Commands for Land and Water Forms Table of Contents: Pages 2-3: List of Commands Page 5: Answers Page 6-11: Command Cards Pages 12-17: Back of Command Cards (Answers) Commands for Land and Water Forms 1. Pin the glacier high in the mountains. 2. Pin the lake in the mountains. 3. Pin the group of islands. 4. Pin the islands that protect land. 5. Pin the body of water partly surrounded by land, usually smaller than a gulf. 6. Pin the brown sandy edge of the ocean. 7. Pin the black sandy edge of the ocean. 8. Pin the land where a river has cut through rocks. 9. Pin the land jutting out in the water, usually smaller than a peninsula. 10. Pin the steep rock drop off. 11. Pin the flat land along the ocean. 12. Pin the chain of coral near the surface of the ocean. 13. Pin the small sheltered bay. 14. Pin the place where water is blocked to form a reservoir. 15. Pin the fan-shaped mouth of a river. 16. Pin the dry place where almost nothing grows. 17. Pin the sand hills. 18. Pin the narrow inlet made by a glacier. 19. Pin the land which may be flooded in a storm. 20. Pin the hills at the bottom of a mountain. 21. Pin the very large body of water partly surrounded by land. 22. Pin the piece of ice that breaks off a glacier. 23. Pin the land surrounded by water. 24. Pin the narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas. 25. Pin the shallow water separated from the ocean by low land. 26. Pin the body of water completely surrounded by land. 27. Pin the large flat rock. 28. Pin the highest point on a mountain. 29. Pin the group of mountains. 30. Pin the green place in the desert. 31. Pin the largest salt water area. 32. Pin the land surrounded by water on three sides. 33. Pin the glacier moving over land into the ocean. 34. Pin the flat land area in the mountains. 35. Pin the land which narrows as it juts out into the water, usually smaller than a cape. 36. Pin the dry side of the mountain that receives less rain. 37. Pin the lake made by a dam. 38. Pin the ribbon of water larger than a stream. 39. Pin the place where the river empties into the ocean. 40. Pin the place where the river begins. 41. Pin the sand bank at the edge of the ocean sometimes covered with water. 42. Pin the narrow passage of water between two land masses. 43. Pin the river that flows into another river. 44. Pin the valley carved out by a glacier. 45. Pin the valley formed by river erosion. 46. Pin the mountain which erupts gasses and lava. 47. Pin the water flowing over a cliff. 48. Pin the low land which is usually wet. 1. Alpine glacier 25. Lagoon 2. Alpine lake 26. Lake 3. Archipelago 27. Mesa 4. Barrier islands 28. Peak 5. Bay 29. Range 6. Beach 30. Oasis 7. Black volcanic sand 31. Ocean 8. Canyon 32. Peninsula 9. Cape 33. Piedmont glacier 10. Cliff 34. Plateau 11. Coastal plain 35. Point 12. Coral reef 36. Rain shadow 13. Cove 37. Reservoir 14. Dam 38. River 15. Delta 39. River mouth 16. Desert 40. River source 17. Dunes 41. Sandbar 18. Fjord 42. Strait 19. Flood plain 43. Tributary 20. Foothills 44. U-shaped valley 21. Gulf 45. V-shaped valley 22. Iceberg 46. Volcano 23. Island 47. Waterfall 24. Isthmus 48. Wetlands 1. Pin the glacier high in the mountains. 25. Pin the shallow water separated from the ocean by low land. 2. Pin the lake in the mountains. 26. Pin the body of water completely surrounded by land. 3. Pin the group of islands. 27. Pin the large flat rock. 4. Pin the islands that protect land. 28. Pin the highest point on a mountain. 5. Pin the body of water partly surrounded by land, usually smaller than a gulf. 29. Pin the group of mountains. 6. Pin the brown sandy edge of the ocean. 30. Pin the green place in the desert. 7. Pin the black sandy edge of the ocean. 31. Pin the largest salt water area. 8. Pin the land where a river has cut through rocks. 32. Pin the land surrounded by water on three sides. 9. Pin the land 33. Pin the glacier jutting out in the moving over land water, usually smaller into the ocean. than a peninsula. 10. Pin the steep rock drop off. 34. Pin the flat land area in the mountains. 35. Pin the land 11. Pin the flat land which narrows as it juts out into the along the ocean. water, usually smaller than a cape. 12. Pin the chain of coral near the surface of the ocean. 36. Pin the dry side of the mountain that receives less rain. 13. Pin the small sheltered bay. 37. Pin the lake made by a dam. 14. Pin the place where water is blocked to form a reservoir. 38. Pin the ribbon of water larger than a stream. 15. Pin the fanshaped mouth of a river. 39. Pin the place where the river empties into the ocean. 16. Pin the dry place where almost nothing grows. 40. Pin the place where the river begins. 41. Pin the sand 17. Pin the sand hills. bank at the edge of the ocean sometimes covered with water. 18. Pin the narrow inlet made by a glacier. 42. Pin the narrow passage of water between two land masses. 19. Pin the land which may be flooded in a storm. 43. Pin the river that flows into another river. 20. Pin the hills at the bottom of a mountain. 44. Pin the valley carved out by a glacier. 21. Pin the very large body of water partly surrounded by land. 45. Pin the valley formed by river erosion. 22. Pin the piece of ice that breaks off a glacier. 46. Pin the mountain which erupts gasses and lava. 23. Pin the land surrounded by water. 47. Pin the water flowing over a cliff. 24. Pin the narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas. 48. Pin the low land which is usually wet. 25. Lagoon 1. Alpine glacier 26. Lake 2. Alpine lake 27. Mesa 3. Archipelago 28. Peak 4. Barrier islands 29. Range 5. Bay 30. Oasis 6. Beach 31. Ocean 7. Black volcanic sand 32. Peninsula 8. Canyon 33. Piedmont glacier 9. 34. Plateau 10. Cliff 35. Point 11. Coastal plain 36. Rain shadow 12. Coral reef Cape 37. Reservoir 13. Cove 38. River 14. Dam 39. River mouth 15. Delta 40. River source 16. Desert 41. Sandbar 17. Dunes 42. Strait 18. Fjord 43. Tributary 19. Flood plain 44. U-shaped valley 20. Foothills 45. V-shaped valley 21. Gulf 46. Volcano 22. Iceberg 47. Waterfall 23. Island 48. Wetlands 24. Isthmus