DRAFT Building Energy Engineering Education Using Case Studies (Bringing Design Practice to the Classroom) Objectives Primary: Develop a database of case studies for different types of buildings analyzed with different energy conservation options using different building energy analysis programs. Secondary: Develop supporting teaching materials and courses based on case studies. Abstract All commercial buildings today must comply with energy codes. This is done with building energy analysis computer programs. The minimum qualification of the building energy analyst required by A-E design firms is a degree in mechanical, electrical or architectural engineering and proficiency in one or more energy analysis programs. Present engineering education provides this. Additional qualification requirement of the building energy analyst position is at least five years of practical design experience leading to professional engineering registration. The energy program does a theoretical evaluation of the building for energy use which does not take into account several practical constraints and issues. A database of case studies of building energy analysis can be used to teach practice in the classroom. Background Forty percent of U.S. primary energy was consumed in the buildings sector. The industrial sector was responsible for 32% and the transportation sector 28% of the total. Of the 40 quads consumed in the buildings sector, homes accounted for 54% and commercial buildings accounted for 46%. As for energy sources, 76% came from fossil fuels, 15% from nuclear generation, and 8% from renewables. Source: USDOE- Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. http://buildingsdatabook.eren.doe.gov/ChapterIntro1.aspx Lighting represents roughly 40 percent of the energy consumption in the commercial building sector. The diversity of this sector presents some challenges to effectively mining energy saving opportunities. For example, schools, hospitals and office buildings have varying lighting requirements based upon the workspace in question. Source: Consortium for Energy Efficiency http://www.cee1.org/com/com-lt/com-lt-main.php3 The first attempt to control building energy consumption was the ASHRAE-IESNA Standard 90 by American Society of Heating & Air-conditioning and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America in 1975. This standard has been updated in 1980, 1989, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2010. The building energy use standard gets more stringent with each update. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 called on USDOE to support the adoption and mandatory enforcement of energy codes in all states. By the year 2004 all US States had an Energy Code. Source: USDOE 1 DRAFT Building Energy Codes Program - http://www.energycodes.gov/about/ State and city codes are based ASHRAE Standard 90. Energy consumption and the manufacture of building materials result in atmospheric pollution and climate change. The US Green Building Council (USGBC) introduced LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification of buildings that rates buildings for environmental friendliness. http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=1989 Although not mandatory, almost all building owners and designers feel an obligation to reach the minimum LEED standards. Three major components of the LEED credit rating system are Materials & Resources, Energy & Atmosphere, and Indoor Air Environmental Quality. All three components require building energy analysis. All commercial buildings must now comply with building energy codes. There are two methods for complying with code requirements. The prescriptive method requires that the building’s envelope, lighting, mechanical & electrical systems must meet minimum performance requirements separately using a detailed component breakdown. The performance method requires that the building as whole comply with the minimum requirements of the code for that type and size of building. An extension of this method is the energy cost budget method which is designed to reduce energy cost by reducing the demand cost on the electrical power supply. USDOE has programs like RES-check and COM-check for the first method. This second method requires the use of building energy analysis programs. The USDOE programs for this method are EnergyPlus and DOE2. Code compliance of most commercial building is by using the second method – the performance method. Commercial building energy codes & standards and the LEED rating system are enforced with building energy modeling, simulation and analysis computer programs at the time of submitting the building construction documents and with measurement & verification after the building is occupied and in operation. The programs are complex and the scope includes analyzing almost all components of the architectural, lighting, mechanical & electrical systems. The procedure consists of comparing the proposed building model design with a baseline model. The baseline has to be identical to the proposed architectural model in terms of dimensions of plans, sections & elevations. The baseline envelope materials and mechanical & electrical systems are specified by ASHRAE Std90 and the building energy codes for different building types & locations. The proposed model can change the envelope and other construction materials and the energy consuming lighting, mechanical & electrical systems to save energy but not the architectural dimensional model. There is published reference data (resembling case studies) on building energy consumption in the US and also reference building energy models for different types of buildings but they do not teach engineering students how to perform building energy analysis for energy code compliance and LEED certification. The building models are very simple. Examples: Building Energy Data Book 2 DRAFT http://buildingsdatabook.eren.doe.gov/default.aspx Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) http://www.eia.gov/emeu/cbecs/cbecs2003/detailed_tables_2003/detailed_tables_2003.html Commercial Buildings Resource Database http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/commercial_initiative/resource_database/ Vision & Rationale The use of energy computer programs was not mandatory until States introduced energy codes. Except for California and Florida, most States introduced codes just before the deadline of 2004. Federal buildings had 10CFR434 which does not have to be as stringent as ASHRAE Std90. LEED certification is not mandatory. Energy computer programs were therefore not used on most projects until the introduction of energy codes. All architectural-engineering design firms (AEDs) in the USA must now have expertise in the use of at least one of the major recognized energy computer programs or they have to subcontract this work to a firm or individual that does. The building energy modeler and analyst is a vital profession within the building industry. Energy program results are used to compare alternative design options and make decisions when selecting envelope, systems and plant. They are also used to show energy code compliance and for sustainable buildings certification. Design decisions are also based on: (1) first & maintenance costs, (2) reliability & durability of systems, plant and equipment, (3) ease of operation and maintenance, (4) availability of parts & maintenance staff at the location, and (5) environmental impacts. Such decisions require many years of practical design experience. It is not included in university education. Different programs can produce different results depending on several factors one of which is due to erroneous use of the programs because of the (lack of) educational and experience level of the person using the program. Energy programs are based almost entirely on theory. Undergraduate and graduate programs in this field emphasize theory. A meaningful, practical and cost effective energy analysis requires the engineer to have a background in A-E (architectural-engineering) design practice which includes following through with construction supervision and resolving problems during operation. The energy analyst should have a full perspective of the building through design, construction and operation. Academic education of this science is presently based on understanding theory used by the energy analysis program. The results of energy programs are not used in design and therefore do no not directly affect construction and operation. More detailed specialized analysis programs are used during design. The design process considers every item that consumes energy separately such as stair 3 DRAFT pressurization fans, escalators, etc. Equipment consumes energy. Energy programs only consider major equipment items and they are all approximately lumped under equipment loads in watts per square foot and equipment gas and fuel oil usage in energy per square foot. Energy program users are mainly Architectural-Engineering Designers (AEDs) that use the programs on real building projects. They are also used by academic institutions for teaching in the classroom and for research but the teaching faculty have little or no experience in A-E design practice and therefore emphasize theory. This theory is now buried in black boxes (software) of the computer program and it is possible to use (or misuse) the program by someone who does not understand the underling engineering theory. Building energy education therefore begins with learning the engineering but the final decisions have to be based on practical experience. The success and value of energy programs should be measured by its use on real building projects for design-evaluation, code-compliance and LEED-certification. Educational programs must reflect this. Case Studies of different building types with their energy conservation options are the best way for teaching and learning correct use of building energy analysis programs from a whole project life cycle perspective. This also levels the playing field in ensuring the correct use of the program for code compliance and LEED certification by all users. Most of the case studies posted on websites and magazine articles consist of very brief summaries only, and are intended to promote the AE design firm. They emphasize pictures of the buildings and the names of the companies, architects & engineers. There are no details of how they were analyzed. Examples are the ASHRAE Journal and the ASHRAE High Performance Buildings magazine - http://www.ashrae.org/resources--publications/periodicals/ashrae-journal http://www.hpbmagazine.org/ A database of case studies covering different building types and sizes in different locations based on real projects should be developed by the industry for reference purposes. The same case studies projects should be analyzed with different programs and they should give approximately the same results. Small differences in results are due to differences in modeling theory. For example the newer USDOE Energy-Plus differs from the older USDOE DOE2 program in heat transfer. The purpose is not to compare and check programs. The purpose is to ensure that they are all used correctly and users of different programs are competing on the same playing field. This ensures that one program does not produce more energy savings because of user ignorance and incorrect use. Energy programs are very complex and it is difficult for code authorities to check the modeling details. Certification of energy analysts is a solution but a two year engineering graduate program that teaches theory and practice that ensures that buildings are analyzed correctly for code compliance. The main purpose of the case study approach for teaching building energy analysis is that the programs are used based also on the practical needs of the building owner, 4 DRAFT financial constraints and limitations of the building location social environment, and not just energy saving options based theory. Several engineering colleges have two year post graduate degree programs in building energy analysis. The entry requirement is usually an undergraduate degree in mechanical or electrical engineering. Example: Master of Energy Engineering at the Engineering College of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) http://www.cs.uic.edu/bin/view/MIE/MastersOfEnergyEngineering Few building energy programs in colleges, if any, emphasize engineering practice because there are no case studies or teaching materials for such programs. This information presently exists only in the heads of practicing architectural engineering designers. This project will be developed mainly by architects and engineers in practice. (See Appendix ? for supporting A-E design firms) and will bring practical experience to the classroom. Scope There are two parts to the scope of this project corresponding to the primary and secondary objectives as described below. Primary: Develop a database of case studies for different types of buildings analyzed with different energy conservation options using different building energy analysis programs. Secondary: Develop supporting teaching materials and courses based on the case studies. Primary: Case Studies of Building Energy Performance Analysis The case studies would discuss the pros and cons of the various energy conservation options for the given building type, location and cost budget. The architectural design would demonstrate passive energy savings such as day-lighting. The case studies would also show how to write client reports and establish standard formats for the energy reports. The case study buildings should be extended to the schematic design level with riser diagrams, equipment (use energy) schedules, ductwork and piping system schematics and control sequence of operation of systems (corresponds to “Load Management” in DOE2.1E). This ensures that the energy analysis decisions are also based practice and not just theory. The case studies would be in two categories. The first would consist of contributions by A-E design firms. They would show the energy savings features of different types of buildings based on real projects. The firms would be credited and also help promote the services of the firm since there will be no compensation for their contributions. Alternatively, A-E firms could provide drawings and schedules of past projects and graduate students could analyze them with different energy programs (DOE2.1E, eQUEST-DOE2.2, TRNSYS, TRACE, HAP & EnergyPlus) and later compare the results with measurement and verification (M&V). 5 DRAFT Since the year 2000, many building projects have been submitted for Code Compliance and LEED Certification. Presently this information is scattered in the archives of code authorities. It is not analyzed statistically and organized for easy reference in the design of future buildings. This project will try and rectify the situation. The second category would consist of projects that can be used for teaching. The buildings for the case studies could be based on completed buildings but would be simplified to eliminate details and repetition and to demonstrate ideas and issues for teaching. Graduate architectural students would be responsible for creating plans of different types of buildings. It would include different types and sizes of hospital, office, retail, hotel buildings. A project case study for teaching should be analyzed by several energy analysis programs comparing different energy savings strategies. This would be the task of graduate engineering students. The students will require guidance and supervision from practitioners and faculty. The purpose of the database of case studies is not to compare the results of the programs but because it gives the student a better understanding of energy analysis, it brings experience to the classroom, some programs are better suited for specific options, and employers expect proficiency in two or more programs. Secondary: Develop Courses in Energy Efficient Building Design Educational programs are required to teach building energy analysis with case studies. The courses would be for two-year graduate programs. These programs would be for Architectural Engineering and Architecture Colleges and will emphasize building design practice. The courses would emphasize inter-disciplinary design integration and production since each disciple has its own group (AIA, ASHRAE, ASCE, ASPE, NFPA, etc.) The proposed graduate programs will be developed by A-E design firms to meet their needs and emphasize inter-disciplinary design practice. The course lecture notes would explain the merits of various alternatives of building envelopes, systems, plants and equipment and advice on the suitability for different building types, locations and cost budget. Designing to a cost budget and life-cycle cost analysis will require developing a simplified cost estimating system. This graduate program can be taught by Adjunct staff working full time at A-E firms if it is offered in the evenings, weekend and internet. If the 1 to 3 hour lecture-modules of the courses have been fully prepared and documented, then several adjuncts can teach one course. The teaching materials could include external links to several websites for each topic. For example, manufacturers of building components and equipment provide good educational materials on the use and applications of their products and for the building system. 6 DRAFT Building Energy Performance Analysis Database The figures below show the proposed initial structure of the database. The project is ongoing and the scope and structure can change based on contributions by A-E design firms. 7 DRAFT 8 DRAFT 9 DRAFT 10 DRAFT Costs and Timeline The estimated cost is $300,000 over three years to organize and establish the program. The cost of BEPARC project engineering development and educational programs will be with volunteer time and resources from A-E design professionals and academic faculty. Funding from NSF is required to establish and BEPARC.org. This consists of two parts (A) and (B) Part (A) involves developing a system to receive and organize project case studies from the A-E industry into a database and to search and retrieve information from the database; training seminars; and administration of the project. Part (B) requires graduate research students (Ph.D. candidates) to analyze the case studies submitted by A-E design firms with multiple energy analysis programs, index them and enter into them into the database. It also includes validating energy analysis computer programs with measurement & verification of completed buildings and developing & maintaining the supporting databases such as design criteria, codes, standards and cost estimating for LCCA. The database of case studies will be available to all contributing colleges and A-E design firms. Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) will be responsible submitting the application to NSF, for hosting the BEPARC organization on the IIT campus, and for technical and financial administration. Cost Breakdown Etc Principal-Investigator (PI) and Co- Principal-Investigators (Co-PIs) 11 DRAFT Co-PI – Varkie Thomas Varkie C. Thomas is Research Professor with the Ph.D. Program at the College of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, where he teaches graduate courses in Energy Efficient Building Design and advises doctoral candidates specializing in this topic. Academic: B.Sc. (Honors) in Mathematics from Bombay University, 1961; Post-Graduate Diploma in Environmental Engineering from London South Bank University, 1964; PostGraduate Diploma (with Distinction) and Ph.D. in Industrial Management from Strathclyde University Glasgow, UK, 1969. Registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) and Certified Energy Manager (CEM - Association. of Energy Engineers). 1969-70 - Fortran Programmer-Engineer at Syska & Hennessy to develop M-E design programs. This included debugging, maintaining, enhancing and supporting the APEC (Automated Procedures for Engineering Consultants) programs. He developed programs for ReliabilityMaintainability of Chillers & Boilers and Evaporative Cooling Pond/Tower Analysis. 1971-74 - Project M-E Engineer at Jaros, Baum & Bolles for Federal Reserve Bank Buildings in Minneapolis and Boston; State University of New York, Purchase; New York; Dartmouth College Ice Rink, New Hampshire; and Dow Corning Chemical Laboratories, Midland, Michigan. 1975-84 Systems Manager at McQuay Corporation; Director of Systems Development at International Environmental Corp., and Senior Research Engineer at Johnson Controls. Developed M-E design programs that were supported and marketed worldwide by McDonnell Douglas Automation and Control Data Cybernet, and HVAC equipment selection programs based on AMCA and ARI standards. Taught short courses at the College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Extension (UWEX) Madison, WI 1985 to 2005 - Associate Partner and the M-E Engineering Coordinator at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) for the multibillion dollar Canary Wharf infrastructure London; Director for M-E Engineering Systems Development for the IBM Architecture & Engineering Series (AES) software developed at SOM; and Building Energy Analyst. Code Compliance & USGBC LEED certification Projects: Samsung Building, Korea; Airport Terminal, Dubai; United Airlines World Headquarters, Chicago; Continental Airlines Terminal, Newark NJ; 7 S. Dearborn (proposed world’s tallest), Chicago; Long Arts Center, Austin TX; Arts Center San Francisco; Minto Towers Toronto; Manulife Office Tower Boston; Messilah Hotel Kuwait; Cancer Research Center NYC; Peninsula Hotel Tokyo; Yangpu University, China; VAMC Hospital Chicago; Korea World Trade Center; Police College Kuwait; 160-story Burj-Dubai; AlHamra-Kuwait; Greenland Center, Nanjing; ChemSunny Beijing. 1992 to 97 Adjunct Professor at Penn State, Associate Professor at Oklahoma, member of the United Nations Technical Program to China in 1991 and Visiting Professor from Purdue to Malaysia in 1996/97 funded by the World Bank. 12