WHY DOES INTENSITY INCREASE RICHARD DURING OF AVIAN THE NEST NESTING DEFENSE CYCLE? L. KNIGHT • AND STANLEY A. TEMPLE Departmentof WildlifeEcology,Universityof Wisconsin, Madison,Wisconsin 53706USA ABSTRACT.--Theoretical modelspredict that intensity of avian nestdefenseshouldincrease with age of the offspring.Empiricalobservationsconformingwith this prediction have been taken as support for these models. We here present a new explanation for the observed correlationsbetween offspring age and level of nest defense. We propose that increased intensityof nest-defensebehavioris largely a resultof the methodsusedby the researchers who made the observations.We suggestthat when an observerrepeatedlyvisits or brings a potential nest predatorto a nest, nest-defensebehavior of parentsis modified by positive reinforcement andlossoffear.Wetested thishypothesis bymeasuring nest-defense behavior of female American Robins(Turdusmigratorius) and male and female Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaiusphoeniceus). The testswere performed at nestsvisited only once during different stagesof the nesting cycle and at a group of nests visited repeatedly from initiation of incubation to fledging. Nest-defenseintensity (as measuredby call rates, closestapproach to the predator, and numbers of dives and strikes) of robins and blackbirds at nestsvisited once,in most cases,did not increasethrough the nestingcycle.At nestsvisited repeatedly through the nesting cycle,intensity of nest defenseby both robins and blackbirds,in many cases,increasedsignificantly.In addition to intensityof nestdefenseincreasingat multiplevisit nests,we observedhigher proportionsof birds at these nestsperforming nest-defense behaviorsthan at single-visit nests.Received19 March 1985,accepted 20 October1985. MOST studies of nest defense in altricial birds survival of parents and their young decreases have revealedincreasesin the intensity of nest as the nestlings grow older, making parents defense by parent birds through the nesting willing to defend older nestlingsmore aggrescycle (Smith 1950; Erpino 1968; Barash1975; sively. Curio 1975; D'Arms 1978; Weatherhead 1979, The secondexplanation is basedon the hy1982;Anderssonet al. 1980;Greig-Smith 1980; pothesisthat older nestlingsare more conspicPatterson et al. 1980; Biermann and Robertson uous to predators. The nest and its contents 1981; East 1981; Blancher and Robertson 1982; becomemore conspicuousas the nesting cycle RtSell and Bossema 1982; Merritt 1984; Shields progresses, necessitatingan increasein the in1984).Two explanationshave been offeredfor tensity of nest defenseto counteractthe nest's to predators(Skutch the temporalchangesin the intensity of nest increasedconspicuousness defense.The first, and currently most popular, 1949, Harvey and Greenwood 1978). We offer a third, alternativeexplanationfor explanationis derived from the theory of parental investment (Trivers 1972). Barash (1975) increasesin nest defense through the nesting extended the theory to include parental de- cycle.We proposethat the increasesare largely fense of eggs and young. Whether basedon the results of the methods used by the recumulative past parental investment (Trivets searcherswho made the observations.We sug1972, Barash1975) or future expectedbenefits gestthat when an observerrepeatedlyvisits or minus expectedcosts(Dawkins and Carlisle brings a potential predator to a nest and rec1976,Boucher1977,Maynard Smith 1977),this ords the parent birds' responses,the nest-dehypothesispredictsan increasein nestdefense fense behavior is gradually modified by posiand loss of fear. Positive as the young near fledging. In a similar fash- tive reinforcement ion, Anderssonet al. (1980) hypothesizedthat reinforcement is involved becausethe parent the relative difference between the expected birds have been rewarded repeatedlyfor their nest-defensebehavior.After being attacked,the • Present address: Institute for Environmental observeror other potential nestpredatorleaves Studies,Universityof Washington,Seattle,Washing- without harming the nest. A lossof fear is inton 98195 USA. volved becausethe defending birds gradually 318 The Auk 103: 318-327. April 1986 April 1986] Changes inNest-defense Intensity learn that the observer or other potential nest predator is not dangerousto them; however, they still view the objectas a threat to the nest's contents.Both positive reinforcementand loss of fear could explain much of the reported increases in nest-defense behavior. We examined these explanationsby measuring nest-defensebehavior in experimentswith American Robins (Turdusmigratorius) and Red- winged Blackbirds(Agelaius phoeniceus). 319 blackbirdsand robins was assumedto have begun the day beforethe lasteggwaslaid. For single-visit nests, 7 blackbird and 8 robin nests were chosen for each of the 6 time intervals. Multiple-visit nestswere visitedevery 3 days,beginningwith the initiation of incubationand continuing until fledging. Nest defense in blackbirdswas quantified by mea- suringthe responsesof the male and female parents either to an observer (always the same individual) standingby the nest or to a mounted raccoon(Procyonlotor)on top of an adjustablealuminumpole, in both caseswithin 0.5 m of the nest. Responsesof individual STUDY AREA AND METHODS Nests of blackbirds and robins were located within the city of Madison,Wisconsin.Somenestswere visited every 3 days,whereas others were visited only once. Blackbird nests visited once were located in Nielsen, University Bay, Redwing, and Odana marshes;nests visited repeatedly were located in Kettle Marsh. These areasare open water, cattail (Typha spp.) marshes (Bedford et al. 1975). At no time during the studyperiodwere humansseenin any of these marshes. All robin nests were located on the blackbirds to the human and the raccoon (balancedfor order of presentation)were measured on the same day, ! h apart. A cloth attached to a string coveredthe raccoonand was removed after the observer had retreated at least outside of the male's territory and the blackbirds had resumed "normal" behavior. The raccoon mount was placed so that the head was level with and facing the nest. During a 3-min period, the types of calls, the total number of calls, dives, and strikes, and the nearest distancethe birds approachedthe potential predator were recorded by two observers (one observer watched the male and the other watched the female). University of Wisconsincampusand adjacentneigh- When the potential nest predator was a human, that borhoods. individual Nests at which nest defense was measured once during the incubationperiod were located during the nest-buildingor egg-layingstages,thereby ensuring that we knew the date of initiation of incubation. Visits to nestsduring theseperiodsconsisted of walking past the nest without pausing. Nestsat which nest defensewas measuredonce during the nestling period were nestswe found with nestlings. Measurements of tarsusand wing chordimmediately after nest-defensetrials allowed us to age nestlings on the basisof comparisonswith growth curves(S. K. Knight pets. comm.).BecauseRed-wingedBlackbirdsarepolygynous,only one nestwasusedin each male's territory, thereby ensuring that the response of a male blackbird Blackbird was not measured nests where nest defense twice. was measured once were selectedrandomly from a larger set of known nests.Blackbird nestsvisited repeatedly were in a different marsh (Kettle Marsh) and were chosen randomly from nests within each male's territory. Robin nestswere assignedrandomly as single-visit or multiple-visit nests.One-visit nestswere at least 100 m from multiple-visit nests. For multiple-visit nests,we began with a larger number of nests,but in our analyseswe used only data collected from blackbird (n = 7) and robin (n = 8) nests that successfullyfledged at least one young. The combinedincubationand nestling periodsfor both robins and blackbirds are between 22 and 24 days(Stokes1979).We thereforedivided the nesting cycle into 6 four-day intervals,beginning with the initiation of incubation. Initiation of incubation for distant recorded observer tances were the female's recorded estimated behavior the male's. to the nearest while the Closest dis- 0.5 m. Dives were any break in horizontal flight that was directed at the predator. Call types recorded were those describedby Orians and Christman (1968). Nest defense in robins was measuredby record- ing the responses of femalesto a humanat the nest. Femaleswere sexedby their lighter headand breast, particularly when comparedwith mates,and by the fact that only females incubate (Stokes 1979). Call types (Stokes1979) and number, dives, strikes,and the closestapproachto the potential predator at the nest were recorded during a 3-min period. We did not measure nest-defense behavior of male robins or responsesof female robins to a mounted raccoon. Linear regressionanalysis(Ryan et al. 1976) was used to assessthe degree to which either the stage of the nesting cycleor the number of previousvisits could be used to predict nest-defenseresponse.We used analysisof variance to test the null hypothesis that regressioncoefficientsdid not differ significantly from zero; all testswere one-tailed. Results were consideredstatisticallysignificantat P < 0.05. For multiple-visit nests the assumptionof independencewould be violated if we usedthe responses from all visits to each nest when performing linear regressionanalysis.Accordingly, for each response variable for each of the 8 nest visits, we randomly selected(with replacement) one nest to provide the datumfor the regressionanalysis.Five independent regressionanalyseswere performed for each responsevariable.Residualsfrom the regressionanal- 320 KNIGHT ANDTEMPLE MALE BLACKBIRD FEMALE E 20 BLACKBIRD 20 DAYS [Auk,Vol. 103 FEMALE ROBIN 20 SINCE INITIATION OF INCUBATION Fig. 1. Mean _+2 SE of nest-defenseresponsesby blackbirdsand robinsto a human (open circles)and raccoon(closedcircles)at nestsvisitedonly once.n = 7 nestsfor blackbirdsand n = 8 nestsfor robins. yseswere plottedagainstthe independentvariables our resultsgave a trend oppositeto what existand the predictedy-valuesto determinewhetherdata ing theory predicted (e.g. as the nesting cycle transformationswere necessary.The variableswere log or square-roottransformed when necessaryto meet the assumptionof linearity. Becauseexisting theory on increasesin nest-defenseintensity do not necessarilypredict a linear increase over time, we also performed ANOVA tests on the data from single-visit nests to see whether there were stepwise progressed,male blackbirds increasedtheir increases. the raccoon;in 3 of the 11 regressionequations We calculated correlation coefficients between the distancefrom the predator model). Coefficients of determination were extremely low for each of the 11 regressionequations(Table 1). The greatestamountof variationexplainedby stage of the nestingcyclewas 9% for female callsto stageof the nestingcycleexplainednone of the various nest-defenseresponsesat all nests.Because variation. dives and strikes (when there were strikes) were We found similar trends for the responsesof female robins at single-visit nests.For none of the three responses wasthe null hypothesisthat nest-defenseintensity was independent of the stageof the nestingcyclerejected(Table 1). As highly correlated(P < 0.001),we usedthe sumof the dives and strikesin our analyses. RESULTS in blackbirds, the coefficients of determination The first hypothesiswe examined was that were low. Stageof the nestingcycleexplained nest-defenseintensity was related to the stage none of the observed variation in calls or nearof the nestingcycle.To test this hypothesiswe est approachand only 1% of the variation in analyzed resultsfrom only single-visit nestsso dives and strikes (Table 1). that stageof the nesting cycle was not confounded with the number of previous visits. Results from the ANOVA tests were no dif- ferent from those of the regressionanalyses, exceptthat femalecallsto the raccoonno longer showeda significantincreaseover time (AN- The evidence from single-visit nests only weakly supported this hypothesis and more stronglysupportedthe null hypothesisthat in- OVA, P > 0.25). The second hypothesis examined was that tensity of nest defenseis independent of stage of the nestingcycle (Fig. 1, Table 1). Nest-de- changesin nest-defenseintensitywere depenfenseintensityby both male and female black- dent on the number of previous nest visits by birdsdid not changethrough the nestingcycle a potentialnestpredatorthat doesnot harm the in the direction predicted by existing theory nest or the defending parents.Our null hyfor 10 of the 11 responses(Table 1). Only for pothesis was that nest-defenseintensity was calls by femalesto the raccoonwas the null independent of number of previous nest visits. For blackbirdsat multiple-visit nests,regreshypothesisrejected.Indeed,for four variables, April 1986] Changes in Nest-defense Intensity 321 T^BI•E1. Contributionof stageof the nestingcyclein explainingvariancein predator-elicitedresponsesof Red-winged Blackbirdsand American Robinsto potential nest predatorsat nestsvisited once. Coefficient Speciesand sex and responsevariable of Resultsof analysis of variancec Regression coefficient(B)a determination (r2)b Calls/3 min to human Calls/3 min to raccoon 2.71 0.05 Closestapproach (m) to human Closestapproach(m) to raccoon 0.60 0.48 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.03 1.14 1.90 2.07 4.37 0.03 2.10 >0.25 >0.10 >0.10 <0.05 >0.25 >0.10 0.09 -0.09 0.03 0.09 0.00 0.01 2.19 4.44 0.08 1.51 >0.10 <0.05 >0.25 >0.10 0.08 0.00 0.77 >0.25 4.25 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.64 0.10 1.44 >0.25 >0.25 >0.10 F P Red-winged Blackbirdmales Dives and strikes/3 min to human Dives and strikes/3 min to raccoon 0.03 -0.78 Red-winged Blackbirdfemales Calls/3 min to human Calls/3 min to raccoon 18.00 0.24 Closestapproach (m) to human Closestapproach(m) to raccoon Dives and strikes/3 min to human a Dives and strikes/3 min to raccoon American Robin females Calls/3 min to human Closestapproach(m) to human Dives and strikes/3 min to human -0.05 0.09 In all casesn = 42 for Red-winged Blackbirdsand n = 48 for American Robins. Adjustedfor degreesof freedom. Analysisof variancetestedwhetherthe regressioncoefficients were significantlydifferentfrom zero. No dives or strikes. sion coefficientsfor each of the 12 responses differedsignificantlyfrom 0 in at least1 of the 5 regressionanalysesperformed on each responsevariable.For 7 of the responsevariables all regressionanalyseswere significant (Table 2, Fig. 2). For all 12 variables,the resultswere uniformly in the directionpredictedby our alternativehypothesis.Theseresultsindicatethat blackbirds called more often, dove and struck more often, and approached potential nest predatorscloserasthe numberof previousnest visits increased. Coefficients of determination were consistentlymuch higher for number of previousvisits than for stageof the nesting intruder, whereasnumber of previousnest visits explained as much as 44% of the variation. Although all blackbirds and robins called while defendingtheir nests,therewere marked differencesin the proportionof birdsthat dove at or hit the potential predator at single- and multiple-visitnests.For nestswith nestlings912 days old, very few parents at single-visit nestseither dove at or hit the potential predator, whereasat multiple-visitnestsover half of the parentsdid (Table 3). Additionally, there were many more dives and strikes by parents at multiple-visitneststhanby parentsat single- visit nests.For example,when young were between 9 and 12 daysold, there were 1,244dives Nest-defense intensityby robinsat multiple- and strikes by parents at multiple-visit nests visit nests also increasedin responseto the but only 21 dives and no strikesby parentsat number of previousvisits.As with blackbirds, single-visit nests. cycle (Tables 1 and 2). the number of calls, dives, and strikes in- Differencesin predator-elicitedresponses by creasedwith repeatedvisits,while closestdistance approachedby robins decreased(Table 2). For all responsevariables,coefficientsof determination were much higher for number of previousvisitsthan for stageof nestingcycle (Tables1 and 2). For example,stageof the nest- birds at nests visited once and nests visited re- ing cycle explained none of the variation in ward humans closestdistancerobinsapproachedthe human peatedlycould be due to multiple-visit nests having parentsthat were inherently more aggressivethan parentsat nestsvisitedonly once. Blackbirds in Kettle Marsh, where nests were visited repeatedly,may be more aggressivetoand raccoons than blackbirds in the marshes where we measured nest defense 322 KNIGHTAND TEMPLE [Auk, Vol. 103 TABLE 2. Contributionof stageof the nestingcyclein explainingvariancein predator-elicited responses of Red-winged Blackbirds andAmericanRobinsto potentialnestpredators at nestsvisitedevery3 days. Speciesand sexand response variable Regression coefficient (B)a CoefficientResults ofanalysis ofvariance ½ of determination(r2)b F P Red-winged Blackbirdmales Calls/3 min to human Calls/3 min to raccoon Closestapproach(m) to human Closestapproach(m) to raccoon Dives and strikes/3 min to human Dives and strikes/3 min to raccoon 0.11-0.20 0.11-0.20 -2.98 to -1.49 -0.74 to -0.53 0.32-2.34 6.91-16.40 0.26-0.74 0.46-0.64 0.48-0.53 0.26-0.43 0.70-0.78 0.16-0.55 3.46-20.52 7.00-13.32 7.40-8.88 3.50-6.35 16.97-25.50 2.31-7.02 0.0025 0.01 0.01 0.025 0.001 0.025 < < < < < < P P P P P P < < < < < < 0.25 0.05 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.25 0.25-38.52 0.17-32.85 -0.28 to -0.25 -0.38 to -0.28 1.61-1.94 2.37-14.67 0.49-0.58 0.40-0.51 0.49-0.53 0.20-0.41 0.65-0.68 0.52-0.74 7.73-10.50 5.71-8.29 7.73-8.88 2.80-5.86 14.21-15.52 8.47-20.70 0.01 0.025 0.01 0.05 0.005 0.0025 < < < < < < P P P P P P < < < < < < 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.25 0.01 0.05 0.24-4.32 -1.97 to -1.61 1.71-1.75 0.34-0.71 0.39-0.44 0.39-0.75 4.58-17.72 5.57-6.50 5.57-22.09 Red-wingedBlackbirdfemales Calls/3 min to human Calls/3 min to raccoon Closestapproach(m) to human Closestapproach(m) to raccoon Dives and strikes/3 min to human Dives and strikes/3 min to raccoon American Robin females Calls/3 min to human Closestapproach(m) to human Dives and strikes/3 min to human 0.0025 < P < 0.10 0.025 < P < 0.10 0.001 < P < 0.10 aForeachresponse variableon eachof the 8 nestvisits,we randomlyselected(with replacement) onenest toprovidedatafor theregression analyses. Rangeof valuespresented from5 independent regression analyses performedfor eachresponsevariable. bAdjustedfor degreesof freedom. cAnalysisof variancetestedwhetherthe regression coefficients weresignificantly differentfromzero. only once.This couldbe due to proximityand natural exposureto humansor raccoons.Such an explanationis unlikely for robin nestsbecausethey were assignedrandomly to treatments. We examinedthis possibilityfor both blackbirdsand robinsby comparingthe initial responsesamong nestsvisited once and nests visited repeatedly.There were no significant predator,becausethe proximity and intensity of their nest-defense behavior increased. Con- versely,if parentsor their nestswere harmed (negativereinforcement),then a declinewould be expectedin the intensity of particularcomponents(e.g.divesand strikes)of nest-defense behavior, depending upon the frequency and outcome of these previous encounters (e.g. Knight 1984,Knight and Templein pressa). We are not the first to proposethat increased intensity of responsesto predatorsmight be the result of repeatedpresentationsand withDISCUSSION drawals of potential predators.Verplanck (in Our evidencesuggeststhat stageof the nest- FIinde 1954) suggestedthat the withdrawal of ing cycle has only a weak influence on nest- an owl that is being mobbedmight reinforce defenseintensity.Our resultsstronglysupport distraction behavior. Gramza (1967) proposed the hypothesisthat increasedintensityin nest- that withdrawal of a human intruder might defensebehaviorthrough the nestingcycleoc- positively reinforce distraction behavior in micurs when an observer repeatedly visits or nesting Common Nighthawks (Chordeiles placesa potential nest predatorat a nest and nor). Buitron (1983: 232) declared, "Studies then leaves or withdraws the stimulus without showing an increasein parental defensewith the ageof the young have generallyinvolved harming the birds. Even thoughnestswere not harmed,parent the samepredator,human or model, throughbirds still viewed us or the predator model as out the breedingseason.In somecasesthe same a potentialthreat.The continuednestdefense, pairs were repeatedlytested,often every day, however,impliesthat parentslosefear of the and increasedfamiliarity with a particular differences (Mann-Whitney U-test, all P values > 0.10) in any of thesecomparisons. April 1986] Changes inNest-defense Intensity DAYS SINCE INITIATION 323 OF INCUBATION Fig.2. Mean+ 2 SEof nest-defense responses byblackbirds androbins toa human (opencircles) and raccoon (closed circles) at nestsvisitedeverythreedays.n = 7 nestsforblackbirds andn = 8 nestsforrobins. predatorand situationsmayhaveaffectedthe sponses, we found strikingdifferencesin adult behaviorat single-vs. multiple-visitnests.We be disadvantageous, the repeatedwithdrawal measurednest defenseonly during the incuresponse.While habituationto predatorswould ofthehumanormodelpredator withnoinjury bationandnestlingstages of thenestingcycle. to youngor adultsmay reinforcethe vigor of We wouldnot be surprisedto find significant the response."AmericanGoldfinches(Carduelis differences througha nestingcyclethatincludtristis)showedsignificantincreasesin call rates edadditional stages, suchasnestbuilding,eggfrom the incubationto the nestlingperiodat laying,and postfledging.Birdsrespondto the nestsvisitedevery3 days(Knightand Temple presenceof a predatordifferentlyduring the in pressb). At nestsvisitedonly onceduring earlypart of the nestingcycle,asis evidenced the incubationor nestlingperiods,however, by their greatertendencyto desertduringthe therewere no significantdifferencesin call rates nest-buildingand egg-layingstages(Skutch eitherto humansor to modelsof a BlueJay 1976).Likewise,parentsmightdefendfledged (Cyanocitta cristata)or an AmericanKestrel(Fal- younglessintenselythan eggsor nestlingsbecosparverius). causefledgedyoungare dispersedand candeThe large amount of variation around the fend themselves (e.g.by flying or hiding). calculated mean values in our work indicates substantial individual variation in nest-defense Intensity of nest defense has been shown to be positivelycorrelated with nestsuccess (e.g. behavior(Figs.1,2).Despitesmallsamplesizes Greig-Smith 1980,Blancherand Robertson1982, and the large variations in nest-defensere- Knight and Temple in pressb). Variouscom- TABLE 3. Comparisons of predator-elicited responses of Red-winged Blackbirds andAmerican Robinsat nestsvisitedonceand at nestsvisitedevery3 days. Proportion of parents that dove or struck a Speciesand sexof parent Potential predator Male blackbird Femaleblackbird Femalerobin Total number of dives and strikes a Single-visit Multiple-visit Single-visitMultiple-visit nests nests nests nests Human 2/7 7/7 8 151 Raccoon 2/ 7 7/ 7 7 586 Human 0/ 7 3/ 7 0 15 Raccoon 0/ 7 4/ 7 0 302 Human 1/8 8/8 6 190 Responses duringnestvisitswhennestlings were9-12daysold. 324 KNIGHT ANDTEMPLE ponents of nest-defensebehavior, suchas calls, may function in ways that minimize a predator's ability to locate and destroy a nest (e.g. Greig-Smith 1980,Knight and Temple in press b). This suggeststhat nest-defensebehavior is adaptive.The existing theory on nest defense assumesthat the reproductive value of the nest contents increaseswith age, that the nest contents become more conspicuouswith increasing age, that nest defense incurs a cost (i.e. is risky or energeticallyexpensive),and that the level of nest defense performed is a measureof either parental investment or the conspicuousnessof the young (Skutch 1949, Barash 1975, Harvey and Greenwood 1978, Andersson et al. 1980). Of these assumptions,the first two are axiomatic. The value and conspicuousnessof nestsinevitably increaseswith age. Becauseour resultssuggestthat existingtheory doesnot adequately explain patterns of nest-defenseintensity, closescrutiny of the last two assumptions would be instructive. Previousnest-defense studies.--Eachof 12 previous studies that examined nest defense of al- tricial birds in response to a human intruder reported increases in nest-defense intensity through the nesting cycle (Smith 1950;Erpino 1968; Barash 1975; Searcy 1979; Weatherhead 1979, 1982; Andersson et al. 1980; Greig-Smith [Auk,Vol. 103 the particular model). Curio (1975: 29) stated that "As in many birds, responsestrength(calls per minute) exhibits a marked increaseduring the breeding cycle." Later, however, (p. 31) he statedthat "... differencesbetween stages(of the nestingcycle)becomegenerallysignificant only if covering the data of at least three subsequentones."Regelmannand Curio (1983)and Curio et al. (1984) found that nest-defensein- tensityof GreatTits (Parusmajor),as measured by time (latency of approach)and distanceapproached,increasedwith nestling age;they did not report data for the incubation period. Additionally, they reportedinconsistencies in their data basedon such factorsas year and study area and attributed the large amount of unexplained variation in their responsevariables to individualvariationamongthe parents.D'Arms (1978) found no differences between the incu- bation and nestling stagesin male Red-winged Blackbird nest defense to avian predators.Female Red-winged Blackbirds with nestlings were more aggressivethan femaleswith eggs. Gottfried (1979) measured nest-defense re- sponseof Northern Cardinals (Cardinaliscardinalis),American Robins, Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis), and Brown Thrashers studiesusinga human asthe stimulus.Several (Toxostoma rufum)to predator modelsand concluded:"My data do not clearly tell if the intensity of aggressiontoward nest predators changesduring the nestingcycle." Pattersonet al. (1980) found that White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichialeucophrys) were no more aggressive to a mounted Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) during the nestling period than during the incubation period. They did report significantincreasesin nest defenseto models of an American Kestrel and a Dark-eyed Junco (Juncohyemalis)and to a live terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophiselegans).During May and June, Biermann and Robertson(1981) reported that female Red-winged Blackbirdsresponded no more aggressivelyto a rubber snakein their nestsduring the nestling than the incubation period. During July, however, blackbirdswere more aggressivewhen they had nestlingsthan when they had eggs.Finally, R•Selland Bossema (1982)reporteda statisticallynonsignificant trend for a higher proportion of naive Blackbilled magpies(Picapica)to attack a live avian predatorat nestsduring the nestling stagethan during incubation. of these presented potential predators to naive birds (i.e. birds that had not previously seen responsesof magpiesand Common Jackdaws 1980; East 1981; Blancher and Robertson 1982; Merritt 1984; Shields 1984). In each study individual nests were visited more than once; in at leasteight of the studiesnestswere visited at 1-3-day intervals. Additionally, becauseparent birds may learn to recognize individuals (e.g. the researcher)from previous visits (Buitron 1983,Merritt 1984,Knight and Temple in pressa), nest defense can be even more intense to familiar individuals than to novel intruders (Knight and Temple in pressa). We know of no published studies where observers visited nests repeatedly and failed to obtain an increase in nest defense. Nest-defense studies that measured parent responses of altricial birds through the nesting cycleto either a taxidermicmount (Curio 1975, Gottfried 1979, Patterson et al. 1980, Biermann and Robertson1981, Shields 1984) or a living animal (D'Arms 1978, R•Selland Bossema1982, Regelmannand Curio 1983, Curio et al. 1984) have obtained results far less consistent than R•Selland Bossema(1982) also measured the April1986] Changes inNest-defense Intensity (Corvusmonedula) to weekly presentationsof the predator. None of the eight pairs of magpies showed consistent changes in responses through the nesting cycle, although jackdaws did show increasedscolding. Shields (1984) measured nest defense in Barn Swallows (Hi- rundorustica)to a predatormodelat nestsand found that intensity of mobbing was significantly greater during the nestling stage than during the incubation stage. He placed the predatormodel near nestsat intervalsthat varied from twice weekly to twice during the breeding season. Two possibleexplanationsexist for the contradictoryfindings of the studieswith models or live predatorsother than man. First, because researchershave to place the predator at the nestand then withdraw beforemeasuringnest defense,they have, in effect,presentedthemselvesfirst as a potentialpredator(Kruuk 1964: 325 free-rangingpredatorsprobablywould influence the responseto the predator model (Pugesek1983,Smith et al. 1984).This is particularly important becausemany of the species usedaspredatorscanbe successfully driven off by parents(Biermannand Robertson1981,Ri3ell and Bossema1982), thereby providing parents with positive reinforcement. Our resultsprovide a mechanismfor Pugesek's (1983) observations that older California Gulls(Laruscalifornicus) attackhumanintruders more often than middle-aged and young parents do. Older birds may defend their nests moreaggressivelybecausethey have had more previous"successful" nest-defenseinteractions with human intruders. In studies where nest- defenseintensity and nest successwere corre- lated (e.g. Anderssonet al. 1980,Greig-Smith 1980,Blancherand Robertson1982,Knight and Templein pressb), it would be interestingto 75-76). Unless the researcher is hidden from know whether the birds that nested success- the parents'view, is a sufficientdistanceaway from the nest, or allows the parents to habituate to the observer'spresence,at leastpart of the nest-defensebehavior measuredmay be attributed to the researcher'spresence. Curio (1975:26-27), for example,found that Pied Flycatchers(Ficedulahypoleuca)continued calling for some time after a potential predator was removedfrom the area. In only 2 of the 9 studies listed above was it apparent that the observer was concealed.In one study the parent birds were captured and banded before measuring nest defense. In this and four other fully were the older birds. We know of only one study that quantified nest-defense behavior of an altricial bird to flee- ranging wild nest predators. Buitron (1983) measuredBlack-billedMagpienest-defense behavior to a number of avian and mammalian predatorsof magpie adults, nestlings,or eggs. Magpiesrespondedto a variety of live predators with similar intensity and frequency regardlessof the stageof the nestingcycle. It is clear that caution must be used in ac- cepting various explanationsfor increasesin nest-defenseintensity. Many previous studies studies it was not stated whether the observers that attempted to test hypothesesexplaining were visible, whether the birds were allowed changesin nest-defenseintensity lacked adeto return to "normal" behavior before obserquatecontrols,which made it difficult to attribvations began, or how far the observerswere ute changesin nestdefenseto a particularcause. from the nest.In one studythere were at least Future nest-defensestudiesshould employ dethree observerspresentduring the trials. We signsthat minimize severalof the potentially suggestthat the inconsistentfindings in these confoundingvariableswe have discussed. studiesmay be attributedto the presenceof the researcher,particularlyif the researchervisited ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the nest repeatedlythrough the nestingcycle. For valuable assistance in the field we thank ReSecond,studiesusing models or live predators as stimuli to study nest-defensebehavior becca Abel and Alan Crossley. Our research was have chosen speciesthat occur naturally in funded by grantsfrom the GraduateSchooland the Friends of the Arboretum, University of Wisconsin, nesting areasand that are suspectedof being and from the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation. Perfrequent nest predators.We have demonstratmission to work in the marsheswas provided by ed that nest-defenseintensity increasesafter Katherine Bradley, Director of the Arboretum, Uni"successful" defenses of the nest (i.e. the re- versity of Wisconsin,and by Si Widstrand, Madison searcherwithdraws or removes the predator ConservationParksDepartment.Commentsfrom M. model).Therefore,the frequencyand outcome Andersson, D. E. Blockstein, D. Buitron, J.P. Hailof previous encountersbetween parents and man, S. K. Knight, G. H. Orians, M. Samuel,and K. 326 KNIGHT ANDTEMPLE Yasukawaclarified our thinking on this subjectand are deeply appreciated.We alsothank refereesW. M. Shieldsand L. K. Southernfor suggestingimprovements on the manuscript. 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