York Memorial Collegiate Institute ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: WEBSITE: GRADE RANGE: 2015-2016 Features Our R.U.S.H. Program offers enrichment for high achieving students in all areas of the curriculum. Students in grades 9-11 will follow the Pre-AP curriculum for all subjects (the only school in the TDSB to offer a full Pre-AP Program) and then take AP courses in grades 11 and 12. In May of 2014, YMCI was selected as one of only 6 schools in Canada to offer the specialized AP CAPSTONE DIPLOMA PROGRAM. Being selected for this prestigious program is simply one accomplishment that has helped maintain Y.M.C.I.'s place as one of the largest and most successful AP schools in Ontario. 2690 Eglinton Ave W, York, ON M6M 1T9 (416) 394-3000 YorkMemorial@tdsb.on.ca http://www.yorkmemorial.ca 9 to 12 Since our doors first opened in 1929, York Memorial Collegiate Institute has earned a well-deserved reputation for excellence. Our wide range of course offerings, an extensive extra-curricular program, and a traditional year-long timetable continue to attract students from across Toronto. In addition, York Memorial offers students specialized programs that include the R.U.S.H. (Roadmap to University Success with Honours), Pre - AP and Advanced Placement (AP) programs. York Memorial is leading the way in offering a wide range (14 courses) of Advanced Placement courses in all subject areas and is currently ranked first among all public schools in Ontario. York Memorial is recognized nationally and internationally by many universities. Our Students Student Data Total number of students: 910 Gender: Female 490 (54%) Male 420 (46%) The students at York Memorial come from over 15 feeder schools and represent an unbelievable mix of cultures and experiences. At York Memorial we believe in the concept that all students should be receiving as holistic an education as possible. School is not just about books and memorization, it is also about learning life skills, making friends and discovering one's true self. We want all of our students to enjoy coming to school each and every day in order to learn and to better themselves. More Information about York Memorial Collegiate Institute Humanities The humanities is the largest area of discipline in the school's subject offerings. The humanities offer great preparation to university-bound students seeking admission in professional faculties such as Law, Business and Economics in addition to programs of study in the fields of Psychology, Sociology, Geography, History, Philosophy and Anthropology. Fine Arts We offer a wide range of courses in music, drama, dance and the visual arts. No auditions are required. We produce a number of major shows every year in dance and music and host art exhibitions featuring our visual arts students and their work. Our bands bring recognition to York Memorial in competitions and at international events. Mathematics, Computers and Science (MCS) The RUSH program offers unique opportunities in mathematics, computers and sciences for those who demonstrate exceptional ability. AP students are able to take AP courses alongside Earth and Space Science, Fundamentals of Engineering, Brain Behaviour and Computer Science. These courses are particularly valuable for those interested in any math, science or computer field. Business Through the Pre-Advanced Placement and Advanced Placement programs, our students are provided with a strong foundation in Business Studies that prepares them for University level Business Programs. Courses offered include Accounting, Advanced Placement Micro Economics, International Business, Marketing, Advanced Placement Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Additional Features ● ● ● ● COGNITIVE STUDIES INCLUDES: AP Psychology, Brain Behaviour, AP Chemistry, AP Biology AP Statistics, AP Calculus ● ● ● ● OUT OF CLASSROOM OPPORTUNITIES: Participation-U of T Brain Olympiad Numerous Math, Science contests Extensive lab research For a list of all programs that are also offered visit http://www.tdsb.on.ca/Findyour/Schools.aspx?schno=6697&schoolId=1458 Student Life - Where You Belong At the annual Welcome Back Assembly, student leaders take the stage to introduce students to our array of clubs, teams and sports activities. We offer many clubs including arts, drama, poetry, library, Raptors Book Club, Kiwanis Key Club, Give Charity, QSA, recycling, music and fitness. You can join the ECO team, IMPACT, the South Asian, Black History Club, Power Cheerleading, Math and Outdoor Adventure Clubs. Our school organizes events such as Terry Fox Day, Community Clean Up, Community Holiday Party, Various Humanitarian Relief initiatives and other community and global awareness and fundraising initiatives. Students have a variety of sports to participate in or cheer for. Some of these sports include basketball, volleyball, badminton, hockey, baseball, cricket, soccer, swimming, tennis, cross country, cheerleading and track and field. Our music programs are also top notch! We offer a number of courses from grades 9 to 12 in band, strings, vocals, guitars, keyboarding and music composition. Students also use MAC computers to compose, edit and record their music. We have over 115 various clubs and teams at York Memorial. There is something for everyone! What Sets Us Apart Our programs yield impressive results. Our students excel, achieving test scores well above average by the time they reach post secondary education and as such, many of our students earn entrance scholarships to post secondary institutions. Every year YMCI ranks amongst the province leaders in terms of our National AP Scholars. In addition to these National Scholars we also have many others qualify for a variety of AP Scholar Awards. In May of 2014, YMCI was selected as one of only 6 schools in all of Canada to offer the prestigious AP CAPSTONE DIPLOMA PROGRAM based on our AP successes. All YMCI students have harddrive space for their files, as well as personal logins and passwords to protect their information. The RUSH, Pre-AP and AP programs are all outstanding opportunities for students to enhance their abilities, enrich their academic skills and prepare for the challenges of post secondary studies. YMCI leads the way in offering the largest number of exams and the most successful results of all Pre-AP and AP schools in Ontario. Parent and Community Engagement -Unison: York Community & Social Services -Toronto Police Service, CPLC 12 Div., TAVIS, -Community Mobilization, Crimestoppers -Eglinton Hill Business Improvement Association -Silverthorn Ratepayers Association -Parks and Recreation Dept. (City of Toronto) -MPP Laura Albanese; MP Ahmed Hussen; Councillor Frank Di Giorgio -Toronto Public Health -Horizons for Youth -School Council & Parents Helping Parents Workshops -Empowered Student Partnerships -School Eco Green Team & Community Clean Up Initiative -Pathways in Education -School Trustee is Chris Tonks TDSB - Better Schools. Brighter Futures Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They are community-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety of opportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices. Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice, access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential. Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financial stability. Contact Information SCHOOL NAME: York Memorial Collegiate Institute ADDRESS: 2690 Eglinton Ave W, York, ON M6M 1T9 TELEPHONE: (416) 394-3000 EMAIL: YorkMemorial@tdsb.on.ca http://www.tdsb.on.ca/Findyour/Schools.aspx?schno=6697&schoolId=1458