Re-Assessing Stereotypes Quiz Prepared by Attic Youth Instructions – Please read the following statements and answer to what extent you believe the following statements true? 1. Being gay or lesbian is a phase, fad, or experiment. 2. Being gay or lesbian an act of rebellion against family or religion. 3. Children of gay and lesbian parents experience more problems than those of heterosexual parents. 4. All gay men are flamboyant and very feminine. 5. Being gay or lesbian leads to contracting HIV or AIDS. 6. Some transgender individuals identify as gay. 7. Adolescents are too young to know they’re LGBTQ. 8. Girls that play sports are lesbians or will eventually become lesbians. 9. Lesbians want to be men in terms of gender roles and appearance 10. Bisexual people are greedy and use it as an excuse to date men and women simultaneously. 11. The LGBTQ community uses Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs) to turn people gay. 12. In same-sex relationships one person takes on a male/masculine role and one a female/feminine role. 13. Civil unions and domestic partnerships do not afford same-sex couples the same rights as marriage. 14. The most important aspect of being LGBTQ is who you have sex with. 15. All transgender or gender variant individuals want to transition from male to female or female to male. 16. Drag queens are confused about their sexuality. 17. Some lesbians are very feminine. 18. All gay men party a lot and like to do drugs. 19. Being gay or lesbian does not mean that you have a mental health disorder. 20. Being gay or lesbian means you’re more likely to molest children. Quiz Responses 1. False - Being LGBT is neither a choice nor a phase: it’s an innate trait. It is a natural human characteristic, just like heterosexuality is a natural human characteristic. 2. False – Being gay or lesbian is a way of identifying to whom a person feels emotionally and sexually attracted. A person's sexual orientation is not expressed to rebel against family, religion, or society. 3. False – Studies have shown that children of same sex parents will experience the same problems that children of heterosexual parents will face. 4. False - To say all gay men are flamboyant is to overgeneralize the wide population of gay men. 5. False – Every person who engages in unprotected sex is at risk for contracting HIV or AIDS. Additionally, 2009 statistics reported that about 13,000 or 27% of the estimated new HIV infections were contracted through heterosexual contact. 6. True - Being transgender is about gender identity which is separate from sexual orientation (for definitions of these terms please see Klein Sexual Orientation Grid in Resources for School Curricula). While some transgender individuals identify as lesbian or gay, some identify as heterosexual. 7. False - Sexual orientation may be established as young as age 4 or 5, and can be self-identified at any age. 8. False – Women who play sports and/or do not follow traditional gender roles are often perceived as being lesbian, however this is not true. Many girls who play sports are not lesbian and will never come to identify as lesbian. 9. False - Masculinity is not necessarily a male trait; all people possess a certain level of masculine and feminine energy. 10. False - To be bisexual does not mean you are confused or more promiscuous; it simply means you attracted to people of the same and opposite sex. Moreover, bisexual people are just as monogamous as other people. 11. False - A Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is a student-run club in a high school or middle school that brings together LGBTQ and straight students to support each other, provide a safe place to socialize, and create a platform for activism to fight homophobia and transphobia. 12. False - Gender roles are usually based on heteronormative ideals that many same sex couples don’t adhere to in their relationships. 13. True - There are over 1,100 benefits, rights and protections that heterosexual couples are guaranteed through marriage. 14. False - Sexual orientation is not based on who you have sex with, it consists of emotions and an attraction one has towards another individual. 15. False - Transgender and gender variant are umbrella terms for persons whose gender identity, gender expression, or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. For some people, that simply means identifying as male or female, for others it means rejecting the binary (male/female) system of gender. 16. False – Performing drag is an exaggeration of make-up and dress and generally done for entertainment purposes – it is not a gender identity such as identifying as transgender. Not all drag queens (or kings) identify within the LGBTQ spectrum. 17. True – The common perception made about lesbians is that they are masculine; however some women who identify as lesbian are feminine. 18. False – While it is true that a definition of gay means happy, many gay men do activities other than partying and abusing substances to have fun. 19. Homosexuality is not a recognized disorder in the mental health field, and thus does not require treatment or a cure. 20. False – It has been consistently determined that the majority of pedophiles are in fact heterosexual individuals.