Master Program Data Form For Approval of a new or changed degree, certificate, major/field of study, or concentration Department:_____________________________________________School:_______________________________________ NEW PROGRAMS: Complete all sections below and attach supporting documents to address the proposal elements, including the rationale, market analysis, resources required, and a business plan. See PROGRAM REVISIONS: Complete only those sections below that have changed. Attach a brief explanation of the reason for the proposed changes and supporting documents as appropriate. Action Requested: New Program Approval If replacing an existing program, enter name of program to be terminated: _______________________________________________ Effective: Fall Spring Summer Year: 20___ Level: Undergraduate Graduate Law (J.D.) Medicine (M.D) Delete Program Change in Program (check all that apply) Name Level Admissions requirements Curricular requirements Location Other changes: _______________________________________________________________ Existing Program New/Revised Program Area of Study Major/Field of Study Concentration Minor Secondary Field Type of Program Degree (M.S., Ph.D., etc.) Certificate (indicate undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, graduate, or post master’s) Location: Main Campus Mount Vernon Virginia Science & Technology Campus GW Off Campus Site:__________________________ Other:_________________________________ Admissions requirements and course prerequisites for entry into the program: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Curricular Requirements for Completion of Program: On a separate sheet, list the names, designations, and numbers of all required courses, the number and type of electives, and any other requirements for completion of the program (e.g., internship thesis, dissertation). Total credit hours required:____________ Budgetary Information: Will this program require additional resources not currently available within the department (faculty, staff, library, computing, facilities, equipment, etc.) Yes No (If yes, please provide details on a separate sheet). Approvals: _________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Office of the Provost/date Chair/date Dean/date