River Erosion Abrasion Hydraulic Action Attrition Solution Solution Traction Saltation Solution Upper Course Deep V-shaped valley Shallow channel Rough channel Lower speed of water Waterfalls Vertical erosion Victoria Falls Waterfall retreat Plunge Pool Gorges Load grinds against channel sides and bed Water surges into joints. Its force breaks, loosens rocks Rock fragments collide and wear down, become smoother and rounded CaCO3 + H2O Gravel moves by a series of jumps along river bed Boulders slide and roll along the river bed 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS Potholes Middle Course Wider channel Asymmetrical channel More discharge More open valley Meander River cliff Slip off slope Lower Course Wide, flat valley Highest discharge 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS Largely depositional Flood plains Levees Ox-bow lakes Deltas Cut-off Slack water Rapid flow Wide, low-lying area found on both sides of river River flows over less resistant rocks; carrying out weathering Concave bank Natural embankments made of coarse deposits Erosion on concave bank; deposition on convex bank Convex bank No large lakes to trap sediments Coarser material deposited first because of increased friction River Nile Coastal waters are quiet; few strong currents Larger wetted perimeter; loss in river energy HEP 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS Fertile alluvial soil Flooding Dendritic Silting Irrigation Trellis Radial Centripetal Silt trapped. Lower course does not receive natural fertlisers River Transport Regulate water level throughout the year Greater erosion in downstream portion of river Permeable surface Tourist attraction, e.g. Lake Nasser in Egypt Irrigation water kill plants because of increased salinity Gentle rising limb Flood prevention Loss of biodiversity due to widespread flooding Vegetation Storm hydrograph 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS Urban city Higher peak discharge Longer lag time Steeper rising limb Gentle recession limb Shorter lag time 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS A sudden fall of water along the course of river Develop when waterfall retreats upstream Lateral erosion and undercutting occur on concave bank When river flows over a band of resistant rock to less resistant rock Backsplash of turbulent water undercuts the cliff face of less resistant rocks Deposition occurs on convex bank because of slack water Resistant rock that lies downstream erodes faster than resistant rock Overhanging cap rock loses support and collapses Continuous erosion and deposition on banks Differential erosion causes a change in gradient of river As this continues, the waterfall retreats Pronounced meander with two concave banks getting closer Loss of support for overhanging resistant rock A narrow, deep valley with almost vertical sides is formed Cut through by lateral erosion on both banks or strong currents 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS Straight channel, abandoned meander loop Lower Course Overcome friction; little energy for erosion Deposition seals off cut-off from river channel Upper Course Wider, deeper channel Ox-bow lakes Small, narrow, rough channel Asymmetrical channel Waterfalls Low volume of discharge Greater volume of water than upper course Floodplains Deep, narrow, steep-sided valley Gentler gradient 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS More open V shape valley Widest, deepest channel Wide, flat-bottomed valley More lateral erosion; some transportation and deposition Greatest volume of discharge Mainly depositional Little vertical erosion, more lateral Weathering helps to widen valley 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS 2006/Sec 3 Core Geography/Sequencing Task: Rivers Prepared by LeongKL, SCGS