s W Big Spring daily herald Partly Cloudy VOL. 23, NO. i, sssssssssWlshr . m-- rV t '.m. 't'7. S '- sJs&L -' '.-..- . " ; - bT ' ' '- Today's News TODAY f TEN PAGES TODAY PRICE 10c JULY 3, 1950 . ldUe.mkitattsattmei ..., . GIs Still Have Not Met Red Invaders ? Lrs Of Reserves Is By The Attociated Pratt TOKYO, Tuesday, July 4(1 An Australian air attack on frontline positions in South Korea gave American troops an unexpectedly close taste of warfare Monday, but they still have not met the North Korean invaders on the ground General MacArthur's headquarters in a communique early today indicated the American and Australian raids had helped bring the in- vadcrs almost to a halt The communique did not U. M PP3k bomb South Korean loldltr shovels dcbrl from BOMB CRATER ON SUWON AIRSTRIP crater at tht Suwon, South Korea, airstrip after the field had beeif attacked by North Korean planet. In the background a U. S. army tramport unload t (uppliet. Suwon hat tince been abandoned to advancing northern forces. Thit picture was taken by Charlet Gorry, Attociated Pren ttaff photographwirephotoed to Tokyo and relayed to San Francisco by plane. Johnson Comments After Meeting With President Seriate Group Okay Canadian River Bill WASHINGTON, July 3. (TPf Secretary of Defense Johnson said today there Is no present intention to mobilize rescrjrjES in this coun.try in connection with tho Korean crisis. Johnson made the statement to S. Tries To mention the frontline incident specifically, but AP Correspondent Tom Lambert, who was on the scene, reported an American sergeant was wounded in thc foot five (AP Keep Chinese From Korea War to seven Australian-markeMustangs savagely strafed a WASHINGTON. July 3 WV The Korean village in which an American command post was United Slates maneuvered today to try to keep Chinese forces both digging in d -- Planned For Now g a A er, flown to Fukuoka, Japan Wirephoto). 1 U Taste Of Air Strafing )K t Heasssssm- n - vv V U. S. Troops Get Dug-l- n Jfi MfAMtjsjsflHpHIHPHHNPRffl aSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"laalaMaifji ) BIG SPRING, TEXAS, MONDAY, AP WIRE SERVICE 18 p White House reporters after a con ference with President Truman at which he brought Ihe President up to dato en developments ln tho anil Communist from Nationalist a Lambert said it was 25 minute Korean fighting. strafing and rocket attack becoming Involved in thc fighting , MacArthur's' communique de- in He wai commenting on a story Korea. scribed the Invaders as strengthenby David Lawrence, columnist, who Nato of By a the note release at the average lev- - and industrial purposes and the ing their By The Attociated Press around Setouay the first step ln a limitsaid se remainder for irrigation and wild oul due to thc stinging American tionalist Government of Formosa, July 3 Thc els then current on long-terWASHINGTON. ed mobilization may come this and Australian fighter raids U S this government was on record life conservation curities. today Senate Interior Committee week with a call for "volunteer rechairCities Interested In the project B,29s also raided the North1 Yon-p- with a warning to Generalissimo Sen. McFarland i approved legislation to authorize airfield for the second straight a of man include Amarlllp,,,Borger, which subcorlrmlttee Pampa, serves" to come to active duty. supply $85 to project 000.000 an Chiang Kal Slick that before he oay Lawrence said this step "Is Im Canadian River water to a dozen earlier had approved the bill, said Tahoka, Levelland, O'Oonnell, It reported Ko-also troops the to any dispatches North aid the i he hopes to have a revised measBrownfleld, Lubbock. perative, if the Navy, for example. cities In West Texas reans were building up supplies care-and Solfln Korcans, he should give and DWyo ure ready for submission to the Plainvlew, Slaton, La mesa Chairman O'Mahoney Is to get tm personnel to man the bases for a new drive south- TASK FORCE LOADINO Stores being loaded In San Diego, ful cn!'d"atlon to the defenses of told reporters the bill will not be Senate by the end of the week Dlmmttt. ward ships needed this very month." they but were reported to on Call, dettroyert The most distant city from the have which will U. with sail the He said he could not predict Aircraft S. Carrier Communist-threatenesent to the Senate floor until It Is his own Asked if there was any prospect made no serious progress dur Philippine Sea at a new tivk force for pottible action In the Korean proposed would be La. dam site the will on Senate when vote the by suggestions to meet of a partial mobilization, Johnson redrafted ing Mondays sporadic clashes position. fighting. The dettroyert, three of nine being readied in San Diego, the to It would conduit be mesar bill budget committee replied: bureau and the South Korean defenders still twld He wai advised to consult' Gen are front to rear), the Wllttie, Hollitter and Hamner. Sailing for The program calls for a dam and approximately 212 miles long The Ihe key town of Suwon, 23 miles "Not at the present time." members. Hawaii it secret. (AP Wirephoto). Douglas MacArthur on Formosa's Already passed by the House an aqueduct to carry water to the total aqueduct system would be south of Seoul. ln response to another question, approximately 300 miles Johnson said that under recently-Advance headquarters In South defense arrangements, and thc note the bill proposes a $27,000 000 dam various municipalities In April the cities interested Korea said the North Korean spear- disclosed that plans for the con An estimated 92 per cent of the enacted law the President could, if at Snnford about 40 miles from he considered ln necessary, call Amarillo, and a $54,000 000 aque- water would be used for domestic each sent delegations to- - Washing- heads had failed to make any se- sultatlons between Chiang's and appear to ton before a Senate com rious progress In a series of breaks reserves to active duty without duct to deliver water to towns and representatives MacArthur's had investigation of mittee for the through South, Korean" lines. The alreadv'""been made. their cops cut. cities throughput the Texas, Pan-- I ,, ., . Drnsram. rWliaed to eommtat drive on .Suwon, abandoned Amerinanaie ana nign namaTireir TnepubiTshed American attitude program of Backers spent 20 the say He minutes about Ihe can forward base, appeared to Approximately 97 percent of the Nationalist China's offer of with the President and brought fact that the principal use of the have bogged down pr collapsed. A toward total project cost Is to be repaid aid in the Korean fighting was water witli him Deputy Secretary of Defor would spokesman be hduxchold and said some of the tanks based on "the threat of invasion" by the cities to the goverrimenl industrial purposes in the 13 .com- appeared to have pulled back. fense Stephen T. Early and Gen. over a 50 year period. of by Chinese Commumunities singles out the measure Omar Bradley, chairman of the There were four hostile columns nists,Formosa The Interest rate is to be fixed It However, was understood from the normal run of reclama- across the Han River Just south of here that a major Joint chiefs of staff. by the Secretary of the Treasury consideration Seoul The North Korean radio said The Air Force said, meanwhile, tion project legislation. was the possible reaction of the. By The In Attociated Press some mind. that the last of the 10 1 millre mlRht have MusSee TROOPS, Po. 9, Col. 1 Professional oil well fire fighters Communists to any such aid move, UAMUMjION. July 3 Sen George Is chairman of the group. tangs alloted to the South Koreans British were set this morning to make For Two last week had been delivered to Georgecalled Senate lax The Georgia senator also Korea As another try at muzzling the wildly Korean pilots In Japan. writers together today for their Ships British In reply to a question that y Hol-le$1 010 These planes wcro turned over to 0 1 look at the No offlclol burning American Pan first LONDON, July 3 U) Governexcise tax reduction voted by ho sees nothing In the Korean situa- South Korea under the military as25 miles northeast of here. BALBOA. Canal Zone, July 3 W1 tion at rnsent whlth might delay sistance program before the Unitment officials said today Britain the Iloure. A reception planned for the Led by M M Klnley, Houston, is unlikely to send cither troops or the fire fighting 'crews had installIn advance of the closed door Senate action on the bill "Of ed States intervened in the Korean Cruiser Glasgow and the fighting with direct ground, lea nicclinO, George told a reporter he COUrfcC. It aircraft to Korea unless the Unit- ed a heavy hood with open valve Frigate Snipe was cancelled sud Ipctnr keep mini itt ByThe i ttociated Prets The deaths by.staUsy-wlth-tnrN- -l arid .air support. anyrhanges in in mind," he said rUfffTmTTfmtFmirrste above the well casing Friday, .Con denly today by the British Jcga ed States calls fcr them. ' 4 Tht weekend nations accidental fii draunincc ,i..- tho hv- the ... nifAciirl . nt nilRftprl ,, , ,mJ . . .. A -- ll sr I AU ". .nH- ....o:" They speke after the British cabl crete was poured around the at- - tlcn. w-Ul TTrst " .t.U-- J Iw, . , c,an'H LisK mermJenTof net had met and AsfiHSflLttai gets tfcTIn. the Internationa situation other Mlanm ScHsW'tfmCniTflle the n H 1.1 f iiikiiuhvi jb fii i npirnoi rv inn'insi. 1 1 overall Korean situation On Congress a Vest Indies station .as planned may much concrete-stee- l worse. deride hood "set" July celebration , 20 Collncct,cut , to keep In effect all present taxes Lines have been laid from the Observers here specualted that The national safety council had rddn WASHINGTON, July 3. IB-- Th. Florida 2 Georgia near the well When Klnley turns British particlpatfon ln the Unit- aid It uoud be the biggest four- - 1(lalo , l4) , und pass some new ones besides ,, Armv yesterday put out Its first HOPPY SUBS ' the master valve, oil and gas will ed Nations attempt to contain l?y, 'fVi'0. 3,8om ln '!,jit?ry. ?."dPre-- , George indicated some doubt that official casualty list of the camKansas dUni lowa be diverted to these, starving the Korean conflict caused the FOR STALIN uiti"i niai aoj wvuiu op Killed ie- Kentucky 4 erough members of the finance paign in Korea the result of a 2, Louisiana flame above the well. fore it ends, about midnight to- -' 2 0 Maine 12-- 0 tommltteo would show up to trans, plane crash. Man land By shutting off the uncontrolled morrow - ATLANTIC CITY, N J , July It named 11 officers and men , 2 If nut act business he said Massachusetts 1J00 flow, fire fighters hope to entlnguish Rail "Hi The council that 3 (.H Hopalcng Cassidy Is estimated Go Up 0C0 000 ' w II get to work on thc bill Wed-n- i missing after the crash of a tra rt 21 a 0 Minnesota Michigan would vehicles on the bUze which has raged above standing In for Premier Stalin be the (jriylng them from Japan to MEXICO CITY, July 3 W Press day 6 Mississippi 2 0 0 Missouri at the Steel Pier Wax Museum. the well for more than three weeks reports from Puebla, Mex , said highwas between ilocai He was expected to ak for brief Soulh Korea. There were no de- Montana 2 11-Nebraska Chi HONG KONG July 3, Possibility of blowing out the hood five men were killed yesterday times Friday and midnight Tues Stalin was taken to a hospipublic hearings to enable Con- - tails Nevada tal for war dummies yesteror part of the well casing was when police and army units fought day. But the homeward movement Communists are mobilizing greis to complete action on the " " " " New Jer nese New Hampshire day. His head had come loose probably the biggest "if" In the a band of cattle rustlers. Two sol- was expected to be spread over In for participation armies present sc"s measure iiefoic thc their ArmV Mexico sey 9 UnitS New "' due to old age latest attempt to snuff out the diers and a policeman were among more time than thc mats de a a North CaiOlina the Korea campaign "within thc sion adjourns r parturcs Many of the celebrants New Wk fire. the dead The House Ways anil Means Com- - VYOTCn 101101 1V1-Oregon next 40 days " Independent Chinese Ohio 4 had to return to their Jobs loda minrt pprni nriiuy six mounts at South newspapers reported today Pennsylvania while others, mostly office work BALBAO, Canal Zone, Juty 3. vrl work on thc hill lu fore sending it DaTtota houtli era, will not return to work until C.irollna Vital installations along the Pana-Commu to the time, the Hour Sctirflors hope to get same At the Texas Tennessee Wedncsda Canal and in the canal tone Washing niMs tried to whip up public opln tho niijiuie out of the wa in less crmont 10 Highway mishaps had caused 25 15 now are under guard of U. S. tli.m a month West Virginia ion against America s ' armed in deaths There were 74 drownings ton i Usidts providing foi the ellml-ri.l- Army units, on an alert since Wyoming one fireworks fatality and 48 from Wisconsin vaslon of the territory of Chin n ol Kiluttion of a long list Thursday becauso ot the Korean lirginla other miscellaneous causes 'nuisance taxes' fighting This referred to the United States' of tlir pas dining the war the bill rails The Canal Marine Bureau has announced lnicnii'm to oticiiu no u w levies on big corporations, ordered strict enforcement of all tionallst Formosa. desteps regulations, Including one requirias will us certain other Canton. China and Portuguese signed lo provide new revenue for ng ships to give 48 hours notice HiMafissk3 Macao government of their prospective arrival. dispatches to independent lite By The Associated Prets 000 Communist and J. R Franklin, 45, of San An-- 1 John William Scribner, 55. of assssssssssssssssssssssssssHraBBSssssssssssssssT V V . M newspapers said 20 Traffic accidents on choked high tonlo. t Grapevine was killed at Dallas Sun. ssssR troops already are bound by rail aissssssssssssssssssssssWsssssssssssBsssssV way were the main killer as at Tom Whitley about 50, was killed 'day when a car struck him as he assssK. ';issssssssssssssssssssssssHPlisssssssssssssssskJR il from South China to Join North least 21 persons died- of violent aisssVv-Taisssssssssssssssssf tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssr Korean forces Other units havo causes ln Texas during the first near Lubbock when heTan in front worked at the side. of the road to secure an ice box tied to the rear half of the long July Fpurth week bf a car. been alerted Robert J Nelll, 37 was shot fb. bumper of his own car end One paper said more than 20 000 Jesus Cabello, 22, was stabbed to Fifteen persons were killed on death early Saturday at Houston troops between Canton and Macao r, Purl W Saw- - death in a fight at Austin early JlsissssssssssssssssssssssssirV the highways Two died from gun- His brother-in-lawere ordered to arrive at thc was charged with murder day Del Aleman, 30, was charged shots, one drowned, one burned tn "Manchurlan front" within 40 days A soldier tentatively Identified as with murder. death died of knife and prepare "for any unforseen dessssssssssssssssssssst ssssssssl ssssssssssUssssssV Clarence Henry Dickerson, Mrs Orell Peterson, 46, was wounds, and there was a suicide. velopment " The death count began at 6 36. Carrolton, Ga . was killed in a found dead in bed at her home in Another dispatch from Canton re asssssssssssstasw&laisssssssssssssssssssssssssl g OKLAHOMA CITY. July 3 tfl auto collision near Big Dallas Sunday A quantity of Farm price support ',, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStdTFSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl and the o'clock Friday night It will end at head-aported 6,000 troops of the Red s V g Saturday Two other tablets was beside her Justice midnight Tuesday July 4 Oklahoma Sen Elmer power questions 137 Division had been rushed hy LisssssssssssKsZaissssssssssssssassssssssssssssssssB sons were injured. of the Peace W. E Rlchburg re- The dead reported rail to Hankow, 500 miles north. Thomas and Rep Mike Monroney 'hac dominated the campaign Frank L. Lawless, 56, of Lott, turned a suicide verdict. Two men were killed in a headon to await further orders. hopes to succeed him close servers and politicians rate the con-oauto collision near Addicks, west of was killed Saturday when his car Army Recruit Mike P Soroka, ssssVflsissssfllHarSP a slugging Democratic primary tesra tossup Both sides are ana ,ruck collided near WCo 38. of St. Louis, Mo , fell into an Houston, Friday night Thev were dieting victory, today with New 1 Janice Rae Jones, 4 daughter of Irrigation ditch and drowned while V Hawkins, 38. of Baytown, LsssssssSisssssssssKtsssssssswissH !lze of the holiday vote Is a vote Appeals Mr. and Mrs E. N. Jones of Aus fishing near Fabcns Sunday after " '4SaisssssssssttaaisssssssssssssssslsssssfflM vote unprece- - major factor. A light vote will The Fourlh-of-Jui- y tin, was struck and Instantly kuTed noon . He was stationed at Fort in Oklahoma, likely will ibiy help Thomas who has support by a car in Austin Saturday night Six Bliss, El Paso. nominate one of the tvsp The live of several active groups. Monroney Clinton Brent. 37. Negro carpen-ter- . Ernest Arman Hollander, 30. of heavy other minor candidates In the race, is expected to benefit by A total of 334 new water taps was shot to death in Odessa Cisco was killed Saturday night ln aren t expected 'to draw enough sole water city were Into made truck-autmains Saturday night Republicans also nominate stats after having 'fought a collision three miles 4 BIO SPRINO AND voles to force a July 25 runoff during the first six months of rmruj witn anotner Negro over a prank east of Cisco. Two men were In Also to be voted upon are candi- candidates Main GOP interest has, viunii i InW building city 1950. Nettle, F cloudy mucb with firecrackers. Mack Swopes, jured not date for state and local offices centered In the Senate race bespector, said this morning changt In tempera 39. Negro, was charged, with ipur-de- r. Otto Edward (Bubba) Perkins, 8, and cnngrersionol seats Reps Carl tween the Rev. W. 11. (Bill) Alexture uiu antrnoon. New taps during the first half Albert and George Howard A. head-oander, pastor of the Oklahoma automobile colli- of Houston, burned in an automo.onlshl and Tuesday of the year increased the number sion near Plainvlew Sunday killed bile accident that ended a family both Democrats, are unop- City First Christian Church, and of water customers from 4,468 to posed lll(h today ST low William T, Davidson, Jr., 18. of fishing trip Saturday, died Sunday. Raymond II. Fields, long-titonlint 71, blu 4 638- - a gain of 170, Bettle said Lubbock and Gary Garrett of James Fred Thomas, 41, of Hous Thomas. 73 finishing his fourth Guthrie newspaperman. y ST. gets a HONOR TRUMAN Prtlldtnt-JrumiSCOUTS Also on the Republican Senate ton was killed Sunday In a Plainvlew. three months old Forge, Pa. J Difference between the new taps term in the Senate, Is chairman handshake at the National Boy Scout Jamboree in Valley umpara-it- e Illghttt and number of sew customers if thc Agriculture Committee Mon- - tlckll are the Rev. George. T.l Nolan B Hicks. Jr. 22 months traffic case. IhU data 101 In from Eagle Scout David frttmart, -- independence, Mo-,- - and Armory durlngMhe period, and probably Tones 48 has served ln the House Batch. Muskogee, who has sdDparl Itll loatit thla data told, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nolan .Felipe Hernandez, 27, died Sun Houghton, Corning, N. Y., president of the Boy Scouti .after the I represents living-uns in m roailmum Hicks of it molers that for 18 sears from the heavllyvpopu- - or the Umfed 0ryAnSotroWar-killed early day of injuries suffered when the nation's chief executive was presented ScSutdom's highest award, raln'ill UU date (Jl L5uuday Rotan. wascoltisotroit-thd f during the fifth district. Including Okla- - horns, and Forrest Van Pelt, Oklftv riding: struck a bridge trucV s the Silver Buffalo, shown around the President's nick. (AP CLOUDY la 111. ! 'noma City real estate mas 'lod and probably Includes a lew noma City. northern ouUUrU ol Pott, near LockharL I semi-annual- - !Mft9ixJBb&BFW&BBS&3BMZ M ft s5ieasssssB m o d GEORGE BELIEVES No Reason For Tax Cut Delay Firtfigltfjrset For Another Try At Flaming Well No To Troops Yet Reception com-mtnt- National Fourth Of July Toll Climbs Up To 375 Out .ll WtoiSSSS S,?..."" U- -J ... L- -j "ill '( 000,-OC- firr-unr- Rates To 0 1 I 6pm 0-- Reds Set To Enter Korean War ( Jt J I FIRST HALF FIGURES A Casualty Korea Totals j, Chinese A .j., ,' 0 t v.u;jnl !J-0-- 0 0 rQliarna 1 Traffic Fatalities Take Big Toll Among Texas Holidayers li fr-- ' I OKLAHOMA TO VOTE Thomas, Monroney Close Campaigns I Sun-ye- another PYI gt . sleep-Sprin- pub-Veter- per-jln- JEaJKWHH 'tJM t5 THE WEATHER IK-1- m Wf Ob-w- ut ign City Adds 334 Water Tdps During Months First prob-dent- o ttl-so- n, n two-wa- hit-ru- n ..,.., - e he-wa- per-.U'e- - 't .& , f .. II Two Republicans "LEST WE FORGET Big Spring (Texas) Herald, Mon., July 3, 1050 KOREAN WAR POSSIBILITIES Moscow Could BoFceJssue If Stooges Are Willing To Strike' Franc. July excuritonUta' were killed near here today whets a tram hit a bus at a crossing. E. Jamboree" Recalls Ffeeitem Principles Demand Truman 23 Die In Franc tfl 3. Refuse To Call Twenty-thre- e JThe-tow- Olf Tie-u- p I rf of Lyon, in Central France. - The WASIIINOTON July 3 Wl-July 3. uB CHICAGO. By Th Atioclattd Prti only parroting the old folk. of North" AmerUnlan switchmen's Republican senator demanded to you "But In a few seconds' knew VALLEY JTOHOE, Pa July 1. -"governica refused yes tartar . that President Truman nam Lord God of host, be with us the answer. They could attack Brlllah Hong- - dayhewtrpermanent (Fred lUmpion, AP bureau Ired Eastern forces on the Korean You saw the candle flicker into ment plea 'to call off Its strike 910 Ewt 8rL we forchairman for th yet, "lest we. forget a Jet Job, the time will toon be ripe for kong. Hongkong comprises a narchief In Chlni and Hongkong light Only a few pricked the dark aalnst fly Western and Midwest Energy Commission at get " Atomic Grocery the Reds to strike elsewhere. They row peninsula and an Uland It Js once. home now In the U S on ness at first. Then, the whole open-You might have wondered. In th ern railroads. leave, here discusses possible " could strike in any on of a, num- Ideal for defense and the British arena, ground beginning. on Boy where Scout the air Whether .the Meat. lllckertlooper were The senstors At- - the aame time, it scared developments In the Far East ber of places In an effort to mike unlike 1941 are well prepared now (li.lnuiii nd rirlrkrr felt in their heart the meaning of LWaahlngton'a troops lft bloody foot. Bter --- . ' prlnt,-uMol- y the western nations spread their Its success would be doubtful but Dlaied with- the wfil lemli of the Korean War). The atomic post was thrown open the words or whether they were strength thin Hut the KremlfTcan't such an attack probably would when David E.Ullerrthal resigned brilliance of almost 50,000 candles. ii the nation" becomes Involved in BY FRED HAMP'SON - AP-- Btafl And from the throat of the av. y. v SSsmtWr do It. Stalin can only ask, the Far ore the British to' withdraw the last Feb. 19, -- ( mottttf-Scuvsi)& Vbtf 1 JiviJsii LOS ANGELES, JulytO. r- V fast MtlAntrn t 4 Jit n"tfNJ4V$i unlu the? flare ...IraflV fcw twe Uswvawg declare national emerother 'Some tn second national jamboree'eame them piactoat Ihe disposal cTQeTT Mac- - chairman Sumner T Pike, who Moscow dicldcs to go: ah out' In" spots lie might gency ipxlsts. offered,. It other however, familiar words Dairy (arcing the IssUsyln the Far Kast some help, but nbt much for Arthur for the Korean war They left last Frldaytwhefehls reappoint "Our Farther' God, to help In movement over the Prodjapta would need them In Hongkong But ment (or a new there are several possible polnta awhile term hit r lIMrty "Author of . . ." lines of any shipments 'the I of attack which could greatly The Chinese Reds could make a again the Kremlin could only ask a Senate snag and Gordon Dean It wasn't a religious ceremony struck the Western Powers. government should deem essential Jab at Formosa They aren't ready or suggest that the Chinese Reds who now holds the Job The Scouts had to been church Sun But It will all depend on how They would be risking a major make this effort, to take some of ranking Republillickenlooper, day morning. Protestant, Catholic, to the national economy. willing Runla'i Far Eastern stoog- disaster If they tried It. Rut as a the heat off Korea can member .of the Senate-Hous- e Jewish, Buddhist. Moslem and HinThe statement was In reply to Their th Kremlin wtsrir undoybl-edl- y Atomic Enerajy Committee, told es are to pull Krcmln cheitnutr diversion to keep the American du service were held at the aame the request mad of the union Sat d be very happy If reporter that a commission chair Seventh Fleet ayvay from Korea a out of the (Ire. e lime In a radius. LONDON, July 3 Russia would aped up his war man ahould have been named "long With the Western Power grad-ual- Formosa feint would be useful to Then last night the boy and men urday by John Thad Scott, Jr., has followed up accusations that came together again In n against the ago" He noted that Ulienthal concentrating their limited the Soviets. and took part chairman of the National Bao Dal Government nounced last fall that he Intended th United States Is bombing Cast hi a. common program dedicated to Board. bugs --by potato Germany with a to quit There would be immediately recalling the milestones of freedom and added In his request, fffott asked Uie tremendous hu and cry from Bao "Since last November it has been charging that "American militar- along the path of American mttn awitcimen to go back to their Jobs um retst aetatt-uv- H preparing actively are ists bacand the French for mn, ships, known that It would be necessary war." terial "in the national interest" because planea and arms which are now to.name a chairman, but up to the Freedom of worship was. the freeMoscow radio carried the charge dom symbolised present time no chairman has been by the burning of what he called 'current critical nedsd tn Korea. "I nlh candle In the uplifted band of developments" arising from the Or Moscow might suggest that named I strongly urge that the At the beginning of 1946," the fighting in Korea. Reds send their big President now appoint a chair, broadcast said, "eighteen Japanese every scout, laTriatl rnrni ffllVI iTVil fir.r.1 mnA iiitnfi hr1 the Chin Uarmh (mm riSei-- l reply questioned The union I Catholic priest, a Protestant border, man " specialists were sent to the United ry Associated PrM photoKrtphrrl (jrven up (0 get some plinu indl forces across the nIMer, a Jewish rabbi and a lead- whether a national emergency now Brlcker. also a member it the Stales bacteriologist who zealousacross the Burma border. Into Slam III auum nuitlt wa iiiv inn nuiu the medics had left be' and ultimately toward Malaya and committee said the Job requires ly handed over tn their new mas- er of the Church of Jesus Christ of exists. Indicating Kuwon, former Ameri- other stuff The walkout of 4,000- switchmen to get If It was Singapore. That would Inevitably top flight talent and he4hink men ters all their material on the pro- the Latter Dav Saints Mormon) wanted hind and can base, had been attacked by till there June 25 has left four of the five took part In the program. necessary qualifications with the pul strength British Singa" to back of weapon ) duction bacterial the fyorih Korean Communist troops From somewhere In the dark- railroads completely tied up since Right soon after we got there pore and Hongkong. arn available It da Id secret laboratories in ness of BY CHARLES OORRY the mild July evenfng, an hen. The fifth line, the Great planes cam chairmanship four ought to Korean North "The be army Maryland In Th and Communist units In Utah Hukt the Phil AP Staff voice spelled " he said Jn a sepa- and Massachusetts were working on anonymous out Northern has been forced to cur-ta- ll soup- ippine could speed up They all over were field. the once at filled war their t, operations Thousands of SOMEWHERE IN SOUTH KO- ed up and barrel rolled and shot through loudspeakers the lesson of If the weapon a Interview "Such rate Job against. Republican government the office, and other workers tftag yew cfeflMs la May to REA, .filly 3 - I had gone to hed up the town. the convocationproperly would challenge presented last week Late sent Russia a note would bring which pressure on new In an old building In Suwon last "In some parts of the world, men have beep laid off by the lines One of our Jets shot down one of most in the cou- to the United Istajrs formally acable the men U military 8. .mor for help. the. was called. night when small arms (Ire forced these Yaks t Russian-ma- de e T5rejjg St. are persecuted for Jhelr reli- since the strike ntry" fighter cusing American plane of'dropplng .still Tn addition to ihe Great North gious beliefs, and even somewhere us to get out Dry Cleaner planes supplied the vomrmiinsV lnLuzpn. now Is operat- potato bugs on East Germany. The commission ern, are the railroads the struck In bandit "he Malaya, 1 guess we almost got captured forces ,,,,, Jn our land there Is bigotry and 1700 Onn Phon 1131 ing with only three of Its authorizChicago, Pacific, Island Rock and which the British have never quite misunderstanding when the Communist. broke , weU ,0 bed , , we ed five members One vacancy has tn been to eliminate, might rise "Freedom must be fought for the Chicago Great. Western, the existed since April 15 when Lewis .Si telephone commun . cation lold building about I 30 or 9 p m anew. able continuously, and you Scouts must Western Pacific, and the Denver lo,They told us It wouldn't be a good L Strauss left The other occurred and Rio Grande Western. be leaders in that fight." That the British and th British Frldav when Pike was Tokyo was broken here by U S lde, nere f forced to At noon today, the first Ameriarmy censors. Suwon Is the former We commonwealth nations are acutely step down after three and Amrrlcf, on, ,nere lhe werf can Jamboree since 1937 was half aware of these possibilities Is years of town 23, others had been -rnmln. American headquarters In m ..... service ,uovir It began last Friday and will miles aoujh of Seoul check with the Koreans but they shown by th transfer of Austral-Ia- n Mr Truman named the SANTA MONICA Calif . July 3 end Thursday with another convo(After a temporary halt. Gorry weren't staying overnight. ahips .and troops to Singapore Maine Republican for a new D ease, John Drescber cation The theme will be "world Just returned his telephone call.) Then this shooting started and If tht other front stay quiet these four - year term Last Thursday, is building in a bomb shelter. brotherhood " Tomorrow, Indeftosle- (Charles Orsecrans of In- we got out. force may become available for Senate members of the Atomic ) ear-ol- d The consulting engi- pendence Day, the Scouts from 20 ternational News Photos) and I When w drove up to Suwon we Korea. But In th meantime a lot Committee voted five to (our to neer Is erecting a business build- nations will play host to Gen. of found the town almost deserted. of other places have to be watched. send the nomination to the Senate ing, with the shelter as a the Army Dwlght D. Eisenhower. It all depend on whether the with a recommendation that it b Most of th Koreans had gone. 23 .feet below ground It'll be a room 20 by Barricades had been put up al far eastern comrade are willing rejected 0 feet, with eight around the town Soldiers guarded to com to the aid of Moscow, for The Senate, which usually fol- foot reinforced concrete walls. EL Hrs. there Ii no possible way for Mos- lows committee recommendations them with machine guns. Drescher figures It Mould witht I don't know what happened after cow to get her own forces Into on major appointments. Is slated stand even direct hits from ordinary bombs and would be effective those areas. we got out. la priced to meet the to act Wednesday protection from an atom bomb, unneeds or wiilier" less it's a direct hit He plans to of the bereaved family. i tU. A make lUrcdlatlon-prooand stock m 1MB Call uniif rBui mnmn W ! J WW! H with" bottled oxygen, food and water. , Ticket office at airport Costing about $3,300 the bomb Cold i Is sumDreschcr'a shelter Itself rilNERAL HOHC mer spare-timproject, , By The Associated Press clear sky unopposed by American I i CAIRO. Egjpt. Julv 3 (Hi AN AOVANCED AMERICAN flKhtcrs in a fur of fire and flame Egyptian troops have been orderON ed to mea tin Immediately In th POSITION fve 'to "even wnJcn shoolt but dld not unoe S FRONT, July event of any Israeli violation of today gave uio young troops, moil oi wnoru unidentified planes I'aleatlne armistice lines had never been In combat. Announcing the Mustafa Nusrat Bey minister of Arner'tn combat troops in South The raid began about 3 30 p.m. war and marine. Issued the order nuicfl lurir ursi lisle ui wariari' a savage 23 minute strafing and 11 30 p m (CST Sunday) five Opening of alter saying that the Israeli attack- - in lod the Egyptian lines rast of Rafah rocket attack which had been flying over-bea-d, The aircraft dropped out of a nn the soutnern Gaia front Fri Th. suddenly dropped like faW day d cons on the town In (Tel Aviv dispatches Sunday aSSBsOwPSBsPsSBBBBBBBBBBBslSSBSaSBBBBVSSBSBBBLsBBBl f 'J'HsIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! W?P which the Americans have their aid an fsiacll patrol had "mispost command IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi 1felSSM territakenly" Egyptian entered Wsb&Wk Saturday A.M. July Ith. In fiSBBBBBBBBBBBsflr The Yanks dived for cover like SBSBBBBBBBBBBsVaC tory near Rafah hut had qulcklv flJsSaSSBSBs! "' LsBBBBBsPH Opn 5:00 A M. Cloi 1.00 A.M. withdrawn after an Egptlan pattcians and like veterans did not IH July 3 DETROIT trol tired shots In the alr. Flvejlieln popping away with, rifles as 407 East 3rd St. Before the new shooting orders, boys who plajed and went to the South Koreans do. endangering ' the Egyptian forces were under school together here 25 years ago evirone in s.he vicinity, Formerly strurllonj only to report border vio kept a childhood pact Sunday With deliberation the planes ) Uiflffwl Itli SUUU llta fmaa lations to the United Nations arm! rsSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBisi9HsBttsB Homo Cafe They met iir front of a statue of chlneaijn. . tiC rlrp,, ,nri- r,mB I . commlulooi" " Tsaajsssaassssjfjj-jtj-jjiry itowIClvrivtiMVher CoJurahti fcwvlvj' !r . ;it I HJHtl avaiiias) Uai,av WIIU Two n - 1" nKj-oalj- l4rs.at (lT.n3S2JlwritL Russia Says four-yea- Shorty's Drive In America Plans Bacteria War pro-Re- FREE.'fuhol half-mil- y Indn-Chln- a western-supporte- Railway-Mediatio- d CORRESPONDENT TELLS OF SHOOTING ATSUWON moth protection m lf J Indo-Chln- a - M shop-craf- -- - jo; u,..., , Building Bomb Shelter Just In Case Of War one-ha- lf a 9bmuncs - 37-- amineim ALBUQUERQUE 5Jh. SAN ANTONIO 2 Egyptian Troops Unidentified Planes Give Troops Rocket, Bomb Dose Ordered To Alert Against Israeli Eberlev PAS03J DENVER 1 8K f, Th-Linin- gsm Drinks aOQEEEH e IiliiMtmiti ELITE CAFE mud-walle- Childhood. Pact Kept L.. Detroit I Shah Willis Pag I Takes Own Life Vsbsbbbbb ;iiLsmjvWS7n AS mmmmmmmm Ig HEALTH Through Chiropractic NSpkui. WS baaVe ' II J iMaffi) II .h, "V1"" 'sA mUlCKKILTl Charming Cinderella's Prince could have easliy found who lost e At Your Favorite Drug or Orocary the slipper by Inserting an "found" ad POLIO ed th hav out unfortunate your entire ;imllls savings and wjptd Polio, Icuktmla, scarlet diphtheria, meningitis. vtar will cover an entire family and pay up to $5 000. Pro-ta- ct 510 a ser-Cea-rt your family Immediately. . ncpha-liti- s, Big Spring Insurance Agency HOSPITALIZATION AND COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE PHONE 171 B0 SPRINO, TEXAS SPECIAL SALE GE Refrigerators t. - $224.95 ' LIMITED TIME ONLY UP TO $25 TRADE IN ALLOWANCE ON VOUR OLD ICE BOX OR COOLERATOR AS LITTLE AS tl.JS WEEK July 3 foot. , ..7-.- 304 as'HBIHH ssBHH iLtfPHKSal .sHf aseBafBSBBBBslB BiBesBfesTsTBTaTsTHVItTsjBlBTIIBejaH ?ASaSaSaSaSaHsiSaisaSaVm4aSBBBBBBSaSaSafll TsSBBBBBBBBBSBBBBB IBSTIKAyHKSBBHBJBBJBJBBBBBBBBBBBH iHsBBSBBBBsl Ntw tabiilallnf mochln a Tmuu HmIIi (vlf y In ratln( ttuatltt. wwiaae OF TEXAS ELECTIONS! Bush- man. the aged and famed mammoth gorilla. Is a R. Marltn Perkins, director of Lincoln Park Zoo, said esterday the old fellow's right arm and leg are partically paralyzed and that he now spends most of his time lying down In his cave Perkins attributed the stroke to a blood clot A mdnth ago. the gorilla, which Perkins calls the world's most valuable zoo animal, was stricken with a heart ailment from which he has not fully recovered. At 2 years. Bushman Is an old man among apes His age is equivalent to 10 j ears for a human. City elections... County elections... U. S. Official District elections... State BEER $3.00 Case of 24 Cans Wayne Slidham Ice Station QSOPOragrj Helps Break Up Red Demonstration Watch tfia columns CARACAS Venezuela July 3 Wl A U h embassy ol filial wielding a baseball bat, helped break up a demonklrallun by 30 Commu- nist sympathizers who smashed embassy windows with stones yesterday. Frederick Kuhn, press attache was leaving the building on the way to an amateur baseball game when the attack. bganKuhn and APPLIANCE 'CO; police dispersed the attackers Two Orgg Phone 441. were captured Plaeirrfv nrnr1rnneif Ihj. J.strators as "against warmongers." 611 of this newspaper for full coverage af the forthcoming election. ,4: Runntla Phon elections..; It matters not which! Thii newspaper is equipped to provide) you with the results quickly accurately, and impartially! Wo print the election news while it it still news! Muelhbach or. Harry Mitchell HILBURN'S -- 5rtixsSBBfisBsBHIHBl with datnfdete semi-Invali- d smallfvr,tetanus; pox m SJ 1 CHICAGO. This Policy Covers Dread The Eight Diseases: Medical warn that authorities 1950 will b th Nation's worst year for polio. Don't b on of fllin I id INSURANCE afjlHK tueiTcAocJicirieta vrWa4HAflHHBaSHK3SS!keaBUaSsSisTi' n, Famed Gorilla Now Semi-Inval- ltKiiSSSBBBBBBHHslsSSSBBBBl sSsaTSSMMW8aSl1a1aaTsaTSWswWMtsMllaTsSSsaai-a.-,- . ItELGRADE Yugoslavia July 3 Dritlsh and American diplomatic lepreientatlves kissed the hand of Vlkentlje Prodanov at ceremonies jesteitlay installing htm at the new patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Yugoslav officials who support-t- d him for the post equivalent to pope of the church's 9 million member? contented themselves with a handshake at the altar Ills election marked the end of a stalemate In a dispute between church and state Some churchmen opposed hit election H,iI1H sasaKClriKL'flisHssasBsa J eHKdalHPIV an optometrist. swtsntng mis a solider with in the .dirt muttered. I Journeyed here from Shreveport, face crushed juuas, everyone a getting up on aSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW, Duke La for the reunion and (SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsfsSBHsW: these modern techniques " Stern came from Indianapolis. The About that time the planes other three. IVntist Kllot Magld-sohand flashed in for their w atwmMIng ranimt. David Velick and Leslie A. third sweep with machine guns Marlenth.il. still live In Detroit 'mnnwrlnc Roy McCartney of the It was Stern who dreamed up the British Ileuther News, Agency, a Idea of a reunion back in 1925 veteran of Greece Crete and the when the schoolbos were about 12 frican desert fighting, and I dived years old TV for the rKer bnnk and snugRled up "I read about things like this' under the overhanging bank. (Lama-he said. "It bert n l) S Navv was a kid wlun lieutenant in sounded fascinating " World War II saw both naval and The men planned to spend a few ground action in the Pacific ) days together, and they've already Machine gun bullets created a pledged they'll meet again at the symmetrical pattern of fountains In same spot al the next quarter-centur- y the river and the rockets whooshed mark muddy explosions beside "We won't be so old then,"aald to great .'( two bridges we were crouchI)r Art "We haven't reached the one ing between turning point yet." The first casualty was a A plane's machine-gu- n bullet ripped through a toe of his right k Art. Lft IfertgvsM f &&&Bl3&t&? H''lv ciKssssHiatViKIIiKMMl iMitlv Pfssll - ,v febrSpatjloV, rnew Management SBSBBBBBBBBBBBtSeFaLHrrp WBSBBBBBBBsHf'f,i t 11 THE Even now we are preparing to gather and tabulate the county returns for the forthcoming election. In addition, this newspaper is a part of the Texas Election Bureau, a joint newspaper and radio enterprise. The Bureau was organised by Texas newspapers some 35 years ago to provide quickly the results of elections in a state where- - it takes only a few counties to total-tharea of other entire states. It is an enterprise, the operating expense of which is paid tmtirely by newspapers and radio stations. The Bureau does not favor any candidate. Its only Interest Is to determine by collection of the unofficial vote the winning candidates. ' ' It is a public service of this newspaper provided for your information. HERALD e 1MDA ., ;!,.'. Big Spring (Texas) Herald, Mom, July 3, 1050 The SALE BUSINESS OUTLOOK Tempo Of Business Will Quicken Until We KnowlVieanrngOf By J. A. Livingston Wednesday Forecast For economic forecasts to the guesstiBut appraisals May 'SO Dec. 'SO June 'SI Indicator mates for 1950-5- 1 have to be reex- Industrial Production (IV 184 190 193 amined, as the 43 'strategically U. S. Auto Output (2) (000) 491 697 452 placed economists' In business, Unemployed (3) (millions) 3.1 4.3 3.8 283 banking, .government, Investment, Department 289d 295 Store Sales (l) 88S 960 884a and research organisations, who Business Failures (4) -- M7.5O0 UU4 $57.ta;5fr-$S6,- 96 answered m- - retdvear- cruestlon- - Average Weekly W9M- Ia it Tsf " , , 3.6S 2.62 A Corp. Bds. WOT (yield 2.64 2.65 will be the first 6Htti you. 1SS IS7 152 Commodity (S) 157c Prices Wholesale Some, Indeed, foresaw the risk. 169 169 167 166 Itufus Tucker, of General Motors, Cost of Living (5) 347 232 228 239 postscript Prices Received by Farmers (7) d appended a $4.9 $4 I $4.5 " William U. S. Cash Deficit (8,11) (billions) $ $2.6 to his forecast: $20 8 $20.3 $19.9 8.6a Vuii..u.i.; o.-- .j ivvii.uiii.i wiwun vi,i u. ...c nu, ... iir $2.1 $2.2 S2.3 Exports (1,12) (billions) $2.4a eral Reserve Bank of St. Louis Res. Bldg. Contracts (9) (mill.) $539 1675 $434. IrXttis ftrarlt ftwai (.an m14 JaAetstyMl $500 asentered this caveat! "I am 4. I. Federal R.itrv. Basra. WlfdV 3. Bdreau or the Censui. suming' there will be no major Dun & Bradstrett. 5. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 6. Moody's. 7. change In the international situa- Department of Agriculture. 8. U. S. Treasury. 9. F. W. Dodge. 10. tion." Aryness Joy Wlckens, as- End of Month. II. Total for 12 months ended, a April, b Close May sistant Commissioner of Labor Sta- 31 c Week ended June 20. p Preliminary. tistics, and Woodllef Thomas, eco nomic adviser to the Federal Re That's why the forecasts, though $2,000,000,000 now to about $4,900,-mad- e serve Board, used similar words. before the Korean outbreak,! 000,000. But war expenditures stateno who made those JSven still arc useful. 'The crisis does should raise that rate. Exports ments in writing had an reservation In mind. For war Is not change basic Influences. Itather were estimated to drop, but in the great unsettler. It creates demand-drivecreased arms shipments would Some of m have uomach diitress confusion, unexpected demands, it adda to demand in a itt change that. economy. meals because favorite foods cause acid speculative (remits. It could bring indigestion. you It's know. not necessarjr, By and large, the economists are And there jou have It. The on government control of prices. Prevent the naio optimistic. They forecast steady question now is :, Will the threat of Millions of Americans production, wages, profits. of sour stomach . . gas . . heartburn by Broad - scale war would force business between now and the war change an expected business eating I or 2 Turns after meals, or when personnel managers to recruit re- end of the year and then a moder- decline (in men's minds) Into an ever distress occurs. Vou mill have loll placements for men and women ate downturn in 1951. Theory be- upturn? Or will it merely dcer more fun eating farorite foods and enjoy, ing life if you carry a roll of Turns with taken by the armed forces from hind that: Supercharged buying of and perhaps aggravate the in- you. Get a roll today. ' desks and machines. A scarlty of automobiles and homes will begin evitable? 3U QftytOt.S labor undoubtedly would quickly to peter out some time next year, PARTICIPATING ECONOMIST Adolph O Abramion. 8KF" InduUrtes Merelv to brine the arm- - If not this year. ?o C Cantiy However. ' now. It's logical .to Henry D Arthur, fiwlft tt School. l forces ud to authorized strength IlalderitonJlran.Wriarton Halter. L -.in Castume. thatx. people try . to- - buy KTtyoi rifrtrnRSTolnon-TCTtk-ir- r iTST n workers union Resale 'Lewis dt evert more homes autos and 500,000. duction of about lector Bureau of Economic and Business TUMS FOR THI TUMMY governanticipation potential in the of tightens crisis The Korean Iteseereh UnlTtnlty ot Illlonls Edward ' economy. Defense appropriations ment "stop production" orders. Q Bennlon, Standard Oil Co IN e a Jersejrj. Donald Inveslfnent are sure to Increase. So will the What's more, expanded munitions counsel, Philadelphiar Bishop, Karl Dopp vice flow of munitions planes, tanks, demand will tend to serve as a preildent In charge ol reerarh, rederal Dank ol Philadelphia Ewan guns, ammunition, signal equip- cushion against any letdown In Resertt Clague COFFEE, COFFEE commissioner Bureau of Labor ment, gasoline, and so on to the demand for consumer durable goods Slatlitlci nobert Coltman (Ice president Philadelphia. Truit Company Far East and Western Europe. and for homes, when and If It Provident Donaia H Davenport, Division1 The TJrdted States must be pre comes. The problem of the govern- of Economic Developmentdirector N Y State Twentieth Century pared for the worst and the un- ment will be to mesh war produc- J Frederic Dewhurst A Fund Leonard Philadelphia Drake expected. Even If the Korean cris- tion into civilian production with- Chamber GILLILAND of Commerce Philip J Flu is results in a quick solution, the out udsetting the entire economy. Serald Dean Witter A Cfl members of New Vork stock Eirhanie If the economists are right In tht country Is likely to remain distrustPeler ATTOnNEYS-AT-LAAmerican Federation of Labor; Watheir predictions of diminishing HenJe ful of Soviet Intentions. lter E Hoidley. Armstrong Cork Co ; Labusiness 1951 weeks, demand in then the mesh will den O Hooper. W E Hulton a Co For the next few In New Of fleet) At of the New Tork Stock men will jtry to build up Inven- be easy. But If war orders members , Jftmes F. Hurtles, Auchlnclosi besuddenly haire pile Goods top doon reinvlgorated of tories. S08 Scurry Parker ft nedpath members of the New come more Important than dollars. mestic orders, sellers' markets will York Stock Eichanse Francis C. Jones. Valley Canning Co Minnesota Delter prices commodity why you develop anew. Phone 501 antican 'Then That's M McCJraw-HlKeeter. Publishing Co L Koselka. dean. School of Busihve shot unward. And construc cipate outcries In Congress for Richard ness Administration University of Minnetion under way will be rushed to price control, priority ratings on sota. Richard O Lang S C Johnson a k orders. scarce materials like steel, and Son Inc beat any possible Werner Lehnberg, Ooodbody ft Thus, the tempo of business In regulated production. Black and Co members of the New York Btock Exchange Qlenn O Munn. Paine. Webthe next few weeks until we know gray markets will spring up. ber Jackson k Curtis of the members HEALTH As the economists envisioned the New York Stock Exchange what the South Korean Invasion Robert R Nathan Robert R Nathan AsioclaUs nutans, how far It will Involve us future, industrial production now Washington. , D C Louis Parsdl-oJ the around 193 would decline to 182 Department of Commerce John W Patand Russia will quicken. And Dattern of business, at least tne by December 1951. Thai's a drop terson Nstlonal Shoe Mfrs Association Peterson, director of research Fedanalysts of about 6 per cent Dattem tbat most business so small Marvin eral Reserve MUmeapolls. T Bruce expected, will undergo a change. that it might be described as a Robb. directorBank, of research. Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City William II It can't help It. Any time you projection of the present. Un Bleed. Vice president. Federal Reserve get a "hunching of 'ordera, yott employment would gooip from Bank St Louli Herbert Stein Committee course of ecochange the short-ruto 4,300,000; but with step- for Economic Development, C A president. National nomic events. But not necessarily ped up requirements for the arm Bank Philadelphia Greenlecs, Rodgera and II. sllchter. sequence. ed services, that would necessarily Harvard University: Sumner the long-ru- n Arthur A Smith. Adams be altered. A pickup In department vica president. First NaUonal Bank, DalOscar C Stlne Department ol AgriAttorneys At Law store volume is anticipated be las: culture Larsre Taper. International LaLESTER BUILDINO tween now and the end of the year, dles' Oarmanl Workers' Union, Woodllef Thomas, Economic Adviser to tha Federal followed by a drop. Reserve Board, Rtiftis 8 Tucker. Oeneral Phone HTf Business failure, would rise a Motors Corp ; Arthur R Upgren, aiao- bit, as business falls off. And weekly wages would decline from their present high level of $57 50 to just below $57 Stock prices would be down from 223 In the DALLAS industrial average to 216. They're already down that low as a a Tl f 1 at ii the result of the wave of liquida By The Associated Press .The' tion. optimistic -4-r.most "stockThe WASHiNGTONr JulXr Flights Daily lnvasloafef South Korea Is seen by easier" "Sure that the coacASK vC, Sen. ycknsu-mo- 1 eember-195- 1; the; most .pessimistic ground lrr widen TJommunisx-nus-a- la ngurea on 140. Is seeing how far she can go Declines were predicted for comAir Urn "before the Democratic world will modity m r WmUhti twt tfc OflIl 71mawt prices, the cost of living, call a halt." prices and by received farmers. the Senate of Tydings, chairman 2100 Those forecasts seem vulnerable Armed Services Committee, w now The cash was expect one of several lawmakers who dis- ed to rise slowlydeficit from the rate of cussed the Korean situation, in - " " weekend radio programs. Others includedwho said Sen. Taft 'our own weak policy" In the far atCommunist Pacific Invited the tack who Senator McCarthy said that "American boys are dying In Korea" because the aid program which Congress voted was sabotaged, he charged, by "a group of untouchables in the State Department " Tydings said the actio nof the (lOJl FEjjl United StaJPes as a member of the llS4eaaaaaaaaaaaai It . 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal k . 1 saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaTaaV United Nations In sending armed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTH If&jfJt'fM TM$$Mh$i ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aid to the South Koreans actually T lhfjffM$ Laaaaaaaaaaaaaal I - 4 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 2 t f may avoid or at least delay the start of a third world war. Plai'aaaawawaawaawfS "Russia is using Korea as a testing ground to see how far she can m m mum w m m take territory by force before the .3y' democratic nations would call a laaaaVfflwl 4YrtV Su3aW aaaaaKJatl on her. YWM) "It is my opinion Korea Is only e a where this whole propoH sltlon Is being tried out, and Russia will make "her plans based on the unanimity with which the democratic nations act In throwing, out these brigands and outlaws 'who have started this unprovoked at- tak on South Korea." Taft argued that If the United States had kept occupation troops In Korea, or "even If we had announced that we would do what we are now doing, I doubt If the North Koreans' ever would have attacked " On the contrary, he said, "our Stat. Department for many months has been saying that we weren't going to do a thing about Korea" and hence encouraged the Communists to attack. McCarthy, in assailing those he called "untouchables in the State Department," repeated his frequent charge that the department harbors ""'Communists or worse." He described as quite effective sabotage the statements be said Secretary of State Acheson made, until the Invasion broke, that the x?wnuwiOHA.. ooriMSTimosTw a a oiuit tfp.iM imuwitip suns and in iwoianp. auitsaua ako camaj United States would not interfere Ksilooal Dlillcrreticu Corp, New VoclNY. DUUlied Loodoa Dry Oa. Mrroot 100 tTia acuval afrkiia in Korea. waste-baske- t. - IMave, m" iinWiIrt&ijtSSKSM"' JE54aitrtf -- StomachDistress two-wor- u... ... July 5th 9 o'clock lt yaiiX' 'v'",""' w After Meals? "Ex-war- .i Morning editorial editor. Minneapolis BUr Nathaniel A Wnttnet. Procter h Oam.le : Jo? Wtckens assistant commit-alone- r I Arrrteas rtureeu of Leber Statistics Hena A Catl M Loeb Rhoedes Wldenmann Co mrmbtri of the New York Stock Dtc. 'SI Fschenge EX Tount. Ford Motor Charles 182 company 395 4.6 282 1000 '50-'5- 1 V-- A. "- - " - SHOES n . TBBSttf urtd-ToHTrtr3i- 111 i that hat become so widely known for value giving You will find a wide selection of seasonal shoes for every member of the family at a smalt" fraction of their actual worth Th-v- ?$ rf.XWa for every member of the family mA ex-w- -- i Starring rut beti aren't otl exactly. The Korean crlili doesn't dtsUn. U AH OU'VE BEEN WAITING For IARIX.EO1 JJESLSIUJCTLQM.. -- . JBJEJHLEIIE. Mi . and 500 Pairs Ladies Ladies Shots Summer Shoes Ori racks for - an easy I II . Through Chiropractic I I Selection at greatly stop-wor- Reduced 1.88 SBSseS' Prlcea 11.95 & 12.95 Values 6.88 TO 95 & 9.95 Values 5.88 4.88 8.95 & 7.95 Values 2.88 3.88 Make your (election from the rack and ask clerk (or the mate All Colors' All Kinds All Sizes In The Entire Lot n Central-Pen- n Tydings Says Children White Korea Is Test Tube Of Soviet Sport Oxfords to Clear Lightweights Ventilated Values tb 14.95 Dow-Jon- L-- Dow-Jon- 1 Sizes ei -SjllllBBaaW twaHHsfSI IbbbS t't llffi 71 ES n ,. m,m. mm m In the finest homes 3.88 2.88 2.88 SPECIAL Boy's Saddle SPECIAL One group of Oxford House Shoes Values to 3.95 $1.00 pr. One Group SlJ M - $1.95 plus tax SPECIAL Boy's Oxford SPECIAL Ladies Brown & Beige Two Tone Regular 6.95 Value Sandals $2.95 $3.95 $1.95 fm rjli Ladies Sizes 1 to 6 Reg. 8.95 Value PAIR .yettM Hand Bags- -; Pair PAIR 0.1?" .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal ,Hjai.ai 5L$LS.Vs4sf 5.45 Values 4.95 Values 4.45 Values aVaiaiaiaiaPSVw. -- - $6.95- - 516 to S BVx to 3 2 Hrs., 22 Min. irtfV-iMW- test-tub- One Croup Man's Shoes-Redu- ced 300 Pairs Men's Summer fi SHOE- SasmTalkiBa m (Mm mm f fl GIN JSISlLb 1 Look what a S5 Bill will Buy sV a? y?rsr Kr4. sClr .aBBaiaBaiaBaiaB& jat CL OQ Mens Summer Shoes ematTeV"J7BM r $ Slip ons, or PAIR Lace In solids and two tones. Many of them were actual 11.95 to 13.95 values All of them, priced to clear In a hurry ,.... Don't Miss Jtl WHITES TWO TONES VENTILATED No Exchanges nfcl Mi mm mnin No Refunds at SALE PRICES fri9l4tiU.MMMU- - Pleats! . x "!!.&& . 0 1( j .A ' - A Bible Thought For Today Opportunity Knocks Around The piusciqa 1111 mil nui usuu giuvr iiauuy. ll uui luau is luu light it works an injury to us. Taktron all you can carry. "Dear yc one anothcrs burdens, and so fulfill the law of ChdiLVT-Gal- . 0:2. Brighter Chances For Success Appear For Modern Rainmakers RouteDeserves Support Because Of Its Utility Shorter-Wester-n- doicn communities Spokesmen from last week, for lone U.S. 80 went to a proposed highway from Kermlt to U.S. 285 In Reeves county, andfeventualty to more direct route to El Paao. give fedoal highThe Important- - east-weway, you will recall,, begins a southwest-war- d slant lrom Dig Spring, weerlng aieadrjy trtlhat direction tor amTrtntimately a5"1Rrn. tnt wl' fifipi oWlh? MtflMT back taini and hurrlfa northwestward toward El Hgso. This creates a big dog leg In the process. Terrain and population dictated the rout, ing In the past. Now the communities, led by the Kermlt delegation, are supporting a mora direct route. Many how utlllie V 8. 180 for trips to Kl Paso, which, so far ss Texas Is concerned, throws the. bulk of the travel over New Mexico roads. Texas thus misses that portion of the gasoline tax. bt r : st ' The embattled Toxan has not always been treated tenderly by several national magazines, and some have made a habit of barbing him consistently. Dut Smith's article on the senior senator from Texas Ti I j I ) j ; ; ' r J d sytnpatlie1ftf.-hol- ous elder statesman and Important fig tire. In token, Smith quotes one of Con- B ally's friends ai saying he makes some minor boners, but never a big one. At 72, Tom Connolly wields great pow- er as chairman of the Senate Foreign Re-Sonatlr lations Committee, and with Arthur Vandcnberg, a reformed lsolatlon- 1st, he Is the chief architect of the bl. partisan foreign policy. Ills background as a foreign policy expert goes all the way back to 1017, when he was a mom-- i ber of the House, and became Interested In Woodrow Wilson's dream of a League ot Natlpns. He . attended an mentary conference In Switzerland In " h -- MV- America's the greatest In abllty to wage war la peacetime history. Top military leaders agree, jthisli so, but they caution that our potential enemies arc formidable too. They add that in any war today sur. mobiliprise tactics and speedy military could defeat greater zation might. The United States "coild reach, from western hemisphere bases, sny "significant" bombing target on earth, some military officials say, but Itussla has the r equipment to bomb us alio. One top Pentagon official says It's the aame old Army story, but with a new twist i "OeUlngilhere fastest with, inostuL atom bombs." all-o- long-rang- .JK-h.- 2" .t ii 6 ,..,,, l. , . nor hwest. EI nnHh.T.nM com-pare- Dr tific War well Vannevar Hush, head of U.S. ScienResearch and Development in World II, told reporters last month we are ahead of.IIussJa In ajomlc warfare The Big Spring Herald itMT MlMnl Ml s ISIS. mJL.2'fi rn" ""HflWIKf fcBat " Ux Mpai. . tattMhafft-a- - - fa saklkUMrt an hrj,5 - rs?0-ZB- fa Immm ia ife itfnoifAi. a aa (mm ai tail i ttiiM zf. Ra?iianaftmsto tons, awtf -- ZT: "- Mr. ) "sjoaecRirrfcai Bt cartttr e mi m. j mux. m mi. 4 Jilt Spring Daily Herald, July 3, 1930 Ia '.. gejgegegeggfleTKggefl 'ifBlBBBgaBEr k'llBa na & F . d cy since when he became committee. The senator's mastery' of the bate has left Its mark on many legislation and on the hides of 1941, ' YvaKBViVLlem m ' t - I '.' -w. '' I . T 4.A. . f ' -- i : mumbo-Jumb- If it rained, their magic worked. It It didn't; then the deities bad been stubborn and refused to make peace. suffera In comThe modern parison to hla predecessor In that he refuses to seek the favor 'of the gods with any weird ceremony. Ills chances for success appear, to be much brighter, however. Ills reluctlnce to admit success might mystify the tribe's who never was bashful when It came to taking bows. TOMMY HART tire tmiryTO-ttKimtTj- rn y?:i5flSalE "f "V ?. mS .Jai ,, A jjgvBscfaaBBH VLjt,j ftRR- l-iLiLnHBVB"VHtneBLVgBgflBaVgsBe ot de- those with a - WASHINGTON-W- hat has worried military chiefs In considering their Korean strategy Is that the Soviet will next make a pass at. a defenseless but vital country on the other aide of Asia-Ir- an. revo- "" " Card Trouble HAIFA, Isreal uj. Sometimes courtesy doesn't pay Thepollce here received a postcard from Zvi Glass, who had ea. fP'.(i '."11 prUon' He U,nked ht police "attentive treatment" and said police took a look around, found In a Haifa cafe and took him back Glass to Today's Birthday born July 3, 1886 in Balti more. Commander of the Central Pacific (Fifth) Flpot ... In Wnrl.1 ,,., I. , ,Ti ..w..u 11. he won a reputation aj a fighting ed fool." He retired In 1948 with 'Naval honors and -. stsasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasH $ "cold-blood- Mssssssl yciwaucm ismuii ranx, j AMLiPttUICC ttrarmSTT Ull all-o- AMES aPRUANCF T "- - '"' used-agalns- t-tis Hr also recommended that Iran nf 'acknowj-- " RAYMOND " Capture of Iran would put Russian forces on the Gulf of Persia overlooking the Indian Ocean and menacing both the shipping lanes to Suez and the priceless oil of Arabia. .After the Shah of Iran returned from tho USA, ll was expected he Would receive large shipments of American tanks, artillery etc. However, Gen. Vernon Evans, U. S. military adviser In Iran, advised against this. He warned that'corruptlon,' Incipient revolt and Inefficiency were such Inside the Iranian Army that U. S. tanks and equipment might (all Into Communist hands and e,m'de lhe Aclated Tress. ,hows we have 17 Navy base, scatter arouna the world and more than 40 air bases. And we have troops tcattered around the uorld to protect them. Military construction figures give some hint of the building program that haa been started. Officials told Congress they planned to spend around $240,000,000 on the projects Included Is $23.000.t00 for a secret Navy base. Its location and purpose were not explained. The Army asked $74,224,000 to strengthen troop bases for the protection of foreign bases and airfields. Officials also have disclosed that our pile of critical and strategic war materials Is less than half complete. This pile consists of materials we do not produce in sufficient quantities to supply our needs. They must come from foreign nations, some of them possible enemy nations. War would shut off imports. The size of the pile apparently is based on our needs for an war effort lasting several years. It contalnt such things at tin and asbestos Officials estimate the value of the pile at around $1,500,000,000 today, or slightly more than 40 per cent of Its planned size ADM. Iran. lt-ready ' compilation PeJf50lT" W For If the men In the Kremlin face a setback In Korea, they are likely to save face In some other area. And- the most Important and easiest country for them to penetrate is Vices, too. We have a powerful Air Force with around the world nm flnnwino n,...i. latest t f " too many generals. not enough privates, that many officers were so fat they could not run 100 yards, let alone stay In the field for weeks. that it had high-rankin- g AMBASSADOR SAYS NO Meanwhile, the Shah began to get Irate against U, S. Ambassador John Wiley for vetoing a big Marshall Plan grant. Wiley waa ready to OK. a modest grant, somewhere near the $10 million figure, but not the large amount the Shah expected. As a result of this and other factors. Ambassador Wiley hat pretty worn out his welcome and is being replaced by Henry Grady, U. S. envoy to Greece. Wiley is a good diplomat, but you can't say "no" consistently ' and continue to be popular. ecoMeanwhile the Iranian nomic situation is not good; the Party. Tudeh, or Is getting stronger, with the links between it and Russia reported bolder. Should the fltd Army, perhaps disguised as Tudeh troops, start a march to the Gulf of Persia, the Shah's army probably could not hold out a week. Also it would be humanly Impossible at this great distance, for U. S. military forces to intervene. "A LINE IN THlt DUST". At the crucial Blair House conference over Korea, following the President's return from Independence, Mo., Secretary of State- - Acheson made this argument for armed intervention. "Our situation Is about like the two barefoot boys," he said. "One keeps Jabbing and poking the other until finally the second one draws a line, in the dust and aays, you cross that line and I'll knock your block off.' "It's time we did that with Russia," Acheson concluded. wc-1- TRUMAN CALLS Over cigars in the Senate cloakroom. Sen. Warren Magnuson waa explaining President Truman's- action, pa .Korea. "I've played cards President," said the Kai-she- VS. JOHNSON The unfortunate backstage feud between the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State has continued even during the tense conversations over Korea. During the first Blair House debate over Korean Intervention, Secretary abruptly Johnson bi ought up the question be has harped on for alx months Formosa. "Korea Is Just a symbol, Mr. President." he said. "It Isn't Important. The really Important place Is Formost." This got no response from either Truman or Acheson. except hla that the President reminded Secretory of Defense - that the meeting had been called to discuss Kqtea. Next day, however, before the second 111 air House meeting, Johnson slipped in to see Tru inan"afieadof the olhers; "Ustnr Gen. MacArthur'a argument, glv- durtaim6trV-recVrtn- t -V empty.-hande- prwu-r'MDc--aesP- Thomas Martin, Lewis Whip Berle At Quipping r four-minu- way he treats other performers." be remarked. Then why do Martin and Lewis appear on his RV show? "If pays good money," Lewis answered. "And Betides, you- get an audience of 31,000,000. That's too good to pass up." - By BACH I of the ha waa able to beat JJerle. "Very simple," he replied. "I didn't try to play smart.' I was very humble funny Just the little kid who did crazy things. That threw him off completely." Lewis said he has used other tactics when he has et Berle on night, club floors. "I've taken him on three times and cut him to ribbons." he said. "But I would never do that before a RV audience. I wouldn't let them see me get nasty." Lewis admitted he has feuded with Berle-for- some time. "I like Milton, but I don't like the . ,, ks) trot an THE eClEtJCe OK STUDY OF LIVING CONDITIONS IMPROVIN IN ORDER TO 6tTTIR THE HUMAN RACE AND MAK? PEOPLE WORE EFFICIENT asked Lwit. piffunny mm two, !! 1 EUTHENICS u-thJ- how I I , HE 6AYS HE ' now .,, b.b . b?;.. North Koreans' strongholds above the until clouds rolled i rain-gett- rain-make- drive the Invading northerners back abov- - MttHTvlng-Vj- HAPPY JUST THE WAYHCI5JJ; "':- tronnn.,.. By the time our first i . men-w- ere going in. the South Korean, robPrh.tChr:u0,Se?Itm4d-OU- r So far- -if thl we turn Affairs Ot The tlde-th- ere, EJsJinLil poSH ZlSttM. - . Indication that our troops' have been told to drive north of the 38th parallel Into HBatl MnilHIVII tA pAHlHtllHllia' Al vvusn, w fiitaaii tuv vviiiitiuuaaia uvru It DUT, WE DON'T FOLLOW THEM across the line to destrly them, here are questions we face: Will the Communist government ot North Korea remain Intact, free to reorganize Its army for a drive aouth again at toon at the time looks riper Of course, we could drive cross the 38th line, wipe out the Communist government In the north, take possession ot all Korea, north and south, and deplare the whole country under the government south republic. But would that be a permanent solu. ' tlon? Or would the Communists In Korea and the country It probably loaded with them scheme and conspire to overthrow that single, government, friendly to us, by Internal revolution without the necessity of Invasion of any klndT If that happened some day If the Korean government which we favored was-- . overthrown by revolution we'd have a difficult time then Justifying to the world any step we made to Interfere. AGAIN, WE MIGHT STOP AT THE 38TII parallel, let the northern Koreans do as they pleated, but arm the South Koreana to the teeth with tanks and planes, enough to defend themselves against a future attack. (Remember, when the Greek Commu-nlst- s began tbelr uprising against the Greek government, which we favored, we went In military help but not our fighting men until the Communists were crushed.) nut unless we keep troops in Korea Z& a,, trtSBpri -- r pomf,," """J' T h n lmJ?- ' -- "' :..: one? we got JSewe' nd ' " "' " "'""' ir. sincn ao.iit,. i - . 1" J: "" .. ., t. aurroifnded now long can "'munist, Z7SSS'J- XH.7JK World-DeW- itt " - "Ad'" MacKenzie Soviet Gets Someone Else To Do Dirty Work As Korea Shows PRESIDENT TltUMAN'S AUTHORIZA-tlo- n of the use of American ground troops in the Korean fighting should occasion no surprise, since it wat a foregone conclusion based on pressing needs. Invading North Korean troops not only were In possession of Seoul, the southern capital, but a North Korean force headed by armored vehicles had broken through tbe southern defenses below Seoul. If waa a critical situation which might call for the use of ipfantry. For despite the amazing progrosfbf science in treating fearful weapocs of war, we haven't yet reached can be disthe point where pensed with. THE SERIOUSNESS OF THE POSITION is further emphasized by Mr. Truman's authorization for the U. S. Air force to fly specific military missions Into northern Korea where necessary. Tbe President also authorized the blockade of the entire Korean coast. These moves should tend to allay our anxiety rather than heighten it. They a vigorous response to the open ag. gresslon launched on southern Korea by North Korea. That aggression la part .and parcel of the Conv munlst drive to take over all Asia. This Korean Imbroglio is a paritcidarly good demonstration of the methods employed by Communism in furthering Its world revolution. It's a perfect example ot tbe Bolshevists' scheme of getting the other fellow to do their work for them. THE PRESENT DANGEROUS SITUA-tio-n grew out of the unwise allied agreement under which Russia assumed con. trol of northern Korea at the" end of the war, while America undertook guardianship of the South. This naturally resulted In tbe establishment In northern Korea ef a puppet Communist government which - at C par-all- el rs WORD-A-DA- Y f Everything swings around the 38th of latitude, which is the dividing line between the Republic of North Korea (backed by the Russians) and the Republic of South Korea (which we support). AFTER WORLD WAR II AMERICAN troops occupied South Korea up to the 38th parallel. Russian troops occupied North Korea down to the S8th. Eventually we got out and the Russians got out. When, we Cot out. we didn't leave or fighter planes for the South Koreans In case they got Into trouble. The Russians left planet and tanks. Thlt equipment played a terrific part In the 000 cally short ot mica for electrical equipment and abaca for Navy ropes. Under stimulus from Congress, however, the munitions board has stepped up its stockpiling program and is rushing to complete Its goals. at A iouow-e- d However, the USA Is still criti- HOLLYWOOD, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are back from remarkable the east after a topping Milton "achievement Berle. This feat could be compared In tbe sports world to running a mile or scoring 18 points against Notre Dame's footballers. For Berle It the tec-th- e fast squejeh and the upstage ognlzed master of the flip quip, technique. Many great performers have challened him to gcom-band have slunk back with fractured eo and lacerated dignity. That's why the trade marveled when two such newcomer as Martin and Lewis managed to whip Berle at his own game. When they appeared on his television show, he often teemed bewildered by their wlljLantlcs. Japan. :- runner tnonage, tucn as Pearl Harbor. if toid the President: " most strategic point in the Pacific is Formosa. It was the springboard used by the Japs to invade the Philippines, and the Cmnmunhts might use it for another Philippine ' Invasion. Our control of Formosa would completely stop a Communist invasion to the South." Probably no one can answer .now because we got Involved so suddenly and unexpectedly. THE REASqNS FOR OUR GETTING In were sound enough, for if we hadn't atepped In to help the South Koreans 1. Communists everywhere would have taken It as a sign of American weakness and American Munich, selling the small countries down the river and would have pushed as hard at they could everywhere. 2. Small countries, whose will to resist communism has been stiffened by" 'our promises of help In trouble, would have lost faith In us. This would have been a world-wid- e , disaster for us. 3. Korea in the hands of Communists In case of war with Russia would provide a lovely base against Japan and our own forces there, since Korea almost touches of - ia - to. ;& Hollywood-Bo- b d TrFpCT-cenT- v4e It's a little soon to be, asking, although there'll have to be an answer, sooner or later. No one has suggested the answer. Johnson's argument finally had an effect on the President, for, at the meeting which followed, be brought up Formosa himself. Xcheaon then agreed to the plan later announced by which the 7th Fleet would prevent any Communist invasion of Formosa, but k with Chiang also ceasing bis bombing of the Chinese Communis) mainland. U. S. MAR STOCKPILES Thanks to the stockpiling program, the sudden Korean Invasion did not catch the USA at as Pearl llarb'.r This time the United States hat enough strategic materials in its warehouses to .meet an emergency vn though the' stockpiling program Is behind schedule. Forexample, we have enough manganese on hand to keep the ateel mills producing full blast for two years. This would give time to import more manganese from Africa and South America, and to explore for new manganese sources In this country. In fact, at this moment American representatives are surveying the manganese fields along the African Gold Coast. America has also kept Its syn thetic rubber plants In operation,. ndfias stockpiled the rubber needed Jor war.- This with the handsome Washington Democrat, "and you don't dare bluff him. He'll caU you every time." Remarked Undersecretary of Defense Steve Early later: "I've played cards with him too. Mr. Truman will call you all right, Out the trouble Is, he usually loses." ACHESON get vut vi way Russian Capture Of Iran Would Put Them In Position To Endanger Suez n developments. There is no argument over the assertion that our Navy Is the greatest in the world. In case of war It probably would have the support of the second greatest, that of Great Britain. Dut coupled with this fact Is another: Ilussla has a fleet of at least 270 submarines much more formidable than those used by Germany in Worfd War II. If we had to maintain a long supply line, across the Pacific and Atlantic ocesns, this would be a somber situation. However, military men point out we have developed new de. and The exile Marlow Today-Jam- es WASHINGTON. IF WE MOP, UP IN Korea, what then? We're in Korea up to our necks now. And, even If we don't a piece ot the Senate floor. Smith mentions Tom Connally's military service, in the war, but missed another chapter In his service to his country. After voting to recognize a state of war with Germany in 1017, Congressman Connally, newly' arrived In the House, laid aside his legislative duties and went to war again, at a captain In the 11th Division. Texas Is proud of Its senior senator, and hopes the country is privileged to enjoy his leadership la foreign affilrs for many more year. He knows what the score Is, and can alwaya be depended on to come through. -- Imposed In again. Now That Were In Korea, The Problem Is How Do We Get Out wtirTammt"nerry-1ttKX)ttnQ'UF&- Spanish-America- Indians The moisture making effort generally called for great sacrifice among the red brethren. Entire tribes would often take extended fasts before and during the experiments. And, when they needed moisture for the crops, they sought out the paid him In advance and the project was officially underway. IvEtvCflvY!! - '&r$uZ&2rJ&Qbi& fflakrior aayJjiBrpIndraln "$roteslon'aV iftwaj.C ftaytfl fa ieil JS chairman art "" If "ralar didn't itartTtglrt 'tftif "the professionals went right Into their act, the rain makers would noise It about that the rain goda were Irked. The rainmakers, It Is told, weren't behind the door when the brains were passed out. They kept one eye on the sky. If the heavens were clear, the rainmakers would retire from the scene to await some clouds. The longer the drought, the longer their stay In conclusion. Yt- - Ttxana .who. insist "ifsu ot ta rain sometime probably inherited that hvaiS-Mothe- r TJature into causing a shower but, to white, the whole ceremony was unadulterated The Nation of the Senate autiM m mm th imII ..... at rMpaulbl k ""'iJTS lfll.iV!.VSr,;,,i'! iu5 K nm nnnaatMi,M U mi Vital ttroi Btmd t n)t ar MU til aetsnufcu T.MPfv rl ta aa r7t iu rtfUsUoa poa ttw uaVuw TTw , them. BHBBBBBBBLBbW MTtij u iii rain-gette- r, rtT3ettrrel--drasUr'rwrBtm- This enemy is to detect the presence oi planes. But the network Is far from complete. The buildings and land alone needed for additional lnstallsllons will rust an estimated S80.000.e00. Nothing has been appropriated. The Air Force Is spending $50,000,000 from other funds to get this expansion work started, A staff of about 170.000 civilian volunteers Is being recruited to help watch for enemy planes and to .broadcast warnings In case of attact. As for military strength, Defense Secretary Johnson has said: "The state of readiness of our armed forces and the military potential of our country are greater today than In any previous peace-tim- e period In the nation's history." Manpower totals 1. 458.400 people, d with 2 235,000 at the time of Pearl Harbor. We have 776,600 fewer military personnel now than at the time of the Japanese attack, but Gen. J Lawton Collins, army chief of staff, has said: "We stand today stronger in the effectiveness of our men In uniform than at any tirhe since the end of the World War the - themselves looked upon the tribe's rainmaker as a man of wis dom and he held high staUon among Prepared For War Than Ever before 3 " The U. S. Held Better July a da4 U. S. Prepared For War? WASHINGTON, j 4i 1024, and a number of others since Ilia experience In such affairs has enriched his leadership of the nation's foreign poli- lnter-parlia- j well as U.S. 80 Article Pays Fitting Tribute To Senior Senator From. Texas Senator Tom Connally comci near Justice In a profile by Beverley Smith In the current issue of Saturday Evening Post. H- - would offer U.S. IN still shorter route, leaving .the road perhaps at Snyder and angling through here. From this point they could then go, west either to Andrews and then to Kermlt and on to the new section, or go hy the way of Qdrua and Kermlt. But eveivif It mtMDt to. traffic tor tWa r tomriKitUiy, the njSfw9ttvti tutiVM'a gow," thing. Cities opposing the proposed route are doing a natural thing to forestall what they believe would be lost traffic. Actually, It Is doubtful that they would be seriously hurt Highway Commission Chairman Fred Wemple observed that he never knew, a new highway to hurt an old one. We've always taken the Idea thst It'i good policy to be for a good highway, regardless of where It goes, If It serves a real and useful purpose. , Indiana whose ancestors were called daft by the pale (ace because they placed great faith In their rain maker must get. a big kick out of his modern counterpart, the hombrea who try to milk the clouds scientifically for moisture'. It was always 'an act of Clod' in the eyes of most of the white settlers, If the red conjurers staged their act and the 'pennies from heaven' started falling, Jrue. the. savages might Jtaye painted their faces, wore feathers down their The new rout travellers ai Herald Staff Rim-T- he Soviet-controlle- d cuckoo-ln-the-we- st claimed to act for all Korea. This wasn't recognized by the United Nations, and a republican government wat set up in south-er-a Korea. Then tnlngs developed according to routine. Russia proceeded to North Korea. A ned army wat created and thoroughly equipped Communist agents swarmed into aouthern Korea" and started their task of sabotaging government and spreading disaffection. the IT HAD BEEN AGREED THAT BOTH America and Russia should withdraw their !ir!?P!LV oon , s became eet-.- :: The Russians announced" that the last of their occupation troops were withdrawn 1M. though this never waa America started withdrawal that monlfi and finished the task on June 28. ist com-munl- cor"-Wn- 1"; " the hJ"Korean euckoo,f was deposited In nest for hatching. The North job of undermining southern Korea, and n.Uy launched it. attack across the C0W. lu buldert at the w!ihd ,nd Aroer,ca move1 to of southern Koreans The United Statet tent Motcow a note. SKSJell"" d,"V0 r"P"-lt- y f " K? Tb Sviet Un,0n - S. Koreana and tald It couldn't"- Intervene la the internal affair, of .notheV soufh b,!!,E SUCK0 sits EGO 13 tight, others carry out her program for her. Another little nation is fighting to escape communism. America and other western powers being forced to expend hug amounts of money to halt aggression, thereby weakening their economic itruc. m turi - V ;4 i fl i Big Spring (Texas) Herald, Mon., July 3, 1S5Q Louise Graham And A JJSiallings-Mled-, STANTON, July 3 (Spl) Wedding vow were exchanged by Louise Graham fnd. Arthur James Stalling. Jr., in a candlelight ceremony Saturday night atjjthe Stanton First MethcdUt church" The bride 1 the daughter of Mn A. J. Graham and Stalling! is the ion of Mr. and Mn. A. J. Stalling!, Sr. fnsfcg. EVENTS MONDAY TUESDAY ORDER Or EASTERN STAR will meet ftl the Uasonlc Tejnple at S p m HU PHI Mil CHAPTER of Beta Slime Pbl will mtlt 1 I p m WrraNESDAY LDlnCRAN LADIF.1 AID SOCIETT will mill at it 110 pm for a devotional end business session FIRST METHODIST CHOIR will milt it tht church at 7 30 p m rinaT BAPTIST CHOIR wtll meet It Ul church at s 10 p m LDIES SOCIETY OP BLFkC WIU meet at tha WOW Hill at J p m snTcii-A-nr- r club will matt m in hona o( mm R II Boy sin. wi Jefferson m at I pm MAIN STREET CHURCH OP OOD WUI will meet at the church at 1 30 p m THURSDAY Will AMERICAN LEO ION AUXILIARY meet at tht clubhouse I ORANb INTERNATIONAL, AUXILIARY will meet at the WOW Hall at 3 p m BRIDOF CLUB will meet In DESSERT Reuben Crctihton, the home of Mn 130 Nolan at I p ra CREDT WOMEN S CLUB wlU meet at the Pint Methodist church at noon will meet In the STITCHERS BAPPY home of Mri Robert Sneed. Vealmoor RU at S p m pn it rRtDAY Mushed Potatoes- Fresh Snap Beans Hot Biscuits Bread and Butter PlcUes Strawberry Cake Beverage Iteclpe for Starred Dish Follows) STRAWBERHY CAKE Ingredients! 1 nips sifted cake bakflour, 1 teaspoon double-actio- n teaspoon salt, ing powder, 2 eggs 2 sugar, 1 cup cup butter 12 cup rnllk- - 1 teaspoon rantllr, sweetened sliced strawberries. t 2 rw win CoflHtrfennr-Mlimrh.nn Tto.f.t.ei will be Ur.. C A Jones chairman Mrs Charles Rainwater Mrs Richard Johnson and Mrs Dee Davis FRIENDSHIP BRIDGE CLUB will meet R T Bluhm, 107 In the home of Mrs E. Ilia, it 1pm -- Call Son In Germany Mr and Mrs J R Petty talked long distance to their son, Cpl. James Petty In Kobcrg, Germany Sunday night. Cpl. Petty has been In Germany for the past 16 months and plan to return to the states sometime in January. On?Um& CHANCED BUYING HABIT OF MILLIONS PRINTING T. B. JORDAN A CO, 113 W 1st St Phone 486 I II Chiropractic For HEALTH CLEARANCE Beautiful Antiques Prices Greatly Reduced Entire stock will be sold. Many new things to choose from Old China Milk Glass, Clocks., Prints. Bargain Table of nice items. Use Our Plan if you wish. Lay-A-Wa- y Mary Wilke E. i al Taa nf ftlt "' . " auw urine m.l ..""" renriamg.wero jnrs.T.iy OOtT ASSOCIATION LADIES aosi Broadway St Stanton, Texas 504 ASA SL- wirr-ina ..-. 1 weu- - 7iir. July holiday, most club rjieetlngs scheduled for tomorrow have been cancelled. Among those who will not hold regular aesslons ar Business and Professional Women's Club, John A Kee Rebekah Lodge, Big Spring Rebekah Lodge, Eager Beavers and Leisure Bridge Club. Only two organisations have re ported that meetings will be held Order of Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic Temple at 8 p. m and the Nu Phi Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will convene at B p. ra. Can't Match a FRIGIDAIRE You New New aluminum New New rull-leni- rh lc beaunl shelvesl doer I Blue Interior trim I rust-pro- la Price Start At $184.75 I 3rd Rhone JJM For Health's Sake Try Chiropractic Dr. Gale J. Page Dr. Keith L. Brady ISM Scurry 409 Dont Sayt Runnels "We -- TeftMentSV - -- - Jim Phone 411 Phone 3304 Tried Everything Possible Unless Chlroaractlt V--, Wonderful far waar all fall. H. ' 'L HiWt'oJrlX 1 Ws Inciuata fTTV DRESSES $3.99 fallttylat. Slxaa 9 to 44. Ara fular $6.99 valua. 7 FOR $7.00 New r. , au Sj' "tsissjsis44)sM ' W- SRVSlKaSlK VSpH ,SraH Hupta., 2eWsra-EBieiE- DRESSES &it sHH'l GARDEN TITY, July 3 (SpD-J. C Cunningham served n hostess 'at the meeting of the Af ternoon Bridge club In her home Wednesday afternoon Mrs W. K Scudday won high score and Mrs. Alby Crouch won second hlRh Mrs Joy Wflkerson won low score Refreshments were served to Mrs Alby Crouch, Mr. I. L Watklns, Mrs. W. K Scuddy. Mrs Ray High- tower, Mrs. D. W. Parker, Mrs Joy Wllkerson and Mrs. Pete Un derwood. Mrs. sH( $10.00 BLOUSES $1.00 BLOUSES to 44. Values to Cotton and Crap. Long sleeves. $1.99 88c HALF SLIPS SLIPS SKIRTS PANTIES $1.88 print GIRDLES Regular values to f I.M. 4 supper! 33 to 38. 3 PAIR $1.00 $1.00 eATS Permanently wrinkle resistant, no pressing needed. The xlp-ilining is of 100 per cent weel, making this a. 2 in 1 coaf good for season 'round wear, in beautiful new fall shades. A regular $29.95 value, during our July Jam beree sale only First Quality 54 Gauge, IS Denier $1.00 19 3 PAIRS $2.90 HOSE tfltf 9sW siiKrjsKr(BeslsiiiiiiiiH sPA&flseflBsesek ' 95 NEW FALL New Fall Shades Slightly Irregular SUITS 69c New fall suits at July Jamboree 3 PAIRS $2.00 " agjgjW9gjBajw n HOSE 5 $3.00 LINING ZIP-I- N 51-1- Sixes 32 Many other Items too numerous to mention. 2 For $1.06 Strap or .triples styles. IP' $1.59 2 FOR SLIPS Cottons and Crapes. to 40. Reg. $2.99 79c MSi 39c PANTIES nd esntv styles. BRAS 5 Fair $1.00 Rayon Jorsay all Sixes and Colors. A new shipment of spring and summer cottons, some crepes and gabardines. Pastel colors, values le 13.19. Mr 2 FOR $3.00 51.00 JERSEY REO. $1.29 Sites Short or $1.59 2 FOR $3.00 A..MrJBrjiu ele pricesl Crease resistant ray-ethe wonder fabric. All the newest fall shades and In sixes 10 te 10. Regular $24.95 values now n, SLIPS GOWNS HALP SUPS ATTENTION 16 trimmed and talfored. Reg. $$.99 $1.99 Bathing Suits On Hwy. la). Reg. $4.99. All sixes and eelen $2.99 DONALD'S BeseVseasesiseH11 Lee Cottons, Crepes end Satins. ACRES NURSERY 95 GOWNS Values Te $199. Sixes 32 Te 40 .se9jsasew aW .afV It Pyt f Shef 88c nd Compart At UNIFORMS Drive-In- n WpMiMdag to Broken Jeeves. Steaks sixes. Long Reg. $5.99 $2.99 Mexican Foods HIOHWAV Slxaa 9 $2.9? . IAN ANOEL0 Washable cottons. ' Cottons and Crapes In prints and solids. Valuas to $1,99 HOUSE DRESSES m Rag. $1.99 2 FOR DRESSES M I m The Rev R L. Bowman sponsored the group on the outing, assisted by Mrs. Joy Wllkerson Those going were Phlllls Durrant, Sandra and Judy Gay Wllkerson. Helen Cunningham, Darla Kay and urenrja cook, Kemey Sue Scudday. Mary Ruth, Thelbert and' Aubrey Asblll, Retha Lee HuBelns. Jlmml. McCorquadale. Jimn-- y Smith Mar- ceutne Ulll. Mr. Joy Wllkerson ana me nev B L Bowman. last M lasf noon. Miles I SsKi Mr. atd Mrs". H. D. Bruton were hosts to an Ice cream party for numbers of the Eager Beavers and their famlllea Saturday night In their home, 610 Douglas. Progressive 42 was the entertainment for the evening. Attending were Mr. and Mrs Joe Mitchell end David, Mf. and Mrs tMnvtr Yates, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Procter, Mr. and Mrs Leroy Findley and Sara Lee, Mr and Mrs B O. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Splvey and Judy, Mrs R I Klndley, Mr. and Mrs. J. E j Freeman and Johnny and Edith Mrs. W. L. Clayton, Merlene Bur-nett, Bruce Wells, Joe Barry Clayton. Mrrlc Qaskln, Nlta Chapman,' . -- R. 'Mrs rotorr tnd Rrchafd, j niary oem ana jean sales. 1'aisv .; A swimming party and watermelon feast comprised the entertainment when members of the Intermediate group of the Union church were honored at the Steve Currle Ranch H ail aBl'n In) and Mrs. P F. Pryor and Donald are vacationing in Colorado and New Mexico Mr and Mrs. Don Powers and . son Mr. and Mrs. C G. Parsons uuuugmade a business to De Leon we week. and children were honored with Frances Cox. daughter of Mr a picnic by the members of the Cox, underwent Baptist church Monday afternoon J. Reports were heard concerning . j. Mtuui mf wctx. the Bsptlst youth encampment. Reports were presented by Lynday GUUsple JCsp Mary Parsons, and Annet Ward Gifts were presented to the honored guests. Those attending were Mr and Mrs. Lee Smith and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. WBHAVIPttNTYOP Ronnell McDanltl and children, SHRUBSTHATYOUCAN OIL Cook, Kay Mrs Mrs. Alton. PLANTOW. . llaple, Mary. Paul and Don GUUsple, Fred Christie, Mr and Mrs Bosm la BaelteU A. Wade and children, Annet Ward and the Parson family. EASON Members of the Young People's Prayer group of the Union revival were entertained with swimming party and watermelon feast at the J W. Cox ranch home Friday afternoon. Sponsors for 111 outing were the Rev. R. A. Ren-fr- o and the Rev. A. C. Durrant. Those entertained were Harry Love", Larry caiverley, Dryarit Harris, Nell Coburn, Ben and Bonnetta Cox, Lue Low. Lynda Smith, Theora Caiverley, Mrs. Fern Cox and Mr. and Mrs. 3. Vf. Cox. $5.99 Waihablo eotlons and crepes In this group. Reg. $8.99 In cotton. $3.99 -&j ihSPl&JiA. & a BLOUSES Poisant styla H, D. Bruton Home t4rtM4rmrf All alias and colprs. $5.00 ''111 v t3r Eager Beavers Hdve fesisiB?K&lff'S"MlsisiH .....,.'iri. ',' DRESSES JOB A Ice Cream Supper In , nomerjMajUJ n eU-end-Mr. s . SELECTIONS . '" - E. M. Massey Is imderolng med leal treatment In Savanab, Mo Mr. and Mrs. Dlek Hittson of Breckenrjdge ire business visitors here. ' Mrs. R. A. Bennett, Is a patient In a Big Spring hospital. John McAdams was a surgical patient In a Big Spring hospital during the week. Mrs. Roy Louder Is convalescing at her home. She was released from the Medical Arts hospital lu Big Spring during the week. ' IteVesssssssssH aisSSSSsHBP'liijSSSSSSH iT'' -- Valviat to $19.95 M. ftlassey nave returnee irom fishing trip in Mitchell county. Mr. and Mrs, R. S Lewis and spen the sons of Sweetwater week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, D. American Or is It pro- "-- v.Lounty Judge Sarah T Hughes of Dallas was named as sole nominee for the presidency of B&I'W EIcc- , be n ,d F w . aay 01 lne convcnti0n. . " Return From Trip e Taylor Appliance Co. 212 E. "vrtyr- - rziis1 s Meetings Canceled Outdoor Parties Highlight Social To Observe Holiday News Notes From Garden. City Area In observance of the Fourth of lookfaM! UektoM Come -- 4 I 8AN FRANCISCO, July 3. (JB com'ortu, the than 6,000 business women standard of living-- ' pro- - 'SrszJg'JzsLZ. J, -- Presidential Post They are attending the 10th blen- nlal convetlOn of the National Federation of Business and Pro- lesslonsl Women's Clubs. Opening the barrage was the out- golug president, Dr. Frances Scott of Northampton, Mass bhe Is the author of several books on health and hygiene and an associate professor of hygiene at Smith College. She declared: "There must be a new pattern In thinking with respect to women's place In the world. "Industrialization took them out of their homes, then It left the greatest unemployed force In history. Women must band together to reach top positions. Other women must help them, and must apply their Intelligence in national af fairs. "Division of work should not be on a basis of sex "In our civilisation the Job belongs to the person best fitted to do It. The distinction between men's work and women's work all but vanished during the last war. our Ijjfilnklnu haijBQt ltSPtjAfCKllh reality What Is democracy?" she ask- d. as. It anatts?AlMM.iilOJULnD BEST fi vw j Texan Is Nominated Mo-- e EARLY FOR JULY 5TH 9:00 O'CLOCK bafAng powder Of Mrs Maggie nofclnsoir wcr sorand salt together. Cream butter, bin Graves. add sugar, and cream thoroughly Mrs. Charlie Cravens underwent It you arc using an electric mixer ; medical treatment In a San Angelo beat eggs In thoroughly, one at hospital weanesaay. a Mme. It not, beat eggs together Mrs Dee Carter and children well I.Wore adding Add dry In- visited relatives In Lubbock during gredients alternately with milk and tha week. vanlila ln several additions. BePlans were completed for the nf ntf.u nfrirlre ginning and ending with flour. Bake inRliiiauiuu Wl -- !- th .,..-.lV square pan In meeting of the local Rebekah lodge In a buttered ) oven until 287 at the lOOF hall Monday even-- I a moderate (375 F services were done-- ..bout 23 to 30 minutes Allow Installation Ing. to staid on cake rack about S scheduled for July 10. mlnutis bfforr turning out. When Mrs. Johnnie Rhodes and children cold, cut Into squares, slice each of Odessa were guests during the layer-cake in center through square week In the home of her parents. fashion and spread bottom Mr and Mrs. John Burnam. layer with strawberries. Replace Salty QlUlsple Is convalescing In, top and garnish with whipped sn El Paio Hospital touowing an cream. automobile accident occurlng In that City earlier In the week. Mrs. Verlon Brewer Is recuperat. J lng at her home following an ac "Mr and Mrs Hearts!)! Faucett cident which causea ner to injure of Dallas and Mrs Joe Faucett of her foot. Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Ervin at Big Spring have returned from a vacation trip to Colorado and tended the funeral of his grand Colo father In Missouri during the week New Mexico In Boulder, Mr and Mrs. J. D McCresless, tney visited In Jhe homo of Mr and Mrs C B. hanksbn, former Mr and Mrs Raford, Mf and Mrs HER! BE WEDNESDAY MtWtet Silt hour, shall and daiBhter, Mary of Abilene, Mr.l and Mrs Allen MashMrs. F. N Phelps's horse. Sturburn of Midland, and the Rev. and dy One, Is finicky about tha. u oath Mrs J. B. Stewart and family of er and has an air conditioning unit Midland In his stall at Belmont Park. To STARTING ti rl"r?'urt-,crf2- BlgSprtnR 1 T-.- 2 Ida Peters, maid of honor, wore fellow organdy dress and white carnations In her hair. Gordan Mashburn, college room mate of the groom, was best man Candlellghters were Jo Jon Hall and Mrs. Lawrence Adklns. Mist Hill was attired In dress of blue organdy and wore a wristlet corsage. Mrs. Adklns wore a dusty rose votue and a wristlet corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Claude Houston, organist, played the traditional music and accompanied Mrs. Ray Marshall, aunt of the bride, who sang "Because" preceding the ceremony and "The-- Lord' Pray er" aa the benediction. A reception was held In the church parlor following the cere mony. The serving table was cover ed with a cutwork linen cloth and centered with an arrangement of rosea and dahlias. Appointment were of crystal and silver. Following a wedding trip to New Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Stalllngs will be at home In Lomax where he Is engaged in farming. A JTANTOtt. July 3. (Spl)-- B. E. Rlggan, L. D and Wayne Rtggan and Henry Grates visited during the week In OtonS. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lumpkin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson and son, Lewis of Electric, Ala , and Mrs. J H. Dtwklns of De Leon were Monday evening guests In the Morgan home. Mrs. Eddie Cheaves of Dallas visited Mrs. Verbln Graves recent T raao Mrs D. C Norum ot -- HauthnnJtle&.G)i or Lomax. The nev. J. B. Stewart, paitor of Aibury Methodlit church in Midland, rejd the double ling ceremony befort an altar banked with basket of pink gladioli and green ry. Given in marriage by her brother, June Qraham. the bride wore a dress or pink eyelet organdy fash ions with bouffant skirt and a scalloped neckline. Her ptnk ".hour. veil was held by a crown FRANKLIN'S JMY TAMBOREr News Notes DINNER SUNDAY der-leng- t&t1'Cw3rrt"af'w' Stanton MENU FOR TOMORROW K t " etui ehert Uaiuw&vIm& Self MAIN 4 BIO SPRING eaawAa. ' ? Big Spring Aboard ini ruE NEW " 5MIP DANILL FLYNN," -- than P p K ' wW Lrtss DICKIE BCEM TPl I ING HAS UJ r FiG6cP6o,we Y! 7Z COULDN'T USE THCA.T80AT, SO I SOLD IT TO Y WHATS SU5AM JOYCC i come OVCR FOR One buck SO IN HE CAVE IT TU YUU ANL YUU . a J J a .AN. A. . TTT TUCi VP RlONGCD ITS , TO MR JOYCE SEC7 . r TUAT MTVJ IT UFA sunup' fl mrsl I Af( i)P IH SU WRAPPED HE. 6 TOO BU5y 10 4. ; -n 1 . t W-- . !. e4Lw aaaaaaaaalv WHAT 5 ALL this--- - i 1B50 distrust, Diricuvnssw6iH OHtRtar U M4PtreT10NS. DELAY. tSSM! r JWjsHM y w oan ? T W" WHY HAVE I rexas) Herald, Mon., July' 3, "HP rt WHAT MAPPCNED IlcDotSnlF NO--- vN WH TWjSKK iBtSI HBmSBP M AFRAID I TO ACWObby' VTRLK .np ) COE . CO !T lv ,cAV fjtla, jTf' sny OKAY -- STAY ON OAT ON I'LL CARRY 1 YOU r jy'i -- 3Bi-- .'" j.g(- - lklLi ao. Ssx .f)- - jrJ- f4'4. I 1 jl&Jw WHUTEyEB TlV t. WW , V)W- l l f HOUDIN" ME. VP-- Z 1V EiKr. THEY'RE y5wV v ) liiiil rtfjaf- fI - US) ( T'? T Xvll) r I "b ' THERE WAS HOME RANG AND RANG BUT NOBODY NOBODY -- J l"l-- J) "ftft. 3QHt5 j31 ME AN' ZERO W0RKIU' TOO J MAKU" UU UN, TUU Kt. ONLY 'ROUND FOOUN' A ;AFLL PIC N If f,RQINn V AINT WOWK PRETENO WAI- KR EVERY y IT5A6AMET iRUkE" QP TAG AN IIWINCW 'Wf GOTTA ) Qf TOM, T WOODUKt J TO WWI MXI KCT DABS'; to acr tbv LAST FOR GIVE nt WttK. ArtO 5TC miai. WT WRL W. I3WT FAT j tmt Ttw J ita w 00C5WT WOOH iwn, A , rf1 voJ oo. mat V( I o ur t-- CJ ) POUND HORt rtlv v'v ) ?7 4 3 I y xSrirtl x oo , Ai vklVVjiJy . I ' HOPE YOU LET ME PUT THIS J OU YOUR ARWJl -y-It r-W I WHAT'S a IUIRX I L00P .B.. 1 Ww umwnn; j ITlLMlfcCo5H ALlW ' BRIUG V0ur HEMLOCK IT'S MY J, uxxl M J ) WRreRTjjjiw IWM Lt' 'THERE GOES THE TRUMPET' SO LOUS POUOUA.' rnTll MArKrr i i. . fJf . l BEIU7 SHOD- .- EVE 8 N- r- - BBllla BMQ8BHH . i - Ski '" '' i The Herald's Daily Page IBISwSfflffl of UBHm9 Top Comics vi3t IP GUP5S IF VOU LOVF TVP J09YOJREVOiaMl AT.IT AINTAJO0 NOMOCE -1- 15 JUS! A HAWT OAMt TO PLAY WhEN YOU FEEL GLAD ALL OVER kjl Ks pike Of PAPER Bk JJWQ jT V.Th WI- FU- N- rf ?bN Z WAS GRIN AND BEAR IT 7 v vanswered) C otm WOP KING To NO, n ify " ' (GREW SCOTT' THAT CHIIDAND HER V 000 PICK UP PAPER FASTEft'N A 0,: T0KUA00BS- -) OLlJ I ) KWOCK COUKfT DE RAOUL FOR A TyURlMCTHE 1UTERMJ3SI0W BERDEETHE TQURUAMEHT FINALS, OAKY IS RESTIWfi WHILE HIS p ca I 0L OAkCV, r-- NEVER LET IT BE 5AI0DBUMSTEAP )- EVER LCT CXDWN & T A FAIR DAMSEL ,N DISTRESS Jgl f$y ' IjaQEsejs.. ii yX A: 25 jv Jp JJS OtTTiVIG ME TMT BUNO DATE WlTM A TAT yCTTT , S -i H'gPPIIIIB CpOOS MRS WO00LEY ER CXXDPBtLL IS 4f( BROKEN AND HEP HUSOANO IS OUT OF LVTTOWN ANP CAN T 7 "' AH HATC6 S Ul n I TOMf OCRALONC BROUOHT WtP GIRL PRiENO OVTO. SO TUOUOWT YOJD LIKC TOCOMt OVER FOR THE EVENING HUWf J TU5 IS A PtnrtCT CMANCt TO ) V OtT tVtN WITH TOM FOfl IMAGINE., TSi TOWHUT'D ' AJvM JT HAPPEN EF Ai:frL uQj.fVS2Cvj IWV 17" ;s yy iff than JUT I " -- Phoirel6 SERVICE - i- ii i BREAD Av T f I I SV)SwJt XriisWixfT.-r- Alj j !; W fine r SALES " ' S5,1i2?J5Sii iroiiw" :.4S4(?AINj?NIIJi 5"V. dont) our PLANiri TO EL FSSIOMATO AW MORt IF THtY DID. DO I YOU THIWK I'D BE HERfjy . FT.Y K rtdiddmm I sorAy.?' lSBaaHfl VACUUM CLEANER f p'HkiL.xi MEAD'S T I7INAUXMM pww T22L2 VTKI HORPtg... Wf BT"W M?JiSKUilill I ,' --vPrfaattS&i zf PHwBI iBlHB WyfKAJ r1CK055 THI ATLANTIC FRAMCi. 6IKMANY EO TO THE BORDER OTA SATClUTe OOUKTKY CIUTRAL IUROPS WHlCM WttL CALL gQWANIA. " Ul Frcthle m- . soap ofsras ahs so twit terry LerHttritoVH--THEY AAAKE lAAfWA CRY, WHILE & ivADQ P.CiD.niQ cousin Of rnex i MARIV THE THAD sv THE " DiscovtkiL BREAD is SO good iTJgSss jmnmLVMiiiummWA THAT HE'S ALRePY 3 MAKES HER THE ft BROTHER? HAPPY! rfT--fzrVy- on wit IVrw eouifweur OfPeeBpgvsQwe unukkv oeouxsrs. 1 KAPOACnVE.': GEE.' ITS GQN .IT WOKUSJ ) AND IT'S 5'POSEP TO CLICK 0NLV IN THE PRESENCE OF SOAAETHING XT 7 Z "S HFlTS WM IjPW P'! ME THE &&. L. ZJVa U SESrERTZJT 4 "terry's w 1 J S! Hi our.' W find J H LJ MVYS VA mXtKnmb) o "Funny, how JiiJy OJi CJn cook for rfortn peopt at jn outdoor but intid h ttn't trtn pour himstll cup o( coH . . birUtui, I - .- The Timid Soul ) cwsRYeooY et.se Vur: JBC&l fCjiNOT 6LCSS id Berneft rAvc my Yt s exAiiAjeo ILL MAX? W PPoAjr- MfNT TDMOftovs A DANGER SIGNAL, 1 I THIS STATION MAY BE REALLV RI5KV (1 POR 4LL OF US .' PTKV.' T Tr TOMORROW, "LETTVS HISTfH. ea AwfA'. Mead', - Fine- - BtttterrrrHkBread WE STUOlEO THE WAMUA1, SCORCH, AND THERE'S IM?DM? WITH THE GEIGEIf GAPGT.' rHEV i IQVES LIKE SIXTY.' ZCOXHV AMD THE tUS EXPEPiriOH 0HlZl THEV FINP GOLDBAgSANP GHASTLV GUARDS but a sesee ii EFIiaiW - I HEAR TELL YE AIM TO RUN FER MftYOR AG'INST RIOOLES'BRRLOW, jKC l-- f Ii . B TH'IDEEUtryin ( SHORE IV I DO !! Vj J y J. TO BRMBOOZLE HOOTIN' HOLLER .BY ONLY PUTTIN' E CANDY-ORTON SswHiiii YE GOT YORE CHOICE, TH' E FOLKS ONE TH' OR DONT VOTE TH' NEXT THING rIoKWbe fSSgeriS'Sit6 V HOW YE CAN STUFF I MRS. BAIRDS WHY. YE L0W-60W- BREAD N. VEAVESDRAPPIiV JOTIN' BALLOT. C IW Kl " rul l nli cTaimTp u lA R I IP S pASlTBVrnLgMfAYVtt It. Paco4a Si. tar ICNow It. Turned to doe 41 Frajrranca 44 KdK 4U. Moak rtdroua odium carbonat Cotton (abrla IS. RlKantlo 17. Wulll fop 15 Indlfo plant 19 Cnnitcrato 11 I'lU Underground worker XL On of an ancUnt 14 Jawno parlr 41. Knrroned 64 Mud (1. Goddeu of Ml H Whol oumbtr ii. - Hindu Ian-I- I. iruxo II. Old mualcai not PelCAri38lRlBAlr4lb 1. n t'tttr Plain Solution of Saturday'1 Punla DOWN !. Film formed Eaat Indian on eiDoad water veaial coppr J. Chief hora 6 ii. PlIPn Harley-Davidso- Tlds Modern, Thrif tj Way . . , 125 n CecUThixton Miles of fun for only pennies of cost r V Vs 008 West Third ft WM 'Y aa Zl I V WOO rOflAm f5l LP"TS &0V Me IN A A JAMB "So?o "v Slx"DA-- ROAOTRiP AND WQP ' 342S o & 33 w ;2rW w Ml r' 'M3 "So WHO'S standinBT: I A? 34 r Implement 2( Xllnute orlOc 42. T 42. '. V n. Vtal faatnr 2a. Garden 32 24 27 29 40 42. u rT Si 2? Villi 29. beed containei rT ",'MA Play on worda I Dry I Flowtr cluttu 1 Aa far aa Cut thin i.verira treea 10 Dlllaced 11 Organ of scant 1 tMnrllk 11 Coal rtcaptaclt 20. Lata SI Paitrjr 4 cod 10 Ul GO EVERYWHERE aMscARcg. OIm O TORS 10. PtacocJt moth 11. 8tUl 4. Portion I. IWad mctrlcall la a harm U. Cryatalllna- - U :kM II. Small .wallow Cut 1. 12. Room MISTER BREGER 'W BBBWM5H ACROSS STAYS FRCSH LONGER VVftRMINTH ,, "r" "i . ijV7iVtfdLiV UmfiJAHH 4. 47 Pr m 4 Manner irurnlam Thin Cuttlna wit I.lkeneaa Early alphabeflo charariara Unrefined metal Amerlran admiral tlelndr Flnltbu Skin It 8rvr Kiclamatlon 20 ' v . 1TV LITTLE SPORT .W 71111 -- -- . W Big Spring (Texas) Herald, Mon., dy Rout en """WWMM"MMMMlMWWl FsWSSSfSSSSSSSSSMSiMMtwiLm. 'jiffm Wai&jSit ''.$ tt'JffisW&IttEL "vrw!" iRWT ii aa ,m., iii net Mm . jtSBb, .,.,1 iii n eiiiiiwl'in ifa n -- awBwav-- ifwaaaaa aBBaes -- , 4eH,vJ i i taTawBl h ' ' iWJI m1 a lewBBwV - - Fefzer Hurls V JU-- 3xly9, 1030 1 Lamesa To LOOKING Staseys 0 Single Ignites I That Produces Win m The Big Spring Broncs, rebound ed to kayo the Roswell Rockets. Sunday .ft-In a thrLU-picke- d TIEDC IVjklW k.iCE'T" I IVICC Na-k- no-h- lt Sta-se- 1 1 1110 ... 1 010 tusroA c-- c 3b-- li 1 1 1110 3b-- 110 31100 700-od- Oe-c- n one-bas- 's Ballot JOTOan Hill 11 Llndloff t" . . . Crumler lb . Norton p Michalec p Total! BRONCHI 11 Con. f prion lepra lb Slaiey rf Pocnal 3b If Cutinada . 3 3 S I 0 1 T 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 Crnihw Pitehtr tool . -- T" 3 , D 1 3 1 4 c 1 0 4 34 7 11 14 i 7 Error! Mavi rrenlry llndloff Lopei runa batted In Jordan ft Concepclon Sta two bale eey 1 Peicual 3 Hernandez borne runs Jordan 1 Her hit Preiiley nandei doublr playi Maya to Crumley to Xenna Baea to Caitenada to Concepclon left on bales Caitenada to Concepclon itolen bale Roswell S nil Sprint ft by Oomet cauiht atrallnt Concepclon Jordan wild pitch MUhalec bit by pitcher Concepclon by Norton baiea on batli oft Baea 1 Norton 1 struck out by Baei 4 Norton 5 hits and runi off Norton mo one out In 10 for T In 7 Innlnts elthtb) Michalec 1 lor 0 In 1 loilni Sykes and Thorn, umpires pitcher. Norton at 1lme I 37 W r ttTMfcUm H 7 ?yr'Jx ' jWeTasTf T With Tommy Hart in 1947 , Lamesa LAMESA, July 3. gained a split In Its series with the Lubbock I lubbers by winning el a decision by the sevfn-hl- t houing of John Fetzcr here Sunday afternoon The Ixibos managefl 01117 fight hits off Bob Clodfelter but made 1 them tmcK." Tim Lamesans $6r away to a two-rulead in the first panel and were never headed Don Moore accounted for both of Lubbock tallies singling home Jackie Wilcox In the fourth and crashing out, his tenth homer of the season In the ninth. . Jodie Heeler pounded hli Hlh homer for Lamesa In the eighth. 4 10-- muMNUiir-inin- gi are looking up tor me Big spring Broncs. pictured sbov row. Msnny Junto, Danny Concepclon. Bert Oarc a. Oert Baar Fe.lt nnm.. .- -j uoDDy Mires tDaiooyj, Mtrnandet, Carlos (Potato) Pascual, and Manager f The club recently won m... -- '". Pat Staiey. (Photo An 'w by Morgan, Reynolds, Crook And Farmer Attain Semi-Fina- - Finals Carded For Tuesday ft v tpr n u,r. ,. 4 4 Moore rl noolejr c Oavla lb Millltan 3h crhort lb Clirlfelter p I Ft Vt 4 4 3 3 34 II PO A It 18 13 1ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 J J e 3 e 3 13 0 i 6 0 I 134 10 4 lutaN 7 14 IS Jordan's big fiaf has accounted I SMI SS an it ll po A fur around 1UG Kill's Hanttaeo tt Batllnter 10 Odeisa t lUnej 2b 4 AHIKICAN 0 J S LEAGUE lioth have this In their favor, too aa ScUm 4 St Louts Chlcato 110S O1 The season extends for 1M games lice er lb 3 Philadelphia 7, Wathlnitnn 4 tcpejr rf this jcar wherc-a- s in '47 the teams 4 New Tork 1ft. Boalon 0 Tali) r 4 ft Detroit t 3 Cleveland ls plajcd but 130 Kact must average 1133 0S I'lnto is 3 0 NATIONAL IKAC.UE Alnnao It better than onc HBI a game 3 0 0 3 0 Boston ll- New York ft 1 FVtrer p 3 St. Louie 1. rittiburih 1 0 10 3 in order to replace Cowsar's name TolaU 33 S S 37 Chlcato H Cincinnati 0 In the record books (100 100 a doubleheader The second game I triinoCK . Philadelphia 1 1 Brooklyn 4 S -3 t AirV 300 003 01 CTEXAS LEAOUr Cearlcj S no doubt, is thankful ended In a 10 InninR Krrori Wllrox Dftolev Cilo rune hetl,f 3 Beaumont Shreveporl tie lialttd he doesn to Potato face t lwe In D Moore 3 Peeler 3 Calo Plnlo, Houston 3 Ban Antonio 3 by Pennsylvania's curfew law to baa hlta Wllcoa Clodfelter Dempeer. Pascual cery day In the week Oklahoma City 11 Dallas 1 Held hltlrvs throuuli six innings by Calo I'lnto home, rum D Moore neeler. Tort Worth 7. Tulsa 3 liirl went up against Spud last Four golfers remained In the WEST TEXAS NEW MFXICO qtiutu ,iMfi Slmnuuut, Curt juae spooler etiejer thoXodK nallnt itoiibl. Thursday play 'Wllcoi lulllean and Stenborl ntnff-f- ur Thr eight for In runs the , ilghth seventh on baaea tubbock 8 Lameaa 4 bales tlme-sleft lilt Into double plav and Club Golf tournament crown Abiien. u p.mp. By JOE RE1CHLER on balla oft Clodfelter and ninth to overcome an Lamaaa ft Lubbock a strike oula Clod. lined to Pat Stasey In right field Sunday matches ''tier 3 Fetaer 3, umpires. Crala and deficit 1(U.I1U Associated Press Sports Wlrttr in five tripsr 39 Jake Morgan, Earl Reynolds, J The St Louis Cardinals remain Wrlrh lime Bobby Fellc--r racks up his 200th R Farmer, and BUI Crook won majof league triumph ed three percentage In hind Jose Cindan, the Big Spring pitchJoe DIMag-gl- o tho Phillies The Rod points matches to stay In MMTJ3 liirds edged ing nee back in 1947 is now toiling second-rouna becomes first Philabaseman Tommy for the Galveston club of the Gul. the race Morgan defeated delphia drops defending champion out the Pittsburgh Pirates, 2 LONOHORN LEACie Coast league That's the outfit own- Hullo, 5 and 4. Reynolds outlasted Brookln Dodgers into fourth place Pitcher George Mungrr drove In W L Pet TEAW S3 30 Odena ed by Claud McAden and Les Champ Rainwater. 3 and 2. Crook In the National League standings the first St Ixiuls run with n sixth ATTORNET-AT-LA4S Roiwell 34 sts 4'4 defeated Arch Carson. 4 and 3, with Mauldin, the cxBlg Springers. straight whopping Inning double off Will Werle and third 57 7 44 35 Bit Sprint Stat Narl Bank Bldtj. and Farmer defeated Ray Andcr. Cleveland Rookie Al Rosen lies scored on Tommy Glavianos to- 41 1 . Vernon 44 17 Phone San Anielo Kbate hit 41 31 '34 son, 6 .and S t VERY Ted LITTLE (or Wflllams INTEREST the home run Midland 3t 44 483 U'a The eight golfers had advancca lead Chicago Cubs thrash Cincin31 eftr) Local fam apparently do not Sweetwater 3i3 II on nati. 16-14 fte 300 J7'i Batllnter care whether any of the local to tho tourney's quarterfinals vicTTT NM LEAGUE These are bul a few" of the base-ha- ll players see action In tne Long-hor- n the strength of opening round Tea ana W L Pet Pampa 43 17 014 The regular Tuesday meeting of league's headlines today following one game July tories earlier in the day. Crook TRY Lubbock 1, 3 Ingllsh. and Dan of tho most action packed Sundays the Big Spring Rotary club will la 19. Very few ballots have been had beat La. mesa 39 M 4t 4'a WestGeorge on the diamond In many seasons net be held this week due to con.. .. 31 3ft 911 'a cast and the deadline is midnight Carson defeated sorter 3S Albuquerque 31 .. 47 brook. 7 and 6. Anderson beat out The Phils retained first place In flict with the Independence Day I's Friday. 33 40 Amarnio 4H 11', Burl McNallen 3 and 2. Farmer the National League, whipping the holiday. Walton Morrison, presi3 Abilene 403 11 41 4 and J, Griffin, C. G Dodgers, 10 43 outshot 400 lS'i In the first game of dent has announced Cloru AVERAGE SOARS TEXAS LEAGUE E. W. The picture of Pat Stasey. the Rainwater underscored V TEAM L Pet t Reynolds-bea3 Ramsey. 2. and apBig Spring baseball chieftain, Fort worth i is est Tulsa 4' . . fttl pears in the diamond phamphlet, Sam McComb, 5 and 3; Hutto de Oklahoma City Sit FAMOUS and SLUGGER YEAR BOOK feated Bob Hodges, 1 up, San Antonio too ftoo Beaumont 1950, published by the Illllerlch Morgan won from Bob Satterwhlte, Dallaa 411 and Bradsby Co , iLoulsvllle, Ky. 6 and S Shreveport 403 In consolation play, Hodges de All minor league batting champs Houston 311 AMEBICAN LEAGUC for 1940 are similarly honored feated Satterwhlte, 6 and S; McTEAM t. Pet Stasey won the Lqnghorn league's Comb defeated Ramsey, 1 up; Mc Detroit t 1 car ,Nallen beat Griffin. 1 up; New Tork and 41 3t too batting honor last year with a recCleveland 41 S14 It English 1 defeated Wcstbrook, 370. ord of Boston 41 31 S3 . ..... 31 31 419 incidentally, Washtntton when Stasey got up. 11 3t Chlcato Six other matches are slated for 441 those seven consecutive base hits Philadelphia 15 43 JJ7 Sweetwater and Ode it a Tuesday in the first, second, and St. Louis 33 43 .331 against NATIONAL LEAGUE last week, his average Jumped all third flights of the annual tourney T. TEAM Pet Sam Hefner clashes with Poe Philadelphia 31 3 t4 the way from 358 to 382. That's Harrington Matt St Louie 39 1(1 what he was clouting last Friday Woodard and 37 Boalon 37 set morning meets Speedy Nugent In first flight Brooklyn . 35 3S 551 play tomorrow. In the second A LEADINO RIVAL 33 31 Chlcato sot New Tork Big flight, James 31 31 e Edwards meets 42 Cliff Patton, the 31 41 3S4 Flttaburfh Spring high school athlete who F"rank McClcsky and Avery Faulk33 41 Cincinnati 344 reportedly weighs in the neigri- - ner faces Don Burke. Third flight matches are slated borhood of 27S pounds now, will GAMES TODAY r, have a rival in his bid to be between Bud Cole and Sidney and the biggest man in the National and Frank Proctor LONOnOBN LEAGUE Johnny Hatch. fro Football league next fall. TONIGHT S SCHEDULE Leo, Nomellini, the University Roiwetl at Batllnter -- . apiuuj.AtOdeaaav cc of Minnesota: oolithwho goes Jalt Ban Antelo at SweetwateT" to the San Franciico 49tr, will Mldland at Vernon carry mora than 270 nounjs. . raoBABLE rrrcHE5- -- NATIONAL LEAfltC Homellini, you'll rc'all, wresiTn rs ekjes Brooklrn at New York Roe during the. winter months. Jansen (I 4) 10-- 6 Boston at Philadelphia Blckford 174) ti Patton keeps his weight up by Church (I 01 of and eating lots it cream ice 3) Plttsburth at Cincinnati MacDoneld 13 By The Assoclattd Press eacn afternoon Ramsdell (3 71 "SSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl I Issssssssssssssssssssssatfkvsssssssssr SSSSSSSSSSStS H .SSSaaaeejgf 0SrHa1rislBjSSSSSS)r9aBSSSSSH vSSSSSSSSSuraC JBL Chlcato at at Louts (nlhl) Rush ( 6) aeSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPBSSSSSSsal aren't even Odessa's t ts Lanier (7 3) aalSSStKjCl alHLaBaVeia3JSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaaailaaH flsKTaT Tjea3P'WWi?M1 M? feaThree attractions a circus threatened In their front running AMrairAN iPinir IbtCTI 'JssCjay ' ssssssssssssssssssssssnn.Jeisssssss Detroit at Chlcato Hutchinson (S.5) ti turing flopnalong Cassidy .a wrestspot in the Ixmghorn League but Holcombe i3 31 Kag Chlel Dun ling anyway matili bituitn they have their troubles St Louli at Cleveland Btsrr )3 3) rs and Antonio Rocca , and the Oromek u!l Such as getting licked by the New Tork at Washtntton Sanlord boxing in.-- till between cellar tlub Blma JaLo LaMottn and Tibercio Mltrl games Balllnger which Is 27' (Onlr tames ichecuted will be held in Yankic Stadium out of first place took the Oilers New ork this month yesat ' The fight, though it is for the down a peg or two or three English terday with a resounding 10--6 vie. title, is expected to diaw tho small- tory OMAHA. July 3 ID Jim Eng- est crowd of all Balllnger shoved over four runs lish of Tied Oak, la , had a competl-tlIn the sixth to tie the score then e course record and an went on to win with two tallies In high margin of victory to show tothe seventh and four In the ninth day for his ihampionthip effort in Alt-St- ar Second-plac1 Roswell also lost, Golf Tournatho ssisst 4SSK JSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStl sft iMtfssssssssssssssssssssn 'HItSsssBasssa BBlBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSfl SSSSSalBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSn-aV"a3B m taking a 7 5 trouncing from Big ment. ' .tssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssft ''1n; eWeaflB WHWWHIIrelaWIMiSaH'tWTW SSI English burned his former home Spring, thus Odessa retained its SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSml ' gamtflead. course Omaha Happy Hollow four and Big Spring, pounded 11 hits, sew-ln- g Country Club with a four under par 67 on the morning round while up the game in the eighth with CHICAGO July 3 IP The en route to an 11 and 10 final major league's fireworks four runs Tom Jordan, Roswell victory over 24 year-ol- d Jack Vick-er- s don't explode until July 11, but the catcHer. batted In all his team s of Wichita, Kan and rival American National five runs with a couple of homers San Angelo edged Vernon leagues today had their big guns lined up and rcidy to bcom in scoring two runs in the fourth on a single by Indio Bcltran and a triple baseball's midsummer classic. The Boston Red Sox and ?t by Tony Caballera Beltran scatLouis Cardinals, each with three tered right Vernon hits. positions dominated By Midland pushed across four runs tho nationr In the eleventh to beat Sweetwater wide balloting for the 16 2 of pitchers fttarters exclusive Four Sweetwater errors and a Midland single did the damage. which ended last weekend. A total of 3 1G7 326 fans particiother one.. HOYLE Jim Prince hit a three run homer The Steed, will return here Fri pated in the poll for the 17th an- for the vflnners "dream game" at Comlskey day night to entertain the Vernon nual balloting was Park. The a Dusters, Tight .ndw involved In conducted by 290 newspapers and terrific scrap with the Steeds for radio stations ' Starting lineups and June 29 batthird place in the standings. ting averages. Three Y Church Softball league games are booked to be played at AMERICAN LEAGUE 143 the City park this evening Walter Dropo, Boston, lb but 294 there'll be no Industrial loop conBobby Doerr, Boston, 2b (A Taltnt Rscord Recording Artist) George Kelt, Detroit 3b .372 tests Tuesday Jxcause of the holik .317 day Phil Rlziuto New York" si .326 Tonight's activity sends Ninety- - Ted Williams, Boston ol East 1 DETROIT. July 3 (fl 351 Fourth Walter Evcrs. Detroit cf Baptist, against Weslev City .371 Methodist. two survivors In the Motor Larry Doby Cleveland of First Flantl.t .291 North Op,en Golf Tournament went out Larry Berra New York, c Side Bantlst and Flrat vt.wA $1 NATIONAL LEAGUE beat par Dyienan against First Methodist another to give ale man 351 Stan Musial St Louis, lb On Thursday, Wesley Methodist ing today in the third round of the Jackie Robinson. Brooklyn, 2b .378 affair at Red Run Coun- Willie Jones, Philadelphia, 3b 302 plays First Bantlst. Flmt Preshv. opposes tcrlan North Side Baptist try Club. .261 Marty Marlon, St Louis ss and First Methodist fancies with Dr. Cary Middlecoff was In the Enos Slaughter St Louis, of 332 LEGION vanguard of par busters with a 133 Ralph Klncrv Pittsburgh, of .278 East .Fourth IlnntUI in Industrial nlav leasue total for the first two days, That Hank Sjuer Chicago, ol . 307 Wednesday. put him one stroke Up on the field Roy Campanella, Brooklyn, c .311 McDonald Motor clashes with jCosden and Phillips Id the chase after 2,50Q first monHOUSE 66 & with T P, Friday, the fche- ey In the $15,000 tournament. From .1938 through 1944, DartJtr 66 with T P Vrlrllv Ihe Middlecoff's old rival. Uoyd mouth won the Ivy Ueajtue Bas ' 7 Cosdin-atjal- nir B.rSprlh9 --" "A Chicagnr htUj the Tunaer-p- o tcetnaii cnampiomcipovety General with 134, McDonald Motor. 3 9 Feller Records .40330 1 1 1 1110 1 O01- 8--8 200thVlctory tmrtl-efftrflTry- 8--0 V 1 U 1 STANDING d LITTLE 3 W m Rotary Cancols Meet 0 all-st- I .' Chiropractic 0-- I I 4: BIG -f DANCE one-tim- EelinesiDpsef eeeeeHeKeeeBseeeeeeeeeeeeeeLHLffeSSSISSSSSsl aVWsBjlHaBalBSISSSSSB H H lHEl 9BfliB V ) 7 1 3 030 000 TO 010 041 LONOHORN tEAOl'E Vtniwell 7 Bit Sprint ft Midland la. Sweetwater 11 Sen Antelo 3. Vernon 3 Istjl ITa Win 2 5--2 .HLI&rsifeRlBB wtk'mr ii Yesterday's Results ll Oilers 4 4 j&9&lr rTiillH Oilers, Pitcher Pitcher 31 iH 34 AB It II FO Catcher 13 1100 Catcher ? 1110 First Base 1110 0 130 Second Bate t 0 13 Third Base 1114 0 0 13 Short Stop 17 I mrmwM" laVI (1-- A lb Junco Hernandea Dart p Total! ROSWELL BRONCS 4 ...4011 cf Oornn rf 1 rfcai Bill Cearlcy, the outfielder Odessa picked up from Laredo of the Hlo Grande Valley league, has a fairly good chance of shattciing Bob Cow tar's r6cord as does TomJordan of Tloswell Cearlcy had clubbed home 96 runs at the latest report, which about matches Cowiar s pace toward the 176 Bob achieved back Uakal A VvAnUMA A AT HERD PARK TUESDAY here, scoring four run, In a big eighth inning. The BlgjSprlng Tigers play nost The belated uprising, touched off by Pet, Stascy's sizzling tingle past to the Coahoma Bulldogs Tuesday Rust Mays, neutralized the effect In a 3.30 o'clock contest at Steer of two powerful home runs hit by park. Tom Jordan, Roswell skipper, The meeting will be the third round trippers that produced all of the season for the two teams. the Rocket tallies Bert Baeii who had trouble only The Tigers won the first bout be with Jordan during the speedy hind the pitching of Gus contest, (one hour 37 minute)' 10-Bulldogs fought but the rolled to his ninth win of the seato in the a locals standout the son, he has lost five p encounter. Ed Norton, who did his pitching follow-uYnez Yanei's contingent dropped for Balllnger until recently, kept to the Colorado the situation fairly well in hand an M decision City Indians In Colorado City Sunfor Tloswell until the eighth when day afternoon. he temporarily lost his control and L. Madrid scattered eight Big passed Felix Gomez, then hit Dan- - Spring hits to achieve victory. The .... rAAAnfnM t... kalniti h trn Jorge Lopez came In to lay theLJV, of? their tKUmm In the first hallWdown and caught Third Sack-e- r two innings but he was airtight to gaining a life alter that. load the' sacks Madrid also led the Indians with Jordan debated about spelling the stick, getting three blows in V i c Norton for Left Handed four expeditions. Michalec but left the New Jersey TH.r-R(I) asiaroA Arlata If . S 0 0 S 0 righthander in there to face c lb rior 3 fe 3 The infield moved in close MarUnes Ik o S 0 3 is "1 1 J for a play at home plate or a Memln Oamboa 3b 4 chance at a double play but Sta. Hernadet r( .... 3 0 0 0 0 P sey, who hid not hit all after" 10 10 1 Lara c 3 10 11 noon, rammed the ball past T Flerro 3 Mays Into center field and plat- O Kernandea i . 0 o 0 o . A Fltrro p.3b 4 0 ed two rum. Totala jj 4 S111 34 13 Canter Fielder Cotton Llndloff i atruck out lor T. rierro In tin Juggled the ball temporarily and Madrid(i) If . . 4 10 0 0 Lopez legged It all the way home Rivera . . S 1 3 Anaya lb 4 0 0 s 0 Stasey Big Spring ahead. put to Braello aa lb 4 play on the and moved Into second Oarcla c 4 0 10 L Madrid In 4 1 promptly drove Potato Pascual 13 0 0 OllTaa r( Patrick with the seventh tally Guerrero 3b R c Oarcla 4 men Baez retired three straight 114 0 Totals 14 S 10 11 II d In the ninth to send the TIOERS 110 000 0104 COL CITY Oil 030 03 fans home happy. t Errori, Memln Oamboa 3 Nako Her- RAMBLINGS Jordan' round naruiet T riarro X 1 Anaaa. trippers were his 21st and 22rid of L Madrid, rune batted In Oamboa A Marllnti. Nako, L Madrid. Jllrere, Pete Hernandez Flerro the campaign Oarcla 1 n Oarcla. two bale hlti A bashed his fourth homer of the rierro L Madrid, three ban hlu. a Nako A Pierre, double plays. year in the second with the sacks to riorea. Lara to Martinet. X, Madpicked The Drones deserted rid to Anaya ten on baiea. Blr Sprint s up their first run In the first on Colorado Cltr S aaertflre O Kernan-detolen baaca Floret Memln L Madsingles by Concepclon and Lopez rid baiea on balla off L. Madrid 4 In A. rierro 3 tit by pitcher, Madrid by by Pascual and a Nako Charlie scorer. Flerro pilfered the fifth, Gomez singled, serond and legged it home on hit Jordan was beaned All-Star In a rundown between third and home in the fourth and collapsed after being tagged by Baez but Longhorn League All-Stwas pronounced okcy by a doctor gama at San Angelo, July All the hurlers who appeared . Baez and Nor- 19th. had good control ton each walked one man while WEST TEAM Norton's relief,, Michalec, did not pass a man. Nam Club Position ROSWFLL (5) ro-r- - ; r - ABRItfO TMrr-i- r T 1 0 Kinria lb Pitcher A ,, . Jeejenn ll J 3 1 IaM liT M1k&2tf BAEZ GETS 9TH VICTORY 5-- tobor Right Field Wins Center Field Left Field Manager e Name Nines Trans-Mississip- Address The voting rules: Voters must select no more than five players from any one team. Ballots should he mailed no later than July 8. eMHssssssssstw LBKl e Set For Clash one-ha- lf KH ftssuflal aH' all-st- 3-- Cayuses Hit Road For Important Series With Odessa And Roswell Flush from a successful home stand that showed three wins In four starts against the two clubs ahead of them ic the Longhorn league race, the Big Spring Broncs hit the road today for their moat crucial games of the season. Hie Broncs go flrft to Odessa for three games in two nights, then head for Roswell and two important engagements with the Rockets rat Stasey's contingent dropped Odessa, the current pace setter. two In two starts her last week. t '"Mop up vour leaky-- water then halved a pair with the a situation that left them heater worries with a .call to Rockets, seven games off Odessa's pace. BIO SPRINO PLUMBING CO." morning Indications were this that Gil Guerra would throw for Big Spring in tonight's single fame with Odessa, which gets underway at 8.13 o'clock. In tomorrow evening's Independence Day twin bill, which starts at 5.30 o'clock, there is lndlcstlon Bert Garcia may lie brought back 607 W. 3rd St Phone H08 to tClLlD while jTesus Uley U due to Vrork la the red-ho- -- Music all-sta- 16-1- NIX Industrial Teams Idle On Tuesday y And His - WEST TEXAS COWBOYS Middlecoff Leads Motor City Open EVERYONE INVITED .!. ADMISSION: DANCIN6 9 TO .20 Per person, Tax Inc. AMERICAN ' .CLUB Msn--tnrm- -t . ul.nds ?Jx. h CLARIFIED DISPLAY Big Spring Herald, Won., July 3, 1050 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Prices' Today I At) FORD Pickup There' none left like O ?OJi .rX OLDSMOniLE' Srdanctte-Stan- drd Fully equipped trantmlsilon lA& rw FOnD Club Coupe- - Fully Equipped (Really a honey) .S int Oreff Sedan-Her- $85. Truman Jones Motor Co. Runntlt 403 2S44 . . Phone H44 Ittml tulta-Ma- i. yi -- "- -- - - phimbln fboiM L "" AS Wilt rib -- el Metall women i la 'rnsi,;. " UXY. Bo I T'":7 Tj'i"rrwnn t - tut Quickly and Oil Met Oxtro InvHerst body aid Old 100 South Nolan Street AUTOMOBILES ron twlie T4r iMI Plymouth lpcT ft 4 to Itedle itn4 Htstcr A lira n rtatBAiat al.lsAver .II IBIS New Mattreitet Made To Order nw. 1949 Cuttom B ANNOUNCEMENTS FORD Low 1947 FORD 2-T- on 1942 FORD 2-T- on It 19M 1947 r iPeppn LWB Truck LWB Truck 'i Vf II' Iggaaaaaaaajgaaaaajaaaggaaaajjl i All 'Peaches' Don't Grow On Trees If You Want SEE MARVIN HULL! '46 Plymouth Club Conpe, R Si II $805. MECHANIC Jr. KDIlt Pot Countr Attorney! MACK HODOERS JAMES RFAKDEN O N IL Lorns . IIAHTMAN II003F8 Por Tai Aitei.or Collector: B P FIICPMAN R n HOOD Por Count f Superintendent! WALKER BAILEY P countr Clerk! LEE PORTER Por Count Trearurer MRS. TRANCES C1LENN Tor Countr Comrali"loncr PcL Nd I LEO HULL WALTER LONO P O HUQIIES-lOubl PHTAR PIERSON MOROAN EARL B STOVALL Por Cnunlr rommluloner Pit No I W W DPNNETT W II Itllrk) SinPJI A R IDobl PUHANK H M isaml WINHAM ROY BRUCE PETE THOMAS I llllll W A BONNPR LAWHKNCE ROBINSON Por Countr CommUiloner Pet Na 1 n L. iPanchol NALL 48 Chrysler New Yorker $1050. ARrnuiij jBWLLiiiaa 46 Plymouth Tudor Sedan, R & II . . v. . ..,S8U5 t-- a ttttatY BUCUANAN -E (Short!) LONO '47 Mercury Sedan, Radio & Heater S1095. I rt;AW"IUS53ttS,l.'J!-- W I '41 P HILL It tr II (Nice 150.1 k. Countr Surverort $toori lorRALPH W '41 Ford Club Coupe, Heater BAKER Por Juitlre of Peace Prl It W O (Orlonl LEONARD ,f38 OldsmobUo Sedan, It & II $295. COVERED Olds -- will 1502 dealer has opening UT4 B3 bull WAOON If mechanic. POR SALE Oood new and und radl-ata- ri for all can and truck!, pick. trartora and oil field equip upi meat BalUfactlon fuaranteed Peurl. 01 E 3rd St for Kadlalor Company $100.00 to $125.00 fc BIKES en t job, n IRONINO AND lewtnt done. 120 Mee-quSt. 1 block eouth Chris' Bar becue. Weit Hwy to and D 1STI-- ui FLOOR FINISHING MRS TIPPIE. Mli W eta does all alterations kiadi af aevtas aad Pbeaa 1U-COVERED BUCELEB buttons. belU yewt aad buttoobolee Mra Truett nroaei,0t n W loth. Phone llll-- FJ4M11 104 JiNisja 26 ga corrugated Mos MARVIN HULL Phone H7 ForFinance Co. Thone C. F. MORRIS 1600 DOGS. Wett 3rd St PETS. ETC. WANTTtOMES 100 S. Nolan Vernon 2405 Baird S. Phont Runnels 2485-V- f For Quick Sale BIRDWELL'S STUCCO-houe- - 14 for'two kittens. ta- FOR SALE Have tome lots on Lamcsa Highwayi east and wett fronts. New cafe on Lameta Highway for lease. e. a LI r Improved well Extra furnished ranch id Borden County. I I I pnONT BEDROOM, nicely Ult-- J 1101 E 1th. Phone 2800-ac- a CLEAN, cool bedrooms. LAROE. and men or vomin, permanent, "nptoyed Small store and preferred too Vain. bath on South Scurry, priced LAROE BEDROOM, .newly decorated, to sell. men. 100 Oollad eultable for 1 or house for rent. Phone 3 room Alio tnd bath, extra lirg I1J sleeping porch on 11th Place, ts -- youn easy terms. SOUTHEAST BEDROPU. A borne ladlei all home prlvlleiee when not .at borne." Phone 113. 0 OolUd Nice living room suite for tai BEDROOM FOR rent, oh bus line worth the money, t tit Dallei FRONT BEDROOM, adjolnlat bath. Some resl nice for man only. .n-J31(.--Pbecee FRONT bedroom lor rest. SOUTH houte K3 711 Runnels 4oW and e re!. Una cofnir lot. tt Cedar St. Colorado City Sea P. 1. Meran. Ira Teaei fresh cold waterNow ready your choice of red melon or ) ellow, 3c & 4c , a pound. 206 N. W 4th Phone 507 BEDROOMS $2 25 CEMENT ROUE PRODUCTS Nuslay. lot E 1Mb Pboae.lllsJ- - LUZIER'S Coametlee atl-- J Pboae 1701 Benton. V Mre D Crocker STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Me c c UCLcod Phone 1771 U t07 Lott Llttlngi Tods modern stucco hout on one acre land,, with sll Improvement!. Well with electrlo pump snd prestur tank. 1 Coahoma on old Phone 1323 mil toutb of $4,500. - Bill highway. Prlc Boitlck. RENTALS $1.25 per sack STANLEY B Mra C ed Eaat Wp Need Your Electric Crotley Range Trailer Steel Const t. 1 1948 Chevrolet truck bed. ' 1 Ice Box (Coole'rator). 60 Gallons Fly Spray. $17.50 Hardware Co. 580 MISCELLANEOUS 20-3- 0 ' Tsnrafe jovf-it- tgUffM'ay residential lots -- , -- rt witih bath on -- -; "" "" Shipment at WANTED MOTOR CO. E. 3rd For Sale $11.50 Big Spring Aubrey Sublett E3 .... Main 101 F.H.A. Property 3 bedroom houiet I sad 1 1 D iron roofing -- 1 Phone 59 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUT- terete apartment. Park. Dr O 8 True Let Us Help You Find A Home Hwy Rlvallte house paint per gaL 117 Night 328 MY HOME place for sale; wltB Neel's Storage Are. per iq. green roof paint 5 gal 29th to lo- down payment years of age: must be . 3I77J 7CS W. Itlh. L3 Nothing for sale In Coahoma APARTMENTS Linoleum Laying typist and capable of meeting tet pupplei a week! SIX TFK1NOESE the oil boom's onl apartroom two furmUbed ONE AND position permanent public, 1 3 light (almoil whltel dark, old Coleman camru Cabinet Tops monlo. ta eeuplea Serious minded only need FARMER'S EXCHANGE J 1 fcmalts. t main til W tth A. M. SULLIVAN aouth EXTRA NICE applv No phone calls Apply K4 eoarlment, bUle paid, furntibed HOUSEHOLD GOODS private betn 511 N. Gregg 0-- J PHONE In Seawell, Phons 3571 Mr Southwestern 221 Apartonly. EQUIPMENT FARM 1 Kin Will Por Cooatable Pet No accommodate Jl vestment Co, 410 East 3rd. J T iChlif) THORNTON ment!. 30t Johnson New C. D. Wicks REAL ESTATE FOR SALE J GLASSCOCK COUNTY apartment, FURNISHED FAT BUYS and shower, partly walnut dining room suite, eouth elde private both. Prlildalre. 1. For County Judte 500 Austin St. to be moved. furnished, $5995 cloie In bllla paid, for couple, too T E lOenel CARR Phone 2. Main. and batn, One 1 lilt. suite, County dining fee room Pci Conmiaatoaar walnut oi Ulg Spring W SCRRAEDER A $89 95 E3CTRA NICE furntibed south double garage and bath on walnut dining room suite. apartmenL bUls paid, private bath, 3. One Experienced car hop. At LODGES I edulte. Kin N. Lancaster Very nice. 1948 Model C $9895 will accomodate D2 SLDO SPECIALIST Apertmenti lot Johnion. . -4. and bath, One H1946 Farmall Tractor aoon double garage, on East 18th XYZ tURNlSHED APARTMENT WALKER CABINET SHOP 1940 Trsctor St Abram available 70' SL CakiaeU tewing 2 good electric 1203 E 3rd MISC FOR RENT LS 5. Many other lots and housPhone 9564 1937 Hirdwooa chines priced to sell. Above Tractori Candy Ciar. Book aad thnwcataa 50-- f t. water hose. $4 95 well es, sll over town. BUSINEtS BUILDINO, 10x30. Door Window 4ee-- n All Art Equipped WANTED SALESGIRL Itate quell- McDonald 6. We need some more listings. See StudevUle. located 9" garden" hoe, $1.49 Furniture RepfiT Iteaiioa in leitw. Box hs. care ner- 101. Motor Ph Please list with us for quick Por Free EettaiaU ald sale of your property. Csll 241. Knott For C. H. McDANIEL at WANTED 1 experienced waltreilel Co, We have the belt eilectloa or new DS Interitale Reitauranl, 31 Runnels EX1ERMINATORS and used aae rantee that you will Mark Sale 4k FRATERNAL ORD3 OP EAOLES rind eniwhere and priced to selt Agency . Graduate Entomologltt Bl Sprint Bedroom lultee. new and uied. at ' " Em eneeti Ssrvie SOMEONE ebta to print Widaeaday al each week it I I a.. frbf be bothered Home Phone 219 Phone 19$ with nice aad WANTED price! In Ph. 47$ borialn Tai W meiqultoel Let ue epray yegur reel and keep Inventory The Record Shop. 103 NX tnd Ird St Llvlnt room furniture A . . (J00 i Building Material Nolsn be closed Jane Augutt 1st CASHIER DS ace. Venetian blinds, good Warehouse Lameia Button Shop Texas. tfiKfiiTy tl and covered snd buttons. belt write or call HELP WANTED, female. . $7.00 2802 snjder Service Will FOR WATKIN8 PradaiU L J Burrow IN W (is. SEPTIC TANK Serelca PaU caeuuai fully taeund. equipment, Iiaoaa Septu Taake ball! aad drata Hnei Na mneeea Clre Coeiaura. laid 1101 Blum taa Anelo. Pboaa aaa. home, floor furn Phone 628 Like meal made on aid rock mine AND bath, double terete. d i K.r(.wl ood noore comer lot. Avauaoie conunuoueiy iron now at nill'i Pood Market an Laroeial,7 Pea ata. Vocesa.- !Cfkoyi Oroeery aroe. mtoT" Carr ucoaniel urecery on eiMiana iiiid- B Grocery an Colorado way, B Cfty Hlfhwar, and HUllep Oroeery on old San Anfolo IllthVrey. Every eark tueranteed to pleaae you Alva BlUlngiley aad Son. Lameia. Teaae Cash Lumber Co. buttonhole-- t On let, Colorado City, bruinei caU J FOR FULLER cr VEAZEY Perry Peterson per week appeals to Mrs. 868 W. 7th phone 217W B9 NOTICE For Sale FRESH HOMEMADE BETTER CORN MEAL $3.00 $5.95 Lubbock Ruuel Worth Peeler .. - .Phone 2 .Gregg NEWB STAND for eaie. 11 cation, tmall JAPE FIXTURES for eale. In bulldln 110 Lameta FUfnwar Caa bare leaa aa bulldln. Priced to aeU or 10 Ore Phone llll-SU A Phone 2103 O Coulter WE HAVE THE PRICE Ird W Carnohan Chevro- llirberL rv 9507 riKMSTTTCUrNa BUTTONS bucklee ao W kUonboii and monoramta UPevta rtb. Phont lllw-itlra- ) MIU buttons, COVERED BUCXLES. eyeteta. buttonbalee. and eeatn af aS ktnda. Ura. T. E Clark. 10 M One-Da- y CVSHUAN SCOOTER Sale! S Ser- . -.. . elea. New had vaed laeter ooaatara Bleyela rapalra Parte and .ervlca yOLI lav Briga M,.w iwim. ire )M Nolan, Pboaa 111 REPAIRS ti aeary known PART make btrycla. Maeaaiber Auto Sup-pl'1U Eail lad. Ptoao to BUSINESS SERVICES Phone A. P. CLAYTON 800 Montgomery Ward Kl 221 Wett 3rd Rough Dry Wet Wath Finishing FELT. 15 lb. Per RoU$2.5 HS SEWINO IF YOU HAVE THE CASH a perma-- lurely pleaie. W 3rd Orocary. and lco buitneie. beet loca tloa. doln lood buetneil. lota Ent sum St. IJJO each. 1 $199.50. K f. SCREEN3 DOORS x ' 8L an Ore for or any kind of buet- - Beit location! courta; drlTO-ln- a 12-t- clean shop, SCOOTERS SO t Plae)4O.JU Hot water lco per rent eon Curb 24x24 lerrlco In aad out Wa pick up and Call ui for n nrvlce that deliver !ur trailer, llaipi 4 computet nlihid. butane itore end hiatir. all In lood condition IKS O0 Will Take clean 'II to 'to Pord tridi-lJack Cot, OX Trailer Courta. Weil on HlihwIT ao BS AUTO SERVICE A Ford-Tudo- r, Chevrolet daplaa. cure m. arae, iiora yooai, po aid rurnuhao. aaea prtea GOMERY WARD'S. Be comfortable all summer lone. Get your Installation NOW Conditioner! priced from $39.95 to AND SAVE 2x6'- - ODOM'S LAUNDRY SERVICE - i- ai,tawti--'lr?HroV- neu. It a common pies on hot trim mer nights. It It possible with sn air conditioner from MONT PAY CASH Wet Wath aiicAiiunu 1x8. 1x12 tDry and Htlpv-Sel- ! LjCQaLJSoft VYie-MaSIDING Macmnes US (Dry Fir) Curb Service In snd Out eut IL 2nd Phone 9532 2x4't - for baaa- iiij per month, price today tttoe. irovm. Edward! Itelhta. bait loea lion, bait bomt for 17100. brick and 1 lota, belt buy ta "Oh, For A Good. Night's Sleep" 15 & 30 lb. Greater Rough Dry for one first, class Pfeoa Taunt Brookshire Laundry t TRAILERS t "PEACH" of A Car, A K k TRUCKS MS JOhBKM HO mtndlni dona AND noma om brick borne. J bedrooma. Oft. 'fL-1- Material Atbettot Siding -- Felt. bath, doubt terete, tcloie to. floe it home corner, ttLOOO. Place your order now. Ma- a ood homo for 1300. troonf furnished noma "and t lota, terial on display st terete, chicken yardi. all for ttltt. YOUNG'S TRADING POST cloie to Weil Ward. IIU0. Tour beet chance for a tood folnf Phone 3244 buimaii 204 W. Uth on Orel St: caU today. ytai CHEVROLET McDonald Motor Co. 111! al ' n i V Drivers Wanted Yellow Cab Co. Pick up Oyerdrlve, heater, radio Pick 1947 International up Pickup 1942 Chevrolet nipps IRONINO lj.,u;l Uiarntt Cedar Chests Bathroom Fixtures Rooting alc-a- a ttt s. o. s. TATE Studebaker 1949 tiia WILL KEEP two or thru children all klndi daia oalr Alaa itvtn Mn Enwit Brolt. 0 N E lllh AirrnonizED ukbi D'mrkuur a H aemplaia lino i aiU anppltoa ad HEALTH SERVICE aaalpiaanl I 4k T Waldbv Sovptr C aei Eaat tad. Phaae lata. tPENCm tOPPORTt WOMEN ehlldrra Baca ak UEN danlaal, kreail Doclon prticr'.pUoni 1 Mllet West on Ilwy. tillod Ura Ola WUllacaa llor Laacaa EMPLOYMElNT Ur Phono IMI H5 MERCHANDISE LAUNDRY SERVICE El HELP WANTED, Mai WASH and itretca aurlalaa BEAUTY operator, Tala- - MeClaaabaa, WANTED Owoaa, "aol Pboni BUILDING MATERIAL phono IOTP Chevrolet Tudor Choaholet Club Coup PICKUPS trtu Asphalt Shingles "We F.ear Na Competltloa" MACK 4. EVERETT Mutt be honett, courteout and reliable. See Manager of ". lfcM6. 4TeU--J'- K -- Hot Water Heaters tit Ford Tudor Ford Tudor 1948 1917 MAHON UEOROE POIt STATE LEOiaLATURE R Will Pay You To Oct Our Prices Before You Buy H A wayi a atttaaa ata AH stake al eewtaf aaacatnea, aaw aad aeed. OS ttlaad S) Praaka. WT m. 14. rrgg-'eSjO: SEWTNO RB9ATW I and applicator Munaen Cotap-hm- a Iforaa ImprevaMeai Sorrlca. ... ' t"i Worth the Money tl difWttoanalir. aaw - ferent orrit. ltia 1701 can WILL KEEP rhlUriB, aaeallcDl 111 N E. 1Mb. WKLDTNO Batk alaatrW and acalflaao AaTVkaro aartlna B Uarraj rtt B, Ira. Pboaa tSS See These Good Buys mmocrallc prlmarlei por roNnrtEM. nth. nut. CECIL II nA.RNES Por Mitrlrt Judie CHARLIE lULLlVArl CLTDE E. THOMAS Por niitrict Attorner ELTON OILLILAND Por Dlatrlct Clerk OEOROE CHOATE Por Count Judfe D E inert" OILLIAU WALTER ORICE JOHN L. D1BRELL. .T OROVER CUNNtNOIIAU. Por Sheriff R L. I Sob) WOLP II (Jakel BItUTON JESS SLAUGHTER rhone iui raaratl Itll-- 024 CNIVERSAL-MDIERV- BUILDING MATt?RIAL Kl . lntTir.tt&3' a w L.Jsr-;- T irf'i s CHILD CARE rmrittr. all bowra Watklf ratal Ura. Haia. Ma E. Vb SSS0 lal rm pickup. n (Jregg 101 to an Herald la authorised for the fullowln randtdatu putic offlre lubjert to action of the mlitagt. pi Truck blckua. Jones Motor Co. nn a u ..ln InLftrnfttlAfial nounre Pickup. Equipped with radio, heater and lun vlior. fill drain I'i-To- lata Perd Political Calendar USED TRUCKS 1949 Pord 11)1 Easy Term Payments SI1 East 2nd Phone 121 DaLux Tudor Sedan. Color, black . . . Extra clean. Equipped with radio, heater, teat covert, whit tide wall first and tun vitor $1550. 1942 FORD Sjjpar DaLux Tudor Sedan, Radio 'and heater. Nice $525. 1940 CHEVROLET Tudor Sedan. A good car for itt age $350. FORD V-- New Patron Mattress Factory & Upholstering 1946 PLYMOUTH Club Coup. Radio, heat-r- , whit ild wall first and tun visor. Looks and runt Ilk rtmoulh Out Cip tmamm llff rirmouin iiUMHanbltUBi fpitetf Wen at V an upag i va Ifrj alavir faTv Old Mattreuet Radio Service 1 Dependable Used Cars & Trucks Brttwtll Lotor freight a Elarator, ISai. MERCHANDISE -- -- Pboaa aaarm ap EBP CKILDPJEH an bavra. aira tlataaon. lie Halaa Pboaa tiaa-OAT AND alibi anraarv Ura IL L Alrlar tat UltuUi PboaaiaM WIS P BXrwu baapi cblMraa. lay at alibt 11 E Itm. Pboaa IIU Winslett's Phone LAnctatar. Ilia sr" tnim iaac mcletUly, WELDINO FOR SAL AUTOS Gillette Motor Transport Turkar and UtKlalar and MeO D Eipartanetd aparatara r lauil hair al;llnt CM bane 22U rVcM Booth Goliad WAVES COLD tonabl. Ala B led. W. Ace Beauty Shop RaoMos Teblete Iran lackln ta lull beeaua contain vitamin HI Introductory lilt only 10 ctnU At all drulele la Bl tptuif. at Colli" Brat. Druf 297 Store Toole eel RADIO KERVICB -- ai mmm L.dTtftjir-wMAA-. futures, iol BUSINESS SERVICES mW&&iEnSs3li - .. we sale Creeaeery einttcmaa. NEEL. OWNER "Made W. HOUSE MOVING link. rERSOtAL ui-- W USED CARS 91 PROPERTY Groeerv Store PRACTICAUVr NEW arattfte waah-l- ac machtse, wool re and aoaL apartment ileatillaa etore. traan itoa Complete with fixtures. na air eon. ttractlcally link, kitchen In good, thriving -nd aoaa. rnoae cated jOijjfSjbfriidaj -- , prins HI Ctr Distributor A lent anl whlta Wmiem Telueblee Cason. Jr. leoe With iihi Umik j.wtitrmpon Phone 1323 Night 461 --J Your Lincoln and Mercury Dealer Phone Kifp mom 7, - Pool HOUSEHOLD OOODJ M r I, RELIABLE - - - -- 11371 02 FARM SERVICE DtO PERSONAL LOANS Y '.BUSINKS D. DUGGAN CONTROL CdCCIDIOSiS LoUB Al nrat armptaraa tnat blrda Move Anywhere amaatnt, aa Purina towa Perteulketat caccldlMlai Harding latMtkMl a4 1604 bulldof; teen Phone J66 No iBderten No Security Cutt dtaUi leaaaa. Oat edraplatf da. near Big 6pag. Bet ISM pu-da- y r. A. Welch picsea up in Knf Utta. ratuiiTTjvutr Try Niaco esss) rmANce scrrvicx ReC. S. BERRYHILL a- w between 4 tnd S p. m. arsi Carter Staa Swesad COMPA.VY Oil PLUMBERS DAVIS & MATS bap. aaO 1 fxada. Pboaa StM II LU V7. 2nd Phone 1C83 ward to anyone giving Infor108 Mala Phone ISaW FEED STORE M. Brooks Appliance mation leading to return of crrr plumbing campear. Repair 537 RADIOS . SERVICE 701 E. 2nd Phono K7 . dog. 1101 Jobnton or Phone aad Centred Work Ult Ort nM WOMAN'S COLUMN H Ma HOUSES FOR SALE ma. An won ouaraueeo. RCA eabtnet radio. Baa al 2MrVW. CoaUact PARMEItt aa lor far inn. ten Ult Ce, aw with valuable BIO SFRINO Ftumbln LOST. OREEN billfold alorara af ivur fTata MISCELLANEOUS rTT H2 re'trnmiBl KI1 - 00 falsi la water hliun and eeaaplete BEAUTY SHOPS crop. Up la Ulraa raara taaraaiaad. paper, ........a pc.u... mA --.hut ill can tin. nithway ot. nf.rif ton acrewtall Storage Warehouse . State Bonded Furniture Movers lrant- - e"! Phone HAULINO-DELIVER- curve vers Ml r NEEL'S (OQC 'Aft ?VTJdrtlU6nibrlh Iba money V r, elXXJeOpen . Evenings AftS cumioys"--hfr- M . CHEVROLET PImm MjcCo. Adair tfOC pOef IA -- B&ldwta CQQC this one (Like new) A4 LOST AND FOUND rovnoias ONE win isuni KIREAL ESTATE FARMER'S EXCHANGE JKMERCHANDISE D FINANCIAL A BUSINESS SERVICES ANNOUNCEMENTS c Skinny Prices 8-- rt H Cafe SALES and SERVICE Bullt-tn- a Walker Brothers .,.iV Attention Truckers! rs W Ar raying Op To $1000 Pir Net Ton For Ail Oil Field Cabl We Are llighe-- t AlsoPainft P rUcs j for Old BatUrlet Scrap Iron & Metal See U Before You Sell We Sell New & Uied Pipe And Structural Steel CEMENT 200 Sackt for Quick Sale Big Spring Iron & Metal Co. 1507 W. 3rd Phone 3023 See Ui For Felted Cotton Mattreitet AND Preitdeal O A. Barnett J C Roblnaon Sic Wo Make The Body Beautiful Remember what your car looked like when, it wai new! It can look Tike that again! Our craftsman repaint your car in a dutt free oven that baket the enamal on like the. factory method. .The retultt will attound you the price amaze youl Conf In and atk ui about It todayl 24 Hour Wrecker Service Quality Body Co. Lameta Hwy. FREE' DELIVERY SERVICE ANYWHERE Big Spring v.- - Phone I7S 306 SPRINO TRANSFER AND STORAOE Insured Bonded & Lorsl or Long Dlitsnce Moving By Vsn Crstlng snd Packing Iteatonabl It Responsible Phone 632 DAY OR Mattress Factory' W 3rd Phone Neel's Transfer BIO INNERSPRINGS S1I Rent Large Office Space Close Phone 3003 Implement NIGHT T Wlllatrf HH - ftom Nal-OwJSL-M- sia nr Office w STATED miltlnf SUkoafi No LodaO PUIna lit r don.ee for ae little ee 110 Also epray Jalruti barns, cattle public build cell all. For free eitl-aet- e DAVIS U DEATS tas. M. tnd and FEED STORE and tin Thuriday nljhli. 701 E. 2nd I 00 p rn M. 7.ollle norkln W NATIONAL system of TERMITES Errln Daniel. Sec control over It years Call ecienufle AbUene. or write Lester Humphrey, STATED convocation Bl R Chapter Na lit Tusi Sprint arery 3rd Thora-di- y TEttMITESt CALL or write Welle A M nlfht S i p Hm Eitermlnatln Company for tree P R R Ware Itll W Ave D-- . Saa Ertln DanlcL Sec Teaai. Pbeae tat. IT! MULLEN Lodia D8 HOME CLEANERS IOOP meeu etery Mon day ntthL Xulldlaa' 111 FURNITURE. cleaned, revte. RUOt a ,Alr a Sua. ad. SSJ Daraelaa VUltori wiltama llt-- J are NS Jeansea. rk-sa-e C E. Johaioa. N Q, O. CONDTTIONEft Cecil Nabora. REXA1R aumldUler Leon Cain. Recordlaf and vacuum cleaner For atrpMU'tmeal-cati J F Herbert. ISTl-t HAULING-DELIVER- Y E N IOHTS O10 every Pythias. Tueidey I N p LOCAL TRANSFER Sen Ice Bonded aul Oanow ra aad Mer warehouse. Merebeai C C Warehouse a Star ate. laa. Ill I at PHYnilAN SIS. caeter Pboaa SOI rEKS lud and M tlh Monday p Anne Oar row MEC barracks for sale. 20' llll Lancaiter Alio 40'; 3" flooring; theetrocked A2 SPECIAL NOTICES A A til Ill Main SALESMAN. A CUNTS E4 POR ealeimen with car to aeU Prltdslre Appllancee In local area Plae products and electiApply tn person al on! earnlnt Taylor Appliance Co , 111 E. Ird. Bl OPPORTUNITY Sprint. Tesai POSITION WANTED. M ES BREAK, level ete your yerd iromptly Sea Ones, llll W. tth, or eeUmete Model "IV New Equipment 1943 farmall with Now It The Tim To Have Your TRACTOR In Al CONDITION POSITION WANTED, F El PRACTICAL NURS1NO Pboaa H3t-- J, HI Johnson. INSTRUCTION For the Best In Service And Equipment See . . . DRIVER Truck and Implement VETERANS Company, Inc. Learn a Trade Phocs 1471 Valley Vocational Schools Lameia Hwy. Texas Donna, Big Spring. Texas House Moving Approved for Veterans G.I. Training GRAIN. HAY. FEJP JJ Training Offering In Heights Addi Inside. Settles Welding Sheet Metsl lt Martin's Store Lakeview Cabins Phone 855 unfur-nlihe- Wheat Furniture .Company CAN BUFORD'S blocks tion, one and one-haCsbinet Making Furniture North or Wett Hwy, 80. See J Repair Auto Mechanics R. Gsrrett. Feed Trsctor Mechanics PHONE 3084-Automobile Upholstering 817 E. 3rd Phons 867 Enjoy s week or month st Auto Body Repair WORK beautiful Lake Sweetwater. "WEEKLY SPECIALS 'Radio Repair DIRT Ornamental Special weekly & monthly Boat Building Iron $310 Oats Ground rates. Plowing snd Leveling Tailoring Institutional Refrigerators, butane gat, hot $100 Alfalfa Hay Good Rich Top Soil Cooking Business Training and cold showers. $3.90 Iocse Si Mule Feed Drivewsy Mtttrltl See Fraua Hardeity. ctawlerd Hotel fishto and Comenlejit bostt Dru Store. Bl Sprint. Teaae, Dob ermen' 'accessories. See Our Pef Shop Bolow American Let Ion Hut. Colored I. G. HUDSON City Texas, after I p. at. Monday Address inquiries and reserva(Dot ti, love birds, Friday Saturday, aa or tbrouth and tions to J. M. Vann, o Mar. finches ami gold f(tb) write Valley Vocauonat Schools. P. tin te Co. Sweetwater. Texas. O Boa I3S. Donna. Texas. NOW OPEN "Cloie Out On Lawn LS WANTED TO RENT Furnitured COUPLE WANTS furnlahed or Gliders And Chairs houie nt alee location. Refer3S17-ence! We Buy. Sell. Rent it Trade! WANT TO rent unfurnUhed house Couple with two chilNew & Used Furniture dren Will psy up to ISo per month Pleat wrll Box HC care Bl Bpxlnx 501 West 3rd Phone 2122 Herald REAL ESTATE M Wcntz-Jnsuran- ce New Houses new bouset already In loans; reasonable down paymentt. 1 think you'll like Nice thete. Emma Slaughter 1305 Gregg Phone 132 Apartment Building SM Seven unit ' brick apartment building. Six apart, apartments snd on ment. All furnished. Good loFrlgidairet. $20, $25, $30, $35 apartments, excellent lo- cation on Main Street. and $45 Montgomery Wards, $30 and cation, good Income. ReasonC. S. BERRYHILL $45 able price. Postettion. 112 W. 2nd Phont 1689 Norces. $25 $35 and $50. L. M. Brooks Appliance Crosleya, $30 and $40. Big tourist court, Highway 80. LEGAL NOTICE Large selection of table, top Big business. Part csth; balgat rangct priced from $19.93 ance eaty paymentt. NOTICE to $50 a All kinds of washing machines 140 acres 3 miles north on I sm with J. PICKLE including one automatic Ben-dl- x Lameta Highway, mot) all In REAL ESTATE. If you wsnt to sell from $10 to $75. or me sell, buy or csll to tee 3 2 minerals; AH of these are in good re- cultivation; payments. 1217. pair and can be bought for at Csth, balance yearly Lee S. little as $5 down and $5 s month. First Nst'l Bank Bldg. Phone 642 NOTICE NEWS STAND for sale, til Runnels I will build you s 24' s 24' Co. will, and furnish houte, 304 Gregg Phone 448 s commode, thqwer, lavatory fpr bath, for $1850. TALLY ELECTRIC CO. FOR QUICK SALE APPLIANCE SPEdALS & Sons Price At Inventory ood '17 Bendlx nutomatle washer. Doing Good Business U10 N. Bell St, Condition. 1113.- Coldipot refrurerator. IMI Owner Lesvlng Town Westioihoyso I' ritrlftritor, IU.M. Tbor washer wiut pump, excellent extra; afJCa r,'uyin! eiucefir-tJL Interested. rendition vacation at in Instead by acuta Soul ll.0. Csll 9704 103 Main wantl thru want ada. Phone 2485 Sale On Used Merchandise 8USINESS PROPERTY Income Property a 1-- Rube Eggleston Martin Hilburn's Appliance 8--tL Package Store Hamilton r Tt -- I , i -- . .. Hi M HEAL ESTATE M HOUSES FOR SALK m) McDonald McCleskey or SS7S tOll-- Olfle 711 Mala grad air hone NIc parmBt school, on New bouses on Princeton 11th PUce, juit computed. and W 5-- 3vJlt3 InUnerlllta - t42 D&VtEMnL OB possession. ANNUAL REPORT SHOWS County Group Albert Minnlx. who hat had a petition filed against him Jjvxoiinty courts-h- as been referred to the custody of Rev. R. T. Simmons of Monshsns pending a -- - ii.ai-..- Ti Farm Burtau, WIMajaaaSJalsaaaaaaWaal v "JfiffiE 4-- H rwa uay wogrRi Theft3i-at- r conditioner Wiuji from the rear of the Ntwsom Beyer Market on W 3rd was r1ert4 Sunday to police. htarlnf. Decreased consolidated Income Ing of three wells almost slmul- - decline of only two for the year. E 0iNewsom reported tfcat Howard county commissioners Tor the past fiscal year has not taneously by Independents Minnlx U accused of taklna- Not Sin were equipped with colls and Field Day activities for Howard m similar piece of equlpmeat had conferred with property owners lessened prospects for this ear only did this engender great In- - Insulated, and nine others w 1 h county part In a series jfjjouie burglar! rl ffoW Farm'Bufeau Utetl .,. . , . along the Vtalmoor road and accuiuuiK io ine annual repoci oi itrcM store earlier, officers said. Mrt. dui ii rriuuru m uic nriun cum nn car aruis "' here recently. V a m DCgin will ai fomemoeri nl rfl.rnvirv Cnsilen was com- - mil rlrnnnrrf (ram 11ST SM Ray Parker, 204 W 6th slrttt, wo college presidents this morn Cosden Petroleum Comoratlon iTuesday at the former Army Air police a vacuum sweeper Noting that consolidated net In 'nTctins' one of IU strong wells at $332,938 durina the lear was HelREAL ESTATE ing. M en from the r.ll.r at come transferred to earned sur- - the end of the fiscal year the Field Gross operating income-fo- r Don president Abi Morris, Dr of compsred HOUSES FOR SALK plus in the smount of $889 4 7B a4 Thus, while the report shows an'year was $21,944,555, Big' Spring Junior Chsmber of , ometlma during the past week. Ml lene Christian College, and Dr down sharply from the $1,568,840 Increase in oil reserves from $23.164 232 the previous X'r. Commerce -?T Runoert N. Richardson, oresidentfor the- previous year. President 787 467 to 3472.O03- despite "a.98lta malbr portlorr of the terttnrHrr For Yeur 71 " " ". w"j unlveriilj vU - iR L Tollett ssld this wss not an barrels pjodjjrjtfl. It does not In lower value orefined prtflucls of campeUtfrr,-'r;lninclude up potential reserves of WiefRiflajcrwperadng expeMe wl fnJJtJelptf tunt-xr- f Tawvj m (mm JywV-ea- stly RWA-are- a (soOta aboufXilf . w a tnttUon in fiTacKthf leducatlonal "exhibits and ahodn thrHirs-Homh FPlfA project fact, he had tbreWPVr fleKine-trniTprTfbe 6 300.000 based on nrosnerts at $2,799,514. but a 17 per cent re- Call I7H I barbecue Commissioners voted unimlnously earnlnca far lhi fliral vr.V "960 While retaining Before 10 a. m. ductlon In ine ratio of overneaa 'Some 48 calves now being prep. SftJ After In favor of a resolution waiving April 30, 1950 Now, barring un. the moment acres, Cosden sold leases for was effected during the year t. a. migpan requirements that buildings at El. foreseen difficulties, be believes be! "00. showing a $495 000 profit Ualance for the paid in surplus pared for showing at major expothis year should TO OWN A HOME lis Homes h demolished whan thev " sitions pronext During year, of winter and spring, will the account at the end Cosden the fiscal are transferred from custody of neater than last YOUR OWN The report gives good basis r0r,ccsed 5 570 747 barrels of crude year was $4,798,008 compared with be exhibited and weighed by the Federal government agency Orr RtADY FOR HOT oil Big 544 at the Spring year $4,139 up refinery, the at club members Most of the start of the Land at the housing project his confidence that "our prospects SUMMER DAYS NOW! are much brighter than a year siignny from 3 4Z3.Z20 or the prcv - Consolidated earnings were equlv- - calves hae been on feed for one two to has been col the deeded Air Conditioners New home, spic snd span. Just planned alcnt to $168 per share on out - month g0 " For one ,n,n he ob" ,ou yr,r ,rocM8lnK leges ' and they plan to maintain . Commercial Horn a minimum completed. F11A jleld of residual standing common stock as com- - JayCen will serve the noon bar horn buildings, the presidents served, "we have a very modem for the Steel Installation Bracks at 607 W. 15th. with $7600 loan. Informal the court Under previous and efficient refinery ooeratlnir at " d"' to steady decline In de - Dared to $3 14 the previous year becue The barbecue will be fifr No Wooden SUnd Ntttt-llrregulation, there were requirements full capacity" For another ' e mand for this type of product To - Cosden Petroleum paid $5,415 per' nlshed by the Howard County Farm $2900 cash will handle. 1102 are Joeloplng additional crude "y ,he refinery has a capacity share on Its outstanding preferred Bureau restoring for to property the its square feet of solid living comWindow Adaptor ' 13 000 to 20,000 barrels per day. stock, or 23 98 per cent qt net inoriginal condition upon transfer oil reserves." Purop . Float Kit These two Items tell a cood oart df pending on grade and tyne of come transferable to earned sur- Ice fort See or phono contractor, from the FPHA. The resolution Is Frea Citimatas plus account All dividend arrear. Proce,ctl 80 we adapted today wlil enable the col- - of 'J" 8,ory Tne report nowcd ?", ,0 In Low Overhead Uewtr . e ae was cleared and for tho first u app.icu uurum me, "?"""" " leges to maintain the buildings. Prleas To You .7 .u-- 1 past fiscal year Of this amount yielded In higher grad. fuels, nr time In the history of the comt n Ray S. Hjppy Stitchers were enterto the pattern allered to meet orf- - pany or its two predecessors, a ACC board, and TJr P D O'Brien, $2,368,865 went into additions 20 cents per share dividend on tained with an Ire cream supper BIO SPRINO 204 W. 6th an HSU trustee, were with Dr property and cquipmem inaiuumg rm urmn.m Phone 3692-In the home of Mr Mrs and Tank car fleet stood at 591 a common stock was declared. Cooling (. Halting umi Morris and Dr. Richardson when a liuia catalytic cracaing Varrell Johnson Saturday night Salts & Service which added flexibility as well as LOTS FOR SALE the resolution was presented. MJ Games of 42 and plnnchlo weie 112 E. 2nd Phone ft! ability and efficiency to the operarOR SALE I tern of land on Illfh-w- y entertainment for the prnlng tional system When the properties so Bind gprlnra 11500 tn Attending were Mr Mrs and present manerr, would Uke I too 00 down balwere acquired by the l.obert Sneed Mr and Mrs Prunance monthly payment. u rlsht agement 12 years ago, net InvestII Inttr.atcd. a Mra John ing Morton, Mr and Mrs Lewis In fixed assets stood at $5 ment FOR SALE Two rMolr. loU on Nolan Sady Mr and Mrs Fred FrankWo An Betaty T fConttnutd It from Today, with practically 478,518 ar irhool Phont Slrrrl J a fifth colunfti. rammlncr armthwart all the equipment replaced or ren lin, Mr and Mrs lien Daughtery 8er-r.eW Don No string ,8.420 was et C set where Ameche al FARMS & RANCHES MS Mart liar to the east, had seized Wonju. 50 ovated or fortified with modern .TnhnKnn Ilorfn'h ullH The pipe was perforated from 8,- - and Mr and Mrs Varnell Johnxm -W. . A mlki eait of Seoul, The Air WATSO!l)ra CeitMtiMcn a4arwcT n.trjM!aiTneftli"j rCTrf peggd4fjlt is value mBy be completed as a small 250-7- 0 Road for aal fhr.pOf Immediate concern to U S additions, feet Operators swabbed five Happy StltcPen. Club will be in of ,,,... vlv,ni.n Dm(iuc at $5 944 691 Indeed, value tnrLm it aa tun wamlr a1. Air CoHdltttuur Vuia It 1b located about seven miles to t.x barrels of fluid per hour, the home o, Mrs Robert Sneed For hlch cn.;d theTun T..t night Ph"!ci1,PPftrlleS " ho" f o r Center Point. Thursday afternoon provision They were reported as much as 25 north and slightly east of the mostly oil Sunday night the test at 7 p m Made to Fit Aay UH One of the best 320 acres In uiv,,Good in southwestern llordcn was washed with 500 barrels of miles south of the river in a new aepreciaiiuii ucpiciiuii mu Martin Co Level, no rock, tizatlon good Improvement, good crop. menacing breakthrough counl mud add Monday II was swsb-binre of phase the this As solid as t"1i rtrf fwl a '"Via iranlnp rlr Owner must work land this the atlalns six to 10 barrels of fluid may it be year on h.rdb port and l- - One halt ,n Ellenburgcr from , per hour wuh thakeout of 13 per rmgntness o. .nr pruuu.... i mineral rights , , fc Reason for selling Price $77 50 per acre, rhirlne thp nast fiscal vear. iur " M7AmU rent di thing mud and five per Long-Tim- e c spread sub leased by one R. A. of undertermlned origin. water cent development resulted forCosden Stanton Texas It is continuing to swab to asIn production which gave the corIT TOU can I win vacation on a poration a net reserve Increase of 77 Iruitf-flW(nlrnur certain If it may be completed ffPYn.n r.dlo aril don t want thru 829,420 barrels on Its one fourth want tdi for vacation cahi as a small producer Location Is resident of Howard .. . ,. and Big - . Phone 1518 . 1719 Gregg Spring, died in a hospital here 669 from the aouth and 676 den also has 160 acres, at least 3.40 a. m. PlmnWag fif from the west lines of the northFlxtBree with reasonably good proREAL ESTATE Mr. Weinkauf has been active half west quarter of section spects of production. tlejatliig Eqolpmeat Wednesday to until He came last Ta Irrigated farms 8mi'n end T&P But the heavy. Impact of developm Otto ranchte Tell us whet yen to Howard county in 1919 and fol- ment could not be Sold, Installed &b carried In the "Drive carcfullj Save a life, It L II Armer It Spartan Drilling ftchustrr Tulla Texas r it Aluftl lowed occupation a his as farmer staked location for No. 4 Mc- Kohtrts it Ja U Drug. 1714 Oreti. statement That took shape In the may be jours' Bepslred. Biff Spring Since 1919 he had lived In Big Rclneike pool of southeastern Bor That s the text of two signs Adarr in the Vealmoor pool It Raymond Spring;, making his home at 104 Dyer den county where Cosden extended put up on highway approaches to will be t70 from the north and NW 4th 1 980 Irom the west lines of secFor 1,360 acres which resulted In start- NortkBB. P. 8. "Red" Big Spring by the chamber of tion Rites are pending and the rein. T&P, and projected OWNERS S St 1 Hunting lease for sale 3000 mains are at the Eberley chapel. commerce safety committee In the depth is a.OOO acres In 2001 Johnson County; Kimble Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Phono tlf-- J No Armer At Peckham of traffic safety. IB interest plenty of deer and turkey; ters, Mrs Bertha Karley, Installation of the signs on high- McAdams, 560 from the south and will lease entire tract for $1,500 Weinkauf, four daugh-cede- s, TIP, way 80 east and On the Lamesa west lines of section for entire season. CLOCK Mrs'. Louise McClure, Big highway was made to encourage which defined the reef on the 2 3400 acre ranch in Kimble Spring. Vrummett, Mrs. Martha pool, side of the County, good country, priced driving throughout central-oas- t more careful RADIO Vealmoor, Mrs Hannah Laird, San at $37 50. during plugged back to 6 480 and ran a Ihe year and particularly Mott Worlds sons, two Antonio; and Relnhold 3 266 acres in Menard Countdrlllstem test from 6,390- the Fourth of July holiday period Uiaful Rirft. y-, A. Weinkauf. Big Spring, and H. on San Sana rher, 170 when roads are expected to be 6 480 Recovery was 120 feet of W, (Bllll Weinkauf. McCamey One acres In farm. 80 acres irriprnuHcH urlth firm. mud with no shows. The test u In gated. 2electric pumps, lovely daughter, Margaret, preceded him The Medical Arts hospital today fr,e molori!lU( otto Peters, due to abandon. home, priced at 3127.50 per the association of A. T lmHlee chirman. announced in death. He Vickera Petroleum It Norwood acre. Gillespie. M. D He also leaves urged, all Big Springers to, drive Drilling No 1 J. K. Canning, 34 a will Texan Gillespie native Dr sismaintaln-specialhtwo e miles north of the Von nine c,mlou,ly and aierti. Boeder in the practice of K ony sitt ,pecds for crowded pool of southeaat Borden, had a ters, Mrs Guester Bonn, Los Angsurgery Menard. Texas and obstetrics eles, Calif., and Mrs. Minnie traffic conditions slight shpw in the Spiaberry sand Mm Gillespie and their three- Piperston, Minn., and one Police Pele Oreen Joln- - froni OIL LEASES chief of and was to drill- Ml . . . . L i J ..Ill J...U.&.I.. .lh.H. m ea in me piea ior careiui anv stem test today. Location is 1,980 brother, Emll Weinkauf, Piperston, laumn. uauniuci, baiuciiiic, Phtnt 40 ira ai Main CHEAP OIL Hoj.ltm .nd Ltu.l to soon as can as join he him ing. pointing out that, unfamiliar from the east and 2,002 from the here Brlico and Swlih.r caunll.i Minn. OtU achuiUr Tull. Tll. Phon ITT. obtain suitable housing. Currently, roads and streets make driving south lines of section H&TC. they are at Johnstown. Miss. even more hazardous during va. REAL ESTATE WANTED M7 Armer No. 1 Cheser L. Jones, For Rites In was Avoca, He near reared cation z .., .... C r i r . : rrz : . wildcat. 3fT-s I amfonlmrl-T?anied-ktilhaphelort -4K7Tm,;r.lT.' northeast. iIaward.-ounl- y . I li&TCJ "I .JJ..... ,. ,,..,v VI 1.1- C' SK NW section MMaaUHaUMaal r ana oi oi meaiscience nis during . where aocior A vacation or on holl !te,tr ,i , ,0ne from o V. ..IjI for prompt and courteous ser niaht ua and UONDAYJiVUMMat Tt-lYXJ' Vltr...Hit xam 88Veit.?ri!( luujaaresrnns,-- onve- will, utmost coveretntrrett or salty, sulphur G&.5ta "Seymour for Mr. TermtH.I-le8rfX,-,r0. caution, and onlv at ,....- - .. UCClir.ieU u me KBaT-a- a RudasTwias j j va Oda a Rouadwa Etta Haydcn, mother of Mrs. Doc .... '" ,kM. . , rntlrwlns Inl.ra..hlr. ...kl.k I. .V. ,., ..v., ...w ...v .up .......v...v. t ...s arfn.ivv.rrv Uoar Shew .nuiMfltn Acrf. v...,i UUHIItl uivt. auiumuuiir i. rnn.iani. Wilkinson. m ,inme anu anaieH. H. MORRIS o.un Jt, U'kH- . wmasHi Taaraaas Famll Man WBAr-On. i.. io -- kn.u.i ijr i...j,c, uuuci luiiirui, ureen aavisea I II M'U Mrs. Hsyden died at 4 05 p m tJUlesple did a ".year of Shell No 1 E. T. O'DanUI. 660 S.ll 505 Goliad Phone 2210-KBST-Ba (Maaia residency Rlawrt Oatl Sunday in a hospital after a pro- In obstetrics from the south and 1,980 from the fCBfT-aKKLD-f.Aeraa kloar Show with the University ! VoartMai waar-nalonged illness. The remains were of Arkansas medical branch in n, T&P, Stev WBAP-Diwest lines of section tStbm wataa Wlla 10 S THERE S A BOTTOM I'M 7,864 Sunday night In taken was in overland at feet shale KBST-Bc Little Rock. Ark. Orck. t Odaaaa IN EVERY BASKET f Rn.r Your BUailnsa a Nalley coach to Seymour. SerKRUauilut-TsiLlvermore No. 1 W B. Currle. Dr Gillespie began his practice And mv basket of city propd r oarnvay l SfwM f tn NW vices were to C be held there TlcP, SE section erty listings is about empty. here Monday. S S wis KBST BS ffBaTkDaaaa Od.aia the First Christian church and burU. S. drilled to 2,806 feet In lime. If you have a good 2 3 or 4 KBST Lou Raniar KR1.D Count Tour Bl.atlnsa suvunuBn i VS. In southwestern Martin county, bedroom home to sell ial was to be beside the grave uar-Da- v of Aatrlaa WBAP-H.City list with me for quick sale I of ber husband, C E Havden Glass, 1.980 from 1 M t as Plans are being made for a Big Gulf No BS va Od.aa KBST already have buyers waiting. a3ar-H.w-a Surviving; arc three daughters, Spring delegation lo attend the the north and east lines, of section KRUMIllIkDV Pl.rhouap KRLO Rat. Your Mat C S BERRYHILL, WBAP-NS T&P, took a second drill- Bast Mrs A E Nunn, Mrs Claude n City firemen responded to four annual meeting of the U S MacRa. 80 112 W. 2nd ItlBI Phone 1683 II f Wllklns, Brownwood, and Mrs Dock alarms, one of them Hlghvay association In Rl Paso Mem test in the Pannsylvanlan Or.ktMr BS SunKBrro KBST Tl KBIT-0drill L M. Brooks ApplUnce Snlr.r. tut Wilkinson, Big Spring She also day as minor blazes were rcport- - July Your MaU Omar Elliott chairman The tfol was open for four hours pi.rhouia Caraaa I Btat of the chamber of commerce tour- Iroin 10,629 767 and git showed in WBAr)oidon MacRa leaves five grandchildren and one .M II a REAL ESTATrDlSPLAY t I'll a OrtaaaaT va Odaaia sister, Mrs Mabel Skaggs, Venice, A short circuit in an air condi- ist development committee. has 18 minutes, continuing in small J rarkrr . KBST-Ba a aaaria KRLD c.rjnan Cavallar a Mi Baat vulumc throughout the test Re Calif. WBAP-Taaaak tioner motor was blamed for a announced WBAP Top Merit BarUa gas-ccovery Purpose of a 60 of feet drill wai the association Is at fire B&B the Food store at 611 Itt driklmi LfiOAL NOTir.g KBST-Bva Odriaa Orats, E 3rd street about 7 20 a. m No encourage tourist travel over U Ing mud and 34 feet of oil and KBST Jo. ltaaal a Mr Baal KKLIsr.Mmas . CavalUr t THE STATE O TEXAS SXMSa s S 80, which spans the continent Operators mud deepened Bacrtt was A duage reported Barlaw short in TO- - O B MoOT.r .nd Sir. O B a cooler was also" credited rUor.T, R E L. 4M Ifn R T "TuesoAVnMonNiNO with from Savannah, Ga , to San Diego, to 10.820 -- k. U-- l O D Spartan No 1 Wolcott, northwest L... B D H.I ta-startlnc a fire at the Tavlor Elec- Calif Delegates from all three t'M Hal.. frlU HMnlck. .nd Mn Frltt M Mavarra OrsB. divisions of league the In 231, Martin association, wildcat east, Oak tric company on the east highway Tla !fftnttk. and ..rh ftf thf unknown otwirfey KRUVCSa Hwa Alaaaaa KUVArttraf tar Tf ti.lri ( ..rh at th aaoft n.m.4 The blare was extinguished with west and central, will attend the Ward CSL. progressed to 12,105 KRUVatvtUar nw Ballad a.rfant d.c.Mid. El Paso jlme conclave. in feet no with a Devonian all i only smoke damage to building MS ORBETIHO Plavarr Orel. Ola Meanwhile, the chamber's tour-1- shows. TIM Tou ar. command! to and and contents CRf,0 aik Rlai ! Alaaaaa aaiw.r th. BliiniUTa aotlUon at or development WBAP-aaf a hopes committee Taiaaa Duncaa No damage resulted TbAPiaw from a at for. IS o cltxk AM of th. lint is at :1S CasasUsaS fire at the Cap Rock courts on the to enlist new members for the asU.nd.r .It.r th. .iplratloa of 1 da Tim a waj dirt from Ui. d.t. of U.uinr. of KRLD-BlCroakr KRLO-auLamesa highway Ou.rtat Sunday after-no- n sociation In Big Spring Memberthu CtlatlOD tb i.m. kolas Uandir waassiaak Rids ! r.rmil It was started when an elec- ship may be listed either through th. T dor of AufuiL A O ItSO s a I: INn aariasaa si of kf for. U o clock A U b.f.r. nnfrr nr.nt. - i tric iron was left on, firemen said Elliott or the' sfhamber of comUm Hon.rakl. Dtltrltt Cult of H.w Wood aeow merce office n.av We have for your seiHLO--a aianras-- U The fain alarm came from ard Couatr at tho Court Houi. In Bl( wr a Ridia a Ooldan of Wilt Is lection FHA and OI apM 8prln( Tos.a t sStarr building on NW 5th street. 1 Fines SaloU CBST-Id pl.lnlttf pttltlon wi nitdon toCblldr proved two and three bedtnaTJiama Asrwuar KSLDwWaacr Warraa SI dtr of Jano ISM th. Norwood Houston, Lamesa man WSUP-MFor n room homes. No . down waaoia Tbo fil. numbtr of i.ld suit bolns aR Oartrwa WBAPWtlaom. TraTaiata a is Hit Five Ho 1SS7 Th. iimti of tho panur la Injured in an automobile accident payment Die ma for veterans. Malady Ksarr-M- r rra star old lull ar. CSaaa Drunkenness was the principal which occurred on US Illhway FHA closing cost only uoarrwr O D Putk.U oa Mtlntlff and O tmt asa MEXICO CITY, July 3. on Rail- - cause wasp wims rrv.ir waaMtraaar for fines assessed in cor- - 87 about 14 miles north of Big B Hoover and Mrt O B HooT.r. Bird $150. -- No tack on . . S N ii aa R B. l., (nd Ur R E L.. Kil.I!S,rJr.i!i!l,0M.Ced n.d'y ?e.w4poratlon court this morning, though Spring about 130 m. Sunday, No hidden cost" Mtti B D Hal. and Mr. B D H.l. FrHa go IntoT.V.,,., r Oaafrap resting ai.aiai araan reported in the seven was TJtUVK violations occasioned aiiiir veil and nick, Ho. Hoenltkt Mn Prlt. rtup-aeffect July It, The new rates, ivar. WBIAJMI If you art steadily emBtra r aad t.ch of fko unknown h.lr. of Cowper hospital-clini- c this morn : 1 a aging nearly IS per cent higher, lines ployed consult with us for o.ch of th. abov. p. mod pcrion. N.wa Wata M KBIT-aoTwelve persons were fined a to- ing al PtaaMn a. D.ffndaau Th. n.tur. of sold vere announced by the governmenI Artber Oedfrty your new home. Parad. 01 SMaaa K ult b.lns lubitaatlallf Houston was Injured when a WAr-aan- r a. follow. WBAP-U- I t-owned BaSwtlfal CM BaUr tta pira. railroads last month tal of S206 after pleading guilty to wit at to Intoxication charges Three oth car in which he was riding over- TUESDAY AFTERNOON FUlnllff Burr In Tr.ipiif ta Trr e'rs forfeited SIS bond each on turned A youth whose last name T1U lor tho ml. lo LoU II tl iuf BETTER HOMES . . . d'ai I'M M S3 block II orlsin tl of towntiu failure to answer to the same Is Hill and tfvho also lives in La KBST.B.k Will. KBST Brtd and Or. at nrMiiTMri FIXED COST! Iowrd Countr Ttiai allct-ln- ( mesa escaped with minor bruites KRUKNaaai (eaartal charge fiom BTlMr KJILO-LIVESTOCK that on til d.t of Jimj.rT lit a WBAP N.wa aad Uarsaaa ttta PORT iWORTIt pltlatlff wt nd mil ! th. own.r Charges of driving without oper - .ln the mishap Houston was to be Jul J' US CaUl. is as 111! 1 11 it of tild land, and rafv.i I ooo aattl. la hi.n.r m a aurh dl. th. s possible Internal In asat for Maja Brld. aad Orwa resulted in ators license KBT three nd itockin II Skov upon d.lndn(i unl.wlullr mured Town a la.l W.dutdar KRUBn)i) nan Parid l.v.u il.uihltr cajtai and dUaoimicd him of uch prcm-U- a u d On it.ck.r fines totalling US. Parking In an juries this morning tAt af Ufa Patw calvaa uront lo II Jilbr nid an4 wlthholdi poattailon from aa IS M sood frd altara alley was" cause of a Si levy a Mrs. Frances Itanderman. 31. of t'M nd jiarlloaa M0 klai Thai plaintiff and hli lo 100 r.mmon la Cbb persons Sweetwater was on hurt Hlghwjy were fined a total In tin hai. b.n nalni and JaawaXw . n.aiun lire u lloo b.rl cowa II w to Three farad Blrad Baa It 00 food nd choir. il.u.hl.r .! of $10 for making prohibited left 80 Immediately west of the city rBAP-Tslalmlnr such lot advralr opnlr WBAP Papsal Tawat J PUai BB as 21 So to II M common to medium ealrp and aolorlouilr lor a period it of Room 105 Pragtr Bldg l 10 limits about Passing .. night turns on a cost o'clock last .. viaduct tf M- I. w Tim u .hk.ii n.cr mora Utan la Cabk and nhcr.for. UsaTanraaaai Oaswaas c.ii.a av.ua io one person S2S when she fell from the family vePhone 1740 MC Lav lltl br adrvra poaalon under BUJMMkUaa USM 11 lastt iiocktr hillrr c.lvia Tfnta waASvJaas aaa laat WBAr-autand br tlrtu of th IS SSOo w MM, lUKkir cowa UM lu atatut B.MH tS&r hicle. of UmltaUoD SIM flalnUff prara for tM vaar-raParamaaUw Medical attendants said she was atBar-atu Utl and poiitulon Paaka' of th Host 000: kuUhar II abov laat Friabara Fined KBLODx Paul Saalat day, uti and. I.idtr pii auadr, soot) severely bruised. dacrtbd rtal ataU sauhsii auur tnts a a4baa It ttU Citation and cholc hot atrrad within IN w IN lb barrowi and ana . 111 III . SO dart afUr th IU 11 U, IJihUr and b.arlcr butfh.ra It ADDie f dal a u. plea Uauaac. entered ward aMbi caa KBaT-rv-a Bau siimretr P. O. Bon 171, Paaaata H ahan b. r.turn.d umrr.d Ills to 11 ! SO II M la 11 OS, 'i of guilty In county court Saturday, SniOOt Filled Maaoa 1RU-M- a Parkin thU la JJ daj of Jus A. 0 . 1SSO pin II M to 11mi rpiuc m. BAP DMkla t aaaaac i uaua l of Olr.a ond.r hand and BhB S ISO. al.u.hl.r mnrimr limki U io ine 9narge oi driving wnue I M 1 M . laid Cmut. at atflr la Bis Sarins. biib.r ibaa laat wi.k'a rioaias. othar tinder the Influence o( intoxicants KBST-at-r Georo Smoot. accused of drunk. KBaTOrrhftra KBSTJIappr L.ndtns Ttiaa. thl th II da? at Jan. A D , KKIJVH.W xif t Doctor eoncs-entereplea a fy of 9 -. ' WBjJsaaaT,aasMaii,Xtir II M. ljlaAP-t4.-l.lA WV 'lnr1 MMomI' waapiBr.au, jaaaC Chtr CWrk 141, I In Justice court "this morning and Dibrell aa a a ri DUtrlct Coup KBtT-ak- r KBT-TKata Malon. -- , hl W,rd ",0 driver's, was fined I25 and expense by kvowud Casuur, Tssaa nm ".dl, JMMl Oar d anrtu J JMUM. TSXXM IVBAP-U- v ucetua tor ua ensuing six montus. justice w u. lonara. SMoar waartfetii U.M at is.. tat, Uk a UllUoa tfaaaa WaUMa Property Owners Sit For Tuesday thTTnf'rtW -- 1 tlI n-- km. y," .LfV!cwVV "It's The Ilardin-Slmrao- ko(e 'h1!iiihr es """' i rgti American Way" 'gvasr - I Nice bom on Wood Et. or home brick couth part of town. Beautiful brick Washington PUce. In home In In," small part of town. 2 acres In West Office space for rent. Choice loU in all parts of town. HAVE BUYERS For All Kinds ReaJ Estate 'f Parker ni. "' Borden Wildcat May Be Completed As A Small Pennsylvania Producer TROOPS -- rtf 1MC-- . Gream Supper Held Johnson Home '' ' par-o- n Especially houses South Part Of Town 5-ro- " y house elote down payment J upst-rrntr- e) 5'4-lne- h Uw-bo- ll Sale " Western Insuletinf Comfrany g 1 Emma Slaughter For Sale al. cor- $7000. T0xl50-f- corner lot close in, house and bath, t good property, S9.M0. seml-buslne- ss buy. farm 3 miles out on pavement nearly all in cultivation, abundance of water, M minerals, J75 an acre and give the buyer the" crop. 4 lots and house with bath in Wright Addition, J8000 cash. Extra good small house on EastUth, good lot, good neighborhood, $3750. 25 acres, 5 rooms and bath: gas. lights and city water. A well located place for $10,500. A good 180-acr- e J. PICKLE B. Phone or 1217 J 2S22-W-- OPPORTUNITY ,?or better buys la Real E tate Choice residences, bus' inesses, farms, ranches, lots on V 8. SO, cafe in good location. Borne beautiful residence! Is the best locations. v- Wiv." Jones 1 Treeitrft t04D 3 Ws ntv bomti dream home to Dice elmoat B1U Uuvt will Perk New rgi 1 bdroom carry t- io4 etterhed heinc in loutht.st pert of town. Will Uke OI or THA loan 4. ffew Ubtc1ieom hem beths, eM ached (erect close to VA hospital I. A eod lot. southeast Weahixiitoa .Place, IU0 T05 Phont Johnson City Plumbing Ce. TllK ft. ujurauteiy Sale 27-3- 2 J Duracleahers Dr. Gillespie Joins Medical Arts Hospital flWiiailWt one-ho- i L W. PUCKITT ijjjii8llilBI Far-ma- n. 4,950-5.00- 0 142-2- .. Set Today KeartSroreWnntirtar f4v. TaKHlirMW!rJ.- HERALD ,.y 7- RADIO j.-'- 2S41-- , Cll T-- ..j j ..,.. ttnr - - m mdi ..'"...I. ,-- """' ". IKBST-MakK- lr fUrr-Haw- WBAr-iMaa- n KSST-SMr- S TnLb-Otr- Local Delegation Firemen Answer Four Alarms Sunday To Attend Meeting Of 80 Group al KBST-Dao- S KBtT-Lan- a KALO-Cou- XRLD-TB- Arla WBAP-Baa- WBAP-Ma- WBAP-Da- anwr SUSLD-TB- WBAP-Ban- d IxBS-T-- WBAP-Nls- WBAr-Mta- 197 bouses on 2 acres land near refinery. Would consider small place in town trade In. $6400. 5 room and double garaja with apartment above, not completed. $7000. I stucco, vacant, $1250 cash, balance loan. airport addition, $Z(50. Duplex, wall located, one side furnished. $10,500. We Need New Listings J..D. (Dee) Purser 1504 Runnels Pkon 117 .r WBAP-Htwtr- d ut iiLLLflgiKiKiH KRST-Oaa- gggggggggB n gas-cu- By Owner home In good possesImmediate Phone After 6 1585-00 WBAP-Ta- p l KBaT-Ph- ll KBaT-Ph- ll WBAP-Ural- aa.r CBaT-Rttlkt- st tvotai CRLO-arta- a WBAP-ail- I Why Pay Rent? 12 Mexicans Total $206 Drunkenness Man Injured In Crash Near Here Resting Well KBaT-Brid- ll KB8T-fltmt- KRLD-Oraa- WBAP-caaa- i .l ri Ta WNAP-aoos- a CRU-Bar- KBaT-Mrti- T TBAP-Dat- WBAP-Cd- KBST-aiosa- a KRLD-Ls- u WBAP-aus- KBST-Mru- - KRLO-AlH- KJILU-Aru- KJtLO-Par- WBAP-Bar- i Crf KBaT-Bltt- KBtrr-Mt- UtLD-Artba- u lr CBtT-IUBiaKRLO-OO- KRLO-cUUi.- WBAP-aUc- MARKETS Co.-bo- KRLD-M.a- a M p. m. IF YOU NEED A HOUSE See Me Have most anything you want In houses Inexpensive, medium priced and some lovely homes. Also have good Investment property. v Emma Slaughter1323 1804 Gregg WBAP-To- S wBAP-Kar- Nice location. sion. KSfT-OaatutLb-Haw- S CBST-flan- rr r. ERLD-BUit.- KRLD-R.'- WBAP-NIIB- Phone n. d T J. D. (Dee) PURSER REALTOR Rtr KRLD-Or.a- n rr WBAP-Urdll- h 8-- 1504 RunneU LOG 111 34-2- 4,950-5,02- 4 Mrs. W. R. Yates lkt rta.ion.blt .. .. e -- 1. A ftod aint ton Pltfee. Chamber Places Drive Carefully Signs On Highway -- - PhonJi-.OiflcS01.Jta- X. 1.. Panhandle of VA hospit- 198-acr- Dies Here Today ilv-a- rooms and bath, garage, ner lot. J blocks Resident Bennett Phone 1322 at . Herman Weinkauf 3 1305" Gregg 5 t Big Spring (Texas) Herald, Mon., July S, 195 Cosden Income Decreases But Prospects Good For This Tear Meets With JuVenile RobjrtSon Pbosi Minnlx Referred To Rev. Simmons Custody Pboae wavar-waa- WBAP-Haw- it Country CBST-Bm- ra KRLO-Mui- KRI.D-N.w- a WBAP-Marr- Builders, Inc. pr.d.-coito- rt waAP-Kaa- WBAP-Part- KBaT-na- SOILO-JwI- jn ..-- -. rr ..... CRLZ-Dan- c Abbie Ward KSST-aurpr- KRLD-Jlma- sraaja-Owakl- a 1 mu ir 0, Iod ldr JSlnSVMti" 5&XJ'B "m, aa WBAP-Jaa- UST-Malo- Tar-Mn- 1 BUtLD-Miu- $25 'ildd 'd ,u WBAP-Baaa- WBAP-TB- WBAP-au- WBAP-atJ- A arB8T-Ra- LD-P- jMx ?t IHLO-Youn- d KBLO-BMah- . ICRLD-a.canWBA-Vw- "ji-- t avwAVJ--fa- Big Spring (Tojcas) Herald, Mon.( July 3, 1050 10 r HOSPITALIZATION, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Old National Insurance Co, Houston, Big Spring Representative Pravda Whips Up Chiropractic Indignation Of HEALTH Jj US Intervention Txi -- FAYE TIBBS PH. P.O. 1837-J-- 4 I BOX DOS INDEPENDENCE I POLIO, Tl( DAY... 1950 MbSCOW. July 3 11 The Mot-prrsi said today that popular Indignation over American interven-lion In Korc-- la spreading throughout Russia Tho Communist Party Newspaper Pravda said protest meetings were Mltlng place In factories and ofllce' buildings all over the coun cow 1 TODAY LAST TIME 1 174 try. . PLUS: KIeWs -- hurdy JH r5 CLAUDETTE COLBERT PURSY HARE . TUESDAY-WEDNESDA- ELsilT'S WILLIAM m t lrrrjl sjl sjrVi BEND I hwhmm IH W,THTH j4',V-B- OfUUGfttl k fVNBi ' .aeaFV6JBBBWj7-- - n .hm fijf A HIT! ? 1 'B rioleo (hat the SuT premo Soviet of the ItustJaa So-- . of thTOSSTT -- lfl , ;. H .. the America for which they fought, is "jaillRsiwJlslWS''Vsi 2r3slllslllslllslllBlslllslllslH" PnsiH large, lies in the spirit of her free men... free men who fostered her great system of free enterprise ...free men who are ever pushing back the ' frontiers of industry, science and culture... I - free men who developed America's riches to give the best that America has to offerLet us not 4 - LAKE SUCCESS. July 3. Three more United Nation . forget the struggles of our forefathers and our responsibilities to future generations. Let us ever hold fast to our inalienable rights of Life, Liberty Ml !fmB YifW and I enjoy us all a new American way of life. You peace-lovin- - and the Pursuit of Happiness. OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY TOMORROW INDEPENDENCE DAY memlined up in support of bers have j UN effort to end the Korean war Sweden, Denmark The three announced their stand and Israel In statements at their capitals Thlr-x other member nntlon. have formally notified the UN of their uppuit , TODAY " ambitious and powerful. But her true greatness - in slllslBislllslllslllslllslllslllslllslllslllslllslll rrpul lie meet In Ihe Kremlin tnmor row It Is dcicrlbcd a a routine session, which wi announced last month The Supreme Bovleta of the other IS republic are alio scheduled to meet soon In their respective capitals. Much of Ihe pre comment on public reaction to the- - Kgjean cris-- i appeared to he a rehash of stor ies wnlch appeared last week At lint time the papers ald the pub- lie remained calm. Now they be trying to itlr the peo- pic up against the United States "The Soviet people " Pravda said in a front-pag- e editorial, "and all" progressive humanity express a decisive protest against American aggression in Korea and are (.trengthcnlng the atruggle for a firm peace In all the world against warmonger's.' Tho press gave sample quotes from workers at the protest meeting. A war widow- "With a feeling of deepest Indignation wc are following the events, developing In Korea. Unbridled American Imperial- litis. tuUMiieMr- - aeaJaet th-g Korean people " A woman telegraph opeantor-"wdecisively condemn the ag gressive Intervention of American' impcrallsm " A potion picture worker "We retiv out llaming greetings to the of the people i army of warrior Korea " ototu HINIT UN Minn rnit iw RYTHM WONDER DOG with S1S1sBS1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1S1 y In Support Of UN Action In Korea UNTRY BSlsV laiisV -. years ago our forefathers laid down their -.-- Three More Line Up "TOtS ;- -- mytW rm wmmW9; i "irvKl'aTto riTTTTi W .a a j LAST TIME 1 tv-sl- yii-wkCo- T Intensified Training At California Camp CAMP PENDLETON. Calif . July lfl "Due to the international situation." this U S Marine Corps base today canceled id plans for la rodeo July 5, 6 and 7 "In favor of Intensified training " ' Instead, a "preparedness review"" of 8,000 troop was scheduled for today, with planes from tho nearby El Toro Marine Air Station provid ing air cover. 3 PLUS: NEWS and "FERDINAND THE BULL' I TUESDAY-WEDNESDA- i day, had appeared before d b's- new gove-rn- ment to ment. Observers said the demonstration TEHRAN. Iran. July 3. (fl rioters tried to mob was ltd by the "national front" a Gen. Ali Ftazmara, Iran's new pre- small opposition group in parliaTAEJON. Korea, July 3. (iTl ThcraUe contributions here. mier, in front of the parliament ment which has charged Razmara, "Korea and the democratic nf InvnrteH South ,.io mini.tr " building yesterday, but P"cc drove army strong man, with dictatorial " forget never world will Korea today thanked Uie unitea off. ambitions Limb cautioned that "now Is not them A number of persons, States and United Nations for sup- including After the demonstration Razmara recriminations bitter for the time police, be were Injured "the three this in the max announced that he would "take port nd ,ald I SCUlfle. past in It errors Occurred, Razmara mistakes and nftinn anri nnnlth all ri..mn. firm over f after LhQ"rfiL rcc.e?slon qf theJtide nu iioiiicu pii'imcr lasi mun- - siuie Judgment." Communis mar Ben C. Limb Issued a statement "Now is the time to stand to- - Rioters Attempt To Mob Iran Head KOREAN OFFERS THANKS FOR SUPPORT AND AID parlla-defen- The Doris Letter Shop - iiBiBsissHHMBfcs9ksm-F- VK - jfc5 t TQOALAS.T-tMES-- ;- SAVAGE LOVEJ tsaylag thatUAmcrtca'ajUmghfc xv&A4l JS Kit fam. Ml Ml IUTH OICKIT III! SUM MUIX1 PLUS: LES BROWN SHORT TODAY jfl KHmlvw; . c- wHHnnrn: u Wmm y Jg - PLUS: 2 CARTOONS LltKT uiu lU IC l SOfT TOUCH Bi fHs iiLiLk prWcTWrWBW laLiiVjHllaVl ' . r- -i Wfti' V'Jf:0$ SOME 'fmr aW Mt. Js PH f HLfcitflAiefl mWvjfVJm WUtkM kCiSS"JyfMr36iHiiiUD-riati- UaruiiuHHlLBflVJjbw nWAN J9HHPsBVAjP9Lj M , VLflsiHaW w l . ImU PLUS: DONALD'S HAPPY BIRTHDAY ttouMuKiJH UUi . ' VISIT OUR SNACK BAR' COME DRESSED JUST AS YOU ARE 1 fisSS 111 ..m... expressed than HUVIiJ HM H0U,sy"TH, this woman ar pMtT KUWU - - Eri'W-.MWb--i - r -- Forma & Addressing Envelope Reasonable Rates MRS. WALLACE C. CARR j by ANTIQUES Disappointed At Troop Rejection I G" Two train car loads "Cheap at Dirt-- French curio cabinets, marble fop " tables, chaise lounges, dozen of hand carved fancy inlaid tables, 12 bedroom and dining room sets, French and custom built, chests, beds,. tea carts, desks, k hanging &ymwm mm Skyridars-Screwdrlv- "" dot-la- MAIRKWENTZ Y HfajfJiy sialLVi' WLS 2 TUESDAY-WEDNESDA- PETU TUESDAY-WEDNESDA- LAST TIME ?s I1CI The South Korean cabinet an- lot be better it already was making nouiu-c3. HALL COE July MONTEZ her lealistlc action on this plans lor the day of return to areas 'lie evp oi the United Slates" Day anniversary held by the Communist Invaders. A The foreign minister added .dcusion was made yesterday, it 'It has gladdened our hearts to hid to bjy wheat and barley from has Nations United (hear how the Australia and Japan to store until responded to our crucial siiuauun BRUCE LEO CKBRILL0 Thirty-thre- e member nations have needed in reconquered areas. hiSyri lntaWA Cish publlcj proclaimed meir sympamy for the rtepubllc of Korea and 10 have acted to back up their word.s with action if called upon. PLUS COLOR CARTOON may well become a "Korea crystallizing point of all demc-Icral-lc nations In the world In fu ture years this devastating experience might well be looked back upon as the hour of recession of the tide of Communism " ' Limb msntioned only the United By Th Associated Press States by name. He did not demm imi nit '1 scribe the direct aid offered by tho Chinese NaTAIPEI, July 3. , disappointed Sri "THETRAIIOFTHE keenly 1 ' other nations. l are tionalists UriUhh and Australian naval ana ir force already are in action that Washington rejected their offer against the North Korean rteds to send combat troops to Korea. China has offered to Nationalist Three divisions were believed to T&Htiaxo -send ground troops and air units have be'en destined for that battle already has zone But Washington thumbs down PLUS "The United States he on the offer. sacrificed much for Korea." "" sons have vaid "Some of her finest (Presumably Washington acted ixrn tneir lives. Millions of I. after weighing the chances of Na- spenk and peace, In have been malnland Chinese Communist forc--i r. In tlonalist . Chinese troops drawing Insurance Kcrncy The American embassy. Korean Knr.,n h,.ti- - Formo- Th 8lB,t Llt1la 0"c '" nl'itaiy advisory ""'isan reports say tho Chinese Rds nom-Bo prln8 moving 200.000 troops ' 407 Kunntls SL cl tl- Ph. ISS ao Known ,nd loved y every valuh lowtrd Kore.. zen in the republic for their AmerTftVtiote was discussed t length by President Chiang- and hhi advisers. There Listen to was reason to believe a Chinese answer already had been dispatched to Washington. Official quarters have expressed fear the Chinese Communists may attack now that American intervenI tion has resulted In Nationalist 6:15 P. M. forces halting their military blows f against the malnlasfti. Prasarifed by Naval headquarters announced FIRST NATIONAL BANK Llntln Island, east of the Wanshan Islands southwest of British lions Knnff had heen abandoned hv truer. rllla forces on Saturday Subsequently Chinese Red forces took the island, the report said. Talks with representatives of the U S. Seventh Fleet patrolling Fort moian waters aro expected to be TkliDfl held shortly. 1190 On Yeur Dial The defence ministry said defenders of Quemoy Island, near the ..mainland' Jted port oi Amoy, pected to b attacked quickly. ION IURU Phone 3301 Mimt'ocraphlng Direct Mail Advertising Typing ..".:. n Bldg. Pet 206 Stone-throwi- oriental rugs, music cabinets, paintings, hundreds of pieces of Meissen, Bisque, Sevre, Dresden, porcelains, Hundreds of other this cheap before. , ,, c r cut glasses, etc. Items from fine homes and estates. You have never teen such fine quality rs , rl lamps, crystal chandaliers, dozens of fine chairs, lamps, perfect T Kai-She- k Elmer Davis TB ()aH KBST One Week Only ' ... In the . MOTOR POOL BUILDING I 2 MILES SW BIG SPRING OPEN 8 'A.M. TO 8 P.M. ' OLD BOMBARDIER FIELD . . OPEN JUUY 4TH --- "- -- "'- M