Dear friends and family, “Now the star

May 2015 – Laura Farmer
Dear friends and family,
“Now the star-belly Sneetches had bellies with
stars. The plain-belly Sneetches had none upon
thars…” thus begins Dr. Seuss’ tale of showing that
each person is special. During classes at the Rafiki
Institute of Classical Education (RICE) we get to
share the adventure of reading books. Most of the
books are new to the students. They smile at the
antics of Toad and Frog, Amelia Bedelia, and
Curious George, but see how God can use these
simple children’s books to reinforce truth found in
His Word.
that are struggling in math and reading. Twice a
week, Nathan, Joseph, and Josiah meet me in the
library to work on reading fluency/comprehension
and math facts. The first week I told them to each
pick out a book. They all chose books by Dr.
Seuss. I think we have a favorite author.
Every morning it is a privilege to open God’s Word
with the RICE students and use the Rafiki Bible
Study to think through the passages. We’ve been
studying 2 Corinthians and there has been a good
discussion on the importance of going back to
God’s Word to see if what people say lines up with
During the school break, the children were able to
practice their instruments. Tabitha had just started
learning to play the piano a few weeks ago. She
showed up faithfully every time to practice.
Sometimes, the power was out and the keyboards
wouldn’t work. I asked her if she still wanted to go
over music theory and finger exercises or just go
home. Every time she wanted to learn all she
could. Tabitha has been a child who was almost
always misbehaving. God is working in her heart
and she is learning to use her determination for
good rather than for trouble.
Josiah, Joseph, and Nathan showing off some of their
favorite books
Children working on banners
In the afternoons, after RICE is finished, I get to
help in the Education Program by giving music
lessons or tutoring. Right now I have three boys
In the ChildCare Program, someone sent banners
with different names of God on them to decorate
the dining hall. We were inspired to have each
cottage design their own banner and use the
creativity God has given them. During the break,
children from each cottage came to select
material, cut and sew their banners. Now they
have another reminder of God’s goodness they can
see when they go into the dining hall.
Some of the finished products!
Thus life continues and God works quietly through
the different programs in Rafiki Village Nigeria. I
continue to learn to take one day at a time, do the
next right thing, and give glory to God. I fail so
often, but He is faithful. To Him be the glory!
Grace and peace to you,
Laura Farmer
PMB 2714, Anglo-Jos
Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
Missionary #221
P.S. From the Home Office: Laura is currently at
29% of the funding needed for her current term 2
(January 2015 – December 2016).
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