The Salvation Army Australian Southern Territory Self Denial Appeal: Instructions & Information 2015 2015 SELF DENIAL APPEAL V2 1 1. General Instructions V2 2 THE SELF DENIAL APPEAL A Self Denial Appeal is run by the Corps on behalf of their Divisional Commander to raise much needed resources for our international Army. It is not a THQ Appeal, but a Territory-wide Appeal. The promotional material and the process is provided as a service to the Territory to assist the local Corps by the Planned Giving Team within the Communications Stream. In other words, we do not impose the Appeal, but rather we assist the effective management of the Appeal. Corps are responsible for the proper running of THEIR Appeal. They should do this with enormous enthusiasm and regard for the international Army. ORDERS OF STATIONE STATIONERY & PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL This year’s material is being sent via your DHQ and/or THQ. An order form for 2016 material will be sent to Corps via your DPRS later in the year. If any Corps needs more material please contact your DPRS at your DHQ or in the case of Victorian Corps, the Planned Giving Department at THQ. • A printing error has the printed fact sheets and devotional booklets in a different order to the videos. On the website this has been corrected. WEB SITE A Self Denial Website has been set up for a number of years to assist CO’s to broaden their knowledge of SDA and to download extra promotional tools. The web page is: • • Later versions of Internet Explorer do not allow the tabs at the top of the page to load, if you have this issue, try using Mozilla Firefox. A printing error has the printed fact sheets and devotional booklets in a different order to the videos. On the website this has been corrected. CORPS FINANCIAL, PLANNING & PROMOTION GOALS In the past, despite being directly asked, the Planned Giving Department THQ, [managing the SDA] has received very few responses to a goal setting sheet. The goal setting has been in the Workbook for many years. As this is not used, we have removed it. However, DC’s are encouraged to work through a goal setting process within their Division to encourage growth in the giving. The Self Denial Appeal goal for 2015 should be estimated with the assistance of those responsible for Corps financial management as 10% on top of last year’s final total. USE THE PROMOTIONAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE We encourage Corps to do everything they can to educate your people about The Salvation Army’s evangelical and development work in other countries. People respond as they understand and are challenged. The DVD is a very powerful tool, and professionally produced. CO’s need to make sure they watch it in its entirety as soon as your materials arrive. They should use it each week in their meetings. It will speak to their people. Corps Officers should ensure all Corps members receive their copy of the Devotional Booklet and encourage them to leave it in a prominent place. These should be physically handed to them, and not just left on a foyer table. These can be used in their devotional times. CO’s should also promote the Appeal amongst young people and youth. They are a vital part of your Corps, and will respond positively. The children’s material is excellent and provides a very thorough guide to assisting Children. V2 3 PUBLICISE THE VARIOUS WAYS OF GIVING Your people can give in a variety of ways? 1. 2. 3. 4. Single sum gift on Altar Service Sunday Weekly contributions through the Self Denial period using Weekly envelopes. Direct Debit or Credit Card either once off, or at regular intervals throughout the year. Payroll Deductions for Salvation Army Officers and employees [Internet giving is not presently an option.] The last three options make it much easier to give sacrificially than ‘finding’ a large sum of money to give within a short period of time. Apart from payroll deductions, provisions for these giving alternatives are made on the Altar Service envelope. CONDUCTING CONDUCTING A MEANINGFUL ALTAR SERVICE The Altar Service Sunday is a special occasion in the life of a Corps. Corps Leaders need to provide for a time of commitment that enhances the mission of your Corps. There are many Corps who do not have meaningful Altar Services and which poorly promote the Appeal. Where the DC is aware of inexperienced Officers, they are asked to phone them and assist them in understanding the spiritual importance of these ‘high days’ of Corps life. DIVISIONAL COMMANDER – PEAK LEADERSHIP APPEAL Divisional Commanders should take the opportunity to provide peak promotional leadership to this appeal. They should consider how to communicate best to ensure an increased response. The right communication, the right way, the right time, the right message to the right people. This appeal is a Corps appeal. It is not a THQ Appeal, but a synchronised Territorial Appeal. The responsibility for its success falls on the Corps Leadership and Divisional Leadership. V2 4 2.Sorting of Envelopes V2 5 Sorting of Envelopes After the Altar Service, the donations (envelopes) will need to be sorted into 2 categories:1. Envelopes containing Cash, Cheque or Money Orders Or 2. Envelopes containing Credit Card or Direct Debit instructions Instructions for processing each category are following. V2 6 3.Cash 3.Cash, Cash, Cheque and Money Order Instructions V2 7 Do NOT write out any receipts - All Receipts will be issued by Donor Care Services, THQ Cash, Cheque and Money order Instructions All Cash, Cheque and Money Orders should be recorded on “SDA worksheet” (see example attachment “a”) and banked on the first business day after appeal. Donations received after altar service should be processed in the same manner - Recorded on “SDA Worksheet” and banked as soon as possible. ** Separate SDA Worksheets need to be completed for each bank deposit with the date funds deposited to the Bank Recording on SDA Worksheet All donations need to be recorded, in the appropriate section, on the SDA Worksheet. Information required includes:a. Joint Donation Y/N b. Name c. Address d. $ Amount – Tax/Non Tax ** refer to attachment “a” for an example of the SDA worksheet including examples of how to complete each section. A “soft” copy of the worksheet will be emailed prior to appeal. NB Please ensure that you save this worksheet into a unique file, for example “SDA 2015 Worksheet1”. Worksheet2” et2” then 3 etc. Subsequent worksheets could then be named “SDA 2015 Workshe Bank Deposit After recording all donations on the SDA worksheet, print off the Bank Deposit Report, part of the SDA Worksheet, complete the deposit slip and Bank funds. Please ensure that you use the correct Self Denial deposit books for Self Denial Appeal. These books are held at the Corps, and each book contains a code number specific to your Corps. Processing the SDA Worksheet After recording the donations on the SDA worksheet and banking the donations, the saved SDA Worksheet needs to be emailed (as an attachment) to Clearly advise in your email the following:a. Corps Name b. Date funds banked NB A new SDA worksheet needs to be completed for each and every Bank Deposit Tax Deductible or Non Tax Deductible Gifts to The Salvation Army (Australia) Self Denial Fund for Overseas Aid are deductible for taxation purposes and MUST be used for development work and only in those countries approved by the Australian Tax Office. Gifts for the evangelical work of The Salvation Army are not tax deductible and will be used by The Salvation Army to support its mission. Please take care in entering tax deductible and non-tax deductible amounts on your Self Denial Appeal Worksheet V2 8 4. Credit Card & Direct Debit Instructions V2 9 Do NOT write out any receipts - All Receipts will be issued by Donor Care Services, THQ One Off - Credit Card/Direct Debit Instructions The following instructions are for all Credit Card and Direct Debit donations:1. Complete Credit Card/Direct Debit Summary Sheet (Attachment “b”) – please ensure that you mark your Corps, Date and number of donations enclosed 2. The donation envelope has both the name and amount of donation on the outside of the envelope for Corps Totals but the Credit Card and Direct Debit information is private and the individual envelopes should remain unopened.. 3. Place all Credit Card & Direct Debit envelopes in the Gold Envelopes provided by your DPRS 4. Send by mail (Australia Post) next business day Regular (Monthly) Credit Card/Direct Debit Instructions A number of Corps members opt to make monthly donations utilising their Credit Card or Direct Debit. A letter will be issued to these donors towards the end of February showing how much they have donated to date and projected $ amount of how much they would have donated at Altar Service Sunday. Donors will also have the opportunity at that time to adjust their pledge or account details by completing an attachment to that letter. New donors who wish to take up the offer of donating monthly in lieu of yearly also have that option. A “soft” copy of authority agreement forms will be forwarded prior to the Altar Service. V2 10 5.Payroll 5.Payroll Instructions V2 11 Payroll Instructions Some Corps members [only TSA employees], make payroll contributions to the Self Denial Appeal. This is encouraged and the application needs to be made directly through Payroll. Corps do not need to take any action in regards to Payroll. However, two things will occur on your behalf: • An individual ‘statement’ of giving will arrive at the Corps prior to the appeal including an indicative final figure. • A receipt at the EOY will be sent to each individual Payroll donor. Contact payroll at THQ direct if you wish to change the amount of your gift. Corps officers in new appointments may need to remember to change their payroll payroll directive to their new Corps. V2 12 6.Layby V2 13 Layby Instructions A number of Corps have been using a system they call “Layby”. In general terms, a small number of Corps members have been making weekly/monthly donations via their weekly planned giving envelopes – specifically marked to Self Denial Appeal. As an alternative to this Layby system, we would like to recommend that these donors convert to monthly giving to Self Denial by utilising Credit Card or Direct Debit arrangement with Donor Care Services, THQ. We will forward “soft” copies of authority agreements prior to the Altar Service. The benefit of this arrangement is as follows:a. No physical cash changes hands – a benefit to both donor and Corps b. Receipting is done by Donor Care Services as at 30/6/2015, one consolidated receipt c. Administration of donations is automated and far less work for Corps Administration Those Corps currently utilising the Layby system and elect to continue using the Layby system, can do so by adopting their current methodology. V2 14 7. Receipt Books V2 15 Are no longer to be used: Self Denial Receipt Books • Please return all unused SDA receipt books direct to your Divisional Public Relations Secretary • Keep any used receipt books at the Corps but clearly mark them 'do not use'. *** As per previous instruction from your Divisional Public Relations Secretary Remember: You will not need a receipt book for 2015 as Donor Care Services, THQ will be issuing ALL receipts for ALL donors V2 16 8.Role of Donor Care Services, THQ V2 17 Role of THQ Donor Care Services Donor Care Services (DCS), THQ will process all donations through Blackbaud (Database) upon receipt of SDA Worksheets by email and the Credit Card and Direct Debit envelopes. After processing, DCS will do the following:a. Print receipts and forward (via Australia Post) to donors b. Arrange Reporting to both Corps and DHQ c. Provide advice and guidance for processing of and reporting of SDA donations to Corps, DHQ and THQ Common Questions and Answers Q. What happens if the donors don’t include their address or don’t want to include their address? A. Default will be the Corps address. Receipts will be forwarded to the Corps for distribution Q. What do we do with the “loose” cash donations that are given in the altar service or by Corps Sections? Sections? A. Bulk the individual cash donations as one amount on the SDA Worksheet; Donor Care Services will attribute that to the Corps as an anonymous donation. This will NOT be receipted and will be treated as “Non Tax Deductible”. Contact Phone Numbers Donor Care Services, Melbourne Sue Williamson 03 8878 2421 Please contact Donor Care Services for queries regarding donation processing or reporting Planned Giving Department, Department, THQ Grace Pilley 03 88782393 Please contact Planned Giving Department for queries regarding Self Denial Appeal Creative or Administrative issues V2 18