Shown below is a list of volunteer opportunities and contact information we currently have received at Central. Remember to also check the volunteer board located in the main hallway by the Counseling Office. Remember, 12 hours of volunteer hours are needed to graduate in Bay City Public Schools, 40 hours for the National Honor Society and 400 for volunteer recognition. Opportunities are posted on our website, on the volunteer board and announced as we are notified of them. United Way has created a site to assist with finding volunteer opportunities too. That information is below. **ATTENTION: All current 8th grade students (incoming freshmen) may begin earning their volunteer hours following the last day of the current school year and are encouraged to start accumulating your hours this summer with any of the opportunities shown below. State Theatre of Bay City / Bay County is looking for volunteers for two events “Nobodies of Comedy” tour taking place Fri., Sept. 18th and “Live from New York: Bria Skonberg” taking place Sat., Sept. 19th. Volunteers are asked to be there at 5:30 pm both days. Areas help is needed include ticket scanners, main floor ushers and balcony ushers. An additional two (2) volunteers are needed at the State Theatre for Hell’s ½ Mile Movie weekend event taking place Sat.-Sun., Sept. 26-27, 2015. The Saturday volunteer should be at the State by 7:30 pm; Sunday’s volunteer should be there at 6 pm. *Reminder: Please wear a white top and black pants for any event you volunteer for and that you can stay for the entire event to help with clean up at the end of the show. *See Ms. Shillair in the Counseling Office if you have questions Or Contact Ms. Brenda Baker at 989-892-2660 ext. 2 Kolb Elementary is in need of student volunteers to help with their Fall Bazaar on October 10th. There is a sign-up sheet in the Counseling Office Or See Ms. Shillair if you have questions. She is in the Counseling Office. Reminder to sophomores and juniors – you need 12 hours of volunteer service to graduate, 40 hours for NHS and 400 hours for the United Way Luncheon Senior year!! is a community-based website that helps guide you while searching for volunteer opportunities. It allows you to search 24 hours a day. Impact your community by visiting to find volunteer opportunities today! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Vicki Ribble United Way of Bay County Volunteer Resource Center 989.893.7508 ext. 15 The number one way to improve your chance for a scholarship is having the ability to show on your application the ways in which you helped your school or community. Listed below are three websites you can use to discover the wide variety of volunteer opportunities in the Bay City area. Get involved! It will help you with scholarship opportunities and it is the RIGHT thing to do! Impact your community by visiting to find volunteer opportunities today!