Early Years Service Team News Autumn 2014 We have also completed a consultation in recent weeks, about the early years single funding formula in Kingston and Richmond, and are in the process of collating responses, which we will then present to the Schools Forum later in the term. We will make sure that key findings and outcomes are shared with you all. Dear Early Years colleagues The second week in September also brought our final children’s centre inspection in Kingston and we are delighted that all four localities have received a ‘good’ Ofsted outcome this year. The quality and impact of partnership working was recognised and I am grateful to everyone who contributed. nce again this newsletter comes at a busy time in the early years’ world. September always brings a time of induction, transition and lots of hard work to settle our new children and families. Hopefully by now, things are beginning to calm down a little. O Other projects for the early years teams include: The new academic year started with our joint Early Year conference. The title ‘A room without walls – developing outdoor learning’ turned out to be a very popular theme and evaluations were resoundingly positive. For me, early years provision for our youngest children is its most exciting when the environment outside is as inspiring and valued as the indoor learning environment. I hope that those who attended are energised to think creatively with lots of exciting ideas for developing their own provision. n Exploring Achieving for Children as a childminding agency n Completing the childcare sufficiency assessment to inform future planning n Securing entirely free places for children to access their early education entitlement across Richmond and especially in the Mortlake area n Investigating the new reception baseline and its implications n Planning for the exciting introduction of pupil premium funding for our eligible 3 and 4 year olds from 1 April 2015. This September saw the expansion of the 2 year old programme, so that 40% of our children and families are now entitled to receive this entitlement. The support and engagement to make this happen successfully has been strong across boroughs, and Kingston and Richmond have secured some of the highest take-up in London boroughs. If you have any concerns, please contact your attached early years consultant, or member of the business and administration team if it relates to funding or sustainability issues. We are here to support and work in partnership with you. With best wishes The growing population remains a challenge and both boroughs have found it difficult to offer places for all reception children. With the increasing numbers and more children, we encounter increased demand for all services and particularly resources to support children with special education needs and disabilities. The new Children and Families Act is now statute and making sure all providers are kept up-to-date is a priority across the term. Page 2 Page 3-4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7-8 Pages 9 Pages 10-11 Page 12 Page 13 Pages 14 Charis Penfold Associate Director of Early Help Advisory Team update SEND Time for 2s Childminder update Out of school, holiday and wrap-around care Training and recruitment Children’s centres Early Years at Richmond Riverside Festival Contact Information Message from the editor 1 Advisory Team update s usual there are lots of changes and updates in the world of early years and childcare. Please find some key information from the team and keep accessing continuing professional development (CPD) online for dates for the forums and meetings in your key area of responsibility. Disqualification (all registered providers and employees in registered settings) A Point 3.14 page 19 Following the confusion in the previous EYFS 2012, the statement re disqualification was unclear. Many reading the statement assumed that only the registered person, ie the manager was included, when in fact all employees in a childcare setting were included. The revised EYFS 2014 has now rectified this. It makes clear reference that all those who work in settings are included. Ofsted update – all providers Revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidance Please ensure any old EYFS guidance is removed from settings and use the guidance published March 2014 – effective September 2014 until further notice. It is the responsibility of the manager to ask the question of all the staff employed, and have evidence of that annually (written evidence is not required, but would be good practice). They must also tell staff that it is their responsibility to inform their employer immediately if they, or anyone living in the same household as them, is disqualified. Staff affected by this may be able to apply for a waiver from Ofsted. Ofsted has produced a leaflet ‘Applying to waive disqualification: early years and childcare providers’ September 2014. This gives all the relevant information for both the employee and the employer, and is available on the Ofsted website. 2 SEND Local information relating to the changes and education, health and care plans can be found at www.kingston.gov.uk/info/200326/special_educational _needs_and_disability_send for Kingston providers and here www.richmond.gov.uk/about_send for Richmond providers. he new SEND Code has now been approved by the Parliament and came into force on 1 September 2014. The code covers the 0 to 25 age range and sets out the statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures for all organisations who work with and support children and young people with special education needs and disabilities. The new code is available for download here: www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-code-ofpractice-0-to-25 T The changes represent the biggest reforms of special educational needs statutory governance in over a decade. There is a significant emphasis on the critical role played by settings and early years practitioners in using a graduated approach to identify and support children as early as possible. There is also a guide for managers and staff in all early years education settings, explaining the duties and responsibilities of providers of early years education who deal with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-guide-forearly-years-settings There is a stronger focus on the participation of children and young people and parents in decision making, and an emphasis on high aspirations and improving outcomes. The local offer, a statutory element of the new code, remains under construction in both Kingston and Richmond. There is information at www.kingston.gov.uk/info/200328/local_offer relating to Kingston and here www.richmond.gov.uk/send for Richmond. Be warned the Code in its entirety is 282 pages long so bear that in mind. The early years guide is a more manageable 27 pages. All those who work with young children should be alert to emerging difficulties and respond early. In particular, parents know their children best and it is important that all practitioners listen and understand when parents express concerns about their child’s development. Rob Dembrey Early Years Consultant SEND Information for parents Kingston L.E.A.D Listening . Engaging . Advocating for Disability Where to signposts parents locally who have questions about the SEND reforms: We work with parents and carers of children and young people. Our mission is to bring people together into a community to provide support, share ideas, news and contacts. We ensure that the voices of families are reflected in the policies and practises of the educational and healthcare services that are an essential part of our everyday lives. Richmond SEND: Family Voice Working in partnership to give families a voice… We’re a mix of individual parents, plus leads from disability specific support groups and specialist schools. We all offer our time on a voluntary basis and take responsibility for representing the views of a wider group of parents. By ensuring families voices are heard, and listened to, we empower children and young people to obtain the best possible care and services. Telephone: Email: Facebook: Website: Telephone: E-mail: Website: 020 8547 6201 children@enhanceable.org www.leadkingston.org.uk 07758 305 472 richmondsendfamilyvoice@outlook.com www.facebook.com/richmondsendfamilyvoice www.richmondsendfamilyvoice.org continues overleaf... 3 ...continued Where to go if you already have a statement or an education, health and care plan (EHCP) and want to ask questions about the service: Where to go if you would like help with applying for an ECHP, or converting a statement of SEN: For families in the Kingston or Richmond boroughs, please contact the Independent Support Partnership (ISP). We provide a friendly and flexible service over telephone, email, or can arrange to meet you at a place that suits you. ISP is the first point of contact for new EHCPs or conversions from statements of SEN. The SEND reforms are the biggest changes to SEN law in over 30 years. It’s a huge task and changes the way we are all working – there are challenges and opportunities. Simon James, Associate Director, SEND, Achieving for Children, is keen to hear from parents who would like to offer feedback on their experiences as the new and old systems merge. Telephone: E-mail: Website: Name Telephone E-mail Website 020 8891 7599 simon.james@achievingforchildren.org.uk www.richmond.gov.uk/send Independent Support Partnership (ISP) 020 8831 6076 independent.support@richmondaid.org.uk www.richmondaid.org.uk/servicesdisabled/independent-support-partnership/ ISP will work closely with the Parent Partnership Service (now called Information and Advice Service) which is delivered by Enhanceable across Richmond and Kingston. We provide advice, guidance and support for families. Name Telephone E-mail Website 4 Enhanceable Children’s Services Richmond 020 8831 6179 children@enhanceable.org www.enhanceable.org/parentpartnership Time for 2s he 2 year old programme is developing well across our boroughs. We have excellent uptake for 2 year old places and children are being really well supported by a wide range of nurseries, pre-schools, childminders and schools. The schools’ programme has made good progress and we now have six schools delivering 2 year old entitlement, with more coming on board soon. Those of you currently supporting funded 2 year olds are making a big difference to this group of little learners and we really appreciate all the hard work you do. Providers are enjoying it as much as the children and families are! But don’t just take our word for it... this is what some of our providers, parents, carers and children are telling us. T What staff say What parents and carers say He’s talking. He’s behaving! Having the 2 year olds has been hard work, but worthwhile as it has opened many discussions about our practice and has also supported our summer born and EAL children. We make sure we all read books together every night for their homework which is good and they are learning so much from that. You can see the progress made and enjoyment they have learning through play. What children say Go on bikes! He’s a lot better playing with the other kids... If you are not already taking funded 2 year olds, but are interested, we’d love to hear from you! Please contact the Early Years Service. Play water! Reminder: we also run bespoke support for providers who are supporting 2 year olds; all are welcome. Please contact Tracey Welding or Nadia De Jesus for further information. Me do painting! 5 Childminder update he interest in registering as a childminder continues and we are now providing the new CACHE Level 3 award in ‘Preparing to work in home-based childcare’ for potential childminders. The childminder agency consultation results have been published online and we are talking to the Senior Leadership Team regarding the possibility of progressing this project further. T Members of the Early Years teams will be there and would love to meet you. If by the time you read this the event has passed, then I am sure we all had a lovely time at a fantastic event! ot sure whether the KCMA event below will have taken place by the time this newsletter is circulated. If it hasn’t, then why not book a ticket. It is open to all childminders in Kingston and Richmond. N An evening for childminders KCMA are pleased to announce our guest speakers: The purpose of the evening is to have our AGM and to celebrate the work of childminders. Our theme for the evening is to raise awareness among childminders of the recent changes to the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) offer. Rob Dembrey Early Years (SEND) AfC Annette Williams and Tracey Gaggiotti – Express Express is a ‘not for profit’ community organisation supporting young people with autism and their families in the Kingston Borough. Thursday 13 November 2014 Kingsmeadow Function Rooms Jack Goodchild Way, 422a, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 3PB The venue has a 140 space car park, is on the 131 and X26 bus routes and is a 15 minute walk from Norbiton Station. The evening will open for attendees at 7.00pm for a prompt 7.30pm start. A light supper of cheeses, breads, chutneys and fruit will be provided. The venue has a bar (open from 7.00pm) for you to purchase drinks. The event will finish around 9.30pm. John Williams Comedian and author of ‘My Son’s not Rainman’. We are delighted to welcome John Williams, stand-up comedian and author of the fantastic blog, My Son’s Not Rainman, where he writes about his experience of being a father to ‘the boy’ who has an autism spectrum condition and cerebral palsy. Please RSVP to Karin Rattray by Monday 7 November 2014 to KCMA@kingstonchildminding.co.uk “Tearjerker alert! John Williams absolutely pours his heart into this show about his son, Fin, who has autism and cerebral palsy, and it would take the stoniest of hearts to not respond in kind.” “John Williams' tales of fatherhood are touching, warm and heartfelt, and he's also an incredibly funny man. He pours his heart out and the laughs pour in... By the end of the hour, you're invested in their life together, and want to hear more. Well crafted, funny and full of heart. Go and see it.” London is Funny The Skinny 6 “My Son’s Not Rainman is absolutely fantastic. It tells the comical, amazing, challenging truth about autism. Please see it!” Stephen Unwin, Artistic Director Rose Theatre Kingston Out of school, holiday and wrap-around care The first link is to the latest ‘Working together to safeguard children’ (2013) you will need a copy of this document to comply with the new welfare standards. Update for Kingston and Richmond play leaders and managers I hope the summer of 2014 was a good one and you are now fit, energised and enjoying the autumn term and the run up to Christmas! www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/factsheet-childcare-childcareregister-requirements-childcare-providers-non-domestic-ordomestic-pre The new welfare requirements came into force this September and there have been many changes that will affect your practice, so please study the document carefully. I am emailing you all a comprehensive summary of the key changes and how to implement them into your practice and settings. The second attachment is the link to the actual new requirements for you to study carefully! www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attach ment_data/file/281368/Working_together_to_safeguard_ children.pdf It was great to see so many Kingston providers at the out of school network meeting last month and it was great to meet so many Richmond providers on 15 October at your Out of School Forum. If you would like further details of the meeting or any advice please do contact me on 020 8547 6585 or email me at: wendy.holland@achievingforchildren.org.uk I have attached two links that I hope you will find useful to download. Wendy Holland continues overleaf... 7 ...continued Over the last three years, I have worked with settings to set up new provision, write business plans, plan budgets and forecast cash flow, increase occupancy, increase income within the restrictions of the early education funding policy, ensure compliance with the local conditions of grant, streamline and fine tune administration processes and plan for expansion. Sometimes settings contact me just to talk through some new ideas and don’t require any further involvement, other times a quick phone call can be the start of a large project involving lots of involvement. Sufficiency and Sustainability Officer If you would like to develop your childcare business or require any support and advice to improve your business please contact me to discuss your needs on 020 8547 6545 or email natasha.garthwaite@achievingforchildren.org.uk Or for Richmond providers Hello, I am Anita Board and I joined Achieving for Children in July as Childcare Sufficiency and Sustainability Officer for Richmond. I previously spent five years as a support and development worker for Kingston Childminding Association, a role I moved into with the experience of using childcare for my two daughters and realising the importance of quality, accessible childcare and the difference this can make for children and their families. I have also spent a number of years in payroll, HR, finance and project management roles within the further education, private and public sectors. I am currently Vice Chair of Governors at a New Malden junior school. My name is Natasha and I am the Sufficiency and Sustainability Officer for Early Years in Kingston. I am a qualified nursery nurse (NNEB) and after attaining my qualification, I gained a vast amount of childcare experience working with children and families in a variety of settings including hospitals and schools. After five years of managing a large day nursery, I decided it was time for a career change. I didn’t feel I wanted to continue in the childcare sector once I had my own children. Natasha has detailed the outline of the role above and we support all types of childcare settings across the boroughs. However the post is new to Richmond and your feedback on the business support you feel would be valuable to your settings will be used as guidance on how the role will develop to meet your settings needs. I took a position at Surrey County Council working in the human resources department. This role offered a variety of experience including employment procedures, recruitment and training. I moved on to a business development role supporting and advising internal departments with their business processes. Please call or email if you need any further details or you want to discuss in more detail how I may be able to support you. I came to Kingston three years ago, when I saw an advert for a childcare business support officer position that I felt was the perfect way to combine my knowledge of the childcare sector and my experience of working in a human resources and business support capacity. Anita Board 020 8831 6370 anita.board@achievingforchildren.org.uk 8 Training and recruitment Our brochure which explains the packages has recently been sent out to every setting and gives some examples of how they can be used. Contact Neil Blumson for a copy or for more information. Reducing the cost of training As you know, the Children’s Workforce Development Team are pleased to be able to offer a significant amount of our training for early years providers on a fully-funded basis. There may, however, be occasions when you wish to access some of the training opportunities that do carry a charge or book additional places on the funded training. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. If you already know that you wish to purchase an SLA, please contact us and we will put one of our business team in touch with you to support you through the process. With this in mind we have developed Service Level Agreement (SLA) packages that will enable you to pre-purchase a number of training days and make savings on the total cost. Neil Blumsom CPD Lead (Early Years) Children’s Workforce Development Team neil.blumsom@achievingforchildren.org.uk Kingston settings should submit draft ads on www.kingston.gov.uk/info/200340/working_in_childcare/ 1056/childcare_job_vacancies/2 Recruiting new staff Don't forget that you can advertise staff vacancies on the local authority websites. Please help us promote the Early Years job vacancy lists by signposting job seekers to it. Not for profit, voluntary organisations and registered childminders can advertise free of charge. Private and independent settings will be charged £50 per advertisement. Ads will stay on the website for three months or until you tell us the role has been filled – whichever is the sooner. * Childminders please note that this list is for staff vacancies only. You should submit your child vacancies to your respective boroughs in the usual way. Richmond settings should submit draft ads on www.richmond.gov.uk/job_vacancies_in_early_years 9 Children’s Centres Both centres offer a vast range of universal and targeted services for young children aged 0 to 5 years and their families. Tangley Park and Norman Jackson Children’s Centres n Maternity support n Breastfeeding support and advice n Baby massage classes n Parenting classes n Midwifery care with ante-natal support n Health visitor led sessions offering services such as he core purpose of children centres is to improve outcomes for young children and their families, with a particular focus on those in greatest need. They work to make sure all children are properly prepared for school, regardless of background or family circumstances. Support to parents is also a key to our service. T wellbeing clinic, advice on sleep, and weaning n Talk & Play targeted family support group, with additional Tangley Park Children’s Centre is situated in Bramble lane, Hampton. Norman Jackson is situated in Windmill Road, Hampton Hill, adjacent to Hampton Hill School. We work closely with all the schools and nursery schools within Hampton and Hampton Hill. professionals attending to give advice such as: Richmond Adult Community College, ADHD Richmond, CAB, Jobcentre Plus n Sparkle time n Adult learning courses n Volunteer programme n Domestic violence support n Homestart family group n Speech and language support n ESOL classes n Toy library We welcome local nursery schools and early years providers to access our sensory gardens and centres in order for us all to work collaboratively to provide the best outcomes and opportunities to children. Both centres provide a range of planned activities to encourage learning and development such as: n Stay & Play n Messy Play n Talk & Play (facilitated by family support) n Cookie Tots n Paediatric first aid n Story Time n Singing Hands n Hampton Kids project Tangley Park The staff within the children centre work with parents and carers to help them to understand how their children develop by using “Moving On” within targeted sessions. We also have support and advice for families on a range of topics such as: n Family links (parenting programme) n Referral for 2 year old funding. n Family support service n Job vacancy bulletins n Benefit advice n Family Information Service (FIS) n Social care diploma course n Literacy Levels 1 & 2 n Numeracy Levels 1 & 2. Norman Jackson. We offer a friendly, homely, nurturing environment for children and families. Sam Bradley Children’s Centre Hub Manager Hampton/Hampton Hill Locality Samantha.bradley@achievingforchildren.org.uk Phone: 020 8941 6843 or 020 8481 9420 Please do come along and visit us it would be great to meet you! If you would like to visit with your setting please let me know. continues overleaf... 10 ...continued Toy library angley Park Children’s Centre has a new toy library, which runs from 9.30 to 11.30am on Wednesday mornings, at the same time as the well baby clinic. Families can register with the toy library and borrow one or two items for up to three weeks, all free of charge. T Elizabeth Smith, Family information Outreach Worker, who set up the toy library, says, “The toy library has proved to be a great way of involving families, who may only have been coming to the baby clinic, with the children’s centre. It’s good to talk about activities at the children’s centre while doing something as positive as supporting children’s play.” No soggy bottoms at Surbiton Children’s Centre urbiton CC held a ‘British Bake-Off’ competition on Thursday 25 September, where all staff made cakes. We invited Fiona Dearman (Headteacher, Surbiton Children’s Centre Nursery) and Jan Lovitt (School Business Manager) to judge the competition and be our Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood (see attached photos). The cakes were then sold at Stay and Play sessions at the children’s centre to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity. S Not always A&E on’t go to A&E if it’s not a serious emergency. Call 111 before going to A&E. D A&E is for serious emergencies only and there are quicker and easier alternative local health services. Visit www.notalwaysAandE.co.uk to find the nearest service to get the treatment you need. 11 Early Years at Richmond Riverside Festival n September the Early Years team took part in the Richmond Riverside Festival, in aid of Shooting Star Hospice. The theme for the weekend was ‘A Celebration of Children’, with live music, stalls and family entertainment being held along the riverside. The team spent the day talking to residents to promote the borough’s children’s centres and online childcare search, as well as running a ‘guess the number of sweets in the jar’ competition and badge making to raise money. A big thank you to everyone who took part for making the event a big success. I Anita Board Sufficiency and Sustainability Officer – Richmond, Emma Nunn Early Years Communications Officer – Richmond, Claire Chapman from Brilliant Play Solutions, Melanie Curling Manager Business and Admin Team, Janette Barber Families Information Outreach Officer – Richmond 12 Contact information Early Years Service contact information Richmond Family Information Service Kingston Family Information Service Business and Administration Manager Communications Officer (Kingston) Communications Officer (Richmond) Finance Officer 3 and 4 year old funding (Richmond) Finance Officer 2 year old funding (Richmond) Finance Officer (Kingston) Sufficiency and Sustainability Officer (Kingston) Sufficiency and Sustainability Officer (Richmond) Brokerage Officer (Richmond) Brokerage Officer (Kingston) Families Information Outreach Officer (Kingston ) Families Information Outreach Officer (Richmond ) Business Support Officers (Kingston and Richmond) Workforce Development Early Years Lead SEND (Richmond and Kingston) Early Years Consultant helpline (Wed pm 2.30 - 4.30pm only) 020 8831 6298 020 8547 5004 020 8831 6267 020 8547 6541 020 8831 6203 020 8831 6188 020 8831 6398 020 8547 5248 020 8547 6545 020 8831 6370 020 8831 6429 020 8547 6581 020 8547 6584 020 8831 6372 07961 041524 020 8547 5298 020 8547 5215 020 8487 5490 020 8547 5536 020 8547 5215 fis@richmond.gov.uk fis@kingston.gov.uk melanie.curling@achievingforchildren.org.uk karen.lowry@achievingforchildren.org.uk emma.nunn@achievingforchildren.org.uk a.boardman@achievingforchildren.org.uk daisy.huntington@achievingforchildren.org.uk bernadette.briffa@achievingforchildren.org.uk natasha.garthwaite@achievingforchildren.org.uk anita.board@achievingforchildren.org.uk aileen.steward@achievingforchildren.org.uk maxine.darling@achievingforchildren.org.uk jill.anderson@achievingforchildren.org.uk elizabeth.smith@achievingforchildren.org.uk janette.barber@achievingforchildren.org.uk linda.brown@achievingforchildren.org.uk jane.elmslie@achievingforchildren.org.uk neil.blumsom@achievingforchildren.org.uk rob.dembrey@achievingforchildren.org.uk Kingston and Richmond children’s centres Centre, linked sites and locality Chessington (HUB) South of Borough Old Malden (HUB) Malden’s and Coombe New Malden (SPOKE) Malden’s and Coombe Norbiton (HUB) North Kingston & Kingston Town Kingston Town (SPOKE) Kingston & Kingston Town North Kingston (SPOKE) Kingston & Kingston Town Surbiton (HUB) Surbiton & Tolworth Tolworth (SPOKE) Surbiton & Tolworth Ham – Ham & Richmond Hampton – Hampton & Hampton Hill Heathfield – Heathfield, Whitton & West Twickenham Stanley – St Margarets, Twickenham & Teddington KMBES – Kew, Mortlake, Barnes & East Sheen Manager Brenda Wood (Hub Manager) Email brenda.wood@achievingforchildren.org.uk Telephone 020 8397 2006 Aneta Krzyzanska (Hub Manager) Rosemary Allen aneta.krzyzanska@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8241 0837 Angela Maxey (Hub Manager) angela.maxey@achievingforchildren.org.uk Emma Dooley emma.dooley@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8481 0640 Norma Goodyear norma.goodyear@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8547 0187 Teresa Wildash (Hub Manager) teresa.wildash@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8547 6242 Sallie McFarlane sallie.mcfarlane@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8339 9848 Helen McNally Samantha Bradley Tracey Welding helen.mcnally@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8734 3428 samantha.bradley@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8941 6843 tracey.welding@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8734 3406 Jill Clifford jill.clifford@achievingforchildren.org.uk Rachel Lazarides rachel.lazarides@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 3021 1990 rosemary.allen@achievingforchildren.org.uk 020 8336 1561 13 020 8949 6065 020 8734 3406 Message from the editor hope you enjoyed reading this newsletter. We have responded to feedback and included photos of staff, locations and events in the two boroughs as much as possible. Obtaining suitable images is not easy due to copyright and permission issues etc, but we will try our best. I As always we value your feedback and suggestions for items to be included. The Business and Administration staff don’t have as much contact with families and children as other members of the team, so we love it when we get to meet families face-to-face. It is very rewarding to meet parents who are applying for 2 year old funding and to be able to tell them that they have been approved. It has to be said that there is a huge enthusiasm within the team to make sure that all families that are entitled to the funding get to hear about it and are encouraged to apply. Sometimes I think I am on the set of ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ when the team gets to notch up another placement (Ok – I am exaggerating, but we do sometimes do a high five!) Look out for our lovely new leaflets about the Early Education Funding for 2 year olds. If you would like some copies or a pdf for your websites or parent newsletters let me know. Regards Karen Lowry Communications Officer 14