Fall 2013 Schedule of Classes Undergraduate and Graduate Career Courses iSiS – Student Information System (most up to date course information) iSiS.uml.edu Registrar’s Office & Schedule of Classes www.uml.edu/registrar Follett Bookstore www.uml.edu/bookstore General Education Information www.uml.edu/gened UMass Lowell Course Catalog (Academic Policies) www.uml.edu/catalog/ Interdisciplinary Programs www.uml.edu/FAHSS/Interdisciplinary/ Academic Calendars -- www.uml.edu/registrar/calendars/academic_calendar.html Division of Online & Continuing Education (CSCE) continuinged.uml.edu -- (Undergraduate career students taking online or continuing education courses will incur additional tuition and fees). Fall Semester 2013 Undergraduate Academic Calendar August 31 Saturday Residence halls open for new students September 1 2 3 *** 4 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday *** 10 Tuesday *** 17 Tuesday Residence halls open for returning students Labor Day (University closed) Convocation Fall Classes Begin Drop-Add Period Begins. Last Day for Undergraduate Students to Add A Course Without a Permission Number Last Day for Instructors to Publish Course and Attendance Requirements for Class Members Last Day to (1) Add a Course with a Permission Number (2) Drop a Course without Record, (3) Change Enrollment Status from: Audit to Credit; Credit to Audit; “Pass-No Credit” to Letter Grade, or Letter Grade to “Pass-No Credit” Note: No refund after this date November (cont.) *** 13 Wednesday 28 October 14 15 Monday Tuesday *** 16 *** 28 Wednesday Monday November *** 4 Monday 11 Monday *** 12 Tuesday Thursday December 2 Monday *** 9 10 *** 11 19 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 20 Friday 25 Wednesday Last Day for Students to withdraw from courses with grade of “W”. Thanksgiving Recess Classes Resume Last Day for Faculty to Administer Quizzes and Examinations Prior to Final Examination Period Last Day of Fall Semester Classes Last Day for Faculty to File Grades for Incompletes and Change of Course Grades for Spring Semester (2013) courses Reading Day Fall Semester Examinations Begin Fall Semester Examinations End 6:00 P.M. Residence halls close at 6:00 P.M. Make-up day for examinations postponed because of Weather. Winter Recess Begins Christmas Note: In the event that examination days are postponed because of weather conditions, the first day of postponed examinations will be made up on December 20 (Friday). Additional postponed examination days will be made up sequentially on December 21 (Saturday), January 18 (Friday), etc. Columbus Day (University Closed) Mid-Semester: At least one evaluation required in each Course. Monday class schedule Faculty Advising Period Begins. Students check ISIS for enrollment appointments. First day for seniors who anticipate completion of Degree Requirements by the End of May or the end of August to Confer with Faculty Advisors and to File Programs of Baccalaureate Studies (DIG Forms) Enrollment for Spring 2014 courses begin using enrollment appointment dates obtained from student ISIS self service Last Day for Students to Complete Work for Incomplete Spring Semester and Summer Session (2013) Courses Veterans Day Observed (University closed) Faculty Advising Period Ends Last Day for Seniors Who Anticipate Completion of Degree Requirements by the End of May or the End of August to Confer with Faculty Advisors and to File Programs of Baccalaureate Studies (DIG form) Monday 12 (13) , Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14 (13), Thursday 13 , Friday 13 (65 meeting days, 71 total including final exams) Spring Semester 2014 Undergraduate Academic Calendar January 19 20 *** 21 Sunday Monday Tuesday 27 Monday February *** 3 *** Monday Residence halls open at 12 Noon Martin Luther King Day (University closed) Spring Classes Begin Drop-Add Period Begins Last Day For Undergraduate Students to Add Courses Without a Permission Number Last Day for Instructors to Publish Course and Attendance Requirements for Class Members 17 Monday Last Day for Registered Students to (1) Add a Course with a permission number (2) Drop a Course Without Record, and (3) Change Enrollment Status from: Audit to Credit, Credit to Audit, "Pass-No Credit" to letter grade; or Letter grade to "Pass No-Credit". Note: No refund after this date. Presidents Day (University Closed) 18 Tuesday Monday class schedule April (cont.) *** 22 *** 23 *** 25 30 Tuesday Faculty Advising Period for Fall Semester (2014) Ends Last Day for Seniors Who Anticipate Completion of Degree Requirements by the End of December (2014) to Confer with Faculty Advisors and to File Programs of Baccalaureate Studies Wednesday Monday class schedule Last Day for Faculty to Administer quizzes and Examinations prior to Final examination period Friday University Day (Classes Meet) Wednesday Last Day of Spring Semester Classes Last Day for Faculty to File Grades for Incompletes, and Changes of Course Grades for Fall Semester (2013) Courses May *** *** 1 2 Thursday Friday 12 Monday 13 Tuesday 17 Saturday Reading Day Spring Semester Examinations Begin (There will be no final exams on Saturdays.) Spring Semester examinations end 6:00 P.M. Residence halls close 6:00 P.M. Make-up day for examinations postponed because of Weather. University Commencement March 7 14 23 24 Friday Friday Sunday Monday Mid-Semester: At Least One Evaluation Required in Each Course. Spring Recess (Residence Halls close at 6:00pm) Residence halls Open at 12 Noon Classes Resume April 2 Wednesday Last Day for Students to Complete Work for Incomplete Fall 2013 courses *** 7 Monday *** 9 Wednesday Last Day for Students to withdraw from courses with grade of “W”. *** 15 Tuesday 21 Monday Faculty Advising Period for Fall Semester (2014) Begins. First Day for Seniors Who Anticipate Completion of Degree Requirements by the End of December (2014) to Confer with Faculty Advisors and to File Programs of Baccalaureate Studies (DIG Forms) Student Registration Begins for Fall 2014 Semester Courses via ISIS student self service based on enrollment appointments. Patriot’s Day (University closed) Monday 11 (13) , Tuesday 14 (13), Wednesday 14 (13), Thursday 13 , Friday 13 (65 meeting days, 71 total including final exams) iSiS has the most up to date information. UNIVERSITY POLICY STATEMENT Policy statements and fee schedules as published herein reflect information, which was current at the beginning of the academic year 2013-2014. Although the University provides notice concerning changes in policy and fee schedules as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances, it reserves the right in its sole judgment to implement new rules and regulations and to make changes of any nature in its program, calendar, procedures and standards, degree requirements, and academic schedules—including, without limitation, changes in course content and class schedules. Special announcements are periodically released by departments, colleges, and the University and, when feasible, these also are published in the Connector, the student newspaper. Administrative policies of a system-wide nature (e.g., admissions policies, tuition, and fees) are subject to change by the Massachusetts Board of Regents of Higher Education without advance notice. When changes are necessary, the University exerts reasonable efforts to provide comparable or substantially equivalent instructional services and facilities for those originally designated. However, it assumes no liability for failure to deliver or for delay in delivering such services (including those in support of academic functions or student life) when the causes for such failure or delay are beyond the reasonable control of the University—which causes include, without limitation, the following: power failure, fire, accident, natural disaster, work slowdown and strikes, loss of personnel, changes in funding, and acts of public authorities. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY In registering for courses, each student assumes full responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with the definitions, regulations, and procedures for the University as set forth in this bulletin. Moreover, in accepting admission to the University, each student assumes responsibility for knowledge of and compliance with the definitions, regulations and procedures of the University pertaining to his or her student status as set forth in the appropriate University of Massachusetts Lowell publications and bulletins. WITHDRAWAL FROM THE UNIVERSITY All students who desire to withdraw from the University are required to: • • • • Discharge all financial obligations to the University Return all University property File a written notification of withdrawal with the Registrar's Office or withdraw from all courses. Dropping all courses will withdraw the student from the university. Since the date of official withdrawal as recorded by the Registrar's Office is one basis of any claim for tuition refund and may be of importance in determining legal or student insurance claims, students should process withdrawal papers in person prior to leaving the University. Students who absent themselves from the University without officially withdrawing will remain on all class rosters until they officially withdraw from the University or until the end of the semester. Students who have withdrawn, must be readmitted. This is accomplished only through the Registrar’s Office. Students who are recipients of benefits from the Veterans Administration may not process withdrawals from the University which violate their declarations of classroom attendance. Recipients of veterans benefits are advised that they must receive course grades when their requests to withdraw from the University have been filed after deadlines of the Veterans Administration for processing changes of declared benefit status or when their dates of withdrawal will conflict with declarations of classroom attendance NECCUM CROSS REGISTRATION PROGRAM Full time day students at the University of Massachusetts Lowell may cross register in courses on a space available basis for no more than two courses per semester at any other institution in the Northeast Consortium of Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts. Colleges in the Consortium are: Endicott College, Gordon College, Marion Court Junior College of Business, Merrimack College, Middlesex Community College, Montserrat School of Visual Art, Northern Essex Community College, North Shore Community College, Page 1 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. Salem State College and the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The purpose of this program is to expand educational opportunity for students by permitting them to enroll in courses at any NECCUM institution without payment of tuition beyond that paid to the “home” institution. Course selection is limited to courses not offered here on a space available basis. Courses offered through the Division of Continuing Education or graduate courses are not included under the program. The policies of the home institution regarding program curriculum requirements, credits earned apply. The student is responsible for fulfilling course requirements even though calendars and regulations may differ among consortium institutions. If course changes are made the student must notify both the home and host registrars. Lab fees, materials fees and any other non-tuition fees required by a particular course are not exempt and must be paid for by the participating student to the host institution. The student must comply with the regulations of the host institution. UMass Lowell students are not permitted to pursue off-campus courses until an initial evaluation of their academic progress has been made. For information about courses open to (home institution) students, contact the Registrars Office. Other information about the program, the procedure for student participation, restrictions and a statement of student responsibility are also available from the Registrar. PASS-NO CREDIT COURSE REGISTRATION Students may elect to register on a pass-no credit basis for a maximum of four unrestricted elective courses. A student may not change his or her enrollment status from letter grade to pass-no credit or from pass-no credit to letter grade after the established deadline for adding a course. A pass-no credit course cannot be presented in fulfillment of University general education requirements, major programs, minor programs, or specifically designated courses (collateral requirements) of an established curriculum. A grade of P indicates that a student’s performance merits an evaluation of D or better. NC indicates that a course has been failed but that such failure is without prejudice to the student’s cumulative average. Although appropriate credits are granted to students when grades of P have been assigned, these credits are not qualitatively weighted and hence do not affect a student’s academic average. The entry NC will not keep an otherwise qualified student from dean’s list recognition. SATISFACTORY-UNSATISFACTORY COURSE REGISTRATION Certain courses (e.g., practicum experiences, advanced seminars, and directed studies) may be graded as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. A grade of S indicates that a student’s performance merits an evaluation of C or better. U indicates a course evaluation of less than C. Although appropriate credits are granted to students when grades of S have been assigned, these credits are not qualitatively weighted and hence do not affect a student’s academic average. A grade of U indicates that attempted course credits have not been granted and is awarded without prejudice to a student’s cumulative average. INCOMPLETE COURSES The symbol INC (incomplete) is a temporary notation which is assigned for incomplete work in courses when the records of students justify the expectation that they will obtain a passing grade but for emergency reasons they have missed a minor part of the course requirement. Any missed final examination or other final course evaluation requires a student explanation within 48 hours so the instructor can file the proper course notation with the Student Records Office. A student who has evidenced an unsatisfactory course record, who has failed to complete a major portion of an instructor’s course requirements, or who fails to provide an instructor with a satisfactory reason for absence from a final examination or final course evaluation within the specified 48 hour period may not be assigned the letter symbol INC. Responsibility for making arrangements with an instructor to complete all outstanding course work rests entirely with the student, who must complete all course work by the final week of classes for the succeeding semester. At the end of the official make-up period (or, in the event of a substantiated student emergency, at the end of an extended make-up period), the Student Records Office will convert the temporary notation of INC to the appropriate permanent symbol. This permanent notation will be one of the following: 1) a letter grade which is filed by an instructor at the end of the make-up period to designate the final course standing of a student who has made up incomplete course requirements, 2) course work not completed by the final week of classes for the succeeding semester will convert to a grade of F, or 3) the letter symbol of X, which the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled as a degree candidate Page 2 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. may authorize to designate that a student has withdrawn from the University after the end of the semester for documented medical or personal emergency (cf. University Withdrawal After the End of the Semester). Limited extensions of the make-up period may be granted to students for serious medical reasons and for documented personal emergencies. Requests for such extensions are approved by the dean of the college in which students are enrolled as degree candidates and must be filed no later than one calendar week preceding the established deadline for instructors to submit final grades for incomplete courses. Except for extraordinary circumstances acceptable to a college dean, the maximum period for which an extension may be granted is the last scheduled class day of the semester following the assignment of INC notations. AUDITED COURSES A student may enroll in credit courses as an auditor with appropriate approval. Forms and instructions for registration as an auditor may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. No charge is levied on full-time students for audited courses. No credit or grade will be recorded for an audited course, but the symbol AU will be listed on the permanent record. A change from audit to credit status, or from credit status to audit, may not be made after the deadline for adding a course (10th class day). Students who have audited a course subsequently may not earn credit in the same course through tests of the College Level Examination Program or through other authorized examination procedures for course challenge. GRADE CHANGES At the end of each semester, grades are available to students via their self service account in iSiS. All course grades become a part of the student’s official record upon instructor assignment and may not be changed except as specifically provided by University procedures. Corrections of grade-point averages automatically are authorized when grade reports are corrected by instructors and when specific courses are deleted from grade-point averages under provisions of University regulations governing repeated courses and course deletions. Changes of grades other than the filing of grades for incomplete courses require the endorsement of the appropriate college dean. Grade changes may not be made on a student’s permanent record after the deadlines cited in the academic calendar unless such changes have been authorized by appropriate college deans. GRADE DISPUTE Students who believe that a mistake has been made in assigning or recording a course grade should notify instructors as soon as possible after receiving their grades but in no case later than the deadline established for making grade corrections. The deadline for instructors to correct an erroneous grade report is one calendar month from the beginning of the semester following the filing of an erroneous grade. Accordingly, students who experience difficulty in contacting faculty members for the purpose of questioning assigned grades should consult the appropriate college dean prior to the expiration of the correction deadline. FRESHMEN LEARNING COMMUNITIES The University of Massachusetts Lowell is committed to the practice of building support for all our students, especially those who are new to the University. To that purpose, clusters of courses, centered on disciplinary interests, have been scheduled to unite cohorts of First Year Students in Academic Learning Communities. We believe that these Learning Communities will create opportunities for entering students to make connections with classmates and faculty and will strengthen students’ connection to the university community Page 3 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. MASTER SCHEDULE INFORMATION At the top of each page are column headings listed and described as follows: COURSE TITLE: Abbreviated title of course being offered. CLASS NUMBER: Number used for iSiS registration. Do not confuse this with the Course Number. SUBJECT NUMBER: A two-digit department code. CATALOG NUMBER: A three digit course number. SECTION NUMBER: 001-099 101-199 201-299 301-399 701-899 901-999 Indicates the section number of the course being offered. There are six types of section number designations. CSCE COURSES DEMONSTRATION OR LECTURE: a period in which one or more recitations and/or Laboratory sections are combined in order to constitute an entire course. Examples are 25.107 and 25.108. RECITATION: A course which consists entirely of lecture/recitations type sections, such as 42.101, or a recitation section that constitutes part of a course such as 25.107. HONORS COURSES: Only for those students accepted in the Honors Program (see page 37). LABORATORY: A period in which experiments or practical exercises are performed. CLINICAL SUPERVISION: Provided in collaboration with outside clinical agencies and/or schools. IMPORTANT NOTE: Sections with the letter “R” are used by the Learning Community. These may or may not have seats available for enrollment by other students. DAYS: Day or days on which the section will meet M – Monday T – Tuesday W – Wednesday R – Thursday F – Friday S - Saturday HOURS: Beginning and ending times for the section UNITS: Total number of credits given for the course, related lectures and laboratories. INSTRUCTOR: Instructor’s name if known at the time of publication is listed beside the section(s) he/she has been assigned to teach. This information is subject to change without notice. LOCATION: This column refers to the campus on which the section will be taught. North Campus UMLNORTH UMLWEST South Campus UMLSOUTH UMLONLINE Off Campus UMLOFFCAMPUS UMASSLOW East Campus UMLEAST West Campus On Line Location not entered GEN ED 2K: Codes for courses meeting one or more of the General Education requirements for students entering the University. Arts & Humanities Social Sciences AH SS Arts & Humanities plus Diversity Social Sciences plus Diversity AHD SSD Arts & Humanities plus Diversity & Ethics Social Sciences plus Diversity & Ethics AHDE SSDE Arts & Humanities plus Ethics Social Sciences plus Ethics AHE SSE Science Technology SC TN Science with Laboratory Technology with Laboratory SCL TNL Science with Laboratory Optional Technology with Laboratory Optional SCLO TNLO PERMISSION: Codes for permission needed to register for course. No permission needed (Blank) Instructor’s permission needed INST Department’s permission needed DEPT COMMENTS: Supplementary information pertaining to the course (Prerequisites, Corequisites, etc). LEGEND OF BUILDING DESIGNATIONS USED WITH ROOM NUMBERS: Ball Hall BAL LYD Coburn Hall COB MAH Durgin Hall DUR MCG Dugan Hall DUG OLN Engineering Building ENG OLS Pinanski Energy Center PIN PAS Falmouth Hall FAL SOU Fox Hall FOX WEE Kitson Hall KIT Page 4 of 82 Lydon Library Mahoney Hall McGauvran Student Union Olney Hall Olsen Hall Pasteur Hall Southwick Hall Weed Hall Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information The items listed below are designated as "Directory Information". This information may be released for any purpose at the discretion of the University. Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, you have the right to withhold the disclosure of any or all of the "Directory Information" listed below. Please consider very carefully the consequences of any decision by you to withhold the "Directory Information." Should you decide to inform the University not to release any this "Directory Information," any future requests for such information from non-institutional persons or organizations will be refused. Furthermore, your request to withhold release of this information will prevent the University, except under a signed release, from certifying your enrollment status, listing your name in any newspaper releases pertaining to dean's list, graduation, awards, etc. The University will honor your request to withhold the information listed below but cannot assume responsibility to contact you for subsequent permission to release them. Regardless of the effect upon you, the University assumes no liability for honoring your instructions that such information be withheld. Please complete this form and sign to indicate your disapproval for the University to disclose the following public or Directory information. Name, University mail box #, date of birth, University email address, previous educational institution(s) attended, major field of study, dates of attendance, awards & honors received, degrees conferred, past and present participation in officially recognized sports & activities and height & weight of athletic team members. Name: Date: ID#: Student Signature: If this form is not submitted to the Office of Registrar, it will be assumed that the above information may be disclosed. Page 5 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. Fall 2013 Courses that fulfill General Education Requirements Note: This is only contains courses being offered for the coming semester. For complete GenEd information, please visit the web at: http://www.uml.edu/gened/ Arts and Humanities Plus Diversity & Ethics (ADE) 42. 258 45. 203 45. 350 Disability in Literature Introduction to Ethics World Philosophies ADE ADE ADE Arts and Humanities (AH) 42. 201 42. 212 42. 217 42. 317 42. 383 45. 202 45. 316 45. 384 58. 105 58. 211 58. 221 58. 231 58. 332 58. 352 59. 105 59. 332 70. 101 70. 108 70. 255 71. 110 74. 161 74. 261 78. 301 THEA. 201 THEA. 261 THEA. 262 Great Books of Antiquity Short Story The Horror Story British Lit of 20th Century Theatre History II Intro Logic & Crit Reas Philosophy & Film Philosophies of Art & Beauty Comparative Arts 19th Century Art 20th Century Art Greek & Roman Art Baroque Art in Italy Critical Iss In Art Hist Comparative Arts Baroque Art in Italy Art Concepts I (studio) Intro to App Des & Mobile Comp Drawing I Basic Music Theory Music of Western Civilization Music History I Music, Technology & Society Introduction to Theatre Acting 1 Acting 2 AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH Arts and Humanities plus Ethics (AHE) 42. 216 45. 201 45. 206 45. 216 45. 334 45. 352 Monsters, Apes & Nightmares Intro to Philosophy Intro to Political Philosophy Plato & Beginning/Philosophy Engineering and Ethics Existence & Anxiety AHE AHE AHE AHE AHE AHE Science with Laboratory (SC and SCL) 83. 123 35. 101 35. 102 35. 103 35. 104 35. 210 81. 315 81. 317 84. 101 84. 102 84. 121 84. 122 84. 123 84. 124 85. 141 85. 143 89. 101 89. 103 91. 108 95. 121 95. 141 96. 105 96. 121 96. 141 Nutrition and Disease Anatomy & Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology II Human A & P Lab I Human A & P Lab II Nutrition and Health Principles of Ecology Princ of Ecology Lab Appl Chem for Non-Scientists Forensic Science/Non-Scientist Chemistry I Chemistry II Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry II Laboratory Weather and Climate Weather & Climate Lab General Geology General Geology Lab Intro to App Des & Mobile Comp Exploring the Universe Physics I Sounds of Music Lab for Exploring the Universe Physics I Lab SC SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL SCL Arts and Humanities Plus Diversity (AHD) 42. 246 42. 376 43. 105 43. 106 43. 111 43. 112 43. 227 43. 274 43. 281 43. 345 43. 350 45. 296 45. 304 58. 101 58. 203 59. 111 59. 203 Gay & Lesbian Literature African-American Literature Western Civilization I The Modern World U.S. History to1877 U.S. History since 1877 Europe in the Middle Ages Native American History Sub-Saharan Africa Slavery and Abolition Colonial America Intro to World Religions God and Philosophy Art Appreciation History Of Art:Preh-Med Found in Cultural Studies History Of Art:Preh-Med AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD AHD Social Sciences Plus Diversity and Ethics (SDE) 47. 363 48. 101 59. 363 Intro to Disability Studies Intro to Sociology Intro to Disability Studies SDE SDE SDE Science with Laboratory Optional (SLO) 83. 101 83. 103 84. 135 95. 103 95. 161 96. 103 96. 161 99. 101 99. 102 Page 6 of 82 Life Science I Life Science I Laboratory Honors Chemistry I General Physics I Honors Physics I General Physics I Lab Honors Physics I Lab Radiation and Life Radiation and Life Lab SLO SLO SLO SLO SLO SLO SLO SLO SLO Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. Social Sciences (SS) 30. 306 41. 261 41. 262 44. 477 46. 101 46. 175 47. 101 47. 232 47. 260 47. 272 47. 276 47. 355 47. 360 49. 201 49. 202 JMS. 100 UTL. 201 Intro to Gerontology Intro to Legal Concepts Business Law Intimate Partner Violence Intro to American Politics Intro to Environmental Studies General Psychology Psych of Personality Child & Adolescent Development Abnormal Psychology Theories of Learning Sport & Exercise Psychology Adult Development and Aging Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics II (Macroeconomics) Intro to Journ. & Media Comm. Knowing & Learn. in Math & Sci SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS Social Sciences Plus Diversity(SSD) 30. 102 30. 308 41. 360 44. 360 46. 110 46. 112 46. 121 47. 209 47. 255 47. 335 48. 102 48. 240 49. 302 Introduction to Public Health Global Health Legal Issues in Racism Gender, Race and Crime Introduction to Politics Intro to Comp Pol Systems International Relations Social Psychology Community Psychology Psychology & Women Social Anthropology Sociology of Gender Labor Economics SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD SSD Social Sciences Plus Ethics (SSE) 41. 210 44. 248 44. 478 46. 231 57. 211 PCS. 205 Restorative Justice Terrorism Child Maltreatment Intro Political Thought Sustainable Development Restorative Justice SSE SSE SSE SSE SSE SSE Technology (TN) or Technology and lab (TNL) 10. 101 91. 100 16. 233 Tech & Human Built World Media Computing History of Radio TN TN TNL Page 7 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD CURR&INST Educational Psychology 13345 01. 371 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 26 Lohmeier,Jill SC UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST Educational Psychology Understanding Education Student Development Theory Sociocult Contexts of Educ Com Persp&Visions of Schooling I Early Literacy Comm. Exper. I Academic Writing/Engl Language Pre-Practicum: Alternate Route Pre-Practicum Teaching Eng.Lang. Learners Elementary Math Methods Reading & Reading Disabilities Elem. Social Studies Elem Science Methods Curriculum & Teaching: English Curric & Teaching History Curric & Teaching Math Curric & Teaching Science Teaching Elementary Ed & Sem Teaching Elementary Ed & Sem Teaching Elementary Ed & Sem Teaching Elementary Ed & Sem Internship: Mod. Disabilities Teaching English and Seminar Teaching English and Seminar Teaching History and Seminar Teaching History and Seminar Teaching Math and Seminar Teaching Math and Seminar Teaching Biology and Seminar Teaching Biology and Seminar Teaching Chem and Seminar Teaching Chem and Seminar Teach Earth Science & Seminar Teach Earth Science & Seminar Teaching Physics and Seminar Teaching Physics and Seminar Teaching Gen Sci & Seminar Teaching Gen Sci & Seminar 13351 13353 13357 14257 13361 13365 16016 13369 13372 13383 13393 13417 13420 13425 13433 13443 13447 13452 13486 13486 14046 14046 14047 14048 14048 14050 14050 14052 14052 14061 14061 14064 14064 14068 14068 14069 14069 14077 14077 01. 371 202 01. 391 201 01. 608 201 01. 636 201 01. 645 201 02. 301 201 02. 507 201 02. 539 201 02. 540 201 02. 541 201 02. 551 201 02. 556 201 02. 562 201 02. 563 201 02. 572 201 02. 573 201 02. 575 201 02. 576 201 02. 578 901 02. 578 901 02. 578 903 02. 578 903 02. 579 901 02. 583 901 02. 583 901 02. 584 901 02. 584 901 02. 589 901 02. 589 901 02. 590 901 02. 590 901 02. 591 901 02. 591 901 02. 592 901 02. 592 901 02. 593 901 02. 593 901 02. 594 901 02. 594 901 TR MW T W T F R R R R W T W M R R R R T MTWRF T MTWRF 01:00 PM-02:15 PM 02:30 PM-03:45 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:30 PM-07:00 PM 09:30 AM-11:00 AM 04:00 PM-06:20 PM 09:00 AM-02:50 PM 09:00 AM-02:50 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 09:00 AM-11:20 AM 01:00 PM-03:20 PM 01:00 PM-03:20 PM 01:00 PM-03:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 08:00 AM-03:20 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 08:00 AM-03:20 PM 08:00 AM-03:20 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 08:00 AM-02:50 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 08:00 AM-03:20 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 07:00 AM-03:20 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 26 30 25 25 25 30 25 30 30 25 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 1 2 2 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 Thompson,Shanna Rose Davidson,Judith Kohl,James Wyman-Colombo,Michaela Fontaine,Patricia L Barr,Joanna Westgate Margala,Miriam Fontaine,Patricia L Fontaine,Patricia L Wyman-Colombo,Michaela Scribner-MacLean EdD,Michelle Ambe,Elizabeth B Fontaine,Patricia L Scribner-MacLean EdD,Michelle Brown,John Joseph Fontaine,Patricia L Gine,Roser A Lustick,David Fontaine,Patricia L Fontaine,Patricia L Scott,Kristina Lee Scott,Kristina Lee Bates,Donna D Brown,John Joseph Brown,John Joseph Fontaine,Patricia L Fontaine,Patricia L Gine,Roser A Gine,Roser A Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David Lustick,David SC SC NC SC SC SC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC OC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST Advanced Academic Writing I Advanced Academic Writing I Teaching World History Interact & Assessment/Science Math for Teachers I Pol&Pract/Sci,Tech,Eng,Math Ed Reasoning & Problem Solving Directed Study C & I Dir Study: Math Sci Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation Sem: Portfolio Dev & Defense Sem: Portfolio Dev & Defense Sem: Portfolio Dev & Defense Sem.I: Prof. Accomplishments Dir St: Administration Inst.Ldrshp & Sch Reform Managing Change&conflict Sem: Qualifying Paper Develop Sem: Qualifying Paper Develop Sem: Qualifying Paper Develop Dir Study:Leadership in School Dir Study:Leadership in School Doctoral Dissertation/Ed 13640 13640 13646 13649 13660 13662 13664 13666 13678 13773 13774 13775 13777 13780 13786 13790 13792 13797 14256 13798 13801 13803 13806 13808 13815 13817 13818 13822 02. 607 201 02. 607 201 04. 513 201 04. 530 201 04. 534 201 04. 623 201 04. 630 201 04. 655 742 04. 729 738 04. 753 738 04. 753 753 04. 753 757 04. 756 738 04. 756 756 04. 759 756 05. 601 201 05. 602 201 05. 603 201 05. 609 201 05. 649 760 05. 650 201 05. 652 201 05. 701 201 05. 702 201 05. 703 201 05. 729 744 05. 729 752 05. 753 712 W M T T T W W 02:00 PM-04:30 PM 02:00 PM-04:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:25 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 07:00 PM-09:00 PM TBA 04:00 PM-06:25 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 9 1 2 3 1 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 15 15 25 15 25 25 25 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 25 30 30 25 5 30 25 6 30 30 5 5 5 Margala,Miriam Margala,Miriam Strobel,Christoph TBA TBA Lustick,David Panasuk,Regina M Ossen,Vera M Panasuk,Regina M Panasuk,Regina M Lustick,David Scribner-MacLean EdD,Michelle Panasuk,Regina M Lohmeier,Jill Lohmeier,Jill Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Wyman-Colombo,Michaela Carifio,James NC NC SC SC SC SC SC T MTWRF MTWRF T MTWRF T MTWRF T MTWRF T T T W M W Page 8 of 82 SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology or 48.101 Intro to Sociology; and Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology or 48.101 Intro to Sociology; and Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors. Pre-Req: Ed.D. matriculated only Pre-Req: 02.507 Academic Writing/Engl Language,or satisfactory score on English language placement test. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST COURSE TITLE Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Dissertation Research Continued Grad Research Tchg Read in Content Area Methods of Sheltered Lang Inst Teaching Of Writing Theories of Verbal Comm Hstry,Rsrch and Contemp Issues Dir St: Language & Literature Dir St: Language & Literature Dir St: Language & Literature Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Doctoral Dissertation/Ed Intro. Research Design & Meth. CLASS# 13824 13827 13829 13831 13832 13835 13837 13839 13842 13845 13846 13849 13851 13853 13856 13867 13870 13883 13890 13887 13893 13894 13895 13900 13902 13904 13905 13913 13916 13924 13925 13933 SUB.CAT# SEC 05. 753 744 05. 753 752 05. 753 754 05. 753 756 05. 753 757 05. 753 760 05. 753 761 05. 756 744 05. 756 752 05. 756 754 05. 756 760 05. 759 760 05. 759 761 05. 760 801 05. 766 744` 06. 511 201 06. 607 201 06. 625 201 06. 677 201 06. 678 201 06. 729 714 06. 729 743 06. 729 759 06. 753 714 06. 753 743 06. 753 758 06. 753 759 06. 756 714 06. 756 745 06. 759 714 06. 759 759 07. 700 201 GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CHEMENGR Data Analysis Qual. Research Methods Interm/Advanced Data Analysis Tech & Human Built World 14258 13935 13937 13117 UGRD CHEMENGR Material Balances UGRD UGRD CHEMENGR CHEMENGR UGRD CHEMENGR DAYS R TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 04:00 PM-06:30 PM CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 9 9 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 9 9 3 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 25 25 25 25 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 INSTRUCTOR Davidson,Judith Wyman-Colombo,Michaela Nehring,James H Lohmeier,Jill Scribner-MacLean EdD,Michelle Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Uy,Phitsamay Sychitkokhong Davidson,Judith Wyman-Colombo,Michaela Nehring,James H Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Szczesiul,Stacy Agee Uy,Phitsamay Sychitkokhong Wyman-Colombo,Michaela Davidson,Judith Ambe,Elizabeth B Perez,Heidi E Brown,John Joseph Dagostino,Lorraine Ambe,Elizabeth B Dagostino,Lorraine Simmons,Jay W. Ambe,Elizabeth B Dagostino,Lorraine Simmons,Jay W. Kim,Minjeong Ambe,Elizabeth B Dagostino,Lorraine Simmons,Jay W. Dagostino,Lorraine Ambe,Elizabeth B Lohmeier,Jill LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 07. 701 201 07. 704 201 07. 706 201 10. 101 201 T T W TR 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 3 3 25 25 25 35 Carifio,James Davidson,Judith Carifio,James Vedula,Krishna M SC SC SC NC 13124 10. 201 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 40 Walkinshaw,John W NC Material Balances Fundamentals of Electricity 13127 13129 10. 201 202 10. 205 201 MWF MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 3 40 45 Rai,Prakash Walkinshaw,John W NC NC Fluid Mechanics 13130 10. 303 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 35 Yoon,Seongkyu NC W M T M M PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-req: 07.700 Introduction to Research Design and Methods 1 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I, 95.141 Physics I or equivalent. 1 Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I, 95.141 Physics I or equivalent. 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Reqs: 10.202 Energy Balances & Intro Thermo, 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. 1 UGRD UGRD CHEMENGR CHEMENGR Fluid Mechanics Intro to Material Scien & Eng 13132 13134 10. 303 202 10. 308 201 MWF MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 3 35 35 TBA Vedula,Krishna M NC NC UGRD CHEMENGR Chem Eng Thermodynamics 13135 10. 311 201 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 35 Bonner,Francis NC UGRD CHEMENGR Chem Eng Thermodynamics 13136 10. 311 202 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 35 Orbey,Nese NC Pre-Reqs: 10.202 Energy Balances & Intro Thermo, 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I, and 84.122 Chemistry II. Pre-Reqs: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo, and 92.231 Calculus III. Pre-Reqs: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo, and 92.231 Calculus III. 1 UGRD CHEMENGR Unit Operations Lab I 13137 10. 315 101 M 02:00 PM-02:50 PM UGRD CHEMENGR Unit Operations Lab I 13139 10. 315 801 T 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 2 1 1 1 1 75 Maase,Eric L NC Pre-Req: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo,42.102 College Writing II; Pre/Co-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics. 12 Maase,Eric L NC Pre-Req: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo,42.102 College Writing II; Pre/Co-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics. 1 1 UGRD CHEMENGR Unit Operations Lab I 13140 10. 315 802 R 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 2 12 Maase,Eric L NC Pre-Req: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo,42.102 College Writing II; Pre/Co-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics. UGRD CHEMENGR Unit Operations Lab I 13142 10. 315 803 T 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 2 12 TBA NC Pre-Req: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo,42.102 College Writing II; Pre/Co-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics. 1 UGRD CHEMENGR Unit Operations Lab I 13143 10. 315 804 M 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 2 12 TBA NC Pre-Req: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo,42.102 College Writing II; Pre/Co-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics. 1 NC Pre-Req: 10.202 Energy Balance & Intro Thermo,42.102 College Writing II; Pre/Co-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics. 1 UGRD CHEMENGR Unit Operations Lab I 13144 10. 315 805 W 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 2 Page 9 of 82 12 TBA Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD CHEMENGR Applied Math With Matlab 13146 10. 317 201 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 35 White,John NC UGRD UGRD UGRD CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR Applied Math With Matlab Applied Math With Matlab Thermo & Heat Transfer 13148 13148 13150 10. 317 202 10. 317 202 10. 347 201 M R MW 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 3 35 35 35 Maase,Eric L Maase,Eric L Bonner,Francis NC NC NC UGRD CHEMENGR Chemical Reaction Engineering 13152 10. 403 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 30 Gu,Zhiyong NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR Chemical Reaction Engineering Design Of Papers Eng Econ & Process Analysis Eng Econ & Process Analysis 13154 13157 13158 13160 10. 403 202 10. 405 801 10. 409 201 10. 409 202 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM TBA 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 3 3 3 30 12 30 30 TBA Walkinshaw,John W Maase,Eric L Maase,Eric L NC NC NC NC UGRD CHEMENGR Process Dynamics & Control 13162 10. 413 201 MWF MWF MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 Donatelli,Alfred A Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Req: 10.311 Chem Eng Thermodynamics, and 84.344 Physical Chemistry I. Pre-Req: 10.311 Chem Eng Thermodynamics, and 84.344 Physical Chemistry I. Pre-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics, 10.304 Heat Transfer, 10.310 Separations Processes w/ Mass Transfer, and 10.317 Applied Problem Solving with Matlab. NC MTG# 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 Yoon,Seongkyu NC 30 Yoon,Seongkyu NC 15 Yoon,Seongkyu NC 2 15 Yoon,Seongkyu NC Pre-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics, 10.304 Heat Transfer, 10.310 Separations Processes w/ Mass Transfer, and 10.317 Applied Problem Solving with Matlab. Pre-req: 10.316 Unit Operations Lab II; Pre/Co-Req; 10.413 Process Dynamics & Control. Pre-req: 10.316 Unit Operations Lab II; Pre/Co-Req; 10.413 Process Dynamics & Control. Pre-req: 10.316 Unit Operations Lab II; Pre/Co-Req; 10.413 Process Dynamics & Control. 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 19 Gu,Zhiyong NC Pre-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics and 10.304 Heat Transfer. 1 01:00 PM-03:50 PM TBA TBA TBA 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 03:30 AM-04:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 05:00 PM-07:30 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 03:00 PM-06:00 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 19 10 10 10 19 19 19 30 19 9 19 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 30 30 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Gu,Zhiyong Maase,Eric L Maase,Eric L Maase,Eric L Walkinshaw,John W Bonner,Francis Orbey,Nese Lawton,Carl White,John Ada,Earl Vedula,Krishna M Donatelli,Alfred A TBA Gu,Zhiyong Lawton,Carl Manohar,Sanjeev Walkinshaw,John W Bonner,Francis Donatelli,Alfred A TBA Manohar,Sanjeev Walkinshaw,John W Lawton,Carl TBA Vedula,Krishna M Gu,Zhiyong Bonner,Francis Donatelli,Alfred A Walkinshaw,John W Orbey,Nese Bonner,Francis Orbey,Nese Donatelli,Alfred A Yoon,Seongkyu Gu,Zhiyong Manohar,Sanjeev Walkinshaw,John W Lawton,Carl Sundberg,Glenn Golomb,Dan Bonner,Francis Donatelli,Alfred A NC OC OC OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: 10.303 Fluid Mechanics and 10.304 Heat Transfer. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD CHEMENGR Process Dynamics & Control 13163 10. 413 202 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM UGRD CHEMENGR Processes & Controls Lab 13166 10. 415 101 W 01:00 PM-01:50 PM UGRD CHEMENGR Processes & Controls Lab 13167 10. 415 801 R 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 2 UGRD CHEMENGR Processes & Controls Lab 13168 10. 415 802 R 01:00 PM-03:50 PM UGRD CHEMENGR Nanoscale Transport Phenomena 13170 10. 450 201 MF UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR Nanoscale Transport Phenomena Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience I Principles of Chem Engineering Colloidal, Interfacial & Nano Adv Transport Phenomena Cell & Microbe Cultivation Math Methods for Engineers Nchrtzn by SEM, TEM & AFM Seminar Special Projects in Chem Eng Special Projects in Chem Eng Special Projects in Chem Eng Special Projects in Chem Eng Special Projects in Chem Eng Special Projects in Chem Eng Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Cn Graduate Project - Chem Eng Graduate Project - Chem Eng Graduate Project - Chem Eng Thesis Review Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng 13180 13186 13189 13190 13193 13195 13199 13200 13201 13202 13203 13205 13206 13207 13208 13209 13210 13283 13284 13287 13288 13289 13290 13291 13293 13298 13305 13306 13308 13309 13312 13314 13316 13318 13321 13322 13325 13327 13329 13330 13331 13333 10. 450 801 10. 491 701 10. 491 702 10. 491 703 10. 502 201 10. 506 201 10. 528 201 10. 535 201 10. 539 201 10. 541 201 10. 601 201 10. 720 703 10. 720 704 10. 720 707 10. 720 708 10. 720 709 10. 720 710 10. 733 701 10. 733 703 10. 733 707 10. 733 709 10. 733 710 10. 733 711 10. 733 714 10. 733 716 10. 733 717 10. 736 701 10. 736 703 10. 736 710 10. 741 702 10. 743 701 10. 743 702 10. 743 703 10. 743 704 10. 743 707 10. 743 709 10. 743 710 10. 743 711 10. 743 712 10. 743 716 10. 746 701 10. 746 703 T MWF MW MW R MW F R 30 PERM 3 Page 10 of 82 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD DEPT CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CHEMENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR COURSE TITLE Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Master's Thesis - Chem Eng Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Doctoral Dissertation/cn Statics Statics CLASS# 13335 13336 13338 13341 13344 13350 13352 13354 13356 13359 13370 13375 13376 13377 13378 13379 13380 13381 13382 13385 13386 12726 12727 SUB.CAT# SEC 10. 746 704 10. 746 707 10. 746 709 10. 746 710 10. 746 711 10. 753 702 10. 753 704 10. 753 707 10. 753 708 10. 753 711 10. 756 704 10. 756 707 10. 756 708 10. 756 711 10. 756 717 10. 759 701 10. 759 707 10. 759 708 10. 759 711 10. 759 712 10. 759 717 14. 203 201 14. 203 202 DAYS MWF MWF TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM UGRD CEENVENGR Surveying I 12728 14. 225 101 MF UGRD CEENVENGR Surveying I 12729 14. 225 102 MF CRD 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 32 32 INSTRUCTOR Yoon,Seongkyu Gu,Zhiyong Manohar,Sanjeev Walkinshaw,John W Lawton,Carl Orbey,Nese Yoon,Seongkyu Gu,Zhiyong Manohar,Sanjeev Lawton,Carl Yoon,Seongkyu Gu,Zhiyong Manohar,Sanjeev Lawton,Carl Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Bonner,Francis Gu,Zhiyong Manohar,Sanjeev Lawton,Carl Sundberg,Glenn Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Shenoda,Michael Shenoda,Michael LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 32 Stamatiadis,Chronis 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 32 Stamatiadis,Chronis PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 95.141 Physics I; Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Req: 95.141 Physics I; Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NC Pre-Reqs: 25.107 Intro to Engineering I, 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; Co-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II and 14.286 Prob & Stat/Engineers. 1 NC Pre-Reqs: 25.107 Intro to Engineering I, 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; Co-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II and 14.286 Prob & Stat/Engineers. 1 1 UGRD CEENVENGR Surveying I 12730 14. 225 801 T 08:00 AM-10:45 AM 3 16 Stamatiadis,Chronis NC Pre-Reqs: 25.107 Intro to Engineering I, 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; Co-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II and 14.286 Prob & Stat/Engineers. UGRD CEENVENGR Surveying I 12731 14. 225 802 T 11:00 AM-01:45 PM 3 16 Stamatiadis,Chronis NC Pre-Reqs: 25.107 Intro to Engineering I, 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; Co-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II and 14.286 Prob & Stat/Engineers. 1 UGRD CEENVENGR Surveying I 12732 14. 225 803 R 08:00 AM-10:45 AM 3 16 Stamatiadis,Chronis NC Pre-Reqs: 25.107 Intro to Engineering I, 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; Co-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II and 14.286 Prob & Stat/Engineers. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR Surveying I Prob & Stats for Engineers Prob & Stats for Engineers 12733 12734 12735 14. 225 804 14. 286 201 14. 286 202 R MW MW 11:00 AM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 3 3 16 32 32 Stamatiadis,Chronis Peretti,Gail Peretti,Gail NC NC NC UGRD CEENVENGR Fluid Mechanics 12736 14. 301 201 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 32 Huang,Jan Chan NC UGRD CEENVENGR Fluid Mechanics 12737 14. 301 202 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 32 Huang,Jan Chan NC Pre-Reqs: 25.107 Intro to Engineering I, 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; Co-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II and 14.286 Prob & Stat/Engineers. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-req: 92.231 Calculus III, 22.213/14.205 Dynamics, 92.236 Eng.Differential Equations. Pre-req: 92.231 Calculus III, 22.213/14.205 Dynamics, 92.236 Eng.Differential Equations. UGRD CEENVENGR Engineering Materials 12738 14. 310 201 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 32 Kurup,Pradeep U NC Pre-Reqs: 84.122 Chemistry II or 84.136 Honors Chemistry II and 14.204 or 22.212 Strength of Materials. UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR Engineering Materials Eng Materials Lab Eng Materials Lab Eng Materials Lab Eng Materials Lab 12739 12740 12741 12742 12743 14. 310 202 14. 311 801 14. 311 802 14. 311 803 14. 311 804 TR T T R R 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 08:00 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-01:45 PM 08:00 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-01:45 PM 3 1 1 1 1 32 16 16 16 16 Kurup,Pradeep U Leitch,Donald G Kurup,Pradeep U Kurup,Pradeep U Yu,Tzu-Yang NC NC NC NC NC UGRD CEENVENGR Transportation Eng 12744 14. 340 201 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 32 Gartner,Nathan NC UGRD UGRD UGRD CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR Transportation Eng Transportation Eng Lab Transportation Eng Lab 12745 12746 12747 14. 340 202 14. 341 801 14. 341 802 TR T T 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 08:00 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-01:45 PM 3 1 1 32 32 32 Gartner,Nathan Xie,Yuanchang Xie,Yuanchang NC NC NC UGRD CEENVENGR Structural Analysis l 12748 14. 350 101 MW 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 33 Faraji,Susan NC UGRD CEENVENGR Structural Analysis l 12749 14. 350 102 MW 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 33 Faraji,Susan NC UGRD CEENVENGR Structural Analysis l 12750 14. 350 801 W 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 22 Faraji,Susan NC Page 11 of 82 Pre-Reqs: 84.122 Chemistry II or 84.136 Honors Chemistry II and 14.204 or 22.212 Strength of Materials. Pre-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II, Pre-Req or Co-Req: 14.286 Prob & Stats for Engineers, Co-Req: 14.341 Transportation Eng Lab. Pre-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II, Pre-Req or Co-Req: 14.286 Prob & Stats for Engineers, Co-Req: 14.341 Transportation Eng Lab. Co-Req: 14.340 Transportation Eng. Co-Req: 14.340 Transportation Eng. Pre-Req: 14.204 Strength of Materials or 22.212 Strength of Materials. Pre-Req: 14.204 Strength of Materials or 22.212 Strength of Materials. Pre-Req: 14.204 Strength of Materials or 22.212 Strength of Materials. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME UGRD CEENVENGR Structural Analysis l 12751 14. 350 802 W UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR Structural Analysis l Foundation & Soil Eng Steel Design Steel Design Water Resources Engineering Water Resources Engineering Construction Management I Special Topics in Civil Eng Special Topics in Civil Eng Special Topics in Civil Eng Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience II Industrial Experience III Adv Soil Mechanics Adv Foundation Eng Ground Improvement Urban Transportation Planning Traffic Princ for I.T.S. Traffic Flow Theory Behavior of Structures Adv Steel Design Behavior - Concrete Structure Wood Structures Structural Dynamics Phy & Chem Hydro Geology Haz Waste Site Remed. Grad Industrial Exp Special Topics in CE Special Topics in CE Special Topics in CE Special Topics in CE Supervised Tchg CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Masters Project in CE Master's Thesis-CE Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - Ce Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE 12752 12753 12754 12755 12756 12757 12758 12760 12761 12763 12765 12785 12786 12791 12797 12799 12801 12803 12806 12807 12824 12826 13048 12828 12836 12843 12851 12854 12856 12859 12861 12864 12865 12869 12872 12873 12874 12875 12876 12877 12878 12879 12880 12881 12882 12883 12884 12885 12887 12889 12890 12892 12893 12895 12896 12898 12899 12900 12901 12903 12905 12906 12908 12909 12910 12911 12912 12914 12915 14. 350 803 14. 431 201 14. 452 201 14. 452 202 14. 460 201 14. 460 202 14. 475 201 14. 480 705 14. 480 706 14. 480 711 14. 491 701 14. 491 702 14. 491 703 14. 492 701 14. 493 701 14. 531 201 14. 533 201 14. 539 201 14. 540 201 14. 543 201 14. 549 201 14. 550 201 14. 551 201 14. 552 201 14. 553 201 14. 557 201 14. 562 201 14. 595 201 14. 596 705 14. 651 705 14. 651 711 14. 651 713 14. 651 715 14. 705 706 14. 733 702 14. 733 704 14. 733 705 14. 733 706 14. 733 709 14. 733 713 14. 733 715 14. 733 802 14. 733 804 14. 733 805 14. 733 806 14. 733 809 14. 733 813 14. 733 815 14. 741 701 14. 743 701 14. 743 702 14. 743 703 14. 743 704 14. 743 705 14. 743 706 14. 743 709 14. 743 711 14. 743 713 14. 743 715 14. 746 701 14. 746 702 14. 746 703 14. 746 704 14. 746 705 14. 746 706 14. 746 709 14. 746 711 14. 746 713 14. 746 715 W MW MWF MWF MWF MWF W R M W R TR M W M T T R T R CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 22 Faraji,Susan NC 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 22 66 33 33 33 33 35 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 25 25 25 25 20 10 10 10 10 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5 20 Faraji,Susan Paikowsky,Samuel Destefano,Paul Destefano,Paul Zhang,Xiaoqi Zhang,Xiaoqi Shenoda,Michael Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Kurup,Pradeep U Gartner,Nathan Gartner,Nathan Gartner,Nathan Gartner,Nathan Salameh,Ziyad M Hajduk,Edward L Paikowsky,Samuel Hourani,Nabil Xie,Yuanchang Gartner,Nathan Stamatiadis,Chronis Faraji,Susan Destefano,Paul Leitch,Donald G Leitch,Donald G Yu,Tzu-Yang Bruell PhD,Clifford J Bruell PhD,Clifford J Gartner,Nathan Gartner,Nathan Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Leitch,Donald G Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Ting,John Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Ting,John Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Zhang,Xiaoqi Zhang,Xiaoqi Bruell PhD,Clifford J Yu,Tzu-Yang Faraji,Susan TBA Leitch,Donald G Ting,John Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Zhang,Xiaoqi Bruell PhD,Clifford J Yu,Tzu-Yang Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Ting,John Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC OC OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Page 12 of 82 PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 14.204 Strength of Materials or 22.212 Strength of Materials. Pre-Req: 14.204 Strength of Materials or 22.212 Strength of Materials. Pre-Req: 14.330 Soil Mechanics. Pre-Req: 14.350 Structural Analysis l. Pre-Req: 14.350 Structural Analysis l. Pre-Req: 14.301 Fluid Mechanics. Pre-Req: 14.301 Fluid Mechanics. Pre-req: 14.372 C E Systems. Junior level and 2.0 GPA or higher. Junior level and 2.0 GPA or higher. Junior level and 2.0 GPA or higher. Junior level and 2.0 GPA or higher. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD DEPT CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR CEENVENGR EECSENGR COURSE TITLE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - CE Master's Thesis - Civil Eng Master's Thesis - Civil Eng Master's Thesis - Civil Eng Master's Thesis - Civil Eng Indep Study in CE Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation/CE Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Intro to Elect & Computer Eng CLASS# 12916 12917 12918 12919 12920 12921 12922 12924 12925 12927 12928 12932 12933 12934 12935 12936 12937 12938 12939 12940 12941 12942 12943 12944 12945 12946 12947 12948 12949 12950 12951 12952 12953 12954 12955 12956 12957 12958 12959 12960 12961 12962 12963 12964 12965 12966 12967 12968 12969 12970 12971 12972 12973 12974 12975 12976 12977 12978 12979 12980 12981 12982 12983 12984 12985 12986 12987 12988 12989 12990 12991 13977 SUB.CAT# SEC 14. 746 802 14. 746 804 14. 746 805 14. 746 806 14. 746 809 14. 746 811 14. 746 813 14. 749 701 14. 749 703 14. 749 705 14. 749 711 14. 752 715 14. 753 702 14. 753 705 14. 753 710 14. 753 711 14. 753 713 14. 753 715 14. 756 715 14. 757 705 14. 759 702 14. 759 705 14. 759 713 14. 759 715 14. 759 802 14. 763 701 14. 763 702 14. 763 703 14. 763 704 14. 763 705 14. 763 706 14. 763 711 14. 763 713 14. 763 715 14. 763 802 14. 763 804 14. 763 805 14. 763 806 14. 763 811 14. 763 813 14. 763 815 14. 766 701 14. 766 702 14. 766 704 14. 766 705 14. 766 706 14. 766 711 14. 766 713 14. 766 715 14. 766 802 14. 766 804 14. 766 805 14. 766 806 14. 766 811 14. 766 813 14. 766 815 14. 769 701 14. 769 702 14. 769 704 14. 769 705 14. 769 706 14. 769 711 14. 769 713 14. 769 715 14. 769 802 14. 769 804 14. 769 805 14. 769 808 14. 769 811 14. 769 813 14. 769 815 16. 100 201 DAYS T TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-11:50 AM CRD 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 7 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 Page 13 of 82 CAP 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 120 INSTRUCTOR Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Ting,John Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Zhang,Xiaoqi Yu,Tzu-Yang Gartner,Nathan Kurup,Pradeep U Paikowsky,Samuel Bruell PhD,Clifford J Gartner,Nathan Xie,Yuanchang Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Paikowsky,Samuel Gartner,Nathan Bruell PhD,Clifford J Gartner,Nathan Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Bruell PhD,Clifford J Zhang,Xiaoqi Bruell PhD,Clifford J Yu,Tzu-Yang Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Zhang,Xiaoqi Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Paikowsky,Samuel Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Zhang,Xiaoqi Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Bruell PhD,Clifford J Faraji,Susan Gartner,Nathan Leitch,Donald G Kurup,Pradeep U Stamatiadis,Chronis Paikowsky,Samuel Wang,Xingwei LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS FLC: 114 seats reserved Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory I 13982 16. 201 101 MW 10:00 AM-10:50 AM UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory I 13985 16. 201 201 MW 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 114 Hu,Tingshu 19 Tran,Anh UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory I 13986 16. 201 202 MW 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 19 UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory I 13987 16. 201 203 MW 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory I 13989 16. 201 204 UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory I 13991 16. 201 205 MW 03:00 PM-03:50 PM MW 02:00 PM-02:50 PM UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory I 13992 16. 201 206 MW 02:00 PM-02:50 PM UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory II 13993 16. 202 101 MW 10:00 AM-10:50 AM UGRD EECSENGR UGRD EECSENGR Circuit Theory II 13995 16. 202 201 MW 04:00 PM-04:50 PM Circuit Theory II 15714 16. 202 202 MW 03:00 PM-03:50 PM UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR Circuit Theory II Basic EE Lab I Basic EE Lab I Basic EE Lab I Basic EE Lab I Basic EE Lab I Basic EE Lab I Basic EE Lab I 13997 13998 14000 14001 14003 14004 14006 14010 16. 202 203 16. 207 101 16. 207 801 16. 207 802 16. 207 803 16. 207 804 16. 207 805 16. 207 806 MW F T R T T R W 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM COMMENTS MTG# NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; Co-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I. 1 NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; Co-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I. 1 Wang,Xiaoyu NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; Co-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I. 1 19 Palma,John Francis NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; Co-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I. 1 3 19 Tredeau,Frank NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; Co-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I. 1 3 19 Tredeau,Frank NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; Co-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I. 1 3 19 TBA NC 1 53 Rao,Tenneti NC 3 19 Grosch,Theodore NC 3 17 Prasad,Kanti NC 3 17 114 19 19 19 19 19 19 Rao,Tenneti Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; Co-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I. Pre-Req: C- or better in 16.201 Circuit Theory I; Co-Req: 16.208 Basic EE Lab II. Pre-Req: C- or better in 16.201 Circuit Theory I; Co-Req: 16.208 Basic EE Lab II. Pre-Req: C- or better in 16.201 Circuit Theory I; Co-Req: 16.208 Basic EE Lab II. Pre-Req: C- or better in 16.201 Circuit Theory I; Co-Req: 16.208 Basic EE Lab II. Co-Req: 16.201 Circuit Theory I. Co-Req: 16.201 Circuit Theory I. Co-Req: 16.201 Circuit Theory I. Co-Req: 16.201 Circuit Theory I. Co-Req: 16.201 Circuit Theory I. Co-Req: 16.201 Circuit Theory I. Co-Req: 16.201 Circuit Theory I. UGRD EECSENGR Basic EE Lab II 14014 16. 208 101 F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 57 Darish,Michael Steven NC Pre-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I; Co-Req: 16.202 Circuit Theory II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Basic EE Lab II 14026 16. 208 801 R 11:00 AM-01:50 PM UGRD EECSENGR Basic EE Lab II 14027 16. 208 802 TBA 2 19 Darish,Michael Steven NC Pre-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I; Co-Req: 16.202 Circuit Theory II. 1 2 19 Darish,Michael Steven NC Pre-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I; Co-Req: 16.202 Circuit Theory II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Basic EE Lab II 14028 16. 208 803 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 2 19 Darish,Michael Steven NC 1 MWF MW 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 3 49 25 Geiger,Michael J Moran,James M NC NC Pre-Req: 16.207 Basic EE Lab I; Co-Req: 16.202 Circuit Theory II. Pre-Req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Electrical or Computer Engineering majors. UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR ECE Application Programming History of Radio 14029 14030 16. 216 201 16. 233 201 UGRD EECSENGR Logic Design 14031 16. 265 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 49 Tran,Anh NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR Logic Design Electronics I Lab Electronics I Lab Electronics I Lab Electronics I Lab Electronics I Lab 14032 14033 14034 14035 14036 14037 16. 265 202 16. 311 101 16. 311 801 16. 311 802 16. 311 803 16. 311 804 MWF F T T R T 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 49 76 19 19 19 19 Chigan,Tricia Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven Darish,Michael Steven NC NC NC NC NC NC Electronics Lab II 14038 16. 312 101 F 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 38 Darish,Michael Steven NC EECSENGR Electronics Lab II 14039 16. 312 801 R 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 2 19 Darish,Michael Steven NC EECSENGR Electronics Lab II 14040 16. 312 802 R 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 2 19 Darish,Michael Steven NC Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II, and a grade of C- or better in 92.132 Calculus II, or 91.102 Computing II Co-Req: 16.365 Electronics I. Co-Req: 16.365 Electronics I. Co-Req: 16.365 Electronics I. Co-Req: 16.365 Electronics I. Co-Req: 16.365 Electronics I. Pre-Reqs: 16.201 Circuit Theory I and 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Reqs: 16.201 Circuit Theory I and 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Reqs: 16.201 Circuit Theory I and 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. UGRD EECSENGR UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR Microprocessor Sys Desgn I Data Structures 15715 14042 16. 317 201 16. 322 201 MWF MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 3 30 35 Geiger,Michael J Cheney,George P NC NC Pre-Reqs: 16.265 Intro Logic Design and 16.365 Electronics I. Pre-Req: 16.216 ECE Application Programming UGRD EECSENGR Chem & Eng of Electronic Mat 14043 16. 333 201 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 70 Mil'shtein,Samson NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II, 95.144 Physics II, 16.202 Circuit Theory II; and Co/Pre-Req: 16.365 Electronics I. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Chem & Eng of Electronic Mat 15724 16. 333 202 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 30 TBA NC Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II, 95.144 Physics II, 16.202 Circuit Theory II; and Co/Pre-Req: 16.365 Electronics I. 1 UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR Electromechanics Engineering Electromagnetics I 14044 14045 16. 355 201 16. 360 201 MWF MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 3 49 49 Salameh,Ziyad M Wang,Xingwei NC NC UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR Signals & Systems I Intro/Probability&Random Proc 14049 14051 16. 362 202 16. 363 201 MWF MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 3 70 30 Chandra,Kavitha Ibe,Oliver C NC NC 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Page 14 of 82 PERM Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II, and a grade of C- or better in 92.132 Calculus II, or 91.102 Computing II 1 Pre-Req: 16.202 Circuit Theory II and 95.144 Physics II. Pre-Req: 16.202 Circuit Theory II. Pre-Req: 16.202 Circuit Theory II and 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Req: 16.362 Signals & Systems I. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD DEPT EECSENGR COURSE TITLE Intro/Probability&Random Proc CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC 14053 16. 363 202 DAYS MWF TIME 03:00 PM-03:50 PM CRD 3 CAP 30 INSTRUCTOR Ibe,Oliver C LOC NC PERM UGRD EECSENGR Engineering Mathematics 14054 16. 364 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 70 Tredeau,Frank NC COMMENTS Pre-Req: 16.362 Signals & Systems I. Pre-Reqs: 16.201 Circuit Theory I and 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. MTG# 1 UGRD EECSENGR Electronics I 14055 16. 365 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 35 Armiento,Craig NC Pre-Reqs: C- or better in 16.202 Circuit Theory II, 95.144 Physics II, 92.231 Calculus III; Co-Req: 16.311 Electronics I Lab UGRD EECSENGR Electronics I 15710 16. 365 202 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 35 Armiento,Craig NC UGRD EECSENGR Electronics II 14057 16. 366 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 35 Therrien,Joel M NC Pre-Reqs: C- or better in 16.202 Circuit Theory II, 95.144 Physics II, 92.231 Calculus III; Co-Req: 16.311 Electronics I Lab Pre-Req: C- or better in 16.365 Electronics I; Co-Req: 16.312 Electronics Lab II. UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR Capstone Proposal Engineering Topics 14058 14059 16. 399 201 16. 400 201 T T 10:00 AM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 1 49 49 Grosch,Theodore Prasad,Kanti NC NC Pre-req: 16.312 Electronics Lab II, 16.317 Microprocessors I, 16.363 Prob. & Random Proc., 16.366 Electronics II and Senior Level. 1 Co-Req: 16.399 Capstone Proposal. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14060 16. 409 701 TBA 3 18 Rux,Alan NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14062 16. 409 706 TBA 3 18 Luo,Yan NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14063 16. 409 708 TBA 3 5 Margala,Martin NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14065 16. 409 710 TBA 3 5 Therrien,Joel M NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14066 16. 409 711 TBA 3 5 Chigan,Tricia NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14067 16. 409 718 TBA 3 5 Akyurtlu,Alkim NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14070 16. 410 711 TBA 3 5 Chigan,Tricia NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I,16.362 Signals & Systems I,16.365 Electronics I, and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14071 16. 412 201 TBA 3 5 Rux,Alan NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14072 16. 412 705 TBA 3 5 Cheney,George P NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14073 16. 412 711 TBA 3 5 Chigan,Tricia NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14074 16. 412 715 TBA 3 5 Megherbi,Dalila B NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 1 1 UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14075 16. 412 718 TBA 3 5 Akyurtlu,Alkim NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. UGRD EECSENGR Directed Studies 14076 16. 412 720 TBA 3 5 Lu,Xuejun NC Y Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics,16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I, 16.365 Electronics I,and 16.366 Electronics II. UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR Linear Feedback System Wireless Communication 14078 14079 16. 413 201 16. 418 201 MW R 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 3 49 49 Thompson,Charles Weitzen,Jay NC NC Pre-Req: 16.362 Signals & Systems I and 16.364 Engineering Math. 1 Pre-Req: 16.360 Emag Theory I. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR Intro to Solid State Electrncs Analog Devices Advanced Digital System Design Eng Electromagnetics II Antenna Theory & Design VLSI Design 14080 14081 14082 14083 14084 14085 16. 423 201 16. 445 201 16. 450 201 16. 461 201 16. 462 201 16. 469 201 W W T MWF T T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 6 19 70 19 19 Mil'shtein,Samson Cheney,George P Megherbi,Dalila B Akyurtlu,Alkim Grosch,Theodore Prasad,Kanti NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: 16.365 Electronics I or Instructor permission. Pre-Req: 16.366 Electronics II. Pre-Req: 16.265 Intro Logic Design. Pre-Req: 16.360 Emag Theory I. Pre-Req: 16.461 Emag Theory II. 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD EECSENGR Power Electronics 14086 16. 473 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 19 Salameh,Ziyad M NC Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics and 16.366 Electronics II. 1 UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR Microproc. Sys. II & Emb. Sys. Operating Systems 14087 14088 16. 480 201 16. 481 201 W R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 3 22 19 Luo,Yan Megherbi,Dalila B NC NC UGRD EECSENGR Computer Arch & Design 14089 16. 482 201 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 30 Geiger,Michael J NC Page 15 of 82 Pre-Reqs: 16.311 Electronics I Lab, 16.317 Microprocessor Sys Desgn I, and 16.365 Electronics I. Pre-Req: 16.216 Dig Control Programming. Pre-Reqs: 16.317 Microprocessor Sys Desgn I,16.265 Intro Logic Design. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR Fiber Optic Communicatn Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience II 14091 14093 14094 14097 14099 16. 490 201 16. 491 701 16. 491 702 16. 491 703 16. 492 701 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 0 0 0 3 10 18 18 18 18 Armiento,Craig Salameh,Ziyad M Salameh,Ziyad M Salameh,Ziyad M Salameh,Ziyad M NC OC OC OC NC Y Y Y Y UGRD EECSENGR Capstone Project 14100 16. 499 101 T 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 30 Clark,Donn A NC Pre-Req: 16.399 Capstone Proposal and 16.400 Engineering Topics. 1 UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR Capstone Project VLSI Design Microwave Electronics Antenna Theory & Design Linear Systems Analysis Mixed-Signal VLSI Design 14102 14103 14104 14107 14108 14111 16. 499 701 16. 502 201 16. 505 201 16. 506 201 16. 509 201 16. 512 201 T R T R W TBA 02:00 PM-03:00 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 20 30 20 40 30 Clark,Donn A Prasad,Kanti Rao,Tenneti Grosch,Theodore Thompson,Charles F Margala,Martin NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: 16.399 Capstone Proposal and 16.400 Engineering Topics. 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 16.461 Emag Theory II. 1 1 1 GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR EECSENGR WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN Power Electronics Intro to Solid State Electrncs Theory of Communication Communication Networks Advanced Digital System Design Microproc. Sys. II & Emb. Sys. Robotics Intro to Nanoelectronics Computer Arch & Design Analog Devices Operating Systems Advanced Logic Design Fpga Logic Design Tech Wireless Communications Fiber Optic Communicatn Industrial Experience Sem. for Teaching Assistants Adv Comp Syst Hardware Arch Opto Electronic Devices Dir. Studies/Elect. Eng. Selected Topics Selected Topics Eng Sys Analysis I Eng Sys Analysis II Eng Sys Analysis III Analytical Context of Work Env Intro To Envrion Health Aerosol Science Ind Hygiene & Ergonomics Sust Housing Dev & Land Use Environmental Law Comparative Enviormental Intro Biostat & Epidem Work Environment Capstone Work Environment Capstone Exposure Assessment 14112 14113 14114 14115 14116 14117 14118 14119 14120 14121 14122 14123 14124 14125 14126 14127 14128 14129 14130 14132 14133 14134 14135 14137 14138 10319 10321 10434 10329 10348 10361 10433 10363 10396 10395 10399 16. 515 201 16. 523 201 16. 543 201 16. 546 201 16. 550 201 16. 552 201 16. 556 201 16. 559 201 16. 561 201 16. 565 201 16. 573 201 16. 574 201 16. 575 201 16. 582 201 16. 590 201 16. 593 801 16. 598 201 16. 650 201 16. 669 201 16. 692 734 16. 710 201 16. 710 202 16. 771 291 16. 772 291 16. 773 291 19. 500 201 19. 506 201 19. 514 201 19. 525 201 19. 549 201 19. 550 201 19. 555 201 19. 575 201 19. 600 201 19. 600 202 19. 610 201 MWF W W M T W M M M W R T R R M 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 30 20 36 30 6 20 15 30 25 12 11 20 50 25 15 20 25 30 30 5 25 25 30 30 25 30 10 25 30 10 25 10 30 30 30 30 Salameh,Ziyad M Mil'shtein,Samson Weitzen,Jay Ibe,Oliver C Megherbi,Dalila B Luo,Yan Parkin,Robert Therrien,Joel M Geiger,Michael J Cheney,George P Megherbi,Dalila B Tran,Anh TBA Weitzen,Jay Armiento,Craig TBA Darish,Michael Steven Luo,Yan Lu,Xuejun Tran,Anh Luo,Yan TBA Tran,Anh Tran,Anh Tran,Anh Karasek,Robert Woskie,Susan Ellenbecker,Michael Woskie,Susan Turcotte,David A Geiser,Kenneth TBA Cifuentes,Manuel Quinn,Margaret M Cifuentes,Manuel Quinn,Margaret M NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC OC OC NC NC NC NC SC NC SC NC NC NC NC Pre-Reqs: 16.355 Electromechanics and 16.366 Electronics II. R M M R 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM TBA 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM GRAD WRKENVIRN Solutions for Work Env Hazards 10402 19. 615 201 T 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 30 Ellenbecker,Michael NC Pre-Reqs: 19.525 Ind Hygiene & Ergonomics, 19.500 Analytical Context of Work Env; or Instructor permission. GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN Exposure and Risk Assessment Adv Biomechanics Methods In Work Analysis Macroergonomics Hlth Work Org Design Work, Technology and Training Intro.to Envir.& Nat.Res.Econ. Cleaner Production Introduction To SAS Musculoskeletal Epidem Adv. Regression Modeling Critical Rev Hlth Reg Ind St: Ergonomics Ind Study: Epidemiology Ind Study: Epidemiology 10405 10428 10454 10479 10493 10501 10503 10504 10505 10540 10542 10543 10546 10550 10551 19. 616 201 19. 632 201 19. 638 201 19. 640 201 19. 643 201 19. 654 201 19. 655 201 19. 659 201 19. 680 201 19. 684 201 19. 689 201 19. 690 201 19. 713 708 19. 717 705 19. 717 708 W R R F W W 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 09:30 AM-12:20 PM 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 02:30 PM-05:20 PM TBA 09:30 AM-12:20 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 09:30 AM-12:20 PM TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 25 25 25 30 5 10 30 10 15 30 25 30 30 30 Bello,Dhimiter Buchholz,Bryan Buchholz,Bryan Brunette,Maria Karasek,Robert Forrant,Robert TBA Geiser,Kenneth Gore,Rebecca Punnett,Laura Cifuentes,Manuel Wegman,David Punnett,Laura Kriebel,David Punnett,Laura NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Reqs: 19.525 Ind Hygiene & Ergonomics, 19.575 Intro Biostat & Epidem,19.503 Toxicology & Health; or Instructor permission. 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 19.525 Industrial Hygiene & Ergonomics. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W M T T M M TR W T W T W W W F Page 16 of 82 COMMENTS Pre-Reqs: 16.360 Emag Theory I, 16.362 Signals & Systems I or Instructor permission. Pre-Req: 16.366 Electronics II. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD DEPT WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN WRKENVIRN MECHENGR MECHENGR COURSE TITLE Ind Study: Epidemiology Epidemiologic Theory Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env Doctoral Dissertation/Work Env 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research 1- Credit Cont.Grad.Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Intercampus Grad Research Mechanical Eng Project I Mechanical Eng Project I CLASS# 10553 10555 10591 10595 10601 10604 10615 10618 10626 10629 10556 10633 10682 10684 10686 10688 10692 10695 10698 10699 10701 11173 11177 11179 11182 11184 11211 11214 11217 10632 13508 13511 SUB.CAT# SEC 19. 717 724 19. 725 201 19. 759 702 19. 759 703 19. 759 705 19. 759 708 19. 759 709 19. 759 711 19. 759 712 19. 759 722 19. 759 724 19. 761 702 19. 761 703 19. 761 705 19. 761 708 19. 761 709 19. 761 711 19. 761 712 19. 761 722 19. 761 724 19. 763 702 19. 763 703 19. 763 705 19. 763 708 19. 763 709 19. 763 711 19. 763 712 19. 763 722 19. 763 724 19. 999 201 22. 200 201 22. 200 202 DAYS CAP 30 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 18 18 INSTRUCTOR Cifuentes,Manuel Kriebel,David Ellenbecker,Michael Woskie,Susan Kriebel,David Punnett,Laura Buchholz,Bryan Karasek,Robert Quinn,Margaret M Bello,Dhimiter Cifuentes,Manuel Ellenbecker,Michael Woskie,Susan Kriebel,David Punnett,Laura Buchholz,Bryan Karasek,Robert Quinn,Margaret M Bello,Dhimiter Cifuentes,Manuel Ellenbecker,Michael Woskie,Susan Kriebel,David Punnett,Laura Buchholz,Bryan Karasek,Robert Quinn,Margaret M Bello,Dhimiter Cifuentes,Manuel Morin,Eric William TBA TBA LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC NC NC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13516 22. 201 201 M 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 85 Sullivan,Daniel NC Y UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13518 22. 201 202 W 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 85 Sullivan,Daniel NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13520 UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13522 22. 201 801 T 08:30 AM-10:20 AM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC 22. 201 802 R 08:30 AM-10:20 AM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13524 22. 201 803 T 12:30 PM-02:20 PM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13527 22. 201 804 M 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC UGRD UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13529 22. 201 805 W 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13530 22. 201 806 M 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13531 22. 201 807 T 10:30 AM-12:20 PM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I 13533 22. 201 808 W 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 2 26 Sullivan,Daniel NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR Mechanical Design Lab I Statics Statics Statics Strength of Materials Dynamics 13591 13596 13600 13602 13604 13606 22. 201 809 22. 211 201 22. 211 202 22. 211 203 22. 212 201 22. 213 201 R MW MWF TR TR MWF 02:30 PM-04:20 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 2 3 3 3 3 3 26 49 25 49 49 49 Sullivan,Daniel Conant,Rhoby J TBA Conant,Rhoby J Conant,Rhoby J Raptis,Ioannis NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD MECHENGR Thermodynamics 13609 22. 242 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 53 Niemi Jr,Eugene E NC UGRD MECHENGR Thermodynamics 13611 22. 242 202 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 49 Niemi Jr,Eugene E NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13614 22. 296 201 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 100 Reynaud,Emanuelle NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13616 22. 296 202 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 75 Hansen,Christopher J NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13619 22. 296 801 W 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 18 Reynaud,Emanuelle NC R MTWRFS TIME TBA 02:30 PM-05:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 02:30 PM-05:20 PM TBA TBA CRD 3 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 1 Page 17 of 82 PERM Y Y COMMENTS Level: minimum Sophomore standing. Level: minimum Sophomore standing. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-req: 25.108 Intro to Engineering II; and Mechanical Engineering majors. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II and 95.141 Physics I. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II and 95.141 Physics I. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II and 95.141 Physics I. Pre-Reqs: 22.211 Statics and 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Reqs: 22.211 Statics and 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II, 95.245 Physical Properties of Matter, and 84.117 Sel. Topics in Chemistry or 84.121 Chemistry I. Pre-Reqs: 92.132 Calculus II, 95.245 Physical Properties of Matter, and 84.117 Sel. Topics in Chemistry or 84.121 Chemistry I. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13621 22. 296 802 R 12:30 PM-02:20 PM 3 18 Reynaud,Emanuelle NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13623 22. 296 803 R 02:30 PM-04:20 PM 3 18 Reynaud,Emanuelle NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13626 22. 296 804 R 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 18 Hansen,Christopher J NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13629 22. 296 805 W 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 3 18 Hansen,Christopher J NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13630 22. 296 806 M 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 18 Hansen,Christopher J NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials 13631 22. 296 807 R 10:30 AM-12:20 PM 3 18 Reynaud,Emanuelle NC UGRD UGRD UGRD MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR Mechanical Behavior/Materials Mechanical Eng Project II Mechanical Eng Project II 13632 13633 13636 22. 296 808 22. 300 201 22. 300 202 T 01:30 PM-03:20 PM TBA TBA 3 1 1 12 18 18 Hansen,Christopher J TBA TBA NC NC NC UGRD MECHENGR Applied Strength of Materials 13637 22. 311 201 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 45 TBA NC COMMENTS Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 22.200 Mechanical Eng Project I. Pre-Req: 22.200 Mechanical Eng Project I. Pre-Req: 22.212 Strength of Materials; Co-Req: 22.296 Mechanical Behavior of Materials. UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13638 22. 321 201 MF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 64 Sherwood,James A NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. 1 UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13639 22. 321 202 MF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 76 Gorczyca,Jennifer L NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. 1 1 Y MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13642 22. 321 801 R 10:30 AM-12:20 PM 3 16 Sherwood,James A NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13643 22. 321 802 R 12:30 PM-02:20 PM 3 16 Sherwood,James A NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. 1 UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13644 22. 321 803 R 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 16 Sherwood,James A NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. 1 1 UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13645 22. 321 804 W 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 16 Sherwood,James A NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13647 22. 321 805 W 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 16 Gorczyca,Jennifer L NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. 1 1 1 UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13648 22. 321 806 R 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 16 Gorczyca,Jennifer L NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Design I 13650 22. 321 807 R 10:30 AM-12:20 PM 3 16 Gorczyca,Jennifer L NC Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. UGRD UGRD MECHENGR MECHENGR Mechanical Design I Mechanical Design II 13651 13652 22. 321 808 22. 322 201 R MWF 12:30 PM-02:20 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 3 16 49 Gorczyca,Jennifer L TBA NC NC UGRD MECHENGR Convective Processes 13653 22. 342 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 49 Sun,Hongwei NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR Convective Processes Math Methods for Mech Eng Math Methods for Mech Eng Math Methods for Mech Eng 13654 13655 13656 13657 22. 342 202 22. 361 201 22. 361 202 22. 361 203 TR MWF TR MWF 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 3 3 3 49 56 49 55 Putko,Michele M Putko,Michele M Darlington,Rebecca Mattson Putko,Michele M NC NC NC NC UGRD MECHENGR Fluid Mechanics 13658 22. 381 201 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 65 Charmchi,Majid NC UGRD UGRD UGRD MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR Fluid Mechanics Mechanical Eng Project III Mechanical Eng Project III 13659 13661 13663 22. 381 202 22. 400 201 22. 400 202 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA TBA 3 1 1 65 18 18 Willis,David J TBA TBA NC NC NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Eng Lab II 13667 22. 403 201 TR 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 3 144 Charmchi,Majid NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Eng Lab II 13671 22. 403 801 T 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 24 Charmchi,Majid NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Eng Lab II 13673 22. 403 802 T 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 3 24 Charmchi,Majid NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Eng Lab II 13674 22. 403 803 T 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 24 Charmchi,Majid NC UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Eng Lab II 13675 22. 403 804 R 08:00 AM-09:05 AM 3 24 Charmchi,Majid NC Page 18 of 82 Y Y Pre-Req: 22.213 Dynamics; Co-Req: 22.201 Mech Des Lab I CAD; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Req: 22.321 Mechanical Design I. Pre-Reqs: 22.341 Conduction & Rad Heat Transfer and 22.381 Fluid Mechanics. Pre-Reqs: 22.341 Conduction & Rad Heat Transfer and 22.381 Fluid Mechanics. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-req: 22.213 Dynamics, 92.231 Calculus III, 92.136 Differential Equations, and 22.242 Thermodynamics. Pre-req: 22.213 Dynamics, 92.231 Calculus III, 92.136 Differential Equations, and 22.242 Thermodynamics. Pre-Req: 22.300 Mechanical Eng Project II. Pre-Req: 22.300 Mechanical Eng Project II. Pre-Reqs: 22.302, 22.311, 22.341, 22.381; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Reqs: 22.302, 22.311, 22.341, 22.381; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Reqs: 22.302, 22.311, 22.341, 22.381; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Reqs: 22.302, 22.311, 22.341, 22.381; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Reqs: 22.302, 22.311, 22.341, 22.381; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS Pre-Reqs: 22.302, 22.311, 22.341, 22.381; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Reqs: 22.302, 22.311, 22.341, 22.381; and Mechanical Engineering majors only. Pre-Reqs: 22.311, 22.322, 22.342 ,22.451, 22.473. MTG# UGRD MECHENGR Mechanical Eng Lab II 13676 22. 403 805 R 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 3 24 Charmchi,Majid NC UGRD UGRD MECHENGR MECHENGR Mechanical Eng Lab II Capstone Design 13677 13679 22. 403 806 22. 423 201 R 02:00 PM-03:50 PM TBA 3 3 12 15 Charmchi,Majid Shina,Sammy NC NC UGRD MECHENGR Design of Machine Elements 13680 22. 425 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 56 Niezrecki,Christopher Pre-Reqs: 22.311 App. Strength of Materials, 22.296 Mechanical Behavior of Materials, and 22.322 Mechanical Design II. 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD MECHENGR Design of Machine Elements 13681 22. 425 202 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 49 TBA NC Pre-Reqs: 22.311 App. Strength of Materials, 22.296 Mechanical Behavior of Materials, and 22.322 Mechanical Design II. UGRD MECHENGR Dynamic Systems Analysis 13685 22. 451 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 49 Avitabile,Peter NC Pre-Reqs: 22.213 Dynamics,16.211 Fund of Electricity, or 95.144 Physics II, and 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. 1 UGRD MECHENGR Dynamic Systems Analysis 13686 22. 451 202 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 70 Avitabile,Peter NC Pre-Reqs: 22.213 Dynamics,16.211 Fund of Electricity, or 95.144 Physics II, and 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. 1 Pre-Reqs: 22.202 Mechanical Design Lab II, 22.302 Mech Eng Laboratory I: Instrumentation, and 22.322 Mechanical Design II. 1 UGRD MECHENGR Design Theory & Constraints 13687 22. 473 201 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 100 Shina,Sammy NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR Aerodynamics & Flight Mech Industrial Experience I Industrial Experience II Industrial Experience III Energy Eng Workshop Applied Finite Elements FEA of Composites FEA of Composites Solar Fundamentals Fund of Acoustics MEMS & Microsystems Industrial Des of Exper Industrial Des of Exper Robotics Adv Fluid Mechanics Advanced Aerodynamics Finite Element in Thermofluids Mech Behavior of Materials Graduate Co-op Education Graduate Co-op II Processing of Composites Master's Thesis - Mech Eng Master's Thesis - Mech Eng Master's Thesis - Mech Eng Master's Thesis - Mech Eng Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - ME Master's Thesis - Mechanical Master's Thesis - Mechanical Master's Thesis - Mechanical 13688 13689 13690 13691 13692 15304 13693 13694 13695 13696 13697 13698 13699 13700 13701 13702 14095 13799 13802 13805 14098 13807 13809 13810 13812 13814 13816 13820 13821 13823 13826 13828 13830 13836 13838 13840 13847 13848 13850 13855 13857 13858 13859 13861 13864 13866 13871 13872 13875 13878 13881 22. 483 201 22. 491 701 22. 492 701 22. 493 701 22. 504 201 22. 512 201 22. 514 201 22. 514 202 22. 521 201 22. 524 201 22. 553 201 22. 575 201 22. 575 202 22. 579 201 22. 581 201 22. 583 201 22. 589 201 22. 591 201 22. 593 801 22. 595 801 22. 597 201 22. 741 703 22. 741 713 22. 741 717 22. 742 703 22. 743 701 22. 743 702 22. 743 703 22. 743 704 22. 743 706 22. 743 707 22. 743 711 22. 743 712 22. 743 713 22. 743 717 22. 746 701 22. 746 702 22. 746 703 22. 746 704 22. 746 706 22. 746 707 22. 746 708 22. 746 709 22. 746 710 22. 746 711 22. 746 712 22. 746 713 22. 746 717 22. 749 702 22. 749 703 22. 749 704 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM TBA TBA TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 06:30 PM-07:30 PM TBA 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM TBA 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 0 0 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 29 30 18 18 35 20 12 12 19 25 25 35 35 25 30 29 19 20 20 20 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Niemi Jr,Eugene E Shina,Sammy Shina,Sammy Shina,Sammy Trelles,Juan P Gorczyca,Jennifer L TBA Sherwood,James A Parkin,Robert Niezrecki,Christopher Sun,Hongwei Shina,Sammy Shina,Sammy Parkin,Robert Willis,David J Niemi Jr,Eugene E McKelliget,John Reynaud,Emanuelle Shina,Sammy Shina,Sammy Hansen,Christopher J Chen,Julie Sun,Hongwei Sherwood,James A Chen,Julie Charmchi,Majid Avitabile,Peter Chen,Julie Duffy,John Niezrecki,Christopher Reynaud,Emanuelle Willis,David J Hansen,Christopher J Sun,Hongwei Sherwood,James A Charmchi,Majid Avitabile,Peter Chen,Julie Duffy,John Niezrecki,Christopher Reynaud,Emanuelle Parkin,Robert Shina,Sammy McKelliget,John Willis,David J Hansen,Christopher J Sun,Hongwei Sherwood,James A Avitabile,Peter Chen,Julie Duffy,John NC OC OC OC NC NC NC OC NC NC NC NC OL NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC M T M TR T W M M MW MWF W Page 19 of 82 Y Y Y Pre-Reqs: 22.213 Dynamics and 22.381 Fluid Mechanics. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR MECHENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR COURSE TITLE Master's Thesis - Mechanical Master's Thesis - Mechanical Master's Thesis - Mechanical Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Mech Eng Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Systems Analysis I Systems Analysis II Systems Analysis III Intro to Nuclear Engineering I Nuclear Reactor Oper Train I Nuclear Reactor Oper Train II Directed Studies Directed Studies Reactor Physics Reactor Oper Training Sel Topics in Eng Sel Topics in Eng Sel Topics in Eng Sel Topics in Eng Sel Topics in Eng Sel Topics: Energy Sci Sel Topics: Energy Sci Sel Topics: Energy Sci Sel Topics: Energy Sci Sel Topics: Energy Sci Sel Topics: Energy Sci Math Methods for Engineers Grad Research Seminar Supervised Tchg - NE Graduate Project - Energy Graduate Project - Energy Graduate Project - Energy Graduate Project - Energy Graduate Project - Energy Graduate Project - Energy CLASS# 13884 13885 13889 13891 13892 13898 13899 13906 13908 13910 13911 13912 13914 13917 13918 13920 13921 13922 13923 13926 13927 13928 13930 13931 13938 13939 13942 13944 13947 13949 13950 13951 13952 13954 13960 13962 13963 13964 13965 13966 13968 13970 13971 13972 13973 13388 13390 13392 13395 13396 13397 13398 13400 13402 13403 13405 13406 13408 13410 13412 13413 13416 13418 13422 13424 13426 13427 13429 13431 13434 13436 13437 SUB.CAT# SEC 22. 749 706 22. 749 711 22. 749 717 22. 753 701 22. 753 702 22. 753 703 22. 753 704 22. 753 706 22. 753 708 22. 753 709 22. 753 710 22. 753 711 22. 753 713 22. 753 714 22. 753 717 22. 756 701 22. 756 702 22. 756 703 22. 756 704 22. 756 706 22. 756 708 22. 756 710 22. 756 711 22. 756 712 22. 756 713 22. 756 717 22. 756 725 22. 759 701 22. 759 702 22. 759 703 22. 759 704 22. 759 706 22. 759 708 22. 759 710 22. 759 711 22. 759 713 22. 759 717 22. 763 703 22. 763 704 22. 769 201 22. 769 703 22. 769 704 22. 771 291 22. 772 291 22. 773 291 24. 331 201 24. 419 801 24. 420 801 24. 495 701 24. 495 706 24. 505 201 24. 519 801 24. 531 701 24. 531 702 24. 531 705 24. 531 715 24. 531 719 24. 532 701 24. 532 702 24. 532 705 24. 532 706 24. 532 715 24. 532 719 24. 539 201 24. 601 201 24. 705 201 24. 733 701 24. 733 702 24. 733 705 24. 733 706 24. 733 715 24. 733 719 DAYS MWF TR MW TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 09:00 AM-09:50 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA 03:00 PM-04:10 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 05:00 PM-06:15 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 Page 20 of 82 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 5 5 5 15 15 15 19 10 10 10 10 19 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 19 19 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 INSTRUCTOR Niezrecki,Christopher Willis,David J Sherwood,James A Charmchi,Majid Avitabile,Peter Chen,Julie Duffy,John Niezrecki,Christopher Parkin,Robert Shina,Sammy McKelliget,John Willis,David J Sun,Hongwei Niemi Jr,Eugene E Sherwood,James A Charmchi,Majid Avitabile,Peter Chen,Julie Duffy,John Niezrecki,Christopher Parkin,Robert McKelliget,John Willis,David J TBA Sun,Hongwei TBA TBA Charmchi,Majid Avitabile,Peter Chen,Julie Duffy,John Niezrecki,Christopher Parkin,Robert TBA Willis,David J TBA Sherwood,James A Chen,Julie TBA Niezrecki,Christopher Chen,Julie TBA Charmchi,Majid Charmchi,Majid Charmchi,Majid White,John Brown,Gilbert J Brown,Gilbert J White,John TBA TBA TBA White,John TBA Brown,Gilbert J Salameh,Ziyad M TBA White,John TBA Brown,Gilbert J TBA Salameh,Ziyad M TBA White,John TBA Brown,Gilbert J TBA TBA Brown,Gilbert J Duffy,John Salameh,Ziyad M TBA LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 24.419 Nuclear Reactor Operator Training I. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD DEPT NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR NEENGENGR ENGINEER COURSE TITLE Graduate Project - Energy Thesis Review Thesis Review Master's Thesis - NE Master's Thesis - NE Master's Thesis - NE Master's Thesis - NE Master's Thesis - NE Master's Thesis - NE Master's Thesis - Energy Eng Master's Thesis - Energy Eng Master's Thesis - Energy Eng Master's Thesis - Energy Eng Master's Thesis - Energy Eng Master's Thesis - Energy Eng Master's Thesis - Energy Eng Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Doctoral Dissertation/Energy Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Cooperative Education CLASS# 13438 13439 13441 13442 13444 13445 13448 13450 13451 13454 13456 13458 13460 13461 13463 13465 13467 13468 13471 13472 13475 13476 13477 13479 13481 13483 15193 SUB.CAT# SEC 24. 739 701 24. 741 701 24. 741 706 24. 743 701 24. 743 702 24. 743 705 24. 743 706 24. 743 715 24. 743 719 24. 746 701 24. 746 702 24. 746 705 24. 746 706 24. 746 715 24. 746 719 24. 749 701 24. 753 701 24. 753 702 24. 753 705 24. 753 706 24. 753 715 24. 753 719 24. 756 706 24. 759 706 24. 766 701 24. 769 701 25. 3CE 901 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER 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Assessment 1 Co-op Assessment 1 15194 15158 15159 15182 15200 15160 15161 15162 15163 15164 15165 15166 15167 15168 15169 15170 15171 15172 15173 15174 15175 15176 15177 15178 15179 15180 15181 15183 15184 15187 15189 15195 15196 15197 15188 15185 15186 15190 25. 4CE 901 25. 107 101 25. 107 102 25. 107 103 25. 107 601 25. 107 801 25. 107 802 25. 107 803 25. 107 804 25. 107 805 25. 107 806 25. 107 807 25. 107 808 25. 107 809 25. 107 810 25. 107 811 25. 107 812 25. 107 813 25. 107 814 25. 107 815 25. 107 816 25. 107 817 25. 107 818 25. 107 819 25. 107 820 25. 107 821 25. 107 822 25. 107 823 25. 107 824 25. 107 825 25. 107 826 25. 107 827 25. 107 828 25. 107 829 25. 107 NV1 25. 210 201 25. 310 901 25. 310 TBA UGRD ENGINEER Co-op Assessment 2 15191 25. 410 901 DAYS TR TR TR M M M M M M T T T T T T W W W W W W R R R R R R W T M T W M W T R TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM CRD 9 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 9 6 9 0 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 99 INSTRUCTOR TBA White,John Duffy,John White,John TBA Brown,Gilbert J Duffy,John Salameh,Ziyad M TBA White,John TBA Brown,Gilbert J Duffy,John Salameh,Ziyad M TBA White,John White,John TBA Brown,Gilbert J Duffy,John Salameh,Ziyad M TBA Duffy,John Duffy,John TBA TBA Hewitt,Diane K LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 12:00 AM-12:00 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 AM-12:00 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 06:30 PM-07:45 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 12:00 AM-12:00 AM 0 99 190 190 200 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 40 99 99 Hewitt,Diane K Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Hajduk,Edward L Doyon,Erin C Hewitt,Diane K Hewitt,Diane K OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Page 21 of 82 99 Hewitt,Diane K NC Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 25.210 Prof Development Seminar. Pre-req: 25.210 or 26.210 Professional Development Seminar, and 25.3CE Cooperative Education. FLC: 152 seats reserved FLC: 114 seats reserved FLC: 133 seats reserved FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y Y Y Pre-Req: 25.210 Prof Development Seminar. Pre-Req: 25.210 Prof Development Seminar. Y Pre-req: 25.210 Prof. Development Seminar, and 25.310 Co-op Assessment l, or 26.210 Prof. Development Seminar, and 26.310 Coop Assessment l, and 25.3CE or 25.4CE Cooperative Education. 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC UGRD GRAD UGRD UGRD ENGINEER ENGINEER PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR Co-op Assessment 2 Thesis Review Co-op Experience Co-op Experience 15192 15198 13116 13118 25. 410 TBA 25. 580 701 26. 3CE 901 26. 4CE 901 UGRD PLSTCENGR Plastics Safety Lecture 13120 26. 001 101 UGRD PLSTCENGR Plastics Safety Lecture 13121 26. 001 102 UGRD UGRD PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR Polymer Materials I Polymer Materials I 13123 13123 26. 201 201 26. 201 201 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR Polymer Materials I Polymer Materials I Prof Development Seminar Engineering Mechanics 13126 13126 13131 13141 UGRD PLSTCENGR Pl Processing Eng Lab I UGRD PLSTCENGR UGRD UGRD PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# Y Y Y Y Pre-req: 25.210 Prof. Development Seminar, and 25.310 Co-op Assessment l, or 26.210 Prof. Development Seminar, and 26.310 Coop Assessment l, and 25.3CE or 25.4CE Cooperative Education. 1 1 1 1 12:00 AM-12:00 AM 12:00 AM-12:00 AM TBA TBA 1 1 0 0 99 5 99 99 Hewitt,Diane K Lawton,Carl Hewitt,Diane K Hewitt,Diane K NC NC OC OC 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 0 180 Orroth,Stephen A NC TBA 0 10 Malloy,Robert A NC MWF MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 3 24 24 Grossman,Steven Grossman,Steven NC NC 26. 201 202 26. 201 202 26. 210 201 26. 211 201 MW MW R MWF 03:00 PM-04:15 PM 03:00 PM-04:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 3 1 3 19 19 40 40 Driscoll,Stephen B Driscoll,Stephen B Bilawchuk,Kimberly Altuger-Genc,Gonca NC NC NC NC 13145 26. 215 801 T 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 1 12 Malloy,Robert A NC Co-Req: 26.201 Polymer Materials I, 26.001 Plastics Safety Lecture. 1 Pl Processing Eng Lab I 13151 26. 215 802 T 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 12 Malloy,Robert A NC Co-Req: 26.201 Polymer Materials I, 26.001 Plastics Safety Lecture. 1 Pl Processing Eng Lab I Methods of Exp Analysis 13155 13161 26. 215 803 26. 306 201 T MWF 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 3 12 40 Orroth,Stephen A Schmidt,Daniel NC NC Co-Req: 26.201 Polymer Materials I, 26.001 Plastics Safety Lecture. 1 1 Pre-req: 26.210 Professional Development Seminar, and 25.3CE Cooperative Education, or 26.3CE Co-op Experience, or Co-req: 25.3CE Cooperative Education, or 26.3CE Co-op Experience. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. T Y Y 1 Co-Reqs: 26.215 or 26.315 or 26415 or 26.416 or 26.574 Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I or 84.117 Selected Topics in Chemistry. Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I. Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I or 84.117 Selected Topics in Chemistry. Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I. 1 Pre-Reqs: 92.131 Calculus I and 95. 141 Physics I. 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR Co-op Assessment I Fluid Flow 13165 13176 26. 310 901 26. 314 201 MWF TBA 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 1 3 99 40 Doyon,Erin C Barry,Carol F NC NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Plastics Proc Lab III 13217 26. 315 801 R 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 1 14 Orroth,Stephen A NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Plastics Proc Lab III 13218 26. 315 802 R 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 1 14 Orroth,Stephen A NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Plastics Process Engineering I 13219 26. 377 201 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 40 Orroth,Stephen A NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Plastics Process Engineering I 13221 26. 377 801 W 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 40 Orroth,Stephen A NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Polymer Sci for Engineers I 13229 26. 381 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 40 Schmidt,Daniel NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Polymer Science I Lab 13232 26. 383 801 M 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 1 16 Nagarajan,Ramaswamy NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Polymer Science I Lab 13234 26. 383 802 M 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 1 16 Budhlall,Bridgette NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Mech Behavior of Polymers 13250 26. 403 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 45 Crugnola,Aldo NC UGRD UGRD PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR Process Control Coop Assessment II 13254 13258 26. 404 201 26. 410 901 TR R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 2 40 99 Kazmer,David O Hewitt,Diane K NC NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Capstone Design I 13261 26. 415 101 M 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 40 Huang,Jan Chan NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Capstone Design I 13262 26. 415 801 40 Huang,Jan Chan NC Pre-Reqs: 26.216 Pl Process Eng Lab II, 26.202 Polymer Materials II; Co-Req: 26.001 Plastics Safety Lecture. Pre-Req: 26.215 Pl Processing Eng Lab and 26.216 Pl Process Eng Lab II. Pre-Req: 26.215 Pl Processing Eng Lab and 26.216 Pl Process Eng Lab II. Pre-Req: 26.202 Polymeric Materials II and 84.204 Intro to Organic & Polymer Chemistry. Pre-Req: 84.204 Intro Organic & Polymer Chem; Co-Req: 26.381Polymer Sci for Engineers I. Pre-Req: 84.204 Intro Organic & Polymer Chem; Co-Req: 26.381Polymer Sci for Engineers I. Pre-Reqs: 26.211 Engineering Mechanics, 26.202 Polymer Materials II, and 92.231 Calculus III. Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Reqs: 26.210, 26.310, 26.3CE, and 26.4CE. Co-req: 26.001 or 26.002 Plastics Safety Lecture; and Level equal to Senior. Co-req: 26.001 or 26.002 Plastics Safety Lecture; and Level equal to Senior. UGRD PLSTCENGR Capstone Design II 13265 26. 416 101 10 Huang,Jan Chan NC Level Senior Standing; Pre-Req: 26.415 Capstone Design I; and Co1 Req: 26.001 or 26.002 Plastics Safety Lecture. UGRD PLSTCENGR Capstone Design II 13270 26. 416 801 TBA 10 Huang,Jan Chan UGRD PLSTCENGR Honors Capstone Design II 13273 26. 417 301 TBA 1 5 Malloy,Robert A NC UGRD PLSTCENGR Nanoscale Transport Phenomena 13275 26. 450 201 MF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 30 Gu,Zhiyong NC UGRD GRAD GRAD PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR Nanoscale Transport Phenomena Adv Proj In Plastics I Mech Behavior of Polymers 13278 13279 13280 26. 450 801 26. 500 801 26. 503 201 T 01:00 PM-03:50 PM TBA 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 3 20 20 25 Budhlall,Bridgette McCarthy,Stephen P Mead,Joey L NC NC NC TBA M MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 Page 22 of 82 Y Co-Reqs: 26.215 or 26.315 or 26415 or 26.416 or 26.574 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 26.216 Pl Process Eng Lab II, 26.202 Polymer Materials II; Co-Req: 26.001 Plastics Safety Lecture. 1 Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Level Senior Standing; Pre-Req: 26.415 Capstone Design I; and CoReq: 26.001 or 26.002 Plastics Safety Lecture. 1 Y Pre-Reqs: 26.301, 26.306, 26.315, 26.378; Co-Req: 26.416; Honors only. Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 Pre-Req: 26.314 Fluid Flow, 26.348 Heat Transfer, and 26.218 Intro to Design. 1 Pre-Req: 26.314 Fluid Flow, 26.348 Heat Transfer, and 26.218 Intro to Design. 1 1 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR COURSE TITLE Poly Struc Properties & Applic Plastics Processing Theory I Plastics Product Design Plastics Product Design Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Selected Topics Business Law for Engineers Colloidal Nanosci & Nano Eng Advanced Plastics Materials Advanced Plastics Materials Mat.for Renewable Energy & Sus Processing with Elastomers Extrusion Die Design Extrusion Die Design Medical Device Design I Curr Top/ Plastics Materials I Thermosets Advance Physical Prop. Lab Advance Physical Prop. Lab Biomaterials I Advanced Mold Design Advanced Mold Design Prob In Biomat/Directed Study Curr Top/Plastics Design II Computer Aided Engineering I Survey of Intellectual Prop Industrial Thesis Develop I Grad Industrial Coop Educ I Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Masters Thesis Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics CLASS# 13281 13282 13285 13286 13292 13294 13295 13296 13297 13311 13317 13320 13340 13342 13347 13362 13363 13364 13366 13368 13371 13399 13401 13457 13459 13470 13495 13498 13504 13506 13510 13541 13541 13603 13605 14762 13608 13610 13612 13615 13618 13620 13624 13625 13628 13634 13635 13641 13665 13668 13669 13670 13672 13711 13712 13713 13714 13715 13716 13717 13718 13719 13720 13721 13725 13733 13734 13735 13736 13737 13738 13739 SUB.CAT# SEC 26. 506 201 26. 509 201 26. 518 201 26. 518 202 26. 530 203 26. 530 205 26. 530 206 26. 530 207 26. 530 209 26. 530 210 26. 530 212 26. 530 216 26. 530 217 26. 530 218 26. 530 219 26. 530 220 26. 530 223 26. 530 224 26. 530 225 26. 530 816 26. 537 201 26. 542 201 26. 544 201 26. 544 202 26. 547 201 26. 550 201 26. 551 201 26. 551 801 26. 553 201 26. 563 201 26. 565 201 26. 574 801 26. 574 801 26. 575 201 26. 576 201 26. 576 801 26. 579 201 26. 582 201 26. 585 201 26. 590 201 26. 591 201 26. 601 805 26. 743 803 26. 743 805 26. 743 806 26. 743 807 26. 743 810 26. 743 812 26. 743 816 26. 743 817 26. 743 818 26. 743 819 26. 743 820 26. 743 821 26. 743 823 26. 743 824 26. 743 825 26. 743 826 26. 746 803 26. 746 805 26. 746 806 26. 746 807 26. 746 809 26. 746 810 26. 746 812 26. 746 814 26. 746 816 26. 746 817 26. 746 818 26. 746 819 26. 746 820 26. 746 821 DAYS T W TR R M R W MWF MWF R W W M M T T M W W M R MWF TIME 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 03:30 PM-05:20 PM TBA 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 05:30 PM-07:20 PM 07:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 0 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Page 23 of 82 CAP 15 15 25 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 15 15 35 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 15 24 10 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 INSTRUCTOR Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Lai,Fang Malloy,Robert A Johnston,Stephen P Crugnola,Aldo Driscoll,Stephen B Grossman,Steven Huang,Jan Chan Lai,Fang McCarthy,Stephen P Orroth,Stephen A Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G Barry,Carol F Mead,Joey L Kazmer,David O Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Budhlall,Bridgette Johnston,Stephen P Malloy,Robert A Tayebi,Amad Budhlall,Bridgette Driscoll,Stephen B Grossman,Steven Sobkowicz Kline,Margaret J Mead,Joey L Orroth,Stephen A Orroth,Stephen A McCarthy,Stephen P Huang,Jan Chan Driscoll,Stephen B Malloy,Robert A Malloy,Robert A Sobkowicz Kline,Margaret J Johnston,Stephen P Johnston,Stephen P Crugnola,Aldo Lai,Fang Lai,Fang Grossman,Steven Driscoll,Stephen B Driscoll,Stephen B Crugnola,Aldo Driscoll,Stephen B Grossman,Steven Huang,Jan Chan McCarthy,Stephen P Orroth,Stephen A Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G Barry,Carol F Mead,Joey L Kazmer,David O Schmidt,Daniel Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Budhlall,Bridgette Johnston,Stephen P Sobkowicz Kline,Margaret J Crugnola,Aldo Driscoll,Stephen B Grossman,Steven Huang,Jan Chan Lai,Fang McCarthy,Stephen P Orroth,Stephen A Schott,Nick R Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G Barry,Carol F Mead,Joey L Kazmer,David O Schmidt,Daniel LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PERM COMMENTS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I. Co-Req: 26.001 Plastics Safety Lecture. Co-Req: 26.001 or 26.002 Plastics Safety Lecture. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR PLSTCENGR HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH COURSE TITLE Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics Master's Thesis - Plastics M S Grad Res - Plastics M S Grad Res - Plastics M S Grad Res - Plastics M S Grad Res - Plastics M S Grad Res - Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/PL Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral Dissertation/Plastics Doctoral 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Continued Grad Research Introduction to Public Health Introduction to Public Health Life Skills CLASS# 13740 13741 13742 13743 13745 13746 13748 13749 13751 13753 13755 13756 13759 13760 13763 13764 13765 13776 13778 13779 13789 13791 13841 13843 13860 13862 13865 13868 13869 13874 13876 13877 13880 13882 13888 13897 13940 13941 13943 13945 13946 13948 13953 13955 13956 13957 13958 13959 13961 13967 13969 13975 13979 13980 13981 13983 13984 13988 13990 13994 14007 14009 14015 14017 14018 14019 14020 14023 14025 12059 12061 12034 SUB.CAT# SEC 26. 746 823 26. 746 824 26. 746 825 26. 746 826 26. 749 805 26. 749 806 26. 749 807 26. 749 810 26. 749 812 26. 753 805 26. 753 807 26. 753 809 26. 753 810 26. 753 816 26. 753 817 26. 753 818 26. 753 819 26. 753 820 26. 753 821 26. 753 823 26. 753 824 26. 753 825 26. 753 826 26. 756 803 26. 756 805 26. 756 806 26. 756 807 26. 756 809 26. 756 810 26. 756 816 26. 756 817 26. 756 818 26. 756 819 26. 756 820 26. 756 821 26. 756 823 26. 756 824 26. 756 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5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 49 49 30 INSTRUCTOR Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Budhlall,Bridgette Johnston,Stephen P Sobkowicz Kline,Margaret J Driscoll,Stephen B Grossman,Steven Huang,Jan Chan McCarthy,Stephen P Orroth,Stephen A Driscoll,Stephen B Huang,Jan Chan Lai,Fang McCarthy,Stephen P Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G Barry,Carol F Mead,Joey L Kazmer,David O Schmidt,Daniel Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Budhlall,Bridgette Johnston,Stephen P Sobkowicz Kline,Margaret J Crugnola,Aldo Driscoll,Stephen B Grossman,Steven Huang,Jan Chan Lai,Fang McCarthy,Stephen P Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G Barry,Carol F Mead,Joey L Kazmer,David O Schmidt,Daniel Budhlall,Bridgette Budhlall,Bridgette Johnston,Stephen P Sobkowicz Kline,Margaret J Crugnola,Aldo Driscoll,Stephen B Grossman,Steven Huang,Jan Chan Lai,Fang McCarthy,Stephen P Orroth,Stephen A Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G Barry,Carol F Mead,Joey L Kazmer,David O Schmidt,Daniel Nagarajan,Ramaswamy Budhlall,Bridgette Johnston,Stephen P Sobkowicz Kline,Margaret J Huang,Jan Chan Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G McCarthy,Stephen P Stacer,Ross G Budhlall,Bridgette Lai,Fang McCarthy,Stephen P Schott,Nick R Malloy,Robert A Stacer,Ross G Barry,Carol F Kazmer,David O TBA TBA Lehoullier,Joan C LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC NC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD DEPT HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH COURSE TITLE Life Skills Clinical Calculations Clinical Calculations Intro to Gerontology Intro to Gerontology Global Health Human Dev & Pathophysiology Human Dev & Pathophysiology CLASS# 12334 12039 12041 12046 12047 12049 12053 12055 SUB.CAT# SEC 30. 120 TBA 30. 210 201 30. 210 202 30. 306 201 30. 306 202 30. 308 201 30. 550 201 30. 550 202 T M T TR TR R W DAYS TIME TBA 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM CRD 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 CAP 5 26 26 49 49 49 28 25 INSTRUCTOR Lehoullier,Joan C Orton,Carol A. Enos,Laura Gautam,Ramraj Gautam,Ramraj Brunette,Maria Bruce,Alease S Bruce,Alease S LOC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD HEALTHED HEALTHED HEALTHED Community Health & Environment Community Health & Environment Community Health & Environment 13974 13976 13978 31. 201 201 31. 201 202 31. 201 203 MWF MWF TR 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 3 60 80 80 Foco,Rebecca Foco,Rebecca TBA SC SC SC School of Health and Environment majors. FLC: 9 seats reserved. School of Health and Environment majors. School of Health and Environment majors. Community Health Majors, or Community Health Minors; others by permission. Health Education Majors, or Community Health Minors; others by permission. Co-Req: 31.303 Contemp Health Prob I, Junior level, and Health Education or Nutrition (BS). 1 1 1 UGRD HEALTHED Intro to Health Promotion 13999 31. 204 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 30 Foco,Rebecca SC UGRD HEALTHED Intro to Health Promotion 13999 31. 204 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 30 Foco,Rebecca SC UGRD HEALTHED Program Planning/Health Promo 14002 31. 301 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 38 Champagne,Nicole J NC UGRD HEALTHED Social Determinants of Health 14005 31. 303 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 38 Slatin,Craig F NC UGRD HEALTHED Intro to Epidemiology 14008 31. 305 201 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 40 Ackerson,Leland K NC UGRD HEALTHED Princ of Environmental Health 14011 31. 313 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 43 Tickner,Joel A NC UGRD HEALTHED Princ of Environmental Health 14011 31. 313 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 43 Tickner,Joel A NC Pre-Req: 31.201 Comm Health & Env or 30.201 Comm Health; CoReq: 31.301 Prog Plan & Health Promo or Nutrition Majors. Pre-Reqs: 30.201 or 31.201 & 92.183 or 92.283, and Health Education Seniors, or Instructor permission. Community Health Majors, or Community Health Minors; others by permission. Health Education Majors, or Community Health Minors; others by permission. UGRD HEALTHED Health Care Systems 14012 31. 321 201 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 45 TBA SC Pre-Reqs: Sophomore Level Health Education or Exercise Physiology majors; or Instructor permission. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD HEALTHED Chemicals and Health 14016 31. 371 201 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 25 Tickner,Joel A NC Pre-Reqs: 35.251 Physiological Chem I, 35.252 Physiological Chem II, 31.313 Prin of Environmental Health. 1 UGRD HEALTHED Comm Tech in Health Promotion 14090 31. 405 201 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 30 Champagne,Nicole J NC Co-Reqs: 31.409 Service Learning in Health Ed, 31.305 Intro to Epidemiology; and Health Education (BS). NC Co-Req: 31.305 Intro to Epidemiology or 19.525 Intro. to Occ./Env. Health and Ergonomics and 31.405 Comm Tech in Health Promotion: and Health Education (BS). 1 UGRD HEALTHED Service Learning in Comm Hlth 14092 31. 409 201 W 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 12 Slatin,Craig F 1 UGRD GRAD GRAD HEALTHED HESRADMIN HESRADMIN Service Learning in Comm Hlth Quantitative Methods/Hlth Mgmt Healthcare Information Systems 14096 14101 14106 31. 409 202 32. 506 201 32. 607 201 W M R 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 05:30 PM-08:30 PM 05:30 PM-08:30 PM 3 3 3 10 30 40 Ackerson,Leland K Lee,A.James Lee,A.James NC SC NC Co-Req: 31.305 Intro to Epidemiology or 19.525 Intro. to Occ./Env. Health and Ergonomics and 31.405 Comm Tech in Health Promotion: and Health Education (BS). 1 1 1 UGRD NURSING Strat for Acad Success in Nurs 14464 33. 101 201 M 03:30 PM-04:25 PM 1 19 TBA SC Pre-Req: Restricted to Nursing Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 UGRD NURSING Strat for Acad Success in Nurs 14466 33. 101 202 T 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 1 19 Gautam,Ramraj SC Pre-Req: Restricted to Nursing Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 UGRD NURSING Strat for Acad Success in Nurs 14469 33. 101 203 R 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 1 19 Gautam,Ramraj SC Pre-Req: Restricted to Nursing Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 UGRD NURSING Strat for Acad Success in Nurs 14471 33. 101 204 T 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 1 19 Gautam,Ramraj SC Pre-Req: Restricted to Nursing Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 UGRD NURSING Strat for Acad Success in Nurs 14474 33. 101 205 R 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 1 19 Gautam,Ramraj SC Pre-Req: Restricted to Nursing Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD NURSING NURSING NURSING Strat for Acad Success in Nurs Research/Nursing & Health Care Research/Nursing & Health Care 14475 14477 14478 33. 101 206 33. 301 201 33. 301 202 M TR TR 04:00 PM-04:55 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 03:30 AM-04:45 AM 1 3 3 19 35 35 TBA Knight,Margaret Dowling,Jacqueline SC SC SC Pre-Req: Restricted to Nursing Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: Nursing Majors only. Pre-Req: Nursing Majors only. 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD NURSING NURSING Health Promotion Fam I Health Promotion Fam I 14479 14479 33. 310 101 33. 310 101 MF MW 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 5 5 30 30 Koren,Ainat Koren,Ainat SC SC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 2 UGRD UGRD NURSING NURSING Health Promotion Fam I Health Promotion Fam I 14486 14486 33. 310 102 33. 310 102 MF MF 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 5 5 30 30 Brewin,Dorothy A McDonald,Kristen Rowan SC SC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 2 UGRD NURSING Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I 14593 33. 311 901 TBA 4 7 Tremblay,Celeste OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 UGRD NURSING Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I 14594 33. 311 902 TBA 4 7 Coutu,Tanya A OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 UGRD NURSING Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I 14595 33. 311 903 TBA 4 7 Coutu,Tanya A OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 Page 25 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC UGRD NURSING Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I 14596 UGRD NURSING Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I 14597 UGRD NURSING Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I UGRD NURSING UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC 33. 311 904 TBA 4 7 McDonald,Kristen Rowan 33. 311 905 TBA 4 7 Marchand-Ciriello,Lisa 14598 33. 311 906 TBA 4 6 Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I 14599 33. 311 907 TBA 4 NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING Hlth Promotn Fam Pract I Nursing Assessment & Skills Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab Health Promotion Fam II Health Promotion Fam II Health Promotion Fam II Health Promotion Fam II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II Hlth Prom Fam Practicum II 14600 14491 14492 14493 14601 14602 14603 14604 14666 14669 14669 14672 14673 14675 14676 14679 14681 14681 14685 14685 14689 14693 14695 14697 14699 14701 14702 16032 33. 311 908 33. 313 101 33. 313L 801 33. 313L 802 33. 313L 803 33. 313L 804 33. 313L 805 33. 313L 806 33. 313L 807 33. 313L 808 33. 313L 808 33. 313L 809 33. 313L 810 33. 313L 811 33. 313L 812 33. 313L 813 33. 314 101 33. 314 101 33. 314 102 33. 314 102 33. 315 901 33. 315 902 33. 315 903 33. 315 904 33. 315 905 33. 315 906 33. 315 907 33. 315 908 COMMENTS MTG# OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 Normandin,Patricia OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 6 McAleer,Diane M OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 TBA 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 01:30 PM-04:20 PM 01:30 PM-04:20 PM 01:30 PM-04:20 PM 10:00 AM-12:50 PM 10:00 AM-12:50 PM 10:00 AM-12:50 PM 10:00 AM-12:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 03:30 PM-05:50 PM 03:30 PM-05:50 PM 03:30 PM-05:50 PM 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 104 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 24 24 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 McAuliffe,Diana Abdallah,Lisa M Osanya,Everline Okemwa Dupuis,Joanne Carol Soroken,Laurie D Dupuis,Joanne Carol Soroken,Laurie D Osanya,Everline Okemwa Orton,Carol A. McDonald,Kristen Rowan Soroken,Laurie D Dupuis,Joanne Carol Osanya,Everline Okemwa TBA Enos,Laura Osanya,Everline Okemwa Abdallah,Lisa M TBA Knight,Margaret Knight,Margaret Manjarrez,Linda Coakley,Catherine A Mote,Sandra LaRee TBA Dodge,Lea Patricia Dodge,Lea Patricia Aldrich,Joanne TBA OC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC OC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. Co-Req: 33.313L Nursing Assessment &Skills Lab. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. Co-Req: 33.313 Nursing Assessment & Skills. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD NURSING NURSING NURSING Pharmacology Independent Study Independent Study 14705 14707 14708 33. 318 201 33. 321 713 33. 321 717 M 03:30 PM-06:20 PM TBA TBA 3 1 1 49 5 5 McDonough,Annette J Koren,Ainat Fantasia,Heidi Collins SC SC SC Restricted to Juniors or Higher Level Nursing Majors. 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD NURSING NURSING Nursing Acute Care Nursing Acute Care 14712 14712 33. 410 101 33. 410 101 MF MF 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 10:00 AM-12:50 PM 5 5 80 80 Simons,Shellie R Peters,Anya Anjelica SC SC UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14714 UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14715 33. 411 901 TBA 4 6 Rhuda,Catherine OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 33. 411 902 TBA 4 7 Soroken,Laurie D OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14716 33. 411 903 TBA 4 6 Carpenter,Nancy E OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14717 33. 411 904 TBA 4 7 Orton,Carol A. OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14720 33. 411 905 TBA 4 6 Simons,Shellie R OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14723 33. 411 906 TBA 4 7 Peters,Anya Anjelica OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14725 33. 411 907 TBA 4 7 Gerostergios,Heidi OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14727 33. 411 908 TBA 4 7 Tangard,Gail C OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14728 33. 411 909 TBA 4 7 Tangard,Gail C OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum 14730 33. 411 910 TBA 4 7 TBA OC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING Nursing Acute Care Practicum Com Hlth & Health Policy Com Hlth & Health Policy Role Transition Role Transition 14732 14737 14737 14739 14739 33. 411 911 33. 412 201 33. 412 201 33. 413 201 33. 413 201 MF MF M M TBA 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 4 4 4 4 4 7 80 80 35 35 Enos,Laura Knight,Margaret King,Valerie Lynne Dowling,Jacqueline TBA OC SC SC SC SC Co-Reqs: 33.410 Nsg Acute Care, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. 1 1 2 Co-Req: 33.414 Role Practicum. 1 2 UGRD NURSING Role Practicum 14741 33. 414 901 M 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 6 12 Tremblay,Celeste SC Co-Reqs: 33.413 Role Transition, 33.415 Community Project. T F F F F F F F W W W W T T T MF MF MW MW Page 26 of 82 PERM Y Y Co-Reqs: 33.411 Nsg Acute Care Practicum, 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 2 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD NURSING Role Practicum 14742 33. 414 902 M 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 6 12 Brewin,Dorothy A UGRD NURSING Role Practicum 14743 33. 414 903 M 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 6 12 TBA UGRD NURSING Community Project 14744 33. 415 201 T 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 2 35 King,Valerie Lynne GRAD NURSING Ind St: Hlth Promotion 14746 33. 522 201 TBA 1 5 GRAD NURSING Ind St: Hlth Promotion 14747 33. 522 202 TBA 1 GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING Ind St: Hlth Promotion Palliative & End of Life Nurs Geropsych and MH Nursing Theoretical Found Adv Nrs Prac 14748 14750 14751 14752 33. 522 203 33. 554 201 33. 558 201 33. 600 201 TBA 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM COMMENTS MTG# SC Co-Reqs: 33.413 Role Transition, 33.415 Community Project. 1 SC SC Co-Reqs: 33.413 Role Transition, 33.415 Community Project. 1 Pre-Reqs: 33.412 Com Hlth & Health Policy, 33.413 Role Transition, 33.414 Role Practicum. 1 Melillo,Karen Devereaux SC Co-Req: 33.611 Gerontological Nursing II; Pre-Reqs: 33.610 Gerontological Nursing I, 33.613 Gerontological Nursing Practicum I. 1 5 Melillo,Karen Devereaux SC Co-Req: 33.611 Gerontological Nursing II; Pre-Reqs: 33.610 Gerontological Nursing I, 33.613 Gerontological Nursing Practicum I. 1 1 3 3 3 5 30 30 24 Melillo,Karen Devereaux Morgan,Betty D Melillo,Karen Devereaux McDonough,Annette J SC SC SC SC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING Res/Evidence-Based Practice Adult/Gerontological Nurs II Adult/Gerontolog Nurs Pract II Adult/Gerontolog Nurs Pract II Adult Psychiatric-MH Nsg II Adult Psychiatric-MH Prac II 14753 14754 14755 14756 14757 14758 33. 601 101 33. 611 201 33. 614 901 33. 614 902 33. 621 201 33. 624 901 R R 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 08:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA TBA 08:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA 3 4 3 3 4 3 24 16 12 4 8 8 Fantasia,Heidi Collins Gentleman,Bethany L Gentleman,Bethany L Soroken,Laurie D Vanetten,Deborah TBA SC SC OC OC SC OC GRAD NURSING Adv Hlth Assessment & Diagnost 14759 33. 651 201 W 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 48 King,Valerie Lynne SC GRAD NURSING Adv Hlth Assessment & Diagnost 15806 33. 651 801 R 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 8 King,Valerie Lynne W R R R PERM Co-Req: 33.611 Gerontological Nursing II; Pre-Reqs: 33.610 Gerontological Nursing I, 33.613 Gerontological Nursing Practicum I. 1 1 1 1 Pre-req or Co-req: 33.600 Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre/Co-Req: 30.550 Human Development and Pathophysiology; matriculated in Nursing MS program. 1 SC Pre/Co-Req: 30.550 Human Development and Pathophysiology; matriculated in Nursing MS program. 1 1 Y GRAD NURSING Adv Hlth Assessment & Diagnost 15807 33. 651 802 R 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 8 Aruda,Mary M SC Pre/Co-Req: 30.550 Human Development and Pathophysiology; matriculated in Nursing MS program. GRAD NURSING Adv Hlth Assessment & Diagnost 15808 33. 651 803 R 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 8 Fantasia,Heidi Collins SC Pre/Co-Req: 30.550 Human Development and Pathophysiology; matriculated in Nursing MS program. 1 GRAD NURSING Adv Hlth Assessment & Diagnost 15809 33. 651 804 W 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 8 Aruda,Mary M SC Pre/Co-Req: 30.550 Human Development and Pathophysiology; matriculated in Nursing MS program. 1 Pre/Co-Req: 30.550 Human Development and Pathophysiology; matriculated in Nursing MS program. 1 GRAD NURSING Adv Hlth Assessment & Diagnost 15810 33. 651 805 W 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 8 Gentleman,Bethany L SC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING Adv Hlth Assessment & Diagnost Family Health Nursing II Family Health Nursing Pract II Family Health Nursing Pract II Philosophy of Science Found of Hlth Promotion Epidemiology/ Health Promotion Curric. & Tchg In Nsg Evaluation Research Health Promotion Research Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu 15811 14765 14766 14767 14768 14769 14965 14968 14773 14775 14487 14488 14489 14490 14494 14495 14496 14497 14498 14499 14500 14501 14502 14503 14504 14505 14506 33. 651 806 33. 661 661 33. 664 901 33. 664 902 33. 701 201 33. 702 201 33. 707 201 33. 713 201 33. 717 201 33. 731 201 33. 733 701 33. 733 702 33. 733 703 33. 733 704 33. 733 705 33. 733 706 33. 733 707 33. 733 708 33. 733 709 33. 733 710 33. 733 711 33. 733 712 33. 733 713 33. 733 714 33. 733 715 33. 733 716 33. 733 717 W R 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 08:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA TBA 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 8 24 12 12 20 20 10 15 30 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 McCarron,Amy McCarron,Amy McCarron,Amy Aruda,Mary M Phillips-McEnany,Geoffry Mawn,Barbara Mawn,Barbara TBA Phillips-McEnany,Geoffry Koren,Ainat Nannini,Angela M TBA Tremblay,Celeste Melillo,Karen Devereaux Dowling,Jacqueline Phillips-McEnany,Geoffry TBA Knight,Margaret Simons,Shellie R McDonough,Annette J Mawn,Barbara Brewin,Dorothy A Koren,Ainat Aruda,Mary M Houde,Susan M King,Valerie Lynne Fantasia,Heidi Collins SC SC OC OC SC SC OL SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC S S S F S 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Page 27 of 82 Pre/Co-Req: 30.550 Human Development and Pathophysiology; matriculated in Nursing MS program. Pre-Req: Graduate level or Instructor permission. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING COURSE TITLE Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Graduate Project - Nu Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Master's Thesis - Nursing Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Continued Grad Research CLASS# 14507 14508 14509 14510 14511 14512 14513 14514 14515 14516 14518 14519 14520 14521 14522 14523 14524 14525 14526 14527 14528 14529 14530 14480 14481 14482 14483 SUB.CAT# SEC 33. 733 718 33. 733 719 33. 733 720 33. 743 701 33. 743 702 33. 743 703 33. 743 704 33. 743 705 33. 743 706 33. 743 707 33. 743 708 33. 743 709 33. 743 710 33. 743 711 33. 743 712 33. 743 713 33. 743 714 33. 743 715 33. 743 716 33. 743 717 33. 743 718 33. 743 719 33. 743 720 33. 753 701 33. 753 706 33. 753 711 33. 769 706 DAYS GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD NURSING NURSING PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY Evidence Appraisal Scholarly Proj. Implementation Clinical Anatomy Anatomy Lab Anatomy Lab Anatomy Lab PT Interventions I Pt Interventions I Lab Pt Interventions I Lab Pt Interventions I Lab Medical/Surgical Pathology Prof. Issues/Clin Pract. Neurological PT Lect I Neurological PT Lab I Neurological PT Lab I Neurological PT Lab I Neurological PT Lab I Neurological PT Lab I Neurological PT Lab I Musculoskeletal PT II Lec Musculoskeletal PT II Lab Musculoskeletal PT II Lab Musculoskeletal PT II Lab PT Interventions II PT Interventions II Lab PT Interventions II Lab PT Interventions II Lab Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Directed Research Pediatric PT Lecture Pediatric PT Lab Pediatric PT Lab 14484 14485 9907 9908 9909 9910 9911 9912 9913 9914 9915 9916 9917 9918 9918 9919 9919 9920 9920 9921 9922 9923 9924 9925 9926 9927 9928 9986 9987 9988 9989 9990 9991 9992 9993 9994 9995 9996 9997 9998 10000 10002 10004 33. 770 201 33. 772 201 34. 601 101 34. 603 801 34. 603 802 34. 603 803 34. 605 101 34. 607 801 34. 607 802 34. 607 803 34. 609 201 34. 611 201 34. 617 101 34. 619 801 34. 619 801 34. 619 802 34. 619 802 34. 619 803 34. 619 803 34. 621 101 34. 623 801 34. 623 802 34. 623 803 34. 625 101 34. 627 801 34. 627 802 34. 627 803 34. 629 701 34. 629 702 34. 629 703 34. 629 704 34. 629 705 34. 629 706 34. 629 707 34. 629 708 34. 629 709 34. 629 710 34. 629 711 34. 629 712 34. 629 713 34. 631 101 34. 633 801 34. 633 802 W W MWF M W F TR W F M TR TR TR M F R F R F TR R T M MWF M W T MW T M TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 CAP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 INSTRUCTOR Abdallah,Lisa M McCarron,Amy Morgan,Betty D Nannini,Angela M TBA Tremblay,Celeste Melillo,Karen Devereaux Dowling,Jacqueline Phillips-McEnany,Geoffry TBA Knight,Margaret Simons,Shellie R McDonough,Annette J Mawn,Barbara Brewin,Dorothy A Koren,Ainat Aruda,Mary M Houde,Susan M King,Valerie Lynne Fantasia,Heidi Collins Abdallah,Lisa M McCarron,Amy Morgan,Betty D Nannini,Angela M Phillips-McEnany,Geoffry Mawn,Barbara Phillips-McEnany,Geoffry LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-09:20 AM 11:00 AM-12:20 PM 11:00 AM-12:20 PM 12:30 PM-01:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:20 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:30 AM-02:20 PM 11:30 AM-02:20 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 20 20 42 12 12 14 42 12 12 14 42 42 42 14 14 14 14 14 14 42 14 14 14 42 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 42 14 14 Nannini,Angela M Fasoli,DiJon R TBA TBA TBA TBA Murphy,Deirdra Mendes,Andrea C Mendes,Andrea C Fox,Michele K Mendes,Andrea C Seymour,Connie Moriarty-Baron,Joann Moriarty-Baron,Joann Moriarty-Baron,Joann Moriarty-Baron,Joann Moriarty-Baron,Joann Houle,Tracey V Houle,Tracey V White,Joyce White,Joyce Lewis,Erika S White,Joyce Dybel,Gerard Dybel,Gerard Poulin,Stephen Dybel,Gerard Notini,Danielle Kahn-Dangelo,Linda Ferrara,Cynthia Dybel,Gerard Murphy,Deirdra Moriarty-Baron,Joann Seymour,Connie White,Joyce Lewis,Erika S Collins,Sean M TBA Hallbourg,Keith William Fox,Michele K Kahn-Dangelo,Linda Kahn-Dangelo,Linda Kahn-Dangelo,Linda SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Page 28 of 82 PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-req: 33.707 Epidemiology of Health Promotion, and Must be a matriculating student in DNP program or needs permission of instructor. Pre-Req: 33.770 Evidence-Based Practice Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. 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Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY PHYLTHRPY COURSE TITLE Pediatric PT Lab Clinical Reasoning I Medical/Surg-Orthopedics Health Care Issues Clinical Educ III Clinical Educ III Clinical Educ III CLASS# 10005 10007 10010 10011 10818 10819 10820 SUB.CAT# SEC 34. 633 803 34. 637 101 34. 639 201 34. 642 101 34. 653 901 34. 653 902 34. 653 903 DAYS W TR W TR TIME 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM TBA TBA TBA CRD 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 CAP 14 42 42 42 12 12 12 INSTRUCTOR Kahn-Dangelo,Linda Seymour,Connie Gerber,Samuel Murphy,Deirdra Hallbourg,Keith William Hallbourg,Keith William Fox,Michele K LOC SC SC SC SC OC OC OC UGRD CLILABSCI Anatomy & Physiology I 10123 35. 101 101 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 60 Namm,Theodore SC UGRD CLILABSCI Anatomy & Physiology I 10124 35. 101 102 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 60 Bruce,Alease S SC UGRD CLILABSCI Anatomy & Physiology I 10125 35. 101 103 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 60 Williams,Michelle SC UGRD CLILABSCI Anatomy & Physiology I 10126 35. 101 104 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 60 Dulak,Arlee E SC UGRD CLILABSCI Anatomy & Physiology I 16050 35. 101 105 MWF 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 60 TBA SC UGRD CLILABSCI Anatomy & Physiology II 10128 35. 102 101 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 40 Namm,Theodore UGRD CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I 10129 35. 103 801 M 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 15 UGRD CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I 10130 35. 103 802 M 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 1 UGRD UGRD CLILABSCI CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I Human A & P Lab I 10131 10132 35. 103 803 35. 103 804 M M 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 1 1 UGRD CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I 10133 35. 103 805 T 08:00 AM-10:50 AM UGRD CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I 10134 35. 103 806 T UGRD UGRD CLILABSCI CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I Human A & P Lab I 10135 10136 35. 103 807 35. 103 808 T T UGRD CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I 10137 35. 103 809 UGRD UGRD UGRD CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I Human A & P Lab I Human A & P Lab I 10139 10140 10141 UGRD CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I UGRD CLILABSCI UGRD MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SC COMMENTS Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Pre-Req: Physical Therapy Graduate Students only. Co-Req: 35.103 Human A & P Lab I and School of Health Environment Majors. FLC: 56 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.103 Human A & P Lab I and School of Health Environment Majors. FLC: 57 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.103 Human A & P Lab I and School of Health Environment Majors. FLC: 57 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.103 Human A & P Lab I and School of Health Environment Majors. FLC: 57 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.103 Human A & P Lab I and School of Health Environment Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Reqs: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I, 35.103 Human A & P Lab I; and Co-Req: 35.104 Human A & P Lab II and School of Health & Environment Major. Hammerstone,Karen M SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 15 Malliaros,Iris SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 15 15 Malliaros,Iris Socha,Becky J SC SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. 1 1 1 15 Malliaros,Iris SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 1 15 Hyren,Emily SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 18 seats reserved. 1 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 1 1 15 15 Perreira,Lyn A Keyes,Mary K SC SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. 1 1 W 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 15 Williams,Michelle SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 35. 103 810 35. 103 811 35. 103 812 W W W 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 1 1 1 15 15 15 Williams,Michelle Socha,Becky J Keyes,Mary K SC SC SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. 1 1 1 10142 35. 103 813 R 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 15 Namm,Theodore SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 Human A & P Lab I 10143 35. 103 814 R 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 1 15 Hyren,Emily SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I 10144 35. 103 815 R 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 1 15 Grandbois,Nancy SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 UGRD UGRD CLILABSCI CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I Human A & P Lab I 10145 10146 35. 103 816 35. 103 817 F F 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 1 1 15 15 Hammerstone,Karen M Hammerstone,Karen M SC SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI Human A & P Lab I Human A & P Lab II Human A & P Lab II Human A & P Lab II Human Nutrition Human Nutrition Nutrition and Health Nutrition and Health Nutrition and Health Nutrition and Health Nutrition and Health Nutrition and Health Nutrition and Health Nutrition and Health 10147 10150 10151 10152 10153 10154 10155 10155 13724 13724 13726 13726 13731 13731 35. 103 818 35. 104 801 35. 104 802 35. 104 803 35. 206 201 35. 206 203 35. 210 201 35. 210 201 35. 210 202 35. 210 202 35. 210 203 35. 210 203 35. 210 204 35. 210 204 T R R R TR TR T R T R T R T R 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 15 15 15 49 49 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Malliaros,Iris Perreira,Lyn A Daza Saya,Jose Luis Perreira,Lyn A Barrile,Renee D TBA Barrile,Renee D Barrile,Renee D Barrile,Renee D TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Co-Req: 35.101 Anatomy & Physiology I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 35.102 Anatomy & Physiology II. Co-Req: 35.102 Anatomy & Physiology II. Co-Req: 35.102 Anatomy & Physiology II. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 UGRD CLILABSCI Bas Cl Micro & Pathology 10156 35. 211 101 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 60 He,Guixin SC Pre-Reqs: 35.102 Anatomy & Physiology II, 35.104 Human A & P Lab II; Co-Req: 35.213 Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab and only SHE majors. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI Bas Cl Micro & Pathology Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab 10157 10158 10158 35. 211 102 35. 213 801 35. 213 801 MWF M W 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 1 1 60 15 15 He,Guixin Dulak,Arlee E Dulak,Arlee E SC SC SC Pre-Reqs: 35.102 Anatomy & Physiology II, 35.104 Human A & P Lab II; Co-Req: 35.213 Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab and only SHE majors. 1 Co-Req: 35.211 Bas Cl Micro & Pathology. 1 2 Page 29 of 82 PERM Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI COURSE TITLE Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab Bas Cl Micro & Path Lab CLASS# 10159 10159 10160 10160 10161 10161 10163 10163 10165 10165 10167 10167 SUB.CAT# SEC 35. 213 802 35. 213 802 35. 213 803 35. 213 803 35. 213 804 35. 213 804 35. 213 805 35. 213 805 35. 213 806 35. 213 806 35. 213 807 35. 213 807 DAYS M W T R T R T R F F W F TIME 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 02:30 PM-03:20 PM CRD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAP 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 INSTRUCTOR TBA TBA Hodgdon,Jacqueline Hodgdon,Jacqueline Hodgdon,Jacqueline Hodgdon,Jacqueline Astolfi,Cynthia Astolfi,Cynthia Nicoloro,Jennifer Mary Nicoloro,Jennifer Mary Goggin,Marie Goggin,Marie LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM COMMENTS Co-Req: 35.211 Bas Cl Micro & Pathology. UGRD CLILABSCI Physiological Chem I 10168 35. 251 101 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 80 Garelnabi,Mahdi SC Co-Req: 35.253 Physiological Chem Lab I; Pre-Req: 35.102 A& P II and School of Health & Environment major. 1 1 1 Co-Req: 35.211 Bas Cl Micro & Pathology. Co-Req: 35.211 Bas Cl Micro & Pathology. Co-Req: 35.211 Bas Cl Micro & Pathology. Co-Req: 35.211 Bas Cl Micro & Pathology. Co-Req: 35.211 Bas Cl Micro & Pathology. MTG# 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 UGRD CLILABSCI Physiological Chem I 10169 35. 251 102 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 80 Wilson,Thomas A SC Co-Req: 35.253 Physiological Chem Lab I; Pre-Req: 35.102 A& P II and School of Health & Environment major. UGRD CLILABSCI Physiological Chem I 10170 35. 251 103 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 80 Horta,Javier E SC Co-Req: 35.253 Physiological Chem Lab I; Pre-Req: 35.102 A& P II and School of Health & Environment major. UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI CLILABSCI Physiological Chem I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I Physiol Chem Lab I 10171 10174 10175 10207 10208 10209 10210 10211 10212 10213 10214 10215 10216 10217 10218 10219 10220 10221 35. 251 104 35. 253 801 35. 253 802 35. 253 803 35. 253 805 35. 253 807 35. 253 808 35. 253 809 35. 253 810 35. 253 811 35. 253 812 35. 253 813 35. 253 814 35. 253 815 35. 253 816 35. 253 817 35. 253 818 35. 253 819 MWF M M M T T T T W W W W R R R R F F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 80 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Horta,Javier E Stella,Aaron Paul Horta,Javier E TBA Rogers,Donna M Cardaleen,Kellee R Cardaleen,Kellee R Cardaleen,Kellee R TBA Nocco,Diane Elizabeth Nocco,Diane Elizabeth Liu,Yuguan Rogers,Donna M TBA Nocco,Diane Elizabeth Nocco,Diane Elizabeth TBA TBA SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Hematology 10230 36. 321 101 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 45 Hooker,Mary E SC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Clinical Hematology Lab Clinical Hematology Lab 10231 10231 36. 323 801 36. 323 801 T R 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 2 2 15 15 Halaby,Beth E Halaby,Beth E SC SC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Clinical Hematology Lab Clinical Hematology Lab 10232 10232 36. 323 802 36. 323 802 T R 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 2 2 15 15 Hooker,Mary E Hooker,Mary E SC SC 1 2 Co-Req: 36.321 Clinical Hematology; CLS Medical Technology subplan student only. 1 2 UGRD UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH Community Nutrition Human Biochemistry Human Biochemistry 10233 10234 10235 36. 345 201 36. 350 101 36. 350 102 TR MWF MWF 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 3 3 45 60 60 Dopler Nelson,Mindy Wilson,Thomas A Wilson,Thomas A SC SC SC Pre-Reqs: 35.205 Intro to Nutritional Science and 35.206 Human Nutrition, and Nutritional Science (BS) only. Pre-Req: 35.252 Physiological Chem II. Pre-Req: 35.252 Physiological Chem II. UGRD MEDTECH Clin Lab Instrumentation 14110 36. 361 101 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 60 Garelnabi,Mahdi SC UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Inst Lab 10237 36. 363 801 T 12:30 PM-04:20 PM 2 15 Halaby,Beth E SC UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Inst Lab 10238 36. 363 802 W 01:00 PM-04:50 PM 2 15 TBA SC UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Inst Lab 10239 36. 363 803 R 02:00 PM-05:50 PM 2 15 TBA SC UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Inst Lab 10240 36. 363 804 R 08:00 AM-11:50 AM 2 15 TBA SC UGRD MEDTECH Obesity & Weight Control 10241 36. 372 201 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 45 Barrile,Renee D SC UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Seminar 10242 36. 373 201 M 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 1 45 Goodyear,Nancy SC Pre-Req: 35.206 Human Nutrition or 30.206 Human Nutrition. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. OC Pre-Reqs: 36.311 Medical Bacteriology, 36.313 Medical Bacteriology Lab; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). 1 UGRD MEDTECH Cl Micro Practicum 10243 36. 410 901 TBA 2 Page 30 of 82 18 Grandbois,Nancy Co-Req: 35.253 Physiological Chem Lab I; Pre-Req: 35.102 A& P II and School of Health & Environment major. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Co-Req: 35.251 Physiological Chem I. Pre-Reqs: 35.102, 35.252; Co-Req: 36.323; and Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). Co-Req: 36.321 Clinical Hematology; CLS Medical Technology subplan student only. Pre-Req: 35.252 Physiological Chem II; Co-Req: Clinical Lab Inst Lab; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS). Co-Req: 36.361 Clin Lab Instrumentation; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritonal Sciences (BS). Co-Req: 36.361 Clin Lab Instrumentation; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritonal Sciences (BS). Co-Req: 36.361 Clin Lab Instrumentation; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritonal Sciences (BS). Co-Req: 36.361 Clin Lab Instrumentation; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritonal Sciences (BS). Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Med Mycology & Parasitology Med Mycology & Parasitology 10244 10244 36. 411 101 36. 411 101 R F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:30 PM-04:20 PM 3 3 45 45 Goodyear,Nancy Goodyear,Nancy SC SC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Med Mycology & Para Lab Med Mycology & Para Lab 10245 10245 36. 413 801 36. 413 801 W F 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 12:30 PM-02:20 PM 2 2 15 15 Hodgdon,Jacqueline Hodgdon,Jacqueline SC SC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Med Mycology & Para Lab Med Mycology & Para Lab 10246 10246 36. 413 802 36. 413 802 W F 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 12:30 PM-02:20 PM 2 2 15 15 Nicoloro,Jennifer Mary Nicoloro,Jennifer Mary SC SC UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Immunohematology 10249 36. 431 101 F 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 35 Socha,Becky J SC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Clinical Immunohematology Lab Clinical Immunohematology Lab 10250 10250 36. 433 801 36. 433 801 W R 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 2 2 15 15 Infante,Lionnys A Infante,Lionnys A SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH Clinical Immunohematology Lab Clinical Immunohematology Lab Advanced Hemostasis 10251 10251 10252 36. 433 802 36. 433 802 36. 434 201 W R F 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:20 PM 2 2 1 15 15 40 Hyren,Emily TBA Hooker,Mary E SC SC SC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Urinalysis Practicum Clinical Chemistry II 10253 10254 36. 451 701 36. 452 101 MT TBA 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 0 3 18 45 Rogers,Donna M Rogers,Eugene J OC SC UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Clinical Chemistry Lab II Clinical Chemistry Lab II 10256 10256 36. 454 801 36. 454 801 M T 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 2 2 15 15 Grandbois,Nancy Grandbois,Nancy SC SC Co-Req: 36.452 Clinical Chemistry II; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). 1 2 UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH Clinical Chemistry Lab II Clinical Chemistry Lab II 10261 10261 36. 454 802 36. 454 802 M T 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 2 2 15 15 Stella,Aaron Paul Stella,Aaron Paul SC SC Co-Req: 36.452 Clinical Chemistry II; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). 1 2 UGRD MEDTECH Vitamins & Minerals 10262 36. 463 201 W 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 3 45 Handelman,Garry J SC UGRD MEDTECH Lab Meth in Nutrition Assess 10263 36. 465 801 M 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 3 15 Handelman,Garry J SC Pre-Reqs: 35.206 Human Nutrition, 36.350 Human Biochemistry. 1 Pre-Req: 36.361 Clin Lab Instrumentation; Nutritional Science (BS) or 1 Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) only. UGRD MEDTECH Medical Nutrition Therapy I 10264 36. 481 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 45 Dopler Nelson,Mindy SC UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10266 36. 483 800 TBA 2 10 TBA SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10267 36. 483 801 TBA 2 10 Bruce,Alease S SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10273 36. 483 802 TBA 2 10 TBA SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10275 36. 483 803 TBA 2 10 Garelnabi,Mahdi SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10276 36. 483 804 TBA 2 10 Goodyear,Nancy SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10277 36. 483 805 TBA 2 10 Barrile,Renee D SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10278 36. 483 806 TBA 2 10 Rogers,Eugene J SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10279 36. 483 807 TBA 2 10 He,Guixin SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10280 36. 483 808 TBA 2 10 Namm,Theodore SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10281 36. 483 809 TBA 2 10 Hooker,Mary E SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10282 36. 483 810 TBA 2 10 Dulak,Arlee E SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10283 36. 483 811 TBA 2 10 Wilson,Thomas A SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10284 36. 483 812 TBA 2 10 Handelman,Garry J SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10285 36. 483 813 TBA 2 10 Horta,Javier E SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10291 36. 483 814 TBA 2 10 Dopler Nelson,Mindy SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10292 36. 484 801 TBA 2 10 Bruce,Alease S SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10293 36. 484 802 TBA 2 3 TBA SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10328 36. 484 803 TBA 2 3 Garelnabi,Mahdi SC Y Page 31 of 82 PERM COMMENTS MTG# Pre-Req: 36.311 & 313 Medical Bacteriology w/lab; Co-Req: 36.413 Med Mycology & Para Lab. 1 2 Co-Req: 36.411 Med Mycology & Para or 36.615 Medical Parasitology; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). 1 2 Co-Req: 36.411 Med Mycology & Para or 36.615 Medical Parasitology; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). 1 2 Pre-Reqs: 36.321 Clinical Hematology, and 36.331 Clinical 1 Immunology; CLS majors only. Co-Req: 36.431 Cl Immunohematology or 36.531 Clinical Immunohmatology; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). Co-Req: 36.431 Cl Immunohematology or 36.531 Clinical Immunohmatology; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). 1 2 1 2 1 Pre-Req: 36.321 Clinical Hematology. Co-Req: 36.454 Clinical Chemistry Lab II, 36.452 Clinical Chemistry II; Clinical Lab Sciences (BS). 1 Pre-Req: 36.351 Clinical Chemistry I. 1 Pre-Req: 35.206 Human Nutrition or 30.206 Human Nutrition. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) or Nutritional Sciences (BS) only. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10332 UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10334 UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research UGRD MEDTECH UGRD UGRD DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM 36. 484 804 TBA 2 5 Goodyear,Nancy SC Y 36. 484 805 TBA 2 10 Barrile,Renee D SC Y 10335 36. 484 806 TBA 2 10 Rogers,Eugene J SC Y Senior Research 10337 36. 484 807 TBA 2 10 He,Guixin SC Y MEDTECH Senior Research 10338 36. 484 808 TBA 2 10 Namm,Theodore SC Y MEDTECH Senior Research 10339 36. 484 809 TBA 2 10 Hooker,Mary E SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10340 36. 484 810 TBA 2 10 Dulak,Arlee E SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10341 36. 484 811 TBA 2 10 Wilson,Thomas A SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10342 36. 484 812 TBA 2 10 Handelman,Garry J SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10343 36. 484 813 TBA 2 10 Horta,Javier E SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Senior Research 10345 36. 484 814 TBA 2 5 Dopler Nelson,Mindy SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10347 36. 493 800 TBA 3 5 TBA SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10349 36. 493 801 TBA 3 5 Bruce,Alease S SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10351 36. 493 802 TBA 3 5 TBA SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10356 36. 493 803 TBA 3 5 Garelnabi,Mahdi SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10357 36. 493 804 TBA 3 5 Goodyear,Nancy SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10358 36. 493 805 TBA 3 3 Barrile,Renee D SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10360 36. 493 806 TBA 3 5 Rogers,Eugene J SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10364 36. 493 807 TBA 3 5 He,Guixin SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10366 36. 493 808 TBA 3 5 Namm,Theodore SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10368 36. 493 809 TBA 3 5 Hooker,Mary E SC Y UGRD MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study 10369 36. 493 810 TBA 3 5 Dulak,Arlee E SC Y UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH Clinical Lab Science Dir Study Directed Research in Nutrition Directed Research in Nutrition Directed Research in Nutrition Directed Research in Nutrition 15680 10372 10373 10374 10375 36. 493 813 36. 494 805 36. 494 811 36. 494 812 36. 494 814 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 10 5 5 Horta,Javier E Barrile,Renee D Wilson,Thomas A Handelman,Garry J Dopler Nelson,Mindy SC SC SC SC SC Y Y Y Y Y GRAD MEDTECH Clinical Immunohematology 10378 36. 531 101 F 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 40 Socha,Becky J SC GRAD GRAD GRAD MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH Advanced Clinical Chemistry Vitamins & Minerals Lab Meth in Nutrition Assess 10381 10382 10383 36. 553 201 36. 563 201 36. 565 801 T W M 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 3 3 3 20 25 15 Cheryk,Lynn Handelman,Garry J Handelman,Garry J SC SC SC GRAD MEDTECH Topics in Clinical Lab Sci I 10386 36. 575 201 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 20 Taylor,Richard SC Students in Clin Lab Sci (MS); or Grad Certs in Clinical Pathology, Nutritional Sci, or Public Health Lab Sci; or Coordinator permission. GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH Medical Mycology &Parasitology Medical Mycology &Parasitology Graduate Project - Cls Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS 10390 10390 10407 10409 10411 10413 10414 10416 10419 36. 615 201 36. 615 201 36. 733 810 36. 734 800 36. 734 801 36. 734 802 36. 734 803 36. 734 804 36. 734 806 R F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:30 PM-04:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 Goodyear,Nancy Goodyear,Nancy Handelman,Garry J Dopler Nelson,Mindy Bruce,Alease S TBA Garelnabi,Mahdi Goodyear,Nancy Rogers,Eugene J SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Students in Clin Lab Sci (MS); or Grad Certs in Clinical Pathology, Nutritional Sci, or Public Health Lab Sci; or permission of Instructor. 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 32 of 82 COMMENTS Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Plan Clinical Lab Sciences (BS) (BS) only. Academic Sub-Plan Nutrition only. Academic Sub-Plan Nutrition only. Academic Sub-Plan Nutrition only. Academic Sub-Plan Nutrition only. or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences or Nutritional Sciences MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Students in Clin Lab Sci (MS); or Grad Certs in Clinical Pathology, Nutritional Sci, or Public Health Lab Sci; or permission of Instructor. 1 Students in Clin Lab Sci (MS); or Grad Certs in Clinical Pathology, Nutritional Sci, or Public Health Lab Sci; or Coordinator permission. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH MEDTECH COURSE TITLE Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS Graduate Project - CLS Master's Thesis -Clinical Lab Master's Thesis - CLS Master's Thesis - CLS Master's Thesis - CLS Master's Thesis - CLS Master's Thesis - CLS Master's Thesis - CLS Master's Thesis - CLS Master's Thesis - CLS Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research Doctoral Research CLASS# 10441 10448 10450 10455 10457 10532 10535 10667 10669 10670 10671 10675 10677 10679 10680 10681 10683 10685 10687 10689 10691 10694 10707 10708 10709 10710 10711 10712 10713 10714 10715 10716 10717 10718 10719 10720 10721 10722 10723 10724 SUB.CAT# SEC 36. 734 807 36. 734 808 36. 734 809 36. 734 812 36. 743 800 36. 744 801 36. 744 802 36. 744 803 36. 744 804 36. 744 806 36. 744 807 36. 744 808 36. 744 809 36. 753 700 36. 753 701 36. 753 702 36. 753 704 36. 753 705 36. 753 706 36. 753 707 36. 753 708 36. 753 709 36. 756 701 36. 756 702 36. 756 703 36. 756 704 36. 756 705 36. 756 706 36. 756 707 36. 756 708 36. 756 709 36. 759 701 36. 759 702 36. 759 703 36. 759 704 36. 759 705 36. 759 706 36. 759 707 36. 759 708 36. 759 709 DAYS TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CAP 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 INSTRUCTOR He,Guixin Namm,Theodore Hooker,Mary E Handelman,Garry J Rogers,Eugene J Bruce,Alease S TBA Garelnabi,Mahdi Goodyear,Nancy Rogers,Eugene J TBA Namm,Theodore Hooker,Mary E TBA Bruce,Alease S TBA Goodyear,Nancy Nicolosi,Robert Rogers,Eugene J TBA Namm,Theodore Hooker,Mary E Bruce,Alease S TBA TBA Goodyear,Nancy Nicolosi,Robert Rogers,Eugene J TBA Namm,Theodore Hooker,Mary E Bruce,Alease S TBA TBA Goodyear,Nancy Nicolosi,Robert Rogers,Eugene J TBA Namm,Theodore Hooker,Mary E LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD EXPHYSGY Freshman Seminar 10072 38. 101 101 F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 1 60 Ferrara,Cynthia SC UGRD EXPHYSGY Freshman Seminar 10073 38. 101 102 F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 1 60 Notini,Danielle SC Pre-Req: Exercise Physiology Freshman only. FLC: 57 seats reserved. Pre-Req: Exercise Physiology Freshman only. FLC: 38 seats reserved. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY Exercise Physiology I Exercise Physiology I Lab Exercise Physiology I Lab Exercise Physiology I Lab Exercise Physiology I Lab Exercise Physiology I Lab 10077 10081 10083 10085 10087 10091 38. 305 101 38. 307 801 38. 307 802 38. 307 803 38. 307 804 38. 307 805 TR M T W R F 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 4 1 1 1 1 1 80 16 16 16 16 16 Notini,Danielle Notini,Danielle Notini,Danielle Notini,Danielle Notini,Danielle Notini,Danielle SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Req: 35.101/102; 35.251/252 or 84.121/122 or 84.111/112; 95.103/104; 38.202 ; Co req: 38.307; EP majors only w/ Junior status. Co-req: 38.305 Exercise Physiology lecture. Co-req: 38.305 Exercise Physiology lecture. Co-req: 38.305 Exercise Physiology lecture. Co-req: 38.305 Exercise Physiology lecture. Co-req: 38.305 Exercise Physiology lecture. UGRD EXPHYSGY Kinesiology 10093 38. 315 101 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 42 Lewis,Erika S SC Pre-Reqs: 35.101/102; 35.251/252 or 84.111/112 or 84.121/122; 95.103/104; 38.202 or 30.202 ; Co-Req: 38.317; Junior EP majors. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY Kinesiology Kinesiology Laboratory Kinesiology Laboratory Kinesiology Laboratory Kinesiology Laboratory Kinesiology Laboratory 10094 10096 10098 10100 10101 10103 38. 315 102 38. 317 801 38. 317 802 38. 317 803 38. 317 804 38. 317 805 MWF M T W R F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 1 1 1 1 1 40 16 16 16 16 16 Lewis,Erika S Alonardo,Melissa A Alonardo,Melissa A Alonardo,Melissa A Alonardo,Melissa A Alonardo,Melissa A SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Reqs: 35.101/102; 35.251/252 or 84.111/112 or 84.121/122; 95.103/104; 38.202 or 30.202 ; Co-Req: 38.317; Junior EP majors. Co-Req: 38.315 Kinesiology. Co-Req: 38.315 Kinesiology. Co-Req: 38.315 Kinesiology. Co-Req: 38.315 Kinesiology. Co-Req: 38.315 Kinesiology. 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD EXPHYSGY Clinical Practicum I & II 10106 38. 412 901 TBA 4 40 Fox,Michele K OC Pre-Reqs: 38.305, 38.307, 38.315, 38.317, 38.406 and 38.408. 1 UGRD EXPHYSGY Research Methods in EP 10108 38. 417 101 T 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 42 Ferrara,Cynthia SC Pre-Reqs: 38.305, 38.307, 38.315, 38.317, 38.406 and 38.408. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY Research Methods in EP Senior Seminar DS Health Promotion DS Health Promotion 10113 10114 10115 10117 38. 417 102 38. 418 201 38. 421 701 38. 421 703 R R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 40 40 5 5 Ferrara,Cynthia Fox,Michele K Notini,Danielle Ferrara,Cynthia SC SC SC SC Pre-Reqs: 38.305, 38.307, 38.315, 38.317, 38.406 and 38.408. Co-Req: 38.412 Clinical Practicum I & II. 1 1 1 1 Page 33 of 82 Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY EXPHYSGY COURSE TITLE DS Health Promotion DS Health Promotion DS Health Promotion CLASS# 10118 10119 10121 SUB.CAT# SEC 38. 421 705 38. 421 707 38. 421 709 DAYS TIME TBA TBA TBA CRD 3 3 3 CAP 5 5 5 INSTRUCTOR Murphy,Deirdra Seymour,Connie Lewis,Erika S LOC SC SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD EXPHYSGY AMERSTDY AMERSTDY AMERSTDY AMERSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY LEGALSTDY Ex Prescription & Prog Directed Studies Directed Studies Practicum Experience Practicum Experience Intro Paralegal Studies Restorative Justice Criminal Law Intro to Legal Concepts Business Law Business Law Legal Issues in Racism Corporate & Property Law International Law Environmental Law Real Estate Law Sports,Entertainment & Art Law Family Law Intellectual Property Dir St: Law Dir St: Law Legal Aspects-Cyberspace Paralegal Practicum 10122 12556 12557 12558 12559 10312 10313 10314 10333 10315 10316 10317 10318 10336 10320 10322 10323 10324 10325 10326 10327 10330 10331 38. 422 201 40. 491 201 40. 491 202 40. 496 201 40. 496 202 41. 103 201 41. 210 210 41. 234 201 41. 261 201 41. 262 201 41. 262 202 41. 360 201 41. 363 201 41. 366 201 41. 367 201 41. 370 201 41. 372 201 41. 376 201 41. 386 201 41. 488 201 41. 488 202 41. 490 201 41. 497 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM TBA TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 80 10 10 10 10 49 19 49 35 49 49 35 30 19 35 49 19 49 35 5 5 19 10 Mendes,Andrea C Silverman,Jonathan Millner,Wallace Silverman,Jonathan Millner,Wallace Flood,Catherine J Espinosa,John Karl,Russell TBA Karl,Russell Bazin,Michelle D King,Paul M King,Paul M Jones,Michael E Toomey,Walter J Flood,Catherine J Jones,Michael E Karl,Russell Aiken,Marileen Nancy Jones,Michael E Jones,Michael E Toomey,Walter J Jones,Michael E SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC NC SC NC SC NC SC NC SC NC NC NC NC SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14531 42. 101 201 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Michaels,Tracy SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14532 42. 101 202 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Vlahakis,Evanthea SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14533 42. 101 203 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Michaels,Tracy SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14534 42. 101 204 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Simmons,Jay W. SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14535 42. 101 205 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 19 Baron,Michael B SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14536 42. 101 206 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Sponenberg,Ashlie SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14538 42. 101 207 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Ruddick,Samuel SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14539 42. 101 208 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Paquin,Ethan A SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14540 42. 101 209 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 19 Baron,Michael B SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14542 42. 101 210 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Ruddick,Samuel SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14543 42. 101 211 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Lochelt,Patrick SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14544 42. 101 212 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Paquin,Ethan A SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14545 42. 101 213 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Sponenberg,Ashlie SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14546 42. 101 214 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Conlon,Katherine E SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14547 42. 101 215 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 DeMarkles,Shelli A UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14585 42. 101 216 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Bozicas,Dina L SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14587 42. 101 217 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Conway,Sean M SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14605 42. 101 218 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Raras,Charles V SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14606 42. 101 219 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 DeMarkles,Shelli A SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14607 42. 101 220 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 19 Hojnacki,Mary E NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14608 42. 101 221 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 19 Desilets,Brendan J NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14609 42. 101 222 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 19 Sponenberg,Ashlie NC TR F MWF MWF TR TR TR TR T MW TR R MWF TR T Page 34 of 82 PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 38.305, 38.307, 38.315, 38.317, 38.406 and 38.408. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14611 42. 101 223 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 19 Hojnacki,Mary E NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14613 42. 101 224 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 19 Desilets,Brendan J NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14616 42. 101 225 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Ingram,Brett D NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14617 42. 101 226 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 19 Mason,Carl P NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14618 42. 101 227 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Ingram,Brett D NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14619 42. 101 228 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 19 Mason,Carl P NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14620 42. 101 229 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Hurwitz,Matthew NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14621 42. 101 230 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Worthley,James Philip NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14622 42. 101 231 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 19 Stockwell,Bernadette A NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14623 42. 101 232 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 19 Rogers,Timothy NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14624 42. 101 233 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 19 Tennant,David M NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14625 42. 101 234 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 19 Stockwell,Bernadette A NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14626 42. 101 235 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 TBA NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14627 42. 101 236 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Worthley,James Philip NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14630 42. 101 237 MWF 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 19 Tennant,David M NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14632 42. 101 238 MWF 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 19 Rogers,Timothy NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14633 42. 101 239 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Francoeur,Paul J NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14634 42. 101 240 MW 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 3 19 Francoeur,Paul J NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14635 42. 101 241 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Gormley,Mary V SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14636 42. 101 242 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Hersey,Thomas G SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14798 42. 101 243 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Desmond,Thomas SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14800 42. 101 244 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Hersey,Thomas G SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14801 42. 101 245 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Johnson,Andrew SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 15887 42. 101 246 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Hurwitz,Matthew SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14802 42. 101 247 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Desmond,Thomas SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14803 42. 101 248 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Northrup,Jeffrey A SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14804 42. 101 249 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Weinmann,Christopher SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14805 42. 101 250 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Hurwitz,Matthew SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14806 42. 101 251 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Turgeon,Gregoire R SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14807 42. 101 252 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Ingram,Brett D SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14811 42. 101 253 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Weinmann,Christopher SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14812 42. 101 254 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Turgeon,Gregoire R SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14813 42. 101 255 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Northrup,Jeffrey A SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14814 42. 101 256 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Conway,Sean M SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14859 42. 101 257 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Michaels,Tracy NC Page 35 of 82 PERM Y COMMENTS Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14860 42. 101 258 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Juchniewicz,Melissa M NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14861 42. 101 259 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Michaels,Tracy NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14862 42. 101 260 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Juchniewicz,Melissa M NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14863 42. 101 261 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Bingman,Erin M NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14864 42. 101 262 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Gormley,Mary V NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14865 42. 101 263 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Ruddick,Samuel NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14866 42. 101 264 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Backer,Sara NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14867 42. 101 265 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Harriman,Alison NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14868 42. 101 266 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Carota,Joanne Mary NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14869 42. 101 267 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Clemence,Jason T NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14875 42. 101 268 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Backer,Sara NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14876 42. 101 269 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Harriman,Alison NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14877 42. 101 270 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Gormley,Mary V NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14878 42. 101 271 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Carota,Joanne Mary NC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I 14879 42. 101 272 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Berard,Darrin R NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH College Writing I Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Intensive Writing Lab Reading Reading Reading 14880 14966 14967 14970 14971 14973 14974 14975 14977 14978 14979 14981 14982 14985 14987 14988 14996 42. 101 273 42. 101SI 201 42. 101SI 202 42. 101SI 203 42. 101SI 204 42. 101SI 205 42. 101SI 206 42. 101SI 207 42. 101SI 208 42. 101SI 209 42. 101SI 210 42. 101SI 211 42. 101SI 212 42. 101SI 213 42. 101SI-R 201 42. 101SI-R 202 42. 101SI-R 203 TR F F F F T W R F F F T W F T T R 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 19 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Berard,Darrin R Codair,Sara Ann Codair,Sara Ann Petersen,Kevin L Petersen,Kevin L Clemence,Jason T Hurwitz,Matthew Ruddick,Samuel Talbot,Robert J Gormley,Mary V Talbot,Robert J Ingram,Brett D Mangino,Robin A Talbot,Robert J McGill,Ann M McGill,Ann M McGill,Ann M NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC SC UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 14998 42. 102 201 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Carr Iii,Robert Isaac SC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 14999 42. 102 202 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Carr Iii,Robert Isaac SC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Anti Req for 42.101 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.101 and 42.111 (103). Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. Co-Req: 42.101 College Writing. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15000 42. 102 203 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Mangino,Robin A SC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15001 42. 102 204 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Lochelt,Patrick SC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15002 42. 102 205 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 VanderVeen,Jeffrey NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15003 42. 102 206 MW 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 3 19 VanderVeen,Jeffrey NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15004 42. 102 207 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Wilcox,Ryan SC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 SC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15005 42. 102 208 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 Page 36 of 82 19 Wilcox,Ryan Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15006 42. 102 209 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Petersen,Kevin L SC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15007 42. 102 210 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Mangino,Robin A NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15008 42. 102 211 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Mangino,Robin A NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15009 42. 102 212 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Bevis,Charles W NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15010 42. 102 213 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Bevis,Charles W NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15011 42. 102 214 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Levasseur,Mary F NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II 15012 42. 102 215 TR 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 3 19 Levasseur,Mary F NC Pre-Req: 42.101 or 42.111; Anti Req for 42.102 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.102 and 42.112 (104). 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing A ESL 15013 42. 110 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 15 Gueorguieva,Milena NC Y Instructor consent required; Anti req for 42.110 - students cannot recieve credit for both 42.110 and 42.100. 1 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I ESL 15014 42. 111 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 15 Buxton,Rosemarie NC Y Instructor consent required; Anti Req for 42.111, 103 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.111 (103) and 42.101. UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I ESL 15015 42. 111 202 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 15 Gueorguieva,Milena NC Y Instructor consent required; Anti Req for 42.111, 103 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.111 (103) and 42.101. 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing I ESL 15016 42. 111 203 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 15 Gueorguieva,Milena NC Y Instructor consent required; Anti Req for 42.111, 103 - students cannot receive credit for both 42.111 (103) and 42.101. 1 UGRD ENGLISH College Writing II ESL 15064 42. 112 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 15 Buxton,Rosemarie NC Y UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Critical Methods of Lit Inq. Great Books of Antiquity Short Story Monsters, Apes & Nightmares The Horror Story Essay Writing/Eng Majors Essay Writing/Eng Majors 15034 15036 15037 15041 15043 15044 15053 42. 200 201 42. 201 201 42. 212 201 42. 216 201 42. 217 201 42. 227 201 42. 227 202 MW MW MW MW MW TR TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 40 40 70 40 19 19 Kim,Sue J Barefield,Laura Sullivan,Rita Avery,Todd P Bozicas,Dina L Miller,Sandra Sullivan,Rita SC SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD ENGLISH Play Analysis 15056 42. 233 201 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Barish,Shelley SC UGRD ENGLISH Intro to Creative Writing 15058 42. 238 201 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 16 Stanton,Maureen SC UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Intro to Creative Writing Gay & Lesbian Literature Disability in Literature 15059 15061 15062 42. 238 202 42. 246 201 42. 258 201 TR TR TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 3 16 19 19 Johnson,Andrew Pruett,Jill Marshall,Bridget M SC SC SC UGRD ENGLISH British Literary Traditions 15063 42. 281 201 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 27 Archibald,Diana C. SC UGRD ENGLISH American Literary Traditions 15032 42. 282 201 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 27 Mitchell,Keith SC UGRD ENGLISH American Literary Traditions 15033 42. 282 202 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 27 Marshall,Bridget M SC UGRD ENGLISH Intro to Journalism 15035 42. 300 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Silverman,Jonathan SC UGRD ENGLISH Intro to Journalism 15035 42. 300 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Silverman,Jonathan SC UGRD ENGLISH Creative Writing: Fiction 15038 42. 302 201 M 12:30 PM-03:20 PM 3 14 Dubus,Andre J SC UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Creative Writing: Poetry Lit.of Colonial America British Lit of 20th Century 15039 15040 15042 42. 303 201 42. 312 201 42. 317 201 R MW TR 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 3 14 19 19 Lim,Sandra Pennell,Melissa M Miller,Marlowe A SC SC SC Page 37 of 82 Pre-Req: 42.103/111 Col Writing I-Internatl; Anti Req for 42.112, 104 1 students cannot receive credit for both 42.112 (104) & 42.102. Pre-req: 42.101 College Writing I, and 42.102 College Writing II, or 1 English Majors. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101 College Writing I; Pre-Req: 42.102 College Writing II. 1 Pre-req: 42.101 College Writing I, and 42.102 College Writing II and English Majors Only. 1 Pre-req: 42.101 College Writing I, and 42.102 College Writing II and English Majors Only. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-req: 42.101 College Writing I, and 42.102 College Writing II, or English Majors. 1 Pre-req: 42.101 College Writing I, and 42.102 College Writing II, or English Majors. 1 Pre-req: 42.101 College Writing I, and 42.102 College Writing II, or English Majors. 1 Pre-Reqs: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II (or 42.103/104 Internatl I & II), & 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. Pre-Reqs: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II and 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. Pre-req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II and 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors, or 42.229 Essay Writing or 42.238 Intro to Creative Writing. Pre-req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II and 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors, or 42.229 Essay Writing or 42.238 Intro to Creative Writing. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# UGRD ENGLISH Personal & Reflective Writ 15045 42. 320 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 14 Miller,Sandra SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Personal & Reflective Writ Art of Writing Biography Writing About Women American Women Novelists Lit of Romantic Period 15045 15046 15047 15108 15048 42. 320 201 42. 322 201 42. 328 201 42. 335 201 42. 355 201 TR W MW MW MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-03:20 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 3 3 3 14 14 19 19 19 Miller,Sandra Stanton,Maureen TBA Pennell,Melissa M Avery,Todd P SC SC SC SC SC UGRD ENGLISH Restoration Comedy 15049 42. 361 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Judge PhD,Jeannie Sargent SC Pre-Reqs: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II (or 42.103/104 Internatl I & II), & 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. 1 Pre-Reqs: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II and 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 Pre-Req: 42.101 College Writing I; Pre-Req: 42.102 College Writing II. 1 UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH Reading & Writing New Media African-American Literature 15050 15051 42. 369 201 42. 376 201 TR TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 19 19 Silverman,Jonathan Mitchell,Keith SC SC Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & College Writing II, 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Post Colonial Literature Theatre History II Intro to Editing & Publishing Sem: Teaching Writing 15052 15054 15055 15057 42. 379 201 42. 383 201 42. 387 201 42. 388 201 MW MW TR MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 3 3 19 40 19 19 Kim,Sue J Barish,Shelley Sullivan,Rita Bozicas,Dina L SC SC SC SC UGRD ENGLISH Special topics in English: Medieval Woman Writers 15060 42. 395 201 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Barefield,Laura SC UGRD ENGLISH Special topics in English: Visual Rhetoric 15065 42. 395 202 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 TBA UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH Selected Authors: Frost,Williams,Hughes,Niedecker Selected Authors: Beowulf 15066 16020 42. 401 201 42. 401 202 MW F 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 3 3 19 19 Szczesiul,Anthony E Barefield,Laura UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH Community Writing II Community Writing II Creative Writing Fiction II Shakespeare I Shakespeare II Intro to Literary Theory Writing Workshop: Hybrid Poetics 15067 15067 15068 15070 15071 15072 15073 42. 406 201 42. 406 201 42. 407 201 42. 423 201 42. 424 201 42. 429 201 42. 450 201 F 09:00 AM-10:50 AM TBA 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 19 14 19 19 19 14 Archibald,Diana C. Archibald,Diana C. Dubus,Andre J Selleck,Nancy G Judge PhD,Jeannie Sargent Millner,Wallace Lim,Sandra SC SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD ENGLISH Directed Studies in Writing 15074 42. 490 201 TBA 3 10 Szczesiul,Anthony E SC Y UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY Directed Studies in Writing Directed Study in Literature Dir Study in Lang Analysis Dir Study in Creative Writing Practicum Practicum-English Study Western Civilization I Western Civilization I Western Civilization I Western Civilization I Western Civilization I The Modern World The Modern World The Modern World The Modern World The Modern World The Modern World U.S. History to1877 U.S. History to1877 U.S. History to1877 U.S. History to1877 U.S. History to1877 U.S. History to1877 U.S. History to1877 U.S. History since 1877 U.S. History since 1877 U.S. History since 1877 U.S. History since 1877 U.S. History since 1877 Women in China Europe in the Middle Ages The Vietnam War 15074 15075 15076 15077 15078 15079 10053 10054 10055 10056 10057 10058 10060 10061 10062 10063 10064 10065 10066 10067 10068 10069 10070 10071 10074 10075 10076 10078 10079 10080 10082 10084 42. 490 201 42. 491 201 42. 492 201 42. 493 201 42. 496 201 42. 498 201 43. 105 201 43. 105 202 43. 105 203 43. 105 204 43. 105 205 43. 106 201 43. 106 205 43. 106 206 43. 106 207 43. 106 208 43. 106 209 43. 111 201 43. 111 202 43. 111 203 43. 111 204 43. 111 205 43. 111 206 43. 111 208 43. 112 201 43. 112 202 43. 112 203 43. 112 204 43. 112 206 43. 207 201 43. 227 201 43. 249 201 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 30 30 30 Szczesiul,Anthony E Szczesiul,Anthony E Szczesiul,Anthony E Szczesiul,Anthony E Archibald,Diana C. Szczesiul,Anthony E St.Pierre,Jason TBA Carlsmith,Christopher Fogle,Lauren TBA Young,Patrick Blickstein,Leonid Blickstein,Leonid Lewis,Diane Lewis,Diane Deak,George Chen,Shehong Bell,Caryn C Chandler,Abigail B Pierson,Michael D Smith,Fletcher C Chen,Shehong Chandler,Abigail B Melendy,Cynthia Anne Straus,Kenneth M Gerber,Lori Gerber,Lori Cecere,David A Chen,Shehong Fogle,Lauren Montrie,Chad SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC SC SC NC SC NC NC SC SC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC SC NC NC NC SC SC SC Y Y Y Y Y Y F TR TR MW T MWF MWF MWF TR MWF TR MWF MWF TR TR TR TR MWF MWF TR MWF TR MWF MWF MWF TR TR MWF TR TR TR Page 38 of 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 SC Pre-Req: 42.101 College Writing I and 42.102 College Writing II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101 College Writing I; Pre-Req: 42.102 College Writing II. Pre-Req: 42.101 College Writing I; Pre-Req: 42.102 College Writing II. SC SC Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. 1 1 Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & College Writing II, 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-req: 42.366 Creative Writing Poetry II. Pre-Reqs: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II (or 42.103/104 Internatl I & II), & 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. Pre-Reqs: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II and 42.227 Essay Writing/Eng Majors or 42.229 Essay Writing. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. Pre-Req: 42.101/102 College Writing I & II. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY COURSE TITLE Women in American History Native American History Sub-Saharan Africa Japan Since 1600 Intro to Historical Methods CLASS# 10086 10088 10089 10090 10092 SUB.CAT# SEC 43. 270 201 43. 274 201 43. 281 201 43. 295 201 43. 298 201 DAYS TR MW MW MWF TR TIME 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM CRD 3 3 3 3 3 CAP 30 30 30 30 19 INSTRUCTOR Pierson,Michael D Strobel,Christoph Strobel,Christoph Smith,Fletcher C Montrie,Chad LOC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY The World of Things England: The Middle Ages Slavery and Abolition Colonial America Early US Political Culture The 20s and the 30s 10095 10116 10097 10099 10102 10104 43. 301 201 43. 327 201 43. 345 201 43. 350 201 43. 359 201 43. 362 201 TR MWF MWF MWF TR MWF 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 19 30 30 30 30 Young,Patrick Lipchitz,Joseph Bell,Caryn C Chandler,Abigail B Pierson,Michael D Smith,Fletcher C SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD HISTORY Topics in History: Lowell & Lawrence Stories 10105 43. 390 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Forrant,Robert SC UGRD UGRD HISTORY HISTORY Topics in History: US for Pol Mid East Hist/Middle East&Islamic World 10107 10109 43. 390 203 43. 393 201 T MWF 03:30 PM-06:00 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 3 15 30 Aftandilian,Gregory L Straus,Kenneth M SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST History Writing and Community Research Seminar Directed Study Practicum Criminal Justice System Criminal Justice System Intro to Homeland SecurIty Police Process Police Process Police Process Introduction to Corrections Introduction to Corrections Introduction to Corrections Introduction to Corrections Technology and the CJ System Emergency Management Criminology I Criminology I Crime and the Media Criminal Law Criminal Law Criminal Law Criminal Law Criminalistics I Terrorism Terrorism Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency Criminal Justice Ethics Criminal Justice Ethics 10110 10120 10111 10112 10965 10967 10969 10971 10979 10970 10981 10984 10982 10988 10990 11014 11017 11019 16051 11248 11251 11252 11253 11255 11257 11258 11261 11267 11268 11269 43. 401 201 43. 432 201 43. 491 201 43. 496 201 44. 101 201 44. 101 301 44. 115 201 44. 141 201 44. 141 202 44. 141 301 44. 151 201 44. 151 202 44. 151 203 44. 151 301 44. 203 201 44. 213 201 44. 221 201 44. 221 301 44. 223 201 44. 234 201 44. 234 202 44. 234 203 44. 234 204 44. 243 201 44. 248 201 44. 248 301 44. 261 201 44. 261 202 44. 280 201 44. 280 202 MW TR TR MW TR TR MW MW MW TR TR TR MW TR TR MW MW TR MW TR F MW MW MW MW MW MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:00 PM-02:30 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 5 10 220 19 75 75 35 19 49 35 35 19 150 49 200 19 30 35 35 35 35 19 75 19 30 30 30 30 Carlsmith,Christopher Lipchitz,Joseph Lipchitz,Joseph Lipchitz,Joseph Siegel,Larry J TBA Yurcak,John Morabito,Melissa Schaefer Ricci,Helen Chierus,Kristen Elizabeth Cafferty,Carole V Curcio,Gina A Carkin,Danielle Marie Levey,Cathy Burrows,Richard C Yurcak,John TBA TBA Mazzaglia,Francis R TBA Zane,Steven TBA Zane,Steven Goulding,Michael J Forest,James TBA Spencer,Meridith Anne Spencer,Meridith Anne Greenberg,Edward Wertlieb Greenberg,Edward Wertlieb SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD CRIMJUST White Collar & Elite Deviance 11271 44. 323 201 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 30 Choo,Kyungseok SC Pre-Req: 43.105 West Civ to 1715, or 43.106 The Modern World, or 43.111 The US to 1877, or 43.112 The US sinc 1877, or Permission. 1 1 Pre-Req: 43.298 Intro to Historical Methods and Instructor permission. 1 1 1 1 FLC: 76 seats reserved. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FLC: 76 seats reserved. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 44.101 Criminal Justice System, 44.221 Criminology I; Criminal Justice (BS) majors. 1 UGRD CRIMJUST Violence in America 11273 44. 327 201 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 30 Higgins O'Brien,Carol A SC Pre-req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System or 44.221 Criminology 1. 1 UGRD CRIMJUST Violence in America 11272 44. 327 202 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 30 Chierus,Kristen Elizabeth SC Pre-req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System or 44.221 Criminology 1. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST Violence in America Int Perspectives on Crime Forensic Psychology Forensic Psychology 11286 11290 14105 11296 44. 327 203 44. 341 201 44. 343 201 44. 343 202 TR MW MW TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 3 3 30 30 30 30 Spina,Francesca Choo,Kyungseok TBA Levey,Cathy SC SC SC SC Pre-req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System or 44.221 Criminology 1. Pre-Req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System. 1 1 1 1 UGRD CRIMJUST Police Innovations 11297 44. 347 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 30 Harris,Christopher SC 1 UGRD CRIMJUST Community-Based Corrections 11298 44. 351 201 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 30 Higgins O'Brien,Carol A SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST Community-Based Corrections Gender, Race and Crime Gender, Race and Crime Gender, Race and Crime 11300 11304 11312 11315 44. 351 202 44. 360 201 44. 360 202 44. 360 203 MW TR TR TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 3 3 3 30 30 30 30 Curcio,Gina A Spina,Francesca Estienne,Elizabeth Gilberte TBA SC SC SC SC Pre-Req: 44.141 Police Process; Criminal Justice (BS) majors. Pre-req: 44.151 Introduction to Corrections; Criminal Justice (BS) majors. Pre-req: 44.151 Introduction to Corrections; Criminal Justice (BS) majors. UGRD CRIMJUST Issues in Police Admin 11358 44. 373 201 MW 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 3 30 Lavallee,Kenneth SC Pre-Reqs: 44.101 Criminal Justice System, 44.141 Police Process. 1 Page 39 of 82 PERM COMMENTS Y No Freshman, History Majors only. Pre-Req: 43.106 The Modern World or the permission of the instructor. Requisite: Sophomore level or higher. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 43.105 West Civ to 1715, or 43.106 The Modern World, or 43.111 The US to 1877, or 43.112 The US sinc 1877, or Permission. 1 Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD CRIMJUST Criminal Mind and Behavior 11363 44. 387 201 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 30 Carkin,Danielle Marie UGRD UGRD CRIMJUST CRIMJUST Criminal Mind and Behavior Forensic Psychopathology 14109 11364 44. 387 202 44. 388 201 TR MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 30 25 Levey,Cathy Reid,Joan UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Research Methods 11365 44. 390 201 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 25 Clarke,Kaitlyn Marie SC UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Research Methods 11366 44. 390 202 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 25 Weeks,Edward Gregory SC UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Research Methods 11367 44. 390 203 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 25 Clarke,Kaitlyn Marie SC UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Research Methods 11368 44. 390 204 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 25 Weeks,Edward Gregory SC UGRD CRIMJUST Statistics in Criminal Justice 11374 44. 395 201 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Terrio,Angela K SC UGRD CRIMJUST Statistics in Criminal Justice 11372 44. 395 202 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 McCormack,Philip SC UGRD CRIMJUST Statistics in Criminal Justice 11371 44. 395 203 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Estienne,Elizabeth Gilberte SC UGRD CRIMJUST Statistics in Criminal Justice 11369 44. 395 204 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Edson,Timothy C SC UGRD CRIMJUST Statistics in Criminal Justice 11370 44. 395 205 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Edson,Timothy C SC UGRD UGRD UGRD CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST Statistics in Criminal Justice Crime Mapping Crime Mapping 11373 11391 11392 44. 395 206 44. 397 201 44. 397 202 MW TR F 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-10:20 AM 3 3 3 19 25 19 Terrio,Angela K Reeby,Dawn N Smith,Robin R UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Data Analysis 11394 44. 398 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 25 UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Data Analysis 11395 44. 398 202 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 25 COMMENTS MTG# SC Pre-req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System or 44.221 Criminology 1. 1 SC SC 1 1 SC SC SC Pre-req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System or 44.221 Criminology 1. Level is Junior or Senior standing. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Academic Plan Criminal Justice (BS) and Junior/Senior Standing only. Pre-Req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System. Pre-Req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System. Harris,Christopher SC Pre-Req: 44.390 CJ Research Methods or 47.269 Research I: Basics; CJ (BS) Junior/Senior standing only 1 McCormack,Philip SC Pre-Req: 44.390 CJ Research Methods or 47.269 Research I: Basics; CJ (BS) Junior/Senior standing only 1 Pre-Req: 44.390 CJ Research Methods or 47.269 Research I: Basics; CJ (BS) Junior/Senior standing only 1 UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Data Analysis 11396 44. 398 203 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 25 Walfield,Scott Matthew SC UGRD CRIMJUST CJ Data Analysis 11398 44. 398 204 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 25 Terrio,Angela K SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY Victimology Intimate Partner Violence Intimate Partner Violence Child Maltreatment Short Directed Study Issues in Tech & Security Criminal Justice Field Studies Criminal Justice Internship Intro to Philosophy Intro to Philosophy Intro to Philosophy Intro to Philosophy Intro Logic & Crit Reas Intro Logic & Crit Reas Intro Logic & Crit Reas Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Ethics Intro to Political Philosophy Intro to Political Philosophy Plato & Beginning/Philosophy Intro to World Religions Intro to World Religions Intro to World Religions God and Philosophy Philosophy & Film Philosophy & Film Engineering and Ethics Engineering and Ethics 11404 11407 11414 11416 11436 11470 11473 11476 11048 11051 11049 11050 11204 11208 11209 11213 11216 11219 11220 11448 11450 11430 11432 11224 11226 11227 11228 11229 11235 11236 11232 11233 44. 422 201 44. 477 201 44. 477 202 44. 478 201 44. 492 201 44. 493 201 44. 495 201 44. 496 201 45. 201 204 45. 201 205 45. 201 206 45. 201 207 45. 202 201 45. 202 202 45. 202 203 45. 203 201 45. 203 202 45. 203 204 45. 203 205 45. 203 207 45. 203 208 45. 206 201 45. 206 202 45. 216 201 45. 296 201 45. 296 202 45. 296 203 45. 304 201 45. 316 201 45. 316 202 45. 334 201 45. 334 202 MW TR TR MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM TBA 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 3 3 1 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 35 19 19 30 10 28 35 35 45 45 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 40 40 45 40 30 40 40 40 30 30 30 45 45 Mazzaglia,Francis R Pinckney,Tonisha M Pinckney,Tonisha M Seitz,Kerry Brady Terrio,Angela K Sojka,Robert E Beaudoin,Gail F Beaudoin,Gail F Hart,James B LeBlanc,Donald E TBA TBA Hart,James B Krupnick,Ari L Krupnick,Ari L White,Deborah White,Deborah Phillips,Christopher Phillips,Christopher TBA TBA Hodapp,Christa M Hodapp,Christa M Smith,Paul Christopher Kim,Hee Kyung Kim,Hee Kyung Romaya,Bassam Innis,Robert E Kaufman,Whitley R.P Hodapp,Christa M Mellican,R. Eugene Mellican,R. Eugene SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC SC SC NC SC SC NC NC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC W F F TR MW MW MW TR F F TR TR TR TR TR TR TR MW TR MW MW MW TR MW MW TR TR Page 40 of 82 PERM Y Y Pre-Req: 44.390 CJ Research Methods or 47.269 Research I: Basics; CJ (BS) Junior/Senior standing only Pre-req: 44.101 Criminal Justice System or 44.221 Criminology I, Junior/Senior standing only. Level is Junior or Senior standing. Level is Junior or Senior standing. Level is Junior or Senior standing. Level Senior Standing. Pre-Req: CJ majors only. Jr. or Sr. status only. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY PHILOSPHY POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI PCS POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI POLISCI PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY COURSE TITLE Engineering and Ethics Engineering and Ethics World Philosophies Existence & Anxiety Philosophies of Art & Beauty Directed Studies Directed Studies Directed Studies Directed Studies Directed Studies Practicum Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Intro to American Politics Introduction to Politics Introduction to Politics Intro to Comp Pol Systems International Relations International Relations International Relations International Relations Intro/Peace & Conflict Studies Intro to Environmental Studies Intro to Environmental Studies Intro Political Analysis Intro Political Analysis Law and the Legal System Intro Political Thought Survey Research Politics of College Sports Judicial Review Seminar Congress Government Fiscal Policy Russian Politics Latin American Politics Politics of Pacific Rim Int Politics of Human Rights Research Seminar Women in Islam Politics/Repression & Dissent Directed Study Practicum Exper. Requirement Practicum in Law Requirement Res & Int/Serv Exp Pol/Law General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology General Psychology CLASS# 15834 15836 11241 13047 11230 11243 11244 11245 11246 11247 11250 13169 13172 13173 13175 13179 13181 13182 13183 13184 13187 13191 13192 13194 13196 13198 13235 13237 13240 13241 13243 13246 13247 13248 13252 13253 13255 13256 13257 13259 13260 13263 13264 13266 13267 13268 13269 13271 13272 13274 15301 13277 13324 13328 15300 13337 10344 10350 10352 10353 10354 10355 10359 10362 10365 10367 10370 10371 10376 10377 10379 10380 SUB.CAT# SEC 45. 334 203 45. 334 204 45. 350 201 45. 352 201 45. 384 201 45. 491 201 45. 491 202 45. 491 203 45. 491 204 45. 491 205 45. 496 201 46. 101 201 46. 101 202 46. 101 203 46. 101 204 46. 101 205 46. 101 206 46. 101 207 46. 101 208 46. 101 209 46. 101 210 46. 101 211 46. 101 212 46. 101 213 46. 101 214 46. 101 301 46. 110 201 46. 110 202 46. 112 201 46. 121 201 46. 121 202 46. 121 203 46. 121 204 46. 125 201 46. 175 201 46. 175 202 46. 201 201 46. 201 202 46. 230 201 46. 231 201 46. 319 201 46. 329 201 46. 339 201 46. 343 201 46. 355 201 46. 366 201 46. 370 201 46. 375 201 46. 384 201 46. 401 201 46. 402 201 46. 445 201 46. 491 201 46. 496 201 46. 497 201 46. 498 201 47. 101 203 47. 101 204 47. 101 205 47. 101 206 47. 101 207 47. 101 208 47. 101 209 47. 101 210 47. 101 211 47. 101 212 47. 101 213 47. 101 214 47. 101 217 47. 101 218 47. 101 219 47. 101 220 DAYS TR TR MW MW TR MWF TR MWF MWF TR MWF MWF MW MW MW MW TR F F TR MW MW TR MW TR MWF MWF TR TR TR TR TR MW TR MW T R F MW W TR MW M R T MWF MWF MWF MWF MW TR TR MW MW MWF TR TR F MWF F TR TIME 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 08:00 AM-10:20 AM 11:00 AM-01:20 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-02:50 PM 12:30 PM-02:50 PM 09:30 AM-11:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-04:20 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 02:00 PM-04:20 PM TBA 02:00 PM-04:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM CRD 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Page 41 of 82 CAP 40 40 30 30 30 5 5 5 5 5 5 45 45 45 45 35 45 45 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 19 45 35 35 35 35 45 45 18 35 35 25 19 40 40 19 19 19 19 30 30 19 35 19 5 19 10 5 10 10 10 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 INSTRUCTOR TBA TBA Romaya,Bassam Kaag,John Innis,Robert E Kaufman,Whitley R.P Romaya,Bassam Nelson,Eric Kaag,John Hodapp,Christa M Kaufman,Whitley R.P Polites,Gloria Polites,Gloria Larson,claudia Larson,claudia Gerson,Jeffrey Anthes,George Anthes,George Dyck,Joshua Ramos,Mayte Ramos,Mayte Larivee,John J Larivee,John J Nielsen,Arose W Nielsen,Arose W Marietta,Morgan Delaurier,Gregory Wooding,John C TBA TBA Thawnghmung,Ardeth Carter,Jason P Carter,Jason P Abdelkader,Deina Gallagher,Susan E Gallagher,Susan E Thawnghmung,Ardeth Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer Talty,Patricia Sullivan Wilkinson,Christopher Dana Dyck,Joshua Gerson,Jeffrey Marietta,Morgan Meehan,Martin T Lynch,Bernard F Minton,Avalon Nick TBA Delaurier,Gregory TBA TBA Abdelkader,Deina Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer TBA Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer Lima,Diamantina L Lima,Diamantina L Ansara,Lisa M Ansara,Lisa M Cappello,Sara Rondeau Thatcher,Lois Thatcher,Lois Kinney,Dennis K Kinney,Dennis K Ryder,Michelle C Landrigan,David Landrigan,David Underwood,Stephen M Ryder,Michelle C Weida,Alexandria M TBA LOC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC SC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC SC SC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: Political Science Majors only. Pre-Req: Political Science Majors only. Y Y Y Pre-Req: 46.201 Intro Political Analysis. Pre-Req: Political Science Majors only. Pre-Req: Political Science Majors only. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 37 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD PSYCHGY General Psychology 10823 47. 101 301 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Hillier,Ashleigh SC UGRD PSYCHGY General Psychology 10824 47. 101 302 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 Hillier,Ashleigh SC UGRD PSYCHGY General Psychology 10825 47. 101 303 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Dottolo,Andrea L SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY General Psychology Social Psychology Social Psychology Psych of Personality Psych of Personality Community Psychology Community Psychology Community Psychology Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Child & Adolescent Development Research I: Basics Research I: Basics Research I: Basics Research I: Basics Research I: Basics Research I: Basics Research I: Basics Research I: Basics Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Brain, Mind & Behavior Brain, Mind & Behavior Theories of Learning Theories of Learning Cognitive Psychology Cognitive Psychology Learning & Behavior Learning & Behavior 10826 10384 10385 10387 10388 10389 10391 10392 10393 10394 10397 10398 10400 10801 10801 10802 10802 10401 10403 10404 10406 10408 10410 10412 10415 10417 10418 10420 10421 10422 10423 10424 10425 10426 10427 10429 10430 10431 10432 10435 10436 47. 101 304 47. 209 201 47. 209 202 47. 232 201 47. 232 202 47. 255 201 47. 255 202 47. 255 203 47. 260 201 47. 260 202 47. 260 203 47. 260 204 47. 260 205 47. 260 206 47. 260 206 47. 260 207 47. 260 207 47. 260 208 47. 260 209 47. 269 201 47. 269 202 47. 269 203 47. 269 204 47. 269 205 47. 269 206 47. 269 207 47. 269 208 47. 272 201 47. 272 202 47. 272 203 47. 272 204 47. 272 205 47. 272 206 47. 273 201 47. 273 202 47. 276 201 47. 276 202 47. 278 201 47. 278 202 47. 312 201 47. 312 202 TR MW MW TR TR F F MW TR TR TR TR TR T MW MW TR TR TR MW MW MW MW MW F F TR TR MW MW TR TR MW MW TR TR MW MW 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM TBA 12:30 PM-01:45 PM TBA 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 Dottolo,Andrea L Paduchowski,Krista Anne Paduchowski,Krista Anne Cannon,Joan Cannon,Joan Virga,Charles Virga,Charles Worthley,James Philip Murphy,Marie Davy,Cristina B Davy,Cristina B Murphy,Marie McCabe,Allyssa Stanford-Pollock,Meredith A Stanford-Pollock,Meredith A Stanford-Pollock,Meredith A Stanford-Pollock,Meredith A TBA TBA Haynes,Michelle Frye,Alice A Frye,Alice A Worthley,James Philip Mihalick,Sheila M Mihalick,Sheila M Leonard,Kathleen Leonard,Kathleen Hantzis,Peter C Hantzis,Peter C Dinh,Khanh Dinh,Khanh Theriault,Jane E Theriault,Jane E Pagliarulo,Michele Pagliarulo,Michele Lionello-denolf,Karen M Lionello-denolf,Karen M Weinstein,Yana Weinstein,Yana TBA TBA COMMENTS Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. FLC: 19 seats reserved. MTG# SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD PSYCHGY Dynamics of Interpersonal Rel 10437 47. 328 801 T 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 19 Seeman,Gloria SC Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology; Junior or Senior level. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY Dynamics of Interpersonal Rel Psychology & Women Psychology & Women Health Psychology Health Psychology Sport & Exercise Psychology 10438 10439 10440 10817 10442 10443 47. 328 802 47. 335 201 47. 335 202 47. 345 201 47. 345 202 47. 355 201 R MW MW T F MW 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 30 30 30 30 30 Seeman,Gloria Tyndall,Katherine Tyndall,Katherine Ho,Ivy Underwood,Stephen M Graves,James R SC SC SC SC SC NC 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 30 Hostetler,Andrew SC 3 30 Hostetler,Andrew SC 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 3 30 Crowley,Athena M SC F 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 30 Crowley,Athena M SC R MW MW MW MW R 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 03:30 AM-04:45 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 17 17 17 17 17 Fox,Katherine E Sanborne,Erika L Sanborne,Erika L Kunzendorf,Robert G Sanborne,Erika L Landrigan,David SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology; Junior or Senior level. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.260 Child & Adolescent Development. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.260 Child & Adolescent Development. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.260 Child & Adolescent Development. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.260 Child & Adolescent Development. Pre Req: 47.101, General Psychology; student may not enroll if already has credit for 59.363. Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better UGRD PSYCHGY Adult Development and Aging 10444 47. 360 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM UGRD PSYCHGY Adult Development and Aging 10445 47. 360 202 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM UGRD PSYCHGY Psych of Develop Disabilities 10446 47. 362 201 F UGRD PSYCHGY Psych of Develop Disabilities 10449 47. 362 202 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY Intro to Disability Studies Research II: Statistics Research II: Statistics Research II: Statistics Research II: Statistics Research II: Statistics 10451 10453 10456 10458 10803 10804 47. 363 201 47. 369 201 47. 369 202 47. 369 203 47. 369 204 47. 369 205 T Page 42 of 82 PERM Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY COURSE TITLE Research II: Statistics Research II: Statistics Research II: Statistics Research II: Statistics CLASS# 10804 10462 10464 10466 SUB.CAT# SEC 47. 369 205 47. 369 206 47. 369 207 47. 369 208 DAYS T TR TR TR TIME 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM CRD 3 3 3 3 CAP 17 17 17 17 INSTRUCTOR Landrigan,David Entin,Elliot E Entin,Elliot E Frye,Alice A LOC SC SC SC SC PERM UGRD PSYCHGY Research III: Laboratory 10469 47. 375 801 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 12 Kunzendorf,Robert G SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Research III: Laboratory 10472 47. 375 802 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 17 Gordon,Thomas SC Pre-Req: 47.369 Res II: Statistics and ' C' or better in 47.269 Res I: Basics; Junior/ Senior level and completed 15 credits in Psychology. 1 UGRD PSYCHGY Research III: Laboratory 10473 47. 375 803 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 17 Duell,Mary N SC Pre-Req: 47.369 Res II: Statistics and ' C' or better in 47.269 Res I: Basics; Junior/ Senior level and completed 15 credits in Psychology. 1 UGRD PSYCHGY Research III: Laboratory 10475 47. 375 804 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 17 Lawrence,Jason S SC UGRD PSYCHGY Seminar: Personality 10478 47. 472 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 16 Cannon,Joan SC UGRD PSYCHGY Sem: Social Psychology 10483 47. 473 201 M 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 16 Kuhn,Sarah SC UGRD PSYCHGY Sem: Social Psychology 10827 47. 473 202 T 09:30 AM-12:20 PM 3 16 Sladkova,Jana SC UGRD PSYCHGY Sem: Social Psychology 10828 47. 473 203 R 09:30 AM-12:20 PM 3 16 Sladkova,Jana SC UGRD PSYCHGY Sem: Developmental Psych 10805 47. 474 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 16 McCabe,Allyssa SC UGRD PSYCHGY Sem: Clinical Psychology 10806 47. 475 201 R 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 16 Ho,Ivy SC UGRD PSYCHGY Sem: Contemporary Trends 10807 47. 477 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 16 Siegel,Richard SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY Integ Fieldwork/Dev Disab I Community Service Learning Community Service Learning Community Service Learning Research Service Learning Research Service Learning Research Service Learning 10821 10808 10809 10810 10502 10506 10507 47. 480 201 47. 486 201 47. 486 202 47. 486 203 47. 488 201 47. 488 202 47. 488 203 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Fox,Katherine E Siegel,Richard Siegel,Richard Siegel,Richard Siegel,Richard Siegel,Richard Siegel,Richard SC SC SC SC SC SC Y Y Y Y Y Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10508 47. 491 201 TBA 3 5 Arcus,Doreen SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10509 47. 491 202 TBA 3 5 Lawrence,Jason S UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10510 47. 491 203 TBA 3 5 Siegel,Richard SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10511 47. 491 206 TBA 3 5 Landrigan,David SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10512 47. 491 208 TBA 3 5 Kunzendorf,Robert G SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10513 47. 491 209 TBA 3 5 Seeman,Gloria SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10514 47. 491 210 TBA 3 5 Mulvey,Anne SC UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10544 47. 491 211 TBA 3 5 Bond,Meg SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10545 47. 491 212 TBA 3 5 McCabe,Allyssa SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10547 47. 491 215 TBA 3 5 Cannon,Joan SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10549 47. 491 217 TBA 3 5 Dinh,Khanh SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10552 47. 491 218 TBA 3 5 Hostetler,Andrew SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10554 47. 491 219 TBA 3 5 Haynes,Michelle SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10558 47. 491 220 TBA 3 5 Hillier,Ashleigh SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10560 47. 491 221 TBA 3 5 Ho,Ivy SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10563 47. 491 222 TBA 3 5 Duell,Mary N SC Y Page 43 of 82 COMMENTS Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better Pre-Req: 47.269 Research I: Basics with 'C' or better Y MTG# 2 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 47.369 Res II: Statistics and ' C' or better in 47.269 Res I: Basics; Junior/ Senior level and completed 15 credits in Psychology. 1 Pre-Req: 47.369 Res II: Statistics and ' C' or better in 47.269 Res I: Basics; Junior/ Senior level and completed 15 credits in Psychology. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.260 Child & Adolescent Development and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre or Co-Req: 47/59.363 Introduction to Disability Studies, or 47.363 Psychology of Developmental Disabilities. Combined with 59.480. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Req: 47.101 General Psychology. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10566 UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10569 UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology UGRD PSYCHGY UGRD UGRD TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM 47. 491 223 TBA 3 5 Sladkova,Jana SC Y 47. 491 224 TBA 3 5 Tran,Nellie SC Y 10572 47. 491 225 TBA 3 5 Serna,Richard SC Y Dir St: Psychology 10573 47. 491 226 TBA 3 5 Kuhn,Sarah SC Y PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10575 47. 491 227 TBA 3 5 Block,Stephanie D SC Y PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10577 47. 491 228 TBA 3 5 Dottolo,Andrea L SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10585 47. 491 229 TBA 3 5 Frye,Alice A SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10588 47. 491 230 TBA 3 5 Dutta,Urmitapa SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10590 47. 491 231 TBA 3 5 Weinstein,Yana SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10593 47. 491 232 TBA 3 5 Gordon,Thomas SC Y UGRD PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology 10597 47. 491 233 TBA 3 5 TBA SC Y UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY Dir St: Psychology Intro to Community Soc Psych Intro to Community Soc Psych Applied Developmental Psych Sem in Community Social Psych 10598 10812 10813 10610 10814 47. 491 301 47. 500 201 47. 500 202 47. 501 201 47. 502 201 M M R W TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 3 3 3 3 5 16 16 16 16 Arcus,Doreen Dutta,Urmitapa Dutta,Urmitapa Arcus,Doreen Gordon,Thomas SC SC SC SC SC GRAD GRAD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY Applied Research Methods Workplace Diversity 10815 10613 47. 512 201 47. 526 201 R T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 3 16 16 Lawrence,Jason S Haynes,Michelle SC SC Y GRAD GRAD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY Grant Writing Autism & Dev. Psychopathology 10816 15122 47. 546 201 47. 571 201 T T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 3 9 17 Kuhn,Sarah Arcus,Doreen SC SC Y Y GRAD PSYCHGY Practicum I 10619 47. 631 201 M 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 10 Bond,Meg SC GRAD PSYCHGY Practicum I 10621 47. 631 202 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 10 Bond,Meg SC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY Supvsd Prac in B.I.A: I Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Dir Study: Comm&SocPsychology Directed Study in Autism Directed Study in Autism Directed Study in Autism Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc 15123 10625 10627 10630 10631 10634 10635 10637 10638 10648 10654 10656 10659 10662 10663 10664 10666 10672 10725 10726 10727 10729 10730 10732 10735 10736 10738 47. 671 201 47. 691 202 47. 691 203 47. 691 207 47. 691 210 47. 691 211 47. 691 212 47. 691 214 47. 691 217 47. 691 218 47. 691 219 47. 691 220 47. 691 221 47. 691 223 47. 691 224 47. 691 226 47. 691 227 47. 691 228 47. 691 229 47. 691 230 47. 691 232 47. 692 201 47. 692 220 47. 692 225 47. 733 701 47. 733 702 47. 733 703 DAYS R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Page 44 of 82 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TBA Lawrence,Jason S Siegel,Richard Coppens,Nina M Mulvey,Anne Bond,Meg McCabe,Allyssa Mandell,Charlotte Dinh,Khanh Hostetler,Andrew Haynes,Michelle Hillier,Ashleigh Ho,Ivy Sladkova,Jana Tran,Nellie Kuhn,Sarah Block,Stephanie D Dottolo,Andrea L Frye,Alice A Dutta,Urmitapa Gordon,Thomas Arcus,Doreen Hillier,Ashleigh Serna,Richard Arcus,Doreen Lawrence,Jason S Siegel,Richard SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psychology and 47.269 Research I: Basics. MTG# Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.500 Intro to Community Soc Psych. 1 1 Community Social Psychology & Economic Social Regional Development Majors only or permission of instructor/chair. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 47.500 Intro to Community Soc Psych, and 47.512 Applied Res Methods; Pre-Req/Co-Req: 47.625 Adv Community Dynamics:Lowell. 1 Pre-Req: 47.500 Intro to Community Soc Psych, and 47.512 Applied Res Methods; Pre-Req/Co-Req: 47.625 Adv Community Dynamics:Lowell. 1 Pre-req: 47.561 47.562 and Co-req: 47.566 Func. Analysis &Treat. of Challenging Behaviors, Matriculated status and Completion of at least 18 grad. credits in Psych./Autism Studies with a GPA of 3.0 or better. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY PSYCHGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY COURSE TITLE Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Proj in Comm-Soc Psyc Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Master's Thesis Comm Soc Psych Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Intro to Sociology Social Anthropology Social Anthropology Sociology of War & Peace Sociology of Gender Political Sociology Drugs and Society Sociology of Immigration CLASS# 10740 10743 10745 10747 10749 10751 10753 10754 10756 10758 10760 10762 10764 10765 10767 10769 10768 10770 10772 10773 10774 10775 10776 10777 10778 10779 10781 10782 10783 10784 10785 10786 10787 10789 10792 10794 11693 11694 11695 11697 11698 11704 11705 11708 11709 11710 11711 11713 11714 11715 11696 11723 11724 11726 11727 11728 11735 11736 SUB.CAT# SEC 47. 733 706 47. 733 707 47. 733 710 47. 733 711 47. 733 712 47. 733 714 47. 733 717 47. 733 718 47. 733 719 47. 733 720 47. 733 721 47. 733 723 47. 733 724 47. 733 726 47. 733 727 47. 733 732 47. 733 733 47. 743 701 47. 743 702 47. 743 703 47. 743 707 47. 743 710 47. 743 711 47. 743 712 47. 743 714 47. 743 717 47. 743 718 47. 743 719 47. 743 720 47. 743 721 47. 743 723 47. 743 724 47. 743 726 47. 743 727 47. 743 730 47. 743 732 48. 101 201 48. 101 202 48. 101 203 48. 101 204 48. 101 205 48. 101 206 48. 101 207 48. 101 208 48. 101 209 48. 101 211 48. 101 212 48. 101 213 48. 101 214 48. 101 215 48. 101 301 48. 102 201 48. 102 202 48. 216 201 48. 240 201 48. 256 201 48. 280 201 48. 307 201 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGY Social Theory II Fast Food,Hot Planet: Soc. of Health and Healthcare Sociology of Non-Violence 11737 16146 11747 11744 UGRD SOCIOLOGY Research I Quan. Methods UGRD SOCIOLOGY Directed Studies in Sociology UGRD SOCIOLOGY UGRD SOCIOLOGY DAYS MWF MWF MWF MWF MW TR TR TR TR MWF MWF MWF MW MW MWF TR TR MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 19 45 45 35 39 35 35 30 INSTRUCTOR Landrigan,David Coppens,Nina M Mulvey,Anne Bond,Meg McCabe,Allyssa Mandell,Charlotte Dinh,Khanh Hostetler,Andrew Haynes,Michelle Hillier,Ashleigh Ho,Ivy Sladkova,Jana Tran,Nellie Kuhn,Sarah Block,Stephanie D Gordon,Thomas Dutta,Urmitapa Arcus,Doreen Lawrence,Jason S Siegel,Richard Coppens,Nina M Mulvey,Anne Bond,Meg McCabe,Allyssa Mandell,Charlotte Dinh,Khanh Hostetler,Andrew Haynes,Michelle Hillier,Ashleigh Ho,Ivy Sladkova,Jana Tran,Nellie Kuhn,Sarah Block,Stephanie D Dutta,Urmitapa Gordon,Thomas Hudak,Richard Hudak,Richard TBA TBA Ryan,Charlotte Chorbajian,Levon TBA TBA Chorbajian,Levon Saunders,Keith C TBA TBA TBA TBA Cruz,Adrian Tripathy,Susan Thomson Tripathy,Susan Thomson Hudak,Richard Duffy,Mignon C Egan,Daniel Saunders,Keith C Cruz,Adrian LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC SC SC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 48. 322 201 48. 330 201 48. 351 201 48. 360 201 MWF MW TR TR 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 3 3 30 19 30 30 Egan,Daniel Ryan,Charlotte Tripathy,Susan Thomson Das,Mitra SC NC SC SC 11749 48. 402 201 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 25 Duffy,Mignon C SC 11752 48. 491 201 TBA 3 10 Das,Mitra SC Y Directed Studies: Sociology 11754 48. 492 201 TBA 1 10 Das,Mitra SC Thesis in Sociology 11759 48. 495 201 TBA 3 10 Das,Mitra SC Page 45 of 82 PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 37 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: 48.101 Intro to Sociology. Pre-Req: 48.101 Intro to Sociology and 48.321 Social Theory I. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 48.101 Intro to Sociology. Pre-Req: 48.101 Intro to Sociology. 1 1 1 1 Academic Plan Sociology (BA) only, or Instructor permission. 1 Academic Plan Sociology (BA) only, or Instructor permission. 1 Y Academic Plan Sociology (BA) only, or Instructor permission. 1 Y Academic Plan Sociology (BA) only, or Instructor permission. 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD SOCIOLOGY ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS Practicum Experience Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics I (Microeconomics) 11761 10047 10048 10049 10050 10051 10052 10138 10162 10164 10166 10172 10173 10176 10177 10178 10179 10180 48. 496 201 49. 201 203 49. 201 204 49. 201 205 49. 201 206 49. 201 207 49. 201 208 49. 201 209 49. 201 210 49. 201 211 49. 201 212 49. 201 213 49. 201 214 49. 201 215 49. 201 216 49. 201 217 49. 201 218 49. 201 219 MW MW MW MW TR MW MW TR TR MW MW TR TR MW MW MW MW TBA 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Das,Mitra Andzie-Quainoo,Lord Tommasi,John R Tommasi,John R Edward,John Ornstil,David J Smirnov,Svetlana Smirnov,Svetlana TBA Jiang,Nien-Huei Lyn,Gary Lyn,Gary Ornstil,David J Galizzi,Monica Andzie-Quainoo,Lord Edward,John Khosla,Harjeet K Khosla,Harjeet K SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y Academic Plan Sociology (BA) only, or Instructor permission. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 34 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS Economics I (Microeconomics) Economics II (Macroeconomics) Economics II (Macroeconomics) Economics II (Macroeconomics) Economics II (Macroeconomics) Economics II (Macroeconomics) 10046 10181 10182 10183 10184 10185 49. 201 301 49. 202 201 49. 202 202 49. 202 203 49. 202 204 49. 202 205 TR TR MW MW TR MWF 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 45 45 45 45 49 Quayes,Muhammad Shakil Donnelly,Richard G Aman,Nurul Samiul Aman,Nurul Samiul Donnelly,Richard G Olive,Ronald W NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD ECONOMICS Statistics I 10186 49. 211 202 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 35 Tempesti,Tommaso NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD ECONOMICS Statistics I 10187 49. 211 203 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 35 Diianni,George NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD ECONOMICS Statistics I 10188 49. 211 204 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 35 Tempesti,Tommaso NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD ECONOMICS Statistics I 10189 49. 211 205 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 35 Diianni,George NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD ECONOMICS Statistics I 10190 49. 211 206 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 35 Lahiri,Supriya NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ECONOMICS Statistics II Labor Economics Microeconomic Theory Macroeconomic Theory Managerial Economics Capital Markets Special Topics in Economics 10192 10193 10194 10195 10196 10197 10198 49. 212 201 49. 302 201 49. 303 201 49. 304 201 49. 312 201 49. 317 201 49. 401 201 TR TR TR MWF TR TR F 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 35 30 35 30 30 30 30 Lahiri,Supriya Galizzi,Monica McDonough,Carol Olive,Ronald W Quayes,Muhammad Shakil Carter,Michael J Jiang,Nien-Huei NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD ECONOMICS International Trade Theory 10199 49. 403 201 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 30 Tempesti,Tommaso NC UGRD ECONOMICS Internship in Economics 10200 49. 485 201 TBA 3 10 Carter,Michael J NC Y UGRD ECONOMICS Independent Studies 10201 49. 499 201 TBA 3 10 Carter,Michael J NC Y UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ECONOMICS CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD Independent Studies French 1 and Culture French 1 and Culture French 1 and Culture French 2 and Culture French 3 and Culture French 3 and Culture French 4 and Culture 11561 10842 10843 10844 10845 10846 10847 10848 49. 499 301 50. 101 201 50. 101 204 50. 101 205 50. 102 202 50. 211 201 50. 211 202 50. 212 202 TBA 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Carter,Michael J Salmon,Carole TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Y UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD Survey of French Literature Dir Studies Fr Comp Adv French Tutorial French Practicum Exp German 1 and Culture German 3 and Culture Directed Study in German Comp 10959 10849 10850 10851 10852 10853 10854 50. 301 201 50. 492 201 50. 495 201 50. 496 201 51. 101 201 51. 211 201 51. 492 201 12:30 PM-01:45 PM TBA TBA TBA 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 5 5 5 19 19 5 Salmon,Carole Salmon,Carole Salmon,Carole Salmon,Carole TBA TBA TBA SC SC SC SC SC SC SC MW MWF MWF TR MWF TR MWF MW MWF MWF Page 46 of 82 Y Y Y Y Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics). Pre-Req: 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics). Pre-Req: 49.202 Economics II (Macroeconomics). Pre-Req: 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics). Pre-Req: 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics). Pre-Req: 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics). Pre-Reqs: 49.202 Economics II (Macroeconomics) and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics). Pre-Reqs: 49.202 Economics II (Macroeconomics) and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics). Pre-Req: 49.212 Statistics II, 49.303 Microeconomic Theory, and 49.304 Macroeconomic Theory. Pre-Req: 49.212 Statistics II, 49.303 Microeconomic Theory, and 49.304 Macroeconomic Theory. Pre-Req: 50.101 French 1 and Culture. Pre-Req: 50.102 French 2 and Culture Pre-Req: 50.102 French 2 and Culture Pre-Req: 50.211 French 3 and Culture. Pre-Req: 50.211 French 3 and Culture, or 50.212 French 4 and Culture. Pre-Req: 51.102 German 2 and Culture. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD LANGUAGES LANGUAGES LANGUAGES LANGUAGES CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD COURSE TITLE Adv German Tutorial Italian 1 and Culture Italian 1 and Culture Italian 3 and Culture Italian American Lit & Culture Dir Studies in Italian Lit Advanced Italian Tutorial Arabic 1 and Culture Cambodian 1 and Culture Chinese 3 and Culture Arabic 3 and Culture Cambodian 3 and Culture Dir.Study in Chinese Culture Dir Study/ Cambodian Culture Directed Study in Arabic Adv.tutorial in Chinese Cult. Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 1 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 2 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 3 and Culture Spanish 4 and Culture Spanish 4 and Culture Spanish 4 and Culture Spanish 4 and Culture Spanish 4 and Culture CLASS# 10855 10856 10857 10858 10960 10859 10860 10861 10862 10863 10864 10865 10866 10972 10867 10868 10869 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 10875 10876 10877 10878 10879 10880 10881 10882 10883 10884 10885 10886 10887 10888 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 10894 10895 10896 10897 SUB.CAT# SEC 51. 495 201 52. 101 201 52. 101 202 52. 211 201 52. 325 201 52. 491 201 52. 495 201 53. 115 201 53. 135 201 53. 205 201 53. 215 201 53. 235 201 53. 490 201 53. 493 201 53. 494 201 53. 495 201 54. 101 201 54. 101 202 54. 101 203 54. 101 205 54. 101 206 54. 101 207 54. 101 208 54. 101 209 54. 102 201 54. 102 202 54. 102 203 54. 102 204 54. 102 205 54. 102 207 54. 102 208 54. 102 209 54. 211 201 54. 211 202 54. 211 203 54. 211 204 54. 211 206 54. 211 207 54. 211 208 54. 211 209 54. 212 201 54. 212 202 54. 212 203 54. 212 205 54. 212 207 UGRD CULTURSTD Intro to Spanish Lit 13133 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD CULTURSTD REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC Adv. Spanish Conversation The Latin American Novel Dir St: Span Lit Directed Study/Latin America Adv Spanish Tutorial Spanish Practicum Exp Dir St: Greek Sp Top: Latin Study Sustainable Development Directed Studies: Resd Practicum In Resd Research Methods Budget/Policy,Plan,& Info Tool Dynamics Power and Authority Found Of Compar Reg Dev Inequality and Organization Sus.Housing Dev.& Land Use: Grant Writing Peace & Conf Field Exp Directed Study in RESD Directed Study in RESD Directed Study in RESD Directed Study in RESD Directed Study in RESD 10899 10961 10901 10902 10903 10905 10906 10907 10980 10983 10999 11002 11003 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 11011 11012 11013 11015 11016 11018 DAYS TR TR MWF MWF TR TR TR TR MW MW TR TR TR MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TR TR MWF MWF TR TR TR TR MW TR MW TIME TBA 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM TBA TBA 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 05:00 PM-06:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CAP 5 19 19 19 25 5 5 19 19 19 19 19 5 5 5 5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 INSTRUCTOR TBA Delisle,Giulia Delisle,Giulia Delisle,Giulia Delisle,Giulia Delisle,Giulia TBA TBA Chigas,George TBA TBA Chigas,George TBA Chigas,George TBA TBA TBA TBA Postman,Sheryl L Postman,Sheryl L TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 54. 301 301 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 19 Postman,Sheryl L SC 54. 347 201 54. 416 201 54. 491 201 54. 492 201 54. 495 201 54. 496 201 55. 491 201 56. 320 201 57. 211 201 57. 491 201 57. 496 201 57. 506 201 57. 508 201 57. 511 201 57. 513 201 57. 520 201 57. 527 201 57. 546 201 57. 558 206 57. 591 701 57. 591 702 57. 591 704 57. 591 705 57. 591 707 TR TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 02:00 PM-04:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM TBA TBA 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 19 19 5 5 5 5 5 10 30 10 10 19 19 19 19 15 10 7 30 5 5 5 5 5 TBA TBA Postman,Sheryl L TBA TBA TBA TBA Smith,Paul Christopher Mass,William Moss,Philip Moss,Philip Moss,Philip Zizzi,Donald Wooding,John C Moss,Philip Mass,William Turcotte,David A Kuhn,Sarah TBA Rayman,Paula M Forrant,Robert Kuhn,Sarah Lazonick,William H Mass,William SC SC SC SC TR MW TR TR TR MWF MWF TR MWF W TR R T W T M M T Page 47 of 82 SC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC NC NC PERM Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 52.102 Italian 2 and Culture. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Req: 53.106 Chinese 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 53.116 Arabic 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 53.136 Cambodian 2 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req; 54.101 Spanish 1 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.102 Spanish 2 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.211 Spanish 3 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.211 Spanish 3 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.211 Spanish 3 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.211 Spanish 3 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.211 Spanish 3 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.211 Spanish 3 and Culture, or 54.212 Spanish 4 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.211 Spanish 3 and Culture, or 54.212 Spanish 4 and Culture. Pre-Req: 54.212 Spanish 4 and Culture. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC REGECOSOC STUDIOART ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY COURSE TITLE Directed Study in RESD Directed Study in RESD Directed Study in RESD Social Movements Practicum in RESD Practicum in RESD Practicum in RESD Practicum in RESD Practicum in RESD Practicum in RESD Practicum in RESD Practicum in RESD Master Project Resd Master Project Resd Master Project Resd Master Project Resd Master Project Resd Master Project Resd Master Project Resd Master Project Resd Masters Thesis RESD Masters Thesis RESD Masters Thesis RESD Masters Thesis RESD Masters Thesis RESD Masters Thesis RESD Masters Thesis RESD Thesis Review Art Appreciation Art Appreciation Art Appreciation CLASS# 11020 11021 11022 11023 11024 11025 11026 11027 11028 11029 11030 11031 11032 11033 11034 11035 11036 11037 11038 11039 11040 11041 11042 11043 11044 11045 11046 11047 10908 10913 10915 SUB.CAT# SEC 57. 591 709 57. 591 713 57. 591 715 57. 605 201 57. 691 701 57. 691 702 57. 691 704 57. 691 705 57. 691 707 57. 691 709 57. 691 711 57. 691 713 57. 733 701 57. 733 702 57. 733 704 57. 733 705 57. 733 707 57. 733 709 57. 733 713 57. 733 715 57. 746 701 57. 746 702 57. 746 704 57. 746 705 57. 746 707 57. 746 709 57. 746 713 57. 747 201 58. 101 201 58. 101 202 58. 101 204 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY Art Appreciation Comparative Arts Comparative Arts History Of Art:Preh-Med 19th Century Art 20th Century Art Greek & Roman Art Baroque Art in Italy 10914 10916 10919 10920 10921 10923 10924 10964 UGRD ARTHISTRY Critical Iss In Art Hist UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTHISTRY ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI Art History Seminar Art History Seminar Dir St: Art History Adv Tutorial:Art History Pract Exp: Art History Values & Creative Thinking Values & Creative Thinking Comparative Arts Comparative Arts First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar First Year Experience Seminar Found in Cultural Studies Found in Cultural Studies History Of Art:Preh-Med DAYS MWF MWF MW TIME TBA TBA TBA 03:30 PM-06:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM CRD 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 3 3 3 CAP 5 5 5 19 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 30 30 INSTRUCTOR Moss,Philip Wooding,John C Turcotte,David A Forrant,Robert Rayman,Paula M Forrant,Robert Kuhn,Sarah Lazonick,William H Mass,William Moss,Philip TBA Wooding,John C Rayman,Paula M Forrant,Robert Kuhn,Sarah Lazonick,William H Mass,William Moss,Philip Wooding,John C Turcotte,David A Rayman,Paula M Forrant,Robert Kuhn,Sarah Lazonick,William H Mass,William Moss,Philip Wooding,John C Moss,Philip TBA TBA TBA LOC NC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 58. 101 301 58. 105 201 58. 105 202 58. 203 201 58. 211 201 58. 221 201 58. 231 201 58. 332 201 MW MWF MWF TR MWF TR TR TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 30 30 55 25 25 30 30 Cadero-Gillette,Jennifer Cadero-Gillette,Jennifer Cadero-Gillette,Jennifer Cheney,Liana Christ,John Swenson,Kirsten Cheney,Liana Cheney,Liana SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 10925 58. 352 201 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 15 Swenson,Kirsten SC 10929 10930 10931 10932 10933 10934 10935 10936 10937 15860 15861 15862 15863 15864 15865 15866 15867 15868 15869 15870 15871 15872 15873 15874 15875 15876 10938 14993 10939 58. 490 201 58. 491 201 58. 494 201 58. 495 201 58. 496 201 59. 101 201 59. 101 202 59. 105 201 59. 105 202 59. 109 201 59. 109 202 59. 109 203 59. 109 204 59. 109 205 59. 109 206 59. 109 207 59. 109 208 59. 109 210 59. 109 211 59. 109 212 59. 109 213 59. 109 214 59. 109 215 59. 109 216 59. 109 217 59. 109 218 59. 111 201 59. 111 202 59. 203 201 TR MWF 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM TBA TBA TBA 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:30 PM-01:20 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 03:30 PM-05:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 30 15 30 30 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 30 30 9 Swenson,Kirsten Christ,John Cheney,Liana TBA Cheney,Liana Riley-Callahan,Sheila A Lemire,Susan O TBA Chigas,George Mazzaglia,Francis R Mazzaglia,Francis R Mazzaglia,Francis R Mazzaglia,Francis R Silverman,Jonathan Barish,Shelley Sladkova,Jana Frye,Alice A Smith,Fletcher C Chigas,George Marietta,Morgan Quayes,Muhammad Shakil Stulken,Imogene A Stulken,Imogene A Stulken,Imogene A Stulken,Imogene A Stulken,Imogene A Christ,John TBA Cheney,Liana SC SC SC SC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC SC T MWF TR TR TR M M W W R T T W W M T T F F F F F MWF M TR Page 48 of 82 PERM Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Combined with 59.332. Pre-Reqs: 58.203 History of Art:Preh-Med and 58.204 Hist of Art II: Ren-Mod. Y Y Y Y Y 1 Pre-Reqs: 58.204: Hist Of Art II:Ren - Mod, 58.221: 20th Century Art. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD DEPT ARTSCI COURSE TITLE Baroque Art in Italy CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC 14991 59. 332 201 DAYS TR TIME 11:00 AM-12:15 PM CRD 3 CAP 5 INSTRUCTOR Cheney,Liana LOC SC PERM COMMENTS UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI ARTSCI Intro to Disability Studies Washington Center Term Washington Center Term Environmental Studies Pract 10940 10966 10968 10941 59. 363 201 59. 370 701 59. 370 702 59. 396 201 R 03:30 PM-06:20 PM TBA TBA TBA 3 1 1 3 10 10 10 5 Fox,Katherine E Talty,Francis T TBA Cheney,Liana SC OC OC SC Y Pre-req: 47.101, General Psychology; Student may not enroll if already has credit for 47.363. Y Pre-Req: 46.175 Intro to Environmental Studies. UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ARTSCI ARTSCI ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Integ Fieldwork/Dev Disab I Dir St: Peer Tutoring Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial Acct/Financial 10822 10942 10202 10203 10204 10206 10222 10223 10224 10225 10226 10228 59. 480 201 59. 496 201 60. 201 201 60. 201 202 60. 201 203 60. 201 205 60. 201 206 60. 201 207 60. 201 208 60. 201 209 60. 201 210 60. 201 212 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM TBA 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM TBA TBA 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 10 27 48 40 48 49 43 46 49 40 40 Fox,Katherine E Cheney,Liana DeSimone,Steven M Motiwalla,Rashida S TBA Lin,Jingrong TBA TBA Carter,Clairmont P TBA TBA TBA SC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Acct/Financial Acctng/Managerial Acctng/Managerial Acctng/Managerial Acctng/Managerial Acctng/Managerial Acctng/Managerial Acctng/Managerial 10248 10255 10258 10259 10260 10265 10268 10269 60. 201 301 60. 202 201 60. 202 203 60. 202 204 60. 202 205 60. 202 206 60. 202 207 60. 202 208 TR T TR TR TR MW MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM TBA 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 35 25 40 40 44 40 40 40 Carter,Clairmont P Lane,James T Christianson,Laura P Christianson,Laura P Karim,Khondkar TBA Collins,Stephen Collins,Stephen NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD ACCOUNT Intermediate Acct I 10290 60. 301 201 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 30 Tate,Stefanie NC UGRD ACCOUNT Intermediate Acct I 10294 60. 301 202 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 49 Tate,Stefanie NC UGRD ACCOUNT Intermediate Acct I 10295 60. 301 203 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 49 Tate,Stefanie NC UGRD ACCOUNT Intermediate Accounting II 10296 60. 302 201 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 35 Suh,Sanghyun NC UGRD ACCOUNT Intermediate Accounting II 10297 60. 302 202 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 35 Suh,Sanghyun NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. Pre-Req: 60.201 Acct/Financial. Pre-Req: 60.201 Acct/Financial. Pre-Req: 60.201 Acct/Financial. Pre-Req: 60.201 Acct/Financial. Pre-Req: 60.201 Acct/Financial. Pre-Req: 60.201 Acct/Financial. Pre-Req: 60.201 Acct/Financial. Pre-Req: 60.202 Accounting/Managerial; also 'C' or above required in 60.301. Pre-Req: 60.202 Accounting/Managerial; also 'C' or above required in 60.301. Pre-Req: 60.202 Accounting/Managerial; also 'C' or above required in 60.301. Pre-Req: 60.301 Intermediate Acct I with 'C' or above, and 'C' or above required in 60.302. Pre-Req: 60.301 Intermediate Acct I with 'C' or above, and 'C' or above required in 60.302. M MW TR MW MW TR MW Y MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Req or Co-Req: 47.363 or 59.363, or 47.362; student may not enroll if already has credit for 47.480/59.480. combined with 47.480. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD ACCOUNT Acct Information Systems 10298 60. 303 201 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 25 Strickland,Sherre G NC Pre-Req: 60.302 Intermediate Accounting II with 'C' or above; 63.301Mgmt Information Systems; & 'C' or above required in 60.303. 1 UGRD UGRD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Acct Information Systems Cost Accounting 10299 10300 60. 303 202 60. 321 201 TR MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 25 40 Strickland,Sherre G Li,Yuansha NC NC Pre-Req: 60.302 Intermediate Accounting II with 'C' or above; 63.301Mgmt Information Systems; & 'C' or above required in 60.303. 1 Pre-Req: 60.301 Intermediate Acct I with 'C' or above. 1 UGRD ACCOUNT Cost Management Systems 10302 60. 331 201 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 24 Archambault,John H NC Pre-Req: 60.202 AcctngManagerial; non-Accounting majors. 1 UGRD ACCOUNT Cost Management Systems 10303 60. 331 202 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 45 Andrusaitis,Lisa A NC Pre-Req: 60.202 AcctngManagerial; non-Accounting majors. 1 UGRD ACCOUNT Cost Management Systems 10304 60. 331 203 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 45 Andrusaitis,Lisa A NC Pre-Req: 60.202 AcctngManagerial; non-Accounting majors. 1 UGRD ACCOUNT Cost Management Systems 10305 60. 331 204 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 45 Andrusaitis,Lisa A NC Pre-Req: 60.202 AcctngManagerial; non-Accounting majors. 1 UGRD ACCOUNT Adv Financial Accounting I 10306 60. 401 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 40 Lin,Jingrong NC Pre-Req: 60.302 Intermediate Accounting II with 'C' or above. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Auditing Federal Income Taxes Federal Income Taxes Accounting Internship Independent Studies 10307 10308 10309 10310 10311 60. 421 201 60. 431 201 60. 431 202 60. 479 201 60. 499 201 TR TR TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 40 40 40 5 5 Mead,Jeffrey E Casello Bouges,Janie Casello Bouges,Janie Collins,Stephen Collins,Stephen NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: 60.303 Acct Information Systems with 'C' or above. Pre-req: 60.202 Acct/Managerial. Pre-req: 60.202 Acct/Managerial. 1 1 1 1 1 GRAD ACCOUNT Financial Accounting 10271 60. 501 201 W 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 30 Chunias,Stephen G NC Pre-Req: MBA, Business Certificate, Doctor of Engineering programs, or permission of MBA Coordinator. GRAD ACCOUNT Acct Info for Mgmt Decisions 10272 60. 601 201 T 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 25 Joseph,George NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD ACCOUNT Acct Info for Mgmt Decisions 10272 60. 601 201 T 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 25 Joseph,George NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. Page 49 of 82 Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD ACCOUNT Acct Info for Mgmt Decisions 10274 60. 601 202 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 30 Strickland,Sherre G NC GRAD GRAD GRAD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Acct Info for Mgmt Decisions Advanced Cost Management Advanced Cost Management 10274 10287 10287 60. 601 202 60. 612 201 60. 612 201 T W 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-07:45 PM TBA 3 3 3 30 19 19 Strickland,Sherre G Li,Yuansha Li,Yuansha NC NC NC GRAD ACCOUNT Taxation of Business Entities 10288 60. 630 201 M 06:30 PM-07:45 PM 3 19 Casello Bouges,Janie NC GRAD ACCOUNT Taxation of Business Entities 10288 60. 630 201 M 06:30 PM-07:45 PM 3 19 Casello Bouges,Janie NC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Taxation of Business Entities Taxation of Business Entities Taxation of Business Entities Taxation of Business Entities 10288 10288 10288 10288 60. 630 201 60. 630 201 60. 630 201 60. 630 201 M 06:30 PM-07:45 PM TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 19 19 19 19 Casello Bouges,Janie Casello Bouges,Janie Casello Bouges,Janie Casello Bouges,Janie NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students who have completed 60.601. GRAD ACCOUNT Corp. Financial Reporting I 10289 60. 640 201 R 06:30 PM-07:45 PM 3 19 Karim,Khondkar NC Pre-Req: MSA students; MBA students who have completed 60.601. 1 GRAD ACCOUNT Corp. Financial Reporting I 10289 60. 640 201 R 06:30 PM-07:45 PM 3 19 Karim,Khondkar NC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE Corp. Financial Reporting I Corp. Financial Reporting I Corp. Financial Reporting I Corp. Financial Reporting I Investments Investments Investments 10289 10289 10289 10289 14763 14764 14770 60. 640 201 60. 640 201 60. 640 201 60. 640 201 61. 300 203 61. 300 204 61. 300 205 R MW MW W 06:30 PM-07:45 PM TBA TBA TBA 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 19 19 19 35 35 35 Karim,Khondkar Karim,Khondkar Karim,Khondkar Karim,Khondkar TBA TBA TBA NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students who have completed 60.601. 1 Pre-Req: MSA students; MBA students who have completed 60.601; PSM only. 1 2 2 2 Pre-Req: BSBA program and Junior Standing. 1 Pre-Req: BSBA program and Junior Standing. 1 Pre-Req: BSBA program and Junior Standing. 1 UGRD FINANCE Business Finance 14817 61. 301 201 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 40 Puri,Yash NC Pre-reqs: 49.201Economics I & 60.201 Acct/Financial; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial; and COM filter courses. 1 1 Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 1 2 Pre-Req: MSA students; MBA students who have completed 60.601. 1 Pre-Req: MSA students; MBA students who have completed 60.601; PSM only. 1 1 2 2 2 UGRD FINANCE Business Finance 14818 61. 301 202 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 40 Puri,Yash NC Pre-reqs: 49.201Economics I & 60.201 Acct/Financial; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial; and COM filter courses. UGRD FINANCE Business Finance 14845 61. 301 204 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 40 TBA NC Pre-reqs: 49.201Economics I & 60.201 Acct/Financial; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial; and COM filter courses. 1 1 UGRD FINANCE Business Finance 14853 61. 301 205 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 40 TBA NC Pre-reqs: 49.201Economics I & 60.201 Acct/Financial; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial; and COM filter courses. UGRD FINANCE Business Finance 14854 61. 301 206 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 40 TBA NC Pre-reqs: 49.201Economics I & 60.201 Acct/Financial; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial; and COM filter courses. 1 UGRD FINANCE Business Finance 14857 61. 301 207 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 40 TBA NC Pre-reqs: 49.201Economics I & 60.201 Acct/Financial; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial; and COM filter courses. 1 Pre-reqs: 49.201Economics I & 60.201 Acct/Financial; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial; and COM filter courses. Pre-Req: 61.301 Business Finance. Pre-Req: 61.301 Business Finance. Pre-Req: 61.303 Methods of Fin Analysis. Pre-Req: 61.303 Methods of Fin Analysis. UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE Business Finance Methods Of Fin Analysis Methods Of Fin Analysis Capital Planning Capital Planning Investment Management 14858 14969 14972 14976 14980 14983 61. 301 208 61. 303 201 61. 303 202 61. 431 202 61. 431 203 61. 434 201 TR TR TR MW MW TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 40 35 35 35 35 20 TBA Jain,Ravi Jain,Ravi Latif,Saira Latif,Saira Jain,Ravi NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE Internship In Finance International Finance International Finance 14984 14989 14990 61. 489 201 61. 491 201 61. 491 202 TR TR TBA 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 3 15 35 35 Freund,Steven Kim,Sangphill Kim,Sangphill NC NC NC Y UGRD FINANCE Ind Study Finance 14992 61. 499 201 TBA 3 10 Puri,Yash NC Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 61.301Business Finance, Instructor permission. Pre-Req: 61.301 Business Finance. Pre-Req: 61.301 Business Finance. 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 61.301 Business Finance, and Instructor permission. 1 1 GRAD FINANCE Bus Financial Analysis 14816 61. 501 202 W 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 40 TBA NC Pre-Reqs: MBA, Business Cert, or Doctor of Engineering majors; 60.501 Financial Accounting; or permission of MBA Coordinator. GRAD FINANCE Corporate Finance 14994 61. 601 201 T 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 35 Freund,Steven NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 GRAD FINANCE Corporate Finance 14995 61. 601 202 W 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 35 Freund,Steven NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 Page 50 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC GRAD FINANCE Ind Study: Finance 14997 61. 677 201 UGRD MARKETING Marketing Principles 14774 62. 201 201 UGRD MARKETING Marketing Principles 14776 62. 201 202 DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# Y Pre-Req: 61.601 Corporate Finance, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 TBA 3 5 Christianson,Laura P NC MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 40 Comm,Clare NC Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psych, 48.101 Intro to Soc, and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics); or Business minor. 1 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 40 Comm,Clare NC Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psych, 48.101 Intro to Soc, and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics); or Business minor. 1 1 UGRD MARKETING Marketing Principles 14777 62. 201 204 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 40 Crooker,Joan NC Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psych, 48.101 Intro to Soc, and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics); or Business minor. UGRD MARKETING Marketing Principles 14778 62. 201 205 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 40 Crooker,Joan NC Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psych, 48.101 Intro to Soc, and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics); or Business minor. 1 1 1 UGRD MARKETING Marketing Principles 14779 62. 201 206 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 40 TBA NC Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psych, 48.101 Intro to Soc, and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics); or Business minor. UGRD MARKETING Marketing Principles 14780 62. 201 207 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 40 Huang,Ying NC Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psych, 48.101 Intro to Soc, and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics); or Business minor. UGRD UGRD MARKETING MARKETING Marketing Principles International Marketing 14781 14782 62. 201 208 62. 303 201 MW M 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 3 40 20 Huang,Ying TBA NC NC UGRD MARKETING Mkt Opportunity Analysis 14783 62. 311 201 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 35 Yoon,Eunsang NC UGRD MARKETING Mkt Opportunity Analysis 14784 62. 311 202 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 35 Yoon,Eunsang NC UGRD MARKETING Marketing Tactics 14785 62. 312 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 45 Talay,Mehmet Berk NC UGRD MARKETING Marketing Tactics 14786 62. 312 202 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 45 Talay,Mehmet Berk NC UGRD MARKETING Sales and Customer Relations 14787 62. 313 202 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 45 Mahoney,James F NC UGRD UGRD UGRD MARKETING MARKETING MARKETING Sales and Customer Relations Buyer Behavior Marketing Internship 14788 14789 14790 62. 313 203 62. 402 201 62. 498 201 T TR 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM TBA 3 3 3 20 35 10 Mahoney,James F Mahoney,James F Comm,Clare NC NC NC UGRD MARKETING Independent Study in Marketing 14791 62. 499 201 TBA 3 10 Comm,Clare NC Pre-Reqs: 62.201 Marketing Principles, and Instructor permission. 1 GRAD MARKETING Marketing Fundamentals 14792 62. 501 201 T 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 35 Crooker,Joan NC Pre-Req: MBA, Business Certificate, Doctor of Engineering programs, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 GRAD MARKETING Marketing Fundamentals 14793 62. 501 202 R 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 35 Crooker,Joan NC Pre-Req: MBA, Business Certificate, Doctor of Engineering programs, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 Pre-Reqs: 47.101 General Psych, 48.101 Intro to Soc, and 49.201 Economics I (Microeconomics); or Business minor. Y Pre-Req: 62.201 Marketing Principles; preference Marketing concentrators; COM filter courses. Pre-Req: 62.201 Marketing Principles; preference Marketing concentrators; COM filter courses. Pre-Req: 62.201 Marketing Principles; preference Marketing concentrators; COM filter courses. Pre-Req: 62.201 Marketing Principles; preference Marketing concentrators; COM filter courses. Pre-Req: 62.201 Marketing Principles; preference Marketing concentrators; COM filter courses. Pre-Req: 62.201 Marketing Principles; preference Marketing concentrators; COM filter courses. Pre-Req: 62.201 Marketing Principles. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GRAD MARKETING Customers & Markets 14794 62. 601 201 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 35 Cromer,Cory NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD MARKETING Customers & Markets 14794 62. 601 201 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 35 Cromer,Cory NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. GRAD MARKETING Customers & Markets 14795 62. 601 202 M 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 35 Cromer,Cory NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD MARKETING Customers & Markets 14795 62. 601 202 M 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 35 Cromer,Cory NC GRAD MARKETING Ind Study: Marketing 14796 62. 677 201 TBA 3 5 Christianson,Laura P NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. Pre-Req: 62.601 and MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. GRAD MARKETING Current Topics in Marketing: Sustainable Marketing 14797 62. 688 201 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 25 Yoon,Eunsang NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD MARKETING Current Topics in Marketing: Sustainable Marketing 14797 62. 688 201 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 25 Yoon,Eunsang NC UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 9999 63. 210 201 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 45 Levy,Joshua NC UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 10001 63. 210 202 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 45 Khan,M Riaz NC Page 51 of 82 Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 10003 63. 210 203 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 45 TBA NC UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 10006 63. 210 204 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 45 Khan,M Riaz NC UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 10008 63. 210 205 W 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 19 Vaid,Mustafa A NC UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 10009 63. 210 206 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 45 TBA NC UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 10012 63. 210 207 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 45 Levy,Joshua NC UGRD OPERSYS Operations Analysis Techniques 10015 63. 210 208 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 45 Vaid,Mustafa A OC UGRD OPERSYS Application Systems Dev 10016 63. 300 201 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 35 Zhu,Hongwei NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10017 63. 301 201 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 45 Zhang,Juheng NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10018 63. 301 202 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 45 George,Asha NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10019 63. 301 203 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 45 Chen,Edward NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10020 63. 301 204 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 45 Singh,Darshan NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10021 63. 301 205 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 45 TBA NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10022 63. 301 206 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 19 TBA NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10023 63. 301 207 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 45 Motiwalla,Luvai F NC UGRD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10024 63. 301 208 MW 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 45 Singh,Darshan OC COMMENTS Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: 49.211 Statistics I or 92.183 Intro to Statistics or 92.283 Introduction to Statistics. Pre-Req: COM filter courses, MIS concentration only; or Instructor permission. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. MTG# UGRD OPERSYS Database Management Systems 10025 63. 303 201 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 45 Li,Xiaobai NC Pre-Req: 63.301 Mgmt Information Systems, or Instructor permission. 1 UGRD OPERSYS Systems Analysis and Design 10026 63. 307 201 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 35 Chen,Edward NC Pre-Req: 63.301 Mgmt Information Systems, or Instructor permission. 1 UGRD OPERSYS Operations Management 10027 63. 371 201 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 45 TBA NC Pre-Req: 63.210 Operations Analysis, COM Filter Courses. 1 UGRD OPERSYS Operations Management 10028 63. 371 202 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 45 Chen,Yao NC Pre-Req: 63.210 Operations Analysis, COM Filter Courses. 1 UGRD OPERSYS Operations Management 10029 63. 371 204 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 45 TBA NC Pre-Req: 63.210 Operations Analysis, COM Filter Courses. 1 UGRD OPERSYS Operations Management 10030 63. 371 205 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 19 Levy,Joshua NC Pre-Req: 63.210 Operations Analysis, COM Filter Courses. 1 UGRD OPERSYS Operations Management 10031 63. 371 207 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 45 Lewis,David NC Pre-Req: 63.210 Operations Analysis, COM Filter Courses. 1 UGRD OPERSYS Operations Management 10032 63. 371 301 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 19 Oztekin,Asil NC Pre-Req: 63.210 Operations Analysis, COM Filter Courses. Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD UGRD OPERSYS OPERSYS Data Comm and Networks Electronic Business 10033 15936 63. 404 202 63. 407 201 MW TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 45 45 Zhang,Juheng Motiwalla,Luvai F NC NC UGRD OPERSYS Current Topics in MIS 10034 63. 408 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 45 TBA NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD OPERSYS OPERSYS OPERSYS OPERSYS Directed Study in MIS Logistics and Transportation Managerial Quality Control Directed Study in OM 10035 10036 10037 10038 63. 409 201 63. 469 201 63. 471 201 63. 479 201 W T TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 3 3 3 3 10 19 19 5 Chen,Edward Frazee,Kirk M Lewis,David Khan,M Riaz NC NC NC NC Y Y Pre-Req: 63.301 Mgmt Information Systems, or Instructor permission. Pre-Req: 63.371 Operations Management. Pre-Req: 63.371 Operations Management. Pre-Req: 63.371 Operations Management. UGRD OPERSYS Internship in MIS 10039 63. 489 201 TBA 3 10 Zhu,Hongwei NC Y Pre-Req: 63.301 Mgmt Information Systems, or Instructor permission. 1 GRAD OPERSYS Operations Fundamentals 10040 63. 501 201 M 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 42 Early,Edward J NC Pre-Req: MBA, Business Certificate, Doctor of Engineering programs, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 GRAD OPERSYS Operations Fundamentals 10041 63. 501 202 M 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 42 Frazee,Kirk M OC Pre-Req: MBA, Business Certificate, Doctor of Engineering programs, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 63.301 Mgmt Information Systems, or Instructor permission. 1 Pre-req: 63.301 Management Information Systems. 1 Pre-req: 63.301 Mgmt. Information System, and MIS Concentration only, or Permission of Instructor. 1 1 1 1 1 GRAD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10042 63. 601 202 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 42 Zhu,Hongwei NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD OPERSYS Mgmt Information Systems 10042 63. 601 202 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 42 Zhu,Hongwei NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. Page 52 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# GRAD OPERSYS Operations Management 10043 63. 671 201 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 32 Oztekin,Asil NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD OPERSYS Operations Management 10043 63. 671 201 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 32 Oztekin,Asil NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. GRAD OPERSYS Operations Management 10044 63. 671 203 M 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 32 Chen,Yao NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD GRAD OPERSYS OPERSYS Operations Management Ind Study in MIS 10044 10045 63. 671 203 63. 709 201 M 03:30 PM-06:20 PM TBA 3 1 32 5 Chen,Yao Li,Xiaobai NC NC UGRD ENTREPREN Starting a New Venture 14641 64. 361 202 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 35 TBA NC UGRD ENTREPREN Finance/Emerg Bus Enterprises 14643 64. 464 202 W 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 35 Kim,Sangphill NC GRAD ENTREPREN Innovation and Emerging Tech 14644 64. 650 201 T 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 30 Tello,Steven F NC GRAD ENTREPREN Practicum II-New Venture Impl 14646 64. 681 201 TBA 3 10 Tello,Steven F NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14637 66. 100 201 R 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14638 66. 100 202 F 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14639 66. 100 203 T 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14640 66. 100 205 R 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14642 66. 100 206 F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14645 66. 100 207 F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14647 66. 100 208 F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14648 66. 100 209 F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 19 Chieh,Anita J NC UGRD MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 14649 66. 100 210 T 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT First-Year Management Sem - 1 Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications Professional Communications 14650 14651 14652 14653 14654 14655 14656 14657 14665 14667 14668 14670 14671 14674 14677 14678 66. 100 301 66. 210 201 66. 210 202 66. 210 204 66. 210 205 66. 210 206 66. 210 207 66. 210 208 66. 210 209 66. 210 210 66. 210 211 66. 210 213 66. 210 214 66. 210 215 66. 210 216 66. 210 301 F MW TR W TR MW TR W MW MW MW MW TR MW TR TR 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 19 19 5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Finch,Deborah Ellen TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14680 66. 301 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 40 Freedman,Stuart NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14682 66. 301 202 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 40 Beers,Michael C NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14683 66. 301 203 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 40 Beers,Michael C NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14684 66. 301 204 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 40 Beers,Michael C NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14686 66. 301 205 MW 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 40 TBA NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14687 66. 301 206 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 40 Merriman,Kimberly NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14688 66. 301 207 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 40 Merriman,Kimberly NC Page 53 of 82 Y Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 61.301 Business Finance, 66.301 Organizational Behavior, and COM filter courses. 1 Pre-Req: 61.301 Business Finance, 66.301 Organizational Behavior, and COM filter courses. 1 Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, MSITE program, or PSM sub-plan, or permission of Grad Prog Coordinator Pre-Req: MSITE program, or PSM sub-plan, or permission of Graduate Program Coordinators. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: College of Management freshmen only may take this seminar. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: BA-BBA majors. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Pre-Req: COM Filter courses; or Business minor and 60.201 Acct/Financial and 49.201 Economics I. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD MGMTDEPT Human Resources Mgmt 14690 66. 310 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 40 Hargreaves-Heald,Brooke NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Human Resources Mgmt 14691 66. 310 202 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 40 Hargreaves-Heald,Brooke NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Negotiation Strategy & Process 14692 66. 410 201 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 35 Kainen,Timm NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Negotiation Strategy & Process 14694 66. 410 202 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 35 Kainen,Timm NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Managing Teams and Projects 14696 66. 415 201 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 20 Jordan,Ralph NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Managing Teams and Projects 14698 66. 415 202 MW 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 35 Jordan,Ralph NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Leadership Processes 14700 66. 420 201 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 30 Jordan,Ralph NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Leadership Processes 14703 66. 420 205 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 30 Salas,Silvia NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Leadership Processes 14704 66. 420 206 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 30 Salas,Silvia NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Contemp Mgmt Development 14706 66. 445 201 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 35 Moser,Martin NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Contemp Mgmt Development 14709 66. 445 202 MW 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 35 Moser,Martin NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Contemp Mgmt Development 14710 66. 445 203 MW 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 35 Moser,Martin NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Current Topics in Management: Managing for Non-Profits 14711 66. 480 201 R 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 25 Finch,Deborah Ellen NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Internship In Management 14713 66. 489 201 TBA 3 10 Hargreaves-Heald,Brooke NC UGRD MGMTDEPT Strategic Management 14718 66. 490 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 19 Kijewski,Valerie UGRD MGMTDEPT Strategic Management 14719 66. 490 203 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 19 UGRD MGMTDEPT Strategic Management 14721 66. 490 205 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 UGRD MGMTDEPT Strategic Management 14722 66. 490 206 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 UGRD MGMTDEPT Strategic Management 14724 66. 490 207 W 06:30 PM-09:20 PM UGRD MGMTDEPT Strategic Management 14726 66. 490 208 TR UGRD MGMTDEPT Strategic Management 14729 66. 490 209 MW UGRD MGMTDEPT Ind Study in Management 14731 66. 499 201 GRAD MGMTDEPT Organizational Behavior 14733 66. 501 201 GRAD MGMTDEPT Global Enterprise & Comp 14734 GRAD MGMTDEPT Managing Organizational Change GRAD MGMTDEPT Managing Organizational Change PERM COMMENTS Pre-Req: 66.301 Organizational Behavior, preference MG Concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301 Organizational Behavior, preference MG Concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Req: 66.301Organizational Behavior, preference MG concentrators. Pre-Reqs: 66.301 Organizational Behavior, and Instructor permission. MTG# NC Pre-Reqs: 61.301, 62.201, 63.301, 63.371, 66.301, & Senior Level. 1 Kijewski,Valerie NC Pre-Reqs: 61.301, 62.201, 63.301, 63.371, 66.301, & Senior Level. 1 19 TBA NC Pre-Reqs: 61.301, 62.201, 63.301, 63.371, 66.301, & Senior Level. 1 19 Mehta,Ashwin NC Pre-Reqs: 61.301, 62.201, 63.301, 63.371, 66.301, & Senior Level. 1 3 19 TBA NC Pre-Reqs: 61.301, 62.201, 63.301, 63.371, 66.301, & Senior Level. 1 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 19 Mehta,Ashwin NC Pre-Reqs: 61.301, 62.201, 63.301, 63.371, 66.301, & Senior Level. 1 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 19 Yang,Yi NC 3 10 Freedman,Stuart NC Pre-Reqs: 61.301, 62.201, 63.301, 63.371, 66.301, & Senior Level. Pre-Reqs: 66.301 Organizational Behavior, and Instructor permission. 1 TBA R 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 40 Beers,Michael C NC Pre-Req: MBA, Business Certificate, Doctor of Engineering programs, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 66. 511 202 M 06:30 PM-09:45 PM 2 40 Mehta,Ashwin NC Pre-Req: MBA, Business Certificate, Doctor of Engineering programs, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 14735 66. 601 201 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 30 Kainen,Timm NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 14735 66. 601 201 M 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 30 Kainen,Timm NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GRAD MGMTDEPT Managing Organizational Change 14736 66. 601 202 R 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 30 Salas,Silvia NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD MGMTDEPT Managing Organizational Change 14736 66. 601 202 R 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 30 Salas,Silvia NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. GRAD MGMTDEPT Human Resources Mgmt 14809 66. 652 201 W 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 30 Hargreaves-Heald,Brooke NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students with completed MBA Foundation Core; or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plan. 1 GRAD MGMTDEPT Human Resources Mgmt 14809 66. 652 201 W 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 3 30 Hargreaves-Heald,Brooke NC Pre-Req: Matriculated MBA students, MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 GRAD MGMTDEPT Ind Study: Management 14738 66. 677 201 TBA 3 5 Christianson,Laura P NC Pre-Req: 66.601Managing Org Design & Change and MBA Foundation Core, or permission of MBA Coordinator. 1 Page 54 of 82 Printed: April 7, 2013 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC GRAD GRAD GRAD MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT MGMTDEPT Strategy Formation & Implement Research Design Methods I Business Policy & Strategy 14740 14745 14815 66. 691 201 66. 730 201 66. 782 201 UGRD ENTREPREN Co-op. Ed.Work Experience l 14658 69. 3CE 901 UGRD UGRD ECONOMICS ENTREPREN Co-op. Ed. Work Experience ll Prof Development Seminar 14659 14660 69. 4CE 901 69. 210 201 UGRD ENTREPREN Co-op Assessment 1 14661 69. 310 901 UGRD ENTREPREN Co-op Assessment 1 14662 UGRD ENTREPREN Co-op Assessment 2 14663 DAYS R M W TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS Pre-Reqs: Matriculated MBA students; 60.601, 61.60, 62.60 ,63.671, 66.601, or permission of MBA Coordinator; PSM sub-plans only. 1 1 1 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 3 3 35 10 10 Kijewski,Valerie Yang,Yi Latham,Scott F NC NC NC Y TBA 0 99 Witts,Martina Antoinette NC Y F TBA 09:00 AM-10:15 AM 0 1 99 35 Witts,Martina Antoinette Witts,Martina Antoinette NC NC Y Y R 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 1 99 Witts,Martina Antoinette NC 69. 310 TBA TBA 1 99 Witts,Martina Antoinette NC 69. 410 901 TBA 1 99 Witts,Martina Antoinette NC MTG# Pre-Req: 69.210 Professional Development Seminar. Pre-req: 69.3CE Cooperative Education Work Experience l or permission of instructor. 1 Y Pre-Req: 69.210 Professional Development Seminar. 1 Y Pre-Req: 69.210 Professional Development Seminar. 1 Pre-req: 69.210 Professional Develop Seminar, and 69.310 Co-op Assessment l, and 69.3CE or 4CE Cooperative Education. 1 Pre-req: 69.210 Professional Develop Seminar, and 69.310 Co-op Assessment l, and 69.3CE or 4CE Cooperative Education. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENTREPREN STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART Co-op Assessment 2 Art Concepts I (studio) Art Concepts I (studio) Art Concepts I (studio) Art Concepts II Art Concepts II Intro to App Des & Mobile Comp Digital Foundations Digital Foundations Digital Foundations Form & Content Form & Content 14664 13149 13156 13153 13159 13164 15620 13174 13171 13171 13177 13178 69. 410 TBA 70. 101 801 70. 101 803 70. 101 804 70. 102 801 70. 102 802 70. 108 201 70. 113 801 70. 113 802 70. 113 802 70. 201 801 70. 201 802 TR TR MW MW TR F MW F F MW TR TBA 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 99 18 15 15 15 15 15 18 15 15 15 15 Witts,Martina Antoinette Melnyczuk,Hanna Roundy,Michael Pothier,Christopher W Dumas,Denise Olmstead,Andrea S Martin,Fred TBA TBA TBA Dumas,Denise Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART Typography Typography II Drawing I Drawing I Drawing I Drawing I Drawing I 13185 13188 13300 13299 13301 13303 13302 70. 230 801 70. 231 801 70. 255 801 70. 255 802 70. 255 803 70. 255 804 70. 255 805 MW TR MW MW TR TR TR 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 15 18 18 18 15 18 Roehr,Karen E TBA Johnson,Jan Pothier,Christopher W Roundy,Michael Enerson,Nicole Mishol,Stephen SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Reqs: 70.101 Art Concepts I (studio), and 70.102 Art Concepts II. 1 Pre-Req: 70.230 Typography. 1 1 1 1 FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART Photography I Digital Imaging & Photo Computer Art I 13304 13307 13310 70. 261 801 70. 262 801 70. 265 801 MW TR MW 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 3 3 15 15 15 Churchill,Christopher K Veatch,James Wetmore,Ellen SC SC SC Pre-Reqs: 70.101 Art Concepts I (studio), and 70.102 Art Concepts II. 1 Co-Req: 70.265 Computer Art I. 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART Printmaking Color Painting Form & Space 13319 13313 13326 70. 267 801 70. 269 801 70. 271 801 TR MW MW 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 3 3 18 15 15 McMechan,Laurel E Lubin,Sarah Lubin,Sarah SC SC SC Pre-req: 70.101, 70.102, 70.113, 70.201, 70.255, and 70.355 Pre-Reqs: 70.101, 70.102, 70.201, 70.255 and 70.355. Pre-Reqs: 70.255 Drawing I and 70.355 Drawing II. UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART Sculpture Ceramics I Graphic Design I Ceramics II Sonic Arts Drawing II Drawing II Drawing II Sculpture II Computer Art II Painting II 13332 13334 13339 13343 13346 13384 13197 13387 13355 13358 13360 70. 275 801 70. 281 801 70. 291 801 70. 325 801 70. 345 801 70. 355 801 70. 355 802 70. 355 803 70. 359 801 70. 365 801 70. 371 801 MW MW TR MW MW MW TR MW MW MW TR 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 12 18 15 15 18 15 15 5 15 8 Coates Jr,James W Coates Jr,James W TBA Coates Jr,James W Wetmore,Ellen Johnson,Jan Melnyczuk,Hanna Waxman,Kara E Coates Jr,James W Orfao,Patricia O Mishol,Stephen SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Reqs: 70.101 Art Concepts I (studio), and 70.102 Art Concepts II. 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 70.255 Drawing I and 70.355 Drawing II. 1 Pre-Req: 70.281 Ceramics I. 1 1 Pre-Req: 70.255 Drawing I. 1 Pre-Req: 70.255 Drawing I. 1 Pre-Req: 70.255 Drawing I. 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 70.271 Painting Form & Space. 1 UGRD STUDIOART Interactive Media 13373 70. 378 801 TR 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 15 Wright,Sherman SC Pre-Reqs: 70.113 Digital Foundations,71.101 Art Concepts I (studio), 71.102 Art Concepts II, and 71.201 Form & Content. 1 UGRD UGRD STUDIOART STUDIOART Web Design Illustration Studio 13374 13391 70. 379 801 70. 390 801 TR MW 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 3 15 18 Greene,Tracey Orfao,Patricia O SC SC Pre-Reqs: 70.113 Digital Foundations,71.101 Art Concepts I (studio), 71.102 Art Concepts II, and 71.201 Form & Content. 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART Graphic Design II Documentary Image Ceramics III Photography Workshop Painting III 13394 13404 13407 13411 13415 70. 391 801 70. 398 801 70. 425 801 70. 461 801 70. 471 801 MW TR MW 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM TBA 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 18 15 15 12 15 TBA Kamal,Wael Coates Jr,James W Minkkinen,Arno R Mishol,Stephen SC SC SC SC SC TR Page 55 of 82 Pre-Req: 70.101 Art Concepts I (studio). Pre-Req: 70.101 Art Concepts I (studio). Cross-listed with 91.108.201. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Pre-Req: 70.101 Art Concepts I (studio). Pre-Req: 70.101 Art Concepts I (studio). Pre-req: 70.291 Graphic Design and 70.230 Typography. Pre-Req: 70.281 Ceramics I. Pre-Req: 70.261Photography I. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD DEPT STUDIOART COURSE TITLE Sculpture III CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC 13419 70. 475 801 DAYS MW TIME 03:00 PM-05:50 PM CRD 3 CAP 5 INSTRUCTOR Coates Jr,James W LOC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART Graphic Design III Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Advanced Studio Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Directed Study Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial 13423 13428 13430 13432 13435 13446 13449 13453 13455 13462 13464 13466 13469 13473 13474 13478 13480 13482 13484 13485 13487 13488 13489 13490 13491 13492 13493 13494 13496 13497 13499 13500 13501 13502 13505 13507 13509 13512 13513 13514 13515 13517 13519 13521 13523 13525 13526 13528 13532 13534 13535 13536 13537 13538 13552 13553 13554 13555 13556 13557 13558 13559 13560 13561 13562 13563 13564 13565 13566 13567 MW 08:00 AM-10:50 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Roehr,Karen E Coates Jr,James W Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie TBA TBA Minkkinen,Arno R Mishol,Stephen Roehr,Karen E Veatch,James Wetmore,Ellen Dumas,Denise TBA Greene,Tracey Johnson,Jan TBA Melnyczuk,Hanna Orfao,Patricia O TBA Roundy,Michael TBA Coates Jr,James W Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie TBA TBA Minkkinen,Arno R Mishol,Stephen Roehr,Karen E Veatch,James Sands,Brendan T Wetmore,Ellen Dumas,Denise TBA Greene,Tracey Johnson,Jan TBA Melnyczuk,Hanna Orfao,Patricia O Enerson,Nicole Roundy,Michael Coates Jr,James W Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie McMechan,Laurel E Minkkinen,Arno R Mishol,Stephen Roehr,Karen E Veatch,James Wetmore,Ellen TBA Dumas,Denise Greene,Tracey TBA Johnson,Jan TBA Melnyczuk,Hanna Orfao,Patricia O Enerson,Nicole Roundy,Michael TBA Coates Jr,James W Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie TBA TBA Minkkinen,Arno R Mishol,Stephen Roehr,Karen E Veatch,James TBA Dumas,Denise TBA Greene,Tracey SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 70. 490 801 70. 491 801 70. 491 802 70. 491 803 70. 491 804 70. 491 805 70. 491 806 70. 491 807 70. 491 808 70. 491 810 70. 491 811 70. 491 812 70. 491 813 70. 491 815 70. 491 816 70. 491 817 70. 491 821 70. 491 823 70. 491 824 70. 491 825 70. 492 801 70. 492 802 70. 492 803 70. 492 804 70. 492 805 70. 492 806 70. 492 807 70. 492 808 70. 492 809 70. 492 810 70. 492 811 70. 492 812 70. 492 813 70. 492 815 70. 492 816 70. 492 817 70. 492 821 70. 492 823 70. 492 824 70. 494 801 70. 494 802 70. 494 803 70. 494 805 70. 494 806 70. 494 807 70. 494 808 70. 494 809 70. 494 810 70. 494 811 70. 494 813 70. 494 814 70. 494 815 70. 494 816 70. 494 817 70. 494 821 70. 494 823 70. 494 824 70. 494 825 70. 495 801 70. 495 802 70. 495 803 70. 495 804 70. 495 805 70. 495 806 70. 495 807 70. 495 808 70. 495 809 70. 495 811 70. 495 812 70. 495 813 Page 56 of 82 PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Reqs: 70.291/391 Graphic Design I & II and 70.230/231 Typography I & II. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART STUDIOART COURSE TITLE Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Advanced Tutorial Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship Practicum/Internship CLASS# 13568 13569 13570 13571 13572 13573 13574 13575 13576 13577 13578 13579 13580 13581 13582 13583 13584 SUB.CAT# SEC 70. 495 815 70. 495 816 70. 495 817 70. 495 821 70. 495 822 70. 495 823 70. 495 824 70. 495 830 70. 496 801 70. 496 802 70. 496 803 70. 496 804 70. 496 805 70. 496 806 70. 496 807 70. 496 808 70. 496 810 UGRD STUDIOART Senior Studio 13589 UGRD STUDIOART Senior Studio UGRD STUDIOART UGRD STUDIOART UGRD DAYS TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CAP 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 INSTRUCTOR Johnson,Jan TBA Melnyczuk,Hanna Orfao,Patricia O TBA TBA Roundy,Michael Coates Jr,James W Coates Jr,James W Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie TBA TBA Minkkinen,Arno R Mishol,Stephen Roehr,Karen E Veatch,James Wetmore,Ellen LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 70. 497 801 TBA 6 10 Coates Jr,James W SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 13590 70. 497 802 TBA 6 10 Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 Senior Studio 13592 70. 497 803 TBA 6 10 Gavarini,Jehanne-Marie SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 Senior Studio 13593 70. 497 805 TBA 6 10 Minkkinen,Arno R SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 STUDIOART Senior Studio 13594 70. 497 806 TBA 6 10 Mishol,Stephen SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 UGRD STUDIOART Senior Studio 13585 70. 497 807 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 6 10 Roehr,Karen E SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 UGRD STUDIOART Senior Studio 13588 70. 497 808 TBA 6 10 Veatch,James SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 UGRD STUDIOART Senior Studio 13586 70. 497 825 R 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 6 10 TBA SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD STUDIOART MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY MUSICTHRY APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC Senior Studio Freshman Chorus Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis I Musicianship & Analysis 2 Musicianship & Analysis 2 Basic Music Theory Basic Music Theory Basic Music Theory Muscianship & Analysis 3 Muscianship & Analysis 3 Muscianship & Analysis 3 Muscianship & Analysis 3 Muscianship & Analysis 3 Muscianship & Analysis 3 Muscianship & Analysis 3 Muscianship & Analysis 3 Dir St: Music Theory Dir St: Music Theory Dir St: Music Theory Dir St: Music Theory Grad Dir St: Music Theory Grad Dir St: Music Theory Recital Attendance Recital Attendance Applied Keyboard 1 Applied Keyboard 2 Applied Voice 1 Applied Voice 2 Applied Woodwinds 1 13587 12410 12411 12411 12412 12412 12413 12413 12414 12414 12415 12415 12417 12417 12419 12424 12426 12420 12420 12423 12423 12425 12425 12427 12427 12428 12429 12433 12434 12436 12437 12438 12439 12446 12448 12454 12455 12457 70. 497 826 71. 105 201 71. 108 201 71. 108 201 71. 108 202 71. 108 202 71. 108 203 71. 108 203 71. 108 204 71. 108 204 71. 108 205 71. 108 205 71. 109 201 71. 109 201 71. 110 201 71. 110 202 71. 110 203 71. 208 201 71. 208 201 71. 208 202 71. 208 202 71. 208 203 71. 208 203 71. 208 204 71. 208 204 71. 495 201 71. 495 202 71. 495 203 71. 495 204 71. 595 201 71. 595 202 72. 100 201 72. 100 202 72. 101 201 72. 102 201 72. 111 201 72. 112 201 72. 121 201 TR R MTR MTR MTR MTR MWR MWR MWR MTR TWF TWF MWF MWF TR MF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TWR TWR TWR TWR 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:30 AM 08:00 AM-09:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 08:00 AM-09:40 AM 08:00 AM-09:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:40 AM 08:00 AM-09:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 08:00 AM-09:40 AM 08:00 AM-09:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:00 AM-11:40 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 01:00 PM-01:50 PM TBA TBA TBA 05:00 PM-05:50 PM 05:00 PM-05:50 PM TBA 6 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 10 130 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 30 30 30 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 400 100 19 19 19 19 19 TBA Malone,Thomas B TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA McGahan,Christopher Telesco,Paula J Telesco,Paula J TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Williams,Alan Moylan,William Castillo,Ramon Malone,Thomas B Williams,Alan Moylan,William Shirley,John F Shirley,John F Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Y Academic Plan Fine Arts (BFA) and Level Senior Standing. FLC: 95 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MW R M M Page 57 of 82 FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: 72.101 Applied Keyboard 1. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: 72.111 Applied Voice 1. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC COURSE TITLE Applied Woodwinds 2 Applied Brass & Perc 1 Applied Brass & Perc 2 Applied Strings 1 Applied Strings 1 Applied Strings 2 Applied Strings 2 Perf Keyboard 1 Perf Voice 1 Performance Woodwinds 1 Performance Brass & Perc 1 Performance Strings 1 Applied Keyboard 3 Applied Keyboard 4 Applied Voice 3 Applied Voice 3 Applied Voice 4 Applied Voice 4 Applied Woodwinds 3 Applied Woodwinds 4 Applied Brass & Perc 3 Applied Brass & Perc 4 Applied Strings 3 Applied Strings 4 Perf Keyboard 2 Perf Keyboard 3 Performance Voice 2 Performance Voice 3 Performance Woodwinds 2 Performance Woodwinds 3 Perf Brass & Perc 2 Perf Brass & Perc 3 Performance Strings 2 Performance Strings 3 Applied Keyboard 5 Applied Keyboard 6 Applied Voice 5 Applied Voice 6 Applied Woodwinds 5 Applied Woodwinds 6 Applied Brass & Percussion 5 Applied Brass & Percussion 6 Applied Strings 5 Applied Strings 6 Performance Keyboard 4 Performance Keyboard 5 Performance Voice 4 Performance Voice 5 Performance Woodwinds 4 Performance Woodwinds 5 Perf Brass & Perc 4 Perf Brass & Perc 5 Performance Strings 4 Performance Strings 5 Applied Keyboard 7 Applied Keyboard 8 Applied Voice 7 Applied Voice 8 Applied Woodwinds 7 Applied Woodwinds 8 Applied Brass & Percussion 7 Applied Brass & Percussion 8 Applied Strings 7 Applied Strings 8 Performance Keyboard 6 CLASS# 12460 12462 12464 12466 12468 12470 12471 12472 12473 12474 12476 12478 12481 12483 12484 12488 12489 12490 12491 12492 12493 12494 12495 12496 12497 12607 12608 12611 12613 12614 12615 12618 12620 12621 12622 12623 12624 12625 12626 12627 12628 12629 12630 12631 12632 12633 12634 12635 12636 12637 12638 12639 12640 12641 12642 12643 12644 12645 12646 12647 12648 12649 12650 12651 12652 SUB.CAT# SEC 72. 122 201 72. 131 201 72. 132 201 72. 141 201 72. 141 202 72. 142 201 72. 142 202 72. 152 201 72. 162 201 72. 172 201 72. 182 201 72. 192 201 72. 201 201 72. 202 201 72. 211 201 72. 211 202 72. 212 201 72. 212 202 72. 221 201 72. 222 201 72. 231 201 72. 232 201 72. 241 201 72. 242 201 72. 251 201 72. 252 201 72. 261 201 72. 262 201 72. 271 201 72. 272 201 72. 281 201 72. 282 201 72. 291 201 72. 292 201 72. 301 201 72. 302 201 72. 311 201 72. 312 201 72. 321 201 72. 322 201 72. 331 201 72. 332 201 72. 341 201 72. 342 201 72. 351 201 72. 352 201 72. 361 201 72. 362 201 72. 371 201 72. 372 201 72. 381 201 72. 382 201 72. 391 201 72. 392 201 72. 401 201 72. 402 201 72. 411 201 72. 412 201 72. 421 201 72. 422 201 72. 431 201 72. 432 201 72. 441 201 72. 442 201 72. 451 201 UGRD UGRD APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC Performance Keyboard 7 Performance Voice 6 12653 12654 UGRD UGRD APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC Performance Voice 7 Performance Woodwinds 6 12655 12656 DAYS TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 05:00 PM-05:50 PM TBA 05:00 PM-05:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 CAP 30 30 19 30 19 19 19 10 10 10 10 10 10 19 19 10 19 10 19 19 19 19 30 19 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 30 19 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 10 15 15 19 19 19 19 19 INSTRUCTOR Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 72. 452 201 72. 461 201 TBA TBA 3 3 19 19 Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua SC SC 72. 462 201 72. 471 201 TBA TBA 3 3 19 19 Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua SC SC M M Page 58 of 82 PERM Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 72.121 Applied Woodwinds 1. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: 72.131 Applied Brass & Perc 1. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: 72.141 Applied Strings 1. Pre-Req: 72.141 Applied Strings 1. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: 72.102 Applied Keyboard 2. Pre-Req: 72.201 Applied Keyboard 3. Pre-Req: 72.112 Applied Voice 2. Pre-Req: 72.112 Applied Voice 2. Pre-Req: 72.211 Applied Voice 3. Pre-Req: 72.211 Applied Voice 3. Pre-Req: 72.122 Applied Woodwinds 2. Pre-Req: 72.221 Applied Woodwinds 3. Pre-Req: 72.132 Applied Brass & Perc 2. Pre-Req: 72.231 Applied Brass & Perc 3. Pre-Req: 72.142 Applied Strings 2. Pre-Req: 72.241 Applied Strings 3. Pre-Req: 72.152 Perf Keyboard 1. Pre-Req: 72.251 Perf Keyboard 2. Pre-Req: 72.162 Perf Voice 1. Pre-Req: 72.261 Performance Voice 2. Pre-Req: 72.172 Performance Woodwinds 1. Pre-Req: 72.271 Performance Woodwinds 2. Pre-Req: 72.182 Performance Brass & Perc 1. Pre-Req: 72.281 Perf Brass & Perc 2. Pre-Req: 72.192 Performance Strings 1. Pre-Req: 72.291 Performance Strings 2. Pre-Req: 72.202 Applied Keyboard 4. Pre-Req: 72.301 Applied Keyboard 5. Pre-Req: 72.212 Applied Voice 4. Pre-Req: 72.311 Applied Voice 5. Pre-Req: 72.222 Applied Woodwinds 4. Pre-Req: 72.321 Applied Woodwinds 5. Pre-Req: 72.232 Applied Brass & Perc 4. Pre-Req: 72.331 Applied Brass & Percussion 5. Pre-Req: 72.242 Applied Strings 4. Pre-Req: 72.341 Applied Strings 5. Pre-Req: 72.252 Perf Keyboard 3. Pre-Req: 72.351 Performance Keyboard 4. Pre-Req: 72.262 Performance Voice 3. Pre-Req: 72.361 Performance Voice 4. Pre-Req: 72.272 Performance Woodwinds 3. Pre-Req: 72.371 Performance Woodwinds 4. Pre-Req: 72.282 Perf Brass & Perc 3. Pre-Req: 72.381 Perf Brass & Perc 4. Pre-Req: 72.292 Performance Strings 3. Pre-Req: 72.391 Performance Strings 4. Pre-Req: 72.302 Applied Keyboard 6. Pre-Req: 72.401 Applied Keyboard 7. Pre-Req: 72.312 Applied Voice 6. Pre-Req: 72.411 Applied Voice 7. Pre-Req: 72.322 Applied Woodwinds 6. Pre-Req: 72.421 Applied Woodwinds 7. Pre-Req: 72.332 Applied Brass & Percussion 6. Pre-Req: 72.431 Applied Brass & Percussion 7. Pre-Req: 72.342 Applied Strings 6. Pre-Req: 72.441 Applied Strings 7. Pre-Req: 72.352 Performance Keyboard 5. Pre-Req: 72.451 Performance Keyboard 6, and Co-req: 72.499 Senior Recital. Pre-Req: 72.362 Performance Voice 5. Pre-Req: 72.461 Performance Voice 6, and Co-req: 72.499 Senior Recital. Pre-Req: 72.372 Performance Woodwinds 5. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC UGRD UGRD APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC Performance Woodwinds 7 Perf Brass & Perc 6 12657 12658 UGRD UGRD APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC Perf Brass & Perc 7 Performance Strings 6 UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC APPLMUSIC MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED UGRD DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC 72. 472 201 72. 481 201 TBA TBA 3 3 19 19 Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua SC SC 12659 12660 72. 482 201 72. 491 201 TBA TBA 3 3 19 19 Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua SC SC Performance Strings 7 Senior Recital Grad Applied Keyboard I Grad Applied Keyboard 2 Grad Applied Voice I Grad Applied Voice 2 Grad Applied Woodwinds 1 Grad Applied Woodwinds 2 Grad Appl Brass & Perc 1 Grad Appl Brass & Perc 2 Grad Applied Strings 1 Grad Applied Strings 2 Intro To Brass Pedagogy 1 Intro to Woodwind Pedagogy I Intro to Percusion Pedagogy Intro to String Pedagogy 1 Intro to Voice Pedagogy 1 Observation Lab 3 Observation Lab 3 12661 12662 12663 12664 12665 12666 12667 12668 12669 12670 12671 12672 12673 12674 12675 12676 12677 12678 12679 72. 492 201 72. 499 201 72. 501 201 72. 502 201 72. 511 201 72. 512 201 72. 521 201 72. 522 201 72. 531 201 72. 532 201 72. 541 201 72. 542 201 73. 141 202 73. 144 201 73. 162 201 73. 241 202 73. 244 201 73. 300 201 73. 300 202 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 19 19 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 19 19 19 19 19 10 10 Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua Keroack,Marc N Bettencourt,Blair F Fischer,Jeffrey L Nagle,Donna L Malone,Thomas B Greher,Gena R Greher,Gena R SC SC SC SC SC SC SC F M F T T W W TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 07:30 AM-09:50 AM 09:30 AM-11:20 AM MUSICED Technology In Music Ed 12680 73. 301 202 W 05:00 PM-07:20 PM 3 19 Greher,Gena R SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED General Music Methods 1 Instrumental Rep & Rehearsal Instrumental Rep & Rehearsal Instru Ensemble Lab Dir St: Music Ed Intro To Brass Pedagogy 1 Intro to Woodwind Pedagogy I Intro to String Pedagogy 1 Foundations Of Music Ed Curriculum Design in Music Ed 12681 12682 12683 12684 12685 12686 12687 12688 12689 12690 73. 420 201 73. 492 201 73. 492 202 73. 493 201 73. 496 201 73. 501 201 73. 504 201 73. 507 201 73. 510 201 73. 522 201 TR TF F F 11:00 AM-12:20 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM TBA 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:20 PM 05:00 PM-07:20 PM 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 18 25 25 25 10 5 5 5 19 19 Greher,Gena R Keroack,Marc N Keroack,Marc N Bettencourt,Blair F Greher,Gena R Keroack,Marc N Bettencourt,Blair F Nagle,Donna L Nagle,Donna L Keroack,Marc N SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICED MUSICHIST MUSICHIST MUSICHIST MUSICHIST Instrumental Rep & Rehearsal Instrumental Rep & Rehearsal General Music Methods 1 Intr Tech App/Music Classroom Practicum & Analysis Practicum & Analysis Dir Study & Research Dir Study & Research Project Report MS Thesis, Music Ed MS Thesis, Music Ed European Art Music Musical Practices I Music of Western Civilization Music of Western Civilization 12691 12691 13613 13617 12692 12693 12694 12695 12696 12697 12698 12699 12700 12701 12702 73. 542 201 73. 542 201 73. 544 201 73. 583 202 73. 595 201 73. 595 202 73. 695 201 73. 695 202 73. 696 201 73. 743 201 73. 743 202 74. 101 201 74. 104 201 74. 161 201 74. 161 202 T T TR W TR TR TR TR 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:20 PM 05:00 PM-07:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 3 2 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 19 19 5 5 5 5 5 120 120 30 30 Keroack,Marc N Keroack,Marc N Greher,Gena R Greher,Gena R Bettencourt,Blair F TBA Greher,Gena R Ruthmann,Stephen A Greher,Gena R Greher,Gena R Ruthmann,Stephen A Michaelsen,Garrett Michaelsen,Garrett McGahan,Christopher McGahan,Christopher SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MUSICHIST MUSICHIST MUSICPERF MUSICPERF MUSICPERF MUSICPERF MUSICPERF Music History I Film Music Conducting 1 Conducting 1 Conducting 1 Conducting 1 Conducting 1 12703 12704 12705 12706 12707 12708 12709 74. 261 201 74. 456 201 75. 233 201 75. 233 202 75. 233 203 75. 233 204 75. 233 205 TR TR R MW F MW W 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:40 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:40 PM 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 120 30 17 17 17 17 17 Crain,Timothy M Crain,Timothy M Huber,Debra-Nicole Martins,David J Latham,Mark Martins,David J O'Connell,Brian M SC SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Req: 73.151 Intro To Music Ed , 74.262 Survey of Music History 2, 71.202 Music Theory 4, 71.204 Aural Skills 4 . 1 Pre-req:73.301 Technology in Music Ed, 73.410 Global Music for Classroom, 73.200 Observation Lab 2, and Co-req: 73.300 Observation Lab 3. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Students with a CSCE or UGRD career need permission to take Graduate Level Courses. 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FLC: 95 seats reserved. 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 74.101 European Art Music and 74.102 Intro to Non Euro Musics. 1 1 Pre-Req: 71.104 Aural Skills 2. 1 Pre-Req: 71.104 Aural Skills 2. 1 Pre-Req: 71.104 Aural Skills 2. 1 Pre-Req: 71.104 Aural Skills 2. 1 Pre-Req: 71.104 Aural Skills 2. 1 UGRD MUSICPERF Piano Accomp 1 12710 75. 255 201 MW 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 19 Goodridge,Andrew SC Pre-Req: Music majors only, or Instructor permission. 1 UGRD MUSICPERF Performance Sem I 12711 75. 394 201 WF 01:00 PM-02:15 PM 3 19 Fischer,Jeffrey L SC Pre-Req: Music majors only, or Instructor permission. 1 UGRD UGRD MUSICPERF MUSENSMBL Ds: Res In Performance Ensemble 1 12712 12713 75. 495 201 76. 010 201 TBA TBA 1 1 5 300 Millard,Joshua Millard,Joshua SC SC Pre-Req: Music majors only, or Instructor permission. 1 1 F M T W T Page 59 of 82 PERM SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC COMMENTS Pre-Req: 72.471 Performance Woodwinds 6, and Co-req: 72.499 Senior Recital. Pre-Req: 72.382 Perf Brass & Perc 5. Pre-Req: 72.481 Perf Brass & Perc 6, and Co-req: 72.499 Senior Recital. Pre-Req: 72.392 Performance Strings 5. Pre-Req: 72.491 Performance Strings 6, and Co-req: 72.499 Senior Recital. Pre-Req: Music Majors only. Pre-Req: 73.151 Intro to Music Ed. Pre-Req: 73.151 Intro to Music Ed. Pre-Req: 73.151 Intro to Music Ed. Pre-Req: 73.151 Intro to Music Ed. Co-Req: 73.420 General Music Methods I. Co-Req: 73.420 General Music Methods I. Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL COURSE TITLE University Orchestra University Orchestra Wind Ensemble Wind Ensemble Concert Band Concert Band Marching Band Marching Band Marching Band Studio Orchestra Studio Orchestra Ensemble Performance 1 Ensemble Performance 1 Ensemble Performance 1 Ensemble Performance 3 Ensemble Performance 3 Ensemble Performance 3 Brass Ensemble Percussion Ensemble Percussion Ensemble Percussion Ensemble Classical Guitar Ens Classical Guitar Ens Electric Guitar Ens Electric Guitar Ens Electric Guitar Ens Piano Ensemble Piano Ensemble Mixed Chamber Ensemble Mixed Chamber Ensemble Mixed Chamber Ensemble String Ensembles String Ensembles Small Jazz Ensemble Jazz Lab Ensemble Jazz Lab Ensemble Jazz Lab Ensemble World Music Ensemble World Music Ensemble Jazz/Rock Big Band Jazz/Rock Big Band Contemp Electronic Ens Contemp Electronic Ens Chamber Singers Chamber Singers University Choir University Choir Opera Workshop Opera Workshop Choral Union Choral Union University Orchestra University Orchestra Wind Ensemble Wind Ensemble Chamber Singers Chamber Singers University Choir University Choir Concert Band Concert Band Studio Orchestra Studio Orchestra Opera Workshop Choral Union Choral Union Percussion Ensemble Percussion Ensemble Classical Guitar Ensemble Classical Guitar Ensemble Brass Ensemble Elect Guitar Ensemble CLASS# 12714 12715 12716 12717 12718 12719 13622 13622 13627 12720 12721 12722 12723 12724 12725 12759 12762 12764 12772 12775 12776 12779 12780 12790 12795 12796 12810 12811 12814 12815 12818 12821 12822 12825 12827 12829 12830 12837 12902 12844 12845 12847 12849 12855 12857 12860 12863 12867 12868 12870 12871 12886 12888 12891 12894 12897 12904 12907 12913 12923 12926 12929 12930 13049 13050 13051 13052 13053 13054 13055 13056 13057 SUB.CAT# SEC 76. 101 201 76. 101 TBA 76. 103 201 76. 103 TBA 76. 105 201 76. 105 TBA 76. 106 201 76. 106 201 76. 106 TBA 76. 108 201 76. 108 TBA 76. 147 201 76. 147 202 76. 147 203 76. 149 201 76. 149 202 76. 149 204 76. 151 201 76. 153 201 76. 153 202 76. 153 TBA 76. 154 201 76. 154 TBA 76. 156 201 76. 156 203 76. 156 TBA 76. 158 201 76. 158 TBA 76. 159 201 76. 159 202 76. 159 TBA 76. 160 201 76. 160 TBA 76. 161 TBA 76. 162 201 76. 162 203 76. 162 TBA 76. 164 201 76. 164 TBA 76. 165 201 76. 165 TBA 76. 170 201 76. 170 TBA 76. 201 201 76. 201 TBA 76. 202 201 76. 202 TBA 76. 210 201 76. 210 TBA 76. 251 201 76. 251 TBA 76. 501 201 76. 501 TBA 76. 502 201 76. 502 TBA 76. 503 201 76. 503 TBA 76. 504 201 76. 504 TBA 76. 505 201 76. 505 TBA 76. 508 201 76. 508 TBA 76. 510 201 76. 551 201 76. 551 TBA 76. 553 201 76. 553 TBA 76. 554 201 76. 554 TBA 76. 555 201 76. 556 201 DAYS RF MW TR MW F TR M W M MW TR MW F F W M T M T M R T T W TR MW M RF MW MW TR F M F M T TIME 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 06:00 PM-08:30 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 08:00 PM-09:45 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:40 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 05:00 PM-06:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM TBA 05:00 PM-06:40 PM TBA 07:00 PM-08:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA TBA TBA 07:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA TBA TBA 12:00 PM-02:00 PM 07:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 05:00 PM-06:50 PM TBA TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM CRD 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 60 of 82 CAP 85 10 60 10 100 10 130 130 15 30 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 30 19 30 35 10 70 70 10 75 10 19 25 10 40 10 10 40 40 10 12 10 39 10 19 10 19 10 55 10 10 10 120 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 19 10 19 10 19 10 30 19 INSTRUCTOR Latham,Mark Latham,Mark Martins,David J Martins,David J Lutz,Daniel P Lutz,Daniel P Lutz,Daniel P TBA Lutz,Daniel P Platt,Walter M Platt,Walter M Millard,Joshua Ruby,Meg TBA Schilling,Richard Millard,Joshua Gabriel,Charles Bohn,Hans Fischer,Jeffrey L Fischer,Jeffrey L Fischer,Jeffrey L Schilling,Richard Schilling,Richard Wheatley,Jonathan I Millard,Joshua Wheatley,Jonathan I Ruby,Meg Ruby,Meg Ruby,Meg TBA Ruby,Meg TBA TBA Platt,Walter M Gabriel,Charles Millard,Joshua Gabriel,Charles Williams,Alan Williams,Alan Huber,Debra-Nicole Huber,Debra-Nicole Testa,Michael Antony Testa,Michael Antony Rohlfing,Minerva Rohlfing,Minerva Rohlfing,Minerva Rohlfing,Minerva Giampa,Janice M Giampa,Janice M Malone,Thomas B Malone,Thomas B Latham,Mark Latham,Mark Martins,David J Martins,David J Rohlfing,Minerva Rohlfing,Minerva Rohlfing,Minerva Rohlfing,Minerva Lutz,Daniel P Lutz,Daniel P Platt,Walter M Platt,Walter M Giampa,Janice M Malone,Thomas B Malone,Thomas B Fischer,Jeffrey L Fischer,Jeffrey L Schilling,Richard Schilling,Richard Bohn,Hans Wheatley,Jonathan I LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD DEPT MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSENSMBL MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS MUSICBUS SNDRECTEC COURSE TITLE Elect Guitar Ensemble Piano Ensemble Piano Ensemble Mixed Chamber Ensemble Mixed Chamber Ensemble String Ensemble String Ensemble Small Jazz Ensemble Small Jazz Ensemble Jazz Lab Ensemble Jazz Lab Ensemble Recording Studio Ensemble Jazz/Rock Big Band Contemp Electronic Ensemble World Music Ensemble World Music Ensemble Computers In Music Bus Computers In Music Bus Music Business 1 Music Business Seminar Music Bus Entrepreneur D S In Music Business Music Business Internship Community Outreach Practicum 1 Community Outreach Practicum 2 Community Internship Music, Technology & Society CLASS# 13058 13059 13060 13061 13062 13063 13064 13065 13066 13067 13068 13069 13070 13071 13072 13073 13074 13075 13076 13077 13078 13079 13080 13081 13082 13083 13084 SUB.CAT# SEC 76. 556 TBA 76. 558 201 76. 558 TBA 76. 559 201 76. 559 TBA 76. 560 201 76. 560 TBA 76. 561 201 76. 561 TBA 76. 562 201 76. 562 202 76. 563 201 76. 565 201 76. 570 201 76. 601 201 76. 601 TBA 77. 201 201 77. 201 202 77. 301 201 77. 401 201 77. 404 201 77. 495 201 77. 499 201 77. 525 201 77. 526 201 77. 625 201 78. 301 201 UGRD SNDRECTEC Critical Listening 13085 78. 360 201 DAYS TR TIME TBA 03:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 01:00 PM-02:50 PM TBA TBA TBA 05:00 PM-06:50 PM TBA 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 07:00 PM-08:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 05:00 PM-06:40 PM TBA 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:30 PM-03:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 05:00 PM-07:30 PM 05:00 PM-07:30 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-12:15 PM CRD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 1 1 6 3 CAP 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 19 10 10 19 12 10 19 19 32 32 32 19 19 19 19 12 25 INSTRUCTOR Wheatley,Jonathan I Ruby,Meg Ruby,Meg Ruby,Meg Ruby,Meg Berger,Mark Berger,Mark Platt,Walter M Platt,Walter M Gabriel,Charles Millard,Joshua Testa,Michael Antony Huber,Debra-Nicole Testa,Michael Antony Williams,Alan Williams,Alan Castillo,Ramon Castillo,Ramon Lally,Peter Lally,Peter Berger,Richard Williams,Alan Williams,Alan Williams,Alan Williams,Alan Williams,Alan Williams,Alan LOC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC OC SC SC SC SC MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 19 Williams,Alan SC Pre-Reqs: 78.310 Intro to Recording and 71.203 Aural Skills 3; CoReqs: 78.390 Acoustics & Psychoacoust, 78.410 Recording Prod 1 1 T M T M R M T W T MW MW TR T R PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 77.301 Music Business 1. Pre-Req: 77.301 Music Business 1. Pre-Req: 71.101 Music Theory 1. Pre-Req: 77.302 Music Bus 2. Pre-Req: 77.302 Music Bus 2. Pre-Req: 77.401 Music Business Seminar. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD SNDRECTEC Critical Listening 13086 78. 360 202 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 19 Testa,Michael Antony SC Pre-Reqs: 78.310 Intro to Recording and 71.203 Aural Skills 3; CoReqs: 78.390 Acoustics & Psychoacoust, 78.410 Recording Prod UGRD SNDRECTEC Acoustics & Psychoacoustics 13087 78. 390 201 R 05:00 PM-07:30 PM 3 30 Kirklewski,Duff SC Pre-Reqs: 78.310 Intro to Recording, 92.132Calculus II, and 95.101 Introductory Physics; Co-Req: 78.360 Critical Listening 1 UGRD SNDRECTEC Recording Production 13088 78. 410 201 WF 01:00 PM-02:15 PM 3 19 Testa,Michael Antony SC Pre-Req: 78.310 Intro To Recording; Co-Reqs: 78.360 Critical Listening, and 78.390 Acoustics & Psychoacoust. 1 UGRD SNDRECTEC Recording Production 13089 78. 410 202 MW 08:30 AM-09:45 AM 3 19 Testa,Michael Antony SC Pre-Req: 78.310 Intro To Recording; Co-Reqs: 78.360 Critical Listening, and 78.390 Acoustics & Psychoacoust. 1 UGRD SNDRECTEC Recording Production 13090 78. 410 701 M 07:00 PM-08:50 PM 3 30 Whittaker,Mark SC Pre-Req: 78.310 Intro To Recording; Co-Reqs: 78.360 Critical Listening, and 78.390 Acoustics & Psychoacoust. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC Recording Production Sound Synthesis 2 Multitrack Production The Recording Industry 13091 13092 13093 13095 78. 410 702 78. 421 201 78. 440 201 78. 450 201 T W M T 07:00 PM-08:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:30 PM 12:00 PM-02:45 PM 09:30 AM-11:50 AM 3 3 3 3 30 17 19 34 Whittaker,Mark Shirley,John F Carman III,William S Case,Alexander U SC SC SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC SNDRECTEC AESTCRSTY Rec Studio Rep & Main Internship in SRT Senior Project In Srt Directed Studies In Srt Recording Analysis Sound Synthesis 2 Research in SRT Seminar in Audio Masters Recording Project Masters Recording Project Masters Recording Project SRT Masters Thesis Continued Grad Research SRT Aesth&Crit Studies/ContempArt 13096 13099 13102 13103 13106 13105 13107 13109 13110 13111 13112 13113 13115 13595 78. 470 201 78. 493 201 78. 494 201 78. 495 201 78. 520 201 78. 521 201 78. 650 201 78. 660 201 78. 740 201 78. 740 202 78. 740 203 78. 743 201 78. 745 201 79. 221 201 T TR 05:00 PM-07:40 PM TBA TBA TBA 01:00 PM-02:15 PM 05:00 PM-07:30 PM 01:00 PM-02:30 PM 09:00 AM-11:20 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 1 3 30 19 19 5 10 2 10 10 5 5 5 14 14 13 Thibodeau,David M Moylan,William Moylan,William Case,Alexander U Moylan,William Shirley,John F Case,Alexander U Bates,Thomas A. Moylan,William Case,Alexander U Shirley,John F Case,Alexander U Case,Alexander U Swenson,Kirsten SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD AESTCRSTY AESTCRSTY AESTCRSTY AESTCRSTY Aest/Crit St: Con Art & Cult Aest/Crit St: Graphic Design Aesth & Crit Studies Sem Aesth & Crit Studies Sem 13597 13598 13599 15255 79. 352 201 79. 360 201 79. 490 201 79. 490 202 MW F TR W 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 3 3 3 3 45 22 35 12 Christ,John Craine,Jonathan W Swenson,Kirsten Minkkinen,Arno R SC SC SC SC MW W T W Page 61 of 82 Y Pre-Req: 78.310 Intro To Recording; Co-Reqs: 78.360 Critical Listening, and 78.390 Acoustics & Psychoacoust. Pre-Req: 78.420 Sound Synthesis 1 Pre-Req: 78.411 Audio Theory Pre-Req: 78.310 Intro to Recording. Pre-Reqs: 78.411 Audio Theory, 16.211 Fund of Electricity or 16.214 Fund of Sound Recording Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Reqs: 58.203 History of Art:Preh-Med and 58.204 Hist of Art II: Ren-Mod. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD BIOLOGY Principles of Biology I 11061 81. 111 201 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 100 Wernick,Naomi L UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Principles of Biology I Principles of Biology I Freshman Seminar in Biology Freshman Seminar in Biology 11070 11078 11081 11083 81. 111 202 81. 111 601 81. 116 101 81. 116 102 MWF MWF W W 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 3 1 1 100 18 49 49 Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Experimental Biology I Biology for Engineers Biology for Engineers Lab Biology for Engineers Lab Biology for Engineers Lab Princ. of Cell & Molecular Bio 11086 11087 11089 11090 11093 11094 11096 11097 11098 11100 11102 11103 11104 11105 11130 11133 11134 11135 81. 117 101 81. 117 801 81. 117 802 81. 117 803 81. 117 804 81. 117 805 81. 117 806 81. 117 807 81. 117 808 81. 117 809 81. 117 810 81. 117 811 81. 117 812 81. 210 101 81. 212 801 81. 212 802 81. 212 803 81. 220 201 M M M T T T T W W R R F F TR R R F MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-12:20 PM 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 192 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 62 19 19 19 49 Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Wernick,Naomi L Choo,Johanna Choo,Johanna Choo,Johanna Choo,Johanna Myers,Carol D NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD BIOLOGY Experimental Methods in Bio. 11136 81. 233 201 F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 57 Choo,Johanna NC UGRD BIOLOGY Experimental Methods in Bio. 11138 81. 233 801 M 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 2 19 Choo,Johanna NC UGRD BIOLOGY Experimental Methods in Bio. 11139 81. 233 802 T 09:30 AM-12:20 PM 2 19 Choo,Johanna NC UGRD BIOLOGY Experimental Methods in Bio. 11140 81. 233 803 T 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 2 19 Choo,Johanna NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Genetics Problems in Genetics Problems in Genetics Problems in Genetics 11141 11142 11144 11145 81. 235 101 81. 237 201 81. 237 202 81. 237 203 MWF M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 1 1 1 57 19 19 19 Benson,Amanda R Benson,Amanda R Benson,Amanda R Benson,Amanda R NC NC NC NC UGRD BIOLOGY Evolution,Ecology & Conserv. 11146 81. 240 101 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 57 Benson,Amanda R UGRD BIOLOGY Prob.in Evol.,Ecol.,&Consrvtn. 11147 81. 242 201 M 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 1 19 UGRD BIOLOGY Prob.in Evol.,Ecol.,&Consrvtn. 11148 81. 242 202 W 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Prob.in Evol.,Ecol.,&Consrvtn. Dir Res Experience II Invertebrate Zoology Invertebrate Zoology Lab Principles of Ecology Princ of Ecology Lab 11149 11150 11151 11152 11153 11154 81. 242 203 81. 300 801 81. 306 201 81. 308 801 81. 315 201 81. 317 801 F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM TBA 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-04:20 PM 1 2 3 1 3 2 COMMENTS MTG# NC Co-Req: 81.117 Experimental Biology I. FLC: 45 seats reserved. 1 NC NC NC NC Co-Req: 81.117 Experimental Biology I. FLC: 30 seats reserved. Co-Req: 81.117 Experimental Biology I. FLC: 45 seats reserved. FLC: 30 seats reserved. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NC Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. FLC: 75 seats reserved. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-Req: 81.111 Principles Of Biology I. Co-req: 81.212 Biology for Engineers Lagoratory. Co-req: 81.210 Biology for Engineers. Co-req: 81.210 Biology for Engineers. Co-req: 81.210 Biology for Engineers. Pre-req: 81.111 Principles of Biology I. Pre-req: 81.117 Experimental Biology I and 81.118 Experimental Biology II. Pre-req: 81.117 Experimental Biology I and 81.118 Experimental Biology II. Pre-req: 81.117 Experimental Biology I and 81.118 Experimental Biology II. Pre-req: 81.117 Experimental Biology I and 81.118 Experimental Biology II. Pre-req: 81.111 Principles of Biology 1, and Co-req: 81.237 Problems in Genetics. Co-Req: 81.235 Genetics Co-Req: 81.235 Genetics Co-Req: 81.235 Genetics Pre-req: 81.111 Principles of Biology I and 81.112 Principles of Biology II and Co-req: 81.242 Problems in Evolution, Ecology and Conservation. Benson,Amanda R NC Co-req: 81.240 Evolution, Ecology and Conservation. 1 19 Benson,Amanda R NC Co-req: 81.240 Evolution, Ecology and Conservation. 1 19 30 35 18 49 19 Benson,Amanda R Hines,Mark E Hochberg,Rick Hochberg,Rick Rooney-Varga,Juliette N Rooney-Varga,Juliette N NC NC NC NC NC NC Co-req: 81.240 Evolution, Ecology and Conservation. 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Economic Botany Supervised Tchng Biol I Supervised Tchng Biol II Senior Research Biology Senior Research Biology Senior Research: Biology Senior Research: Biology Biochemistry Biochemistry Techniques Biochemistry Techniques Biochemistry Techniques Biochemistry Techniques 11155 11156 11157 11158 11159 11160 11161 11162 11163 11164 11165 11166 81. 324 201 81. 401 801 81. 402 801 81. 411 301 81. 411 801 81. 412 301 81. 412 801 81. 419 201 81. 421 101 81. 421 801 81. 421 802 81. 421 803 MWF TR M W R F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-03:50 PM 12:30 PM-04:20 PM 12:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 19 10 10 5 19 5 19 74 42 14 14 14 Rivera,Ezequiel Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD BIOLOGY Recomb. Protein Prod. Tech. 11167 81. 429 201 T 03:20 PM-05:00 PM 4 6 Guo,Hwai-Chen F NC UGRD BIOLOGY Recomb. Protein Prod. Tech. 11168 81. 429 801 W 12:00 PM-03:50 PM 4 6 Guo,Hwai-Chen F NC UGRD BIOLOGY Genomics 11169 81. 432 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 12 Garb,Jessica E NC MWF M TR T Page 62 of 82 PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Co-Req: 81.308 Invertebrate Zoology Lab. Co-Req: 81.306 Invertebrate Zoology. Pre-Req: 81.112 Principles of Biology II. Co-Req: 81.315 Principles of Ecology. Pre-req: 81.111 Principles of Biology I, or 83.101 Life Science I. Pre-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. Pre-req: 81.233 Experimental Methods in Biology, or 81.421 Biochemistry Techniques. Pre-req: 81.233 Experimental Methods in Biology, or 81.421 Biochemistry Techniques. Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-req: 81.235 Genetics and Co-req: 81.434 Genomics Laboratory. 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Genomics Laboratory Cell Biology Senior Seminar in Biology Senior Seminar in Biology Senior Seminar in Biology 11170 11171 11172 11174 11175 81. 434 801 81. 442 201 81. 451 201 81. 451 202 81. 451 203 R MWF M T T 12:30 PM-03:20 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 1 3 2 2 2 12 40 12 12 12 Garb,Jessica E Rivera,Ezequiel Rivera,Ezequiel Hall,Garth F Gaines,Peter NC NC NC NC NC Y Pre-req: 81.235 Genetics and Co-req: 81.432 Genomics. Pre-Req: 81.419 Biochemistry. 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD BIOLOGY Stem Cell Biology 11176 81. 460 101 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 45 Gaines,Peter NC BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Molecular Biology Human Neurobiology Sr Project: Biology 11178 11180 11181 81. 467 201 81. 490 201 81. 491 801 MWF MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA 3 3 4 35 15 15 Graves,Michael V Hall,Garth F Hines,Mark E NC NC NC Pre-Req: 81.335 Principles of Genetics or 81.235 Genetics. Pre-req: 81.235 Genetics or 81.335 Principles of Genetics and 81.419 Biochemistry. Pre-req or Co-req: 81.419 Biochemistry. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Immunology Immunology Lab Immunology Lab Immunology Lab Immunology Lab Practicum Experience Dir St: Biological Sci Directed Sudy: Biology Directed Study: Biology Professional Experience Biochemistry I Biochemistry Techniques Biochemistry Techniques Biochemistry Techniques Biochemistry Techniques Recomb. Protein Prod. Tech. Recomb. Protein Prod. Tech. 11183 11185 11186 11187 11188 11189 11190 11191 11192 11193 11194 11195 11196 11197 11198 11199 11200 81. 493 101 81. 495 201 81. 495 801 81. 495 802 81. 495 803 81. 496 201 81. 497 701 81. 498 201 81. 499 301 81. 500 701 81. 519 201 81. 521 101 81. 521 801 81. 521 802 81. 521 803 81. 529 201 81. 529 801 TR T T W R 3 2 2 2 4 4 49 36 12 12 12 10 5 15 5 10 30 15 5 5 5 8 8 Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Hojnacki,Jerome L Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D Myers,Carol D Guo,Hwai-Chen F Guo,Hwai-Chen F NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Pre or Co-req: 81.419 Biochemistry, or 81.519 Biochemistry I. Co-Req: 81.493 Immunology. Co-Req: 81.493 Immunology. Co-Req: 81.493 Immunology. Co-Req: 81.493 Immunology. TR M W R F T W 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:30 PM-04:20 PM 12:00 PM-03:50 PM 12:30 PM-04:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-03:50 PM 12:30 PM-04:20 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:20 PM-05:00 PM 12:00 PM-03:50 PM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GRAD BIOLOGY Genomics 11201 81. 532 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 7 Garb,Jessica E NC Y Pre-req: 81.235 Genetics and Co-req: 81.534 Genomics Laboratory. 1 GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Genomics Laboratory Cell Biology Stem Cell Biology Molecular Biology Human Neurobiology Immunology Immunology Laboratory Immunology Laboratory Immunology Laboratory Immunology Laboratory Graduate Colloquium Biology Prof Communication/Sci & Tech Sel.Top.in Molecular&Cell.Bio. Internship Biology Graduate Course Review Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology Special Problems In Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology M.S. Project in Biology 11202 11203 11205 11206 11207 11210 11212 11215 11222 11223 11225 11237 11239 11240 11242 11249 11254 11256 11259 11260 11262 11263 11264 11265 11266 11270 11276 11277 11279 11281 11283 11284 11287 11330 11331 11332 11333 11334 11335 81. 534 801 81. 542 201 81. 560 101 81. 567 201 81. 590 201 81. 593 101 81. 595 201 81. 595 801 81. 595 802 81. 595 803 81. 603 201 81. 604 101 81. 666 201 81. 707 201 81. 708 201 81. 721 701 81. 721 702 81. 721 703 81. 721 704 81. 721 705 81. 721 707 81. 721 708 81. 721 709 81. 721 710 81. 721 711 81. 721 713 81. 721 714 81. 731 701 81. 731 702 81. 731 703 81. 731 704 81. 731 705 81. 731 707 81. 731 708 81. 731 709 81. 731 710 81. 731 711 81. 731 713 81. 731 714 R MWF MWF MWF MWF TR T T W R W R T 12:30 PM-03:20 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:30 PM-04:20 PM 12:00 PM-03:50 PM 12:30 PM-04:20 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 04:00 PM-06:20 PM 05:00 PM-07:30 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 1 3 3 3 3 3 7 19 25 19 19 29 18 6 6 6 49 15 40 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Garb,Jessica E Rivera,Ezequiel Gaines,Peter Graves,Michael V Hall,Garth F Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J Braunhut,Susan J TBA Hojnacki,Jerome L Graves,Michael V Hines,Mark E Hines,Mark E Braunhut,Susan J Rooney-Varga,Juliette N Gaines,Peter Hojnacki,Jerome L Hall,Garth F Graves,Michael V Garb,Jessica E Shea,Thomas B Rivera,Ezequiel Hines,Mark E Hochberg,Rick Guo,Hwai-Chen F Braunhut,Susan J Rooney-Varga,Juliette N Gaines,Peter Hojnacki,Jerome L Hall,Garth F Graves,Michael V Garb,Jessica E Shea,Thomas B Rivera,Ezequiel Hines,Mark E Hochberg,Rick Guo,Hwai-Chen F NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y Pre-req: 81.235 Genetics, and Co-req: 81.532 Genomics. 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 63 of 82 Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Req: 81.419 or 519 Biochemistry. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY COURSE TITLE Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS Master's Thesis - BS PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry PhD Dissertation Biochemistry CLASS# 11336 11337 11338 11340 11341 11342 11343 11344 11346 11347 11348 11349 11339 11350 11351 11352 11353 11354 11355 11356 11357 11359 11360 11362 SUB.CAT# SEC 81. 743 701 81. 743 702 81. 743 703 81. 743 704 81. 743 705 81. 743 707 81. 743 708 81. 743 709 81. 743 710 81. 743 711 81. 743 713 81. 743 714 81. 753 701 81. 753 702 81. 753 703 81. 753 704 81. 753 705 81. 753 707 81. 753 708 81. 753 709 81. 753 710 81. 753 711 81. 753 713 81. 753 714 DAYS TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CAP 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 INSTRUCTOR Braunhut,Susan J Rooney-Varga,Juliette N Gaines,Peter Hojnacki,Jerome L Hall,Garth F Graves,Michael V Garb,Jessica E Shea,Thomas B Rivera,Ezequiel Hines,Mark E Hochberg,Rick Guo,Hwai-Chen F Braunhut,Susan J Rooney-Varga,Juliette N Gaines,Peter Hojnacki,Jerome L Hall,Garth F Graves,Michael V Garb,Jessica E Shea,Thomas B Rivera,Ezequiel Hines,Mark E Hochberg,Rick Guo,Hwai-Chen F LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TBA 0 99 Balasubramanian,Sandhya OC Y M TBA 04:00 PM-07:00 PM TBA 0 1 1 99 35 30 Balasubramanian,Sandhya Balasubramanian,Sandhya Balasubramanian,Sandhya OC NC NC Y Y Y Pre-req: 82.210 Professional Development Seminar; Must be approved by Faculty Chairperson and designated Co-op Coordinator to participate in Professional Co-op Program. 1 Pre-req: 82.3CE Cooperative Education Work Experience l or permission of Instructor. 1 1 1 W 06:00 PM-07:20 PM 1 99 Balasubramanian,Sandhya NC Y Pre-Req: 82.210 Professional Development Seminar; student should have completed 1 co-op work experience. 1 82. 310 TBA TBA 1 99 Balasubramanian,Sandhya NC Y Pre-Req: 82.210 Professional Development Seminar; student should have completed 1 co-op work experience. 1 11383 82. 410 901 TBA 1 99 Balasubramanian,Sandhya NC Y Pre-req: 82.210 Professional Development Seminar and 82.310 Coop Assessment l, and 82.3CE or 82.4CE Cooperative Education. 1 Co-op Assessment 2 Life Science I Life Science I Life Science I Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Life Science I Laboratory Nutrition and Disease Appl Chem for Non-Scientists Forensic Science/Non-Scientist Forensic Science/Non-Scientist 11384 11385 11386 11387 11388 11389 11390 11397 11393 11399 11400 11401 11402 11403 11405 11406 11408 11409 11410 11411 11412 11413 11415 12005 12007 12009 82. 410 TBA 83. 101 201 83. 101 202 83. 101 203 83. 103 801 83. 103 802 83. 103 803 83. 103 804 83. 103 805 83. 103 806 83. 103 807 83. 103 808 83. 103 809 83. 103 810 83. 103 811 83. 103 812 83. 103 813 83. 103 814 83. 103 815 83. 103 816 83. 103 817 83. 103 818 83. 123 201 84. 101 201 84. 102 201 84. 102 202 MWF TR TR M M T T T T W W W W R R R R F F F F TR T W F TBA 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:50 PM-03:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:30 AM-12:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 99 198 255 49 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 80 35 39 39 Balasubramanian,Sandhya Shea,Thomas B Shea,Thomas B Hall,Garth F Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Lessard,Robyn B Lessard,Robyn B Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Skinner-Brassard,Gail Hojnacki,Jerome L Marx,Kenneth Barry,Eugene Barry,Eugene NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y Intro to Discipline of Chem 12010 84. 105 201 F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 1 48 Whitten,James E NC UGRD BIOLOGY Co-op. Ed. Work Experience l 11345 82. 3CE 901 UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY Co-op Ed. Work Experience ll Prof Development Seminar Prof Development Seminar 11378 11379 11380 82. 4CE 901 82. 210 201 82. 210 TBA UGRD BIOLOGY Co-op Assessment 1 11381 82. 310 901 UGRD BIOLOGY Co-op Assessment 1 11382 UGRD BIOLOGY Co-op Assessment 2 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY UGRD CHEMISTRY Page 64 of 82 Pre-req: 82.210 Professional Development Seminar and 82.310 Coop Assessment l, and 82.3CE or 82.4CE Cooperative Education. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Not for Science and Math Majors. 1 1 1 Pre-Req: Students must be declared Chemistry majors FLC: 15 seats reserved. 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12017 84. 121 101 R UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12018 84. 121 102 R 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 325 Sawan,Samuel 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 325 Sawan,Samuel UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12019 84. 121 201 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 49 UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12021 84. 121 202 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12022 84. 121 203 UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12023 84. 121 204 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12026 84. 121 205 MWF UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12027 84. 121 206 UGRD UGRD CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Chemistry I Chemistry I 12028 12029 UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I UGRD CHEMISTRY UGRD UGRD COMMENTS MTG# NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 152 seats reserved. 1 NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 91 seats reserved. 1 Schrenk,Janet NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 49 Schrenk,Janet NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 38 seats reserved. 1 3 49 Sawan,Samuel NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 38 seats reserved. 1 3 49 Farris,Leslie NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 34 seats reserved. 1 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 49 Karpeles,Richard NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 30 seats reserved. 1 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 49 Ruths,Marina NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 38 seats reserved. 1 84. 121 207 84. 121 208 MWF MWF 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 3 49 49 Karpeles,Richard Karpeles,Richard NC NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. 1 1 12031 84. 121 209 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 49 Shih,Kim H NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. 1 Chemistry I 12033 84. 121 210 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 49 Shih,Kim H NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 38 seats reserved. 1 CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12035 84. 121 211 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 49 Young,Suzanne M NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 15 seats reserved. 1 CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12036 84. 121 212 TR 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 49 Young,Suzanne M NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 30 seats reserved. 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry I 12038 84. 121 213 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 49 Schrenk,Janet NC Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. FLC: 30 seats reserved. 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry II 12042 84. 122 101 T 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 98 Sawan,Samuel NC Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I or 84.117 Selected Topics in Chemistry; Co-Req: 84.124 Chemistry II Lab. 1 Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I or 84.117 Selected Topics in Chemistry; Co-Req: 84.124 Chemistry II Lab. 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry II 12044 84. 122 201 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 49 Barsegov,Valeri NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Chemistry II Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory Chemistry I Laboratory 12045 12052 12058 12060 12063 12065 12067 12068 12069 12070 12071 12072 12073 12074 12075 12076 12077 12108 12109 12110 12111 12112 12113 12114 12115 12116 12117 12118 12119 12121 12123 84. 122 202 84. 123 601 84. 123 801 84. 123 802 84. 123 803 84. 123 806 84. 123 808 84. 123 809 84. 123 811 84. 123 813 84. 123 814 84. 123 820 84. 123 821 84. 123 822 84. 123 825 84. 123 827 84. 123 828 84. 123 829 84. 123 830 84. 123 831 84. 123 832 84. 123 833 84. 123 834 84. 123 835 84. 123 836 84. 123 837 84. 123 838 84. 123 839 84. 123 840 84. 123 841 84. 123 842 TR T T T T T T W W W R R R F F F T R W R F F F R R T W R T T 11:00 AM-12:15 PM TBA 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 49 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Young,Suzanne M TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry II Laboratory 12126 84. 124 801 W 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 1 19 TBA NC UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry II Laboratory 12127 84. 124 802 F 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 1 19 TBA NC Page 65 of 82 PERM Y Pre-Reqs: 84.121 Chemistry I or 84.117 Selected Topics in Chemistry; Co-Req: 84.124 Chemistry II Lab. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I. Co-Req: 84.122 Chemistry II or 84.119 Selected Topics/Chemistry Lab. Co-Req: 84.122 Chemistry II or 84.119 Selected Topics/Chemistry Lab. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD CHEMISTRY Chemistry II Laboratory 12129 84. 124 803 R 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 1 19 TBA NC UGRD UGRD UGRD CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Chemistry II Laboratory Honors Chemistry I Honors Chemistry I 12131 12132 12134 84. 124 804 84. 135 301 84. 135 601 T TR TR 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 1 3 3 19 18 18 TBA Deluca,Nancy Deluca,Nancy NC NC NC UGRD CHEMISTRY Intro Organic & Polymer Chem 12137 84. 204 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 18 Sawan,Samuel UGRD CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry IA 12140 84. 221 101 R 10:00 AM-10:50 PM UGRD CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry IA 12143 84. 221 201 MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM UGRD CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry IA 12146 84. 221 202 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM PERM COMMENTS Co-Req: 84.122 Chemistry II or 84.119 Selected Topics/Chemistry Lab. Co-Req: 84.122 Chemistry II or 84.119 Selected Topics/Chemistry Lab. Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. Co-Req: 84.123 Chemistry I Lab. MTG# NC Pre-Req: 84.121 Chemistry I; Plastics Engineering majors only. 1 1 Y Y 1 1 1 1 200 Reddie,Khalilah NC Pre-Reqs: 84.122 & 84.124; Co-Req: 84.227 (Chemistry majors only) or 84.229 (Biology majors only). 3 18 Reddie,Khalilah NC Pre-Reqs: 84.122 & 84.124; Co-Req: 84.227 (Chemistry majors only) or 84.229 (Biology majors only). 1 3 18 Reddie,Khalilah NC Pre-Reqs: 84.122 & 84.124; Co-Req: 84.227 (Chemistry majors only) or 84.229 (Biology majors only). 1 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry IA 12148 84. 221 203 MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 18 Reddie,Khalilah NC Pre-Reqs: 84.122 & 84.124; Co-Req: 84.227 (Chemistry majors only) or 84.229 (Biology majors only). UGRD CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry IA 12149 84. 221 204 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 18 Reddie,Khalilah NC Pre-Reqs: 84.122 & 84.124; Co-Req: 84.227 (Chemistry majors only) or 84.229 (Biology majors only). 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Organic Chem Lab I 12163 84. 227 801 R 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 2 18 Jahngen,Edwin NC Co-req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA and Chemistry Majors Only. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Organic Chem Lab I Organic Chem Lab IA Organic Chem Lab IA Organic Chem Lab IA Organic Chem Lab IA Organic Chem Lab IA Organic Chem Lab IA Organic Chem Lab IA 12154 12168 12170 12172 12174 12176 12177 12179 84. 227 802 84. 229 801 84. 229 802 84. 229 803 84. 229 804 84. 229 805 84. 229 806 84. 229 807 R T T T W F F M 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 09:00 AM-12:50 PM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Jahngen,Edwin Sandman,Daniel J Chiang,Long Y Sandman,Daniel J Sun,Yuyu Chiang,Long Y Chiang,Long Y Sun,Yuyu NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Co-req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA and Chemistry Majors Only. Co-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. Co-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. Co-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. Co-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. Co-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. Co-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. Co-Req: 84.221 Organic Chemistry IA. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Forensic Science I 12181 84. 303 201 MW 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 18 TBA NC Co-Req: 84.305 Forensic Science I Lab; Pre-Reqs: 84.222 Org Chem IIA, 95.144 Physics II, and 92.231 Calculus III. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Forensic Science I Laboratory Analytical Chem I Analytical Chem Lab I 12183 12184 12188 84. 305 801 84. 313 201 84. 315 801 M MW R 01:30 PM-04:20 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 1 3 2 18 18 18 TBA Barry,Eugene Ryan,David NC NC NC Co-Req: 84.303 Forensic Science I; Pre-Reqs: 84.222 Org Chem IIA, 95.144 Physics II, and 92.231 Calculus III. 1 Co-Req: 84.315 Analytical Chem Lab I. 1 Co-Req: 84.313 Analytical Chem I. 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Physical Chemistry I 12190 84. 344 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 18 Ruths,Marina NC Pre-Req: 92.231 Calculus III, 84.122 Chemistry II, 95.141 Physics I; Co-Req 84.346 Physical Chem Lab I; & Chemical Engineering (BS). 1 UGRD CHEMISTRY Physical Chemistry I 12193 84. 344 202 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 18 Barsegov,Valeri NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Physical Chemistry Lab I Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergrad Thesis Undergraduate Thesis II Advanced Inorganic Chem Advanced Inorganic Lab 12196 12200 12207 12210 12229 12231 12233 12235 12237 12240 12252 12256 12260 12277 12281 12289 12292 12295 12297 12299 84. 346 801 84. 407 316 84. 407 702 84. 407 703 84. 407 708 84. 407 710 84. 407 712 84. 407 713 84. 407 714 84. 407 716 84. 407 717 84. 407 718 84. 407 720 84. 407 722 84. 407 723 84. 407 725 84. 407 735 84. 408 710 84. 443 201 84. 445 801 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W TR W 01:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 01:30 PM-05:20 PM 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Whitten,James E Whitten,James E TBA Ruths,Marina Jahngen,Edwin Barsegov,Valeri Marx,Kenneth McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Sawan,Samuel Faust,Rudolf Watterson Jr,Arthur C Chiang,Long Y Deluca,Nancy Xu,Jin Barsegov,Valeri Deluca,Nancy Deluca,Nancy NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD GRAD CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Intro To Biochemistry Adv Analytical Chemistry 12301 12304 84. 450 201 84. 514 201 TR TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 3 18 18 Xu,Jing Ryan,David NC NC Page 66 of 82 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Req: 92.231 Calculus III, 84.122 Chemistry II, 95.141 Physics I; Co-Req 84.346 Physical Chem Lab I; & Chemical Engineering (BS). 1 Pre-Req: 84.124 Chemistry II Lab; Co-Req: 84.344 Physical Chemistry I. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Co-Req: 84.345 Physical Chemistry II. 1 Co-req: 84.443 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. 1 Pre-Req: 84.222 Organic Chemistry IIA and 84.344 Physical Chemistry I. 1 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY COURSE TITLE Organic Reaction Mech Biochemical Mechanisms Modern Inorganic Chem Biochemistry I Adv Physical Biochem Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Structural Analysis Chemistry Seminar Chemistry Seminar Chemistry Seminar Chemistry Colloquium Chemistry Colloquium Chemistry Colloquium Co-Op Internship Supervised Tchg Ch & Ps Graduate Project in Chemistry Graduate Project in Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Master's Thesis - Chemistry Graduate Doctoral Research Graduate Doctoral Research Graduate Doctoral Research Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/ Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem CLASS# 12306 12310 12312 12315 12317 12339 12384 12385 12386 12387 12388 12389 12390 12391 12392 12393 12394 12395 12396 12397 12398 12399 12400 12401 12402 12403 12404 12405 12406 12407 12408 12409 12341 12343 12344 12345 12346 12347 12349 12350 12353 12354 12355 12356 12357 12358 12359 12360 12361 12362 12363 12364 12365 12366 12367 12369 12370 12372 12373 12374 12375 12377 12379 12125 12136 12139 12142 12155 12157 12160 12162 12165 SUB.CAT# SEC 84. 523 201 84. 538 201 84. 543 201 84. 550 201 84. 560 201 84. 562 201 84. 568 201 84. 601 201 84. 601 202 84. 601 203 84. 603 201 84. 603 202 84. 603 203 84. 641 201 84. 705 201 84. 731 201 84. 731 712 84. 743 702 84. 743 708 84. 743 713 84. 743 714 84. 743 716 84. 743 723 84. 743 727 84. 743 735 84. 746 702 84. 746 708 84. 746 712 84. 746 713 84. 746 714 84. 746 716 84. 746 717 84. 746 722 84. 746 723 84. 746 735 84. 751 714 84. 751 717 84. 751 723 84. 753 701 84. 753 702 84. 753 703 84. 753 704 84. 753 705 84. 753 708 84. 753 710 84. 753 712 84. 753 713 84. 753 714 84. 753 716 84. 753 717 84. 753 718 84. 753 720 84. 753 722 84. 753 723 84. 753 727 84. 753 735 84. 753 736 84. 756 701 84. 756 702 84. 756 703 84. 756 704 84. 756 708 84. 756 710 84. 756 712 84. 756 713 84. 756 714 84. 756 716 84. 756 717 84. 756 718 84. 756 723 84. 756 726 84. 756 727 DAYS MW F TR TR M W T R W TIME 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 05:30 PM-08:20 PM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:00 PM-01:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Page 67 of 82 CAP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 999 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 INSTRUCTOR Sandman,Daniel J Jahngen,Edwin Deluca,Nancy McDonald,Melisenda Marx,Kenneth Jahngen,Edwin Chiang,Long Y McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Sandman,Daniel J McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Chiang,Long Y Ryan,David Barry,Eugene Ryan,David Marx,Kenneth Barry,Eugene Jahngen,Edwin McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Whitten,James E Chiang,Long Y Golomb,Dan Xu,Jin Barry,Eugene Jahngen,Edwin Marx,Kenneth McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J TBA Chiang,Long Y Xu,Jin Ryan,David Sandman,Daniel J Chiang,Long Y TBA Barry,Eugene Ruths,Marina Hojnacki,Jerome L Hsin,Tse-Ming Jahngen,Edwin Barsegov,Valeri Marx,Kenneth McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Sawan,Samuel Faust,Rudolf Watterson Jr,Arthur C Chiang,Long Y Golomb,Dan Xu,Jin Yan,Mingdi TBA Barry,Eugene Ruths,Marina Hojnacki,Jerome L Jahngen,Edwin Barsegov,Valeri Marx,Kenneth McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Sawan,Samuel Chiang,Chih-Hung Bruell PhD,Clifford J Golomb,Dan LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PERM COMMENTS Pre-Req: 84.550 Biochemistry I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI COURSE TITLE Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Doctoral Dissertation/Chem Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Continued Grad Research Weather Forecasting Seminar Weather and Climate Weather & Climate Lab Weather & Climate Lab Weather & Climate Lab Weather & Climate Lab Weather & Climate Lab Weather & Climate Lab Atmospheric Science Lab Scientific FORTRAN Programming CLASS# 12167 12169 12187 12189 12195 12197 12201 12204 12206 12209 12212 12213 12215 12217 12218 12219 12220 12221 12224 12225 12226 12227 12234 12236 12241 11274 11275 11278 11280 11282 11285 11288 11289 11292 11293 SUB.CAT# SEC 84. 756 735 84. 756 736 84. 759 701 84. 759 702 84. 759 703 84. 759 704 84. 759 705 84. 759 708 84. 759 709 84. 759 710 84. 759 712 84. 759 713 84. 759 714 84. 759 716 84. 759 717 84. 759 718 84. 759 720 84. 759 723 84. 759 726 84. 759 727 84. 759 735 84. 759 736 84. 763 708 84. 763 714 84. 769 708 85. 102 201 85. 141 201 85. 143 801 85. 143 802 85. 143 803 85. 143 804 85. 143 805 85. 143 806 85. 213 801 85. 234 201 UGRD UGRD UGRD ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI Forecast & Synop Techniques I Physical Climatology Physical Meteorology 11294 11295 11299 UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI ENVIRNSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI Adv Atmospheric Dynamics I Boundary Layer Meteorology Grad Research Seminar Master's Research in Atm Sci Master's Research in Atm Sci Master's Research in Atm Sci Master's Thesis in Atm Sci Master's Thesis in Atm Sci Doctoral Dissertation: Atm Sci Continuing Grad Research (PhD) Continuing Grad Research (PhD) Doctoral Dissertation Doctoral Dissertation Environmental Sci Sem Earth & Envron Systems I Earth & Env. Sys. Lab Earth & Env. Sys. Lab GIS in Earth&Environmental Sci General Geology General Geology Lab General Geology Lab General Geology Lab Earth Materials I Earth Materials I Laboratory Environmental Geochem Environmental Geochem Quantitave Geomorphology Regional Hydrogeology Media Computing Computing I Computing I 11301 11302 11303 11305 11306 11307 11308 11309 11310 11311 11313 11314 11316 11318 11319 11320 11321 11322 11323 11324 11418 11419 11325 11326 11327 11327 11328 11329 11417 11421 11422 DAYS W MWF T T W W R F W TR TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-04:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM CRD 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 9 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 CAP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 120 18 18 18 18 18 18 15 15 INSTRUCTOR Xu,Jin Yan,Mingdi TBA Barry,Eugene Ruths,Marina Hojnacki,Jerome L Hsin,Tse-Ming Jahngen,Edwin Shea,Thomas B Barsegov,Valeri Marx,Kenneth McDonald,Melisenda Ryan,David Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Sawan,Samuel Faust,Rudolf Chiang,Long Y Bruell PhD,Clifford J Golomb,Dan Xu,Jin Yan,Mingdi Jahngen,Edwin Ryan,David Jahngen,Edwin Colby Jr,Frank P Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Colby Jr,Frank P Qian,Jian-Hua LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 85. 308 201 85. 313 201 85. 403 201 TR M TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 3 18 18 18 Colby Jr,Frank P Barlow,Mathew Song,Paul NC NC NC 85. 415 201 85. 501 201 85. 701 201 85. 733 701 85. 733 703 85. 733 707 85. 743 701 85. 743 706 85. 753 705 85. 760 705 85. 760 706 85. 765 705 85. 765 706 87. 101 201 87. 201 201 87. 203 801 87. 203 802 87. 301 201 89. 101 201 89. 103 801 89. 103 802 89. 103 803 89. 307 201 89. 309 801 89. 315 201 89. 315 201 89. 502 201 89. 524 201 91. 100 201 91. 101 101 91. 101 201 MW W F 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 01:30 PM-02:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-10:50 AM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 04:00 PM-05:50 PM 06:00 PM-08:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 4 3 3 3 18 18 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 40 36 18 18 15 54 18 18 18 18 18 29 29 16 16 40 135 45 Barlow,Mathew Colby Jr,Frank P Song,Paul Colby Jr,Frank P Barlow,Mathew Qian,Jian-Hua Colby Jr,Frank P Barlow,Mathew Song,Paul Song,Paul Barlow,Mathew Song,Paul Barlow,Mathew Weeden,Lori A Eby,G. Nelson Eby,G. Nelson Eby,G. Nelson Brown,Alexander S Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Eby,G. Nelson Eby,G. Nelson Weeden,Lori A Weeden,Lori A Swanger,Kate M O'Brien,Arnold L Kim,Byung Guk TBA TBA NC NC NC NC NC M MWF R R F MWF M T F MWF M MWF W TR T MWF T MWF 4 Page 68 of 82 NC NC NC NC SC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 85.143 Weather & Climate Lab. Co-req: 85.141 Weather & Climate. Co-req: 85.141 Weather & Climate. Co-req: 85.141 Weather & Climate. Co-req: 85.141 Weather & Climate. Co-req: 85.141 Weather & Climate. Co-req: 85.141 Weather & Climate. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 85.102 Weather Forecasting Seminar and 87.202 Earth & Env Systems II. 1 1 Pre-Req: 85.301 Atmospheric Dynamics. 1 Pre-Reqs: 85.301 Atmospheric Dynamics and 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y FLC: 15 seats reserved. Co-Req: 89.103 General Geology Lab. Co-Req: 89.101 General Geology. Co-Req: 89.101 General Geology. Co-Req: 89.101 General Geology. Co-req: 89.309 Earth Materials I Lab. Co-req: 89.307 Earth Materials I. FLC: 45 seats reserved. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COURSE TITLE Computing I Computing I Computing I Computing I Computing II Computing II Computing II Intro to App Des & Mobile Comp Exploring the Internet Exploring the Internet Computing III Computing III Comp Org & Assembly Lang Comp Org & Assembly Lang Computing IV Org Programming Languages CLASS# 11423 11424 11425 11425 11426 11427 11428 11429 11431 11433 11434 11435 11437 11438 11439 11440 SUB.CAT# SEC 91. 101 202 91. 101 203 91. 101 301 91. 101 301 91. 102 101 91. 102 201 91. 102 202 91. 108 201 91. 113 201 91. 113 202 91. 201 201 91. 201 202 91. 203 201 91. 203 202 91. 204 201 91. 301 201 DAYS MWF MWF MWF R R MWF MWF F WF MW MWF TR MWF TR TR TR TIME 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:00 AM-11:50 AM 03:00 PM-04:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM CRD 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 CAP 45 45 35 35 90 45 45 15 40 40 49 49 40 40 49 40 INSTRUCTOR TBA TBA Canning,James T Canning,James T Mulhern,Anne Mulhern,Anne Mulhern,Anne Martin,Fred Rahimi,Sanaz Semy,Rahim K Mulhern,Anne Rumshisky,Anna Kim,Byung Guk Fu,Xinwen Heines,Jesse M Yanco,Holly A LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD COMPSCI Foundations of Comp Science 11441 91. 304 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 40 Daniels,Karen M UGRD COMPSCI Computer Architecture 11442 91. 305 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 40 UGRD UGRD UGRD COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI Computer Architecture Operating Systems Database I 11442 11443 11444 91. 305 201 91. 308 201 91. 309 201 TR TR TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 3 UGRD UGRD UGRD COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI Analysis of Algorithms Software Engineering II Data Communications I 11445 11447 11446 91. 404 201 91. 412 201 91. 413 201 TR MWF TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI Machine Learning Selected Topics Selected Topics GUI Programming I Foundations of CS Algorithms Adv Alg:Computational Geometry Internet & Web Systems I Operating Systems I Special Topics Data Visualization 11449 11451 11452 11453 11454 11455 11457 11459 11461 11462 11463 91. 422 201 91. 460 202 91. 460 203 91. 461 201 91. 502 201 91. 503 201 91. 504 201 91. 513 201 91. 515 201 91. 530 201 91. 541 201 TR R W TR W M W M R R R GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI Data Mining Topics Data Communications I Data Base I Topics in Computer Science Cooperative Education Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Computer Science Research Directed Research Thesis Review Thesis Review Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci 11466 11468 11484 11485 11486 11487 11488 11489 11490 11491 11492 11493 11494 11495 11496 11497 11498 11499 11500 11501 11502 11503 11504 11505 11506 11507 11508 11509 11510 11511 91. 544 201 91. 550 201 91. 563 201 91. 573 201 91. 580 203 91. 593 201 91. 701 703 91. 701 706 91. 701 714 91. 701 721 91. 701 722 91. 701 725 91. 701 727 91. 701 728 91. 701 730 91. 701 733 91. 702 728 91. 703 707 91. 706 707 91. 741 701 91. 741 730 91. 743 703 91. 743 706 91. 743 707 91. 743 708 91. 743 715 91. 743 722 91. 743 725 91. 743 727 91. 743 730 R T T T M Pre-Req: 91.101 Computing I. Pre-Req: 91.101 Computing I. Pre-Req: 91.101 Computing I. Cross-listed with 70.108.201. Not for Academic Plan Computer Science (BS). Not for Academic Plan Computer Science (BS). Pre-Req: 91.102 Computing II. Pre-Req: 91.102 Computing II. Pre-Req: 91.102 Computing II. Pre-Req: 91.102 Computing II. Pre-Req: 91.201 Computing III. Pre-Req: 91.204 Computing IV. MTG# 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NC Pre-Req: 91.102 Computing II, and 92.322 Discrete Structures II. 1 Moloney Jr,William F NC Pre-Req: 16.265 Intro to Logic Design, 91.102 Computing II, 91.203 Comp Org & Assembly Lang or 16.317 Microprocessor Syst Des I. 1 40 40 40 Moloney Jr,William F Moloney Jr,William F Chen,Cindy NC NC NC 3 3 3 40 40 40 Liu,Benyuan TBA Chen,Guanling NC NC NC 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 20 20 40 40 40 20 30 40 20 20 Saenko,Ekaterina Rumshisky,Anna Daniels,Karen M Heines,Jesse M Levkowitz,Haim Daniels,Karen M Daniels,Karen M Levkowitz,Haim Moloney Jr,William F Rumshisky,Anna Grinstein,George NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 04:30 PM-07:00 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM 04:30 PM-07:00 PM 05:30 PM-08:00 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 30 40 40 40 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Chen,Cindy Yanco,Holly A Liu,Benyuan Ge,Tingjian Wang,Jie Wang,Jie Grinstein,George Chen,Cindy Ge,Tingjian Liu,Benyuan Levkowitz,Haim Fu,Xinwen Martin,Fred Chen,Guanling Wang,Jie Yanco,Holly A Chen,Guanling Kim,Byung Guk Kim,Byung Guk Grinstein,George Wang,Jie Grinstein,George Chen,Cindy Kim,Byung Guk Daniels,Karen M Heines,Jesse M Levkowitz,Haim Fu,Xinwen Martin,Fred Wang,Jie NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Page 69 of 82 NC NC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS FLC: 15 seats reserved. FLC: 15 seats reserved. Pre-Req: 91.201 Computing III and 16.265 Intro Logic Design Pre-Req: 91.305 Computer Architecture. Pre-Req: 91.204 Computing IV. Pre-Reqs: 91.102 Computing II, 92.322 Discrete Structures and 92.386 Probability & Statistics I. Pre-Req: 91.411 Software Engineering I. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 91.308 Operating Systems. Pre-Reqs: 91.102 Computing II, 92.322 Discrete Structures and 92.386 Probability & Statistics I. Junior or Senior Status. Junior or Senior Status. Pre-Req: 91.201 Computing III. Pre-Req: 91.404 Analysis of Algorithms. Pre-Req: 91.404 Analysis of Algorithms. Pre-Req: 91.503 Algorithms or Instructor permission. 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 91.543 Artificial Intelligence, or 91.573 Database I. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI COMPSCI MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH COURSE TITLE Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Master's Thesis - Comp Sci Doctoral Thesis Research Doctoral Thesis Research Doctoral Thesis Research Doctoral Thesis Research Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Doctoral Dissertation/Comp Sci Continued Grad Research Elem.Math for Tchng:Num.&Oper. Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning SI for Quan. Reasoning & Stats SI for Quan. Reasoning & Stats CLASS# 11512 11513 11514 11515 11516 11517 11518 11519 11521 11522 11456 11458 11460 11464 11465 11467 11469 11471 11472 11474 11475 11479 11481 11562 11563 11564 11565 11566 11567 11568 11569 11570 11571 11572 11573 11574 11575 11577 11578 11581 11588 11594 11595 11599 11600 11610 11612 11615 11617 11619 11637 11638 11648 11649 11650 11651 11652 11654 11657 11660 10447 10459 10460 10461 10463 10465 10467 10468 10470 10471 10474 10476 SUB.CAT# SEC 91. 743 733 91. 743 735 91. 746 703 91. 746 714 91. 746 715 91. 746 722 91. 746 727 91. 746 728 91. 746 730 91. 746 733 91. 746 761 91. 746 764 91. 749 733 91. 751 707 91. 751 721 91. 751 722 91. 751 730 91. 753 703 91. 753 706 91. 753 707 91. 753 708 91. 753 712 91. 753 714 91. 753 715 91. 753 721 91. 753 722 91. 753 727 91. 753 728 91. 753 730 91. 753 732 91. 753 733 91. 756 703 91. 756 706 91. 756 707 91. 756 708 91. 756 712 91. 756 714 91. 756 715 91. 756 721 91. 756 722 91. 756 725 91. 756 727 91. 756 728 91. 756 730 91. 756 733 91. 759 702 91. 759 703 91. 759 706 91. 759 707 91. 759 709 91. 759 714 91. 759 715 91. 759 721 91. 759 722 91. 759 725 91. 759 728 91. 759 730 91. 759 733 91. 759 763 91. 769 703 92. 107 201 92. 111 201 92. 111 202 92. 111 203 92. 111 204 92. 111 205 92. 111 206 92. 111 207 92. 111 208 92. 111 209 92. 111SI 201 92. 111SI 202 DAYS MW MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TR TR TR TR TR TR TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM CRD 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Page 70 of 82 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 19 19 INSTRUCTOR Yanco,Holly A Chen,Guanling Grinstein,George Ge,Tingjian Heines,Jesse M Levkowitz,Haim Martin,Fred Chen,Guanling Wang,Jie Yanco,Holly A Luo,Yan Chandra,Kavitha Yanco,Holly A Kim,Byung Guk Liu,Benyuan Levkowitz,Haim Wang,Jie Grinstein,George Chen,Cindy Kim,Byung Guk Daniels,Karen M Moloney Jr,William F Ge,Tingjian Heines,Jesse M Liu,Benyuan Levkowitz,Haim Martin,Fred Chen,Guanling Wang,Jie Jones,Lee K Yanco,Holly A Grinstein,George Chen,Cindy Kim,Byung Guk Daniels,Karen M Moloney Jr,William F Ge,Tingjian Heines,Jesse M Liu,Benyuan Levkowitz,Haim Fu,Xinwen Martin,Fred Chen,Guanling Wang,Jie Yanco,Holly A Canning,James T Grinstein,George Chen,Cindy Kim,Byung Guk Daniels,Karen M Ge,Tingjian Heines,Jesse M Liu,Benyuan Levkowitz,Haim Fu,Xinwen Chen,Guanling Wang,Jie Yanco,Holly A Thompson,Charles Grinstein,George Gine,Roser A Kaplan,Alan Kaplan,Alan Kaplan,Alan Shubov,Viktor Shubov,Viktor TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 38 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 92.111 Quantitative Reasoning. Co-Req: 92.111 Quantitative Reasoning. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH COURSE TITLE SI for Quan. Reasoning & Stats Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Precalculus Management Pre-Calculus SI Management Pre-Calculus SI Management Pre-Calculus SI Management Pre-Calculus SI Management Pre-Calculus SI Management Pre-Calculus SI Management Pre-Calculus SI Management Pre-Calculus SI CLASS# 10477 10480 10481 10482 10484 10485 10486 10487 10488 10489 10490 10491 10492 10494 10515 10516 10517 10518 10519 10500 10520 10521 SUB.CAT# SEC 92. 111SI 203 92. 121 201 92. 121 202 92. 121 203 92. 121 204 92. 121 205 92. 121 206 92. 121 207 92. 121 208 92. 121 209 92. 121 210 92. 121 211 92. 121 212 92. 121 213 92. 121SI 201 92. 121SI 202 92. 121SI 203 92. 121SI 204 92. 121SI 205 92. 121SI 206 92. 121SI 207 92. 121SI 208 DAYS TR MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TR TR TR TR F F F F F R R R TIME 12:30 PM-01:20 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM CRD 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAP 19 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 INSTRUCTOR TBA Fardmanesh-Karimy,Zahra Rosenstein,Harry T Rosenstein,Harry T Fardmanesh-Karimy,Zahra Fardmanesh-Karimy,Zahra TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA LOC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD MATH Management Calculus 10522 92. 122 201 MWF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 35 Stick,Marvin E NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD MATH Management Calculus 10523 92. 122 202 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 35 Stick,Marvin E NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD MATH Management Calculus 10524 92. 122 203 MWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 35 Kramer,Michael NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD MATH Management Calculus 10525 92. 122 204 MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 35 Kramer,Michael NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD MATH Management Calculus 10526 92. 122 205 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 35 TBA NC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH Management Calculus Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA Calculus IA 10527 16119 16120 16120 16120 16120 16120 16120 16121 16122 16123 16124 16125 16126 16127 16128 92. 122 206 92. 128 201 92. 128 202 92. 128 202 92. 128 202 92. 128 202 92. 128 202 92. 128 202 92. 128 203 92. 128 204 92. 128 205 92. 128 206 92. 128 207 92. 128 208 92. 128 211 92. 128 212 TR MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MTWF 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM TBA 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 TBA Weston,Candice A Fortin,Elizabeth Lee,Cori Pennell,Stephen A Weston,Candice A Martin,Fred Hines,Mark E Ormsby,Charles Ormsby,Charles TBA TBA Yankowskas,Erica Rose Yankowskas,Erica Rose Kim,Sunghye Kim,Sunghye NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC Pre-Req: 92.121 Management Precalculus or 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.MGTPRE or NC.MGTCAL. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH Calculus IB Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I Calculus I 10574 16129 16130 16131 16132 16133 16135 16136 16137 16138 92. 129 201 92. 131 201 92. 131 202 92. 131 203 92. 131 204 92. 131 205 92. 131 206 92. 131 207 92. 131 211 92. 131 212 MTWF MTWF MWRF MWRF MTWF MTWF MTWF MTWF MTWF MTWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Schille,Theresa L Brent,Ronald Lahoud,John P Lahoud,John P TBA Brent,Ronald Frye,Alexander F Frye,Alexander F Elhajjajy,Abdeslam Elhajjajy,Abdeslam NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10607 92. 132 201 MTWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 4 35 Gonzalez-Zugasti,Jennifer Ellen NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10608 92. 132 202 MTWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 4 35 Gonzalez-Zugasti,Jennifer Ellen NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10609 92. 132 203 MTWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 4 35 TBA NC Page 71 of 82 PERM COMMENTS Co-Req: 92.111 Quantitative Reasoning. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Co-Req: 92.121 Management Pre-Calculus Pre-Req: 92.128 Calculus IA, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1A. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10611 92. 132 204 MTWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 4 35 TBA NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10612 92. 132 205 MTWF 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 4 35 TBA NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10614 92. 132 206 MTWF 04:00 PM-04:50 PM 4 35 TBA NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10616 92. 132 207 MWRF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 4 35 Troughton,Howard D NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10617 92. 132 208 MWRF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 4 35 Troughton,Howard D NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10620 92. 132 209 MWRF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 4 35 TBA NC UGRD MATH Calculus II 10622 92. 132 210 MWRF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 4 35 TBA NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH Calculus II Calc. for the Life Sciences II Honors Calculus I Explorations in Mathematics Explorations in Mathematics Functions and Modeling Linear Algebra I Linear Algebra I Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Calculus III Differential Equations Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Eng Differential Equations Honors Calculus III Honors Calculus III Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics 10624 10628 10636 10639 14239 10640 10641 10642 10643 10644 10645 10646 10649 10650 10651 10652 10653 10655 10657 10658 10660 10660 10661 10661 10665 10665 10668 10668 10452 10452 10673 10674 10676 10678 10690 10693 92. 132 211 92. 139 201 92. 141 301 92. 151 201 92. 151 202 92. 210 201 92. 221 201 92. 221 202 92. 231 201 92. 231 202 92. 231 203 92. 231 204 92. 231 206 92. 231 207 92. 231 208 92. 231 209 92. 231 210 92. 231 211 92. 234 201 92. 234 202 92. 236 201 92. 236 201 92. 236 202 92. 236 202 92. 236 203 92. 236 203 92. 236 204 92. 236 204 92. 241 301 92. 241 301 92. 283 201 92. 283 202 92. 283 203 92. 283 204 92. 283 205 92. 283 206 MWRF MTWF MWRF TR TR TR MWF MWF MTWF MTWF MTWF MTWF MTWF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWRF MWF MWF MWF T MWF T MWF R MWF R MWF R MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 12:30 PM-01:20 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 35 40 19 35 35 19 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 19 19 35 35 35 35 35 35 Ormsby,Charles Schille,Theresa L Propp,James Rybnikov,Konstantin Rybnikov,Konstantin Levasseur,Kenneth Tran,Thao T Doerr,Alan Shahinian,Ashot Shahinian,Ashot Shahinian,Ashot TBA Graham-Eagle,James Christodoulou,Dimitris Tran,Thao T Christodoulou,Dimitris Prasad,Vidhu S Prasad,Vidhu S Mirie,Rida M Mirie,Rida M TBA TBA TBA TBA Pennell,Stephen A Pennell,Stephen A Pennell,Stephen A Pennell,Stephen A Propp,James Propp,James Hurley,Ann Marie Hurley,Ann Marie Hurley,Ann Marie TBA Gonzalez-Velasco,Enrique A Gonzalez-Velasco,Enrique A NC NC NC SC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD UGRD MATH MATH Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics 10696 10697 92. 283 207 92. 283 208 TR TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 3 35 35 TBA TBA UGRD UGRD MATH MATH Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics 10700 10702 92. 283 209 92. 283 210 TR TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 49 35 UGRD MATH Introduction to Statistics 10703 92. 283 211 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 UGRD MATH Introduction to Statistics 10704 92. 283 212 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics SI for Quan. Reasoning & Stats SI for Quan. Reasoning & Stats SI for Quan. Reasoning & Stats 10705 10706 10728 10731 10733 92. 283 213 92. 283 214 92. 283SI 201 92. 283SI 202 92. 283SI 203 TR TR TR TR TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 09:30 AM-10:20 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:30 PM-01:20 PM UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH MATH Intro to Applied Math I Discrete Structures I Discrete Structures I Discrete Structures I 10734 10737 10739 10741 92. 301 201 92. 321 201 92. 321 202 92. 321 203 MWF MWF MWF MWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM PERM COMMENTS Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I with a 'C' or better, or a grade of CR in NC.CALC1. Pre-req: 92.138 Calculus for the Life Sciences I. MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Not for Mathematics Majors. Not for Mathematics Majors. Not for Mathematics Majors. Not for Mathematics Majors. Not for Mathematics Majors. Not for Mathematics Majors. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 SC SC Not for Mathematics Majors. FLC: 18 seats reserved. Not for Mathematics Majors. 1 1 Olsen,Alexander A TBA SC SC Not for Mathematics Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Not for Mathematics Majors. 1 1 49 Olsen,Alexander A SC Not for Mathematics Majors. FLC: 38 seats reserved. 1 3 35 TBA SC Not for Mathematics Majors. FLC: 38 seats reserved. 1 3 3 2 2 2 35 35 15 15 15 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA SC SC SC SC SC 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 35 35 35 35 Gonzalez-Velasco,Enrique A Doerr,Alan Doerr,Alan Klain,Daniel A NC NC NC NC Not for Mathematics Majors. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Not for Mathematics Majors. Co-Req: 92.283 Intro to Statistics. Co-Req: 92.283 Intro to Statistics. Co-Req: 92.283 Intro to Statistics. Pre-Reqs: 92.231 Calculus III & 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I. Page 72 of 82 Y Pre-Req or Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with 'C' or better. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT MATH MATH MATH COURSE TITLE Discrete Structures II Discrete Structures II Symbolic Logic CLASS# 10742 10744 10746 SUB.CAT# SEC 92. 322 201 92. 322 202 92. 330 201 DAYS MWF TR TR TIME 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:00 PM-04:15 PM CRD 3 3 3 CAP 30 30 35 INSTRUCTOR Klain,Daniel A Beke,Tibor Beke,Tibor LOC NC NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH MATH Intro to Data Analysis Senior Seminar I Applied Statistics Prob & Stats I 10748 10752 10750 10755 92. 363 201 92. 375 201 92. 385 201 92. 386 201 TR TR TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM TBA 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 1 3 3 35 35 35 30 Olsen,Alexander A Shubov,Viktor Rasmussen,Shelley Jones,Lee K SC NC NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH Mathematical Analysis Prob & Math Stat I Abstract Algebra I 10757 10759 10761 92. 403 201 92. 407 201 92. 421 201 MWF TR R 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 3 3 3 30 5 25 Graham-Eagle,James Jones,Lee K Kheifets,Alexander NC NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Geometry Senior Seminar II Senior Seminar III Real Analysis Probabilty & Math Stats Abstract Algebra I Geometry Applied Mathematics I Applied Math for Life Scien. Computational Mathematics Optimization Multivariate Statistics Experimental Design Thesis Review General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I General Physics I 10763 10766 10771 10780 10788 10790 10791 10793 10795 10796 10797 10798 10799 10800 11525 11524 11526 11527 11528 11529 11530 11531 11532 11533 11534 11535 11536 92. 427 201 92. 475 201 92. 476 201 92. 501 201 92. 509 201 92. 521 201 92. 527 201 92. 530 201 92. 555 201 92. 563 201 92. 572 201 92. 592 201 92. 593 201 92. 742 201 95. 103 101 95. 103 201 95. 103 202 95. 103 203 95. 103 204 95. 103 205 95. 103 206 95. 103 207 95. 103 208 95. 103 209 95. 103 210 95. 103 211 95. 103 212 M 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 25 25 5 241 19 20 25 25 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Stick,Marvin E Shubov,Viktor Shubov,Viktor Kheifets,Alexander Jones,Lee K Kheifets,Alexander Stick,Marvin E Byrne,Charles Levasseur,Kenneth Mirie,Rida M Byrne,Charles TBA Rasmussen,Shelley Pennell,Stephen A Laycock,Silas GT Mittler,Arthur Narayan,Chandrika Hardy,F. Raymond TBA Narayan,Chandrika Mittler,Arthur Hardy,F. Raymond Laycock,Silas GT Mittler,Arthur Laycock,Silas GT Narayan,Chandrika TBA NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC MW TF TF MW MW TF TF MW MW TF TF TF MW 03:30 PM-06:15 PM TBA TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 03:30 PM-06:15 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM TBA 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM UGRD PHYSICS Exploring the Universe 11537 95. 121 101 MWF 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 225 Cook,Timothy NC UGRD PHYSICS Exploring the Universe 11538 95. 121 102 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 225 Cook,Timothy NC UGRD PHYSICS Exploring the Universe 11539 95. 121 103 TR 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 225 Chakrabarti,Supriya NC Co-Req: 96.121 Lab for Exploring the Universe. FLC: 95 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.121 Lab for Exploring the Universe. FLC: 114 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.121 Lab for Exploring the Universe. FLC: 76 seats reserved. UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I Physics I 11540 11541 11542 11543 11544 11545 11546 11547 11548 11549 11550 11551 11552 11553 11554 11555 11556 95. 141 101 95. 141 201 95. 141 202 95. 141 203 95. 141 204 95. 141 205 95. 141 206 95. 141 207 95. 141 208 95. 141 210 95. 141 211 95. 141 212 95. 141 213 95. 141 215 95. 141 216 95. 141 217 95. 141 218 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW TF TF TF TF TF MW TF 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-01:00 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 331 19 19 19 19 19 19 25 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Danylov,Andriy Anatoliyovych Podolskiy,Viktor A TBA Karakashian,Aram S Sajo,Erno Yaroslavsky,Anna N Danylov,Andriy Anatoliyovych Kumar,Jayant Danylov,Andriy Anatoliyovych Shen,Mengyan Sullivan PhD,Nancy L Qian,Xifeng Sullivan PhD,Nancy L Sullivan PhD,Nancy L Qian,Xifeng Mittler,Arthur Qian,Xifeng NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 171 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. Co-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UGRD PHYSICS Physics II 11557 95. 144 101 T 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 150 Lepeshkin,Nikolay NC Pre-Req: 95.141 Physics I with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; and Pre/Co-Req: 96.144 Physics II Lab. 1 NC Pre-Req: 95.141 Physics I with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; and Pre/Co-Req: 96.144 Physics II Lab. 1 UGRD PHYSICS Physics II 11558 95. 144 201 M T R M T R W W R MWF 08:00 AM-08:50 AM 3 Page 73 of 82 49 Lepeshkin,Nikolay NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PERM Y COMMENTS Pre-Req: 92.321 Discrete Structures I. Pre-Req: 92.321 Discrete Structures I. Pre-Req: 92.131 Calculus I. MTG# 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 92.283 Introduction to Statistics or equivalent. 1 1 1 1 Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.132 Calculus II. Pre-req: 92.132 Calculus II and 92.321 Discrete Structures I. Pre-Req: 92.221 Linear Algebra I. Y Y Pre-Req: 92.221 Linear Algebra I or 92.321 Discrete Structures I. Pre-Req: 92.375 or 92.474 Senior Seminar I. Pre-Req: 92.475 Senior Seminar II. Pre-Req: MS Teacher Option only. Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC PERM COMMENTS MTG# Pre-Req: 95.141 Physics I with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II; and Pre/Co-Req: 96.144 Physics II Lab. 1 Co-Reqs: 92.131 Calculus I and 96.161 Honors Physics I Lab. 1 UGRD PHYSICS Physics II 11559 95. 144 203 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 55 Lepeshkin,Nikolay NC UGRD PHYSICS Honors Physics I 11560 95. 161 301 MW 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 4 36 Chowdhury,Partha NC UGRD PHYSICS Physical Properties of Matter 11579 95. 245 201 MTWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 3 60 Schier,Walter NC Pre-Req or Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II and 96.245 Physics III Lab; Pre-Req: 95.141 Physics I with a 'C-' or better. 1 UGRD PHYSICS Physical Properties of Matter 11586 95. 245 202 MTWF 11:00 AM-11:50 AM 3 60 Schier,Walter NC Pre-Req or Co-Req: 92.132 Calculus II and 96.245 Physics III Lab; Pre-Req: 95.141 Physics I with a 'C-' or better. 1 Y UGRD PHYSICS Honors Physics III 11590 95. 269 301 MTWF 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 4 30 Egan,James J NC UGRD PHYSICS Electromagnetism I 11597 95. 353 201 MWF 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 18 Egan,James J NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Mathematical Physics I Astronomy & Astrophysics I Radiation Safety & Control I Physics Perspectives Physics Perspectives 11602 11604 11606 11609 11613 95. 381 201 95. 383 201 95. 401 201 95. 411 201 95. 411 202 MWF MWF M M W 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 05:30 PM-08:20 PM 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 04:00 PM-05:20 PM 3 3 4 1 1 19 19 30 18 25 Giles,Robert H Laycock,Silas GT French Jr,Clayton S Giles,Robert H Giles,Robert H NC NC NC NC NC Pre-Req: 95.144 Physics II with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 96.261 The Physics of Materials & Dev or 96.245 Physics III Lab. Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 Pre-req: 92.231 Calculus III and 95.144 Physics II with a 'C-' or better. 1 Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Diff Equations with a 'C-' or better; 4 semesters of calculus-based Physics with a 'C-' 1 or better. 1 1 1 1 UGRD PHYSICS Mechanics 11620 95. 413 201 TR 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 18 Danylov,Andriy Anatoliyovych NC Pre-Req: 95.553 Electromagnetism I with a 'C' or better. 1 UGRD PHYSICS Statistical Thermodynamics 11634 95. 421 201 TR 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 18 Sebastian,Kunnat NC Pre-Req: 95.435 Intro Quantum Mechanics I with a 'C-' or better. 1 UGRD PHYSICS Intro Quantum Mechanics II 11640 95. 436 201 TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 3 15 Kumar,Jayant NC Pre-Req: 95.435 Intro Quantum Mechanics I with a 'C-' or better. 1 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Electro-Optics Health Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone Physics Capstone 11655 11662 11664 11746 11748 11750 11751 11753 11758 11760 11762 11763 11764 95. 439 201 95. 453 TBD 95. 454 802 95. 454 803 95. 454 804 95. 454 806 95. 454 809 95. 454 815 95. 454 818 95. 454 843 95. 454 857 95. 454 860 95. 454 861 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 30 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Shen,Mengyan Tries,Mark A Fox,Herbert L Tries,Mark A Chowdhury,Partha Shen,Mengyan Gatesman,Andrew J Kegel,Gunter Laycock,Silas GT Goodhue,William D Giles,Robert H Danylov,Andriy Anatoliyovych Cook,Timothy NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Nuclear Physics I Nuclear Physics I Math Methods of Rad Sci Math Methods of Rad Sci Mechanics Statistical Thermodynamics Intro Quantum Mechanics II Electro-Optics Electromagnetism I Electromagnetic Theory I Nuclear Physics I Nuclear Physics I 11772 11772 11773 11774 11778 11780 11784 11785 11786 11787 11841 11841 95. 461 201 95. 461 201 95. 481 201 95. 481 TBA 95. 513 201 95. 521 201 95. 536 201 95. 539 201 95. 553 201 95. 557 201 95. 561 201 95. 561 201 T W W T W 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 01:00 PM-03:50 PM TBA 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 12:30 PM-01:45 PM TBA 10:00 AM-10:50 AM TBA 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 02:00 PM-03:15 PM 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 18 18 18 20 19 19 19 19 19 15 19 19 Lister,Christopher J Lister,Christopher J French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S Danylov,Andriy Anatoliyovych Sebastian,Kunnat Kumar,Jayant Shen,Mengyan Egan,James J Song,Paul Lister,Christopher J Lister,Christopher J NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Astronomy and Astrophysics I Math Methods of Physics I Quantum Mechanics I Nonlinear Optics Electromagnetic Theory I Electromagnetic Theory I 11845 11885 11893 11894 11904 11904 95. 583 201 95. 605 201 95. 615 201 95. 631 201 95. 657 201 95. 657 201 MWF MWF MTWR MWF MW F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 01:00 PM-01:50 PM 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 23 19 19 19 19 Laycock,Silas GT Podolskiy,Viktor A Sebastian,Kunnat Kumar,Jayant Baird,Christopher S Baird,Christopher S NC NC NC NC NC NC GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Space Physics Physics Colloquium Seminar in Solid State/Optics Seminar in Accelerator Physics Sem: Experimental Optics Grad Sem: Physics 11907 11911 11929 11934 11939 11942 95. 665 201 95. 701 201 95. 705 201 95. 709 201 95. 710 202 95. 711 201 W W M 11:30 AM-02:30 PM 04:00 PM-05:20 PM 04:00 PM-05:20 PM TBA TBA 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 0 0 0 0 0 30 70 15 15 25 25 Song,Paul Altman,Albert Stimets,Richard Egan,James J Kumar,Jayant Giles,Robert H NC NC NC NC NC NC TR TR TR MWF M Page 74 of 82 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pre-Reqs: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations and 95.338 Optics & Waves with a 'C-' or better. Pre-Req: Senior Status. Pre-Req: 95.310 Quantum Physics with a 'C-' or better. Y Pre-req: 95.141 Physics I, or 95.161 Honors Physics I and 95.144 Physics II or 95.164 Honors Physics II. Pre-req: 95.555 Introduction to Space Physics or 85.484 Space Weather. Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD DEPT PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS COURSE TITLE Sem: Theoretical Research Sem: Experimental Research Sem: Experimental Research Seminar/Terahertz Technology Seminar in Biomedical Optics Seminar/Heavy Ion Physics Seminar in Space Physics Seminar/Nanoscale Phys & Tech Sel Top: Nuclear Physics Sel Top: Solid State Sel Top: Theoretical Physics Physics Systems Analysis I Physics Systems Analysis II Physics Systems Analysis III General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab General Physics I Lab Sounds of Music Sounds of Music Sounds of Music Sounds of Music CLASS# 11969 11972 11974 11991 11999 12000 12001 12002 12003 12006 12008 12011 12014 12015 12016 12024 12025 12032 12037 12040 12043 12048 12050 12054 12056 12062 12064 12066 12120 12122 12124 12128 SUB.CAT# SEC 95. 713 717 95. 714 201 95. 714 204 95. 715 201 95. 716 201 95. 717 201 95. 718 TBA 95. 719 201 95. 723 201 95. 725 201 95. 727 201 95. 771 291 95. 772 291 95. 773 291 96. 103 801 96. 103 802 96. 103 803 96. 103 804 96. 103 805 96. 103 806 96. 103 807 96. 103 808 96. 103 809 96. 103 810 96. 103 811 96. 103 812 96. 103 813 96. 103 814 96. 105 201 96. 105 202 96. 105 801 96. 105 802 UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe 12130 12133 UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS UGRD UGRD DAYS F W W M M TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 01:00 PM-02:50 PM CRD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 CAP 10 12 12 15 30 30 30 15 15 15 25 30 30 30 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 INSTRUCTOR Podolskiy,Viktor A Karakashian,Aram S Chowdhury,Partha Goyette,Thomas Yaroslavsky,Anna N Chowdhury,Partha Song,Paul Shen,Mengyan TBA Goodhue,William D Podolskiy,Viktor A Egan,James J Egan,James J Egan,James J Laycock,Silas GT Laycock,Silas GT Laycock,Silas GT Laycock,Silas GT Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Tries,Mark A Tries,Mark A Tries,Mark A Tries,Mark A Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Fox,Herbert L Fox,Herbert L Fox,Herbert L Fox,Herbert L LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC OC OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 96. 121 801 96. 121 802 F F 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 1 19 19 Sajo,Erno Sajo,Erno NC NC 12135 12138 96. 121 803 96. 121 804 F F 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 1 1 19 19 Sajo,Erno Sajo,Erno NC NC Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe 12141 12144 96. 121 805 96. 121 806 F F 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 1 1 19 19 Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur NC NC PHYSICS PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe 12145 12147 96. 121 807 96. 121 808 M M 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 1 19 19 Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe 12150 12151 12153 12156 12158 12159 12161 12164 96. 121 809 96. 121 810 96. 121 813 96. 121 814 96. 121 815 96. 121 816 96. 121 817 96. 121 818 M M F F F F M M 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Kumar,Jayant Kumar,Jayant Stimets,Richard Stimets,Richard Mittler,Arthur Sebastian,Kunnat NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe 12166 12171 96. 121 819 96. 121 820 M M 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 1 1 19 19 Shen,Mengyan Shen,Mengyan NC NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12173 96. 121 821 M 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 1 19 Stimets,Richard NC UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe 12175 12178 12180 96. 121 822 96. 121 823 96. 121 824 M M M 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 1 1 1 19 19 19 Stimets,Richard Sebastian,Kunnat Sebastian,Kunnat NC NC NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12182 96. 121 825 W 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 19 Stimets,Richard NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12186 96. 121 826 W 08:00 AM-09:50 AM 1 19 Stimets,Richard NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12191 96. 121 829 M 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 1 19 Stimets,Richard NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12194 96. 121 830 M 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 1 19 Stimets,Richard NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12199 96. 121 831 F 10:00 AM-11:50 AM 1 19 Sajo,Erno NC T T T T T T R R R R R Page 75 of 82 PERM Y Y Y COMMENTS Y Y Y Y Y Y PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. PreReq or Co-Req: 95.103 General Physics I. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD DEPT PHYSICS COURSE TITLE Lab for Exploring the Universe CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC 12202 96. 121 832 DAYS F TIME 10:00 AM-11:50 AM CRD 1 CAP 19 INSTRUCTOR Sajo,Erno LOC NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12208 96. 121 833 M 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 1 19 Kumar,Jayant NC UGRD PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe 12228 96. 121 834 M 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 1 19 Kumar,Jayant NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Lab for Exploring the Universe Lab for Exploring the Universe Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab Physics I Lab 12230 12232 12238 12242 12243 12247 12250 12258 12261 12264 12267 12268 12269 12271 12287 12307 12313 12319 96. 121 835 96. 121 836 96. 141 801 96. 141 802 96. 141 805 96. 141 806 96. 141 807 96. 141 808 96. 141 809 96. 141 810 96. 141 811 96. 141 812 96. 141 813 96. 141 814 96. 141 817 96. 141 818 96. 141 819 96. 141 820 W W T T T T T T T T T T R R R R R R 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 12:00 PM-01:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 08:00 AM-10:50 AM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 19 19 19 19 22 22 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Kumar,Jayant Kumar,Jayant Schier,Walter Schier,Walter Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur Mittler,Arthur NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD PHYSICS Physics II Lab 12323 96. 144 801 T 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 18 Song,Paul NC UGRD PHYSICS Physics II Lab 12325 96. 144 802 T 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 18 Song,Paul NC UGRD PHYSICS Physics II Lab 12328 96. 144 803 T 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 1 18 Lister,Christopher J NC UGRD PHYSICS Physics II Lab 12331 96. 144 804 T 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 1 18 Lister,Christopher J NC UGRD PHYSICS Physics II Lab 12337 96. 144 805 R 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 18 Lister,Christopher J NC UGRD PHYSICS Physics II Lab 12338 96. 144 806 R 12:00 PM-02:50 PM 1 18 Lister,Christopher J NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Honors Physics I Lab HP Internship I HP Internship I HP Internship I Physics III Lab Physics III Lab Physics III Lab Physics III Lab Physics III Lab 12463 12465 12467 12469 12475 12477 12479 12480 12482 96. 161 301 96. 201 701 96. 201 702 96. 201 703 96. 245 801 96. 245 802 96. 245 803 96. 245 804 96. 245 805 F R T T R W 02:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA TBA TBA 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 02:00 PM-03:50 PM 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 18 16 10 10 19 19 22 19 19 Chowdhury,Partha French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S Schier,Walter Schier,Walter Schier,Walter Schier,Walter Schier,Walter NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC UGRD PHYSICS The Physics of Materials & Dev 12485 96. 261 101 M 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 24 Giles,Robert H NC UGRD PHYSICS The Physics of Materials & Dev 12486 96. 261 801 F 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 12 Giles,Robert H NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS The Physics of Materials & Dev Health Physics Internship II Health Physics Internship II Health Physics Internship II Adv Exp Physics Lab I Adv Exp Physics Lab I 12487 12560 12561 12562 12563 12564 96. 261 802 96. 301 701 96. 301 702 96. 301 703 96. 393 801 96. 393 802 R 01:00 PM-03:50 PM TBA TBA TBA 01:00 PM-04:50 PM TBA 3 1 1 1 2 2 12 10 10 10 10 4 Giles,Robert H French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S Lepeshkin,Nikolay Lepeshkin,Nikolay NC NC NC NC NC NC Y Y UGRD PHYSICS Advanced Physics Lab II 12565 96. 394 801 R 01:00 PM-04:50 PM 2 8 Lepeshkin,Nikolay NC Y Pre-Req: 96.393 Adv Exp Physics Lab I with a 'C-' or higher. 1 UGRD UGRD PHYSICS PHYSICS Advanced Physics Lab II Rad Safety & Control I 12566 12567 96. 394 802 96. 401 801 R TBA 05:30 PM-08:20 PM 2 0 4 30 Lepeshkin,Nikolay French Jr,Clayton S NC NC Y Pre-Req: 96.393 Adv Exp Physics Lab I with a 'C-' or higher. 1 1 UGRD PHYSICS Nuclear Instrumentation 12568 96. 406 101 T 12:30 PM-03:20 PM 4 18 Lister,Christopher J NC UGRD PHYSICS Nuclear Instrumentation 12569 96. 406 801 R 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 4 18 Lister,Christopher J NC UGRD PHYSICS Nuclear Instrumentation 12570 96. 409 101 T 12:30 PM-01:20 PM 3 18 Lister,Christopher J NC UGRD PHYSICS Nuclear Instrumentation 12571 96. 409 801 R 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 18 Lister,Christopher J NC T Page 76 of 82 PERM COMMENTS Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req or Pre-Req: 95.121 Exploring the Universe. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 38 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. FLC: 19 seats reserved. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Co-Req: 95.141 Physics I. Pre-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 95.144 Physics II. Pre-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 95.144 Physics II. Pre-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 95.144 Physics II. Pre-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 95.144 Physics II. Pre-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 95.144 Physics II. Pre-Req: 96.141 Physics I Lab with a 'C-' or better; Co-Req: 95.144 Physics II. Co-Req: 95.161 Honors Physics I. Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. Co-Req: 95.245 Physical Properties of Matter. Co-Req: 95.245 Physical Properties of Matter. Co-Req: 95.245 Physical Properties of Matter. Co-Req: 95.245 Physical Properties of Matter. Co-Req: 95.245 Physical Properties of Matter. Pre-Req: 95.144 Physics II with a 'C-' or higher; Co-Req: 95.269 Honors Physics III. Pre-Req: 95.144 Physics II with a 'C-' or higher; Co-Req: 95.269 Honors Physics III. Pre-Req: 95.144 Physics II with a 'C-' or higher; Co-Req: 95.269 Honors Physics III. Pre-Reqs: 95.201 Principles of Physics, and 92.234 Diffferential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equationswith a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Reqs: 95.201 Principles of Physics, and 92.234 Diffferential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equationswith a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER UGRD UGRD DEPT PHYSICS PHYSICS COURSE TITLE Sr Research In Rad Sci Sr Research In Rad Sci CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC 12572 96. 411 701 12572 96. 411 701 DAYS TIME TBA TBA CRD 3 3 CAP 10 10 INSTRUCTOR French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S LOC NC NC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS Characterization of Materials Optics Project Spec Research Problems I Spec Research Problems I Senior Thesis in Physics Senior Thesis in Physics Senior Thesis in Physics Senior Thesis in Physics Characterization of Materials Graduate Physics Lab Supervised Tchg - Ph Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Special Problems In Physics Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I 12573 12574 12575 12576 12577 12578 12579 12580 12581 12582 12583 12584 12585 12586 12587 12588 12589 12590 12591 12592 12593 12594 12595 12596 12597 12598 12599 12600 12609 12617 12619 11576 11580 11582 11583 11584 11585 11587 11589 11591 11592 11593 11596 11598 11601 11603 11605 11607 11608 11611 11614 11616 11618 11621 11621 11633 11633 11636 11639 11639 11645 11646 11653 11656 11658 11659 11661 11661 11663 F 08:00 AM-09:50 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 08:00 AM-09:50 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 18 18 18 5 5 5 10 12 8 70 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Stimets,Richard TBA Goyette,Thomas Giles,Robert H Chowdhury,Partha Joseph,Cecil Sudhir TBA Goyette,Thomas Stimets,Richard Pullen,David Egan,James J Altman,Albert Fox,Herbert L Tries,Mark A Chowdhury,Partha Chabot Jr PhD,George E Shen,Mengyan Egan,James J French Jr,Clayton S Gatesman,Andrew J DeMartinis,Guy B Medich,David C Goyette,Thomas Karakashian,Aram S Kegel,Gunter Yaroslavsky,Anna N Podolskiy,Viktor A Song,Paul Lister,Christopher J Mittler,Arthur Cook,Timothy Sachs,Alexander Schier,Walter Sebastian,Kunnat Stimets,Richard Waldman,Jerry Wasserman,Daniel M Kumar,Jayant Therrien,Joel M Goodhue,William D Reinisch,Bodo W Giles,Robert H Karakashian,Aram S Sachs,Alexander Altman,Albert Fox,Herbert L Tries,Mark A Chowdhury,Partha Shen,Mengyan Egan,James J French Jr,Clayton S Gatesman,Andrew J Medich,David C Goyette,Thomas Tamarin,Robert H Tamarin,Robert H Karakashian,Aram S Kegel,Gunter Kwon,Young-Kyun Tamarin,Robert H Song,Paul Lister,Christopher J Mittler,Arthur Cook,Timothy Sachs,Alexander Schier,Walter Sebastian,Kunnat Tamarin,Robert H Stimets,Richard NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 96. 445 801 96. 453 701 96. 495 701 96. 495 857 96. 497 301 96. 497 701 96. 497 704 96. 497 812 96. 545 801 96. 593 801 96. 705 201 96. 716 801 96. 716 802 96. 716 803 96. 716 804 96. 716 805 96. 716 806 96. 716 807 96. 716 808 96. 716 809 96. 716 810 96. 716 811 96. 716 812 96. 716 814 96. 716 815 96. 716 816 96. 716 817 96. 716 819 96. 716 820 96. 716 821 96. 716 822 96. 716 824 96. 716 825 96. 716 826 96. 716 829 96. 716 831 96. 716 832 96. 716 839 96. 716 842 96. 716 843 96. 716 856 96. 716 857 96. 731 714 96. 731 724 96. 731 801 96. 731 802 96. 731 803 96. 731 804 96. 731 806 96. 731 807 96. 731 808 96. 731 809 96. 731 811 96. 731 812 96. 731 812 96. 731 814 96. 731 814 96. 731 815 96. 731 817 96. 731 817 96. 731 819 96. 731 820 96. 731 821 96. 731 822 96. 731 824 96. 731 825 96. 731 826 96. 731 826 96. 731 829 F Page 77 of 82 PERM COMMENTS Senior status, and Community Health(BS). Senior status, and Health Education (BS). MTG# 1 1 Pre-Req: 96.394 Advanced Physics Lab II with a 'C-' or higher. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS COURSE TITLE Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys I Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Adv Projects In Phys II Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Graduate Project- Physics Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph CLASS# 11665 11666 11667 11668 11669 11670 11767 11768 11769 11770 11775 11776 11777 11779 11781 11782 11783 11788 11789 11790 11791 11792 11793 11794 11794 11794 11795 11796 11797 11798 11799 11800 11801 11802 11803 11804 11806 11807 11808 11810 11811 11813 11817 11820 11821 11822 11824 11825 11826 11836 11837 11838 11838 11839 11840 11842 11843 11844 11846 11847 11849 11851 11852 11854 11854 11856 11857 11858 11859 11860 11861 11862 SUB.CAT# SEC 96. 731 831 96. 731 839 96. 731 842 96. 731 843 96. 731 856 96. 731 857 96. 732 714 96. 732 801 96. 732 802 96. 732 803 96. 732 804 96. 732 806 96. 732 807 96. 732 808 96. 732 809 96. 732 811 96. 732 812 96. 732 814 96. 732 815 96. 732 817 96. 732 819 96. 732 820 96. 732 821 96. 732 822 96. 732 822 96. 732 822 96. 732 824 96. 732 825 96. 732 826 96. 732 829 96. 732 831 96. 732 833 96. 732 839 96. 732 843 96. 732 856 96. 732 857 96. 733 701 96. 733 801 96. 733 802 96. 733 803 96. 733 804 96. 733 806 96. 733 807 96. 733 808 96. 733 809 96. 733 811 96. 733 812 96. 733 814 96. 733 815 96. 733 817 96. 733 819 96. 733 820 96. 733 820 96. 733 821 96. 733 822 96. 733 824 96. 733 825 96. 733 826 96. 733 829 96. 733 831 96. 733 833 96. 733 839 96. 733 843 96. 733 856 96. 733 856 96. 733 857 96. 746 801 96. 746 802 96. 746 803 96. 746 804 96. 746 805 96. 746 806 DAYS M TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Page 78 of 82 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 INSTRUCTOR Waldman,Jerry Kumar,Jayant Therrien,Joel M Goodhue,William D Reinisch,Bodo W Giles,Robert H Karakashian,Aram S Altman,Albert Fox,Herbert L Tries,Mark A Chowdhury,Partha Shen,Mengyan Egan,James J French Jr,Clayton S Gatesman,Andrew J Medich,David C Goyette,Thomas Karakashian,Aram S Kegel,Gunter Kwon,Young-Kyun Song,Paul Lister,Christopher J Mittler,Arthur Cook,Timothy Mittler,Arthur Sebastian,Kunnat Sachs,Alexander Schier,Walter Sebastian,Kunnat Stimets,Richard Waldman,Jerry Wong,Chuen Kumar,Jayant Goodhue,William D Reinisch,Bodo W Giles,Robert H Altman,Albert Altman,Albert Fox,Herbert L Tries,Mark A Chowdhury,Partha Shen,Mengyan Egan,James J French Jr,Clayton S Gatesman,Andrew J Medich,David C Goyette,Thomas Karakashian,Aram S Kegel,Gunter Kwon,Young-Kyun Song,Paul Lister,Christopher J Giles,Robert H Mittler,Arthur Cook,Timothy Sachs,Alexander Schier,Walter Sebastian,Kunnat Stimets,Richard Waldman,Jerry Wong,Chuen Kumar,Jayant Goodhue,William D Tamarin,Robert H Reinisch,Bodo W Giles,Robert H Altman,Albert Fox,Herbert L Tries,Mark A Chowdhury,Partha Chabot Jr PhD,George E Shen,Mengyan LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 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CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS PHYSICS POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI COURSE TITLE Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Master's Thesis Research Ph Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Doctoral Dissertation/Physics Cooperative Education/Physics Polymer Science I Polymer Science Seminar Polymer Science Colloquium MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science CLASS# 11864 11865 11867 11869 11870 11870 11871 11873 11874 11875 11876 11876 11878 11879 11880 11881 11883 11884 11887 11888 11889 11891 11892 11892 11895 11897 11897 11898 11900 11902 11903 11905 11905 11906 11908 11909 11909 11912 11912 11915 11916 11917 11918 11918 11922 11923 11925 11926 11928 11931 11933 11935 11937 11938 11941 11944 11946 11949 11950 11952 11954 11955 11957 11960 11965 12244 12248 12251 12254 12255 12257 12259 SUB.CAT# SEC 96. 746 807 96. 746 808 96. 746 809 96. 746 810 96. 746 811 96. 746 811 96. 746 812 96. 746 814 96. 746 815 96. 746 816 96. 746 817 96. 746 817 96. 746 819 96. 746 820 96. 746 821 96. 746 822 96. 746 823 96. 746 824 96. 746 825 96. 746 826 96. 746 829 96. 746 831 96. 746 832 96. 746 832 96. 746 839 96. 746 856 96. 746 856 96. 746 857 96. 756 801 96. 756 802 96. 756 803 96. 756 804 96. 756 804 96. 756 805 96. 756 806 96. 756 807 96. 756 807 96. 756 808 96. 756 808 96. 756 809 96. 756 810 96. 756 811 96. 756 812 96. 756 812 96. 756 813 96. 756 814 96. 756 815 96. 756 816 96. 756 817 96. 756 818 96. 756 821 96. 756 822 96. 756 824 96. 756 825 96. 756 826 96. 756 827 96. 756 829 96. 756 831 96. 756 832 96. 756 839 96. 756 842 96. 756 843 96. 756 856 96. 756 857 96. 800 201 97. 503 201 97. 601 201 97. 603 201 97. 743 716 97. 743 717 97. 743 718 97. 743 720 DAYS MW R R TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 10:00 AM-11:15 AM 11:30 AM-12:20 PM 03:30 PM-04:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 Page 79 of 82 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 45 45 45 5 5 5 5 INSTRUCTOR Egan,James J French Jr,Clayton S Gatesman,Andrew J DeMartinis,Guy B Medich,David C Tamarin,Robert H Goyette,Thomas Karakashian,Aram S Kegel,Gunter Yaroslavsky,Anna N Podolskiy,Viktor A Tamarin,Robert H Song,Paul Lister,Christopher J Mittler,Arthur Cook,Timothy Ngwa,Wilfred F Sachs,Alexander Schier,Walter Sebastian,Kunnat Stimets,Richard Waldman,Jerry Wasserman,Daniel M Tamarin,Robert H Kumar,Jayant Reinisch,Bodo W Tamarin,Robert H Giles,Robert H Altman,Albert Fox,Herbert L Tries,Mark A Chowdhury,Partha Tamarin,Robert H Rao,D. V. G. L. N Baird,Christopher S Egan,James J Tamarin,Robert H French Jr,Clayton S Tamarin,Robert H Gatesman,Andrew J DeMartinis,Guy B Medich,David C Tamarin,Robert H Goyette,Thomas Sajo,Erno Karakashian,Aram S Kegel,Gunter Yaroslavsky,Anna N Podolskiy,Viktor A Song,Paul Mittler,Arthur Cook,Timothy Sachs,Alexander Schier,Walter Sebastian,Kunnat Shen,Mengyan Stimets,Richard Waldman,Jerry Wasserman,Daniel M Kumar,Jayant Therrien,Joel M Goodhue,William D Reinisch,Bodo W Giles,Robert H Tamarin,Robert H Faust,Rudolf Faust,Rudolf Faust,Rudolf Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Sawan,Samuel Faust,Rudolf LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI POLYMSCI COURSE TITLE MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science MS Thesis: Polymer Science Thesis Review Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science Doctoral Dis: Polymer Science CLASS# 12263 12265 12266 12272 12274 12275 12276 12278 12282 12283 12284 12285 12286 12288 12290 12291 12293 12296 12298 12300 12302 12305 12308 12309 12311 12316 12318 12320 12322 12324 12326 12327 12329 12330 12332 SUB.CAT# SEC 97. 743 722 97. 743 723 97. 743 734 97. 746 716 97. 746 717 97. 746 718 97. 746 720 97. 746 722 97. 746 723 97. 746 734 97. 749 701 97. 749 716 97. 749 717 97. 749 718 97. 749 722 97. 749 723 97. 749 734 97. 751 716 97. 753 703 97. 753 716 97. 753 717 97. 753 720 97. 753 722 97. 753 736 97. 756 703 97. 756 717 97. 756 720 97. 756 722 97. 756 736 97. 759 703 97. 759 716 97. 759 717 97. 759 720 97. 759 722 97. 759 736 DAYS TIME TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CRD 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 INSTRUCTOR Watterson Jr,Arthur C Chiang,Long Y Ruths,Marina Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Sawan,Samuel Faust,Rudolf Watterson Jr,Arthur C Chiang,Long Y Ruths,Marina TBA Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Sawan,Samuel Watterson Jr,Arthur C Chiang,Long Y Ruths,Marina Whitten,James E Ruths,Marina Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Faust,Rudolf Watterson Jr,Arthur C Yan,Mingdi Ruths,Marina Sandman,Daniel J Faust,Rudolf Watterson Jr,Arthur C Yan,Mingdi Ruths,Marina Whitten,James E Sandman,Daniel J Faust,Rudolf Watterson Jr,Arthur C Yan,Mingdi LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC GRAD RADSCI Radiation Safety & Control I 13036 98. 501 801 MR 05:30 PM-08:20 PM 3 30 French Jr,Clayton S NC Pre-Reqs: 95.210 Introductory Modern Physics, 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations with a 'C-' or higher. 1 GRAD RADSCI Nuclear Instrumentation 13037 98. 506 101 T 12:30 PM-03:20 PM 4 18 Lister,Christopher J NC Pre-Reqs: 95.210 Introductory Modern Physics, 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations with a 'C-' or higher. 1 GRAD RADSCI Nuclear Instrumentation 13038 98. 506 801 R 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 4 18 Lister,Christopher J NC GRAD RADSCI Nuclear Instrumentation 13041 98. 509 101 T 12:00 PM-03:20 PM 3 18 Lister,Christopher J NC GRAD RADSCI Nuclear Instrumentation 13043 98. 509 801 R 02:30 PM-05:20 PM 3 18 Lister,Christopher J NC GRAD RADSCI Ext Dosimetry & Shieldng 11967 98. 533 201 W 05:30 PM-08:20 PM 3 30 Tries,Mark A NC GRAD RADSCI Intro. to Rad.Therapy Physics 11970 98. 565 201 TBA 3 5 TBA NC Y GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI Intro. to Rad.Therapy Physics Math Methods of Rad Sciences Advanced Medical Imaging Radiation Interactions & Trans Prof Health Physics Internship Grad Accelerator HP Intern Grad Reactor HP Intern Grad Medical HP Intern Grad Medical Physics Intern Grad Medical Physics Intern Grad HP Intern Grad HP Intern Adv Medical HP Intern Adv Medical Physics Intern Adv Grad HP Intern Adv Grad HP Intern Adv Grad HP Intern 11970 11976 11979 11981 11983 11986 11987 11832 11833 11834 11835 11848 11850 11853 11855 11896 11910 98. 565 201 98. 581 201 98. 599 201 98. 605 201 98. 631 801 98. 671 801 98. 673 801 98. 675 801 98. 676 291 98. 677 801 98. 679 801 98. 683 801 98. 685 801 98. 687 801 98. 689 801 98. 691 801 98. 693 801 TBA 01:00 PM-03:50 PM 04:00 PM-06:30 PM 01:00 PM-02:15 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 2 3 5 20 15 15 10 30 30 30 5 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 TBA French Jr,Clayton S Yaroslavsky,Anna N Sajo,Erno French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S Sajo,Erno French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC OC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Y Y Y W M MW Page 80 of 82 PERM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y COMMENTS MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 95.210 Introductory Modern Physics, 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations with a 'C-' or higher. Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Pre-Req: 92.234 Differential Equations or 92.236 Eng Differential Equations. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 Pre-Reqs: 95.402 or 98.502 Radiation Safety & Control II. 1 Pre-Req: 98.501 Radiation Safety and Control I or Co-req 95.501 Radiation Safety and Control I, and 98.506 Nuclear Instrumentation or Permission of Instructor. 1 Pre-Req: 98.501 Radiation Safety and Control or Co-req 95.501 Radiation Safety and Control, and 98.506 Nuclear Instrumentation or Permission of Instructor. 1 1 Pre-req: 98.598 Introduction to Medical Imaging. 1 Pre-Req: 98.501/401 Radiation Safety & Control 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Printed: April 7, 2013 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD UGRD UGRD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD DEPT RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI RADSCI PHYSICS RADSCI RADSCI CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST CRIMJUST COURSE TITLE Supervised Tchg: Rad Sciences Grad Sem: Rad Sciences Grad Sem: Rad Sciences Adv Proj: Rad Sciences I Adv Proj: Rad Sciences I Adv Proj: Rad Sciences I Adv Proj: Rad Sciences I Adv Proj: Rad Sciences II Adv Proj: Rad Sciences II Adv Proj: Rad Sciences II Adv Proj: Rad Sciences II Grad Proj: Rad Sciences Grad Proj: Rad Sciences Grad Proj: Rad Sciences Grad Proj: Rad Sciences Grad Proj: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis: Rad Sciences MS Thesis Res: Rad Sciences MS Thesis Res: Rad Sciences MS Thesis Res: Rad Sciences MS Thesis Res: Rad Sciences Doctoral Dis: Rad Sciences Doctoral Dis: Rad Sciences Doctoral Dis: Rad Sciences Continued Grad Research Radiation and Life Radiation and Life Lab Radiation and Life Lab Criminological Theory: Found. Administration of CJ Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Descriptive & Inferential Stat Research Design Nat. & Extent of Crime & Crim. Law & Social Control Sem.in Juv.Just.& Yth Crime Community Based Correctn Victimology Iss.in Comp.Crime&Cyber Sec. Dissertation Seminar II CLASS# 11914 11919 11921 11927 11930 11932 11936 11940 11943 11945 11947 11951 11953 11956 11959 11961 11962 11964 11966 11968 11971 11973 11975 11977 11978 11980 11982 11984 11985 11988 11989 11990 11993 11994 11995 11996 11477 11478 11480 11483 12185 12192 12203 14136 14139 14140 12211 12214 SUB.CAT# SEC 98. 705 201 98. 711 201 98. 711 202 98. 731 703 98. 731 705 98. 731 708 98. 731 711 98. 732 703 98. 732 705 98. 732 708 98. 732 711 98. 733 703 98. 733 705 98. 733 708 98. 733 711 98. 733 713 98. 743 703 98. 743 705 98. 743 708 98. 746 703 98. 746 705 98. 746 707 98. 746 708 98. 746 711 98. 746 807 98. 749 703 98. 749 705 98. 749 708 98. 749 711 98. 753 703 98. 753 705 98. 756 803 98. 769 705 99. 101 201 99. 102 801 99. 102 803 CRIM. 501 201 CRIM. 520 201 CRIM. 572 201 CRIM. 590 201 CRIM. 591 201 CRIM. 602 201 CRIM. 611 201 CRIM. 625 201 CRIM. 626 201 CRIM. 630 201 CRIM. 658 201 CRIM. 702 201 GRAD GRAD CRIMJUST CRIMJUST Categorical&Lim.Dependent Var. Structural Equation Modeling 14141 12216 GRAD CRIMJUST Survival Ana.&Logitudinal Data UGRD HOPR UGRD DAYS TR R M T W M R M W T R R M W M TIME TBA 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 01:30 PM-03:20 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 04:00 PM-05:15 PM 05:15 AM-07:15 AM 03:30 PM-05:20 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:20 PM CRD 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 9 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CAP 20 30 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 18 18 20 20 15 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 INSTRUCTOR French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S French Jr,Clayton S Tries,Mark A Medich,David C French Jr,Clayton S TBA Tries,Mark A Chabot Jr PhD,George E French Jr,Clayton S TBA TBA Chabot Jr PhD,George E French Jr,Clayton S TBA Sajo,Erno Tries,Mark A Medich,David C French Jr,Clayton S Tries,Mark A Medich,David C Egan,James J French Jr,Clayton S Kegel,Gunter Egan,James J Tries,Mark A Medich,David C French Jr,Clayton S TBA Tries,Mark A French Jr,Clayton S Tries,Mark A Chabot Jr PhD,George E Regan,Thomas M Tries,Mark A Tries,Mark A Siegel,Larry J Corbett Jr,Ronald P Forest,James Fisher,William H Williams,Linda Pattavina,April F Tracy,Paul TBA Corbett Jr,Ronald P Reid,Joan McGaunn,Scott P Tracy,Paul LOC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC CRIM. 790 201 CRIM. 791 201 T W 05:00 PM-07:50 PM 05:00 PM-07:20 PM 3 3 15 15 Byrne,Thomas TBA SC SC 12222 CRIM. 792 201 W 05:00 PM-07:20 PM 3 15 Fisher,William H SC PhD Students only Pre-req Pre-req: Crim.690 Advanced Regression Analysis and PhD students 1 only. Pre-Req: CRIM 690 Advanced Regression Analysis. 1 Pre-req: Crim.690 Advanced Regression Analysis and PhD students only. 1 FYSH: Text in the City 15242 HON. 110 301 M 02:30 PM-04:50 PM 3 30 TBA NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15243 HON. 110 302 M 05:30 PM-07:50 PM 3 30 TBA NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15244 HON. 110 303 M 03:30 PM-05:50 PM 3 30 TBA SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15245 HON. 110 304 T 02:30 PM-04:50 PM 3 30 TBA SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15246 HON. 110 305 T 03:30 PM-05:50 PM 3 30 TBA SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15247 HON. 110 306 T 04:30 PM-06:50 PM 3 30 TBA NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15248 HON. 110 307 W 02:00 PM-04:20 PM 3 30 Zabalbeascoa,Julian SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15249 HON. 110 308 W 05:00 PM-07:20 PM 3 30 Zabalbeascoa,Julian SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15250 HON. 110 309 W 03:00 PM-05:20 PM 3 30 TBA NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 T T Page 81 of 82 PERM COMMENTS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Co-Req: 99.101 Radiation and Life. Co-Req: 99.101 Radiation and Life. PhD Students only Pre-req Y Printed: April 7, 2013 MTG# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iSiS has the most up to date information. CAREER DEPT COURSE TITLE CLASS# SUB.CAT# SEC DAYS TIME CRD CAP INSTRUCTOR LOC UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15251 HON. 110 310 R 02:00 PM-04:20 PM 3 30 Mansfield,Rachel E UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15252 HON. 110 311 R 05:00 PM-07:20 PM 3 30 Mansfield,Rachel E UGRD HOPR FYSH: Text in the City 15253 HON. 110 312 R 03:00 PM-05:20 PM 3 30 UGRD HOPR Honors Workshop 16147 HON. 310 301 T 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 3 UGRD HOPR HON. 320 301 W 02:00 PM-04:50 PM HOPR JMS JMS PCS PCS PCS Seminar: Spec Top in Honors: Heroes Through History Seminar: Spec Top in Honors: Power: What it is, What it Does, Why it Matters Intro to Journ. & Media Comm. Documentary Photography Intro/Peace & Conflict Studies Restorative Justice Mediation: Theory & Practice 16148 UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD 16149 10286 12416 15087 15088 15156 HON. 320 302 JMS. 100 201 JMS. 320 201 PCS. 125 201 PCS. 205 201 PCS. 455 201 MWF TR TR TR F F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 03:00 PM-05:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD GRAD UGRD PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS THEARTS Strategies/Conflict Transform Sus.Housing Dev.& Land Use: Politics/Repression & Dissent Mediation: Theory & Practice Peace & Conflict Stud.Abroad I Peace&Conflict Study Abroad II Peace&Conflict Stud.Abroad III Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Project/Peace&Conflict Stud. I Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Master's Thesis in PCS Introduction to Theatre 15090 15091 15092 15089 15093 15094 15125 15126 15127 15129 15130 15132 15133 15134 15136 15137 15138 15139 15157 15140 15142 15143 15144 15146 15147 15148 15150 15151 15152 15153 15154 15080 PCS. 501 201 PCS. 527 201 PCS. 545 201 PCS. 555 201 PCS. 601 201 PCS. 602 201 PCS. 603 201 PCS. 733 201 PCS. 733 202 PCS. 733 203 PCS. 733 204 PCS. 733 205 PCS. 733 206 PCS. 733 207 PCS. 733 208 PCS. 733 209 PCS. 733 210 PCS. 733 211 PCS. 733 212 PCS. 746 201 PCS. 746 202 PCS. 746 203 PCS. 746 204 PCS. 746 205 PCS. 746 206 PCS. 746 207 PCS. 746 208 PCS. 746 209 PCS. 746 210 PCS. 746 211 PCS. 746 212 THEA. 201 201 W M T F COMMENTS MTG# NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 TBA SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 19 Mansfield,Rachel E NC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 3 19 Covino-Poutasse,Katharine SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 19 25 15 17 19 10 Delaurier,Gregory Kamal,Wael Kamal,Wael Abdelkader,Deina Espinosa,John Izen,Seth SC SC SC SC SC SC Pre-Req: Honors Program or permission of the instructor. 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 18 10 9 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 40 Rayman,Paula M Turcotte,David A Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer Izen,Seth Rayman,Paula M Rayman,Paula M Rayman,Paula M Rayman,Paula M Minkin,Shane Elizabeth Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer Abdelkader,Deina Talty,Francis T Das,Mitra Nehring,James H Kaufman,Whitley R.P Forest,James Dutta,Urmitapa Kamal,Wael Turcotte,David A Rayman,Paula M Minkin,Shane Elizabeth Whitten-Woodring,Jenifer Abdelkader,Deina Talty,Francis T Das,Mitra Nehring,James H Kaufman,Whitley R.P Forest,James Dutta,Urmitapa Turcotte,David A Kamal,Wael Selleck,Nancy G SC SC SC SC OC OC OC TR 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 06:30 PM-09:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:20 PM 11:00 AM-01:50 PM TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 12:30 PM-01:45 PM UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD THEARTS THEARTS THEARTS THEARTS Acting 1 Acting 2 Play Production Directing Workshop 15081 15082 15083 15084 THEA. 261 201 THEA. 262 201 THEA. 311 201 THEA. 340 201 R T W TR 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 03:30 PM-06:20 PM 02:00 PM-04:50 PM 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 3 3 3 19 19 19 19 Young,Dale TBA TBA Young,Dale SC SC SC SC UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD UGRD THEARTS THEARTS CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST CURR&INST Topics in Theatre: Advanced Stagecraft and Lighting Performance Practicum Step1: Inquiry Approach Teach Step1: Inquiry Approach Teach Step1: Inquiry Approach Teach Step1: Inquiry Approach Teach 15085 15086 10829 10830 10831 10832 THEA. 401 201 THEA. 490 201 UTL. 101 201 UTL. 101 202 UTL. 101 203 UTL. 101 204 TR T F T F 12:30 PM-01:45 PM TBA 12:00 PM-01:30 PM 12:00 PM-01:30 PM 02:00 PM-03:30 PM 02:00 PM-03:30 PM 3 1 1 1 1 1 19 30 19 19 19 19 TBA Barish,Shelley Lewis,Sumudu Rupika Lewis,Sumudu Rupika Lewis,Sumudu Rupika Lewis,Sumudu Rupika SC OC NC NC NC NC UGRD CURR&INST Step 2: Inquiry-based Lesson 10833 UTL. 102 201 R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 1 19 Martin,Irene B UGRD UGRD CURR&INST CURR&INST Step 2: Inquiry-based Lesson Knowing & Learn. in Math & Sci 10834 10835 UTL. 102 202 UTL. 201 201 R TR 12:30 PM-01:45 PM 03:45 PM-05:00 PM 1 3 19 19 UGRD CURR&INST Project-Based Instruction 10836 UTL. 301 201 TR 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 19 Page 82 of 82 SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC PERM Combined with 70.398. Pre-Req: For PCS Majors or Minors. Cross listed with PCS.555 Pre-Req: Peace and Conflict Studies M.A, or Graduate Certificate Students. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Cross Listed with PCS.455 Pre-req: English or BLA Majors/Minors or by Permission. Pre-req: THEA 261 Acting 1, or the equivalent. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-req: THEA 261 Acting 1, or the equivalent. 1 1 1 1 Math, Science & Engineering Majors only. Math, Science & Engineering Majors only. Math, Science & Engineering Majors only. Math, Science & Engineering Majors only. 1 1 1 1 1 1 NC UTL.101 Pre-req. Math, Science and Engineering Majors only. 1 Martin,Irene B Greenwood,Anita M NC NC UTL.101 Pre-req. Math, Science and Engineering Majors only. 1 1 Kazmer,David O NC Y Pre-req: UTL.101 , UTL.102 , UTL. 201, and UTL.202. for students in STEM Teaching Minor only. 1 Printed: April 7, 2013