HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY MUSCLE PORTFOLIO PROJECT This project is designed to help you learn the location of some common SUPERFICIAL and DEEP human muscles. Make sure you follow the directions carefully. 1. The project is DUE DATE is __________ [~3 weeks]. The grade will be part of your “Lab” grade for this unit (10 pts/ day from the start of the unit until the unit assessment 2. Find a tasteful picture of a human displaying their muscles. DO NOT USE LINE PICTURES OR PICTURES OF CADAVERS. The purpose of this exercise is to recognize the muscles in their natural (sometimes exaggerated) condition and position. 3. Choose pictures that CLEARLY ILLUSTRATE the muscle. This means that the muscle will be in its CONTRACTED state. For example, the Orbicularis oris, a muscle around the mouth, is visible only when your lips are "PUCKERED" or "KISSING". This muscle is often referred to as the kissing muscle. 4. Display the muscles in a booklet form, on a poster board, using construction paper, on a PowerPoint, or through whatever format you like best. HINT: Organize the muscles into groups, e.g., arms, legs, neck region, etc. Then divide them into anterior and posterior groups. Label the muscles clearly and neatly, and make sure they are spelled properly. LABEL EACH MUSCLE ONLY ONCE. You may use as many or as few pictures as you feel necessary. 5. See the LIST of SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES in the table below. Of the muscles listed, you are REQUIRED TO LABEL 25 of them. Pick the ones you can find the best pictures for. You must number each muscle 1 - 25. 6. There is also a LIST of DEEP MUSCLES in the table below. Of the muscles listed you are REQUIRED TO LABEL 10 of them. These DEEP MUSCLES will not be visible on your human muscles pictures. You should use the labels to indicate their general location. You must number each muscle 1 - 10. 7. Be sure you develop and use some method to DISTINGUISH your labels for SUPERFICIAL and DEEP muscles. For example, it you are labeling them both on the same diagram, use different color labels. Or you may want to use different pictures for superficial and deep muscles. You can do whatever makes you happy as long as a person viewing your project can tell them apart [Hint: that would be the person grading your project or worse yet some one trying to understand what you did!] 8. DO NOT USE BLACK PAPER to display the muscles. DO NOT COVER THE MUSCLE PICTURES WITH PLASTIC. 9. FOR ALL MUSCLE in the following table, (whether you use this muscle or not in your project) prepare a table that shows its ORIGIN, INSERTION, and ACTION. You may simplify the origins and insertions to just the bones/structures involved. In addition read the action of the muscle as described in the text and then for any 12 of these muscles describe an everyday action you do that involves the muscle. A & P HUMAN MUSCLE LIST SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES Digastric Mylohyoid Sternohyoid Masseter Sternocleidomastoid Zygomaticus Frontalis Orbicularis oris Occipitalis Orbicularis oculi Biceps brachii Trapezius Triceps brachii Deltoid Brachialis Latissimus dorsi Brachioradialis Infraspinatus Teres major Pectoralis major Serratus anterior Pectineus Gluteus maximus Extensor digitorum longus Rectus abdominis External oblique Gracilis Sartorius Adductor magnus Adductor longus Biceps femoris Vastus lateralis Semitendinosus Vastus medialis Semimembranosus Rectus femoris Tensor fasciae latae Soleus Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius DEEP MUSCLES Buccinator Auricularis Erector spinae Digastric Scalenes Opponens pollicis Splenius Rhomdoideus Temporalis Subcostalis External intercostals Diaphragm Internal intercostals Pectoralis minor Transversus abdominis Internal oblique Supraspinatus Teres minor Levator scapulae Gluteus minimus