COSMOLOGY – PHYS 30392 INTRODUCTION Giampaolo Pisano - Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics The University of Manchester - January 2013 Let me introduce myself ! • Name: Giampaolo Pisano • Education: Physics Degree and PhD in Astronomy • Working group: Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics • Research: development of radio to sub-mm astronomy instrumentation, mainly involved in Cosmic Microwave Background projects • Teaching: this is my first year teaching this course and I am still preparing it ! Your feedback is vital for success of this course and for your learning • Office: Turing building Room 3.220 • e-mail: • Hallmarks: you might have noticed already... I have a Strong Italian Accent ! INTRODUCTION → What is Cosmology ? Early Scientific Cosmologies Modern Cosmology Course Description Recommended Texts References: Liddle, Introduction to Modern Cosmology - Chap 1 Ryden, Introduction to Cosmology - Chap 1 Harrison, Cosmology - Chap 1 What is Cosmology ? Definitions and subjects • Cosmology is the study of the Universe, or cosmos, as a whole “Kosmos”: harmony or order Harmonious whole of all reality + “- logia” : discourse, study • Cosmology deals with: • very large distances • long timescales • very big objects • Cosmology is the study of: • space and time • primary cosmic constituents • form and frame of the expanding universe • Distances ranging from the Planck scale to 104 Mpc: A span of 61 orders of magnitude ! Very small and very large are intimately related in cosmology What is Cosmology ? Scientific approach • Basic sciences focus on specialised domains of the universe • Fragmentation into closely related sciences of greater specialisation: Ex: Physics particle physics, nuclear physics, atomic ... etc • Cosmology draws knowledge from other sciences, such as Physics and Astronomy, and assembles a physically all-inclusive cosmic picture Cosmology aims to assemble the cosmic jigsaw puzzle • The Universe is richly textured with structures on a vaste range of scales It looks extremely complex ! :o) Simplification We study the properties of an idealised, perfectly smooth model Universe Entire galaxies as small objects What is Cosmology ? Philosophical points • Cosmology deals with fundamental questions about the Universe: • its past, present and future • being finite or infinite • having a beginning and an end Many subjects are still obscure and not understood • We have “models of the Universe”: We cannot guess the true nature of the Universe, it is still mysterious and unknown • What determines the way that human beings think also determines the design they perceive in their universe: Human beings represent the universe perceiving and thinking about itself Cosmology ultimately based on observations of the Universe around us INTRODUCTION What is Cosmology ? → Early Scientific Cosmologies Modern Cosmology Course Description Recommended Texts References: Liddle, Introduction to Modern Cosmology - Chap 1 Ryden, Introduction to Cosmology - Chap 1 Harrison, Cosmology - Chap 1 Egyptians • One of the egyptian models of the Universe included: - a flat Earth (earth god Geb) - covered by a solid dome (sky goddess Nut) - supported by the god of air Shu The Earth was believed to be flat and with finite size Babylonian astronomy (~2000 BC) Babylonian world map ~500 BC - Skilled astronomers - Compiled star catalogues - Recorded the movements of the planets Babylonian six-level Universe - Were able to predict apparent motion of moon, planets and even eclipses ! - Cosmos based on water, vault of heaven creating dry space above flat Earth - Earliest astronomy with any influence on us: ~360 day/yr; sexagesimal system; 24 hr day, 12 zodiac signs All done as religious worship, they did not develop natural explanations of celestial movements Ancient Greeks • More precise and sophisticated observations • Earth and Moon are spherical, Sun much further away than Moon • Stars distance much greater than Earth’s diameter Pythagoras (580-500 BC) • Harmony of universe governed by mathematical relations • Two-sphere Universe: central spherical Earth surrounded by outer sphere of fixed stars, undetermined motion of planets between the spheres Eudoxus (408-355 BC) • Many-spheres Universe: central spherical Earth surrounded by concentric and rotating spheres, intermediate spheres supported the planets Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Lunar sphere Sublunar realm Celestial realm • Geocentric system: Earth at the centre of the Universe • Adopted Eudoxus ‘many-spheres’ model defining: - phyical things occupied the sublunar realm - ethereal things occupied the celestial realm • Outermost celestial sphere supported the fixed stars Finite universe This model could not explain retrograde motions of the planets... Ptolemy (87-150 AD) Hawley & Holcomb Planets retrograde motion • Perfect motion should be in circles • Complex combination of circular motions to explain the motion of planets: Eccentric circles, epicycles & equants (Wrong but very successful !) • This final form of the Aristotelian universe did last for ~ 1500 years ! It failed to incorporate many developments in Greek science like.... Aristarchus (310-230 BC) • Heliocentric system: Earth and planets orbiting around the Sun ! Archytas (428 - 347 BC): Is there a Cosmic edge ? “What happens to a spear when it is hurled across the outer boundary of the universe?” Aristotelian Wall-like Medieval Marshy Stoic Cliff-like Epicurian Infinite Finite Universe Sphere of fixed stars as “Dark cosmic wall” Space ends gradually Physical Etheric realm Finite cosmos of stars with centre and edge, surrounding infinite void Infinite, centerless, edgeless Universe Copernicus (1473 -1543) • Heliocetric system from Aristarchus • Ptolemic system too complicated ! • Earth and planets moving in circles around the Sun, at the centre • Finite system • Retrograde motion explained by this theory • Still not as accurate as Ptolemaic system However, the Sun is still at the centre of the Universe Digges (1543 -1595) • Modification to the Copernican system: Dispersal of sphere of stars throughout unbounded space Bruno (1548 -1600) • Edgeless, centerless Universe Centre is everywhere “Universe of infinite extent, populated with numberless planetary systems teeming with life ..countless Suns, infinity of worlds..” Supported Copernican system, burnt at the stake in 1600 Tycho Brahe (1546 -1601) • Showed that if the Earth moved about sun then the relative positions of stars should change Parallax • No evidence, thus either Earth fixed or stars very far away! Rejected Copernican system Kepler (1571 -1630) • The heliocentric model works if planets move on ellipses! • Work was based on the observational data of Brahe Galileo (1564 -1642) • Introduced the telescope in astronomy and observed Jupiter’s moons • If moons could orbit a planet why couldn’t planets orbit sun! Supported Kepler’s models Descartes (1596 -1650) Vortical fluids system • Infinite and centerless universe • Continuous matter of varying density: No vacuum possible • Forces acted by direct contact: Gravity from pressure of fluids Planetary orbits from the vortical motion of matter Each vortex a solar system Newton (1642 -1727) • Famous laws of motion & inverse square law of gravity: Explained Kepler’s empirical laws • Existence of absolute space: Vacuum possible • Infinite even distribution of stars similar to our own Sun: The universe is static, but inherently unstable The birth of modern cosmology Kant (1724 -1804) • Starting from T. Wright ideas he hypothesised that: Milky Way is a lens-shaped distributions of stars Fuzzy nebulae are similar milky-way systems Milky-ways perhaps clustered together and so on... (we would call it a fractal universe) Herschel W. (1738-1822) • Discovered Uranus Milky Way • Nearby stars not evenly distributed Identification of a disk-shaped assembly of stars • However, the Sun still at the centre Shapley (1885-1972) • We are some two-thirds of the radius away form the centre of the Galaxy • However, our galaxy still considered at the centre of the Universe Einstein (1879-1955) • Developed his theory of gravitation General Relativity • He thought the Universe was static at the time but, matter tends to fall together under gravity, so: Hubble (1889-1953) Static universe impossible..? • Established definitively that some of the observed “nebulae” were indeed distant galaxies He showed that the universe is expanding INTRODUCTION What is Cosmology ? Early Scientific Cosmologies → Modern Cosmology Course Description Recommended Texts References: Liddle, Introduction to Modern Cosmology - Chap 1 Ryden, Introduction to Cosmology – Par. 2.2 Harrison, Cosmology - Chap 7 The Cosmological Principle - Modern cosmology is based on the: Cosmological Principle There is nothing special about our location in the Universe Apart from local irregularities, the Universe looks the same everywhere Notes • The principle is an approximation that holds better and better the larger the length scales considered: very large regions (> 100 Mpc), still much smaller than the Universe, containing millions of galaxies • We expect these regions to look more or less like every other one Modern Cosmology • Cosmology is shifting from qualitative to quantitative thanks to the improving observational technology • The current Standard Cosmological Model for the Universe is the ‘Hot Big Bang Model’, that is almost universally accepted • We will apply thermodynamics, atomic physics, gravitation to grand scales • We will avoid General Relativity with a bit of cheating... Notes • In Cosmology there is no perceived wisdom, often details remain blurred • Ever changing observational situation • Sometimes observations lag behind theory • Anyway, cosmological models not eventually supported by observations remain pure speculation Hot Big Bang Theory • The best description we have of our Universe is given by the: Hot Big Bang Model The Universe has expanded from an initially hot and dense state to its current cool state, and the expansion is still going on today Notes • The Cosmological Principle is at the basis of the Hot Big Bang Cosmology Steady State Universe • Alternative theory where the Universe does not evolve and looked the same forever, material created to fill the gaps as it expands However, observations strongly support the Big Bang and we will not study the Steady State theory Hot Big Bang Theory NASA In this course will study many theoretical aspects and observational evidences implied by this theory INTRODUCTION What is Cosmology ? Early Scientific Cosmologies Modern Cosmology → Course Description Recommended Texts References: Bluebook on School of Physics and Astronomy Website Course Aims 1. To provide a broad overview of modern physical cosmology, without detailed mathematics 2. To make clear the connections between basic physical ideas and modern cosmology 3. To make students aware of the limitations and uncertainties in our current cosmological models Course Learning Outocomes On completion of the course, students should be able to: 1. Explain the concepts of the expansion and curvature of space to an interested layperson. 2. Summarize the main evidence in favour of the Big Bang, inflation, dark matter and dark energy. 3. Relate the density of the universe to its rate of expansion and understand how this relation is modified by a cosmological constant. 4. Make quantitative calculations of physical processes in the early universe. 5. Relate observed to physical properties of distant objects given the luminosity and angular size distances. 6. Describe the main events of the universe's history and locate them approximately in time and redshift. Course Syllabus (1/2) • Introduction (1 lecture): what is cosmology, early and modern cosmologies. • Observing the Universe (2 lectures): darkness at night, large scale structures, homogeneity & isotropy, expansion, particles in the Universe. • Geometry of the Universe (2 lectures): the equivalence principle, general relativity concepts, curved spaces, Robertson-Walker metric. • Dynamics of the Universe (2 lectures): Friedmann, fluid and acceleration equations, cosmological constant. • Cosmological models (2 lectures): single-and multiple-component universes. Course Syllabus (2/2) • Observational parameters (2 lecture): expansion rate, cosmological distance ladder, density and deceleration parameters, age of the Universe. • Density of the Universe (3 lectures): radiation, visible matter, dark matter, gravitational lensing. • The early Universe (4 lectures): Big Bang, baryogenesis, inflation, nucleosynthesis, recombination, last scattering surface. • The Cosmic Microwave Background (2 lectures): theory of fluctuations, dipole and acoustic peaks, reionization, polarisation. • Problems and alternatives (2 lectures): what we do not know. Other informations • Lectures: broken up into two 50 minutes parts with 10 minutes break • Exam: 1 hour 30 minutes examination in May/June • Example classes: examples sheets, and model answers will be issued • Feedback will be offered by examples class tutors during week 3, 7 and 11 • Lecture slides: after each lecture they will be on Blackboard and INTRODUCTION What is Cosmology ? Early Scientific Cosmologies Modern Cosmology Course Description → Recommended Texts Recommended Texts • Main textbooks: Liddle, A. An Introduction to Modern Cosmology 2nd ed. (Wiley) Ryden, B. Introduction to Cosmology (Addison Wesley) Useful References • Textbooks often used: Serjeant, S. Observational Cosmology (CUP) Harrison, E. Cosmology: the Science of the Universe 2nd ed. (CUP) Additional References • Other texbooks that will be used sometimes: Peacock, J.A. Cosmological Physics (CUP) Hawley, J.F & Holcomb, K.A. Foundations of Modern Cosmology (Oxford) Next Topic: OBSERVING THE UNIVERSE Darkness at Night Universe at different Wavelengths Large Scale Structures of the Universe The Cosmic Microwave Background Homogeneity and Isotropy The Expansion of the Universe Particles in the Universe