February 14, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We are a Catholic Community, called to be faithful,
caring and enthusiastic disciples. We build up the
kingdom of God by worshiping and praising God,
proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in word
and witness, giving loving service to our neighbor
and strengthening the parish community.
Somos una comunidad católica llamada a ser
discipulos fieles, compasivos y entusiastas.
Construimos el Reino de Dios adorando y alabando
a Dios, proclamando la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo
de palabra y con testimonio,
Sacrament of the Eucharist
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm - Español
Weekday Mass: M-Th—8:00 am, F—Noon
Holydays: Noon & 7:00 pm
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday: 1:00-1:45 pm; Saturday: 3:15-4:15 pm;
or by appointment
Arrangements for the Sacrament of Anointing of the
Sick/Communion, Baptism, and Matrimony may be
made by calling the Parish Office.
152 Main Street , Brockport, NY 14420
Phone: (585) 637-4500
E-mail: cnativit@dor.org
Website: nativitybrockport.org
Facebook: Nativity Brockport
Monday –Friday: 9 am—4 pm
Fr. Joseph McCaffrey, Pastor—jmccaffrey@dor.org
Deacon Tom Schrage—tschrage@rochester.rr.com
Deacon Chris Fisher—cfisherjr@rochester.rr.com
James Pudetti, Financial Director—jpudetti@dor.org
Pamela Rickerl, Parish Secretary—prickerl@dor.org
Connie Mesiti, Religious Ed Coordinator—cmesiti@dor.org
Thomas Griffin, Facilities & Grounds/Cemetery Supervisor
Jorge Salgado, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry—salgado@dor.org
Louise Pohl, Contemporary Choir Director
Bridget Bishop, Seasonal Choir Director
Pastoral Council
John LaPierre—President
e-mail: NativityBVMCouncil@gmail.com
E. Canal Road, Brockport, NY
8 am-dusk, April 1 - November 30; December & April
—weather permitting; Closed January 1 –March 31
For information, call the Parish Office at 637-4500.
Friday, February 19
10:30-11:30 am Bible Study – Parish Center
12-2 pm
Holy Hour – Church
1-1:45 pm
Open for Confession—Church
6-7 pm
Lenten Supper – Parish Center
7:00 pm
Stations of the Cross - Church
Saturday, February 20
3:15-4:15 pm
Open for Confession—Church
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Prayer List of the Sick
We pray for those in our faith community and
those that we hold in our hearts. May God grant them
healing and strength.
Nancy Bartlett, Evelyn Battiste, Adaline Caruso,
Jessica Couch, Nancy Danko, Gail DeToy, Josephine
DiNatale, Dave Ellis, Michael Ferris, Dolores Flow,
Nate Foley, Theresa Gusek, David Kleehammer, Kailee
Kwiecien, John Lupisella, Lhessa Lyons, Brian
McCullough, Carol McNeil, Chuck Muscolino, Joanne
Nicolucci, Pat Nisdeo, Mary Overmeyer, Tony Pacilio,
Sara Ridd, Lorraine Sheflin, Frances Swalbach, Andy
Names remain on for one month. Please call the
office to add, remove or resubmit a loved one’s name.
The Nativity Community
welcomes in Baptism,
Andrew, Estefany Ruby &
William Mendoza Perez,
children of Roberto Mendoza Perez and
Maria Perez Sandoval.
February 14, 2016
Office News
To schedule a Mass, please stop by the office or call
Pamela during office hours.
Please submit items by Friday THEWEEK BEFORE
the weekend you wish it to appear. Please:
1) E-mail it to cnativit@dor.org OR
2) Drop it off during open office hours
The bulletin is due at noon on Tuesday, and time is
needed to fit everything in. Your cooperation is
most appreciated!
If a member of your family is in Unity, Strong,
Highland, or General, please call the Parish Office
and let us know so Father Joe can visit.
Adult Confirmation
Any ADULT who would like to receive
the Sacrament of Confirmation this
spring, please contact our Parish Office.
We will take all your information, so we
can make plans with the Bishop’s Office.
Then, we will have you attend a
preparation program at Sacred Heart Cathedral on
Saturday, February 27 from 9 am-2 p.m. For more
information you can directly contact: Marianne
Himmelsbach, the Cathedral’s Faith Formation
Important note for all: Confirmation is required if
one wants to be a sponsor for Baptism or
Please pray for the souls of
Charles Nash & Timothy Connors,
who passed away recently.
Scriptural Readings for the Week
Sunday: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2, 10-15/
Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13
Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Ps 19:8-10, 15/
Mt 25:31-46
Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-7, 16-19/Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19/
Lk 11:29-32
Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-3, 7-8/
Mt 7:7-12
Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-8/Mt 5:20-26
Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8/Mt 5:43-48
Next Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14/
Phil 3:17--4:1 or 3:20--4:1/Lk 9:28b-36
Skate into Spring
Sunday ~ March 20, 2016
Skating & Snacks
SUNY Brockport
Family Fun Night
Saturday ~ April 23, 2016
Family movie & Dessert
Sweden Clarkson Rec center
Watch the bulletin for more details.
Mark these dates on your calendar so you don’t miss out! !!
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Father Joe’s Week: Last Thursday, Fr. John Forni
and I went to lunch at Uno’s, and then to see
“Brooklyn.” What a wonderful movie. The
performances are perfect, the direction is subtle and
affecting, the music is spot on, and a great story to
book. And a good portion of it is shot in County
Wexford. Go and see it…That evening when I came
home I learned of the death of Tim Connors, so I
went over to Bill and Joyce’s house to be with them
and their family. There was lots of good support, so I
stayed a while, then went home…Saturday I went to
the First Penance meeting and talked with them
about moral development in children. It looks like it
will be a good group…Sunday I had three Masses and
the RCIA. In the evening I went to the Cathedral to
watch the Super Bowl with Fr. McKenna. His cook
left us a delicious beef stew, and I took the leftovers
home with me. The game was interesting, and I
stayed with Kevin for three quarters, and watched to
the end when I got home. Maybe it’s my unhipness,
but I didn’t get any of the commercials, and the
halftime show was incomprehensible…Monday
afternoon I went to see the Doctor, and am fine for
another six months…Tuesday evening our Festival
committee met to begin planning for next summer,
and to welcome new members. It looks good for the
event; lots of good ideas and people to help…Ash
Wednesday saw me at the Physical Therapist’s to
begin a regimen for my shoulder. I have some
tendonitis and the ortho docs suggested some
therapy…The Masses went fine for Ash Wednesday.
It was wonderful to come into church that day and
see the purple in place (thanks, Cindy). Our bilingual
Mass was well prepared by Jorge Salgado, and had a
good representation from both the Spanish
Community and college students. May all of us have
a blessed Lent. I went to lunch with John LaPierre to
plan the pastoral council meeting for next week, and
to supper with Mary Lynne Turner on our annual
Ash Wednesday fish dinner…God bless and have a
good week!
Ireland 2016
There are still spots left! Join Fr. Joe
McCaffrey on a 12-day trip to Ireland,
September 26 to October 6, 2016. We’re
going to Dublin, Belfast, Westport,
Killarney, and more. Castle dinner and
pubs galore! See where the Titanic was
built and board a famine ship. Tour
Waterford Crystal and enjoy a night of Irish dancing
and tunes. Walk in the footsteps of John Wayne and
Maureen O’Hara where The Quiet Man was made. And
so much more, like the Cliffs of Moher!
The price has been set to $2,950. Luxury bus, 7
suppers, all breakfasts, hotel, porterage, driver/guide
all included. Limit of 48. Contact Fr. Joe McCaffrey,
585-637-4500 (jmccaffrey@dor.org) for information
and reservations. Arrangements by CIE, the national
tour company of Ireland.
Flyers are up in all entrances of the Church. Please
take one!
February 14, 2016
Supper and Stations
Join us Fridays during Lent
for a simple supper before
observing the Stations of the
Cross. We will be at the Parish Center from 6-7pm.
Come when you can.
Bring your own simple, meatless meal to enjoy and
share this time with others before we head over to the
church for Stations of the Cross. Plates, etc. will be
provided, so clean up will be easy.
Spend your Friday mornings
during Lent with Fr. Joe who
will be leading a Bible Study on
the Letter to the Ephesians. We
will gather from 10-11:30am in the Parish Center. All
you need is your Bible and your interest. It’s a great
way to grow in God’s Word this Lent. See you there!
We will be going to the Abbey of the
Genesee again for a Retreat Day on
Wednesday, February 24th, leaving
after the 8 am Mass. We will have three
silent reflections on Lenten themes, join
the community for Midday Prayer, have lunch—leaving
the Monastery about 3-3:30 pm. All are welcome!
Cost is $20—Checks made out to “Abbey of the
Genesee.” Bring your own lunch. Let us know at the
Parish Office (637-4500) if you are coming.
New Parishioners
We are glad you joined us..
Pamela & Sophia Rickerl
Heather, Chloe & Emily Trembley
A Marriage Prayer for
World Marriage Sunday
Dear Lord,
Help us remember when we first met,
and the abiding love that grew between us.
Please work our love into practical living,
so nothing will ever divide us.
We pray for words both kind and loving, and hearts always
ready to ask for forgiveness as well as to forgive.
Lord, together with faith and hope, we place our lives and
marriage in your righteous hands.
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Lent -- Is it all about Self-Improvement?
By Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio from The Crossroads Initiative
For many, Lent means spiritual self-improvement through
sacrifice. It’s often all about what to “give up” for Lent.
But Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness was not for his own
sake. It was all to prepare for his ministry, a ministry that
brought light to those in darkness and healing for the afflicted.
The early Christians followed Jesus in their approach to
Lent. They fasted and prayed for forty days before Easter to
support two special groups of people who were pushing up
against some serious obstacles. First there were those preparing
for baptism who were struggling to break the bonds of sin and
paganism. The second group were the penitents who had been
away from the sacraments for many years.
They were
preparing for reconciliation and a return to communion at
Easter. So Lent in the Early Church was not so much a time of
personal growth as church growth. Rather than a time to look
inward it was about looking outward.
We are being asked not just to deepen our faith, but to share
it. It is finally time to take
seriously the call to the New
Evangelization and make it a part
of our Lenten journey.
There are many Church-going
Catholics who experience the
practice of their faith more as a
chore than a joy. There are an
increasing number of Catholics
who have been away for a long
time. And there are many from other religious traditions and of
no religious background at all, who don’t know that they have a
loving Father.
Evangelization is not about pushing our ideas on
people. It’s about letting them know the Good News that they
are loved and forgiven, that their life has more meaning and
promise than they ever suspected.
Several years ago, I called a cab to take me to the airport. I
decided to make conversation with the driver who was obviously
from the Middle East. “Where are you from?” “Iran,” he
answered. “Are there many Christians in Iran?” “I never met
one,” he replied. “So why do you have a cross hanging from
your mirror?”
Then he told his story. “I was an army officer when the
Shah was overthrown and the Ayatollahs came to power. They
preached a harsh religion of intolerance and hate, and it made
me hate religion. I left Iran and I vowed never to set foot in a
mosque again. After years in the states, a neighbor invited me
to his Church. I decided to go, to find out if what I learned
about Christianity was true. That Sunday, I heard about a God
of love, a God of mercy, a God who tells us to call him “Father”
and who sent his son to die for me. This message moved me
very deeply. So I kept going back became a Christian.”
This Lent let’s pick up our heads and look around– around
the family, the neighborhood, the workplace. Who needs to
experience the love of God? Pray and fast for them. Reach out
to them. Listen to their story. Invite them to your home for a
cup of coffee, a glass of wine, or a meal. Invite them to your
Church home for Mass or a Lenten mission. If they are not
Catholic, invite them just to see what a Catholic Church is
like. No pressure. If they’ve been away, invite them to see what
your Church is like. Next time you are going to confession,
invite someone to come with you.
The Iranian cabdriver could have said no. But he had a
right to know the truth about his heavenly Father. And his
neighbor had a duty to introduce him. Thank God that his
neighbor’s love was greater than his fear of getting a “no.”
Now there’s a good thing to give up for Lent – the fear of
February 14, 2016
Todo adulto que quiera recibir
primavera, por favor, póngase
en contacto con la oficina
Tomaremos toda su
información, y luego
contactaremos con la oficina
del obispo. Después tendrán
que asistir a un programa de
preparación en la catedral Sacred Heart el sábado 27
de febrero de 9am a 2pm.
Los católicos que tienen buena salud y están entre la
edad de 18 a 59 años deben guardar ayuno y
abstinencia de carne el Miércoles de Ceniza y el
Viernes santo.
Cuando uno ayuna come solamente una comida al
día, con la posibilidad de añadir dos pequeñas
meriendas, que no sumen otra comida completa.
Los católicos de 14 en Adelante deben abstenerse de
la carne todos los viernes de cuaresma.
Ven con nosotros los viernes de Cuaresma para una
cena simple antes del Viacrucis. Estaremos en el
centro parroquial de 6pm a 7pm. Trae una comida
sencilla sin carne, para disfrutar y compartir este
tiempo con los demás antes de ir al templo para el
Viacrucis. Proveeremos platos.
Si quieres que visitemos a tu familia y tengamos un
estudio bíblico u oración en tu casa, comunícate con
Jorge Salgado para programar la visita. También, si
conoces alguna familia que debemos visitar para que
vuelva a la Iglesia, háznoslo saber.
FACEBOOK: Dan os un “me gusta” o hazte amigo
de nosotros en facebook. Búscanos en: Ministerio
Migrante Hispano, Brockport, NY.
- Si te gusta cantar o tocas cualquier instrumento te
invitamos a unirte a nuestro coro, ensayamos los
domingos a las 12:30pm. Necesitamos personas
comprometidas que nos ayuden a cantar, o toquen
algún instrumento.
- Si quieres aprender a leer la Biblia y seguir
creciendo en tu fe, te esperamos en el centro
parroquial todos los martes a las 7pm.
- Los domingos después de misa tenemos café en el
centro parroquial.
- Si tiene algún niño que no esté bautizado, pide la
ficha de inscripción para programar el día y la hora
de la charla y del bautismo.
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
February 14, 2016
Sunday Financial Offering
Nativity Calendar
February 7, 2016
Budget amount needed per week………………$6,067.00
Actual amount received…………………...…...…$6,109.00
Over (under) budget year to date………..……($1,173.97)
Sunday, February 14—Valentine’s Day
No Religious Education Classes
9:00 am
Rite of Sending & Rite of Election
during Mass
Black, Native American & Hispanic Collection during Mass
12-1 pm
Hisp. Gathering—Parish Center
Monday, February 15—President’s Day
Parish Office Closed
7:00 pm
Seasonal Choir – Church
Tuesday, February 16
9:30 am
Prayer Shawl Ministry—Rectory
2:00 pm
Biekirch Mass
7:00 pm
Pastoral Council—Parish Center
7:00 pm
Estudio Biblico—Parish Center
Hisp. Min.
Wednesday, February 17
7:00 pm
Contemporary Choir – Church
Friday, February 19
10:30-11:30 am Bible Study – Parish Center
12-2 pm
Holy Hour – Church
6-7 pm
Lenten Supper – Parish Center
7:00 pm
Stations of the Cross - Church
Sunday, February 21
No Religious Education Classes
12-1 pm
Hisp. Gathering – Parish Center
Thank you for your continued faithful giving!
Mass Intentions
Saturday, February 13
4:30 pm
Pasquale Battisti—Lincoln Family
Sunday, February 14—1st Sunday of Lent,
St. Valentine
9:00 am
Special Intentions of Steve & Connie
Mesiti, Jr.—Mom & Dad
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
Monday, February 15
8:00 am
Marion McCauley—John & Pat Bush
Tuesday, February 16
8:00 am
Doris Kepler—John & June Killigrew
2:00 pm
Biekirch Mass: Viola LaPierre—Brian &
Mary Francis
Wednesday, February 17—The Seven Holy
Founders of the Servite Order
8:00 am
Annette & Nicola Fiorillo—Carmela
Thursday, February 18
8:00 am
Linda Hartmann—Husband, Wayne
Friday, February 19
12:00 pm
John Cleary—Tony & Kathy Pacilio
Saturday, February 20
4:30 pm
John Goosley—The Family
Sunday, February 21-2nd Sunday of Lent
9:00 am
Roberta Celento—Ron & Francine
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
There will be NO Religious
Education Sunday, February 14th
OR the 21st due to February Recess.
For more information, contact
Connie Mesiti, Religious Education
Coordinator, at (585) 637-4500 or cmesiti@dor.org for
any questions.
The Sanctuary Candle is burning
before the Blessed Sacrament
during the month of February
for Annette & Nicola Fiorillo
requested by Carmela Coccitto.
2nd Sunday of Lent– February 20 & 21, 2016
*As of Tuesday noon
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am
Piano and cantor
Dan & Maria Lincoln (H), June Keller, Bill & Jason Horn (H), Steve Drexel, Helen Hwiecko,
Joyce Mullen
NEED A VOLUNTEER, B ill W r igh t
Lynne Gardner (POF), Pat Corbin
Patty Hayles, John Lemke
Marlene Beghini
Jessica Horn
Contemporary Choir
Sacristans/Heads Charilla Conner, Carol Rich
Arden & Tina Campbell
Cheryl Conner, Carol Rich
Bill Guilford, Mary Lynne Turner
Altar Servers
Jake Burchfield, Lauren Dailey, Alex Scaglione
Rebecca Graves, Mitchell Henshaw, Sydney Horn