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July/August, 2009
T U C S O N D E T A C H M E N T 0 0 7
Commandant Message:
ttention on deck! Good, now
that I have your attention, at
ease. On behalf of my wife and family, we hope everyone is well and
doing fine. Our condolences go out
to those who have lost their loved
ones. Congratulations to those who
have reached milestones in their
lives. I would like to welcome our new members
and the many returning members. It is also good
to see the faces of Easy Co. As we enter into monsoon season and the dog days of summer, we as a
detachment continue with our planned activities.
May was a busy with mother’s day, membership
family day, May birthdays and Memorial Day. Our
Color Guard performed at three different locations and did an excellent job. OOHRAH! We had
great attendance for the Devil Pup golf tournament and many prizes given out. I thank the staff
of volunteers and our chef Hector Montoya for
slaving in the heat over the dogs and burgers.
Andy and Paloma, thank you for the salsa and
salads. Private parties continue to be popular at
our clubhouse and we have many bookings. During the month of May, the convention committee
continued to work hard in preparation of the convention in June.
June- Again another busy month. A fundraiser
was held at the clubhouse for Diane Urias. I thank
our staff for the long hours they put in supporting
the family. A job well done! We continued with
our regular monthly activities with the state convention falling right in the middle of everything
and a private party that was scheduled on that
Friday night.
Marine Corps League State Convention at the
Desert Diamond Casino June 18th to 20th. Wow!
We started with the golf tournament held at Haven G.C. in Green Valley and the luncheon at the
clubhouse afterwards. Great chow and awards.
Ana and Melisa at the golf course as hostesses
then going to the clubhouse to help out. In the
meantime, Anna Marie is coordinating functions
at the clubhouse and Desert Diamond, Virginia
Rivera and Patty Munguia preparing the chow
and chow line for the returning hungry golfers
and had it all set up in place. After the luncheon
the Color Guard jumps into action and heads to
the Diamond to open the now famous “Operations
Center” (aka hospitality room) and maintains a
tactical posture in keeping the MCL delegates
and members hydrated and informed. Friday we
continued to be tactical until the end of the convention on Sunday morning. Fridays’ meeting
consisted of the Commandants Council, and
MODD Growl. Three of our members, John Rodriguez, Marty Ramirez and Tony Alvarez were
initiated into the Military Order of the Devil Dogs
(MODD). Nobody missed a step and all contingencies were covered in the true “Espirt de
Corps”. Saturday continued all day with meetings
(convention minutes will be available at the clubhouse.) A great lunch was served by the Desert
Diamond Staff for the delegates, members and
staff. Later that evening we attended the Banquet
with the installation of the new state officers and
awards ceremony. Our guest speaker was SgtMajor Anthony Martinez, a local native son. During
part of his career he was 1stSgt of the I&I Staff of
the local Bulk Fuel Reserve Unit during its first
activation of Operation Iraqi Freedom, later sent
to Camp Pendleton, and now back in Arizona
working with the Recruiters statewide. Thank
you SgtMajor, it was an honor to have you Sir. A
very delicious dinner was served with a showing
of “Tucson Remembers” the KUAT special of the
Easy Company in Korea. The convention concluded Sunday with a meeting of the new State
Staff Officers. All in all, business was conducted, a
great opportunity to meet our fellow Leaguers,
sharing of great meals together with beautiful
rooms and the camaraderie per MCL values. I
received a great many kudos and congratulations
on a very fine and well attended convention, the
first in quite sometime. A great time was had by
all. I cannot fully take credit for this. It is the great
staff and members that have worked hard and
diligently and have put this together over the last
few months. I give my heart felt thanks to a wonderful number one staff: Anna Marie Arenas,
Estela Arenas, Ana Montoya, Melisa Cota,
Gretchen Chambless, Diane Munguia, Patricia
Munguia, Virginia Rivera, Trina Cabello, Kathy
Robinson, Jerry Coyle, Ron Dominquez, Marty
Ramirez, Frank Jimenez, Manny Munguia Jr. and
Tony Alvarez. Our Color Guard: Ben Rivera,
Sonny Rivera, John Rodriguez, Abner Reese, and
Oscar Montijo. Constance and Phil of the Green
Valley Detachment. A special thanks to Terry
Byron and Anna Marie Arenas for their work in
putting out a great convention program book
honoring “Easy Company”.
Continue on page 2
Regular Meeting:
1st Thursday of the Month
216 E. 29th St.
PO Box 27909
Tucson, AZ 85726-7909
Phone: (520)624-4351
Sr. Vice Comdt:
Jr. Vice Comdt.:
Judge Advocate:
Sgt. At Arms:
Jr. Past Comdt.:
Manny Munguia
Antonio Alvarez
Marty Ramirez
Ben Rivera
Kathy Robinson
Bert Rincon
Andy Herreras
Ron Dominguez
Virginia Rivera
Abner Reese, Jr.
Board of Directors
Jerry Coyle ~ Tony Esparza
Harry Gilmore ~ Al Majalca ~
John Rodriguez - Anna Marie Arenas
Devil Pup Liaison Reps.
Al Garcia ~ Harold Don
David Caballero
Color Guard
Sonny Rivera ~ Ben Rivera
VAVS Southern AZ Rep.
Robert Shirley
VA Service Officer
Fred Hollwedel
Clubhouse Manager
Anna Marie Arenas
Web Master
Virginia Rivera
PASSWORD Editor/Publisher
Virginia Rivera
The PASSWORD is a publication of the Tucson
Detachment Marine Corps League
The PASSWORD is published once a month.
*Please direct all article, submissions, Correspondence or inquires to;
Tucson Detachment Marine Corps League
C/O Virginia Rivera
PO Box 27909
Tucson, AZ 85726-7909
*Some article will be subject for approval by the
Commandant or the E-Board.
Inside this issue
Cmndt Message
Jr. Vice Cmndt.
Chaplain’s Report
Devil Pup Program
Directors Message
Upcoming Events
Wounded Warriors
July Birthdays
August Birthdays
July Calendar
August Calendar
Again I thank all of you for your dedication and commitment to
the Detachment and the Marine Corps League. If I missed anyone
I apologize for the omission.
July will be another busy month, starting with VA bingo, General meeting and tacos, open house on Independence Day, clubhouse meeting ( I would like to see more participation by members and Associate members at these meetings), Devil Pups depart on the 15th and return on the 25th, again tacos, and a reminder that the clubhouse will be closed on the 18th (Saturday).
In between Tardeadas, dances and private parties, the month of
August will be dedicated to the Leagues Wounded Marine Fundraising being spearheaded by Marine Ron Dominguez our Detachments Sgt of Arms. Again our regular scheduled meetings
(participation requested) Tardeadas, parties, dances, tacos, and
private parties. A tentative date of August 13th is set for the Devil
Pup Honor night and on the 23rd will be for the Wounded Marine Brunch and Dance, starting at 1100 hrs until 2000 hrs. Donations may be made to Marines helping Marines, Wounded Marines or the Detachment. I looking forward to seeing all of you at
our events. This is your Detachment, participate and be part of
its history. Again I thank you for your participation and support,
it’s an Honor to serve as your Commandant.
Semper Fi,
Manny Munguia, Commandant.
Jr. Vice Commandant:
ur membership continues to grow, for the
months of May and June we had 13 regular,
27 associates, and 14 renewals, thanks to all
those that have signed new members. Welcome
aboard to the new Marine and Associate members, and welcome back past members. Continue to recruit new members and encourage
members to keep their dues updated. I thank you for your support and participation.
Semper Fi,
Marty Ramirez, Jr. Vice Cmndt.
23, 2009 to qualify for a seat on the bus. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank all of the Volunteers and Drill Instructors
who helped with the program this year. Harold and I appreciate
you giving up your Saturdays Mornings in addition to the countless hours of preparation to devote to these kids. We have another top notch group of Tucson Teens who will represent Tucson with pride and dedication which comes through our Volunteers. The 2009 encampment will be held in Camp Pendleton at
the School of Infantry (52 Area) where the Devil Pups will be
living in a Tent City this year just below "Ole' Smokey".
OOHRAH!!! Devil Pups Incorporated has been working hard to
coordinate with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton to provide
a positive Summer Camp Experience even with limited Marines
and resources due to the Iran and Afghan Wars. Many activities
have been planned, including a visit to MCRD San Diego for
these Devil Pups to watch a Marine Corps Boot Camp Graduation Ceremony and a visit to the Marine Corps Museum. All of
these activities as well as meals, haircuts, etc. have to be paid for
by Devil Pups Incorporated.
So once again, thanks to all of you who supported our Steak Fry
and Golf Tournament and to those of you who just continue to
send donations. Each year the encampment fees continue to rise
and through your generous donations we are able to cover the
cost of the Tucson Teens. However, we are looking for a Few
Good Corporate Sponsors who are looking for an organization to
donate to. If anyone knows of a company or corporation willing
to sponsor our non-profit youth program, which has a long verifiable history of positive influences on our Tucson Teens, please
have them contact Harold or myself for details. We will update
you on the outcome of our Tucson Devil Pups in the next issue of
the Password, until then, Thank You
Devil Pup Steak Fry Donations, April 25, 2009
THANK YOU to the following members who donated Steak Dinners for the VA patients (As of April 20, 2009.):
Anna Marie Arenas
Jose Pazos
Ernest Bonillas
Ken Prchal
John Caron
Marty Ramirez
Chaplain’s Report:
Gil Franco
James & Virginia Reidy
et well wishes and speedy recovery to Jesus
“Chuy” Majuta he is recovering from surgery at TMC. Condolences to Richard and Michael Rivera for the loss of their niece Jessica
Bojorquez (19) on June 2, 2009 from a tragic accident, she is survived by her parents Rosalinda Bojorquez &
Sergio Bojorquez, Sergio, Jr., Daniel & Dalien Duarte and her
grandmother Terry Rivera.
Semper Fi,
Andy Herreras, Chaplain
Wayne Friedman
Gilbert & Mary Romero
Rosalie Gonzales
Margaret Romero
Fred & Tina Grijalva
Pam Schubert
Lloyd Hutchinson
Robert & Eliza Schwer (IN)
Michael & Mary Lacagnina
Margaret Smith (Globe)
Tony Lopez (NV)
James & Gloria Ward (CA)
Adolfo Marquez
Art Weisberger (S. Vista)
Devil Pup Program:
Military Order of Devil Dogs, Lake Havasu City, AZ
PNC Ed & Helen MacIntyre (PHX)
he Tucson Devil Pups have been selected and Commandant Manny Munguia reported that the Fund Raising Golf
will depart Tucson on Wednesday July 15, 2009. Tournament netted the Devil Pup Program $555, again THANK
They will be leaving from the Detachment Clubhouse YOU to those golfers who participated.
on the 15th at approximately 6:30AM. Anyone interContinue on page 3
ested in supporting and sending these boys and girls off to Camp
Pendleton are welcome to come out and show your support.
These candidates have been working extremely hard since May
THANK YOU to those members, friends and loyal supporters of our and always assisting, continue to stay in touch; Melisa Cota, my
Devil Pup Youth Program. The generous Donors are:
administrative assistant; and Patti Munguia, Diane Munguia, and
Ana Montoya always there for us assisting. Frank Jimenez, our
Anthony Daykin
salesman of the year thank you for all the cover/shirt sales, and
Rene & Alice Redondo (In memory or Phil Hale)
raffles. Tony Alvarez, Jerry Coyle, Ron Dominquez, and Manny
Munguia, III thank you for your help with registration, setup and
Ken Prchal
tear down. And to our Commandant thank you for your faith in
Marty Ramirez
me and your support. I am having a great time of my life. I am so
proud of you mijo.
James & Virginia Reidy
Margaret Romero (In memory of Ruben Romero)
Pam Schbert (In memory of Ken Schbert)
Robert & Eliza Schwer
Josie Nunez
Mother’s Day was fantastic, despite the heat. We were in the
mood to dance, dance, and dance. Thank you ladies for the potluck we definitely had a variety. Commendation goes out to the
ladies behind the scene, which were our kitchen help, Melisa
Cota, Virginia Dominguez, and Patti Munguia.
Father’s Day was even better, despite our busy schedule with the
We always appreciate your support and help in any way and dona- convention our ladies came through with potluck dishes that you
tions of any kind may be made through out the year at any time.
wouldn’t believe. I guess we all were in the celebration mood.
Former members, and those who hadn’t been around came to We
Semper Fi,
miss you and I personally can’t tell you how much it means to me
Tucson Area Liaison Reps.
to see you return. This is what it is all about – you are finally
Al Garcia (520) 746-3744
coming home. From my heart, our mission is being accomplished.
Harold Don (520)743-9710
This is our markings we are hoping to leave to you all.
David Caballero
Thank you Marty “Daddy” Ramirez and Gretchen Chambless,
and Angel Carranza for your contributions.
Assoc. Director/Clubhouse Message:
hew! We did it!! Marine Corps League
Department of Arizona State Convention
is now officially over. The convention went exceptionally well. We had a lot of help from our
regular and associate members. Not to mention
our Color Guard, which were Trina Cabello,
Oscar Montijo, Ben Rivera, Sonny Rivera, and
John Rodriguez. Please see Commandant’s article on the previous
page for the list of members, as without these members we
would not have been successful. Thank you all from my heart to
yours. We are definitely ready for future conventions, right?
We had an exhibit regarding, “E Company”. Thank
you, Terry Bryon, Harold Don, and Marty Ramirez for
the displays of pictures and news articles. A special
thanks to Terry Bryon for our program book she
made our concept and goal to remember “E Company” come true. The following week in June during
“E Company’s” luncheon we presented to “E Company” their copies of the program book. We also showed,
“Tucson Remembers The Korean War” at the convention during
lunch and at the banquet. We are so proud of our men. A special
thanks goes out to Rudy Castro who was on standby just in case
the news media coverage was needed, and, to Marty Ramirez
“Daddy” for dressing up in uniform to represent at our “E Company” exhibit. Also, hugs and kisses to Kathy Robinson, Abner
Reese, and Al Bettiga who supported us throughout this convention.
50/50 Raffles and prizes continue to be a great hit. Also we are
continuing with cover and shirt sales, which will benefit all our
Bobby Soto and Los Recuerdos, remember we are your greatest
fans at the Tucson Detachment #007 Marine Corps League. Our
hearts go out to Pancho, Ricardo, and Henry who are, “Los Amigos De Tucson Arizona”. The trio will continue to sing at our
Tardeadas. DJ John Rodriguez is fantastic and great with oldie
but goodies come enjoy Friday nights with us.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at the clubhouse at 6244351, or my cellular telephone number at 404-7646. This is our
home and we want to continue to bring back the times when we
had great gatherings at the clubhouse with good eats and great
music for members and their family.
If you have any ideas for events at the clubhouse, concerns, or
inquiries please let me know and by all means we will try to
make it happen.
Don’t forget our Potluck Fridays and Sunday Tardeadas, and
upcoming July 4th celebrations.
Remember, we always need volunteers to
help with the upcoming events. Don’t hesitate to call me. Also, check the calendar in the
newsletter for scheduled event dates and when we make sandwiches for the VA Bingo and Bridge activities. We could use your
help in making the sandwiches. Call me at 404-7646.
Don’t forget, “Taco Night” every other Thursday as
Another special thanks to Virginia Rivera, you helped us so much you are welcomed to enjoy great eats. Check newsletduring the convention. I personally wanted to thank you for ter calendar for dates. Best tacos in the house, you just
helping us with the Convention’s Golf Tournament Luncheon. can’t eat just One!!!!!
You are family to me.
Semper Fi,
Hugs and kisses to Gretchen Chambless who was always at the Anna Marie Arenas, Associate Director/
registration desk; Constance “Bubbles” O’Brien you are family Clubhouse Manager
Marine Corps League
National Convention
Rochester, MN
August 2 ~ 9, 2009
Marine Corps League
Marines Helping Marines
Please complete the following Donation Form
Make checks payable to: Marine Corps League
Amount: $
Check #
Mail Checks to:
Tucson Detachment Marine Corps League
C/O Manuel C. Munguia
P.O. Box 27909
Tucson, AZ 85726-7909
Zip Code:
J u ly B i r thd ays
02 ~ Miguel C Perez
10 ~ John L Rhodes
24 ~ Bob Clyde Blevins
02 ~ Alex C Sandoval
11 ~ Hector Arriaga
24 ~ Bennie C Cruz, Jr.
02 ~ Ruben D Suarez
13 ~ T.E Morales, Jr.
25 ~ Patricia M Munguia
03 ~ Valdemar Leon
15 ~ Henry R Rios
25 ~ Michael E Rundell
03 ~ Tony Moreno
16 ~ Thomas Curran
26 ~ James C Ansier
05 ~ Dolores Contreras
16 ~ Michael I MacClaughry
26 ~ Joe Buglewicz
05 ~ Gina Soto
16 ~ Raymond C Munguia
27 ~ Virginia Rivera
06 ~ Michael Lacagnina
17 ~ Eva C Escoboza
28 ~ Joaquin Castillo
07 ~ Mary V Bernal
19 ~ Francisco G Celaya
28 ~ Ken J Prchal
08 ~ Manuel Villanueva
19 ~ Ann R Montano
29 ~ Robert A Schwer
09 ~ Adela B Alvarez
20 ~ Arnold U Serrano
30 ~ Gilbert B Valenzuela
09 ~ Oscar L Bueno
21 ~ Daniel R Peru
31 ~ Irene Ochoa
09 ~ Michael W Murray
21 ~ Mary Ramirez
The Detachment wishes all these members a very Happy Birthday and invites them to come by the clubhouse for a free drink. If your Birthday is not mentioned it could be that your dues are delinquent or we
don’t have your Birthday on file. If you would like your Birthday mentioned drop me a note with just the
month and day at:
Tucson Detachment, Marine Corps League
PO Box 27909
% Virginia Rivera.
Tucson, AZ 85726-2937
Or e-mail
Au gus t B i r thd ays
02 ~ Reynaldo L Lucero
15 ~ Robert M Moreno
22 ~ Bertha Rivera
05 ~ Sara Monreal
15 ~ Joe G Trejo
23 ~ Marion G Stults
06 ~ Mike S Yslava
15 ~ Albert M Felix
25 ~ Manny D Alvarado
06 ~ Martin Cota-Robles
17 ~ Pablo Guzman
25 ~ Donald L DeMent
07 ~Albert Hovagian
17 ~ Jim B Quintero
25 ~ Robert Shirley
08 ~ Cathy D Adelman
19 ~ Andy Cruz
26 ~ James B Reidy, Jr.
09 ~ Raymond N Stoddard
19 ~ Mary Lou Escobar
25 ~ James M Atchley
11 ~ Herbert R Oxnam
19 ~ Dean L Nighbert
28 ~ Gilbert Peralta, Sr.
12 ~ Gilbert V Guerra
19 ~ Rene R Redondo
29 ~ Martin I Doe
14 ~ Porfirio V Murguia
19 ~ Carl R Stevenson
29 ~ Alvino L Majalca
14 ~ Manuel Padilla, Jr.
20 ~ Ben Ybarra
29 ~ Hector R Mesa
15 ~ Austin S Elbie
21 ~ Rudolph McKenzie
30 ~ Hans “Pete” Pederson
15 ~ Trina Hernandez
22 ~ Tomas M Perez
31 ~ Marian C Rivera
15 ~ Manuel Herrera, Jr.
22 ~ Marty F Ramirez
The Detachment wishes all these members a very Happy Birthday and invites them to come by the clubhouse for a free drink. If your Birthday is not mentioned it could be that your dues are delinquent or we
don’t have your Birthday on file. If you would like your Birthday mentioned drop me a note with just the
month and day at:
Tucson Detachment, Marine Corps League
PO Box 27909
% Virginia Rivera.
Tucson, AZ 85726-2937
Or e-mail
VA Bridging
2 P.M.
Devil Pups
Depart to Camp
Tucson Detachment 007
Marine Corps League
Pool Practice
Pool Practice
Pool Practice
Pool Practice
“E” Co Luncheon
L&L Restaurant
11:30 am
Bobby Soto
7~11 P.M.
Bobby Soto
7 ~ 11 P.M.
Private Party
Devil Pup Graduation
DJ John Rodriguez
7 ~ 11 P.M.
DJ John Rodriguez
7 ~ 11 P.M.
Birthday Celebration for
Virginia & Patty
DJ John Rodriguez
7 ~ 11 P.M
Private Party
4th of July Bash
Fun Starts 2pm
Bobby Soto
7 ~ 11 P.M.
Fund Raiser
Details inside flyer
Tucson Detachment 007
Marine Corps League
VA Bridging
2 P.M.
“E” Co Luncheon
L&L Restaurant
11:30 am
Pool Practice
Pool Practice
Devil Pup
Honor Night
DJ John Rodriguez
7 ~ 11 P.M
.DJ John Rodriguez
7 ~ 11 P.M.
DJ John Rodriguez
7 ~ 11 P.M
DJ John Rodriguez
7 ~ 11 P.M.
216 E. 29TH ST.
TUCSON, AZ 85713-2937
Upcoming Events
Fall/Staff meeting in Payson
Nominations for New Officers
Friday Potluck w/DJ John Rodriguez
Sunday Tardeadas W/Bobby Soto
Elections for New Officers
Halloween Party
Friday Potluck w/DJ John Rodriguez
Sunday Tardeadas w/Bobby Soto