Empathy Demo What is empathy? Say/Do/Think/Feel

Empathy Demo
Gather your teams near an observation opportunity Use the field guide as a tool to introduce empathy to participants. Highlight content, and do three live demos: {What?-­‐How?-­‐Why? Observation}, {Bad Interviewing}, and {Good Interviewing} WHAT
What is empathy?
"What is empathy? In the simplest terms, it's feeling what another person feels." "By understanding our users' emotions and motivations, we can develop the solutions that are most likely to delight them." Three ways to actively gain empathy: Immerse, Observe, Engage.
"On page 2 of your Field Guide, you'll see an octagonal wheel that catalogs some basic human emotions. These are the building blocks of every human experience and, from here, we can find clues on exactly how we need to transform a user's experience in order to delight them. But to do that, first, we need to understand what they say, do, think, and feel [Page 3]. Note that you can directly observe the things on the left, but need to infer things on the right."
"So, how do we develop empathy for a user? Through observations and interviews. Let's start with observing."
"It is important to actively observe, and capture notes. Use What?/How?/Why? to help you consider both the observable and start making inferences." Do WHAT?/HOW?/WHY? with a live situation nearby. Remember: What? = the observable facts.
"That takes us to Interviewing. This requires us to step out of our comfort zone and approach complete strangers. Let demonstrate right now." Also note that we imagine their first interview will not go that well (that's okay).
Grab a bystander if possible, and show it is okay to be turned down (if it happens).
(page 1)
Say/Do/Think/Feel helps us think about people more deeply
(pages 2-­‐3)
Demo: What?/How?/Why?
(pages 4-­‐7)
Demo: Bad Interview
Debrief as group
Demo: Good Interview
(pages 8-­‐9)
Hey mind if I talk to you? [ ] Okay, when do you usually come to Stanford? [ ] How often do you come? [ ] Don't you hate waiting in line at Tresidder? [ ]
What do you eat at Tresidder? [ ]
Ask what didn't work: lack of rapport, 'usually', yes/no question, not following up, fact finding (not emotional).
Swap in a participant as the interviewer, and give them feedback during/after.
Reiterate interview tips
"On page 10 are a series of interview tips, try to keep these top of mind as you engage with users." [Highlight a few tips]
"On the facing page, you'll also see a mockup of what your notes should look like – be sure to capture as many direct quotes as possible."
Have participants work in pairs (or threes). One person be the primary interviewer, while the other captures. Switch for the next interview. Give participants feedback after the interview.
(pages 10-­‐11)
Send off participants in pairs.
Pairs check back in with coach after first interview.
"Make sure you're back here [ ] by XX o'clock."
TOTAL = 15 min