ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Eosinophilic Esophagitis Joel Rubenstein, MD, MSc Veterans Affairs Center for Clinical Management Research University of Michigan Medical School EoE Case 16 year year--old girl with mild chest pain and progressive dysphagia for solids to the point that she could only tolerate baby food food. Biopsies from distal esophagus: > 50 eos eos/HPF /HPF Placed on omeprazole and fluticasone. Mild symptomatic improvement. Discontinued. August 2012 1 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Epidemiology in Adults • Prevalence in populationpopulation-based studies: – ~ 0.03% • In pts undergoing EGD for GERD, dysphagia, food impaction: 0.9 0.9--48% • More frequent in younger men, atopy atopy,, asthma, food allergies. Sealock R, et al. APT 2010 Definition of EoE • • • • Symptoms related to esophageal dysfunction. 15 eosinophils eosinophils//hpf (peak value). value value)). ) The disease is isolated to the esophagus. Other causes of esophageal eosinophilia should be excluded excluded,, specifically PPI PPI-responsive p esophageal p g eosinophilia. p Liacouras,, et al. Consensus Guidelines. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;128:3Liacouras 2011;128:3-20 August 2012 2 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG GERD and Eos in the Esophagus • Approximately 16% of patients with eosinophil-rich esophagitis have symptomatic improvement by PPI. • Symptomatic y p improvement p may y be inversely associated with density of eos. Furuta,, et al. AGA Consensus Recommendations. Gastro 2007. Furuta GERD and Eos in the Esophagus • GERD can cause a mild eosinophilic infiltration. • GERD might contribute to EoE: – Increased permeability exposes esophagus to antigens. • EoE may contribute to GERD: – Eosinophil secretory products may relax the LES (VIP, (VIP platelet activating factor) and alter body motility resulting in delayed clearance. – Structural remodeling → shortened esophagus, hiatal hernia formation. Spechler S. AJG 2007. August 2012 3 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG EoE Case 16 year-old girl with mild chest pain and progressive dysphagia for solids to the point that she could only tolerate baby food. Biopsies from distal esophagus: > 50 eos/HPF eos/HPF Placed on omeprazole and fluticasone. Mild symptomatic improvement. Discontinued. EoE Case EGD on omeprazole l 20 20mg BID – stricture at GE junction, dilated to 12 mm – lower esoph 21 eos eos/HPF, /HPF, upper esoph 72 eos/HPF eos/HPF Now what? August 2012 4 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Food Elimination in EoE • Elemental diet • Skin prick or atopy patch testing • Empiric elimination Skin Prick or Atopy Patch Testing • 146 children with EoE – 77% had histological resolution after elimination. – Most common: egg, milk, soy, wheat, corn – In other studies, common also included nuts, peanuts, fish. Spergel J, et al. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2005 August 2012 5 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Empiric Elimination • Prospective cohort study in adults (n=50) of 6 weeks elimination of: – Milk, soy, egg, wheat, nuts/peanuts, fish. – Sequentially reintroduced foods (n=20). • Skin prick testing prior. • 64% histological resolution. • Dysphagia improved in 94% • Reintroduction: – Wheat (60%), milk (50%), soy (10%), nuts (10%), egg (5%) – SPT accurate in 13%, and negative in 67% Gonsalves N, et al. Gastro 2012 EoE Case 16 year year--old girl with mild chest pain and progressive dysphagia for solids to the point that she could only tolerate baby food. Biopsies from distal esophagus: > 50 eos eos/HPF /HPF Placed on omeprazole and fluticasone. Mild symptomatic improvement. Discontinued. Skin testing negative. Empiric elimination of dairy, wheat, soy, nuts and fish. nuts, fish No change in symptoms. symptoms Referred for management. Atopy patch testing positive for corn. No symptomatic improvement with elimination. EGD with corn elimination and PPI: eos August 2012 6 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG RCTs of Steroids for EoE Fluticasone vs. placebo in children with EoE • 21 randomized to F MDI 440mcg BID without spacer x 3 months. • 15 to placebo • ≤ 1 eos eos/HPF /HPF at f/u: – 50% F vs. 9% placebo (p = 0.047) Konikoff M, et al. Gastro 2006 RCTs of Steroids for EoE Fluticasone vs. prednisone in children • 40 to each arm – Prednisone 1mg/kg BID (max 30 mg BID) x 4 weeks, then 8 week taper to 0.25mg/kg daily – Fluticasone 220 220--440 mcg QID x 4 weeks, then 8 week taper to 220220-440 mcg daily. • Week 4 histological remission: – 81% prednisone d i vs. 50% fluticasone fl ti ((p < 0 0.05) 05) • Week 4 symptomatic resolution: – 100% prednisone vs. 97% fluticasone – Similar symptomatic recurrence with weaning (45%) Schaefer E, et al. CGH 2008 August 2012 7 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG RCTs of Steroids for EoE Budesonide in children • Budesonide 1 or 2 mg in Splenda qhs (n=15) or placebo (n=9) x 3 months. • Histological remission: – 87% budesonide vs. 0% placebo (p<0.001) • Sy Symptoms po sa also so improved p o ed be better e with budesonide (p=0.03) Dohil R, et al. Gastro 2010 RCTs of Steroids for EoE Budesonide in adolescents or adults • Budesonide 1 mg nebulized BID (n=18) or saline (n=18) x 15 days. – Avg. age 33 and 38 years. – Histological remission: 72% vs. 11% (p < 0.001) – Dysphagia improved: 72% vs. 22% (p=0.007) Straumann A, et al. Gastro 2010 August 2012 8 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG RCTs of Steroids for EoE • Oral viscuous budesonide vs. nebulized • 25 adults randomized to 1mg BID PO or nebulized x 8 weeks. • No patients with detectable budesonide in serum • Cortisol stimulation tests normal in all patients • Histological resolution: – 64% PO vs. 27% nebulized (p=0.09) • Max eos count: mean 11 vs. 89, p = 0.02 – Similar good improvement in symptoms with both. Dellon DDW 2012 #1033 RCTs of Steroids for EoE • Fluticasone in adults • 42 adults randomized to F 880ucg BID vs vs. placebo x 6 weeks. • Not all patients had GERD excluded. Not all Tx’d with PPI. • Histological resolution: 62% F vs. 0% placebo (p<0.001) • No dysphagia in prior 2 weeks: 43% F vs. 29% placebo (p = 0.52) Alexander, et al. CGH 2012;10:742 August 2012 9 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Which Steroid? Age Tx Histologic Resolution Symptomatic Resolution Pediatric fluticasone MDI vs. placebo 50% vs. 9% n/a Alexander Adult fluticasone MDI vs. placebo 62% vs. 0% 43% vs. 29% Schaefer Pediatric fluticasone MDI vs. prednisone 50% vs. 81% 97% v. 100% Konikoff Maybe budesonide 1mgnebPO BID or11% 2mg Straumann Ped & budesonide 72% vs. Adult vs. placebo (if payor will allow it) PO qhs Better with budesoinde EoE Case EGD on omeprazole 20mg BID, empiric food elimination: elimination: – stricture at GE junction, dilated to 12 mm – lower esoph 21 eos eos/HPF, /HPF, upper esoph 72 eos/HPF eos/HPF Still symptomatic Add d fluticasone Added fl i 440 440mcg BID August 2012 10 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Repeat EGD No eosinophils on biopsy. Stricture at GE junction. Endoscopic Dilation in EoE • Systematic review and pooled analysis • 18 studies t di off dil dilation ti • 468 patients, 671 procedures. – Majority with visible mucosal tears (of studies that reported). – 1 perforation (0.15%) • EoE patients often report chest pain following dilation. Jacobs J & Spechler S. Dig Dis Sci. 2010. August 2012 11 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Endoscopic Dilation in EoE • • • • Retrospective analysis of 293 dilations in 161 patients. Perforation 1.0% Mucosal tear 9.0% Major bleeding 0.3% – Upper 1/3 vs distal 1/3: OR = 5.62 (2.07, 15.3) – Middle 1/3 vs. distal 1/3: OR = 4.93 (1.64, 14.8) 14.8) – Savary vs. TTS: OR= 3.70 (1.18, 5.83) – Single dilation > 15mm: OR = 4.86 4 86 (1.46, (1 46 16 16.2) 2) Jung K, et al. GIE 2011. Suggested Strategy Dysphagia / chest pain Bx while on PPI BID EoE Allergy testing Empiric Elimination Steroid Symptoms with eos August 2012 12 ACG Regional Course- Indianapolis Copyright 2012 ACG Suggested Strategy Dysphagia / chest pain Bx while on PPI BID EoE Allergy testing Empiric Elimination Steroid Dysphagia without eos Dilate August 2012 13