GLOSSARY ACRONYMS + TERMS Acronyms AFIRM Apparel and Footwear International RSL (Restricted Substances List) Management BICEP Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy BOD Biochemical (biological) oxygen demand BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee BSR Business for Social Responsibility CAFA Charities Aid Foundation of America CAMFED Campaign for Female Education CCTF China Children and Teenagers’ Fund CDP Carbon Disclosure Project CERES/Ceres Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies CLS Code Leadership Standard CO2 Carbon dioxide COC Code of Conduct COD Chemical oxygen demand CR Corporate responsibility EDNA U.S. Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2009 EHQ NIKE, Inc’s European Headquarters EMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa EOT Excessive overtime EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPM Environmentally preferred material ESH Environment, safety and health EU European Union FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FESI Federation of European Sporting Goods Industry FFC Fair Factories Clearinghouse FLA Fair Labor Association FOA Freedom of association FSC Forest Stewardship Council FY Fiscal year (Nike’s begins June 1 each year) G-20 Group of 20 NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY07-09 168 GLOSSARY ACRONYMS + TERMS GHG Greenhouse gas GLBT Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender GRI Global Reporting Initiative GX GreenXchange HR Human resources HRM Human resources management HWC Homeless World Cup HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning IBLF The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum ICRW International Center for Research on Women IACC International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition Inc. IFC International Finance Committee IHS Indian Health Service ILO International Labor Organization IP/IPR Intellectual Property / Intellectual Property Rights IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IT Information technology J-PAL Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) KPI Key performance indicators LEED-EB Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Existing Buildings LEED-CI Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Commercial/Industrial LEED-NC Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction LWG Leather Working Group kWh Kilowatt-hour M-Audit Management Audit MAP Master action plan MAT Material Analysis Tool MAV Management Audit Verification MDG Millennium Development Goals MFA Multi Fibre Arrangement MOU Memorandum of understanding MSI Multi-stakeholder initiatives MSP Multi-stakeholder partnership NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY07-09 169 GLOSSARY ACRONYMS + TERMS MWBE Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise NGO Non-governmental organization NITC NOS/Nike Innovation Training Center NOS (lean) NSAP New Source Approval Process NSIF Nike School Innovation Fund OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PAC Political action committee PATH Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PBAS Partnership Brokers Accreditation Scheme PDS Petroleum-derived solvents (formerly referred to as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)) PFP Perfluoropropane PVC Polyvinyl chloride QBPC Quality Brands Protection Committee RAS Reuse-A-Shoe REC Renewable Energy Certificate ROI Return on investment RSL Restricted substances list SAFI Sustainable Apparel and Footwear Initiative of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement SAY Shaping America’s Youth SB+I Sustainable Business and Innovation SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride SCAP Sustainable Clothing Action Plan SHAPE Safety, Health, Attitude, People and Environment SKUs Shop-keeping units SPARK Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids SRI Socially responsible investment/investor SUSU Stand Up Speak Up TSS Total suspended solids UNGC United National Global Compact UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees USGBC U.S. Green Building Council VOC Volatile organic compound NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY07-09 170 GLOSSARY ACRONYMS + TERMS WEF World Economic Forum WFN Women’s Funding Network WFSGI World Federation Sporting Goods Industry WHQ NIKE, Inc’s World Headquarters WTO World Trade Organization WWF World Wildlife Fund NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY07-09 171 GLOSSARY ACRONYMS + TERMS Terms Baseline Standard A measured level of performance, across certain criteria, at a given point in time. Business Unit A part of the business that performs specific tasks, develops strategies, and manages performance. Closed-Loop Closed-loop products are designed and built for reuse and recycling. Imagine running shoes made with only environmentally preferred materials that can be disassembled into their parts, recycled into new materials and used to produce new running shoes. Nike is extending Closed-Loop thinking to manufacturing and other business processes. Considered Design A company-wide design ethos and a team focused on sustainable product innovation, dedicated to increasing the use of environmentally preferred materials and decreasing waste and toxics in Nike branded products. Considered Index Evaluates Nike product against Considered Design Ethos on five criteria: materials, waste, materials, garment treatments, innovation Creative Commons Nonprofit organization that increases sharing and improves collaboration; NIKE, Inc’s partner with other businesses in launching GreenXchange Culture of Empowerment A cornerstone of lean manufacturing, pioneered by Toyota. Model illustrates overlap in those areas identified for creating a culture of empowerment and those showing the most need for improvement from factory management audits. Downstream Parts of the value chain closer to the end consumer. Embedded energy Energy investment in a product; energy used in the work of making a product Funnel The Natural Step visual construct demonstrating the transition from today’s economy to a sustainable economy. NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY07-09 172 GLOSSARY ACRONYMS + TERMS GreenXchange New platform for enabling the sharing of intellectual property established by NIKE, Inc, Creative Commons and partner businesses. Inside the Lines NIKE, Inc’s Code of Ethics Lean A philosophy of delivering the most value to the customer while consuming the fewest resources. Let Me Play Nike programming for global youth excluded from access to sport. Making the CaseTM Measurement and evaluation framework created by the Women’s Funding Network The Natural Step A nonprofit environmental education organization working to build an ecologically and economically sustainable society. Nike Grind Material used in sports surfaces, playgrounds and other product made from recycled shoes through Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe program. North Star Our aim, defining what sustainable products and a sustainable company would look like. Responsible Competitiveness Increasing business and industry competitiveness through responsible practices across the supply chain. Rewire A Nike-wide review of how we could influence improvements of working conditions in contracted factories. ROI2 Business strategies that generate a combination of financial, environmental and/or social returns on investment. Scorecard A mechanism for measuring progress against vision and strategy that provides a comprehensive view of performance. NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY07-09 173 GLOSSARY ACRONYMS + TERMS Sustainable Venture A social or environmental partnership that is self-sustaining financially. Title IX 1972 U.S. legislation, the Patsy T. Mike Equal Opportunity in Education Act, that opened the door for female athletes to pursue sport and improve gender equality. Upstream Parts of the value chain closer to concept and design. WE Portal Collaborative digital tool for employees to connect with community organizations and one another and take on issues that are important to them. It enables employees to volunteer, donate and give their voice to the organizations and communities they care about. Wikinomics Open-sourced mass collaboration. NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY07-09 174 NIKE, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Report FY2007-FY2009