Mc.*fhew &ri'don Penrocj | 6euvne.l MoVzoc>7 f Understanding Leamer How The Distance Forrnula Applies to Real Life d=m (TheDistance Formula) 1) Thedistanceformulacanbe usedto find distancebetweentwo point on a globe. For example,the coordinates of onecity is (30,l7). A secondcity is locatedat point (21,l0). + (17-10)'. D : sqwreroot 8l+ 49. D:squareroot of 130. d:squareroot (30-21)'z Usingthe distanceformula,we were ableto prove that the distancebetweenthe two cities is equalto the squareroot of 130. 2) The distanceformulacanalsobe usedin football. Supposethe quarterbackis at point (8, 40) andthe defensive endis at points(3,25). Usingthe distanceformula,you can determinethe distancebetweenthe two players.Squareroot (8-3)'z+ (40-25)2:D. Square root (25+225):p. Onceagainusingthe distanceformula,we haveconfirmedthat the distancebetweenthe two playersis 5 squareroot 10. (16,90) 3) Supposea soldieris searching for a mine.Themineis placedat coordinates + (90andthe soldieris location(13,72). With the distanceformula, root (16-13)'? 7212:D. 32+182:D2.324+9:D2. The distanceformulashowedthat the soldier'sdistance from the minewasequalto the squareroot of 333. 4) SusieandJakewereplayinghopscotch.Suziewasat coordinates (6,3). Jakewasat (4, 0). coordinates StepBy Step D: squareroot of (6-4) 'z+ (3-0) 'z. D: squareroot (4+9) D: squareroot of 13 The distancebetweenSusieandJakeduringhopscotchwasequalto the squareroot of 13. (400,2200).It's destinationis at (630,200). 5) A planeis flyingat coordinates StepBy Step + (2200-200)2 D: squareroot of (400-630)'z D: squareroot of 52,900+4,000,000 D= squareroot of 4,052,900 Usingthe formula,we havedeterminedthat the planeis 4,052,900units awayfrom the destination.