
Consumers Energy Retiree News • 2011 Issue No. 3
Sign up for Forerunners 2011 Annual Luncheon and Golf Classic
eadowbrook Country Club in
Northville will reverberate with
the sounds of “Mandy,” “Copacabana,” “I
Write the Songs” and other Barry Manilow
classics on Sept. 21 at the Forerunners
annual reunion luncheon. The Forerunners
is a club for CMS Energy and Consumers
Energy retirees.
Singer Frank Sternett will be the
featured entertainer. He will present a
"Barry Manilow Tribute."
People have frequently pointed out
Sternett’s striking resemblance to Manilow.
In a backstage comment to Sternett,
Manilow noted the resemblance and said,
“You poor ugly guy.”
Be sure to reserve your spot and
register before Sept. 8.
Always a great addition to the luncheon
program, benefits manager Herb Kops will
be attending and available to update retirees
and to respond to questions.
The annual golf classic scramble will
be held Sept. 20 at the Inn at St. Johns
course in Plymouth.
Consumers Energy is distributing an
The Inn at St. Johns,
“energy kit” to attendees. In
site of the golf classic,
order to record who receives a
hosted the Concours
kit, the company is requesting
d’Elegance earlier this
a Consumers Energy account
number for its records, if the
Nearby motel listings
recipient is a customer. The
include per night rates at:
kits are available for couples
• Hilton Garden Inn,
or individual attendees.
Plymouth (closest distance
The company also
to St. John’s/golf): $119
is celebrating its 125th
• Hampton Inn, Northville
anniversary this year, and is
(easily accessible via
seeking old photographs and
freeway and about one mile
other memorabilia. A video
Frank Sternett presents a
from the Meadowbrook
crew also is expected at the
"Barry Manilow Tribute."
Country Club luncheon
site): $114
Forerunners president
• Holiday Inn Express, Northville (easily
Rhoda Tinkham suggested that retirees
accessible via freeway and about a mile
be prepared to share some experiences
from Meadowbrook Country Club):
and memories from the past for the video
• Marriott Laurel Park, Livonia (again,
“You can bring the memorabilia to
easily accessible via freeway and
the luncheon,” Tinkham said. Alternately,
located on grounds of Laurel Park
she said photos could be sent now to
Mall with shopping/restaurants): $129
Nancy Miller, One Energy Plaza, EP8-243,
• The Inn at St. Johns (golf venue): from
Jackson, MI 49201, or emailed to
$159 ■
Forerunners 2011 Golf and Reunion Luncheon Registration
Make all checks payable to: FORERUNNERS
Mail to: Forerunners, Treasurer, 1945 W. Parnall Road, Jackson, MI 49201
Consumers Energy Account Number (customers only):_______________________________
Golf Registration — Sept. 20 (The Inn at St Johns: 44045 Five Mile Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170)
A $40 per player fee includes 18 holes of golf, one-half cart, and lunch at the turn.
Golf Total $
Number of golfers at $40 per person
The format is a four-person scramble. Players make up their own foursome, or may register as an Individual and the golf committee will make up teams. Registration starts at 9 a.m. followed by a
shotgun start at 11 a.m. Prizes will be awarded immediately following the end of play during a reception at the Mission Pub Grille & Sports Bar located above the pro shop.
Luncheon Registration — Sept. 21, 2011 (Meadowbrook Country Club: 40941 W. Eight Mile Road, Northville, MI 48167), $20 per person
Guest name
Forerunners chapter
Select meal choices and include the number for each choice
Number of luncheon attendees at $20 per person
 Traverse City Chicken:
 Beef Tenderloin Tips:
 Baked Salmon Filet:
Luncheon Total $
Grand Total Enclosed $
2 0 1 1 I s su e N o. 3 • RetireeLine • 1
Forerunners Chapter: News & Events
Sign up to attend the annual
retiree gathering, Michigan
reunion luncheon on Sept. 21
and the golf classic on Sept. 20.
See the story and registration
form on Page 1.
Save the date for the 56th
annual Florida reunion set for
Feb. 22 at the Country Aire
Village in Zephyrhills, Fla. Bill
and Anne Romoser and the event
committee invite retirees to join
in the festivities. The venue will
be the same as this year’s event.
A letter will be sent to those
indicating interest or who have
attended in the past. A report
and registration form also will
appear in the first 2012 edition
of RetireeLine.
Arizona Sun Runners
Chapter president John Ralph
invites retirees to gather for a
potluck luncheon on March 17.
Information and registration
forms will be mailed to current
members in December. Others
may contact Ralph by email at or by phone at
(623) 935-9772.
It was fair-weather month
in May when WILX-TV
weatherman Andy Provenzano
brought 55 retirees and guests
up to date with
weather terms
and forecasting
Provenzano was
the featured
speaker at a
ABOVE: Retirees and
chapter meeting
guests toured Michigan’s
at the Parnall
first prison and were
invited into the artauditorium.
colony apartment of
In June, another artist/storyteller Judy
Gail Krasnow.
55 retirees and
guests went to
RIGHT: Andy Provenzano
prison, so to
speak. They
toured Michigan’s first state
annual golf outing. Interested
prison, now home of the Armory golfers can call Bob Kiple at
Arts Village, Jackson’s first artist (517) 784-1591 for
colony. Golfers will gather Aug.
information. ■
24 at Burr Oak for the chapter’s
In Memoriam
Anderson, Vance G.
Feb. 17 — Gladwin
Baier, Paul
March 11 — Flushing
Bauman, William A.
March 11 — Saginaw
Chevalier, Rosalee J.
Feb. 20 — Ludington
Dearth, James H.
March 11 — Mattawan
Duckwitz, Martha R.
March 2 — Clinton Twp.
Ferguson, Dennis L.
March 24 — Jackson
Gabert, Helen L.
March 1 — Hendersonville,
Hall Jr., Charles W.
Feb. 27 – Greenville
Hunt, Maxine L.
Feb. 26 — Boyne City
Johnson, William J.
Feb. 23 — Marion
Keyser, Wesley E.
March 2 — Harrisville
Kingsbury, Karen C.
March 10 — Zephyrhills, Fla
Kratovil, Trena
March 19 — Muskegon
Kremlick, Richard J.
March 7 — Clio
Langdell, Virginia H.
March 6 – Jackson
Letson, Robert J.
Feb. 26 — Royal Oak
Moerler Jr., Leonard L.
Feb. 24 — Jenison
Plouffe, Donna L.
March 22 — Flushing
Price, Michael W.
Feb. 27 — Pineville, La.
Reid, E. Burton
March 18 — Freesoil
Richards, Robert L.
Feb. 24 — Jackson
Rinckey, Hanna K.
March 18 — Traverse City
Steffensen, Irene K.
March 10 — Grand Rapids
Stinnett, Robert L.
Feb. 19 – Climax
Stout, Harold C.
Feb. 26 — Flint
Summers Jr., Theodore
Feb. 24 — Midland
Thelen, Winifred R.
Feb. 28 — Westphalia
Tomczak, Jeanette S.
Feb. 19 – Saginaw
Westmaas, Frederick J.
March 11 — Bonita
Springs, Fla
Withey, Herthyl A.
March 3 — Branford, Conn.
Bolema, Iva J.
March 23 — St. Augistine,
Couk Jr., Charles
April 5 — Plainwell
Gallihugh, Larry L.
April 11 — Dandridge, Tenn.
Gardner, Walter L.
April 5 — Muskegon
2 • RetireeLine • 2011 Iss ue No . 3
Humphrey, Dale L.
March 23 — Hale
Johnson, Robert N.
April 14 — Jackson
Koehn, Jerry D.
April 7 — Fairview, Okla.
Kosten, Kenneth E.
April 4 — Gowen
Melton, James R.
April 2 — Springfield, Ill.
Natschke, Richard C.
April 24 — Jackson
Newhouse, Jerrold R.
April 13 — Katy, Texas
Patton, Rick E.
April 13 — Flint
Piehler, Waldemar A.
April 9 — Wyoming
Powell, Robert D.
April 16 — Royal Oak
Rider, Myrlen R.
April 3 — Adrian
Saxman, Alan I.
April 10 — Springfield
Simek, Joseph J.
April 14 — Monroe
Tinsley, Philip J.
April 2 — Caseville
Zane, Perry D.
April 12 — Jackson
Alore, Glendon L.
May 7 — Krum, Texas
Anderson, George R.
May 19 — White Cloud
Andrews, Vernon J.
April 14 — Alma
Bennett, James W.
May 8 — Alpena
Branch, Robert J.
May 5 — Saginaw
Braun, William R.
May 11 — Traverse City
Bromley, Richard W.
May 15 — Alto
Brouard, Jack L.
April 22 — Jackson
Carlisle, Samuel A.
May 15 — Surprise, Ariz.
Cestaric, Lillian B.
April 20 — Ortonville
Dewey, John A.
May 20 — Charlotte
Duquette, Albert C.
May 22 — Tawas City
Ellis, Thomas E.
May 9 — Bandor
Gall, Wendel J.
May 22 — Davison
Hefferan, Daniel G.
May 2 — Grand Rapids
Helm, Donald D.
May 9 — Pinconning
Hewitt, Dwight B.
May 9 — Hastings
Janousek, Paula F.
April 23 — Luddington
Jenks, Gordon E.
April 27 — Grand Rapids
Kennedy Jr., Donald C.
May 9 — Wyoming
Mahoney, Edward C.
May 8 — Chesaning
Pastorelli, Victor M.
May 3 — Boynton Beach,
Phillips, Charles E.
May 3 — Durand
Reisner, Arnold L.
May 12 — Lambertville
Sapp, Samuel J.
April 30 — Houghton Lake
Sauber, Anthony P.
May 30 — Horton
Sauter, Kenneth A.
May 24 — Blissfield
Savoie, Robert A.
April 15 — Brimley
Schaefer, Harold W.
May 9 — Charlotte
Smith, Robert C.
May 24 — Lady Lake, Fla.
Tansley, Willard G.
May 23 — Jackson
Vinski, Branko S.
May 12 — Madison Heights
Wenzel, Ethel M.
April 19 — Saginaw
West, Donald J.
May 25 — Burton
Welcome to RetireeLine
Galardi, Sharon M.
Keeley, Edward M.
St. Clair
Miner, Valerie A.
Norton, Kirk D.
Poole, Deborah A.
Rasmussen, Kathy A.
Rasmussen, Susan L
Ann Arbor
Roberts, Joseph E.
Pompano Beach, Fla.
Simon, Frank A.
Sisk, Gilbert D.
Whittum, Leland O.
Yokom, Gary P.
Buss, Paul F.
Clark, Linda J.
Deleeuw, Gail T.
Dewitt, Lawrence R.
Harbor Springs
Dishaw, Susan K.
Hainen, Karen S.
Whitmore Lake
Hubbard, Karen E.
Three Rivers
Janz, Clifford M.
Michigan Center
Lynch, Georgie A.
Talley, Calvin H.
Braley Jr., Clifford J.
Cardinal, Deborah J.
Collins, Steven L.
Grand Rapids
Cummings, Vernon D.
St. Clair
Fountain, Vickie L.
Heath, Thomas G.
Leinberger, Dale E.
Bay City
Maxwell. Charlene L.
Poortvliet, David L.
Rose, Mary E.
Somerfield, Dean F.
Swanson, Mark R.
Wright, Daniel A.
Bacon, Robert M.
Kitchen, Andrea K.
Loree, Richard L.
Vanhamlin III, John R.
Walraven, Suzanne V.
Weber, Joseph A.
Allen, Mark P.
Bilow, Patricia J.
Case, Penny J.
Clark, Dennis I.
Greenville, N.C.
Debiasi, Phillip P.
Debiasi, Lorraine K.
Dellas, John J.
Farnelli Jr., Domenico
Spring Lake
Golm, Donald E.
Graziano, Mary J.
Harley, Charles O.
Harmon, Debra D.
Harper, Lawrence L.
Spring Arbor
Johanns, Gary R.
Grass Lake
Kramer, Mark E.
Markiecki, Philip A.
Martin, Paul F.
Meigh, Kenneth P.
Phillips, Alan F.
Raser, Marie L.
Risk, Michael D.
Schaefer, Patricia K.
Straub, Nancy K.
Vanzanten, Kenneth N.
Warner, Thomas D.
Wellman, Steven R.
Scholars Receive Awards
Scholarship committee chair Jim Tippner recently announced
the winners of four $750 scholarships. The Forerunners — a club
for Consumers Energy and CMS Energy retirees — will present
the scholarships at the club’s annual meeting on Sept. 21. Forty
students applied for the awards this year.
The winners are: Jill Zaccardelli, granddaughter of Marvin Gertz.
A resident of Cary, N.C., Zaccardelli will attend the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She intends to study health sciences
and pharmacology. Brian Brewer, grandson of Kathy Anderson. He
is a resident of Gladwin, and intends to study chemistry at Michigan
State University in East Lansing. Jaclyn Trahan, granddaughter
of John Tinny. She intends to study elementary education at
Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant. Kristen Widing,
granddaughter of Jack Lundstrum. She intends to study business at
McHenry County College, Crystal Lake, Ill.
Walt Disney World is
Golden for Mannings
John and Ruth Waters
celebrated their 60th
wedding anniversary on
July 3. John began work
with Michigan Gas Storage
Company in 1958 as an
engineer in Gas P&T. He
retired in September 1987
as region energy service
manager in Flint.
John and Ruth have
enjoyed extensive traveling
Ruth and John Waters
and frequent cruises. They
are especially pleased with the close relationship they have
with their two children and four grandchildren. They continue
to live in Grand Blanc.
Nancy and
Frank Manning
celebrated their
50th wedding
anniversary on June
17 with a trip to
Walt Disney World
with the couple’s
four children,
their children’s
Frank and Nancy Manning
spouses and eleven
grandchildren. Frank started with Consumers in 1966 at the
general offices in Jackson. He moved to Saginaw, returned to
Jackson, then to Kalamazoo, Lansing, back to Jackson, and
retired as region general manager in Grand Rapids in 1991.
Burt and Hazel
Eldridge celebrated
65 years of marriage
on June 30. Burt
started his career with
Consumers Energy in
1946 as a lineworker
in Owosso. He retired
from the engineering
department in 1981.
Hazel and Burt Eldridge
The Eldridges have
one son, Rod, also a Consumers Energy retiree, one grandson
and two great-grandchildren.
RetireeLine reports wedding anniversaries of 50 or more
years, and similar lifetime landmarks. Please include your
anniversary date, when you started with the company, where
you worked, what you did, and when you retired. Information
and original photos may be sent to RetireeLine, 19 Hidden
Ridge Trail, Jackson, MI 49203. Or email (as an attachment)
to Michael Marcellino at
2 0 1 1 I s su e N o. 3 • RetireeLine • 3
s part of companywide efforts to
control costs, one of the four issues
of RetireeLine produced each year will be
published only on the Consumers Energy
retiree website.
The change will affect this year’s
fourth-quarter issue, which will be
available solely at www.consumersenergy.
com/retiree in mid-December. No printed
version of this issue will be produced.
This will be the pattern for future years
— three printed and mailed issues, one
accessed only at the website.
“Retirees are an important part of our
corporate family,” said Jeff Holyfield,
director of operations and project
communications. “We want to continue
our good relationship with retirees.
However, cost reduction is an unfortunate
but necessary
fact throughout
the company.
three printed
issues a year
and one issue
on the retiree website will help keep lines
of communication open in an affordable
manner.” ■
Keep Your Online
Addresses Current
Changes should be submitted to Gene
Bills, Forerunners assistant secretary,
The Forerunners Phone: (517) 788-1221 Fax: (517) 788-1302;
Address: 1945 W. Parnall Road, Room P21-101, Jackson, MI 49201
OFFICERS: Rhoda Tinkham, president,; Vonda
Belanger, vice president,; Jim Tippner, vice president –
Scholarships,; Bill MacMillan, secretary,;
Gene Bills, assistant secretary,; Pete Anderson,
treasurer; Michael Marcellino, assistant treasurer; Roger LaMothe, immediate past
Adrian: Adrianites – Robert Kuhn
(517) 425-0873
Alma: Grey Power – Bob Divelbiss
(989) 833-2403
Arizona: Sun Runners - John Ralph
(623) 935-9772
Battle Creek: Kilowatt Kreekers - Margaret Skinner
(269) 962-1716
Flint, Owosso, Lapeer: Easterners – Jimmy King
(810) 793-1046
Florida: Bill Romoser (reunion only, winters)
(863) 666-8021
Grand Rapids, Hastings, Greenville: Livewires – Robert Foster
(616) 458-9727
Jackson: Jacksonians – Sam Lalomia
(517) 784.9043
Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo Clann - Harold Stanley
(269) 345-1967
Lansing: Capitaliers – Clarence Hill (Interim)
(517) 646-6850
Monroe County: South Easterners – Jerry Ridner
(419) 340-2968
Muskegon: Lakesiders – Ivan Plichta
(231) 788-5488
Royal Oak: Metro Region Pioneers – Vonda Belanger
(248) 476-0576
Saginaw, Bay City, Midland, Karn/Weadock:
Wonderwatts - John Vella
(989) 684-8778
Tawas City Northeastern Lights - Al Duquette
(989) 362-3967
Traverse City: Northwesters - Chuck Hollman
(231) 947-8279
Fidelity: Benefits, ALL address changes:
(800) 260-4015
8:30 a.m. to midnight Monday through Friday, excluding NYSE holidays
Aetna: Medical 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday
(800) 654-7248
Medco Health Solutions: Mail Order Prescriptions
(800) 875-3147
Consumers Energy Employee Service Center:
(800) 272-4045
Consumers Energy Liaison with Chapters:
Don Forsblom (
(517) 788-0354
RetireeLine News:
Michael Marcellino (
(517) 787-2023
Please call the appropriate chapter president if you want to be on the mailing list for club events.
Consumers Energy
The Forerunners
1945 W. Parnall Road
Jackson, MI 49201
December RetireeLine
Accessed Only on Web