
Name __________________________________
The Glass Menagerie Scene 7
English 10
1. Is Jim’s treatment of Laura fair to her?
-Do you think he is leading her on or is he a nice guy who is oblivious to the fact that she likes him?
2. Why do you think the stage directions mention that Jim “unconsciously glances at himself in the mirror” and
that he later “turns his back to her” as he gives Laura advice on how to think of herself as superior?
-Do you think Jim really believes that she is superior? Explain.
3. Why doesn’t Laura seem more upset when her glass unicorn is broken?
-How is the unicorn symbolic of Laura?
4. Why do you think Jim kissed Laura?
5. What does Tom mean when he says that he tried unsuccessfully to leave Laura behind?
6. Why do you suppose the play ends with Laura blowing out the candles?