I CHEM 111 Second hour test October 19,2006 Your full name (PLEASEPRINT) pape 1. of S Your scheduled Tuesdav quiz section @lease circle) B hr E hr Your scheduled Tuesdav quiz instructor: Make sure your test has FrVE pages---notify u s immediately if it does not. Do NOT detach pages from the staple. You Inay use a writing implement, hand-calculator, the pink data page, and your Periodic Table (unmarked, honor code) as obtained in this course. scratch paper is permitted! As requested of the faculty by the Studcnt Executive Committee, students must sit in every other seat during the test. The PROPER METHOD (i,e., Problem Set 0) must be shown clearly on all problems, and final answers must be expressed in appropriate form. Pay attention to dimensions!! When blanks for answers are provided, write your answer to be graded in the blank--we mav not grade answers written in other locations! For IJIE ~ I I ~ ~ oOf rllis S P test, ~ represent hydrotziunr ion as H 3 0 - and nor us I-iL(ag,. It is your responsibility to make sure the test you turn in has 5 securely fastened pages. 1. (8 pts) An electron moves with a velocity of 2.5 x 10' c d s . What is its wavelength in nm ( I nm= 1 x lo-")? Fundamental Fquation(s): Q-p= ~ r / k I Answer: 2. (8 pts) What is the wavelength of a Tray photon with an energy of 1,17 MeV (I MeV = I x 1 0 % ~and I eV = 9.648 x lo4 Jlmol)? Fundamental Equation(s): E =h L ==Ad > - 3. (3 pls) Write the Heisenberg uncertaintyequation: (dp)(.. 4. (8 pcs) Give the oxidation numbers of: ~ , z Tw 2.'7x/a,, ~ ~4 5. (4 pts) How many radial and angular nodes are associated with a 6d orbital? angular: 1. radial 3 6. (4 pts) What are all the possible quantum numbers of an electron in a 4p orbital? ? ' n 1 7. (4 pts) Give the precise name of the quantum numbers; 8. (4 pts) Circle the wmbination(s) of quantum numbers that are NOT permissibie. The numbers provided are in the order n, 1, ml,m, (a) 1,O,O,- 112 (b)3,1,0,+ld 10. (8 pts) Clearly write in the blanks provided formulas for the compounds given below: ammonium sulhte @/+iffz s O? lithium dichrornate sodium thiosulfate a,,5-r), calcium cyanide C * L iz C5o7 11. (6 pts) Please fill out the table below according to the method illustrated in recitation. electron dot picture? e- pair Shape? Molecular Shape? pool? (show work) (draw dots clearly) (Sketch and name) {Sketch and name) Hybridzation? #r-bonds 3 12. (9 pts) Draw pictures of the following individual orbitals (be sure to indicate phases, label axes, and label and iden ti fy nodes where appropriate): X 1 13.(5pts)Forthereaction, I Ss(s)+ % 02(g) -r S02(g)(whichobviouslyneedsbdancing), how many Iiters of SO2gas (ST) are produced h m the complete reaction of 7.0 grams of S8(s)? w Y,9 L Answer: 54(sW) 14. (8 pts) The following pairs of substances were first, as separate substances, mixed with water. Then the two aqueous mixtures were combined with thorough stirring. For each pair: (a) & (b) show by appropriate formula($) what would be present in the semrate m h hres; and then (c) deduce and write the balanced chemical esuatioa for tbe reaction(s1 which occur(s) when tbe two mixhues are combined, If no reactlorn occurs upon mixing, write "No reaction!" ammonium hydrogensulfate and excess potassium hydroxide @) ye OH.@ dtl$ Itsop calcium carbonate and ammonia 15 . (4 pts) Usiw only the space allocated write two or three concise, accurate, grammatical sentences to explain what Rutherford did and the signi ficance of his diswvq: eUntERFOfiD F f l E V d P ~ R ~ c E S 4 VEKy mm *HEEr WrL. ME D E F L E L ~ MF!/fmRd0077fmED S M W OF MOST of THE df V E 5 5 LdWED fi m y , OEWE ~ ( L L C ~ S . mar mss r4m rn 16. (3 pts) How many angular nodes and radial nodes are associated with the foIlowing orbital: angular: 0 radial: Z . Whal atomic orbital is this wavefunction describing? 35 17.(a) (2 pts) The curve shown on the graph be10w concerns hypothetical gas phase atoms X'and 'Y combining to form gas phase covalent1y-bonded molecular X-Y.What you must do is draw a curve for hypothetical gas phase ions and Y combining to form gas phase ionically-bonded (X*)(Y) given the following infonnation: re (X-Y)~ 2 . A; 0 (00= 3.0 A; E(X)= 3.50 x 102 kJIm01; EAIX) = -5.0 x 10' kJ/mol; IE(Y) = 4.00 x 1 d kJimol; EAC() = -1.00 x ld kllmol; = -4.6 x 10' kJ/rnol. 17. (b) (2 pts) The species will prefer to be bonded (circle one) ionicaIly o WE (x+(\/> Z W E X J ~ LCURVE. 5m-AISLE; 7HU3 X-Y LOVAI-EW 35 Jm and given (d) (4 pts) Given a value of the constant "k" in Ulc Coulomb's law equation of 2.307 x 1 that by d e f ~ t i o n1 A = 1 x 10'" m,calculate to three significant figures and exprcss your answer in kllmol. be, - k Q,Q z r P,E -- 2 . 3 6 7 ~ 1-28 0r n +I --I answer: PLEDGE: I have neither given nor received any unacknowledged aid on this test,