Que Sera Stone by Hazel Raven Keyword: Surrender Magic: Que


Que Sera Stone by Hazel Raven

Keyword: Surrender

Magic: Que Sera stone can change your perception and perspective on life and your current life situation; it gently encourages you to surrendering to and allowing events to unfold to everyone’s highest good. If you feel ready to let go and let the healing journey begin Que

Sera stone is a wonderful ally.

Que Sera is a powerful stone and one that has many life enhancing positive attributes. This includes bringing balance and harmony and increasing ones psychic abilities such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and your intuition.

Que Sera is an excellent stone to use in meditation practise as it gently quietens the ‘mind chatter’ which is useful if you tend to dwell on negative aspects of your life or if you get caught up in the details instead of allowing life to happen in joyful wonder.

Que Sera is a synergy stone so it will open, cleanse and balance all the chakras. This is vital in allowing the Universal Life Energy to flow unhindered.

Que Sera is also a high vibrational stone which will allow access to the higher planes of existence which bring access to higher states of awareness, including love, blessings and abundance.

Que Sera stone seems to have the most impact on the emotional body, once you attune to it, its energy is soothing and relaxing, stopping negative energy being held within the emotional body this also stops outside negativity from impacting or influencing you, in this sense Que Sera stone ends psychic attack and negative influence and attachments. This in turn stops depression and low energy. Basically Que Sera stone slices through emotional entanglements encouraging grounded contentment.

Que Sera stone connects us with the distant past by providing doorways to different dimensions. It is useful for far memory and deep mind especially where we have used ritual movement or sound in a therapeutic way.

A word of caution, if you are not used to working with synergy stones, you may have to allow yourself a little time to get used to the energy of Que Sera stone as the energy could feel very chaotic at first.

Que Sera’s energies combine synergistically with Preseli Bluestone and Phenacite .

When combine with Preseli Bluestone it amplifies the gridding and earth-healing potential of both stones as well as the past-life aspect of each.

When combined with Phenacite it brings one’s Light Body into perfect resonance with higher realms, bringing information for the benefit of those on the physical plane.

By combining all three stones they offer increased focus and intensity of energy for manifesting our inner patterns of intention in the outer world.

Chakra: All

Angel: The angel of Air – Chasan

Meditation: This meditation technique allows you to meet the spirit of the Que Sera stone.

The first time you attempt this exercise you may not be able to meet the spirit in any definite form but don’t be disheartened, just set your intention clearly and allow any fear of not being able to communicate clearly (in an understandable form) to dissipate. Also be aware the meeting and subsequent communication may come in a form you are not used to. If you are a very ‘visual’ person don’t be dismayed if the communication is in thoughts, words or feelings. Just try to engage all your senses.

This classic meditation will also work for any crystal, stone or gemstone.

1. Hold the Que Sera stone in your receptive hand, this is normally your left hand.

2. Imagine the entrance of a cave in front of you. Take time to build the image clearly in your mind’s eye.

3. Picture yourself moving forwards into the mouth of the cave. Move tentatively, slowly exploring your fist impressions.

4. Move a little deeper into the cave, you will see before you a downward leading pathway, taking you deeper into the Earth. Follow this pathway.

5. Keep going forwards until you see a closed doorway.

6. See a name on the door – it says Que Sera stone.

7. Focus on your desire to meet the Que Sera stone spirit guide and wait patiently for the door to swing open.

8. As soon as the door opens, step through, and allow your first impressions to build.

9. Take your time – everything beyond the doorway, every impression, relates to the Que

Sera stone. No subtle detail is too small to ignore.

10. When it is time to return from your encounter with the Que Sera stone, say “thank you” and will yourself back through the doorway entrance.

11. As you step back through the doorway, close the door behind you. Retrace your steps, making your way outside of the cave.

12. Write down your experience for future reference before resuming your normal day to day activities.

Placement: to dispel nervous tension: lie down and place a Que Sera stone on the heart or solar plexus chakra. Keep it in place until all subtle energy movement has ceased. Then move the Que Sera stone to the Earth Star chakra and once again wait until all subtle energy movement ceases. You should then experience ‘spiritual calm’. You can use this technique as often as you wish.

Cleansing: Sound : strike or ring a crystal singing bowl, bell, tingshas, tuning fork or cymbal over the stone for effective energetic cleansing of stagnant energy.


Chasan works closely with Archangel Raphael to bring healing through letting go of that which no longer serves your highest good. Chasan works by assisting you in blocking and releasing annoying thoughts which have held you captive. Releasing these negative thoughts brings harmony and balance, thereby restoring your equanimity.

Colour: the Que Sera stone varies greatly but may contain: reddish-brown, blue, grey, black, brown, greenish, pinkish sections within.

The make-up of Llanite is: Blue Quartz, Reddish microcline Feldspar, Plagioclase, Biotite,

Fluorite, Apatite, Magnetite, Ilmenite and Zircon.

Country of origin: Brazil.

Que Sera (Llanite) is a Rhyolite .

The information in this document is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Neither the website nor the writer accepts any liability for readers who choose to self-prescribe. Crystal energy is subtle, but powerful. If you are in any doubt about their use consult a qualified crystal therapist.

© Hazel Raven 2013

Hazel Raven is an internationally known successful Mind, Body, Spirit author, teacher and workshop leader, with over 12 books to her credit, including the best-selling Angel Bible.

She is a trained tutor and therapist with over 30 years’ experience. Hazel has appeared on television, radio and in numerous magazines and newspapers. Hazel writes a regular column for Silent Voices Magazine. Hazel Raven is the Principal of the HRCB - Hazel Raven College of

Bio-Dynamics, a member school of the ACHO - Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations and the CTC - Crystal Therapy Council and producer member of BAFEP - British Association of Flower Essence Producers. www.hazelraven.com
