Chris Golden - What is the Risk-Free Rate 01 - EFFAS

What is the Risk-Free Rate
in a risky environment ?
Chris Golden
Frankfurt, February 2012
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
The purpose of this presentation
What is a Risk-Free Rate?
Why do we need one?
Why are we re-examining it now?
What would it look like?
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
The purpose of this presentation
• The Risk-Free Rate (Rf) is everywhere in finance
• Part of its definition is that it be default-risk
• That virtue is increasingly rare
• But there were always many other fundamental
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
The purpose of this presentation
• In this presentation I want to
– Examine the problems that always existed
– Examine the problems which have come to the
• As a result of the financial crisis
– Suggest some ways forward
– Ask for help!
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What is a Risk-Free Rate?
• A Risk-Free Rate is one in which
– Expected Returns and
– Actual Returns
– Are indeed and always will be
– Equal
• i.e. there is no variance around the expected return
• Generally this therefore means an asset that is
– Fixed-rate, and
– Default-free
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What is a Risk-Free Rate?
• The maturity of the Risk-Free Rate
– should match the horizon of the asset being
• This can be short-term
– E.g. Options
• Medium-term
– E.g. Building contracts
• Infinite
– E.g. Equity/Corporate valuations
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What is a Risk-Free Rate?
• So the Risk-Free Rate used in valuation
– will depend upon when the cash flow being
valued is expected to occur
– It may therefore vary across time
• Of both observation
• And Maturity
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What is a Risk-Free Rate?
• The maturity constraint means that we need to
add another condition to the Risk-Free Rate:
– For the expected value to have no variance
– There cannot be any reinvestment risk
• So the Risk-Free Rate must be a single payment
– i.e. it must have a zero-coupon format
• It also implies that there is not so much A single
Risk-Free Rate,
• but a whole Risk-Free Curve (Rfc)
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What is a Risk-Free Rate?
• In summary therefore :
– The Rf must be
• A single payment instrument
• Of the suitable maturity
• Free of any credit/default risk
– It may also need to be replicable
• But this is not an essential characteristic
• In ALL the uses of Rf
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why do we need one?
• The Risk-Free Rate is a variable used in numerous
areas of finance:
Equity Valuation
Portfolio Performance Measurement
Option Valuation
Insurance (MCEV for liabilities)
• It generally serves the role of evaluating what
alternative return could be guaranteed
– In a given situation
• Some examples follow
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Rf in Equity Valuation Models
Expected Return
E(R) = Rf +  (Rm- Rf)
Inputs Needed
Risk-Free Rate
Beta relative to market portfolio
Market Risk Premium
E(R) = Rf + j=1j (Rj- Rf)
Risk-Free Rate; # of Factors;
Betas relative to each factor
Factor risk premiums
E(R) = Rf + j=1,,Nj (Rj- Rf) Risk-Free Rate; Macro factors
Betas relative to macro factors
Macro economic risk premiums
Frankfurt Aswath
Feb 2012
Rf in Option Valuation
• The Black-Scholes Formula:
A Call Option price C is given by
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why are we re-examining it now?
• It has become readily apparent to anyone who
has noticed what is happening
– That assuming that government issues are default risk
free cannot be justified
• There has been increasing press and other
comments to that effect
– E.g. Press : Gillian Tett in the FT
– Official Institutions: The IMF
– Investment Managers : BlackRock
• And many others!
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why are we re-examining it now?
• But there were plenty of questions before too!
• E.g Some Govies were said to be TOO expensive
– To be simply the default-Risk-Free Rate
• Various Govies benefited from
Eligibility for repo
Greater liquidity
Regulatory requirements:
• Holdings for solvency or reserve purposes
• Not all Govie markets have strips
– I.e. Zero-coupon cash flows values have to be derived
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why are we re-examining it now?
• Why not Govies, even then ?
– Govies frequently had added advantages
– Beyond simply being considered free of default risk
• A bond yield decomposes into
A Risk-Free Rate
A Default/Credit Risk
A Liquidity Premium/Discount
A Convenience Factor
• Govies may not have default risk, but they have a
liquidity discount and a convenience factor
• Both of these mean that Govies would underestimate
the Rf
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why are we re-examining it now?
• Note that there is an argument that governments
can (or need) never default
– On their domestic debt
– in their own currency
• This is probably practically true
– Though only reasonably certain (legally) if the issuer is
the same as the printer of currency
• But note that equally practically
– Even the ECB can lend to banks
– And accept only Govie debt in collateral
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why are we re-examining it now?
• Although this was not really the most satisfactory
• It is clear that in the past
– You simply looked up the relevant Risk-Free Rate
• A government bond yield (or better: a zero)
• LIBOR or some similar rate
• Even Swaps
• But in the present Govies no longer look so
default risk-free
• And we are increasingly aware of the problems
with LIBOR and Swaps
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Some Questions
• Can we really consider Govies an appropriate
Risk-Free Rate today?
• Is the concept of “risk free” even appropriate
or relevant in today’s world?
• If not, then what happens to CAPM, portfolio
theory, BS model?
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Some Considerations
• Horses for Courses:
– The Rf should be fit for purpose/use
– And there are many purposes/uses
• There is probably room for more than one Rf
• Just as there is room for more than one yield
curve (across the same set of points)
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Some Considerations
• Some Rf uses require replicability
– The Rf therefore needs to be observable
• Other Rf uses may not have that requirement
– And therefore the Rf in those uses may be
– But derived from observable data
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Some Considerations
• Spurious accuracy!
• Whatever method is chosen to obtain a Rf,
– Whether directly observed (replicable)
– Or derived (unobservable)
• The Rf (and the Rfc) will be changing more or less
• Even if based on observed rates most of the Rfc will
be unobserved
• And based on some curve-modeling technique
• So to what degree of accuracy do we need the Rf ?
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What would it look like?
I do not propose a specific solution
We are all looking for answers
But I can outline some necessary dimensions
And suggest some key parameters
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What would it look like?
• The key dimensions that have to be examined
in determining a Risk-Free Rate :
– Theoretically Sound Concept
– Computationally Tractable
– Based on clean data inputs
• Available in real time
– (Possibly) Replicable
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Some Suggestions
• Based on the swap curve
– adjusted for credit risk and a liquidity premium
• But the concept implies determining what the credit
risk is
• Which is self-referential
– i.e. if we know what the credit risk is……
• Implied by the Cash-CDS Arbitrage
– CDS is close to pure credit risk
– Especially if it is CCP settled
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Advantages of the Swap Curve
It exists in almost all currencies
It is easy to build
It is always current
It is mandated for insurance in Holland
– (Although this may be a disadvantage….)
• And it is proposed for Solvency II purposes
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Disadvantages of the Swap Curve
• Adjustment required for Credit Risk
– Academia uses spread between secured and
unsecured rates
• i.e. compares with the repo rate for equivalent maturity
– But this method has problems too
• Convenience
• Liquidity
– On the other hand do collateralised swaps need a
credit adjustment?
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Disadvantages of the Swap Curve
• The Floating leg (3-mo LIBOR)
– Is not extensively traded
– Could be (and probably has been) manipulated
• The current definition for LIBOR makes the
rate conceptual
• Rather than an actual rate which can be tested
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why Use CDS vs Cash?
• Inasmuch as CDS capture a credit risk spread
• That spread should be over the credit-risk free
– Counterparty-risk can be mitigated
• Empirical observations show that this spread
• Is over neither the Swap, nor the Govie curve
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why Use CDS vs Cash?
• i.e. (With all other things being equal) =>
• CBY – SR < CDS < CBY – GBY
• Where
– CBY = Cash Bond Yield
– SR = Swap Rate
– GBY = Government Bond Yield
• In other words the implied risk-free curve
• Lies BETWEEN the Govie Curve and the Swap
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
Why Use CDS vs Cash?
• In principle there is only one Risk-Free Curve
– Irrespective of the reference names used
• So any CDS/Cash Bond pair should be usable
– And as “information valuable” as any other
• There are an extremely large number of
reference names in the CDS market
– But using those contained in the CDX and iTraxx
“Main” indices are the most liquid
– Europe iTraxx has 3, 5 ,7 and 10 year maturities
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What to do?
• The EBC will be examining the question
• Sergey Smirnoff and I will head that effort
• We will want help:
– Thoughts/suggestions
– Data
– Feedback
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012
What to do?
• If you interested, please contact us by e-mail
Thank you for listening !
Chris Golden EFFAS-EBC/DVFA Frankfurt
Feb 2012