pre-application submittion) pre-application advicerecejved? Detailsof coNb Northin9: rTlOhJ :beT4.tL- 5. DcscllptlonOfYour Propos.l number providea desciptionof the approveddevelopmentar shownon the decirionletter,includingthe applicationreference Please anddateofdecisionin the re<tionsbelow: R2re r.-tA|rl@/\ O? -rvio Reterence number Ft.='lltN(+ F&)r-s; tue Dateof de<ision: + cn;lq Pettl\Te u<E {Datemu5tbe pre-application submission)(DO/MM'YYY) Please statethe (ondiion numbe(s)to whichthir applicationrelate! L 6. R€IA,STAT€D e'44 1a1g: t<c E $ 2. 7. lugnbNcr 3. ?co't<.--reD g?eC-E: ''( Pee P'zo(ec;r r)A 'aer<{ro Qt4f veAIc.Le AC<ESS t^jil€El-'\j}+s*{ 8. 9. 10. Hasthedeveloomentakeadvstaned? (datemustbe pre-appllcatlon submission) lf Yes,pleasestatewhen the development$aned (DD/M[4/YY1'Y)| Hasthe developmentb€encompleted? (datemusrbe pre-application submission) lf Yer,pleas€itate when the developmentwascompleted (DD/MM/YY:Yn: providea tull des(riptionand/orlistof the materialydetails thal atebeingsubminedlQlgP!9y1! Please t-at-./'Tl.'.1 t Q l+ G2 2-ew /'fP€€ tu<raz4tre.> -<"ta-i9 vez..€'N =).'!Lz'a 'TUAtt .AZt<4i319 P.-i:\t-\); 4eTAoo/ Paotz<:-.Ttc.N gerAao I le<,ess 7. PartDlschargeOfCondition(s) Areyouseekingtodischargeonlypartofacondition? licationrelatesto: indicatewhjchpa( ofthe condition lf Yes, - Yes ,d^o ?r-+\ .,.J ' fut 8. Pl.nnlng ApplicationRequirements- checkllst to makesureyou haverent allthe informationin supponof your proposal.Failureto submitall Pteas€ r€adthe followingchecklist you r application beingdeemedinvalid.lt will not be conrideredvaliduntilall informationrequiredby infomationrequiredwill resultin has submined. Authority been the LocalPlanning anddrawings Theoriqinaland ofotherplans 3 copi€3 necesaary to describethe subjectofthe applicalion: or infor-mation Theoftoinaland I cooiesofa .21 (omple:ted form: tu anddatedapplication fee: The<orrect A I SS 9. Dedaratlon planvd6wingsandadditional asdescib€din thir folm andthe accompanying l/we herebyapplyforplanningp€rmission/<onsent information. DAtE(DD/MM/YYYY): @/tJ/&oto (datecannot be preapplication) 10. Appllcant Contact D€tails 11, Agent Cont.ct Details Telephone numbers Telephone numbers CountrycoderNationalnumber: Extension Countrycodel Nationalnumber: number: Extenslon Countrycode: countrycode: 12. SiteVisit bridlewayor otherpubli<landl c,anthe shebe seenfroma publicroad,publicfootpath, E\e lfthe planningauthorityneedito makean appointmentto carry out a sitevisit whomshouldrheycontad?fPleo$sele.tonlyone) lf Other hasbeenselected,pleaseprovide: lelephonenumb€r: Contactnamel Von"n' Emailaddress: ENo r--r Other (if different fiom the U aqenvapplicant's detaik)