BL20A0501 Electricity distribution technology Earth fault protection Earth fault In Finland, the medium-voltage network is either neutral isolated or earthed via an arc-suppression coil. a) b) c) d) Lappeenranta University of Technology single-phase earth fault or conductor fall two-phase-toearth short circuit double earth fault broken conductor and single-phase earth fault on the load side 2 Earth fault Earth fault –small currents, dangerous touch voltages In a neutral isolated and suppressed (resonant earthed) network, there is no low-impedance path for the fault current of a single-phase earth fault to ”short-circuit”the circuit. The fault current has a path only via the earth capacitances of the conductors. Fault current is very low (1–200 A) Lappeenranta University of Technology 3 Earth fault Earth fault current I f = U v ⋅ 3ωC0 where Co is the earth capacitance of the network / phase Earth capacitance depends thus on the total length of the network downstream from the main transformer and the earth capacitances of the conductors. When there is fault resistance at the point of fault 3ω C o = I f 1 + (3ω C o Rf ) 2 U v In other words, the fault resistance reduces the fault current that is very small already. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to detect faults that occur through a large fault resistance. Lappeenranta University of Technology 4 Earth fault Earth fault current depends on the line length of the entire network and the earth capacitance of the conductor type. Approximations: U l ⋅ kV km A – Overhead line: I f ≈ 300 20 Example U l ⋅ kV km A Underground cable: I f ≈ 5 110/20 60 km 20 kV 20 overhead line 4 A 20 cable 240 A Above, we have the total length (not the length of main lines) Lappeenranta University of Technology 5 Voltages during an earth fault Voltages during an earth fault – during an earth fault, the voltages in all phases and at the neutral point will change. – during the fault, the voltage of the faulted phase will decrease. If Rf is zero, the voltage of the faulted phase is zero. – the voltages of healthy phases will rise. If Rf is zero, the voltages are equal to the line-to-line voltage. – the voltage at the neutral point will rise during the fault. If Rf is zero, the neutral point voltage equals to phase voltage Uo = Uv Lappeenranta University of Technology 6 Voltages during an earth fault During an earth fault, the voltages of all phases and the neutral point voltage will change. Lappeenranta University of Technology 7 Voltages during an earth fault During a fault, the voltage of the faulted phase decreases. If Rf is zero, the voltage of the faulted phase is zero. The voltages of healthy phases will rise. If the fault resistance is zero, the voltages equal to the line-to-line voltage U = 3 ⋅U v Lappeenranta University of Technology 8 Neutral point voltage Consequently, the higher the fault resistance, the lower the zero-sequence voltage. – when Rf = ∞ , Uo = 0 U o = 1 1 + (3ω C o R f ) 2 ⋅U v Lappeenranta University of Technology 9 Earthing voltage, touch voltage When flowing to ground, the earth fault current always meets a certain earthing resistance Rm. As a result, compared to the real earth potential at an ”infinite”distance, the voltage at the point of earth fault will rise to a value (earthing voltage Um). Um = Im Rm The maximum permissible values for earthing voltage have been determined in electrical safety regulations. For instance, if the system ground and protective ground of the transformer substation are combined, the maximum permitted earthing voltage is U mmax = 500 [V] t where t is the duration of the earth fault. Lappeenranta University of Technology 10 Earthing voltage, touch voltage Earthing voltage is not the same as the touch voltage experienced by a person or animal at the point of earth fault. Lappeenranta University of Technology 11 Suppressed network In suppressed (resonant earthed) network, an arc-suppression coil (an inductance) is connected between the neutral point of the main transformer and earth to compensate capacitive earth fault current. If the reactance ωL of the arc-suppression coil is equal to the reactance 1/3ωCo formed by the earth capacitances, then the earth fault current Im ≈ 0. In practice, there is always some imperfection in tuning; however, also in these cases the earth fault current is very low. Lappeenranta University of Technology 12 Suppressed network Thanks to the low earth fault current, the requirements concerning the earthing voltage are easier met; furthermore, a low-current earth fault arc often extinguishes itself (without any high-speed auto-reclosing function). Lappeenranta University of Technology 13 Suppressed network Neutral isolated network Suppressed network L1 L1 L2 I L2 ΣΙ I L3 L3 ΣΙ C1 C1 110/21kV 110/21kV L1 L2 a ΣΙ II L IL L1 R L2 IR a L3 If C2 ΣΙ II L3 If C2 Rf Rf b b Lappeenranta University of Technology Ic 14 Suppressed network 1 1 + R 3ωC0 − ωL 2 2 I mf = (Rf + R ) + R R 3ωC0 − 1 ωL 2 2 f 2 2 ⋅ U 3 A low-current earth fault arc will extinguish itself. 1 Rated voltage kV <20 30 45 2 3 4 5 Earth fault curr. of Resid. earth fault c. neutral isolated netw. of suppressed netw. A A 5 25 20 50 30 40 - Lappeenranta University of Technology 15 Earth fault Example: There are five feeders from a primary substation. The feeder 1 is an overhead line feeder with a total length of 80 km. The feeders 2,3 and 4 are underground cable feeders with total lengths of 10, 15 and 0.5 km, respectively. The earth capacitance/phase of the overhead lines is 6 nF/km, and for the cables 320 nF/km. a) Determine the earth fault current, when a direct earth fault occurs at the beginning of the feeder 1 b) Calculate the maximum earth fault current, when in the case of a backup supply, 100 km of overhead line and 5 km of underground cable has been connected to the feeder 4. c) How does the fault current and zero-sequence voltage corresponding to a normal connection change, when the fault resistance varies between 0 and 100 kΩ ? d) An earth fault occurs in the protective earthing, the earthing resistance of which is 20 Ω. Determine the earthing voltage acting over the earthing. How does the earthing voltage change, if the earthing is improved so that its resistance is 5 Ω. e) Determine the size of an inductance required at the neutral point, if the target is to compensate the capacitive earth fault current of the network (suppression) Lappeenranta University of Technology 16 Two-phase earth fault, fault current circuit Two-phase ”short circuit”via ground Fault current is usually high (difficult to calculate), and flows in the ground where the conductivity is at highest (water pipes, cable sheaths etc.) Significant voltage differences in the ground e.g. between water pipes and communication cables; will result in breakdowns and other serious damages Lappeenranta University of Technology 17 Two-phase earth fault, occurrence Points of earth fault at different places, possibly far away from each other First, there is usually a single-phase earth fault, as a result of which the voltages of healthy phases rise to the level of the line-to-line voltage As a result of the above, a breakdown will occur in the faulted valve protection or cable terminal A two-phase-to-earth short circuit (one fault point) does not usually cause problems (two-phase short circuit) Lappeenranta University of Technology 18 Two-phase earth fault, occurrence Lappeenranta University of Technology 19 Two-phase earth fault, occurrence * earth fault current, fault resistance, earthing voltage Lappeenranta University of Technology 20 Two-phase earth fault, occurrence Lappeenranta University of Technology 21 Earth fault protection of medium voltage network Earth fault detection criteria: – fundamental-frequency neutral point voltage open delta measurement – fundamental-frequency sum current sum connection of current transformers or a cable-type current transformer – change in phase voltage power-frequency overvoltage – high-frequency transient currents the earth capacitance of the faulted phase will discharge the earth capacitances of healthy phases will charge fast, but tripping also in the case of a momentary fault – current and voltage harmonics Lappeenranta University of Technology 22 Earth fault directional relays are applied Operating conditions: – sum current > set value – neutral point voltage > set value – angular phase shift between current and voltage 90o ± 75o in neutral isolated network 0o ± 75o in suppressed network Also some power direction relays are used: Uo*Io> Qas (Uo*Ir > Pas) Lappeenranta University of Technology 23 Earth fault protection To arrange selective earth fault protection, the measurement of both the zero-sequence current and zero-sequence voltage is required. Measurement of zero-sequence current Iv: Iv = 3C0 − 3C0 j 3C0 ⋅ I mf Lappeenranta University of Technology 24 Earth fault protection terminal sheath Lappeenranta University of Technology 25 Earth fault protection L1 L1 L2 I L2 ΣΙ I L3 L3 ΣΙ C1 C1 110/21 kV 110/21 kV L1 L2 a ΣΙ II L IL L1 R L2 IR a L3 If C2 ΣΙ II L3 If C2 Rf Rf b b Lappeenranta University of Technology Ic 26 Suppressed network Lappeenranta University of Technology 27 Neutral isolated network Lappeenranta University of Technology 28 Design of earth fault protection From the operational perspective, the most interesting issues in the design of the protection are the lowest – zero-sequence currents (high fault resistance, a small-scale network) – neutral point voltages (high fault resistance, a large-scale network) Considering the earthing voltage requirements, significant factors are – the highest earth fault current – the duration of earth fault (the durations are not summed up in reclosings) In order for the earth fault to extinguish itself, and for the fault location – the duration of the earth fault should be as long as possible Lappeenranta University of Technology 29 Calculation formulas Neutral isolated network: I mf = 3 1 + (3 C CR o o f ) 2 U U v o 1 = 1 + (3 CoR f ) 2 ⋅U v Suppressed network: I mf = 1 + Ro2 (3 C o − 1 2 ) L 1 2 ( R f + Ro ) + R R (3 C o − ) L 2 2 f 2 o U v U o 1 = 2 (1 / Ro ) 2 ⋅ I mf 1 + (3 C − ) o L Lappeenranta University of Technology 30 Neutral point voltage Neutral isolated network earth fault current Suppressed network non-compensated earth fault current Lappeenranta University of Technology 31 Example Example: Design the set values of the earth fault protection for the network illustrated below. The protection has to operate selectively in an earth fault occurring via the 500 Ω fault resistance always when at least two feeders are switched on. The earth capacitance of the overhead line is 6.0 nF/km, phase. The earth capacitance of the underground cable (AHXAMKW 120 mm2) is 230 nF/km, phase. Overhead line 80 km Undergr.cable 14 km Undergr.cable 21 km 110/20 kV Undergr.cable 0.7 km Lappeenranta University of Technology 32 Earth fault protection Earth fault directional relays are applied: Operating conditions: – sum current > set value – neutral point voltage > set value – angular phase shift between current and voltage 90o ± 75o in neutral isolated network 0o ± 75o in suppressed network Also some power direction relays are used: Uo*Io> Qas (Uo*Ir > Pas) Lappeenranta University of Technology 33 High-impedance earth faults When the fault resistance is high (e.g. a tree on the line or the ”cold end”of the line touches ground), Rf > 10 kohm, both the earth fault current and the neutral point voltage are very low. The detection of faults is difficult even with the present technology! Indication methods: – – – – monitoring the changes in neutral point voltage partial discharge measurements transient relays performing the measurements deep in the network (easier to detect a slight current asymmetry) Lappeenranta University of Technology 34 Zero-sequence voltage Example of monitoring zero-sequence voltage. A tree on the line, 100 % corresponds to 5 V voltage (Hämeen Sähkö Oy). Example of monitoring zero-sequence voltage. Heavy snow storm, 100 % corresponds to 5 V voltage (Hämeen Sähkö Oy). Lappeenranta University of Technology 35 Zero-sequence voltage Example of monitoring zero-sequence voltage. A tree on the line, 100 % corresponds to a 5 V voltage (Hämeen Sähkö Oy). Lappeenranta University of Technology 36 Zero-sequence voltage Phase currents in a faulted feeder, when the earth fault occurs at time 10 ms. Lappeenranta University of Technology 37 Zero-sequence voltage Earth fault current from the faulted R phase to ground Lappeenranta University of Technology 38