
America’s U.S. Miss
Texas. Oklahoma. Louisiana
Lone Star State
O C TO B E R 4 - DA L L A S, T E X A S
The America’s U.S. Miss Scholarship Program is designed to recognize and promote the accomplishments and uniqueness of all-­‐
American, outstanding young ladies from across the country. Finalists must excel in the areas of academics, volunteer service, and self-­‐conCidence. Our goal is to help young ladies develop poise and self-­‐conCidence, while earning thousands of dollars in college scholarships and recognizing their accomplishments.
Compete in:
Personality wear
Community Service
Each Cinalist will take home lifelong skills by participating in our program. She will learn how to effectively speak with self-­‐
conCidence, as well as learn how to dress and conduct herself in a private one-­‐on-­‐one interview with our distinguished panel of judges. Everyone participating in the excitement and glamour of pageant weekend will receive the training necessary during the rehearsals to showcase their personality to the pageant’s panel of judges. During pageant weekend the young ladies will learn a fabulous production number to present during the Cinal pageant. All contestants will be required to purchase a opening number dress for the cost of $75.00. Contestants will learn the opening number during the scheduled rehearsal times pageant weekend. Please bring clear or silver dress shoes to complete the production outCit. As a Cinalist you will receive:
~ Finalist Trophy Pageant weekend
~Production OutCit
~Weekend of fun and the opportunity to earn a spot to advance to Nationals!
Host Hotel & Competition:
Great Wolf Lodge- Group Code:1410AMER
800-693-WOLF America’s U.S. Miss Texas Pageant
Reservation deadline Sept 1, 2014
Questions? email: 866.395.7147
Optional Events
Talent: Entries cannot be longer that 2:30 minutes. Make-­‐up is allowed in all age divisions during this competition. Talent contestants may use props. Please bring your CD, clearly marked with your name and age division to the competition. Bring an additional copy of your CD incase your Cirst copy is lost or damaged. If you are playing piano, please notify the pageant ofCice at least 30 days in advance. You may enter this competition more than once. An entry fee of $50 must be paid per entry. The state winner in each division receives a trophy, Cash prize awarded if 5 or more are entered per age division, and invitation to advance to the National Ambassador Sportswear Model: This competition will look like a department store fashion show. Each contestant will have 30 seconds to model her outCit. Make up is allowed in all age divisions. No pro-­‐am modeling, such as aerial spins, kicks or Clips will be allowed. Please remember to look “age appropriate” during this competition. You may enter this competition more than once with entries judged individually. An entry fee of $50 must be paid for each modeling entry. ! The state winner in each division receives a trophy, Cash prize awarded if 5 or more are entered per age division, and invitation to advance to the National Ambassador Competition!
Photogenic: To enter the photogenic competition, contestants must bring a photo to pageant check-­‐in. From these entries the judges will select the top Cinalists and winners for each age division. Photos may NOT be larger than 8 x 10. Make up is allowed in all age divisions. However, your photogenic entry must emphasize your own age. This may be entered more than once. Each entry is judged individually. An entry fee of $50 must be paid for each photogenic entry. The state winner in each division receives a trophy, Cash prize awarded if 5 or more are entered per age division, and invitation to advance to the National Ambassador Competition!
Actress: This is your chance to steal the spotlight and use your acting ability to advertise a commercial you might see on television. The entry fee is $50 per Actress entry. This can be entered more than once and each performance will be scored individually!
• 30 second time limit
• You may use a commercial of your choice • You may use small props and select an outCit of your choice!
• Be creative to show off your personality!
The state winner in each division receives a trophy, Cash prize awarded if 5 or more are entered per age division, (custom crown & banner are at the state director discretion but must be purchased from national ofCice 90 days prior to State Pageant), and invitation to advance to the National Ambassador Competition!
Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, & Lone Star (Each age division) - State Title, Crown, Banner, Trophy,
Bag of gifts, Gift certificate for a nationals gown, photo shoot, $200 travel allowance, opportunity to represent
your state over the upcoming year in parades and appearances, plus much more!
1st Runner up (Each Age Division)- State title to advance to America’s U.S. Ambassador National finals,
State Ambassador Banner *crown is received when national commitment form and deposit are made, and
Queen’s Court (2nd-4th Runner Up in Each Age Division)- Trophy & Invitation to compete at the
America’s U.S. Ambassador National Finals
Regional Title Opportunity
All contestants are automatically entered to compete for their home state title after $295 state fee is paid
in full. For an additional $35.00, a second opportunity is available to represent a regional title at
nationals. After the state titles have been crowned, the highest score from the remaining contestants,
(who have pre-registered for the Regional title) will be crowned the regional titleholder and advance to
nationals! Cost $35.00
Mini Optional Competitions
This is an optional competition and has no bearing on who wins the
overall title! We wanted to provide an opportunity for our state
finalists to take home more awards! This is a fun competition, where
everyone is judged however only those who enter this optional
competition are eligible to win the following awards in each age
division. $50 entry fee for entry into all 5 awards.
5 Chances to Win!
• Most Beautiful
• Best Interview
• Best Personality Wear Modeling
• Best Eyes
• Best Smile
$25 application fee required
Please circle Age Group:
Jr. Tween (5-8 Yrs) Tween(9-12 Yrs) Teen(13-15 Yrs) Jr. Miss(16-18 Yrs) Miss(19 -24Yrs) Ms. (25+)
Birthdate :_________________Age:______(Age as of January 1, 2015)
Address:_____________________________________City:______________State:____ Zip: ________
Phone number:___________________________ Email:__________________________________
Parent or Guardian (If under 18):_____________________________________
I agree to not hold Americas US Miss, directors, staff or the facility where the pageant is held,
responsible for loss or accident before, during, or after the pageant. No bad sportsmanship or conduct
will be tolerated from the contestants or any guest of the contestant. I understand this can disqualify the
contestant with no refund. I agree to abide by all rules set forth in this paperwork. I understand all
pageant fees are non-refundable.
Signature of Parent/Guardian
• Each contestant will be required to compete in evening gown, personality wear, Interview, academic, resume &
community involvement . • A sibling discount will apply. Pay state entry in full for the first child and others living in the
same household may deduct $75.00 from the state entry fee package. • You are not considered entered into the pageant
until your deposit is received. A $100 deposit should be postmarked by Sept 1, 2014. • No information concerning another
contestant or any information on who is entered into the pageant will be given out. Please do not ask! • Judges decisions
are final. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated. You will be asked to leave and the contestant will be disqualified
without a refund. • If you win a crown, you must stay for crowning pictures after the crowning ceremony, all state
titleholders must advance to nationals July 2015 Florida and are required to secure 2 pages of advertising in the national
program book • No videography or photography in the ballroom at anytime as we have a production company.
Comments will be available ONLY Nov. 15-20 via email:
October 3rd
7-9pm- Registration
October 4th (subject to change)
9am Orientation
11am- 2pm- Optional Competitions
2:30-4pm- Rehearsal
4:30-5:30pm- Volunteer Activity
7pm- Final Pageant competition & Awards followed by National Meeting & Photos
October 5th (subject to change)
10:30- Queens Photo shoot
Remember we will only accept cash pageant weekend.
**Each contestant is to bring two gifts to registration! These are for
queens gift bags. Should be birthday party type gifts ($10-15 range).
Awarding over
20 titles in
Contestant Name :______________________ Age Division:_________
$295 State Fee *Required
STATE: _________
$75 Opening number dress
*Bring Silver or clear shoes
to dance in.
$35 Regional Title
_____ Lone Star State
Mini Optional
Actress: 30 second
Talent: Time limit is up to 2.5
Sportswear Model: Fashion
outfit off the rack of
contestant’s choice
Photogenic Entry, additional
entries are $25 each
_____ # of entries
$30 each
___Weekend Wristband