Chapter 8 Global Weather Systems

Chapter 8
Global Weather Systems
Global Weather Systems
Low-latitudes – Hadley Cell Circulation
Wet near the equator
Dry near 20-30°N and 20-30°S
Periods of wet and dry in between
Easterly Winds (NE & SE Trades)
High-latitudes – Polar Highs
ƒ Dry conditions – polar deserts
ƒ Easterly Winds (Polar Easterlies)
Mid-Latitude Weather Systems
Cyclone – Low-pressure system
ƒ Rising air, precipitation
ƒ Relatively small, compact weather system
Anticyclone – High-pressure system
ƒ Descending air, clear skies
ƒ Relatively large, expansive weather system
“weather” caused by the interaction of cyclone and
Usually see interactions of cyclones and anticyclones
Air Mass – large body of air with fairly uniform
temperature and moisture characteristics – 1000s of
km across
Air masses are labeled by their source region and also
based on thermal and moisture characteristics:
1. Thermal
Tropical (T) Air Mass – warm
Polar (P) Air Mass – cold
2. Moisture
Continental (c) Air Mass – dry
Maritime (m) Air Mass - moist
Air masses are labeled by their source region:
1. Polar Air Masses (Polar Highs)
Arctic (A) Air Mass
Antarctic (AA) Air Mass
2. Equatorial Air Mass (Equatorial Oceans)
Equatorial (E) Air Mass
` Seldom affect mid-latitude weather
Air Mass Name
Continental Arctic (cA)
Very Cold
Very Dry
Regions near North and South Poles (cAA as well)
Continental Polar (cP)
Northern Continental Interiors
Maritime Polar (mP)
Midlatitude Oceans
Continental Tropical (cT)
Subtropical Deserts
Maritime Tropical (mT)
Warm Oceans near 30°N and 30°S
Maritime Equatorial (mE)
Very Warm
Warm Oceans near the Equator
Very Moist
What happens when air masses collide?
When air masses collide…..
Front – boundary between air masses having different
thermal and/or moisture characteristics
ƒ Cold Front: when a cold air mass collides with a warm air
mass a the surface
Cold Front
Cold air is more dense, so the warm air is forced to rise
along the front
Lifting is strong – cumuloform clouds
Thunderstorms are common along a cold front
Cold Front
When air masses collide…..
Front – boundary between air masses having different
thermal and/or moisture characteristics
ƒ Cold Front: when a cold air mass collides with a warm air
mass a the surface
ƒ Warm Front: when a warm air mass collides with a cold air
mass at the surface
Warm front
Warm Front
Cold air is more dense, so it is difficult to force it to rise
Lifting is weak – stratiform clouds
Light, continuous rains are common along a warm front
Warm Front
Stationary Front – boundary between warm air and cold air
where there is no movement
Lifting is extremely weak
Light, intermittent rains are common along a stationary
It will become a warm/cold front if there is movement (or it
may dissipate)
Stationary Front
Occluded front – occurs when a cold front overtakes a
warm front
Warm fronts move more slowly than cold fronts
Lifting is mixed as warm air is pushed aloft
A combination of rainfall types occur along an occluded
Will dissipate rapidly when the warm air is lifted
A sharp cold front boundary can be seen on
both satellite pictures and radar composites
Three types of cyclones:
1. Wave cyclones: cyclone/low
2. Tropical cyclone: hurricane/typhoon
3. Tornado
1) Wave cyclones
Occur in the mid-latitudes and polar regions
Formed when air masses of different temperature and
moisture characteristics meet along the polar front
Formation of a wave cyclone
Form between the two high pressure cells in a low
pressure trough
when a cold, dry polar air mass meets a warm, moist,
maritime air mass….. Airflow converges setting up an
unstable situation
Mid-latitude Cyclone
• Cold and warm fronts
meet at the center of low
• Cold air dominates larger
Characteristics of a wave cyclone
Cyclones normally move eastward, propelled by prevailing
westerlies aloft
Cold front pushes south and east, supported by a flow of
cold, dry polar air
The wind direction and temperature change abruptly as the
cold front passes
Warm front is moving northeast, with warm moist maritime
tropical air following
Precipitation patterns:
ƒ A broad zone near the warm front
ƒ A central core of the cyclone, and
ƒ A thin band extending down the length of the cold front
Cloudiness generally prevails over much of the cyclone but
may be more limited over the cold front
Example of an Occlusion
Cold Front Approaches a Warm Front
Example of an Occlusion
• Cold front meets the warm front ahead of it
• Warm air is lifted upward, away from the surface
• Occluded front becomes longer Æ more of the cold front
converges with the warm front
Example of an Occlusion
• Eventually, the cold front completely overtakes the
warm front
• Entire system is occluded
Cold front Æ cold air moves
toward the warm air mass ahead
Warm front Æ warm air mass
moving toward a cold air mass
Stationary front Æ two unlike air
masses remain side by side, but
neither air mass has recently
undergone substantial movement
Occluded front Æ cold front meets
warm front, warm air gets lifted
upward, away from the surface
When Air Masses Collide…
Dry Line – a front between warm, moist air and
warm, dry air
ƒ Lifting is extremely strong
ƒ Heavy thundershowers, hail, and possible tornadoes
are characteristic of a dry line
ƒ Seen almost exclusively in the southern states west of
the Mississippi
ƒ cT air versus mT air masses
Dryline Over Texas
Notice the differences in the dew points on both sides of the dryline.
Cyclone Tracks
Wave cyclones tend to form in certain areas:
ƒ North Pacific and Alaska
ƒ Central U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains
ƒ Gulf Stream
Wave Cyclones travel common paths until they dissolve:
ƒ North Pacific Ocean path
ƒ Convergence of paths over Northeast U.S. that head toward
Cyclone Tracks
In the Southern Hemisphere storm tracks are more nearly
along a single lane, following the parallels of latitude
This track is more uniform because of the uniform pattern of
ocean surface circling the globe