Cheating: How Honest Are We?

Philosophy &
Public Affairs
A series of lectures and debates sponsored by the Department of Philosophy
Cheating: How
Honest Are We?
Professor Christian Miller
Wake Forest University
Christian Miller is Professor of Philosophy at Wake Forest University. He
works primarily in contemporary meta-ethics, moral psychology, theory
of action, normative theory, and philosophy of religion. Professor Miller
has published two books with Oxford University Press—Moral Character:
An Empirical Theory (2013) and Character and Moral Psychology (2014)—
and he is currently writing a third book, Test of Character: How Good (or
Bad) Are We?, also to be published by Oxford. In addition, Professor Miller
recently completed a three year, $4.6 million dollar grant from the
John Templeton Foundation on the existence and nature of character.
Currently he is heading up a new grant through 2015 called the Developing
Character Project and he is a co-investigator on another Templeton grant
whose goal is to develop a smartphone-based character assessment
system for schools.
23 April, 2015
7:00–9:00 pm
New Location: Academic Learning Commons, Room 2104
1000 Floyd Avenue (Corner of Linden St. and Floyd Avenue)
Free and open to the public.
For additional information contact Donald P. Smith at
828 W. Franklin St.
Richmond VA, 23284-2019