Master Newsletter - American Heritage Charter Schools

SEPTEMBER 13, 2013
H.D.A Newsletter
Middle School
Dates to Remember
• Sept. 16: Picture Day!
Picture Day September 16: See page two of the newsletter for the
dress code guidelines. No payments are due on Picture Day; payments
will be due upon receipt of proofs.
• Sept. 17: Jamba Juice Tuesday
• Sept. 20: Pizza Friday
• Sept. 26: Grand Opening for
our new facility! 1:30pm—
• Sept. 30 Oct. 4: Book Fair
• Oct. 2— (Calendar Change)
Back to School Night 6pm-8pm
Weekly Reminders
Jamba Juice Tuesdays: Cost
$3, two flavors to choose from
at lunch
Pizza Fridays: Cost $4 for one
slice of pizza ($6 for two slices)
chips, and water
Wednesdays: Minimum Day!
Dismissal at 11:45am
After School Care: After
School care is provided by the
city of Escondido on our campus every Tue, Wed, and
Thurs. after school until 6pm.
Registration form can be picked
up at the middle school office.
Pizza Friday Details:
Order your pizza in
the lunch area
between 7am —
Picture Day Volunteers: On Picture Day, Monday September 16th, we will need
volunteers to help direct our students. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Ginny Tolstad at
Volunteers Needed!: The HDA Middle School's first Pizza Friday is scheduled for
Friday, September 13th and will continue every Friday. Volunteers are needed to help
collect orders and money in the morning, serve the pizza at lunch time, and pick up the
pizzas. Morning volunteers are needed from 7:00 am until about 7:30 am and lunch
time volunteers from 11:15am until about 12:30pm. Volunteers do not need to commit
If you are interested in volunteering, click this direct link to our volunteer website VolunteerSpot, or copy and
paste it into your browser to sign up. The expectations and hours for each job are described in the website. You will be asked to enter your email address which will enable
the website to send an automatic reminder shortly before your scheduled date.
After School Pick Up: We would like to be good neighbors to the businesses in
the Parkway Square strip mall, west of HDA. Please DO NOT PARK in this parking lot
to pick your students. Also, please DO NOT BLOCK the driveway entrance if you are
waiting in line to turn into EVCC. Thank you!
Grand Opening!:
You are invited to the HDA Middle School Grand Opening on September 26, 2013 from
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm. This is our chance to thank all of those who have supported our
transition to the new site. There will be a student assembly with visiting local dignitaries, tours of the site for those who have not seen it, and a reception in the student
lunch area. Please feel free to join us and thank our supporters in person.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Connie Lepere,
Back to School Night: Back to School Night has been changed to Wednesday,
October 2, 6pm— 8pm. During Back to School Night, you will experience your student's daily schedule. In addition, you will learn to access your student’s Aventa curriculum through the Parent Portal so that you can monitor progress on a regular basis.
We look forward to seeing you there!
H.D.A Newsletter
Page 2
Picture Day/Free Dress Student Dress Code:
American Heritage Charter Schools
Heritage Digital Academy
“Let’s dress for success.”
In order to meet one of the goals of the American Heritage Charter School’s mission statement – which is
to provide “a safe and orderly learning environment” – clothing, jewelry, and other accessories must be appropriate to the educational environment and should not bring inappropriate attention to the student or
cause a distraction in class. Therefore, the following guidelines apply to student dress when at school or
school-sponsored events:
· Students must maintain a clean, neat and healthy personal appearance. Clothing must be clean and
in good repair.
· Eccentricities of dress or personal grooming, such as body piercing and unnatural colored hair, are not
permitted. A few examples of “unnatural colored hair” are: blue, green, and purple, etc.
· Head coverings, including hats of any kind, are not to be worn in any educational environment including assemblies, classrooms, labs and offices. HDA recognizes an exception to this rule for head coverings
worn for religious beliefs or protection from the sun when outdoors.
· Pants are to be worn on the waist with no portion of an undergarment showing. Slits, rips, or tears in
pants are not permitted. Leggings, Yoga pants, or tights may not be worn as pants.
· Shorts and skirts should be modest in length and appearance. This means such attire must be no shorter
than knee length.
· All tops must have sleeves or cover the shoulder. (No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or off-the-shoulder
tops.) Tops that are see-through, or show any part of an undergarment, are not acceptable school clothing.
Tops showing cleavage are not permitted. Clothing that exposes bare midriffs is not permitted.
· Body piercing, other than earrings, is not permitted. Earrings must not create a safety issue. A few examples of this are safety pins, large loops, long dangles, spikes, etc.
· Clothing or jewelry with logos that promote gangs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, or violence are not permitted.
· Shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals are allowed, but must be securely attached to the foot. Footwear worn in the science labs must be of close-toed design.
This list is not exhaustive; rather, it is intended to provide some clear examples to serve as a guide for
appropriate school attire. Refer to the Student Policies and Procedures handbook for more detailed in-