Pizza Business Guide: Costs, Pricing, and Promotion

Gordon Food Service
Operational Costs
Pricing for Success
Promoting Pizza
Pizza Components
A Passion for Pizza
The pizza business is highly competitive—and you have a great challenge in
establishing a solid customer base and a reputation worthy of repeat business.
Many factors influence your business model: food and labor costs, pricing for
profitability, go-to-market strategies, and the types of products that are best for your
operation. Your approach to these business drivers will determine your market,
shape your operation, and contribute to your long-term success.
Whatever your approach, and whatever your need, Gordon Food Service® has the
solutions for a profitable business. We have the experience and expertise to help
you determine your food costs, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and the products
you need when you need them.
The Essential Pizza Guide was designed to help you in all facets of your business to
provide a solution for your long-term success.
Operational Costs
Geometry of a Pizza…Circle and the square.
This is a fundamental principle of understanding your food costs. A 2-inch
difference in the diameter of your pizza may not sound like much, but it makes a
drastic difference in the surface size of your pie. Surface size is the true driver of
food cost, because it determines how much topping is needed to cover the pie.
Formula of Surface Size:
π (pi) x radius x radius
Radius = 1⁄2 diameter
(pi = 3.14)
Example: 10" pizza
10" (78.5 sq. in.)
12" (113 sq. in.)
14" (154 sq. in.)
16" (201 sq. in.)
(3.14) x 5 x 5 = 78.5
Knowing the relationship between diameters is critical not only to your
understanding of food cost, but also to your ability to set a smart pricing strategy
(pages 5–6 of this guide).
Remember: You price by the inch but you portion by the square inch.
Measure, Measure, Measure…Every ounce counts.
Taking the time to measure your toppings can be the difference between profit
and loss. It may be okay to throw toppings “freehand” if the person topping your
pies is an expert or is the only person making the pies. In most cases, however,
you should measure all toppings every time—preferably by weight.
More often than not, “free-throwing” results in a heavier layer of toppings than
the recipe calls for. The reason: it’s always “safer” for a pie maker to put more
toppings on a pizza—especially if the maker is not the person paying the food
bill. No one calls to complain about too much cheese on a pizza!
Free throwing leads to inconsistent customer experiences and can create
unrealistic expectations for repeat business. It also directly impacts your bottom
line. Consider an operation that sells 1,600 pies per week:
x 1⁄2 oz. extra
($2.40 per pound)
= $120 in weekly savings which equates to $6,200 in annual savings
That’s just the cheese cost—the expense adds up quickly as measuring principles
are applied to other toppings!
General PortionTopping Guide
12" Pizza
14" Pizza
16" Pizza
Pizza Sauce (oz.)
Cheese (oz.)
Pepperoni (pc.)
Ham (pc.)
Bacon (oz.)
Measuring Must-Haves:
Cooked Sausage (oz.)
15-pound capacity)
Raw Bulk Sausage (oz.)
Salami (pc.)
Anchovy (pc.)
A cheat sheet is an easy-to-build
tool that clearly communicates
Taco Meat (oz.)
Peppers (oz.)
Onions (oz.)
Canned Mushrooms (oz.)
Diced Tomato (oz.)
Sliced Olives (oz.)
Pineapple (oz.)
Pepper Rings (oz.)
Dough (oz.)
topping portion sizes to staff. It
leaves no room for questions and
allows the operator to hold everyone
accountable for food costs.
Fresh Sliced Mushrooms (oz.)
L = Light
H = Heavy
Pricing for Success
Start with a Foundation of Value
It’s no surprise that price is a big part of customer satisfaction
when it comes to pizza. But “value” doesn’t mean cheap. It
means getting more per dollar spent—not necessarily fewer
dollars spent. You should set your pricing at a fair proportion
with the quality of product that you provide.
16" Large
Price it Like Popcorn
We can learn a lot from the local movie theater. For years,
cinemas have generated more profit by encouraging patrons to
spend “just another 50 cents” to get a free refill of popcorn. This
worked because customers only ordered popcorn once; they
didn’t come back to buy a second bag. This pricing structure
maximized customer spending—and operators gladly traded
another 45 cents’ worth of popcorn in exchange for an extra
nickel of profit.
Your pricing should work in a similar way: to entice customers
to buy more than they originally intended. Savvy operators
accomplish this by trading food cost percent in exchange for
real dollars. To illustrate:
If you could only take one order, which would you choose?
Order A
Order B
1 small pizza: $9.99
1 medium pizza: $12.99
Food Cost %: 30%
Food Cost %: 40%
Operator Profit: $7.00
Operator Profit: $7.80
14" Large
What’s in a Name?
Pizzas have been “downsized” over the
years. Operators commonly categorized a 14"
pizza as a “medium” in times past. Now it’s
typically branded a “large.” What this means:
if you’re offering a 16" large pizza and your
competitor is offering a 14" large pizza, the
consumer will perceive that your “large” is
30 percent more expensive.
Some operators have tried to avoid this
confusion by using only the actual inch
measurement as the name of the pizza.
The risk here is that customers who ask for a
“large” may be leaving their order open to the
interpretation of the person taking the order.
Write your menu and train your staff to use
Order B is the correct answer: Even though it has a higher
food cost percent, both the customer and operator come
out ahead. The operator makes more profit dollars and the
customer gets more pizza for their dollar—a fair exchange that
creates value for both parties!
both a name and a size.
For example:
Customer: “I’d like a large pizza.”
Employee: “That would be our 16" Hungry
Family pizza.”
Most Popular Appetizers
and Sides for Pizza
Options to Maximize Sales
Adopting a Sales Mindset
Technomic reports that 56
percent of consumers usually
order an appetizer or side
dish with their pizza. The
most popular choices:
Operators spend so much energy trying to get new customers that
it’s sometimes easy to overlook the opportunity represented by
each existing order. Your pricing should help maximize customer
spending, not get in the way of it. This requires three things:
1. A firm understanding of your food costs, across all toppings
and pie sizes
2. Consistently measuring ingredients from pie to pie
3. A well-trained team that is motivated to sell these options
French fries
Pasta entrée
Mozzarella sticks
Chicken/Buffalo wings
Garlic bread/breadsticks
44% 44%
Options include:
Encourage customers to go one size up for “just a little
more money.”
Encourage customers to get two smaller pizzas just the way they
want for just a little more money. This is especially effective when
customers are ordering half-toppings.
Encourage customers to get an extra topping or side (see sidebar
chart). The best way to do this is by leading the discussion.
Stating “extra cheese on that” rather than phrasing it as a
question will increase the chance of your customer agreeing
with the statement.
Feature Items
Offer a standard item at a reduced rate that gets customers in
the door. Then, rely on your quality ingredients and upselling
capabilities to drive higher value. This is especially effective in
offering special deals on kid-size pizzas with the purchase of
a deluxe adult-size pizza.
Promoting Pizza
Menus, Limited-Time Offers,
and Door Hangers
Building the Menu
Use your menu as a selling tool, not simply as an order
guide. Use descriptive words and photos to entice
customers when ordering.
Feature recipes using limited-time offer (LTOs) menus and
create tabletop merchandising to promote them. Statistics
show that operators see a significant increase in sales
when they utilize LTOs and table tents.
What items on your menu are the most profitable?
Those are your superstars. Draw attention to superstar
items by boxing, shading, or highlighting them. The
Ask your Gordon Food Service Customer Development
Specialist for more information on our Catalyst™ valueadded services that can help you design, lay out, and print
menus, door hangers, LTOs, coupons, and more.
menu size (one, two, or four pages) will determine
superstar placement.
Custom-Printed Pizza Boxes
Descriptive Menus
A pizza box is often the most visible expression of your
brand for customers. Custom-printed boxes provide an
opportunity to build strong brand recognition within your
It’s basic menu psychology: descriptive language can
increase sales and leave customers more satisfied at the
end of the meal than if they had eaten the same item
without the descriptive labeling. One study found that
descriptive menu language not only increased sales by
27 percent, it also increased customer satisfaction with
the meal.
market. You can also use them to market other menu
items and remind your customers that you also offer sub
sandwiches, wings, salads, and other items in addition to
pizza. You can even custom-print coupons on your boxes
to create loyalty programs and prompt return trips.
Instead of a traditional line-item menu, develop
menu descriptions that excite the mind as well as the
taste buds.
Menu Samples:
Descriptive Menu:
Line-Item Menu:
Margherita Pizza
Garlic and Asiago crust. Topped with
Roma tomatoes, basil, garlic, and an
Italian blend of cheeses.
16" - $14.79, 14" - $12.69, 12" - $11.49
,#.. .#.. &%#..
#,* &#%% &#'*
&#*% '#%% '#*%
Chicken Pesto Pizza
Spicy tomato sauce with a Parmesan
crust. Topped with chicken, pesto,
pinenuts, and Roma tomatoes.
16" - $18.99, 14" - $15.99, 12" - $13.99
Pizza Components
What Flour Should I Use?
It all depends on how you plan on using the flour.
Use the following as a general guideline:
Bread Flour
Functions of Flour
Provides structure
Provides elasticity and extensibility
Contributes to crust texture
Each of these parts plays an integral role in the performance of the
dough-making process. Too much elasticity will impact the dough’s
ability to lay out (think of a rubber band). Too much extensibility
will cause the dough to not retain its strength. Knowing how both
elasticity and extensibility plays into the doughmaking process is critical.
Flour Additives
The government requires all flour makers to declare,
on the ingredient statement, what is in the flour.
Below are the primary additives you would
Protein (often known as gluten) is the
key factor in the type of dough you
should use. However, it is not only the
quality of protein but the quality level
of the protein. There are not established
standards for protein quality so it is
important for you to understand the actual
there is no standard
of definition for protein
levels. Your “high-gluten”
may be another brand’s
quantity and quality of the protein in your flour.
typically see.
Gluten = Flour Protein + Water + Mixing
Flour Type
the flour
Bleaching Agents
All-Purpose (aka H&R)
the flour
Maturing Agents
Protein Level
While dough is not typically a “flavor” carrier for a pizza, it is the
foundation on which every great pizza is built. There are several
platforms to discuss in determining what is best for an operator.
As pizza dough is a “living” ingredient, you must handle it with care
to ensure the best possible outcome. Given this, the decision on
which crust format is best for you may ultimately be determined
by the interaction of your staff, equipment, and facility.
Did You Know?
Elastic or “springy” dough can be caused by:
High-Protein Flour
protein content
current flour
Under-mixed Dough
Format Options
additional time)
Scratch involves combining primarily shelf-stable products to create
a uniquely customized recipe. The scratch process is often very
labor-intensive, but it can also produce a very high-quality product
and it will result in a lower food cost per crust. There are other
cost factors to consider, too. For example, mixers and proof boxes
may be necessary to garner your desired result. Consistency must
be addressed, as the product will need to be handled in a similar
Unrelaxed Dough
minutes before final rolling or pressing
Too Cold
before using
fashion batch after batch.
Dough Balls
Easier production and cleanup make
dough balls less labor-intensive
than scratch. They’re also less
expensive than sheeted or parbaked options. However, they need
a freezer for storage, they allow
less customization, and their rise
performance can be affected.
is an IW
Dough Ball?
A dough ball that has been
individually wrapped and then
case packed. The advantage:
you pull and thaw only
what is needed for a
day’s business.
Frozen Sheeted Dough
(Freezer to Oven [FTO] or Proof and Bake)
Sheeted dough delivers an edge in convenience and speed.
However, it will cost more and does not typically allow for
customization. FTO sheeted dough is just what it says: remove it
from the freezer, add your sauce, cheese, and toppings, and bake.
Proof and Bake sheeted dough still needs time to proof. You can
use a proof box, or lay the dough out on a sheet pan and cover it
anywhere it would be exposed to temperatures greater than 32˚F.
Did You Know?
Bubbling in your crust could be caused by
under- or over-proofing of the dough?
Over-proofing may be caused by too much
yeast, storage temperatures that are too high,
or too much fermentation time.
Under-proofing may be caused by too little
or dead yeast, too little fermentation time,
or water or storage temperatures that are
too cold.
To help prevent bubbling, use a dough
docker to “dimple” the dough and release
trapped gases.
Cheese is basically fat, moisture, and salt. Nevertheless, it is a
complex, highly subjective food. It’s also the most expensive
ingredient on a pizza. So you can see why understanding cheese is
critical for any operation.
Advantages of Pre-Shredded Cheese
1. Labor: Shredding your own blends
takes time, training, and experience.
You should honestly assess your staff’s
ability to consistently perform this task
when deciding between loaves and
2. Food Safety: There is no need to
clean or de-clump the shredder blades
with ready-to-use.
3. Waste: Five pounds bought = five
pounds used with shredded or
diced cheese. Waste will occur when
shredding loaf cheese that has reached
room temperature. The cheese will
soften, making it difficult to shred.
Product will get caught in the shredder
Types of Cheese
Loaf cheeses can come in a 20-pound block or five-pound brick.
The cheese is typically packed in a moisture-proof material to
prevent drying. Loaves are less expensive than shredded cheese
varieties on a per pound basis, but labor costs will be higher—
loaves must be shredded, diced, and/or mixed on site.
Air is removed from the bag and replaced by nitrogen or carbon
dioxide. This helps eliminate mold from forming on the product.
Gas-flushed cheese (i.e., value-added) can come in shredded or
diced forms.
Also known as Individually Quick Frozen (IQF). Freezing extends
the shelf life of a cheese to six months or more. Frozen cheeses are
made with higher moisture content to compensate for the moisture
lost in the freeze/thaw process. Once thawed, the cheese should
be used within 72 hours.
or become unusable.
Cheese Blends
4. Consistency: With pre-shredded or
diced cheese blends, you are going to
get the exact same ratio of cheese every
time. Additionally, the consistency of
the shred or dice size will enable the
cheese to melt the same on every pizza,
every time.
Want to stand out from the competition?
Consider using a cheese blend. You can
make your own or purchase a readyto-use blend. Try a mozzarella/
provolone, whole-milk/part-skim
mozzarella, mozzarella/provolone/
Muenster, or a five-cheese blend.
Without incurring a lot of additional
cost, you’ll add a unique flavor that
gives your pies that wow factor.
Freezing fresh cheese is
not recommended. Moisture
will be lost during the freeze/
thaw process and the product
specifications will be altered.
Performance will
inevitably change.
Cheese Specifications
Fat Level
2. Texture and Stretch
The levels of fat, moisture, and age play a key role in
the finished performance of cheese on a pie. Fat and
moisture are directly correlated: the more fat, the less
moisture, and vice versa. Understanding this helps
We mentioned earlier that cheese is a highly subjective
food. When it comes to texture, the cooked cheese
should be properly gooey—not too tough and not too
soft—but the “correct” texture is up to you and your
determine which cheese is ideal for your operation.
customers. As for stretch, it’s an essential part of the
pizza experience. All cheeses will stretch to some degree,
but mozzarella provides the best stretch for pizza, making
it a must for cheese blends.
Higher Fat Cheeses include whole-milk mozzarella,
provolone, Muenster, and Cheddar. These cheeses
release more oil/fat in the cooking process, deliver
a creamier appearance, and possess a more
“buttery” flavor.
3. Color
Optimum color depends on your individual preference.
Keep in mind that the color of the cheese in your
Lower Fat Cheeses, like part-skim mozzarella, release
less oil/fat. There are fewer buttery notes in the flavor.
blends affects the color of the cheese on your pizza.
For example, Cheddar in a
cheese blend will produce
a more golden color in the
finished pizza.
Evaluating Cheese
What to consider
when you’re testing
pizza recipes:
1. Melt and Flow
Did your cheese
melt and flow well
4. Browning
Over- or under-melting may
be a symptom of cheese age.
Under-melting typically happens
with cheese that is too young;
over-melting can be a symptom
of cheese that is at the end of its
shelf life. The ideal age pizza
cheese is around
25–45 days.
Again, your preference is
what matters. Some
operators prefer no visible
browning on the cheese,
others like the cheese slightly
browned. Nobody wants
the large, dark blisters that
characterize burning.
enough to cover the
pizza? Did it become
overly runny and mix
with the sauce? Or did it
peak from under-melting,
leaving the outline of the
5. Coverage
The cheese should fully cover the pizza and look
original shape of the cheese
pieces? The cheeses that
flow and melt the best are
relatively high in moisture
and fat. For example,
whole-milk mozzarella
performs better than
part-skim mozzarella.
solid, not transparent. A transparent look may give an
impression of small portioning.
6. Flavor
Certainly, this is the most subjective factor of all. You will
want to judge how the cheese complements the flavor of
your crust, sauce, and toppings.
Evaluating Cheese, continued >>
Evaluating Cheese (cont.)
7. Greasiness
When evaluating a cheese pizza, the cheese may appear to
be watery but it is actually the fat oiling off the cheese. This
may indicate that 1) the cheese has matured to a point that
it’s starting to break down, 2) the cheese has a very high fat
percentage (mix with a part-skim cheese to prevent this), or
3) the oven is not hot enough to fully bake the pie.
Hint: Always test a new cheese blend on a pizza with sauce only.
Pepperoni, sausage, and other meats may oil off and fool you into
thinking cheese is the culprit.
8. Holding Ability
As pizza cools down, the cheese begins to set up and become
firmer. This is natural and will occur with all cheeses. You
should evaluate how long the cheese retains full color and soft
texture when kept in a warmer or delivery bag. You don’t want
it to become hard or transparent before your takeout customer
gets home.
Most of these measurements are subjective. What should not
be subjective is the consistency of the cheese you purchase!
Why is there water on my cheese after I
bake it? The water is not from the cheese,
but from the ingredients you are applying
(mushrooms, onions, pineapple, etc.). You
should review the way to drain toppings
before applying them to a pizza (see page 17).
What is powdered cellulose?
An anti-caking agent used to prevent cheese
from clumping together after the product is
shredded or diced. It is an odorless, tasteless
powder and makes up two percent or less of
the finished product.
What is natamycin?
A preservative that many cheese producers
add to inhibit mold growth and extend shelf
life. If it is used, it MUST be declared on the
ingredient statement.
Tomatoes & Sauces
Sauce is one of the least expensive ingredients in pizza,
yet it typically provides the highest level of flavor. Many
operators boast of “secret recipes” and “family traditions”
when describing their sauces. With so much passion in
You may see a listing
for “specific gravity”
on paste and purée
labels. This is the weight of the
product compared to water. For
example, a specific gravity of
1.07 means the weight of the
product is 1.07 times greater
than the equal volume of
water. Higher specific gravity
There are three primary forms of tomato products
and sauces:
means a higher solids content,
which in turn means a thicker
this category you can see why understanding tomato
products and sauces is necessary.
Sauce Features
1. Single Strength
The primary types of singlestrength products are
whole, diced/chopped,
and crushed/ground
tomatoes. These products
deliver maximum fresh
tomato flavor, but they have
or crushed/ground
tomatoes instead of
whole peeled tomatoes
will increase your usable
product yield between
20–45 percent.
high water content and must be
boiled down to the proper thickness. This process may
cause much of the flavor and aroma to dissipate in the air.
You can avoid this by combining single-strength products
with a paste, purée, or further processed sauce.
2. Concentrated
Pastes and purées are considered concentrated products.
They are made by crushing mature red tomatoes, straining
out the skins and seeds (called insoluble solids), and
reducing the remaining liquid (which contain soluble
solids) to a concentrated form. The difference between
paste and purée is the percentage of soluble solids. Per
the USDA, tomato purée must contain between 8.0 and
23.9 percent soluble solids. Tomato paste must contain 24
percent or higher.
Heavy, or Extra
Heavy are marketing
terms that are not regulated
by any governing body. In
order to identify the quality
level, you must investigate
the solid content and
specific gravity of the
product. Thicker products cost
more per case, but they provide a higher
finished yield. So your price per serving will be equal to or
better than a lower quality product.
3. Ready-To-Use Pizza Sauce
Pizza sauce is another kind of concentrated or processed
product. It is essentially the concentrated juice of ripe
tomatoes. The main advantage is consistency. Some pizza
sauces also include additional flavorings. Unlike paste and
purée, there are no USDA specifications for pizza sauces.
There are generally two kinds of pizza sauce: 1) Fresh,
which is made from fresh tomatoes that go through a
single-stage process in which the product is crushed, then
cooked and packed, and 2) Remanufactured, which is
a double-stage process in which tomatoes are crushed,
cooked, packed in
bulk, and diluted in water.
Then they are cooked again
and packed.
Fresh sauces typically
boast a brighter color, fuller
body, and flavor along with
lesser tendency to bleed.
Remanufacturing can result in a
darker color and less flavor.
Pizza sauce
labels are not required to
declare if a product is fresh
or remanufactured. However,
suppliers of fresh product will
often put “packed from fresh
tomatoes” on the label
or case.
Quality Considerations
As with any food category, tomato products and sauces can
sometimes exhibit poor quality. These are the primary reasons
for poor quality:
1. Excessive time between harvesting and
processing. The sooner the product gets from field
to can, the less chance the product will develop sour
overtones and an off flavor.
2. Excessive heat during cooking process. Tomatoes
cooked at higher temperatures may develop a burnt,
off flavor and darker color.
3. Poor tomato quality and/or inadequate sorting
capabilities. The old adage “Garbage in, garbage out”
applies here.
4. Excessive additives. Be on the lookout for stabilizers.
They are added to thicken the product but will result in
poorer quality.
Alternative Sauces
Tomato-based sauces are by far the most prevalent on pizza
menus across America, but the 2009 Pizza Industry Study
reports that alternative sauces are on the rise, with barbecue,
garlic butter, and Alfredo topping the list. More than 60 percent
of pizzeria operators reported serving a barbecue-flavored
sauce, up 20 percent compared with the 2007 study. Twice as
many operators reported serving Alfredo or garlic-butter sauces
compared with two years ago. Ranch dressing, olive oil, hot
sauce, Asian Kung Pao sauce, Hispanic mole sauce, and even
yellow mustard are being used on pizzas today.
Product Evaluation
Additional Ingredients
It is important to understand the proper method for performing
tomato product and sauce evaluations. We recommend evaluating
the product both uncooked and cooked.
Every operator has a unique recipe
for creating a signature sauce. If
you’re looking for ideas to modify
your sauce recipe, try adding one of
these ingredients:
Evaluating Raw Products
1. Perform under natural light when possible. This will enable you
to see the true color of the product. Look for a vibrant, red color.
A dark appearance may indicate the product was cooked at a
high temperature or overcooked. Less flavor is the usual result.
1. Spices
2. Pepper
3. Garlic and onion
4. Salt
2. Look for skin or seed content. Seeds will add a bitter taste to
the product.
5. Sugar
6. Olive oil
7. Grated hard cheeses
3. Smell it. The aroma should be clean and pleasing.
8. Vegetables (puréed)
4. Do a taste test. Hold a spoonful of the
product on your tongue for
30 seconds, then swallow. The flavor
should be fresh and tangy, yet
sweet. Poor quality products will
taste dull, buttery, overly acidic,
or sour.
9. Meat and meat bases
If you’re
comparing different
products, always taste the
one that doesn’t contain citric
acid first. Otherwise, the acid
taste will linger in your mouth
and you won’t get a
true taste of the
next product.
5. Check the texture. Purées
should feel velvety smooth
and creamy in your mouth. A pizza
sauce should be slightly rougher yet still pleasing.
6. Check consistency: pour a cup of sauce on a white plate and
let it sit for 30 minutes. A high-quality sauce will show minimal
bleeding around the edges.
Evaluating Baked Products
1. Make two pies with everything the same except for the tomato
2. Make a full batch of sauce. Do not make a half batch—you want
to test the product exactly as it will be prepared for customers.
3. Evaluate the overall flavor and aroma, the sauce color and
appearance, the sauce consistency (i.e., thickness or wateriness),
and the sauce texture (smoothness, roughness).
10. Wine and other liquids
(red wine vinegar or
lemon juice)
11. Flavoring sauces
(hot and barbecue)
Toppings complete the pizza. They add flavor and
build the ticket price. A near-infinite variety of
ingredients can be used to top pizzas. We’re going to
focus on the most popular in this section.
Meat Toppings
Meat toppings are available in fresh, frozen, cooked,
raw, and other forms. You need to decide which
works best for the setup of your operation.
Sausage Toppings
Pepperoni Toppings
Product Form: Sausage is available in crumbles, chunks,
and pieces, which are referred to in terms of pieces per
ounce. It is also sold in raw bulk form.
Product Form: Pepperoni is available in traditional slices
and as a diced product.
Slice Count per Ounce: Pepperoni slices are measured
Piece Count per Ounce: A product identified as “20/Z”
contains 20 sausage pieces per ounce. The smaller the
count per ounce, the larger the sausage pieces. Larger
like sausage, except it’s slices per ounce instead of pieces
per ounce.
pieces have a better taste and flavor. The smaller pieces
do not have as much surface to deliver the same taste
experience as larger pieces.
Pepperoni Diameter: Along with slice count per ounce,
Raw vs. Cooked: Raw product can be pinched and
placed under cheese for cooking in the pizza oven. It
can also be pre-cooked and crumbled prior to use as a
topping. Cooked product is available in two forms:
1) Oven-Baked, which shrinks during the manufacturing
process, but not in the pizza oven; and
2) Water-Cooked, which shrinks up to 30 percent in the
pizza oven as the water evaporates.
pepperoni slices have a diameter size, which is measured
in millimeters. The larger the diameter, the more topping
coverage the pepperoni delivers. Some smaller diameter
pepperoni products are formulated to cup and char
around the edges. This pepperoni allows the fat to pool in
the cup that is created when the pepperoni cooks.
Regional Preferences: Most of the United States prefers
a mild pepperoni that is slightly sweeter in taste.
Regional Sausage Preferences:
Italian flavor.
Fruit & Vegetable Toppings
Fruits and vegetables are typically available in fresh or canned
forms for topping pizzas. Either is perfectly acceptable, so it comes
down to personal preference and the setup of your operation.
Moisture considerations apply to both options.
The Role of Moisture
Excessive moisture ultimately leads to unnecessary burn on the top
of a pie. Fruits and vegetables tend to have higher moisture content
than many proteins. In addition, it’s important to thoroughly rinse
fresh produce used for pizza toppings. Tips to minimize moisture:
Surface Moisture: Make sure fruit and vegetable toppings
have been adequately dried prior to cooking, whether they’re
fresh or canned.
Internal Moisture: Apply gentle pressure to fruits and
vegetables in order to get rid of any excess moisture that may
be trapped inside.
Thinner Slices: Replace your current product with a more
thinly sliced option. This will provide better coverage with less
product, and reduce the amount of excess moisture.
A Focus on Mushrooms
Mushrooms, the most popular vegetable topping, are comprised of
90 percent moisture. So the potential burn impact is significantly
greater. Consider the following when utilizing mushrooms as a
pizza topping:
Reduce Excessive Moisture: Canned mushrooms should
be well drained in order to eliminate the moisture already
contained in the can. Fresh mushrooms should be rinsed
very quickly in order to avoid the “sponge effect” inherent
to mushrooms.
Allow Product to Dry: Both fresh and canned product should
be given ample drying time to further reduce the risk of
excess moisture.
Thin vs. Thick: Consider a more thinly sliced mushroom
(1⁄4" vs. 3⁄8") in order to get better coverage on the pizza pie
while using less mushroom tissue.
Stand Out From the Crowd
A lot of restaurants serve pizza. Very few serve great pizza. You want
to be the place that everyone recognizes as the best in town.
Gordon Food Service can help you get there, with a broad range of
products, in-depth information, and knowledgeable advice. We can
help you launch, grow, or evolve your operation to the next level. For
additional support, contact your Customer Development Specialist.
P.O. Box 1s'RAND2APIDS-)s7
Doughs &Crusts
Primo Gusto® Ultra Thin Pizza Crusts, 9"
707840 30 ct.
Primo Gusto Ultra Thin Pizza Crusts, 12"
707850 30 ct.
Primo Gusto Ultra Thin Pizza Crusts, 14"
707860 30 ct.
Primo Gusto Ultra Thin Pizza Crusts, 16"
707870 30 ct.
Primo Gusto Thin Pizza Crusts, 9"
707880 26 ct.
Primo Gusto Thin Pizza Crusts, 12"
707890 26 ct.
Primo Gusto Thin Pizza Crusts, 14"
707900 26 ct.
Primo Gusto Thin Pizza Crusts, 16"
707910 26 ct.
Primo Gusto Traditional Pizza Crusts, 7"
707920 72 ct.
Primo Gusto Traditional Pizza Crusts, 12"
707930 18 ct.
Primo Gusto Traditional Pizza Crusts, 14"
707940 18 ct.
Primo Gusto Traditional Pizza Crusts, 12" x 16"
707950 20 ct.
Primo Gusto Traditional Pizza Crusts, 16"
707960 18 ct.
Primo Gusto Sicilian Pizza Crusts, 7"
707980 4/12 ct.
Primo Gusto Sicilian Pizza Crusts, 9"
707990 12 ct.
Primo Gusto Sicilian Pizza Crusts, 12"
708010 12 ct.
Primo Gusto Sicilian Pizza Crusts, 14"
708020 12 ct.
Primo Gusto Sicilian Pizza Crusts, 16"
708030 12 ct.
Primo Gusto Crusts are hand-formed in thin,
traditional, and Sicilian styles. Made from
live-yeast cultures to ensure a crisp base and a
light texture, our crusts are sure to please pizzalovers of all types.
Dough Balls
Primo Gusto Traditional Dough Balls
108890 44/8 oz.
Primo Gusto Traditional Dough Balls
108900 36/10 oz.
Primo Gusto Traditional Dough Balls
108910 26/13 oz.
Primo Gusto Traditional Dough Balls
108920 20/17 oz.
Primo Gusto Traditional Dough Balls
108930 18/20 oz.
Primo Gusto Traditional Dough Balls
751367 14/26 oz.
Primo Gusto Focaccia Dough Balls
620500 22/16 oz.
Preformed with the freshest ingredients, each
frozen dough ball is then individually wrapped so
you use only what you need. Simple to prepare, just
thaw, form, and bake.
Sheeted Pizza Dough
Rich’s Oven-Rising Sheeted Pizza Dough, 7"
724610 72 ct.
Rich’s Oven-Rising Sheeted Pizza Dough, 12"
722080 24 ct.
Rich’s Oven-Rising Sheeted Pizza Dough, 14"
724530 20 ct.
Rich’s Oven-Rising Sheeted Pizza Dough, 16"
626930 20 ct.
Flat Bread
Fabulous Flats Tandoori Naan Bread, 4.4 oz.
737760 6/8 ct.
Flatout Thin Crust Flatbread, 5" x 15"
811461 2/24 ct.
Rich’s Oven-Fired Thin Flatbread, 12"
714080 50 ct.
Rich’s Oven-Fired Flatbread, 7"
553491 12/10 ct.
Father’s Table Loco Bread, 6.5"
700960 12/12 ct.
Father’s Table Whole Grain Loco Bread, 6.5"
696831 12/12 ct.
Smoked Chicken, Yellow Pepper
& Sun-dried Tomato Pizza
Primo Gusto High-Gluten Enriched Flour
227439 2/25 lb.
Yield: 1 Pizza
Reorder No.
Primo Gusto Crust and Bread Flour
722050 50 lb.
Primo Gusto Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Basil Pesto Sauce
Sun-dried Tomatoes
Yellow Peppers, cut into strips
Julienne Chicken Breast Strips
Primo Gusto Thin Pizza Crust
Mozzarella Cheese Balls, cubed
GFS ® Fresh Basil, chopped
GFS Iodized Salt
Trade East ® Ground Black Pepper
3 tbsp.
1 oz.
3 ct.
1 ct.
6 oz.
1 ct.
5 oz.
2 tbsp.
¼ tsp.
¼ tsp.
Preparation Instructions
Wash hands. Wash all fresh, unpackaged produce under cool running
water; drain well. In a sauté pan, combine olive oil, pesto, sun-dried
tomatoes, peppers, and chicken. Sauté until chicken is warm and
the peppers are tender. Spread mixture over the crust and top with
cubed mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle with basil and salt and pepper to
taste. Bake 8–10 minutes or until golden brown.
Tomatoes & Sauces
Whole Tomatoes
Classic Cut Tomatoes (cont.)
GFS® California Whole Peeled Tomatoes
100323 6/#10
GFS Tomato Purée
100242 6/#10
GFS Midwest Whole Peeled Tomatoes
299189 6/#10
GFS California Tomato Purée
270091 6/#10
Kitchen Essentials® Standard Whole
Peeled Tomatoes
498851 6/#10
GFS Sliced Stewed Tomatoes
282057 6/#10
Primo Gusto® California Whole Peeled
Pear Tomatoes
515973 6/#10
Classic Cut Tomatoes
GFS Midwest Crushed Tomatoes
275492 6/#10
GFS California Diced Tomatoes in Juice
100366 6/#10
GFS Midwest Diced Tomatoes in Juice
246131 6/#10
GFS Midwest Recipe-Style Diced Tomatoes
316571 6/#10
GFS California Tomato Paste
100196 6/#10
Primo Gusto Recipe-Cut California
Tomato Strips
667196 6/#10
Primo Gusto Concentrated Crushed Tomatoes
505234 6/#10
Primo Gusto California Tomato Purée
496065 6/#10
Primo Gusto Diced Pear Tomatoes
168998 6/#10
El Verano Sabro Diced Salsa-Style Tomatoes
677108 6/#10
Escalon Ground Tomatoes
496022 6/#10
GFS Marinara Sauce
219190 12/#5
GFS Marinara Sauce
144215 6/#10
GFS California Pizza Sauce with Basil
100234 6/#10
GFS Spaghetti Sauce
144207 6/#10
GFS California Tomato Sauce
100269 6/#10
GFS Midwest Tomato Sauce
306347 6/#10
Primo Gusto Pasta Sauce
667234 6/#10
Primo Gusto California Pizza Sauce with Basil
496073 6/#10
Primo Gusto Pizza Sauce, Ready-to-use
231754 6/#10
Primo Gusto Pizza Sauce with Cheese, Ready-to-use
168971 6/#10
Primo Gusto Deluxe Marinara Sauce
190969 6/#10
Santa Fe Southwest Pizza
Primo Gusto Smooth Marinara Sauce
231762 6/#10
Yield: 1 Pizza
Reorder No.
Primo Gusto Alfredo Sauce, Frozen
245860 12/2.5 lb.
GFS Enchilada Sauce
Primo Gusto Ultra Thin Pizza Crust, thawed
GFS Feather Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
Hearthstone ® Taco Filling
Large Green Peppers, diced
Diced Onions, 1⁄4" cut
Primo Gusto Sliced Ripe Olives
GFS Roma Tomatoes, diced
6 1⁄2 flz.
1 ct.
11 oz.
8 oz.
2 oz.
2 oz.
2 oz.
6 1⁄2 oz.
Primo Gusto Pizza Sauce Mix
505242 24/7.5 oz.
Allegro Italian Pizza Sauce
147826 6/#10
Allegro Tuscano Sauce
601527 6/#10
Preparation Instructions
Bonta Pizza Sauce with Basil
496014 6/#10
Cristofo Colombo Pizza Sauce with Basil
136570 6/#10
Wash hands. Wash all fresh, unpackaged produce under cool
running water; drain well. Spread enchilada sauce evenly over the
pizza crust. Top with the shredded Mexican blend cheese. Evenly
distribute the taco fi lling, green peppers, onions, olives, and
tomatoes. Bake until golden brown.
Primo Gusto® Shredded
544043 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Part Skim/
Muenster (66/33)
574139† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Low-Moisture
Part Skim/Brick (70/30)
158941† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Part Skim/
Provolone (50/50)
529249† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Low-Moisture
Part Skim/Muenster (66/33)
514624† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Part Skim/
White Cheddar/Provolone (80/10/10)
661589† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Part Skim/
Whole Milk (50/50)
679750† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Pizza/Provolone/
Muenster (60/20/20)
590185† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Muenster/Mozzarella—
Part Skim (70/30)
695645† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Whole Milk/
Part Skim (50/50)
193600† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella—Low-Moisture
Part Skim/Light Smoked Provolone (50/50)
441767† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Mozzarella/Provolone/
Muenster (60/20/20)
654108† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Pizza/Provolone/
Muenster (60/20/20)
537691† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Four Cheese Blend—Pizza/Smoked
Provolone/White Cheddar/Asiago (60/20/15/5)
569992† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Five Cheese Blend—MozzarellaLow-Moisture Part Skim/Fontina/White
Cheddar/Asiago/Romano (55/20/20/4/1)
571636† 4/5 lb.
Grande Mozzarella/Provolone (50/50)
6/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Parmesan/Romano (70/30)
164267 4/5 lb.
GFS® Loaf, 2% Whole Milk
262331 2/6 lb. avg.
GFS Loaf, 3% Whole Milk
2/6 lb. avg.
Primo Gusto Loaf, Low-Moisture Part Skim
324841 8/6 lb. avg.
Primo Gusto Loaf, Whole Milk
209872 8/6 lb. avg.
Mozzarella (CONT.)
Primo Gusto Diced, Low-Moisture Part Skim
514616† 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Feather Shredded, Low-Moisture Part Skim
421812 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Feather Shredded, Whole Milk
780995† 4/5 lb.
Grande Loaf, Part Skim
200891 8/7 lb. avg.
Grande Loaf, Whole Milk
200956 8/7 lb. avg.
Grande Diced, Part Skim
200913 6/5 lb.
Grande Diced, Whole Milk
200867 6/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Shaved
140560 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Grated
164259 12/1 lb.
The Product of
Master Cheesemakers
Primo Gusto Grated
445401 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Fancy Shredded
460095 10/2 lb.
Most Primo Gusto cheeses are created by Master Cheesemakers,
who are some of the fi nest cheese craftsmen in the world. Trained
in the long-standing traditions of European cheesemaking, Master
Cheesemakers adhere to the highest cheesemaking standards in the
United States. There are only 19 Master Cheesemakers in the U.S.
certified in Italian cheeses, five of them support Primo Gusto.
Pecorino Romano
Primo Gusto Grated
324094 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Salami-Style Loaf, Unsmoked
488372 3/12 lb. avg.
Primo Gusto Salami-Style Loaf, Unsmoked
724408 6/6 lb. avg.
Rigorous Training
Certification as a Master Cheesemaker requires the most ambitious
and rigorous advanced training program in the country, including:
Primo Gusto Salami-Style Loaf, Lightly Smoked
324876 3/12 lb avg.
cheesemaker seeks certification
Primo Gusto Feather Shredded, Smoked
578096 4/5 lb.
cheesemaker seeks certification
Provo-Nello Provolone Cheese
200948 4/7 lb. avg.
The program is administered by the Center for Dairy Research at
the University of Wisconsin.
The Delicious Result
Primo Gusto Whole Milk, Whipped
550922 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Part Skim, Whipped
512265 2/5 lb.
Once Master Cheesemaker status is achieved for a cheese variety,
the cheese can be designated on the label as made by a Master
Cheesemaker. It’s your assurance of the highest-quality cheese
you can buy.
Primo Gusto Chicago-Style
705098 2/5 lb.
† The product of Master Cheesemakers.
Pepperoni Slices
Primo Gusto® Italian Sausage, Large, 10/oz.
599395 10 lb.
GFS® Sliced Pepperoni, 14–16 slices/oz.
729973 2/12.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Italian Sausage, Medium, 20/oz.
599441 10 lb.
GFS Sliced Pepperoni, 14–16 slices/oz.
729981 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Italian Sausage
with TVP, Medium, 20/oz.
599468 10 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Pepperoni, Petite (39 mm),
18–20 slices/oz.
730025 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Italian Sausage with TVP,
Petite, 40/oz.
499552 10 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Pepperoni, Regular (45 mm),
14–16 slices/oz.
730017 25 lb.
Primo Gusto Beef Crumbles
with 20% TVP, Petite, 80/oz.
499587 10 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Pepperoni, Regular (45 mm),
10 slices/oz.
730009 25 lb.
Primo Gusto Beef Crumbles
with 12% TVP, Petite, 80/oz.
604291 10 lb.
Hormel Diced Pepperoni, 1⁄4"
101070 10 lb.
Primo Gusto Pork Crumbles
with TVP, Petite, 80/oz.
499595 10 lb.
Hormel Sliced Pepperoni, 16 slices/oz.
100240 2/5 lb.
Hormel Sliced Pepperoni, 18 slices/oz.
126896 2/12.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Hot Italian Sausage
789840 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Italian Sausage
789830 2/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Diced Bacon, 1⁄8"
365640 2/5 lb.
Fontanini Italian Sausage Chunks
499498 3/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Diced Bacon, 1⁄4"
365650 2/5 lb.
Fontanini Beef Crumbles
208213 2/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Diced Bacon, 1⁄2"
357240 6/3 lb.
Fontanini Pork Crumbles
148644 3/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Diced Bacon, 3⁄4"
365850 2/5 lb.
Pork (cont.)
Spices (cont.)
Vegetables & Fruit (cont.)
GFS Diced Ham, Water Added, 1⁄4"
199834 3/4 lb.
Trade East Ground Oregano
513725 12 oz.
Markon Sliced Onions, 3⁄16" cut
591122 2/5 lb.
GFS Sliced Ham for Pizza, 64/lb.
140228 4/2.5 lb.
Trade East Crushed Red Pepper
430196 12 oz.
Markon Sliced Red Onions, 1⁄8" cut
313157 2/3 lb.
GFS Flaked Ham, Water Added
199958 3/4 lb.
To-Go Toppings
Markon Onion Strips, 3⁄16" cut
844012 2/5 lb.
Hormel Diced Bacon Topping, 3⁄8"
104396 2/5 lb.
Parmesan Cheese Packets
254959 200/3.5 gm.
Markon Green Peppers, 1⁄2" cut
283959 2/3 lb.
Hormel Diced Bacon Topping, 1"
827002 10 lb.
Crushed Red Pepper Packets
118772 500/1 gm.
Markon Green Pepper Strips, 3⁄16" cut
442151 2/3 lb.
Hormel Cooked Ground Ham
158850 10 lb.
Vegetables & Fruit
Markon Green Pepper Strips, 3⁄4" cut
849995 2/3 lb.
Markon® Bite-Sized Broccoli Florets
732451 2/3 lb.
GFS Cooked Diced Natural
Pulled Chicken, 1"
Markon Regular-Cut Broccoli Florets
732478 4/3 lb.
Contains 60% white meat to 40% dark meat.
290599 10 lb.
Markon Sliced Zucchini, 1⁄4" cut
485705 3/3 lb.
GFS Cooked Diced Natural
Pulled Chicken, 1⁄2"
Markon Portobello Mushroom Caps
717762 3 lb.
Contains 20% white meat to 80% dark meat.
527629 10 lb.
GFS Cooked Diced Natural
Pulled Chicken, 1⁄2"
Contains 60% white meat to 40% dark meat.
Markon Sliced Mushrooms, 1⁄8" cut
285196 10 lb.
Markon Sliced Mushrooms, 3⁄16" cut
759309 10 lb.
Markon Sliced Mushrooms, 3⁄16" cut
242055 5 lb.
313262 10 lb.
GFS Fajita Chicken Breast Strips
763041 6/3 lb.
GFS Domestic Mushroom Stems & Pieces
119024 6/#10
Tyson Julienne Grilled Fajita
Chicken Breast Strips
481858 2/5 lb.
GFS Imported Mushroom Stems & Pieces
565563 6/#10
GFS Imported Mushroom Stems & Pieces
182530 6/#10
GFS Cooked Salad Shrimp
332194 4/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Green Manzanilla Olives
275263 4/1 gal.
Primo Gusto Sliced Ripe Spanish Olives
324531 6/#10
Trade East® Salad Seasoning with Cheese
514063 23 oz.
Trade East Vegetable Seasoning, No
Salt Added
647230 21 oz.
Markon Diced Roma Tomatoes, 3⁄8" cut
786543 2/5 lb.
Sliced Tomatoes, 1⁄4" cut
786535 5 lb.
GFS Hot Banana Pepper Rings
466251 4/1 gal.
GFS Mild Banana Pepper Rings
466220 4/1 gal.
Marconi Green Sport Peppers
234761 4/1 gal.
Jalapeño Peppers
303186 10 lb.
GFS Pineapple Chunks in Juice
189952 6/#10
GFS Unsweetened Pineapple
Tidbits in Juice
189979 6/#10
GFS Pineapple Tidbits in Juice
612464 6/#10
Dole Pineapple Tidbits in Juice
509221 6/#10
Diced Green Onions, 1⁄4" cut
319228 2/3 lb.
Markon Diced Onions, 1⁄2" cut
426059 2/5 lb.
Markon Diced Onions, 1⁄4" cut
198307 2/5 lb.
Trade East Garlic Herb Seasoning,
No Salt Added
565164 19 oz.
Trade East Whole Italian Herb Seasoning
428574 6 oz.
Trade East Italian Spaghetti Seasoning
413453 12 oz.
Markon Onion Rings, 3⁄8" cut
321346 2/5 lb.
Markon Red Onion Rings, 1⁄4" cut
429198 2/5 lb.
Trade East Garlic Bread Seasoning
655279 20 oz.
Boxes & Supplies
Dis posables
GFS® Printed Pizza Boxes
Pizza Saver
B-flute construction, white outside, kraft inside,
printed cover.
461900 50 ct.
7" x 7" x 13/4"
461910 50 ct.
10" x 10" x 13/4"
461920 50 ct.
12" x 12" x 13/4"
461930 50 ct.
14" x 14" x 13/4"
461940 50 ct.
16" x 16" x 13/4"
461950 50 ct.
18" x 18" x 13/4"
GFS Chicago Folder-Style Pizza Boxes
White outside, kraft inside 1.875" depth, made from
100 percent post-consumer recycled liner board.
462000 50 ct.
462010 50 ct.
462020 50 ct.
462040 50 ct.
462050 50 ct.
Kitchen Essentials® White on Kraft
Pizza Boxes
B-flute construction unprinted, made from
100 percent post-consumer recycled liner board.
501891 50 ct.
7" x 7" x 13/4"
516406 50 ct.
9" x 9" x 13/4"
471356 50 ct.
10" x 10" x 13/4"
505331 50 ct.
10" x 14" x 2"
471364 50 ct.
12" x 12" x 13/4"
471372 50 ct.
14" x 14" x 13/4"
471399 50 ct.
16" x 16" x 13/4"
686182 50 ct.
20" x 20" x 13/4"
Kitchen Essentials Kraft on Kraft
Pizza Boxes
B-flute construction, made from 100 percent
post-consumer recycled liner board.
461960 50 ct.
10" x 10" x 13/4"
461971 50 ct.
12" x 12" x 13/4"
461980 50 ct.
14" x 14" x 13/4"
461990 50 ct.
16" x 16" x 13/4"
1,000 ct. Pizza Saver
Pizza Bag
1,000 ct. White Pizza Bags, 14"
“Piece-A-Pizza” Tainer
300 ct.
100 ct.
100 ct.
100 ct.
6-Cut Pizza Tray, No Lid, 14"
6-Cut Pizza Tray, Hinged Lid, 14"
8-Cut Pizza Tray, Hinged Lid, 16"
8-Cut Pizza Tray, Hinged Lid, 18"
White Chipboard Squares
200 ct. 10" x 10"
White Ripple Sheets
400 ct.
400 ct.
200 ct.
200 ct.
White Corrugate Circles
400 ct.
400 ct.
100 ct.
100 ct.
100 ct.
100 ct.
100 ct.
White Grinder Boxes
50 ct.
50 ct.
50 ct.
Food Boxes
50 ct.
Taco Salad Box, White on White
Breadstick Box
250 ct. Breadstick Box, 101/4"
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
American Metalcraft Pizza Table Stand
American Metalcraft 52" Wood-Handled Pizza
Peel with Aluminum Blade
American Metalcraft 42" Hard Wood Pizza Peel
American Metalcraft 32" Wood Make-Up Peel
American Metalcraft Wood Pizza Cutter,
21⁄2" Wheel
American Metalcraft Plastic Pizza Cutter,
4" Wheel
American Metalcraft Replacement Blade
for 535567
Good Grips Pizza Wheel
Good Grips Pizza Wheel, 4"
American Metalcraft Pan Gripper
for Shallow Pans, 8"
American Metalcraft Pan Gripper
for Deep Dish Pans, 8"
Lincoln Pizza Rocker Knife, 20" x 4"
American Metalcraft Dough Docker, 8 1/2" x 5"
GFS Dough Cutter/Bench Scraper, 6" x 3"
Alegacy Wooden Rolling Pin, 15" x 2 3/4"
Delivery Bags
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
Rubbermaid Pizza Delivery Bag, 2-16" capacity
Rubbermaid Pizza Delivery Bag, 4-16" capacity
Rubbermaid Pizza, Catering,
Sandwich Delivery Bag, 6–16" capacity
Rubbermaid Sandwich Delivery Bag,
15" x 12" x 12"
Vollrath One-Piece Ladles
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
Ladle, 1/2 oz. capacity
Ladle, 1 oz. capacity
Ladle, 2 oz. capacity
Ladle, 3 oz. capacity
Ladle, 4 oz. capacity
Ladle, 6 oz. capacity
Ladle, 8 oz. capacity
Ladle, 12 oz. capacity
Kool-Touch Ladles NSF
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
Ladle, 1 oz. capacity
Ladle, 2 oz. capacity
Ladle, 3 oz. capacity
Ladle, 4 oz. capacity
Ladle, 6 oz. capacity
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
Pelouze Dishwasher-Safe Scale, 32 oz. capacity
Pelouze Dishwasher-Safe Scale, 5-lb. capacity
Pelouze Platform Scale, 2-lb. capacity
Detecto Ingredient Scale, 12" x 12" x 1.75",
MFG. Code PZ3015L
American Metalcraft Aluminum Pizza Screens
12 ct.
12 ct.
12 ct.
12 ct.
Pizza Screen 10"
Pizza Screen 12"
Pizza Screen 14"
Pizza Screen 16"
American Metalcraft Taper-Side Pizza Trays
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
Pizza Tray, 10"
Pizza Tray, 12"
Pizza Tray, 14"
Pizza Tray, 16"
Pizza Tray, 18"
American Metalcraft Aluminum Pizza Trays
12 ct.
12 ct.
12 ct.
Pizza Tray, 12"
Pizza Tray, 14"
Pizza Tray, 16"
Deep-Dish Aluminum Pizza Pans
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
American Metalcraft Pizza Pan, 6"
Chicago Metallic Pizza Pan, 12"
Chicago Metallic Pizza Pan, 14"
Chicago Metallic Pizza Pan, 16"
1 ct.
1 ct.
Cambro Clear Shaker/Dredge with Lid
Lid for Cheese Shaker, Large Holes
Food Safety
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
San Jamar Rapi-Kool, 64 oz. capacity
San Jamar Rapi-Kool, 128 oz. capacity
Ketchall Red Oven Mitt, 15"
Ketchall Red Oven Mitt, 18"
Ketchall Red Hot Pad, 8 3/4" square
Rubbermaid Ice Tote with Bin Hook Adapter
Rubbermaid Tow-Handled Ice Shovel
† Contact your Gordon Food Service® Customer Development Specialist
for ordering information.
§Allow extra time for delivery.
Alegacy Stainless Steel Ladles
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
1 ct.
Ladle, 1/2 oz. capacity
Ladle, 3/4 oz. capacity
Ladle, 1 oz. capacity
Ladle, 2 oz. capacity
Ladle, 3 oz. capacity
Ladle, 4 oz. capacity
Ladle, 6 oz. capacity
Ladle, 8 oz. capacity
Ladle, 12 oz. capacity
Ladle, 24 oz. capacity
Traditional E ntrées
GFS® Cooked Meatballs, .5 oz.
197645 2/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Meatballs, .5 oz.
869929 4/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Premium
Meatballs, .5 oz.
232319 2/6 lb.
GFS Cooked
Premium Meatballs, .5 oz.
869899 5/4 lb.
GFS Cooked Premium Italian
Meatballs, 1 oz.
426857 2/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Premium
Meatballs, 1 oz.
244414 2/6 lb.
GFS Cooked Premium
Meatballs, 1 oz.
869902 5/4 lb.
GFS Cooked Skinless
Bratwurst, 3.2 oz.
113130 2/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Skinless Italian
Sausage Links, 3.2 oz.
113140 2/5 lb.
GFS Cooked Kielbasa, 4/lb.
232726 10 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Hard Salami
776260 5/2 lb.
GFS Deli-Sliced Roast Beef
680605 6/2 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Genoa Salami
776250 5/2 lb.
GFS Deli-Sliced Turkey Breast
680613 6/2 lb.
GFS Deli-Sliced Virginia Ham
680656 6/2 lb.
GFS Beef Taco Filling
776548 4/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Cooked Italian
Meatballs, .5 oz.
740420 3/4 lb.
Primo Gusto Cooked Italian
Meatballs, 1 oz.
740430 3/4 lb.
Primo Gusto Hot Ham
775340 2/5.5 lb. avg.
Primo Gusto Sliced Hot Ham
775450 5/2 lb.
Primo Gusto Cappicola
775321 2/5.5 lb. avg.
Primo Gusto Sliced Cappicola
775460 5/2 lb.
Primo Gusto Pepperoni Deli Stick
776240 2/3.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Sliced Pepperoni
776221 5/2 lb.
Kent Quality Cooked Natural
Casing Bratwurst, 4/lb.
482714 2/5 lb.
Johnsonville Cooked Skinless
Bratwurst, 5/lb.
709689 2/5 lb.
Johnsonville Cooked Mild
Italian Sausage, 4/lb.
733407 2/5 lb.
Hormel Sliced Hard Salami
538566 10 lb.
Dry Pasta
Filled Pasta
GFS Whole Wheat Pastas cook up to a warm and pleasing
color, have a subtle wheat grain texture, and an excellent al dente
fi rmness. A delicate, nutty, whole-grain flavor melds best with
broth-based and light cream sauces, vegetables, lean meats,
and fish.
Primo Gusto fi lled pastas are bursting with flavorful ingredients to
help you create authentic Italian dishes in a fraction of the time. Our
flash-freezing process seals in the flavor, and par-cooking drastically
reduces prep time and eliminates waste. The pasta is ready to plate
after just three minutes in boiling water.
GFS Whole Wheat Spaghetti
Primo Gusto Breaded Cheese Ravioli
654590 2/5 lb.
588361 4/2.5 lb.
GFS Whole Wheat Linguine
654580 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Wild Mushroom & Wine Jumbo Ravioli
355350 4/2.5 lb.
GFS Whole Wheat Penne Rigate
654571 2/5 lb.
Primo Gusto Six-Cheese Jumbo Ravioli
355340 4/2.5 lb.
Dry Pasta
Primo Gusto Tricolor Cheese Tortellini
355330 4/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto® dry pasta is made with only the finest #1 hard amber
durum wheat, selected because of specific characteristics: strong
gluten properties, high protein, and amber color. The result when
cooked is pasta with: consistent color, a firm, al dente texture, a
nutty wheat taste, resistance to overcooking, improved handling,
durability, and reheating.
Bernardi Florentine Ravioli
699110 10 lb.
Bernardi Five-Cheese Ravioli
627050 10 lb.
Primo Gusto Penne Rigate (Piccolo)
721379 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Spaghetti
721352 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Fettuccine
721344 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Angel Hair (Capellini)
721336 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Linguine (Fini)
721328 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Spaghettini
721301 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Rotelle
664470 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Elbow Macaroni
664461 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Spinach Egg Fettuccini, 20"
230766 20 lb.
Primo Gusto Acini de Pepe
102954 10 lb.
Primo Gusto Cavatappi
102938 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Rigatoni Piccolo
102903 8/2.5 lb.
Primo Gusto Farfalle
102881 8/2.5 lb.
Spectacular Si es
Salad Dressing Packets
Lettuce Blends
Pepper Mill® Blue Cheese Dressing
824920 60/1.5 fl z.
Markon® American Blend Mixed Lettuce
451720 4/5 lb.
Pepper Mill Creamy Caesar Dressing
824950 60/1.5 fl z.
Markon Cut Romaine Lettuce
735787 6/2 lb.
Pepper Mill Royal Red French Dressing
825020 60/1.5 fl z.
Markon Insalata Salad Mix
185183 4/5 lb.
Pepper Mill Fat-Free Ruby Red French Dressing
824980 60/1.5 fl z.
Markon Taco Lettuce
242489 4/5 lb.
Pepper Mill Honey Mustard Dressing
826990 60/1.5 fl z.
Markon Ready-Set-Serve® Hearts & Markon Hearts
Salad Mix
573061 4/2 lb.
Pepper Mill Fat-Free Toasted Sesame Dressing
825030 60/1.5 fl z.
Pepper Mill Fat-Free Raspberry
Vinaigrette Dressing
824970 60/1.5 fl z.
Cut Romaine Lettuce
361290 9/2 lb.
Italian Lettuce Blend
246910 6/2 lb.
Pepper Mill Country Ranch Dressing
824940 60/1.5 fl z.
Oriental Salad Mix
714270 4/3 lb.
Pepper Mill Thousand Island Dressing
824901 60/1.5 fl z.
Taylor Farms Valley Blend Salad Mix
520643 6/2 lb.
Pepper Mill Italian Dressing
825001 60/1.5 fl z.
Garlic Bread & Breadsticks
Pepper Mill Fat-Free Italian Dressing
826960 60/1.5 fl z.
GFS® Garlic Bread Loaf, 1 lb.
486841 16 ct.
Pepper Mill Poppyseed Dressing
832190 60/1.5 fl z.
GFS Garlic Toast Slices
577422 6/24 ct.
Pepper Mill Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
832181 60/1.5 fl z.
GFS Plain Breadsticks, 8"
219610 10/20 ct.
Pepper Mill Mediterranean Feta Dressing
832200 60/1.5 fl z.
GFS Italian Breadsticks, 8"
219630 10/20 ct.
GFS Cheese-Stuffed Breadsticks, 2.8 oz.
714303 108 ct.
Garlic Bread & Breadsticks (cont.)
GFS Cheese & Sauce Filled Breadsticks, 3.2 oz.
714310 96 ct.
Sienna Bakery® Par-baked French Breadsticks, 2 oz.
689030 150 ct.
Sienna Bakery Par-baked Mini French Breadsticks, 1 oz.
689040 300 ct.
Rich's French Breadstick Dough, 1 oz.
439576 320 ct.
Chicken Wings
GFS Cooked Buffalo-Style Chicken Wings
544400 4/4 lb.
GFS Cooked Honey Barbecue Chicken Wings
572160 4/4 lb.
GFS Boneless Chicken Wings
716990 2/5 lb.
Chicken Tenderloins
GFS Southern-Style Breaded Fritter Tenderloins
625140 2/5 lb.
GFS Original Breaded Fritter Tenderloins
625160 2/5 lb.
GFS Original Breaded Tenderloins
625170 2/5 lb.
Classic Buffalo Wings
Yield: 1 Serving
These items are perfect for pizza operators because they can
be prepared in a pizza oven, and they were developed with
that in mind.
Reorder No.
GFS Original Breaded Chicken Wings,
prepared per package instructions
RedHot Buffalo Wing Sauce
Markon Celery Stalk, trimmed into sticks
Markon Jumbo Carrots, trimmed into sticks
Pepper Mill Blue Cheese Dipping Cup
Markon Cello Wrapped Parsley, chopped
8 ct.
2 oz.
4 ct.
4 ct.
1 ct.
1 tsp.
Austin Blues Cooked Smoked St. Louis Style Pork Ribs
694940 12/1.6 lb.
Austin Blues Sliced Smoked Pork Rib Tips
253230 4/5 lb.
Preparation Instructions
CMA Cooked Pork Back Ribs with Sauce, 2# & DN
130125 5/32 oz.
CMA Cooked Pork Spareribs, 2# & DN
130133 5/32 oz.
CMA Cooked Unsauced Pork Back Ribs, 2.25# & DN
209635 20 lb. avg.
Wash hands. Wash all fresh, unpackaged produce under cool
running water; drain well. Place the cooked chicken wings in a
stainless steel bowl. Toss with Buffalo wing sauce until evenly
coated. Place the chicken wings on a warm serving plate. Add
the celery and carrots sticks. Serve with blue cheese dressing.
Garnish with chopped parsley.
Rupair Cooked Buffet Pork Spareribs with Barbecue Sauce
577441 2/10 lb.
Dipping Cups
Pepper Mill Ranch Dipping Cups
718470 96/2 fl z.
Pepper Mill Honey Mustard Dipping Cups
718480 96/2 fl z.
Pepper Mill Blue Cheese Dipping Cups
718490 96/2 fl z.
Pepper Mill Southwest Ranch Dipping Cups
718540 96/2 fl z.
Pepper Mill Barbecue Dipping Cups
718500 96/2 fl z.
Tndulgent Desserts
for your Italian Cuisine.
Sienna Bakery® Vanilla Bean
Mascarpone Cheesecake
716703 4/10"
Sienna Bakery White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
Cookies, Individually Wrapped, 2.5 oz.
609291 72 ct.
Sienna Bakery Caramel Pecan
Cinnamon Cheesecake
716720 4/10"
Sienna Bakery White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
Cookies, Individually Wrapped, 4 oz.
843857 48 ct.
Sienna Bakery Dark Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake
716730 2/10"
Sienna Bakery Double Chocolate Chunk
Cookies, 1.35 oz.
610510 6/40 ct.
Sienna Bakery Gourmet Tiramisu
698250 2/64 oz.
Sienna Bakery Indulgent Assorted Brownie
589821 4/12" x 16"
Sienna Bakery Fudge Turtle Brownies
541850 4/96 oz.
Sienna Bakery Chocolate Decadent Brownies
226240 4/12" x 16"
Sienna Bakery Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownies
226260 4/12" x 16"
Sienna Bakery Oatmeal Walnut Raisin
Cookies, 1.35 oz.
115250 6/40 ct.
Sienna Bakery Oatmeal Walnut Raisin
Cookies, Individually Wrapped, 2.5 oz.
609300 72 ct.
Sienna Bakery Oatmeal Walnut Raisin Cookies,
Individually Wrapped, 4 oz.
843822 48 ct.
Sienna Bakery White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
Cookies, 1.35 oz.
610520 6/40 ct.
Sienna Bakery Double Chocolate Chunk
Cookies, Individually Wrapped, 2.5 oz.
609280 72 ct.
Sienna Bakery Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies,
Individually Wrapped, 4 oz.
843849 48 ct.
Sienna Bakery Peanut Butter Cup Cookies, 1.35 oz.
115243 6/40 ct.
Sienna Bakery Peanut Butter Cup Cookies,
Individually Wrapped, 2.5 oz.
615110 72 ct.
Sienna Bakery Peanut Butter Cup Cookies,
Individually Wrapped, 4 oz.
615170 48 ct.
Sienna Bakery Chocolate Chunk Cookies, 1.35 oz.
675504 6/40 ct.
Sienna Bakery Chocolate Chunk Cookies,
Individually Wrapped, 2.5 oz.
609310 72 ct.
Sienna Bakery Chocolate Chunk Cookies,
Individually Wrapped, 4 oz.
609320 48 ct.
Eli’s Bailey’s Cheesecake, 10"
171433 2 ct.
Eli’s Chocolate Chip Cheesecake, Individually Wrapped, 2.6 oz.
137812 24 ct.
Eli’s Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
546143 4/9"
McCain Mini Brownie Bites
471150 2/4 lb.
McCain Mini Cheesecake Bites
591121 2/4 lb.
Sara Lee Pre-Baked Cherry Pie Slices, Individually Wrapped, 4 oz.
275085 48 ct.
Sara Lee Pre-Baked Apple Pie Slices, Individually Wrapped, 4 oz.
240729 48 ct.
Sara Lee California Cheesecake
612061 2/10"
Sara Lee Carrot Cake, Individual Slices, 2.12 oz.
551767 24 ct.
Sara Lee Presliced Dutch Apple Pie
717830 6/10"
Sara Lee Strawberry Shortcake, Individual Cup, 3.5 oz.
199931 48 ct.
Sweet Street Chocolate Molten Cake, 5 oz.
687631 4/9 ct.
Sweet Street EZ8 Variety Bars
608400 8/8 ct.
Sweet Street Original Xango Cheesecake, 4.28 oz.
247472 48 ct.