MAT 100 Developmental Studies Catalog Course Description: This course covers the following topics in an algebraic context: mathematical methods, techniques, ways of thinking, and problem solving. Graphing is introduced and geometrical applications are stressed. The course also reviews arithmetic operations and develops skills in operations with algebraic expressions, polynomials, algebraic fractions and solving linear equations. Prerequisite(s): Credit Hours: Math 032 or placement exam 5 Departmental Website: sciences-university-transfer/developmental-studies MyMathLab Website: D2L Brightspace Login Page: Departmental Assistant: Department Chair: Program Coordinator: Textbook(s): Ms. Pamela Laury ( Ms. Mary Thomas ( Ms. Rhonda Duncan ( Mr. Bruce Prunty ( Developmental Mathematics Basic Mathematics and Algebra, Third Edition by Lial, Hornsby, McGinnis, Salzman, Hestwood ; Pearson, 2014 MymathLab Software is required and can be purchased as standalone access code ISBN: 032119991X All students MUST purchase the textbook and software by the end of the 2nd week of classes. Students who do NOT have the textbook (and/or required software) by this time MAY be dismissed from class and counted ABSENT. Cumulative absences could result in being withdrawn from the course. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: perform operations with integers, variable expressions, polynomials, and exponents, solve linear equations, describe and use the rectangular coordinate system, and calculate percent applications. Program and course assessment activities are deployed and results collected in accordance with the College’s assessment schedule. Please refer to the information in the syllabus regarding the applicability of the assessment activity for the current semester. Course Outcomes and Competencies: Intended Course Outcome: Students will demonstrate an overall knowledge of the learning objectives for introductory algebra including integers, expressions, equations, and basic graphing. Course Competency: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Perform operations with variable expressions, polynomials, and exponents 2. Solve linear equations 3. Perform operations with integers 4. Describe and use the rectangular coordinate system 5. Calculate percent applications Performance Measurement Instrument: Students will demonstrate course competency by responding to questions on the standardized final exam which includes the following individual competencies: 1. Perform operations with variable expressions, polynomials, and exponents 2. Solve linear equations On Campus Course Attendance: 1.The number of absences allowed in this class is: 4 day a week class 6 absences (4 in summer/ 10-wk) 2 day a week class 3 absences (2 in summer/10-wk) Please note that this may be stricter when compared to your other classes. An absence is defined as failure to be present for a scheduled class meeting, arriving for the class more than ten minutes after the scheduled time for the class to begin, missing ten or more minutes during the middle of class, or leaving class early. 2. Absences are counted from the first day of class. There are no "excused" absences; all absences are counted, regardless of the reason for the absence. 3. Three tardies are considered as one absence. A tardy is defined as “arrival in class after the Instructor has taken attendance and before ten minutes after the scheduled time for the class to begin.” If you are tardy, it is your responsibility to inform the teacher that you came in late. 4. You are responsible for all material/announcements presented whether you are present or absent. If you miss more than 10 minutes of class, you are officially absent. Withdrawal: Should the maximum allowable absences be exceeded prior to midterm, a "W" will be submitted to the registrar to be recorded on the student's transcript. Should the maximum allowable absences be exceeded after midterm, a "W" will be submitted to the registrar if the student was passing the course at the time of withdrawal OR a "WF" will be submitted if the student was failing the course at the time of withdrawal. No Shows: If you register for a course and decide not to attend for any reason, you must complete a drop form and process it through the student Records Office. You will not be automatically purged for non-attendance. If you do not submit a drop form, you will be responsible for course tuition and fees. By not officially dropping the course, you will incur a bill with the college that can only be addressed through the College’s Finance Office. The college’s refund policy and dates are posted each semester. Effective Spring 2015, the Student Ombudsman’s office will no longer be the initial point of contact for requesting No Shows to be processed. Students who incur a bill must contact the Finance Office. Administrative Drop Requests: A student requesting an Administrative Drop resulting from medical event, death of family member, and other extenuating circumstances experienced while enrolled at Midlands Technical College should be directed to the Student Ombudsman’s office. Our policy dictates a request must be made no later than 30 days after the affected term. Supporting documentation is required and must be received before the request can be processed. Once the request form is received along with supporting documentation, it takes approximately three weeks for processing. As a result of an approved Administrative Drop Request, the student may be granted a refund of tuition and fees. Military Withdrawal: According to College Procedure 3.10.1, students having to withdraw from college because of Military Deployment (active duty personnel) while enrolled must complete a withdrawal form and submit to the Records Office along with a copy of military orders. Disabilities Statement: The staff of Counseling and Career Services works to ensure that all educational programming and services are accessible to otherwise qualified students with disabilities. If you have a concern regarding the accessibility of websites, instructional materials, online courses and other electronic or information technology please contact Counseling and Career Services. It is the student's responsibility to self-disclose as a student with a disability and to request accommodations prior to beginning a program or course. Please contact the staff of Counseling and Career Services at 803-8223505 (AC) or 803-738-7636 (BC) or via email at if you have any questions or concerns. D2L Brightspace Help: Online Learning Support Help Desk: Technical questions related to the operation and use of D2L Brightspace can be answered from our Support Help Desk. A response will be provided within one business day. To login: use your MTC e-mail account username and password. (Student Username Example: georgeasmith) (Faculty Username Example: smithg) D2L Brightspace Assistance: Technical questions related to the operation and use of D2L Brightspace can also be answered by leaving a voicemail at (803) 822-3561, or emailing A response will be provided within one business day. MyMTC Help: For MyMTC log-in issues please call 803-738-7888. Academic Dishonesty: For more information about academic dishonesty, see the Academic Affairs Student Guidelines and Expectations. If you are suspected of cheating, your instructor will inform you. You may explain or refute the allegation. If your instructor still thinks the charges are founded, you will be referred to the Office of the Associate Vice President of Student Development Services. Documentation is submitted to the Office of the AVP, SDS, by your instructor. You will then meet with either Dr. Holloway or Mr. Hayden. After the meeting, you will receive a letter with the sanction grade of zero (0) and any other sanctions deemed appropriate. You will have the right to file an appeal. Once the hearing and the notice of the right to appeal have been completed, instructor will be notified to apply the sanction grade of zero (0). Course Requirements: All students are required to use MyMathLab software. All students must take all tests and the final exam to receive a passing grade. Scientific Calculator TI-30X IIS is recommended. NO Cell phone calculators will be permitted! Calculators are not permitted until chapter 10. Course Grading: The final grade is determined as follows: Homework/Quizzes 25% Tests Final 70% 5% 90-100 80-89 75-79 A B C Grading Scale: Does not successfully complete Unit 1- Unit 3 F Has successfully completed Unit 1-Unit 3, but has not completed the entire course. Superior Work Good Work Average Work Unsatisfactory Work NC Not Complete Students who receive a NC grade MUST REGISTER for a MAT 100 MODULAR COURSE the FOLLOWING SEMESTER in order to complete the course requirements. Otherwise, students will be required to repeat the entire course. If you received a NC grade the previous semester, you must complete the course or receive a failing grade. If a student exempts MAT 101, they will receive a in-house credit for the course and be allowed to take MAT 102 at Midlands Tech. This does NOT show up as a transfer credit. Classroom Rules/Other: No Food or Drink in the Math Centers Course Topic Outline/Course Calendar with Assignments: Current Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Topics Covered Review: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Review Exercises Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (NO CALCULATOR) Operations with Decimals; Review: Ratio and Proportion Review Exercises Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 (NO CALCULATOR) UNIT 1 TEST; Exponents, Order of Operations & Inequality; Variables, Expressions and Equations; Real Numbers and the Number Line Textbook: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 (NO CALCULATOR) Adding Real Numbers, Subtracting Real Numbers; Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers; Distributive Property Textbook: 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 (NO CALCULATOR) Simplifying Expressions; UNIT 2 TEST; The Addition Property of Equality; Textbook: 9.8, 10.1 (Calculators Allowed for remainder of course) The Multiplication Property of Equality; More on Solving Linear Equations; An Introduction to Applications for Linear Equations; Textbook: 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 Formulas and Additional Applications from Geometry; Solving Linear Inequalities; UNIT 3 TEST Textbook: 10.5, 10.6 Basics of Percents; Percents as Fractions; Using Percent Proportion and Identifying Components; Textbook: 6.1 6.2, 6.3 Solving Percent Problems, Solving Applications with Percents; Simple Interest; UNIT 4 TEST; Textbook: 6.4 OR 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 Reading Graphs; Graphing Linear Equations in 2 Variables, Slope of a Line, Textbook: 11.1, 11.2 11.3 Slope of a Line (cont’d);Equations of Lines, Graphing Linear Inequalities in 2 variables, Textbook: 11.3, 11.4, 11.5 UNIT 5 TEST; Adding and Subtracting Polynomials; The Product and Power Rules for Exponents Textbook: 12.1, 12.2 Multiplying Polynomials, Special Products; Integer Exponents and the Quotient Rule; Textbook: 12.3, 12.4, 12.5 Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial An Application of Exponents: Scientific Notation, UNIT 6 TEST Textbook: 12.6, 12.8