Page No. 309 11/25/2014 COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS November 25, 2014 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District was called to order by President John P. Powell, Jr., at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 25, 2014, at the office of the District in Coachella, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Powell led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Directors: Also Present: John P. Powell, Jr., President Franz W. De Klotz, Vice President Ed Pack Peter Nelson Debi Livesay Jim Barrett, General Manager Jeff Ferre, Counsel Julia Fernandez, Board Secretary Following roll call, President Powell declared a quorum present. MINUTES It was moved by Director Franz De Klotz, seconded by Director Debi Livesay, and carried, the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2014, be approved as corrected and filed. The motion passed 5-0. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE None. Page No. 310 11/25/2014 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. HONORING RESOLUTIONS State Assembly Member Brian Nestande It was moved by Director Peter Nelson, seconded by Director Ed Pack, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-231 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT HONORING BRIAN NESTANDE UPON HIS COMPLETION OF SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY WHEREAS, Brian Nestande served in the California Legislature from 2008 through 2014, representing the 42nd Assembly District, which encompasses a significant portion of the Coachella Valley and the Coachella Valley Water District; and WHEREAS, during his three terms in office Assembly Member Nestande, a resident of Palm Desert, consistently was receptive to the District with respect to water and related issues of concern to CVWD and its customers; and WHEREAS, recognizing the toll that metal theft was taking on the District and many Coachella Valley businesses, Assembly Member Nestande authored legislation that sought to address the problem through greater exchanges of information and funding for specific law enforcement efforts; and WHEREAS, Assembly Member Nestande was supportive of environmental issues that impacted local water supplies, including the Salton Sea, for which he sought funding for restoration through legislation creating special California license plates; and WHEREAS, Assembly Member Nestande through his leadership ensured that meetings and other encounters between his staff and that of the district always occurred with mutual respect and courtesy; and WHEREAS, Assembly Member Nestande consistently demonstrated the desire to learn about water in the Coachella Valley and the myriad of issues CVWD and other water purveyors faced in providing good quality water, reliably and affordably; and WHEREAS, due to term limits, Assembly Member Nestande left the state Assembly at the conclusion of its 2014 legislative session; Page No. 311 11/25/2014 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 25th day of November, 2014, that the Coachella Valley Water District Board of Directors expresses its appreciation to Brian Nestande for a job well done in Sacramento and wishes him, his wife Gina, their seven children and other family the very best as he and they begin new chapters in their lives. Resolution No. 2014-231 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Five Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Pack, Nelson, Livesay Noes: None State Assembly Member V. Manuel Pérez It was moved by Director Peter Nelson, seconded by Director Ed Pack, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-232 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT HONORING V. MANUEL PÉREZ UPON HIS COMPLETION OF SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE ASSEMBLY WHEREAS, V. Manuel Pérez served in the California Legislature from 2008 through 2014, representing the 56th Assembly District, which encompasses a significant portion of the Coachella Valley and the Coachella Valley Water District; and WHEREAS, during his three terms in office Assembly Member Pérez, a native of Indio who was raised in Coachella, consistently was receptive to the District with respect to water and related issues of concern to CVWD and its customers; and WHEREAS, recognizing the potential for saving groundwater, Assembly Member Pérez served as the author of a District-sponsored bill to require homeowner association-managed landscaping to be irrigated with nonpotable water, provided it was available, legislation signed into law by the Governor; and WHEREAS, Assembly Member Pérez successfully encouraged key lawmakers to host a workshop in the Coachella Valley to allow for local input regarding the creation of a Water Bond for the November 2014 election; and WHEREAS, after the Water Bond was adopted by the State Legislature and placed on the ballot as a result of the Governor’s signature, Assembly Member Pérez arranged for public presentations in Coachella and Imperial valleys regarding Proposition 1 Page No. 312 11/25/2014 WHEREAS, during his terms in office, Assembly Member Pérez was an avid supporter of the Salton Sea, with work in this area that included conducting hearings with other local state lawmakers and serious efforts to ensure the state’s obligations to the Sea in connection with the Quantification Settlement Agreement had a funding opportunity through inclusion in a water bond; and WHEREAS, Assembly Member Pérez through his leadership ensured that meetings and other encounters between his staff and that of the district always occurred with mutual respect and courtesy; and WHEREAS, Assembly Member Pérez consistently demonstrated the desire to learn about water in the Coachella Valley and the myriad of issues CVWD and other water purveyors faced in providing good quality water, reliably and affordably; and WHEREAS, due to term limits, Assembly Member Pérez left the state Assembly at the conclusion of its 2014 legislative session; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED on this 25th day of November, 2014, that the Coachella Valley Water District Board of Directors expresses its appreciation and gratitude to V. Manuel Pérez for a job well done in Sacramento and the Coachella Valley and wishes him and his family the very best as he and they begin new chapters in their lives. Resolution No. 2014-232 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Five Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Pack, Nelson, Livesay Noes: None REPORTS General Manager Barrett reported on retirement. The following employees were present and recognized: Carol Pfannkuche, Development Services Technician, 15 years, retirement. Henry Rodriguez, Engineering Aide III, 32 years, retirement. General Manager Barrett said dues in the amount of $3,504 for the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies; $13,071 for the American Water Works Association; $7,500 for the Water Education Foundation; and $525 for the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce will be paid. The October 2014 General Manager's Report of Activities; the General Manager’s Report of Authorizations, Executions and Acceptances of Documents; and the Secretary's Page No. 313 11/25/2014 Record of Written Instruments Accepted and Recorded were submitted, approved and ordered filed; said reports are attached hereto marked Exhibits "A," "B" and "C," respectively. President Powell presented Assembly Member V. Manuel Pérez with a resolution honoring him for his dedicated service. Assembly Member V. Manuel Pérez accepted and thanked the District for the recognition. Meetings Director Pack reported on The Living Desert Board of Trustees meeting of October 31, 2014. President Powell reported on the Coachella Valley Irrigated Lands Coalition Workshop of November 12, 2014. Director Nelson reported he attended that meeting as a grower, not representing the District. Director Pack reported on the National Water Resources Association Annual Conference of November 12, 2014. Director Livesay reported on the Coachella Valley Association of Governments – Coachella Valley Conservation Commission meeting of November 13, 2014. Vice President De Klotz reported on the Coachella Valley Association of Governments – Energy and Environmental Resources Committee meeting of November 13, 2014. Vice President De Klotz suggested the District become a voting member on the Committee. Director Livesay suggested one person attend both Coachella Valley Association of Government Committee meetings. President Powell reported on the Desert Valleys Builders Association Board Meeting of November 13, 2014. Director Pack reported on the meeting of November 13, 2014 with USBR Principal Deputy Commissioner, Esteban Lopez, at the National Water Resources Association Conference. Director Nelson reported on the AB 1825 – Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training of November 18, 2014. Page No. 314 11/25/2014 Director Pack reported on the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce meeting of November 18, 2014. Director Nelson reported on the Colorado River Board tour of November 19, 2014, and said Vice President De Klotz was a speaker on that tour. President Powell and Vice President De Klotz reported on the Colorado River Board meeting of November 19, 2014. President Powell and Vice President De Klotz reported on the Golf and Water Task Force meeting of November 19, 2014. President Powell and Vice President De Klotz reported on the Board Investment Committee Quarterly meeting of November 20, 2014 with PFM. President Powell, Vice President De Klotz, Directors Pack and Nelson reported on the Study Session of November 21, 2014, to review Domestic Water Capital Improvement Projects. President Powell and Director Nelson reported they had a meeting to review the Board’s Committee meetings listingbut that this meeting would not be compensable. Director Nelson reported on matters related to the Salton Sea Authority and also mentioned that recently, he has been requested to countersign checks under his authority but that he is hoping this process will change in the future. Approval of Payment of Per Diems It was moved by Director Ed Pack, seconded by Director Debi Livesay, and carried 5-0, that payment of per diems of the meetings reported above be approved. Discussion of meetings for Oversight Boards Director Livesay reported the November 27, 2014 meeting of the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Indio has been cancelled. Board Members’, General Manager’s and Counsel’s comments Director Nelson recognized incoming Board members Cástulo Estrada and G. Patrick O’Dowd and thanked outgoing Board members Debi Livesay and Franz De Klotz for their hard work and dedication to the Board and other committees which they served on. Page No. 315 11/25/2014 Director Livesay thanked everyone and said it has been a pleasure working with everyone at the District. Vice President De Klotz thanked everyone and said he has made some great friendships along the way and it was a pleasure to serve on the Board. President Powell thanked Director Livesay and Vice President De Klotz for their dedication to the Board and the District. President Powell commented that while sitting in the audience during the Colorado River Board meeting held at the Steve Robbins Administration Building’s Board Room, the computer monitors at the dias covered the Board members’ faces. He asked that the computer monitors be changed so the public could see the Board members’ faces. General Manager Barrett thanked Vice President De Klotz and Director Livesay for their dedication to the District and looked forward to working with the new incoming Board members. Counsel Ferre updated the Board on new regulations the FPPC has adopted regarding Conflict of Interest. Counsel Ferre thanked and gave appreciation to Vice President De Klotz and Director Livesay for giving their firm an opportunity to serve as Legal Counsel for the District. Information Reports to Board 1. Nonpotable Monthly Update Report Nonpotable Operations Water Manager Olivia Bennett gave a brief report on the nonpotable water projects. 2. CVWD Budget vs. Actual Report for the Quarter ended September 30, 2014 Director of Finance Kay Godbey gave a report on the Budget to Actual Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2014. 3. Sanitation Service – Proposed Grand Valley and Stonewater Subdivisions and Sale of Adjacent 160 Acres of Surplus Land Utilizing GIS, Director of Engineering Mark Johnson gave a report on the sanitation service of the proposed Grand Valley and Stonewater Subdivisions and sale of adjacent 160 acres of surplus land. Page No. 316 11/25/2014 CONSENT CALENDAR Director Nelson requested Item No. 9.C., Fourth Amendment to Ground Lease with New Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC, and Item No. 9.D., Task Order No. 5 to Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for Airport Boulevard Domestic Water Transmission Pipeline, Phase 3A-2, be removed from the consent calendar and be acted upon separately. It was moved by Director Debi Livesay, seconded by Director Franz De Klotz, the remainder of the consent calendar be adopted as presented. The motion passed 5-0. Professional Services Agreement with RMC Water and Environment for preparation and submittal of a 2014 Water-Energy Grant Application RESOLUTION NO. 2014-233 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that the appropriate officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of this District, a Professional Services Agreement with RMC Water and Environment Consulting for preparation and submittal of a Water-Energy Grant Application at an estimated cost of $38,512; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $19,256, which is CVWD’s responsibility; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $19,256. Amend Consulting Contract with CV Strategies for Phase III of the Coachella Valley Regional Water Management Group Conservation Outreach Program RESOLUTION NO. 2014-234 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that the appropriate officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of this District, an amendment to the Consulting Contract with CV Strategies for Phase III of the Coachella Valley Regional Water Management Group’s (CVRWMG) Conservation Outreach Program, which is an approved task in the Proposition 84, Round 1, Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation Grant; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Directors hereby authorizes $67,000 to pay for this effort. Any CVWD funds used to pay for this effort will be reimbursed by the Proposition 84 Round 1 Grant. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $67,000. Page No. 317 11/25/2014 Task Order No. 13 to Professional Services Agreement with Krieger & Stewart for 2015 Non-Potable Water Golf Course Connection Project RESOLUTION NO. 2014-235 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November 2014, that the appropriate officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of this District, Task Order No. 13 to the Professional Services Agreement with Krieger & Stewart to perform additional engineering design services on the 2015 Non-Potable Water golf Course Connections Projects, at an estimated cost of $293,000; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $17,100 for the subcategories; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $310,000. Task Order No. 7 with GEI Consultants to perform engineering design services on the 2015 Canal Water Golf Course Connection Projects RESOLUTION NO. 2014-236 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November 2014, that the appropriate officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of this District, Task Order No. 7 to the Professional Services Agreement with GEI Consultants to perform additional engineering design services on the 2015 Canal Water Golf Course Connections Projects, at an estimated cost of $130,922; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $26,292 for the subcategories; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $157,214. Payment of Water Rights Permit Fees to State Water Resources Control Board RESOLUTION NO. 2014-237 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that it hereby authorizes the appropriate officers to issue Payment to the State Water Resources Control Board for Water Rights Permit Fees for Fiscal Year 2014-15 as follows: Whitewater River (Permit No. 536) in the amount of $16,946. Whitewater River tributaries (Permit No. 3011) in the amount of $2,411. Colorado River (Permit No. 7650) in the amount of $84,131. Page No. 318 11/25/2014 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Water Resources Control Board Water Rights Permit Fees for Fiscal year 2014-15 will be paid under protest; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $103,488. Professional Services Agreement for Training Needs Assessment RESOLUTION NO. 2014-238 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that the appropriate officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of this District, a Professional Services Agreement with CARDNO EM-Assist, Inc. as the lowest proposer and most qualified responsive proposer, on the basis of demonstrated competence and professional qualifications for preparation of a Training Needs Assessment, at an estimated amount of $59,832; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $5,983 for the subcategories; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $65,815. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR Fourth Amendment to Ground Lease with New Cingular Wireless, PCS, LLC Director Nelson questioned the appraisal process. Engineering Manager Carrie Oliphant provided background on the appraisal process. It was moved by Director Peter Nelson, seconded by Director Ed Pack, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-239 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that the appropriate officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of this District, a Fourth Amendment to Ground Lease with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, for the lease of a portion of the District’s Well Site 5630 for a Communication Facility located in the Southwest Corner of Frank Sinatra Drive and Vista Del Sol in Rancho Mirage, within the Northeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. Resolution No. 2014-239 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Five Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Pack, Nelson, Livesay Noes: None Page No. 319 11/25/2014 Task Order No. 5 to Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for Airport Boulevard Domestic Water Transmission Pipeline, Phase 3A-2 Director Nelson questioned why the District is paying costs associated with this project. Director of Engineering Mark Johnson gave further background on the project and said this is just one phase of the project which is at the District’s cost. The District did not have prior rights concerning the project. It was moved by Director Peter Nelson, seconded by Director Ed Pack, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-240 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November 2014, that the appropriate officers are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of this District, Task Order No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for Airport Boulevard Domestic Water Transmission Pipeline, Phase 3A-2 to perform additional engineering design services, at an estimated cost of $29,580; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $7,360 for the subcategories; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Board resolution authorizes a total of $36,940. Resolution No. 2014-240 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Five Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Pack, Nelson, Livesay Noes: None OTHER BUSINESS Memorandum of Understanding between Coachella Valley Water District and Coachella Valley Water District Employees Association General Manager Barrett gave background on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Coachella Valley Water District and the Coachella Valley Water District Employees Association. It was moved by Director Peter Nelson, seconded by Director Franz De Klotz, the following resolution be adopted: Page No. 320 11/25/2014 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-241 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that it hereby approves the tentative Memorandum of Understanding between the Coachella Valley Water District and the Coachella Valley Water District Employees Association as follows: 1) TERM – this Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) shall be in effect from July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016. 2) WAGES – 5% will be applied to the salary schedule effective the first pay period after ratification of this MOU by the members of the Coachella Valley Water District Employees Association (CVWDEA). In addition to the foregoing, 2% will be applied to the salary schedule and “classic employees” will contribute an additional 2% Employer Paid Member Contributions (EPMC) effective upon ratification of this MOU. Finally, an additional 2% will be applied to the salary schedule effective July 1, 2015 and “classic employees” will pay an additional 2% EPMC effective July 1, 2015. 3) HEALTH BENEFITS – employees to pay 20% of health, dental, vision and life insurance premiums effective December 27, 2014. Employees will pay the increased contribution through equal monthly payroll deductions. The opt out rate will be increased to $450 per month effective January 1, 2015 for employees who opt out of medical insurance and show proof of other coverage. 4) LONGEVITY PAY – freeze the program at current levels. Employees hired after January 1, 2008 will not be eligible to receive longevity pay. All employees currently receiving longevity pay will have that pay frozen at January 1, 2015 levels. 5) FAIRNESS CLAUSE – eliminate paragraph 1.1 of the MOU. 6) SALARY SURVEY – the District proposes a comprehensive salary and benefit survey that will include the following: salary schedules, merit pay, pay-for-performance, stand-by pay and shift differential pay. Either party will have the right to re-open Article 2 after the completion of the salary survey. 7) WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BENEFITS – the elimination of the 360-hour bank. Implement State rates and minimum mandated State benefits. 8) BEREAVEMENT LEAVE – employees can use up to 40 hours of sick leave following the death of an immediate family member. 9) EMERGENCY HEALTH FUND – 300 hour maximum. 10) GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE – previous agreement has already been implemented. 11) WORK SCHEDULES – District is open to exploring simple alternative schedules. 12) CONTRACTING OUT – The District agrees to these changes to Article 42, Contracting Out: Page No. 321 11/25/2014 “The District, at the discretion of the General Manager, may contract out the work of any classification. The District has no current initiative to eliminate bargaining unit jobs as a result of contracting out work. In the event that such an initiative becomes necessary in the future, the District agrees to meet and confer with bargaining unit representatives. If, however, the contract or subcontract will require a layoff of employees, the District will follow the procedures outlined in the Reduction in Forces section. The District will make a reasonable attempt to avoid layoffs.” 13) WELLNESS PROGRAM – solely voluntary. Add spouses and/or registered domestic partners. 14) TRAVEL POLICY – revised to reflect that meals included in registration for training classes and/or conferences will not be subject to reimbursement. 15) EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT – amounts to be increased from $1,000 to $2,000 to $2,000 and $4,000. 16) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR AND CRANE OPERATOR – add crane certification pay for Mechanical Technician II. 17) NEGOTIATION TEAM: The CVWDEA Negotiation team will consist of up to 7 employees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this MOU is subject to a vote by the CVWDEA membership; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that should the MOU fail to get the required votes, this MOU becomes void. On voice roll call, Resolution No. 2014-241 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Three Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Nelson, Noes: Two Directors: Pack, Livesay Adopt Resolution to approve the updated Coachella Valley Water District’s Records Retention Schedule Utilizing PowerPoint, Assistant General Manager Robert Cheng gave a presentation on the updated Coachella Valley Water District’s Records Retention Schedule. Page No. 322 11/25/2014 It was moved by Director Ed Pack, seconded by Director Franz De Klotz, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-242 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-14 AND APPROVING THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT’S RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the Coachella Valley Water District (the “District”) adopted Resolution No. 2007-14 on January 9, 2007, which established the “Policy on Records Retention and Destruction for Special Districts” to regulate the retention of District records and the destruction of such records that have exceeded their required retention periods and have become obsolete; and WHEREAS, in response to changes in the laws regarding records retention for public agencies, the Board of Directors finds it necessary to adopt an updated records retention schedule for the orderly retention of District records and the proper destruction of obsolete records. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District as follows: 1. Repeal of Resolution No. 2007-14. The Board of Directors hereby repeals Resolution No. 2007-14 in its entirety. Any existing memorandums, policies, Board action items or other documents pertaining to records retention and destruction that conflict with this Resolution and/or the Records Retention Schedule described herein are hereby declared invalid. 2. Approval of Records Retention Schedule. The Board of Directors hereby approves the Records Retention Schedule, which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A,” is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. 3. Findings. The Board of Directors hereby finds that the Records Retention Schedule complies with the California Secretary of State’s Local Government Records Management Guidelines, as required under Government Code section 60201, subdivision (b)(2). The Board of Directors further finds that any obsolete records destroyed pursuant to the Records Retention Schedule will not adversely affect the District or the public. 4. Administration of the Records Retention Schedule. The General Manager of the District shall be responsible for the administration of the retention of records and the destruction of obsolete records pursuant to the Records Retention Schedule. In addition, the General Manager, or his designee, is authorized to update or amend the Records Retention Schedule as needed in order to stay current with federal and State laws, as well as any regulations, regarding records retention. Page No. 323 11/25/2014 5. Authorization to Destroy Duplicate Records. Pursuant to Government Code sections 53161 and 60200, the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the General Manager to destroy at any time any duplicate record, paper or document of the District, while the original, whether in paper or electronic format, is retained for the legally required time period by the District. 6. Ongoing Authority. The General Manager shall have ongoing authority, without further approval needed from the Board of Directors and with the approval of the District’s General Counsel provided herein, to authorize destruction of obsolete District records in accordance with the Records Retention Schedule. 7. Certification. The Board Secretary shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the official Board minutes. 8. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. ADOPTED this 25th day of November, 2014 by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District. Resolution No. 2014-242 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Five Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Pack, Nelson, Livesay Noes: None Water Supply Assessments and Water Supply Verifications Proposed Thousand Palms 278 Specific Plan Planning and Special Projects Manager Patti Reyes provided background on the plan. It was moved by Director Ed Pack, seconded by Director Debi Livesay, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-243 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that it hereby approves the Water Supply Assessment and Water Supply Verification for the Proposed Thousand Palms 278 Specific Plan. Resolution No. 2014-243 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Five Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Pack, Nelson, Livesay Noes: None Page No. 324 11/25/2014 Proposed Millennium Village Palm Desert Master Plan Planning and Special Projects Manager Patti Reyes provided background on the plan. It was moved by Director Ed Pack, seconded by Director Franz De Klotz, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-244 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Water District assembled in regular meeting this 25th day of November, 2014, that it hereby approves the Water Supply Assessment and Water Supply Verification for the Proposed Millenium Village Palm Desert Master Plan. Resolution No. 2014-244 was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Five Directors: Powell, De Klotz, Pack, Nelson, Livesay Noes: None ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION None. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION President Powell announced closed session would be skipped as there was not a need for it. Page No. 325 11125/2014 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board of Directors at this time the meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m. Q~' Pre laent ATTEST: f Secretary SEAL